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Leaf litter ants are an important group of organisms for informing conservation planning. This study presents the beginning of a leaf litter ant dataset for Guyana. Following the ants of the leaf litter protocol, ants were extracted from sifted leaf litter sampled along eight transects from across Guyana. A total of 230 species were collected from 44 genera. Of those 230 species, 122 species (ca. 53%) were found at only one site. Out of the 122 species found at only one site, 43 species (ca. 19%) were singletons, being known from only one specimen. Using a cluster analysis, faunistic composition was compared among sites. While the lowland sites accounted for the highest species richness, Mt. Ayanganna possessed an especially distinctive ant fauna and may represent a center of endemism. Three leaf litter ant communities were identified: lowland and two Mt. Ayanganna communities, mid-elevation and upper elevation. Recent mining operations on Mt. Ayanganna threaten its pristine nature and this study confirms the need for further biological study of the area. With upwards of 70% of its area still forested Guyana has the opportunity to preserve its biological heritage before widespread deforestation occurs. If expanded, this leaf litter ant dataset will be increasingly useful for country-wide conservation planning.  相似文献   

The pattern of diversity and functioning of fungi associated with leaf litter decomposition in Asian forests of different climatic regions was investigated by performing meta-analysis of published data for seven tree species in subalpine, temperate, subtropical and tropical forests. Fungal assemblages were examined by using common standard isolation-culture methods, and the abilities of individual fungal species to decompose leaf litter were examined with pure culture decomposition tests. The climatic patterns of diversity, assemblage structure and genus composition depended on the method of isolation: the washing method revealed no consistent pattern, whereas the surface sterilization method showed lower diversity and greater relative abundance of dominant fungal species within the assemblages in cooler climates. The decomposing ability of species within fungal assemblages was greater in warmer than in cooler climates and in broad-leaved than in coniferous tree species. In particular, the greatest abilities to cause mass loss were found among fungi with ligninolytic activity in broad-leaved tree species in warmer climates.  相似文献   

Summary The composition of the ant community was assessed along standardized 100 m transects in annually flooded Varzea forest and in terra firme forests on sandy soil (Flanco forest) and on claytopped mesas (Planalto forest). Standardized samples were taken by unit-time hand collecting (day and night times), sweeping, beating, baiting and by Winkler sacks. A total of 156 species, representing 49 genera were found, of which 98, 88 and 55 were respectively found in the Planalto, Flanco and Varzea forests. Species lists are presented and the ant community composition and species richness are compared between the three forests. By considering the nesting and foraging habits of the various species, the differences in overall community composition are related to the forest type and susceptibility to inundation of the three forests which were surveyed.The data confirm the view that tropical rain forests support an extremely diverse ant fauna and comparisons with other forested areas suggest that ant species richness declines in subtropical and temperate rain forests. Although alpha diversity is high, species turnover between forests is lower than expected, suggesting that ant species richness in this forested region is not as great as is implied in some published estimates of global arthropod diversity.  相似文献   

The dynamics of re-colonisation of disturbed patches may aid in the understanding of spatial variation of species richness. The present study experimentally tested the hypothesis that the variation of litter ant local species richness and composition is caused by the dynamics of re-colonisation after disturbances. We were particularly interested in whether the re-colonisation was by pre-existent species or species new to the patches, and whether the succession of species evidences the existence of dominance-controlled or founder-controlled communities. Litter patches of a forest remnant in Southeast Brazil were disturbed by removing most animals through litter drying, and litter samples were returned to the same sites from where they were removed. Ant species richness and composition were compared before and 2 months after the disturbance. Dissimilarity among disturbed and non-disturbed samples was compared to infer the succession model occurring after disturbance. Ant species richness did not recover after 2 months, and species composition of the disturbed samples showed more new colonisers than pre-existent species. Dissimilarity among samples in the disturbed plots was smaller than in the control plots, indicating a directional, or dominance-controlled, succession. The changes in species composition observed were caused by a decrease of some species, particularly predators, and an increase of species that are possibly opportunistic. Patches of litter are naturally disturbed in time and space, and evidence from the present paper indicates that succession occurring in these patches would lead to different species richness and compositions. Thus the dynamics of re-colonisation contributes to explaining the diversity of litter-dwelling ant communities at larger spatial and temporal scales. In each patch the succession seems to be directional, with opportunist species re-colonising preferentially empty plots. Therefore, these communities may attain a high diversity due to a small-scale patch dynamics model.  相似文献   

