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Organization and nucleotide sequences of two lactococcal bacteriocin operons   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Two distinct regions of the Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris 9B4 plasmid p9B4-6, each of which specified bacteriocin production as well as immunity, have been sequenced and analyzed by deletion and frameshift mutation analyses. On a 1.8-kb ScaI-ClaI fragment specifying low antagonistic activity, three open reading frames (ORFs) were present, which were organized in an operon. The first two ORFs, containing 69 and 77 codons, respectively, were involved in bacteriocin activity, whereas the third ORF, containing 154 codons, was essential for immunity. Primer extension analysis indicated the presence of a promoter upstream of the ORFs. Two ORFs were present on a 1.3-kb ScaI-HindII fragment specifying high antagonistic activity. The first ORF, containing 75 codons, specified bacteriocin activity. The second ORF, containing 98 codons, specified immunity. The nucleotide sequences of both fragments upstream of the first ORFs as well as the first 20 bp of the first ORF of both bacteriocin operons appeared to be identical.  相似文献   

Two distinct regions of the Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris 9B4 plasmid p9B4-6, each of which specified bacteriocin production as well as immunity, have been sequenced and analyzed by deletion and frameshift mutation analyses. On a 1.8-kb ScaI-ClaI fragment specifying low antagonistic activity, three open reading frames (ORFs) were present, which were organized in an operon. The first two ORFs, containing 69 and 77 codons, respectively, were involved in bacteriocin activity, whereas the third ORF, containing 154 codons, was essential for immunity. Primer extension analysis indicated the presence of a promoter upstream of the ORFs. Two ORFs were present on a 1.3-kb ScaI-HindII fragment specifying high antagonistic activity. The first ORF, containing 75 codons, specified bacteriocin activity. The second ORF, containing 98 codons, specified immunity. The nucleotide sequences of both fragments upstream of the first ORFs as well as the first 20 bp of the first ORF of both bacteriocin operons appeared to be identical.  相似文献   

Summary HgCl2 resistance (Hgr) in a strain of Pseudomonas putrefaciens isolated from the River Mersey was identified as plasmid-borne by its transfer to Escherichia coli in conjugative matings. This plasmid, pMERPH, could not be isolated and was incompatible with the chromosomally integrated IncJ Hgr plasmid R391. pMERPH and R391 both express inducible, narrow-spectrum mercury resistance and detoxify HgCl2 by volatilization. The cloned mer determinants from pMERPH (pSP100) and R391 (pSP200) have very similar restriction maps and express identical polypeptide products. However, these features show distinct differences from those of the Tn501 family of mer determinants. pSP100 and pSP200 failed to hybridize at moderate stringency to merRTPA and merC probes from Tn501 and Tn21, respectively. We conclude that the IncJ mer determinants are only distantly related to that from Tn501 and its closely homologous relatives and that it identifies a novel sequence which is relatively rare in bacteria isolated from natural environments.  相似文献   

Subcellular localization and activity of multidrug resistance proteins   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype is associated with the overexpression of members of the ATP-binding cassette family of proteins. These MDR transporters are expressed at the plasma membrane, where they are thought to reduce the cellular accumulation of toxins over time. Our data demonstrate that members of this family are also expressed in subcellular compartments where they actively sequester drugs away from their cellular targets. The multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1), P-glycoprotein, and the breast cancer resistance protein are each present in a perinuclear region positive for lysosomal markers. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis suggests that these three drug transporters do little to reduce the cellular accumulation of the anthracycline doxorubicin. However, whereas doxorubicin enters cells expressing MDR transporters, this drug is sequestered away from the nucleus, its subcellular target, in vesicles expressing each of the three drug resistance proteins. Using a cell-impermeable inhibitor of MRP1 activity, we demonstrate that MRP1 activity on intracellular vesicles is sufficient to confer a drug resistance phenotype, whereas disruption of lysosomal pH is not. Intracellular localization and activity for MRP1 and other members of the MDR transporter family may suggest different strategies for chemotherapeutic regimens in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

