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The kinematics of rat hindlimb movements were assessed and compared pre- and post-deafferentation during swimming, forelimb treadmill locomotion plus hindlimb swimming motion, and walking using all four limbs. All types of locomotion were characterized by an increase in the frequency of locomotor rhythm and reduced amplitude of motion at the hindlimb joints following deafferentation. The reduced change observed in the angle of the coxofemoral joint, indicative of a horizontal component in locomotor motion, was mainly brought about by less marked extension. This would confirm evidence indicating that increased load on the extremities, with its ensuing naturally-occurring afferent outflow, is accompanied by a reduced locomotor motion rate and a rise in the amplitude of the latter due to intensified extension of the limb. The increased forward carriage of the hind limb seen during the transition to four-legged locomotion persisted after deafferentation; this may be considered a sign of coordination amongst the limbs. Deafferentation led to a reduction in the MEG of muscle activity, which was found to be lowest in swimming and highest during walking. The role of the afferent inflow in shaping different types of locomotor motion is evaluated.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 520–525, July–August, 1987.  相似文献   

It was shown during experiments on unrestrained rats that rhythmic stimulation of the pyramidal tract produced a statistically significant increase in the functional activity of neuronal populations of the sensorimotor cortex, manifesting as potentiation of the primary, positive phase of pyramidal cortical response. Combined rhythmically matched stimulation of the pyramidal tract and of the lateral hypothalamus leads to statistically significant enhancement in potentiation of the positive phase of pyramidal cortical response compared with effects produced independently of hypothalamic involvement. When stimulation of the pyramidal tract and the lateral hypothalamus are combined with stimulation applied at the same periodicity to the sensorimotor cortex, a further statistically significant enhancement in potentiation of the positive phase of pyramidal cortical response is seen in addition to the potentiating effect produced by hypothalamic stimulation.Institute for Brain Research of the All-Union Scientific Center of Mental Health, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 367–373, May–June, 1986.  相似文献   

Neurocyte nuclei increase in volume without structural changes in karyoplasm at early times after gamma-irradiation of rat head with doses of 50 to 100 Gy. Irradiation of 200 Gy causes a diminution of the nuclei volume while at a dose of 400 Gy the nuclei do not change their volume. A dose as high as 1000 Gy causes severe changes in the karyoplasm leading to nucleus swelling. At later times (24-72 h), the increase in the nuclei volume is associated with the changes in the karyoplasm structure. At one and the same dose, radiation causes either a decrease (irradiation of the head) or increase (exposure of the body) in the neurocyte nuclei volume. At early times after wholebody uniform irradiation no karyometric changes are detected. The nucleus swelling is more pronounced at lower dose-rates.  相似文献   

In chronic experiments on six dogs the influence was studied of micro-injections of choline agonist carbocholine (0.05-0.2 mkg) and of blocker of choline receptors atropine (40 mkg) in the caudate nucleus head of the left and right hemispheres on realization of instrumental defensive reflexes, connected with the maintenance of definite posture and on differentiation of signals in defensive situation. It has been shown that the cholinergic system of the neostriatum participated in realization of both the motor and sensory mechanisms in connection with the realization of motor responses to defensive and differentiation signals. Analysis of the obtained results also allowed to make a conclusion that the influence of carbocholine micro-injections into the neostriatum on differentiation depended on a number of factors: it did not take place when the signal was poorly distinguished (judging by the values of motor components to defensive and differentiation signals) or, on the other hand, against the background of stable differentiation reaction in other animals, i.e. in case of complete learning.  相似文献   

Dilatation of the pial arteries and their active segments (sphincters of the offshots and precortical arteries) was studied in rabbits under the conditions of enhanced neuronal activity of the brain cortex, induced by application of 0.5% strychnine to its surface. The blockade of the cholinergic transmission by microapplication of atropine to vessel walls caused a significant inhibition of the dilatatory responses of the study microvessels. Reduction of functional dilatation was most demonstrable in the precortical arteries, less marked in the sphincters of the offshots and still less marked in the small pial arteries. No differences in the responses of the large pial arteries were discovered either before or after atropine microapplications. The author suggests that the cholinergic mechanism plays an important part in regulation of adequate brain blood supply and that such a regulation may be performed locally within the area of a single radial artery occupying ca. 1/5 mm2 of the brain surface in rabbits.  相似文献   

An insignificant increase in the content of acetylcholine-like substances was registered in the rat brain cortex and caudate nucleus 15 min after whole-body gamma-irradiation with a dose of 150 Gy. After 24 h, the number of these substances appreciably decreased. Total acetylcholinesterase activity in the above brain parts gradually decreased throughout the entire period of observation. These indices changed more markedly in the caudate nucleus than in the cortex of the brain.  相似文献   

The effect of low-frequency continuous vabration, hypokinesia, and shielding from the geomagnetic field were studied on 424 albino mongrel male rats. The action of these low-intensity factors of a different nature caused changes first of all in the microcirculatory bed (MCB) of the cerebral cortex. Structural disturbances, as well as the disturbances of redox metabolism in the neurons appeared close to those observed during hypoxia of a different origin; they obviously resulted from the disturbances of the MCB functions, which caused discrepancy between the needs for energy supply and the transport system state. Specificities of the disturbances evoked by different factors can be related to desynchronization of the biorhythms (e.g., caused by deprivation of the geomagnetic field).  相似文献   