Communities change with time. Studying long-term change in community structure permits deeper understanding of community dynamics, and allows us to forecast community responses to perturbations at local (e.g. fire, secondary succession) and global (e.g. desertification, global warming) spatial scales. Monitoring efforts exploring the temporal dynamics of indicator taxa are therefore a critical part of conservation agendas. Here, the temporal dynamics of the Otongachi leaf litter ant community, occurring in a cloud forest in coastal Ecuador, were explored. By sampling this community six times over eleven years, I assessed how the ant fauna caught by Winkler traps (more diverse and cryptic fauna) and caught by pitfall traps (larger, more mobile fauna) changed over time. The Otongachi leaf litter ant community was dynamic. Although species richness in the community remained constant, temporal turnover of species was high: on average, 51% of the ant species in Winkler traps, and 56% of those in pitfall traps, were replaced with other ant species from one year to the other. Shifts in the rank abundance of species in the community were also large across the eleven years and, on average, shifts in the rank abundance of species collected by Winkler traps doubled those occurring in pitfall traps from one census to the other. In spite of these trends, the Otongachi ant fauna showed no (Winkler) or weak (pitfall) evidence of directional change (towards a new community). Thus, this tropical ant community can be divided in two community compartments. The Winkler compartment composed by a more diverse and cryptic ant fauna appears to be resilient and stable in time. The pitfall compartment composed by larger and more mobile ants may be prone to respond to disturbance. This study suggests that 1) species appearing/disappearing from a site may be rather the rule, difficult to separate from responses to ecological stress. 2) Conclusions made in short-term studies, or studies comparing two (e.g. before and after) snapshots of a community, should thus be revisited. Finally, 3) the ant fauna caught by pitfall traps (a rather simple and cheap survey method) is the most likely community compartment to indicate ecological perturbation. This study adds to the growing evidence that using ants as ecological indicators should incorporate long-term temporal dynamics.  相似文献   

In order to observe the effect of forest loss on the leaf litter ant fauna in Ghana, West Africa, samples were taken in primary forest, secondary forest and in cocoa plots. Ants were extracted from the leaf litter by sieving followed by suspension in Winkler bags. The species composition and species richness in the three different habitats were compared and no significant difference was found between them. It was concluded that most primary forest leaf litter ant species continue to survive in parts of the agricultural landscape which has largely replaced their original habitat.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. This study examines limitation of nesting resources for leaf-litter and twig-nesting ants as a mechanism of diversity loss across an intensification gradient of coffee production in Colombia. Twelve farms were selected and classified into four management types: forest, polygeneric shade coffee, monogeneric shade coffee, and sun coffee (unshaded coffee monocultures).
2. At each of the farms, four treatment subplots were established at the corners of each of 10 25 m2 plots: (i) twig augmentation (adding 10 empty bamboo twigs); (ii) litter augmentation (tripling existing litter profile); (iii) twig and litter augmentation; and (iv) no manipulation control, for a total of 480 subplots. A twig addition experiment was also performed on coffee bushes.
3. The results showed significantly more ant colonies in the forest and monogeneric shade coffee litter augmentation plots after 4 months. Litter-nesting ant species richness was higher in all three shade systems than in the sun coffee. The identities of ants nesting on coffee bushes were different from those in the soil level litter. Fewer species nested in bamboo twigs placed in litter in the most intensive systems.
4. More ants nested in the resource addition treatments, and more ant species were found in forested habitats; however, a single mechanism cannot explain the observed patterns. It was concluded that a combination of bottom-up and top-down effects might lead to the loss of associated fauna with the intensification of these agroecosystems.  相似文献   