On the putative co-transport of drugs by multidrug resistance proteins   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Experiments with multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (MRP1) showed 10-years ago that transport of vincristine (VCR) by MRP1 could be stimulated by GSH, and transport of GSH by VCR. Since then many examples of stimulated transport have been reported for MRP1, 2, 3, 4 and 8. We discuss here three models to explain stimulated transport. We favour a model in which a large promiscuous binding site can bind more than one ligand, allowing cooperative/competitive interactions between ligands within the binding site. We conclude that there is no unambiguous proof for co-transport of two different ligands by MRPs, but that cross-stimulated transport can explain the published data.  相似文献   

Bacteria utilize quorum-sensing systems to modulate environmental stress responses. The quorum-sensing system of Streptococcus mutans is mediated by the competence-stimulating peptide (CSP), whose precursor is encoded by the comC gene. A comC mutant of strain GS5 exhibited enhanced antimicrobial sensitivity to a wide variety of different agents. Since the addition of exogenous CSP did not complement this phenotype, it was determined that the increased tetracycline, penicillin, and triclosan sensitivities resulted from repression of the putative bacteriocin immunity protein gene, bip, which is located immediately upstream from comC. We further demonstrated that the inactivation of bip or smbG, another bacteriocin immunity protein gene present within the smb operon in S. mutans GS5, affected sensitivity to a variety of antimicrobial agents. Furthermore, both the bip and smbG genes were upregulated in the presence of low concentrations of antibiotics and were induced during biofilm formation relative to in planktonic cells. These results suggest, for the first time, that the antimicrobial sensitivity of a bacterium can be modulated by some of the putative bacteriocin immunity proteins expressed by the organism. The implications of these observations for the evolution of bacteriocin immunity protein genes as well as for potential new chemotherapeutic strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanism of multidrug resistance in tumor cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ability of tumor cells to develop simultaneous resistance to multiple lipophilic cytotoxic compounds represents a major problem in cancer chemotherapy. This review describes recent molecular biological studies which resulted in the identification and cloning of the gene responsible for multidrug resistance in human tumor cells. This gene, designated mdr1, is overexpressed in all and amplified in many of the multidrug-resistant cell lines analyzed. Gene transfer and expression assays have indicated that the mdr1 gene is both necessary and sufficient for multidrug resistance. The product of the mdr1 gene is P-glycoprotein, a transmembrane protein which shares homology with several bacterial proteins involved in active membrane transport. P-glycoprotein appears to function as an energy-dependent efflux pump responsible for the removal of drugs from multidrug-resistant cells. The functions of the mdr system in normal cells and its potential clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

In pediocin AcH producing Pediococcus acidilactici strains the genes for both the production of pediocin and immunity against it are encoded in an 8.9 kb plasmid pSMB74. Following loss of this plasmid, the variants lost the ability to produce pediocin AcH, but some retained the resistance against it. This resistance was a transient trait, acquired while nonproducing cells grew in the presence of pediocin AcH but lost when the cells were grown in the absence of it.  相似文献   

Most lactic acid bacterium bacteriocins utilize specific leader peptides and dedicated machineries for secretion. In contrast, the enterococcal bacteriocin enterocin P (EntP) contains a typical signal peptide that directs its secretion when heterologously expressed in Lactococcus lactis. Signal peptide mutations and the SecA inhibitor azide blocked secretion. These observations demonstrate that EntP is secreted by the Sec translocase.  相似文献   

Abstract Streptococcus faecium strain 3 produced a bacteriocin (enterococcin Sf3) and contained a homogeneous species of plasmid DNA (pJK3) with an M r of 3.5 · 106. Plasmid pJK3 was transferable in a filter mating procedure to S. faecium M16. The non-bacteriocinogenic strain M16 was susceptible to enterococcin Sf3 and harboured a non-selftransferable 19.1 MDa plasmid, which was responsible for erythromycin resistance. Transcipient cells of S. faecium M16 contained the 19.1 MDa and the pJK3 plasmid, produced the enterococcin Sf3 and were resistant against the inhibitory action of this bacteriocin.  相似文献   



Successful application of growth inhibition techniques for quantitative determination of bacteriocins relies on the sensitivity of the applied indicator microorganism to the bacteriocin to which is exposed. However, information on indicator microorganisms' performance and comparisons in bacteriocin determination with bioassays is almost non-existing in the literature. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the parameter "indicator microorganism" in bioassays carried out on solid -agar diffusion assay- and liquid -turbidometric assay- substrates, applied in the quantification of the most studied bacteriocin nisin.  相似文献   

