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The self-organizing exploratory pattern of the argentine ant   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Workers of the Argentine ant, Iridomyrmex humilis,start to explore a chemically unmarked territory randomly. As the exploratory front advances, other explorers are recruited and a trail extends from it to the nest. Whereas recruitment trails are generally constructed between two points, these exploratory trails have no fixed destination, and strongly resemble the foraging patterns of army ants. A minimal model shows how the exploratory pattern may be generated by the individual workers' simple trail-laying and -following behavior, illustrating how complex collective structures in insect colonies may be based on self-organization.  相似文献   

Ants are some of the most abundant and ecologically successful terrestrial organisms, and invasive ants rank among the most damaging invasive species. The Argentine ant is a particularly well-studied invader, in part because of the extreme social structure of introduced populations, known as unicoloniality. Unicolonial ants form geographically vast supercolonies, within which territorial behaviour and intraspecific aggression are absent. Because the extreme social structure of introduced populations arises from the widespread acceptance of conspecifics, understanding how this colonymate recognition occurs is key to explaining their success as invaders. Here, we present analyses of Argentine ant recognition cues (cuticular hydrocarbons) and population genetic characteristics from 25 sites across four continents and the Hawaiian Islands. By examining both hydrocarbon profiles and microsatellite genotypes in the same individual ants, we show that native and introduced populations differ in several respects. Both individual workers and groups of nestmates in the introduced range possess less diverse chemical profiles than ants in the native range. As previous studies have reported, we also find that introduced populations possess much lower levels of genetic diversity than populations in the native range. Interestingly, the largest supercolonies on several continents are strikingly similar to each other, suggesting that they arose from a shared introduction pathway. This high similarity suggests that these geographically far-flung ants may still recognize and accept each other as colonymates, thus representing distant nodes of a single, widely distributed supercolony. These findings shed light on the behaviour and sociality of these unicolonial invaders, and pose new questions about the history and origins of introduced populations.  相似文献   

Holway DA  Suarez AV 《Oecologia》2004,138(2):216-222
The success of some invasive species may depend on phenotypic changes that occur following introduction. In Argentine ants ( Linepithema humile) introduced populations typically lack intraspecific aggression, but native populations display such behavior commonly. We employ three approaches to examine how this behavioral shift might influence interspecific competitive ability. In a laboratory experiment, we reared colonies of Forelius mccooki with pairs of Argentine ant colonies that either did or did not exhibit intraspecific aggression. F. mccooki reared with intraspecifically non-aggressive pairs of Argentine ants produced fewer eggs, foraged less actively, and supported fewer living workers than those reared with intraspecifically aggressive pairs. At natural contact zones between competing colonies of L. humile and F. mccooki, the introduction of experimental Argentine ant colonies that fought with conspecific field colonies caused L. humile to abandon baits in the presence of F. mccooki, whereas the introduction of colonies that did not fight with field colonies of Argentine ants resulted in L. humile retaining possession of baits. Additional evidence for the potential importance of colony- structure variation comes from the Argentine ants native range. At a site along the Rio de la Plata in Argentina, we found an inverse relationship between ant richness and density of L. humile (apparently a function of local differences in colony structure) in two different years of sampling.  相似文献   

Wolbachia pipientis is a maternally transmitted bacterium that often alters the life history of its insect host to maximize transmission to subsequent generations. Here we report on the frequency and distribution of Wolbachia infection in a widespread invasive species, the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile). We screened 1175 individual Argentine ants from 89 nests on five continents and several islands, including numerous locations in both the native (South American) and introduced ranges. We detected Wolbachia in four of 11 native populations, but only one of 21 introduced populations was infected. In the Argentine ant's native range, the distribution of Wolbachia supergroups A and B was nonoverlapping. By coupling infection frequency data with behaviourally defined colony boundaries, we show that infected and uninfected colonies are often adjacent to one another, supporting the proposition that little female-mediated gene flow occurs among Argentine ant colonies. We also conduct a phylogenetic analysis, and show that the Wolbachia infecting both native and introduced populations of Argentine ants belong to two lineages that appear to be specialized on infecting New World ants. One other lineage of Wolbachia has undergone frequent, recent episodes of horizontal transmission between distantly related, introduced insect hosts.  相似文献   