Chronic experiments were carried out on five dogs with a defensive instrumental reflex (IR) associated with the maintenance of the flexor posture. Was studied the influence of carbocholine bilateral microinjections (0.05-0.10 mcg) into the nucleus accumbens (NAC) on the realization of the IR and on the behavioural differentiation of acoustic signals in a defensive situation. Cholinergic system of the NAC was shown to participate in both the motor and sensory mechanisms connected with the realization of motor responses to defensive and differentiation signals. Activation of the cholinergic system of the NAC led to an "improvement" of behavioural signal differentiation probably due to an increase of attention to significant stimuli. The cholinergic system of the NAC participated in the regulation of voluntary movements. Its influence was mainly excitatory and had unspecific and prolonged character.  相似文献   

Although nerve growth factor (NGF) is a crucial factor in the activity-dependent development and plasticity of visual cortex, its role in synaptic efficacy changes is largely undefined. We demonstrate that the maintenance phase of long-term potentiation (LTP) is blocked by local application of exogenous NGF in rat visual cortex at an early stage of postnatal development. Long-term depression (LTD) and bidirectional plasticity are unaffected. At later postnatal ages, blockade of either endogenous NGF by immunoadhesin (TrkA-IgG) or TrkA receptors by monoclonal antibody rescues LTP. Muscarinic receptor activation/inhibition suggests that LTP dependence on NGF is mediated by the cholinergic system. These results indicate that NGF regulates synaptic strength in well-characterized cortical circuitries.  相似文献   

Effects of bilateral lesions of the thalamic parafascicular nucleus (Pf) and bilateral microinjections of scopolamine (cholinolytic) and carbacholine (cholinomimetic) into rat neostriatum on the strength of pressing the bar at different stages of acquisition of food-procuring reflex were studied in 51 rats. At the stage of training of food-procuring movements (only strong bar pressings were reinforced) without introduction of a conditioned stimulus, the Pf lesions decreased the rate of learning and increased the number of week pressings. At this stage, scopolamine neostriatal microinjections against the background of the Pf lesions increased the number of strong and did not affect the number of week bar pressings. On the contrary, carbacholine decreased the number of strong and increased the number of week pressings in comparison with the preinjection background. In the trained group of rats, at the stage of reflex restoration (strong bar pressings were reinforced only during the action of a conditioned stimulus) after the Pf destruction, the reflex restoration time depended on the level of presurgery training. Striatal scopolamine injections that primarily after surgery led to a high level of correct reflex realization induced a sharp impairment in reflex performance on a microinjection day, and carbacholine microinjections against the background of low reflex performance did not change this level after surgery.  相似文献   

Several types of cholinoceptive neurons have been identified in rat's sensomotor cortex according to response character to ionophoretical application of acetylcholine. The neurons investigated form continuous range according to duration of the excitatory component of reaction to transmitter application. It has been suggested that the duration of this component reflects the important functional properties of the nerve cell.  相似文献   

Using horseradish peroxidase, studies have been made on the distribution of retrogradely labeled nervous cells in the sensorimotor cortex of rats. The enzyme was injected into electrophysiologically identified zone of representation of the distal part of the forelimb in areas S2 and S1. It was found that this zone in S2 contains afferent connections mainly from representation of the same extremity in S1 and only a few afferents from other areas of S1, S2 and M1 of the same hemisphere. Single labeled neurones were found in areas S2, S1 and M1 of the contralateral hemisphere. Representation of the forelimb in S1 receives mainly cortical afferents from the same region of S1 and from single cells of homologous zones S2 of the same and S1 of the contralateral hemisphere. Connections from S1 to S2 are more numerous than the opposite ones. In contrast to cats and monkeys, in rats afferent cortical fibers to zone S2 pass not only from the third layer, but also from the fifth and sixth layers of the cortex. It is suggested that during progressive development of the neocortex in mammals, the increase in the degree of separation of neurones (which give origin to corticofugal and cortical connections) among different layers of the cortex takes place.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of the close association between rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and dreaming, much effort has been devoted to link physiological signatures of REM sleep to the contents of associated dreams [1-4]. Due to the impossibility of experimentally controlling spontaneous dream activity, however, a direct demonstration of dream contents by neuroimaging methods is lacking. By combining brain imaging with polysomnography and exploiting the state of "lucid dreaming," we show here that a predefined motor task performed during dreaming elicits neuronal activation in the sensorimotor cortex. In lucid dreams, the subject is aware of the dreaming state and capable of performing predefined actions while all standard polysomnographic criteria of REM sleep are fulfilled [5, 6]. Using eye signals as temporal markers, neural activity measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was related to dreamed hand movements during lucid REM sleep. Though preliminary, we provide first evidence that specific contents of REM-associated dreaming can be visualized by neuroimaging.  相似文献   

Male Sprague-Dawley rats were used in the present study to assess the effects of chronic treatment of morphine on the striatal cholinergic system. The results demonstrate that neither short nor long-term morphine treatment had an effect on choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity or 3H- quinuclidinylbenzilate (3HQNB) binding in discrete striatal regions of the rat brain.  相似文献   

The experiments on rats showed that the urgent enzymatic adaptations of the pancreas to the quality of food have not been inherent, but have been created in the ontogeny. These adaptations are usually absent during transition to the definitive feeding (23rd day of life). Adaptation for protein stimulant appears in the moment of taking away of mother (30th day of life) and becomes persistent for protein and fat stimulants by the 90th day of life (adult rats). The blockade of different levels' cholinergic structures prevents the normal development of urgent specific pancreas adaptations in all investigated ages.  相似文献   

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