In Hawaii, invasive plants have the ability to alter litter-based food chains because they often have litter traits that differ from native species. Additionally, abundant invasive predators, especially those representing new trophic levels, can reduce prey. The relative importance of these two processes on the litter invertebrate community in Hawaii is important, because they could affect the large number of endemic and endangered invertebrates. We determined the relative importance of litter resources, represented by leaf litter of two trees, an invasive nitrogen-fixer, Falcataria moluccana, and a native tree, Metrosideros polymorpha, and predation of an invasive terrestrial frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui, on leaf litter invertebrate abundance and composition. Principle component analysis revealed that F. moluccana litter creates an invertebrate community that greatly differs from that found in M. polymorpha litter. We found that F. moluccana increased the abundance of non-native fragmenters (Amphipoda and Isopoda) by 400% and non-native predaceous ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) by 200%. E. coqui had less effect on the litter invertebrate community; it reduced microbivores by 40% in F. moluccana and non-native ants by 30% across litter types. E. coqui stomach contents were similar in abundance and composition in both litter treatments, despite dramatic differences in the invertebrate community. Additionally, our results suggest that invertebrate community differences between litter types did not cascade to influence E. coqui growth or survivorship. In conclusion, it appears that an invasive nitrogen-fixing tree species has a greater influence on litter invertebrate community abundance and composition than the invasive predator, E. coqui.  相似文献   

This study considers the interplay between individual load-size selection and recruitment behavior in the leaf-cutting ant Atta cephalotes. Foraging workers anchor themselves on the leaf edge by their hind legs and pivot around them while cutting arcs from leaves. Since workers not only cut leaves but also lay chemical trails to recruit nestmates, we investigated whether there is conflict of motivation affecting the workers' decision either to quickly inform nestmates about a newly discovered food source, or instead to cut full-load leaf fragments, which could delay recruitment. Workers were presented with leaves of privet of three different grades of toughness (measured as leaf density=mass/area) as sources of different quality, and load-size selection and recruitment behavior by harvesting-satiated and harvesting-deprived workers were measured. The following results were obtained. (1) Leaf density affected individual load-size selection: both harvesting-satiated and harvesting-deprived workers were found to cut smaller leaf fragments from the denser leaves. (2) Harvesting-deprived workers cut smaller fragments than harvesting-satiated workers, and therefore saved cutting time. The fragments cut were smaller only during the initial phases of the recruitment process, when information about the discovery needed to be transferred. (3) Harvesting-deprived workers showed higher recruitment rates than harvesting-satiated workers. A considerable number of ants were observed to return to the nest unladen. During the initial phases, the ratio of laden/unladen workers was lower than that for harvesting-satiated workers, and increased with the development of the tograging process. (4) Scout workers confronted with familiar leaves ran back to the nest laying chemical trails without even contacting the leaves. They relied on olfactory cues to start recruiting nestmates, and leaf density played no role in their decisions. (5) When confronted with unfamiliar leaves, on the other hand, they assessed leaf quality by probing bites at the leaf edge, although no actual cuts occurred. In this situation, the resulting recruitment rates depended on physical leaf traits, being higher for the tenderer leaves. (6) Workers foraging on unfamiliar leaves cut smaller fragments than workers cutting familiar leaves, and most of them displayed trail-laying behavior when returning to the nest. The results support the hypothesis of a trade-off between time spent collecting and that invested to recruit nestmates. During the initial phases of exploitation of a newly discovered food source, workers reduced their individual carrying performance in order to return earlier to the colony for further recruitment.  相似文献   