The alien invasive silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix established a self-sustaining feral population in an oligotrophic impoundment, Flag Boshielo Dam, in South Africa. The ability of this population to persist in a dam with low algal biomass (median annual suspended chlorophyll a = 0.08 µg l?1), and limited access to rivers considered large enough for successful spawning, has implications for their invasive potential in other systems. Stomach content and stable isotope analysis were used to assess the trophic ecology of H. molitrix, which was then compared with indigenous Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus, on a seasonal basis during 2011. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix are generalist filter feeders, with a diet consisting primarily of sediment, vegetative detritus, dinoflagellates and diatoms. The dominance of sediments in their stomachs suggests occasional benthic scavenging. However, H. molitrix occupied a higher trophic level (TL = 2.8) than expected, suggesting that this population subsidised their diet with an unidentified dietary constituent, characterised by enriched nitrogen values. Although the stomach contents indicated dietary overlap between H. molitrix and O. mossambicus, stable isotopes revealed fine-scale resource partitioning, despite both species occupying the same trophic level. Nonetheless, the persistence of this feral H. molitrix population in an oligotrophic impoundment highlights their phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Stressors such as fasting or poor diet quality are thought to potentially alter the nitrogen and carbon isotopic values of animal tissues. In this study, we demonstrate an inverse correlation between growth rate and multiple tissue enrichment of δ15N, δ13C, and, to a lesser degree, δ18O in a juvenile pig. A more complex pattern is observed with respect to tissue δD and growth rate. The observed association between growth rate and tissue isotopic fractionation has important implications for paleodietary and migratory reconstructions of archaeological populations that may have been affected by famine, malnutrition, seasonal variation in food availability, and/or other factors that can affect childhood growth rates. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Understanding the ecological role of species with overlapping distributions is central to inform ecosystem management. Here we describe the diet, trophic level and habitat use of three sympatric stingrays, Hypanus guttatus, H. marianae and H. berthalutzae, through combined stomach content and stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) analyses. Our integrated approach revealed that H. guttatus is a mesopredator that feeds on a diverse diet of benthic and epibenthic marine and estuarine organisms, principally bivalve molluscs, Alpheus shrimp and teleost fishes. Isotopic data supported movement of this species between marine and estuarine environments. H. berthalutzae is also a marine generalist feeder, but feeds primarily on teleost fishes and cephalopods, and consequently occupies a higher trophic level. In contrast, H. marianae is a mesopredator specialized on shrimps and polychaetas occurring only in the marine environment and occupying a low niche breadth. While niche overlap occurred, the three stingrays utilized the same prey resources at different rates and occupied distinct trophic niches, potentially limiting competition for resources and promoting coexistence. These combined data demonstrate that these three mesopredators perform different ecological roles in the ecosystems they occupy, limiting functional redundancy.  相似文献   


Invasive non-native crustaceans are a biodiversity and management concern in the Mediterranean Sea. The Atlantic blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) was first recorded in the Mediterranean Sea in 1949, but may have arrived as early as in the 1930’s. Blue crabs in the Mediterranean Sea are of concern due to their presumed potential for negative consumptive and competitive interactions with native fauna. The aim of this study was to provide a first assessment of the trophic ecology of non-native blue crab in the Northern Aegean Sea using stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen isotope (δ15N) analysis. We found limited isotopic niche overlap between blue crabs and seven native species examined at Gökçeada Island in April, June, and August of 2017. In addition, the range of calculated trophic positions of blue crabs at Gökçeada Island (2.0 to 4.4), while broad, is in general agreement with prior studies in both native and non-native ranges. We also observe that trophic position declined and the relative importance of pelagic carbon sources to blue crabs increased from April to August. However, we also found that differing assumptions as to the number and type of food web baselines and trophic discrimination factors led to differing estimates of trophic position in blue crabs at Gökçeada Island by as much as one to two trophic levels. These methodical differences make it challenging to directly compare results within and between studies, and thus limit our ability to assess negative consumptive and competitive interactions of invasive blue crab with native coastal species in the Mediterranean Sea.


