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Agents that increase (certain metabolic inhibitors, chemotherapeutic agents, and x-irradiation), decrease (hormones), or have no effect (hyperthermia) on the susceptibility of line-1 and line-10 guinea pig hepatoma cells to humoral immune attack were studied for their effects on the ability of these tumor cells to synthesize macromolecules. A correlation was found between the drug-induced increase in sensitivity of these cells to antibody-C mediated killing and the loss of their ability to incorporate fatty acids into complex cellular lipids. Similarly, the hormone-induced increase in resistance of the cells to killing was accompanied by an enhancement in complex lipid synthesis by these cells was also observed after the cells were exposed to physical means of insult (x-irradiation or hyperthermia). No correlation was found between the sensitivity of the cells to antibody-C mediated killing and their ability to synthesize DNA, RNA, protein, or complex carbohydrate, or their capacity for de novo lipid synthesis as measured by incorporation of acetate and glycerol into cellular macromolecules. The assembly of free fatty acids into complex lipid moieties is therefore proposed to be of fundamental importance for the ability of the tumor cells to resist humoral immune killing.  相似文献   

Costs of resistance are widely assumed to be important in the evolution of parasite and pathogen defence in animals, but they have been demonstrated experimentally on very few occasions. Endoparasitoids are insects whose larvae develop inside the bodies of other insects where they defend themselves from attack by their hosts'' immune systems (especially cellular encapsulation). Working with Drosophila melanogaster and its endoparasitoid Leptopilina boulardi, we selected for increased resistance in four replicate populations of flies. The percentage of flies surviving attack increased from about 0.5% to between 40% and 50% in five generations, revealing substantial additive genetic variation in resistance in the field population from which our culture was established. In comparison with four control lines, flies from selected lines suffered from lower larval survival under conditions of moderate to severe intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

Treatment of P815 tumor cells with adriamycin increased their sensitivity to killing by anti-P815 antibody plus C, but not by allogeneic P815-sensitized spleen cells. Conversely, mitomycin C treatment enhanced the cells' sensitivity to cell-mediated, but not antibody-C, killing. Hydrocortisone, but not epinephrine, was effective in increasing the resistance of the cells to killing by both antibody-C and cell-mediated attack systems. The ability of the tumor cells to resist antibody-C killing correlated with their ability to incorporate fatty acid into complex cellular lipid; no such correlation was found between the cellular lipid synthesis and tumor cell susceptibility to cell-mediated killing. Drug or hormone-treated tumor cells exhibited unique changes in cellular lipid synthesis and composition and in cell surface physical properties that correlated with their susceptibility to antibody-C or cell-mediated attack. Cells increased in their sensitivity to antibody-C killing exhibited a decreased cholesterol:phospholipid mole ratio. In contrast, cells rendered more sensitive to cell-mediated killing exhibited an increase in polar phospholipid content and a measurable decrease in net negative cell surface charge density. These data implicate unique chemical and/or physical properties of tumor cells to be of fundamental importance for their ability to resist either humoral or cell-mediated immunologic attack; modulation of one or another of these cellular properties results in a change in the cells' susceptibility to immune killing by antibody plus C or by cytotoxic T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

A method whereby lactoperoxidase-catalyzed 125I-iodination of plasma membrane lipids can be achieved is described. The reaction results in a uniform and stable labeling of neutral lipids, phospholipids, lysophosphatides, free fatty acids, and triacylglycerides. By the use of this method, the action of antibody plus complement (C) on the specific release of lipid from the plasma membrane of line-10 tumor cells was studied. Within 15 min after the addition of C to antibody-sensitized cells, the enhanced release of specific lipid classes from the cell surface was observed; these lipids included sphingomyelin, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidylcholine. The release of phosphatidylethanolamine and, in some instances, triglycerides, was reduced after antibody-C attack. Neither the specificity of the antibody used to sensitize the cells nor the ability of the antibody plus C to be cytotoxic to the cells appeared to affect the identity or amounts of lipids released from the cells.  相似文献   