East African coastal forests possess considerable botanical importance as an area of high plant endemicity, but are little known ecologically. Quantitative botanical sampling techniques have been used to determine vegetation communities in Pande and Kiono coastal forests, Tanzania. Data from 76 quadrats established in six transects (three in each forest) and containing a total of 146 plant species have been classified using TWINSPAN. Seven species-associations and four sample-associations are recognised. Undisturbed forest supports six species-associations which are rich in plant species of restricted distribution, and these differ between the sites studied. Forest heavily disturbed by man supports one species-association composed of more generalist forest species and this association is similar between sites. Variation in vegetation types of undisturbed forests appears to be caused by edaphic conditions, rainfall and degree of exposure. Variation in the vegetation of disturbed forests appears to be controlled by the intensity of forest disturbance. Heavy human disturbance of coastal forests reduces their biodiversity values as plant-diversity and the habitats of rare plant species are lost.  相似文献   

Hastwell  Graeme T.  Facelli  José M. 《Plant Ecology》2000,148(2):225-231
We investigated the effect of leaf litter on the establishment of Eucalyptus incrassata, a mallee eucalypt. It has been suggested that litter accumulation may hinder seedling establishment, and that the removal of litter may be one of the mechanisms through which fire enhances recruitment. We conducted factorial experiments testing the effects of three kinds of leaf litter on E. incrassata seeds and seedlings at three contiguous sites with different land use histories. One site was an uncleared E. incrassata open mallee woodland (Mallee site), one a cleared area that had been ungrazed for about five years (Pasture site) and the third an area of mallee rolled some 40 years ago and permitted to regenerate (Regrowth site). Litter had no effect on emergence of planted E. incrassata seeds, but emergence differed between sites. Overall, the percentage of seeds that germinated and emerged was substantial (mean 35.2% ± 25.9%). Seedling shoot biomass did not differ between sites or litter treatments. Although seedlings grown in Pasture litter suffered higher mortality rates, overall mortality rates were low (mean 13.2% ± 15.5%), suggesting that leaf litter has little effect on recruitment rates during winter and spring. We conclude that leaf litter does not affect emergence or growth in young E. incrassata seedlings during winter and spring, when most establishment occurs. Our results emphasize the difficulty in predicting litter effects on recruitment.  相似文献   

In nutrient-poor ecosystems high polyphenol concentrations in plant litter have been proposed to influence soil nutrient availability in benefit of the plants. We addressed the question whether litter polyphenol concentrations vary across a soil chronosequence of almost identical geology, climate and plant species composition, but of a wide range in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability in the Hawaiian Islands. Concentrations of total phenolics (TPh) and proanthocyanidins (PA) in leaf litter of the dominant tree species Metrosideros polymorpha were higher at the oldest, P-limited site compared to the youngest, N-limited site, with intermediate values at the two relatively fertile sites co-limited by N and P. Polyphenol concentrations in fine root litter differed considerably from those observed in leaf litter and varied differently across the soil age gradient. Long-term fertilization did not significantly alter polyphenol concentrations in Metrosideros litter at either site. Moreover, green leaves and leaf litter of Metrosideros showed similar relative differences among sites when compared between natural populations and plants from the same populations but grown in a common garden. These results suggest that polyphenol concentrations inherently vary among populations of the dominant tree species in Hawaiian montane forests possibly indicating an adaptation to ecosystem properties such as substrate age related differences in soil fertility. The combined above- and below-ground input rate of TPh ranged from 62.4 to 170.8 g/m2/yr and was significantly higher at the P-limited than at the N-limited site. Root-derived polyphenols contributed a much higher absolute and relative amount of phenolic input at the N-limited than at the P-limited site. The differences in amount, quality, and pathways of input might suggest specific interactions with soil processes and nutrient cycling among the Hawaiian rainforests studied here.  相似文献   