Coral Reefs - Studies over the past decades indicate that octocorals are becoming the dominant group in some areas of the Caribbean. Yet, basic knowledge about the trophic ecology of these...  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1976,6(5):483-490
A series of iridoid constituents have been characterized from the Argentine ant, using carbonskeleton chromatography-mass spectrometry and associated microtechniques. In addition to the known major extractive, iridomyrmecin, the isolation and characterization of dolichodial is now reported. Dolichodial and iridomyrmecin are constituents of the anal gland secretion. A series of related iridoid acids isolated by total extraction, and by extraction of gasters, of I. humilis workers appear to be secondary oxidation products.  相似文献   

Complex environments present substantial spatio-temporal uncertainty in where and when rare ecological resources become available. How animals navigate this uncertainty to turn the seemingly unpredictable into the predictable is a fundamental question in evolutionary ecology. Here we use subtidal hermit crabs (Pagurus acadianus) as a model system to experimentally test in the field how animals resolve spatio-temporal uncertainty in resource availability. Quadrat sampling within the subtidal zone revealed that hermit crabs face an extreme ecological challenge, based on the rarity of empty shells across space and time. We show how this spatio-temporal uncertainty is ultimately resolved using long-distance chemical cues, which are associated with non-destructive shell predation on living gastropods, the original source of shells. By experimentally releasing cues that simulated the chemical by-products of predation, we reveal that certain flesh cues provide fine-grained information about the precise spatial and temporal window of new shell availability. These cues were most attractive to individuals with the greatest existing resource needs, and in the absence of this information individuals were highly constrained in their ability to discover newly available resources. Broadly, these experiments reveal that exploiting simple cues from heterospecific predators can provide a solution to the general ecological challenge of finding resources that are rare in space and time.  相似文献   

Intraspecific trait variation within natural populations (i.e. intra‐population trait variation, IPTV) is the basic source for selection and can have significant ecological consequences. Higher IPTV may increase a population's niche breath and benefit interspecies competition under a resource‐limited environment, thus affecting the ability of a species to move into novel habitats. However, the reciprocal influences of variation in environmental conditions and phenotypic trait expression in spreading plant populations are not clearly defined. We propose that during invasion, IPTV and its relative change in response to key resource enrichment may increase with the resource deficit of invaded sites, and that this relationship may facilitate plant invasions into resource‐limited environments. We analyzed the invasion trend, IPTV and its response to water enrichment, and moisture variability among populations of an annual grass Brachypodium hybridum in California, United States. We incorporated a genotyping‐by‐sequencing approach, a common garden experiment that had two water level treatments, and public plant and climate databases. Our hypothesis was supported by the observation that for populations that invaded sites with higher spring moisture deficit, both their seed biomass IPTV (for the water‐enriched treatment only) and relative change of the IPTV across water treatments were larger when examined in the common garden experiment. A generally north to south spreading direction was found in these B. hybridum populations, towards a drier and warmer climate exhibiting higher moisture deficit for plant growth. Our results suggest a role for interactions between IPTV (rather than trait means) and environmental resource availability in promoting plant invasions, providing new insights into the significance of IPTV in shaping plant geographic distributions.  相似文献   

稳定性同位素技术在生态学上的应用   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
稳定性同位素技术早在20世纪70年代末期就被引入到生态学领域。最初是利用植物稳定性碳同位素的差异。开展了许多有关营养流动方面的研究;到90年代,稳定性碳和氮同位素被用来分析动物的食性、营养级位置关系以及食物链结构;本世纪初,由于技术的进步,稳定性同位素(特别是氢同位素)被用来开展动物迁徙习性方面的研究。到目前为止,国内有关这方面的研究还鲜有报道,而且对自然界存在的稳定性同位素的理解还存在一定偏差。本文主要介绍了稳定性同位素效应及其分馏原理、稳定性同位素在示踪动物食性信息、确定营养级位置关系、分析食物网结构以及研究动物迁徙生态学中的作用等方面的内容。  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratio analyses were used to characterize the primary energy sources and trophic positions of 16 common Lake Superior wave zone invertebrate species. Isotope data from six tributary species that were taxonomically and ecologically matched with common wave zone species revealed broad energetic separation between these similarly structured benthic food webs. Previously published stable isotope data for Lake Superior wetland and pelagic food webs were used to assess the relative importance of inter-habitat energy flow within the Lake Superior ecosystem. The results of these comparisons indicate that the Lake Superior wave zone is energetically distinct from its tributaries, wetlands, and to a lesser extent from its vast pelagic realm. This information and approach should prove useful in future studies on the bioenergetics of inter-zonal migrants and other species that forage in multiple habitats within the lake and also in revealing energetic connections among terrestrial, riverine, littoral, and pelagic food webs in the coastal ecosystems of Lake Superior.  相似文献   