H-NS family proteins, bacterial xenogeneic silencers, play central roles in genome organization and in the regulation of foreign genes. It is thought that gene repression is directly dependent on the DNA binding modes of H-NS family proteins. These proteins form lateral protofilaments along DNA. Under specific environmental conditions they switch to bridging two DNA duplexes. This switching is a direct effect of environmental conditions on electrostatic interactions between the oppositely charged DNA binding and N-terminal domains of H-NS proteins. The Pseudomonas lytic phage LUZ24 encodes the protein gp4, which modulates the DNA binding and function of the H-NS family protein MvaT of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, the mechanism by which gp4 affects MvaT activity remains elusive. In this study, we show that gp4 specifically interferes with the formation and stability of the bridged MvaT–DNA complex. Structural investigations suggest that gp4 acts as an ‘electrostatic zipper’ between the oppositely charged domains of MvaT protomers, and stabilizes a structure resembling their ‘half-open’ conformation, resulting in relief of gene silencing and adverse effects on P. aeruginosa growth. The ability to control H-NS conformation and thereby its impact on global gene regulation and growth might open new avenues to fight Pseudomonas multidrug resistance.  相似文献   

The human MDR1 gene is induced by cadmium exposure although no resistance to this metal is observed in human cells overexpressing hMDR1. To access the role of MDR proteins in cadmium resistance, human MDR1, Lactococcus lactis lmrA, and Oenococcus oeni omrA were expressed in an Escherichia coli tolC mutant strain which proved to be hypersensitive to cadmium. Both the human and bacterial MDR genes conferred cadmium resistance to E. coli up to 0.4 mM concentration. Protection was abolished by 100 microM verapamil. Quantification of intracellular cadmium concentration by atomic absorption spectrometry showed a reduced cadmium accumulation in cells expressing the MDR genes. Inside-out membrane vesicles of L. lactis overexpressing lmrA displayed an ATP-dependent (109)Cd(2+) uptake that was stimulated by glutathione. An evolutionary model is discussed in which MDR proteins have evolved independently from an ancestor protein displaying both organic xenobiotic- and divalent metal-extrusion abilities.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (P-gp), an ATP-dependent membrane pump encoded by mdr, plays, in addition to its ability to efflux toxins, a role in the resistance to pathogens. We employed mdr1a gene knock out (mdr1a-/-) mice and ectromelia virus (EV) to elucidate the role of P-gp in resistance to EV. Mdr1a-/- mice are more susceptible to EV infection than wild type (wt) mice, showing increased mortality and morbidity. Unexpectedly, virus titres in liver, and in vitro in macrophages and splenocytes were significantly lower in the more susceptible mdr1a-/- mice than wt littermates. Analysis of immunological mechanisms known to influence resistance to EV infection, such as NK and cytotoxic T cell responses, EV specific antibody and cytokine levels did not reveal significant differences between the two strains of mice. Only dendritic cells from mdr1a-/- mice showed impaired migration to the draining lymph nodes compared to wt mice. Our data show that P-gp plays an important role in EV infection by as yet undefined mechanisms.  相似文献   

Some new data concerning the role of transport proteins of the ABC family in multidrug resistance (MDR) of human tumor cells, and problems connected with regulation of these proteins are considered. MDR is a complex phenomenon that may be caused simultaneously by several mechanisms functioning in one and the same cell. Among them there may be the alterations of activity of several transport proteins. Activation of these proteins may be associated with alterations of activities of different cell protective systems and of the signal transduction pathways involved in regulation of proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Clinical significance of multifactor MDR is discussed.  相似文献   