The effect of metabolic inhibitors and hormones on the susceptibility of P815 murine mastocytoma cells to antibody-C and cell-mediated killing, and on the ability of the cells to synthesize DNA, RNA, protein, carbohydrate, and lipid was tested. Pretreatment of the cells with adriamycin, actinomycin D, and puromycin increased the sensitivity of the cells to killing by rabbit anti-P815 antibody plus guinea pig C, but not by allogeneic P815-sensitized spleen cells. Conversely, mitomycin C treatment enhanced the cells' sensitivity to cell-mediated, but not antibody-C, killing. Insulin and hydrocortisone, but not epinephrine, were effective in decreasing the susceptibility of the cells to killing by both antibody-C and cell-mediated attack systems. The kinetics of the drug-induced increase and the hormone-induced decrease in susceptibility of the cells to antibody-C killing correlated with a decrease and increase, respectively, in the ability of the cells to incorporate fatty acid into complex cellular lipid. No such correlation was found between cellular lipid synthesis and tumor cell susceptibility to cell-mediated killing. The ability of the cells to resist either form of immune attack was not dependent on the ability of the cells to synthesize DNA, RNA, protein, or complex carbohydrate. These results suggest that the susceptibility of these tumor cells to antibody-C vs cell-mediated killing may be linked to different metabolic properties of the cells, and may reflect differences in the mechanisms of humoral vs cellular immune attack.  相似文献   

Line-10 guinea pig hepatoma cells are susceptible to killing by antibody plus human complement, but resistant to killing by antibody plus guinea pig complement. Tumor cells treated with agents that reversibly increase (adriamycin), decrease (insulin or hydrocortisone), or have no effect (5-fluorouracil) on the susceptibility of the cells to antibody-complement killing were tested for their lipid and fatty acid composition. Hormone-treated (resistant) cells showed an increased total lipid content, an increased cholesterol: phospholipid ratio, and a depressed level of unsaturated fatty acids in the cellular neutral and phospholipids compared to control untreated cells. Adriamycin-treated (sensitive) cells showed exactly the opposite effects. The lipid composition of both hormone- and adriamycin-treated cells returned to control levels when the cells reverted to control levels of susceptibility to antibody-complement killing. 5-fluorouracil-treated cells were indistinguishable from untreated controls in their lipid and fatty acid composition. The chemical composition of the cell, and its effects on the physical properties of the cellular membranes, therefore appears to be fundamental for the ability of these tumor cells to resist humoral immune attack.  相似文献   

The programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1) is highly expressed on the surface of antigen-specific exhausted T cells and, upon interaction with its ligand PD-L1, can result in inhibition of the immune response. Anti-PD-1 treatment has been shown to extend survival and result in durable responses in several cancers, yet only a subset of patients benefit from this therapy. Despite the implication of metabolic alteration following cancer immunotherapy, mechanistic associations between antitumor responses and metabolic changes remain unclear. Here, we used desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry imaging to examine the lipid profiles of tumor tissue from three syngeneic murine models with varying treatment sensitivity at the baseline and at three time points post-anti-PD-1 therapy. These imaging experiments revealed specific alterations in the lipid profiles associated with the degree of response to treatment and allowed us to identify a significant increase of long-chain polyunsaturated lipids within responsive tumors following anti-PD-1 therapy. Immunofluorescence imaging of tumor tissues also demonstrated that the altered lipid profile associated with treatment response is localized to dense regions of tumor immune infiltrates. Overall, these results indicate that effective anti-PD-1 therapy modulates lipid metabolism in tumor immune infiltrates, and we thereby propose that further investigation of the related immune-metabolic pathways may be useful for better understanding success and failure of anti-PD-1 therapy.  相似文献   

Tumor immune cell infiltration was significantly correlated with the progression and the effect of immunotherapy in cancers including esophageal carcinoma (ESCA). However, no biomarkers were identified which were associated with immune infiltration in ESCA. In the present study, a total of 128 common differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified between esophageal squamous cell carcinomas (ESCC) and esophageal adenocarcinomas (EAC). The results of gene ontology (GO) enrichment and Reactome pathway analysis displayed that the up-regulated DEGs were mainly involved in the regulation of extracellular matrix (ECM), while the down-regulated DEGs were mainly involved in the regulation of cornification and keratinocyte differentiation. The most significant module of up-regulated DEGs was selected by Molecular Complex Detection (MCODE). Top ten similar genes of COL1A2 were explored, then validation and the prognostic analysis of these genes displayed that COL1A2, COL1A1, COL3A1, ZNF469 and Periostin (POSTN) had the prognostic value which were up-regulated in ESCA. The expressions of COL1A2 and its four similar genes were mainly correlated with infiltrating levels of macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) and showed strong correlations with diverse immune marker sets in ESCA. To summarize, COL1A2 and its four similar genes were identified as the potential biomarkers associated with immune infiltration in ESCA. These genes might be applied to immunotherapy for ESCA.  相似文献   