Studies of biodiversity along environmental gradients provide information on how ecological communities change in response to biotic and abiotic factors. For instance, distance to water is associated with several factors that shape the structure and the functioning of ecosystems at a range of spatial scales. We investigated the influence of distance to a perennial water source on ant communities in a semi‐arid savanna in northern Botswana. Ant abundance, taxonomic richness, and both alpha and beta diversity were generally higher during the wet than the dry season. However, there were strong seasonal influences on the effects of distance to water, with more pronounced effects during the wet season. While both abundance and beta diversity declined with increasing distances to water during the wet season, there was a contrasting increase in alpha diversity. There was no major effect of distance to water on taxonomic richness during either season. Beta diversity was as high across as along gradients, and we found support for modular rather than nested community structures along gradients. Our study demonstrated that small‐scale gradients in distance to water can influence several aspects of ant communities in semi‐arid savannas. However, our results also point to strong effects of small‐scale environmental variation, for instance associated with vegetation characteristics, soil properties, and plant community structure that are not directly linked to water access.  相似文献   

亚热带3种树种凋落叶厚度对其分解速率及酶活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
季晓燕  江洪  洪江华  马元丹 《生态学报》2013,33(6):1731-1739
对中国亚热带树种杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、银杏(Ginkgo biloba)3个树种在不同凋落物厚度下凋落物分解速率和分解酶活性进行了探究.利用分解网袋法,根据浙江省的平均酸雨水平,在酸雨(pH4.0)条件下设置了凋落物40g、凋落物20g、凋落物10g 3个梯度.结果表明:凋落物分解速率随厚度的增加呈加快的趋势,杉木凋落物10、20、40g的年分解系数K分别为0.24、0.27、0.34,香樟凋落物10、20、40g的年分解系数K分别为0.25、0.3、0.32,银杏凋落物10、20、40g的年分解系数K分别为0.42、0.5、0.58;脲酶活性表现为:凋落叶40g>凋落叶20g>凋落叶10g,纤维素酶活性表现为:凋落叶40g、凋落叶20g>凋落叶10g,蔗糖酶活性表现为:后期凋落叶40g>凋落叶20g>凋落叶10g,凋落物分解过程是多种酶共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

  1. Environmental stressors and changes in land use have led to rapid and dramatic species losses and a reduction in associated ecosystem services.
  2. Functional diversity has increasingly been suggested as an alternative for evaluating anthropogenic disturbances and restoration programs because it reflects different aspects of the relationship between biological diversity, ecosystem functioning and environmental constraints.
  3. Ants are important components of terrestrial food webs and a key group associated with diverse interactions and ecosystem processes.
  4. Additionally, their sensitiveness and rapid response to environmental changes pave the way for their use as informative metrics for monitoring several processes that threaten biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  5. Consequently, ants' functional diversity might be considered leading edge indicators to assess ecosystem changes to ongoing anthropogenic disturbances.
  6. The purpose of this study was to gauge the usefulness of epigaeic and leaf-litter ants' functional responses towards measuring ecosystem degradation (and/or restoration) in the Brazilian Amazon.
  7. Our results demonstrate that functional traits exhibited sensitivity to ongoing changes, as well as different responses to specific environmental disturbances.
  8. Communities supporting ants with specialised functional traits associated with pristine ecosystems suffered high species loss and were correlated with specific anthropogenic stressors.
  9. The results obtained pinpoint the importance of pristine ecosystems for conserving unique functional attributes and biodiversity in neotropical forest landscapes.
  10. We highlight the significance of further studies in this scope to guide environmental managers and practitioners in applying the best policies for integrated neotropical landscapes conservation, considering the competing interests of farmers, foresters and conservationists, but also the unpredictable effects of local and regional environmental changes.