Above-ground invertebrates may represent a high proportion of animal biomass, but few data are available on their fate after death. In Mediterranean ant communities, they are frequently scavenged by ants. Here, we assessed the consequences of Argentine ant invasion on the removal of arthropod corpses in Doñana National Park (SW Spain). In three natural habitats that differed in their degree of vegetation cover (i.e. protection for ants against high temperatures), we experimentally provided dead Drosophila, and observed their disappearance over a 60-min period at different times of day and year. The habitats used were isolated cork oak trees, pine tree forest and dry scrubland; we compared invaded with uninvaded plots in each. Oak trees were the most invaded habitat, while scrubland was the least and the only one where the Argentine ant coexisted with native ant species. In accordance with this degree of invasion, the Argentine ant removed the highest percentage of dead flies in oak trees and the lowest in scrubland. Its performance as scavenger was higher than uninvaded ant communities, but it was reduced at high temperatures, when native species were highly efficient. The saturated distribution of the Argentine ant colony seems to be the key to its efficiency. We discuss how the occurrence and scavenger efficiency of the Argentine ant could affect the nutrient cycling and the progression of its invasion.  相似文献   

Human  K. G.  Gordon  D. M. 《Insectes Sociaux》1999,46(2):159-163
Summary: The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, has invaded many areas of the world, displacing native ants. Its behavior may contribute to its competitive success. Staged and natural encounters were observed at food resources in the field, between Argentine ants and eight ant species native to northern California. There was no relation between the frequency of aggression by any ant species and the outcome of encounters, though Argentine ants were more likely than ants of native species to behave aggressively. When an ant of one species initiated an encounter of any kind with an ant of another species, the ant that did not initiate was likely to retreat. This was true of all species studied. Most encounters between ants were initiated by Argentine ants. Thus the native species tended to retreat more frequently than Argentine ants. Interactions between Argentine ants and native species at food resources, causing ants of native species to retreat, may help Argentine ants to displace native species from invaded areas.  相似文献   

The diets of 21 terapontid species from freshwater environments in northern Australia were investigated to determine the similarity and dissimilarity among species and the extent of any ontogenetic shifts. Distinct ontogenetic dietary shifts occurred in all species for which sufficient data were available, with many species passing through several discrete trophic categories during their life histories. Diets of all juvenile terapontids were similar, mainly comprising aquatic insects and zooplankton. Larger size classes of terapontids diverged into a broad spectrum of feeding groups comprising carnivorous dietary modes (including piscivory and lepidophagy), omnivory (including frugivory and consumption of allochthonous prey), herbivory and detritivory. The results indicate that the terapontids represent Australia's most trophically diverse freshwater fish family.  相似文献   

We studied summer activity patterns and thermoregulation in the Mediterranean lizard Psammodromus algirus in a holm oak wood in Central Spain. The circadian rhythm curve was bimodal, with a pronounced peak after sunrise, a minimum at noon and a second lower peak in the afternoon. Increased activity in the morning could be explained by insolation levels, whereas the midday low was caused by the rise in temperature.
There was a strong positive correlation between body temperature and both air and ground temperatures. Nevertheless, there was no significant correlation between body and air temperatures when the effect of radiation was removed, which was done by considering only individuals in the shade at high temperatures.
Activity showed a bell-shaped relationship with body and air temperatures, with maximum activity at 24.5°C (air temperature) and 31.4°C (body temperature). The spatial distribution pattern of P. algirus (selection of sunny areas and distance to the vegetation edge) reflects the environmental temperatures that are optimal for activity; the lizards show a strong preference for sunny patches when air temperature is lower than the optimum. We conclude that heliothermy is the only viable thermoregulation pattern in Mediterranean forest environments, with heat conduction playing a negligible rote.  相似文献   

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