Antibody-sensitized line-1 or line-10 tumor cells treated with GPC (TAC) incorporated fatty acids into complex cellular lipids and released increased amounts of fatty acids within 5 to 10 min after the addition of GPC as compared to control cells. This effect was dependent on the concentration of GPC used; however, under conditions where the cells were not killed, the enhanced synthesis and release of lipids were not dependent on the antibody concentration used to sensitize the cells. Treatment of the cells with antibody alone, GPC alone, or antibody plus heat-inactivated GPC did not result in enhanced synthesis or release of lipids. No enhancement in DNA, RNA, or protein synthesis in TAC was noted. Line-1 cells, which can be killed by GPC when sensitized with excess anti-Forssman IgM antibody, demonstrated enhanced lipid synthesis within 1 to 3 min after the addition of GPC to the antibody-sensitized cells, before measurable killing of the cells had occurred. This effect persisted in the surviving cells when tested 5 and 10 min after the formation of TAC. Addition of GPC deficient in C4 to antibody-sensitized cells did not result in enhanced lipid synthesis or release. These data suggest that the synthesis of macromolecules of which lipids are a major component is of central importance for the ability of the cells to resist antibody-GPC mediated attack.  相似文献   



Prior studies have established altered microbiota and immunologic reactivity to enteric commensal organisms in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Since intestinal inflammation is present in a subset of patients with both pediatric and adult spondyloarthritis (SpA), we hypothesized that SpA patients may also have altered microbiota and immune responsiveness to enteric organisms.


Stool and blood specimens were collected from children with enthesitis-related arthritis (ERA) and non-inflammatory controls. DNA purified from stool was subject to PCR amplification and sequencing of the variable IV region from the 16S rDNA gene. IgA and IgG Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISAs) were performed on select species of bacteria in most subjects.


Twenty-five children with ERA and 13 controls were included. The ERA patients had less Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (3.8% versus 10%, P = 0.008) and lachnospiraceae family (12 versus 7.0%, P = 0.020), a statistically significant increase in bifidobacterium (1.8% versus 0%, P = 0.032) and a non-statistically significant increase in Bacteroides (21% versus 11%, P = 0.150). Akkermansia muciniphila was abundant (>2%) in 7/27 ERA patients but none of the controls (P = 0.072.) Cluster analysis revealed two clusters of ERA patients: Cluster one (n = 8) was characterized by high levels of Bacteroides genus, while a second (n = 15) cluster had similar levels as the controls. Seven of 17 (41%) of the ERA subjects in Cluster 2 compared to 0/8 of the subjects in Cluster 1 had abundant Akkermansia muciniphila (P = 0.057). Serum IgA and IgG antibody levels against F. prausnitzii and B. fragilis were similar between patients and controls, whereas the two groups showed divergent responses when the fecal relative abundances of F. prausnitzii and Bacteroides were compared individually against IgA antibody levels recognizing F. prausnitzii and B. fragilis, respectively.


The abundance of F. prausnitzii in the stool among patients with ERA is reduced compared to controls, and Bacteroides and A. muciniphila are identified as associative agents in subsets of ERA patients. Differences in the humoral responses to these bacteria may contribute to disease.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13075-014-0486-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Guo F  Li Y  Liu Y  Huang J  Zhang Z  Wang J  Li Y  Hu J  Li G 《Molecular biology reports》2012,39(6):6923-6931
It is important to understand the mechanisms of tumor development for curing cervical cancer. However, the molecular basis determining the different characteristics of tumor remains unclear. Space environment as a special study model can expand the study field of tumor development. To approach this, after human cervical carcinoma CaSki cells were flown on “Shen Zhou IV” space shuttle mission, the cell morphology and proliferation was investigated after flying to ground. We found that the growth of 48A9 CaSki cell (flight group) became slow compared with ground groups. Observation of cells by light microscopy revealed differences in cell morphology between ground controls and flight groups, and the flight group exhibited morphologic differences, characterized by rounder, smoother, decreased, smaller and low-adhension cells. Transmission electron microscope images showed the structure of the ultrastructural characteristics of 48A9 CaSki cells were clearly distinct from those of the ground CaSki cells in aspects of mitochondrion, cytoplasm, nucleus and ribosomes. MTT and soft agar assay showed that 48A9 CaSki cells grew slowly compared to ground control. Furthermore, suppression subtractive hybridization combining with reverse Northern blot was used to identify differently expression genes between flight and ground groups. These differentially expressed genes included cytoskeleton, cell differentiation, cell apoptosis, signal transduction, DNA repair, protein synthesis, substance metabolism, and antigen presentation. The identification of differently expressed genes which is likely to increase our understanding of the molecular processes underlying tumor development will provide new insight into tumor development mechanisms, and may facilitate the development of new anticancer strategies.  相似文献   