Leaf litter accumulation can have either positive, negative or neutral effects on seed germination and seedling recruitment. In montane woodlands of the Mediterranean zone of central Chile, large amounts of leaf litter accumulate beneath the crowns of the summer semi-deciduous tree Kageneckia angustifolia and no regeneration of this or other plant species has been observed beneath this tree throughout the year. In a sample plot of 5000 m2 we selected ten K. angustifolia trees and measured (1) leaf litter accumulation beneath and outside canopy; (2) the effects of time elapsed since burial on viability of K. angustifolia seeds with and without a leaf litter cover; (3) field seed germination with presence or absence of leaf litter and (4) the possible chemical effects of K. angustifolia leaf litter leachates on seed germination of its own seeds and of other two co-occurring native shrubs species (Guindilia trinervis and Solanum ligustrinum). Our results show that a considerable accumulation of leaf litter occurred beneath K. angustifolia, and litter negatively affected seed viability and germination of this species in the field. Under laboratory conditions, K. angustifolia leaf litter leachates inhibited seed germination of its own seeds and of the two native shrub species. Chemical effects are likely involved in the negative effects of leaf litter on the recruitment of K. angustifolia in the montane sclerophyllous woodland of central Chile.  相似文献   

Leaf litter fall is an important nutrient flux in temperature deciduous forests which supplies a large part of the rapidly mineralisable nutrient fraction to the soil. This study investigates nutrient return with leaf litter fall in 36 old-growth forest stands of Fagus sylvatica across a broad gradient of soil fertility covering 9 mesozoic and kaenozoic parent material types (three limestones, two sandstones, two clay stones, one sand and one loess substrate). Study objectives were to analyse (i) the dependency of leaf litter nutrient concentrations on soil fertility, and (ii) the relationship between soil fertility and nutrient return with leaf litter at the stand level. Beech stands on the nine parent material types produced similar annual leaf litter masses irrespective of soil fertility or acidity. Leaf litter from the nine parent materials showed only minor variation with respect to N and K concentrations (factors of 1.5 and 1.4), moderate variation for Ca, Mg and P concentrations (factors of 2.2 to 2.9), and high variation for Al and Mn concentrations (factors of 6.7 and 10.5). Consequently, annual nutrient return with litter fall (leaf litter mass x litter nutrient concentration) was more similar among the parent materials for N (165–273 mmol m−2 yr1) −1 and K (16–30 mm m−2 yr−1) than for Ca, P, Mg, Mn and Al. A possible explanation is increased N deposition in recent time. According to a correlation analysis, return rates of N, P, K and Mg (but not Ca) were independent of the pool size of the respective nutrient in the soil. N return rate was neither influenced by the soil pools of Nt, plant- available P (Pa) or exchangeable Ca, K and Mg, nor by soil acidity or the exchangeable Al pool. P return, in contrast, showed a negative relation to soil fertility. We hypothesize that nutrient fluxes with leaf litter fall do not necessarily reduce the fitness of tree populations as has been postulated from a tree-centred view. Rather, we suggest that nutrient fluxes with litter fall can increase, instead of decrease, plant fitness by improving nutrient availability in the densely rooted topsoil which reduces the roots’ carbon and nutrient costs of nutrient acquisition.  相似文献   

Frequent low‐intensity fires are used in management of Australian forests to reduce fuel loads and protect natural resources and human property. Low‐intensity fires are typically patchy and unburned litter microhabitats are often associated with large objects such as logs, which may act as refuges both for vertebrate and for invertebrate fauna. The aim of this study was to determine whether ants were using unburned leaf litter microhabitats associated with logs as a refuge after fire. The study was carried out in Bulls Ground State Forest, New South Wales, Australia, where experimentally burned and unburned sites had previously been established. Species richness and abundance of ants in leaf litter did not differ between habitats adjacent to logs and away from logs, in burned and unburned sites. Fifteen of the 42 ant species were found in all four habitats, and contributed 94% of total ant abundance. Every habitat had a group of unique species, which together made up 30% of the total species richness. There was also a distinct group of species that was not found in the leaf litter associated with the burned/open habitat. However, as 45% of all species were found in low abundance (less than 10 individuals), care must be taken in inferring patterns for these groups. When functional groups were used to assess community structure, ‘cryptic’ species were found to be common in all habitats, whereas ‘subordinate Camponotini’ were found in burned habitats only. This study indicates that in an area where frequent burning is applied on a broad scale, preserving a range of microhabitats, including those associated with retained logs, may make a substantial contribution to conserving ant biodiversity.  相似文献   

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