We determinedthe role of the multidrug resistance (MDR1) gene product,P-glycoprotein (PGP), in the secretion of aldosterone by the adrenalcell line NCI-H295. Aldosterone secretion is significantly decreased bythe PGP inhibitors verapamil, cyclosporin A (CSA), PSC-833, andvinblastine. Aldosterone inhibits the efflux of the PGP substraterhodamine 123 from NCI-H295 cells and from human mesangial cells(expressing PGP). CSA, verapamil, and the monoclonal antibody UIC2significantly decreased the efflux of fluorescein-labeled (FL)-aldosterone microinjected into NCI-H295 cells. In MCF-7/VP cells,expressing multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) but not PGP,and in the parental cell line MCF7 (expressing no MRP andno PGP), the efflux of microinjected FL-aldosterone was slow. In BC19/3cells (MCF7 cells transfected with MDR1), the efflux of FL-aldosteronewas rapid and it was inhibited by verapamil, indicating thattransfection with MDR1 cDNA confers the ability to transportFL-aldosterone. These results strongly indicate that PGP plays a rolein the secretion of aldosterone by NCI-H295 cells and in other cellsexpressing MDR1, including normal adrenal cells.


Abstract Five phage-resistant Lactococcus lactis strains were able to transfer by conjugation the lactose-fermenting ability (Lac+) to a plasmid-free Lac L. lactis strain. In each case, some Lac+ transconjugants were phage-resistant and contained one or two additional plasmids of high molecular mass, as demonstrated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Plasmids pPF144 (144 kb), pPF107 (107 kb), pPF118 (118 kb), pPF72 (72 kb) and pPF66 (66 kb) were characterized: they are conjugative (Tra+), they confer a phage-resistant phenotype and they bear lactose-fermenting ability (Lactose plasmid) except for the last two. Plasmids pPF144, pPF107 and pPF118 resulted probably from a cointegrate formation between the Lactose plasmid and another plasmid of the donor strain, whereas pPF72, pPF66 and the Lactose plasmid were distinct in the corresponding transconjugants. Plasmids pPF72 and pPF66 produced a bacteriocin. At 30°C, the phage resistance conferred by the plasmids was complete against small isometric-headed phage and partial against prolate-headed phage, except for pPF107 whose phage resistance mechanism was totally effective against both types of phages, but was completely inactivated at 40°C. Restriction maps of four of the plasmids were constructed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Clinically significant bacterial resistance to drugs and cytotoxic compounds can be conferred by the energy-dependent efflux of toxicants, catalyzed by proteins embedded in the bacterial cell membrane. One such group of proteins, the small multidrug resistance family, are drug/proton antiporters that must oligomerize to function, a process that requires the assembly of at least two inactive monomers by intermolecular association of their four transmembrane helices. Here, we have used peptides that correspond to each of the four wild type transmembrane helices of the Halobacterium salinarum protein Hsmr and a corresponding library of mutant peptides to determine the interactive surfaces that likely contribute to protein oligomerization. Hsmr peptides were examined for strong (sodium dodecyl sulfate-resistant) and weaker (perfluorooctanoate-resistant) helix-helix interactions, in conjunction with circular dichroism, fluorescence energy transfer measurements, and molecular modeling. The results are compatible with a scheme in which two faces of helix four permit self-assembly via a higher affinity asymmetric pairing and a lower affinity symmetric interaction, resulting in a discrete tetramer. Our finding that two surfaces of helix four can contribute to the stability of small multidrug resistance protein assembly provides a molecular basis for the design of therapeutics that target this antibiotic resistance mechanism.  相似文献   

The rising existence of antimicrobial resistance, confirms the urgent need for new antimicrobial compounds. Lantibiotics are active in a low nanomolar range and represent good compound candidates. The lantibiotic nisin is well studied, thus it is a perfect origin for exploring novel lantibiotics via mutagenesis studies. However, some human pathogens like Streptococcus agalactiae COH1 already express resistance proteins against lantibiotics like nisin.This study presents three nisin variants with mutations in the hinge-region and determine their influence on both the growth inhibition as well as the pore-forming activity. Furthermore, we analyzed the effect of these mutants on the nisin immunity proteins NisI and NisFEG from Lactococcus lactis, as well as the nisin resistance proteins SaNSR and SaNsrFP from Streptococcus agalactiae COH1.We identified the nisin variant 20NMKIV24 with an extended hinge-region, to be an excellent candidate for further studies to eventually overcome the lantibiotic resistance in human pathogens, since these proteins do not recognize this variant well.  相似文献   

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