Adult C3H/He mice were rendered unresponsive to a primary injection of sheep red blood cells (SRBC) by pretreatment with sheep hemolysate supernatant (SHS) or subfractions of SHS isolated by column chromatography. The following effects of SHS on the immune response were observed: SHS did not kill antigen-reactive cells, it did not prevent the release of antibody by cells actively synthesizing and secreting antibody, and SHS-induced tolerance was not inhibited or abrogated by methods which terminate or abolish tolerance. In addition, cell-mediated responses were not affected in animals whose humoral responses were suppressed; however, the secondary plaque-forming cell (PFC) response was enhanced by SHS treatment. SDS gel electrophoresis revealed SHS to contain several proteins ranging from 12,000 to approximately 500,000 daltons.  相似文献   

This review summarizes studies on humoral immune responses against tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) with a focus on antibody frequencies and the potential diagnostic, prognostic, and etiologic relevance of antibodies against TAAs. We performed a systematic literature search in Medline and identified 3,619 articles on humoral immune responses and TAAs. In 145 studies, meeting the inclusion criteria, humoral immune responses in cancer patients have been analyzed against over 100 different TAAs. The most frequently analyzed antigens were p53, MUC1, NY-ESO-1, c-myc, survivin, p62, cyclin B1, and Her2/neu. Antibodies against these TAAs were detected in 0–69% (median 14%) of analyzed tumor patients. Antibody frequencies were generally very low in healthy individuals, with the exception of few TAAs, especially MUC1. For several TAAs, including p53, Her2/neu, and NY-ESO-1, higher antibody frequencies were reported when tumors expressed the respective TAA. Antibodies against MUC1 were associated with a favorable prognosis while antibodies against p53 were associated with poor disease outcome. These data suggest different functional roles of endogenous antibodies against TAAs. Although data on prediagnostic antibody levels are scarce and antibody frequencies for most TAAs are at levels precluding use in diagnostic assays for cancer early detection, there is some promising data on achieving higher sensitivity for cancer detection using panels of TAAs. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Infant ferrets are born with nearly undetectable immunoglobulin levels, but by 9 days of age the infant ferret serum contains 77, 29, and 13% of adult mean serum levels of IgG, IgA, and IgM. Transmucosal uptake of IgG by the infant ferret occurred for the first 30 days of life. The specific anti-respiratory syncytial virus neutralizing titer of whole milk was 5.5 times higher than maternal serum despite a lower concentration of immunoglobulins in the milk.  相似文献   

One of the deadly hallmarks of cancer is its ability to prosper within the constraints of the host immune system. Recent advances in immunoproteomics and high-throughput technologies have lead to profiling of the antibody repertoire in cancer patients. This in turn has lead to the identification of tumour associated antigens/autoantibodies. Autoantibodies are extremely attractive and promising biomarker entities, however there has been relatively little discussion on how to interpret the humoral immune response. It may be that autoantibody profiles hold the key to ultimately uncovering neoplastic associated pathways and through the process of immunosculpting the tumour may have yielded an immune response in the early stages of malignant tumour development. The aim of this review is to discuss the utility of the autoantibody response that is elicited as a result of malignancy and discuss the advantages and limitations of autoantibody profiling. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Translational Proteomics.  相似文献   

Humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy is a common paraneoplastic syndrome which is characterized by hypercalcemia resulting from secretion by tumors of a circulating bone-resorbing factor. Evidence suggests that in many instances this factor is an adenylate cyclase-stimulating protein which shares features with, but is distinct from, parathyroid hormone (PTH). The current report describes the purification to homogeneity from a humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy-associated tumor of a novel, basic, highly potent PTH-like adenylate cyclase-stimulating protein. This factor differs from previously described PTH-like factors with respect to size, amino acid composition, and specific activity.  相似文献   

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