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It has been shown that the action of ionizing radiations on dilute, oxygen-free, aqueous solutions of acetonitrile and propionitrile leads to the formation of oligomers, which upon hydrolyses release amino acids. The presence of nine amino acids, the same as those found in irradiated aqueous cyanides, has been established. Those amino acids with asymmetric carbon atoms separated by GC method, appeared to consist of nearly equal amounts of D and L isomers. Glycine is the most abundant amino acid in hydrolysates of acetonitrile, while alanine appears in the samples of propionitrile. A comparison of all amino acids, identified in hydrolysates of various cyanides and nitriles, suggests that it is the cyano group, and a free-radical initiated mechanism, that is primarily involved in these radiation-chemical changes of potential interest to prebiotic chemistry.  相似文献   

Dilute, O2-free aqueous cyanides were exposed to multikilorad doses of a radioactive cobalt source. After the removal of unreacted cyanides and of volatile radiolytic products, the residue was ydrolyzed and the resulting material analyzed for amino acids. The results show the presence of five protein amino acids and five amino acids which do not occur in natural proteins. The amino acids of enantiomeric derivatives separated on an optically active column, appeared to consist of approximately equal amounts of D and L isomers. Radiation-chemical yields of amino acids were determined at various radiation doses. The results obtained support the previous findings that the free-radical initiated process is the source of oligomers which on hydrolysis release the amino acids.  相似文献   

The influence of various peptides containing the aromatic amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine on the formation of the enzyme EAC1423 of the complement system from component C3 and enzyme EAC142 was investigated. Kinetic analysis of enzyme EAC1423 formation and studies on the binding of the C3b fragment of 125I-labelled component C3 to enzyme EAC142 both showed that binding of the C3b fragment of component C3 was decreased by the peptides. Kinetic studies on component-C3 turnover in the fluid phase of enzyme EAC142 failed to reveal effects of the peptides. However, an initial lag in component-C3 turnover occurred that at constant component-C3 concentration was inversely proportional to enzyme EAC142 concentration. This lag in enzyme EAC142 activity is considered as an indication that the interaction of enzyme EAC142 with component C3 possibly does not follow simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics, as was previously assumed. It is shown that the stages after enzyme EAC1423 formation are not influenced by the peptides, suggesting a high degree of specificity of the peptides for the inhibition of enzyme EAC1423 formation.  相似文献   

The densities at 298.15 K of aqueous solutions containing some terminally substituted amino acids and peptides containing the glycyl, L -and D -alanyl, L -leucyl, sarcosyl, and L -prolyl residues have been dertermined and standard state partial molar volumes and volumetric pairwise virial coefficients obtained. It is shown that the partial molar volumes can be represented using group volume contributions, but this approach is only approximate, and significant effects of N-terminal substitution and sequence dependence are observed. The volumetric virial coefficients for the amino acid amides have been expressed using a group-additivity approach, and the results obtained indicate that the dominant contributions come from peptide group interactions with other peptide groups and with hydrophobic groups. There is also some evidence of both sequence and chiral effects on the volumetric virial coefficients for proline-containing dipeptides.  相似文献   

We have investigated the oxidative behavior of sterols such as cholesteryl acetate (1), 7-dehydrocholesteryl acetate (2), ergosteryl acetate (3), cholecalciferol acetate (Vitamin D(3) acetate) (4) and ergocalciferol acetate (Vitamin D(2) acetate) (5) with the oxidant system methyltrioxorhenium/H(2)O(2)/pyridine in order to check potential parameters controlling the selectivity. The reactions, performed in CH(2)Cl(2)/H(2)O at 25 degrees C, have shown good regio- and stereoselectivity. All oxidation products were isolated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and characterized by MS(EI) or FAB, (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR, APT, COSY, HSQC, HMBC, ROESY and NOEDS measurements. Seven new oxygenated compounds were also obtained. Under the experimental conditions adopted in this work, only the diene steroids, i.e. 7-dehydrocholesteryl acetate and ergosteryl acetate, undergo hydrolytic oxirane ring opening, whereas Vitamin D(2) and D(3) acetates, containing the triene system and cholesteryl acetate yield only epoxides. The selectivity seems to be controlled by the nucleophilicity of double bonds and by stereoelectronic and steric effects.  相似文献   

Photons of 254nm. u.v. light, (60)Co gamma-rays and 1Mev electrons produce different patterns of destruction of individual amino acids in dried films of trypsin and in the corresponding amino acid mixture. For example, in the amino acid mixture u.v. light destroys tyrosine, tryptophan and cystine, whereas in trypsin only cystine is disrupted but with 10 times the initial yield. Further, in the amino acid mixture loss of half-cystine is a simple exponential function of dose, but in trypsin there appear to be two exponential components of the loss with yields that differ by a factor of 35. Both the gamma-rays and electrons destroy half-cystine, tryptophan, histidine and methionine in the amino acid mixture with remarkably high yields, whereas in trypsin doses that destroy almost all of the enzymic activity produce no detectable destruction of amino acid residues. These marked differences between the two preparations show that the radiation-sensitivity of a given amino acid alone and in a protein is different, and suggests that in trypsin there is fairly extensive migration of energy, charge or both with localization of damage at specific sites determined by this enzyme's internal organization. All three types of radiation produce appreciable amounts of ;damaged' (not completely inactivated) molecules which are prevented from reassuming an active configuration by the addition of 5.5m-urea; thiol reagents have a similar effect after bombardment with u.v. light or electrons. The patterns of destruction produced by gamma-rays and by electrons in both the amino acid mixture and in trypsin are different (some of the yields vary by a factor of 30). This result appears to be inconsistent with the popular belief that most of the energy absorbed from gamma-rays is associated with very-high-energy electrons.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1988,141(1):145-149
This contribution reports the synthesis and characterization of the organothorium alkylthiolate complex [(CH3)5C5]2Th(SCH2CH2CH3)2. This compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c (#15) with four molecules in a cell of dimensions a=19.066(2), b=11.603(1), c=16.379(2) Å, and β=130.08(1)°. Least-squares refinement led to a value for the conventional R index (on Fo) of 0.040 for 132 variables and 2030 observations having Fo2⩾3σ(Fo2). The molecular structure consists of an unexceptional ‘bent sandwich’ [(CH3)5C5]2Th fragment coordinated to two n-propylthiolate ligands. The ThS bond distance is 2.718(3) Å; the SC(α) distance, 1.78(2) Å; the ThSC(α) angle, 108.3(5)°; and the SThS′ angle, 102.5(2)°. Contrasts are drawn with the structures of analogous actinide alkoxides  相似文献   

Integrated neural responses to various amino acids were recorded from the chorda tympani (facial) nerve in C3H mice. The basic amino acids hydrochlorides L-Arg-HCl and L-Lys-HCl evoked large magnitude integrated taste responses, similar to that for NaCl, and had estimated electrophysiological thresholds of 0.0001 M. No significant difference was indicated between the response magnitudes for the L- and D-forms of the basic amino acid hydrochlorides; however, responses to the basic amino acid hydrochlorides cross-adapted with NaCl. Responses to neutral L-amino acids (Ser, Ala, Gly), which taste sweet to humans, showed higher thresholds (>0.0003 M), similar to that for sucrose, and did not cross-adapt with basic amino acid hydrochlorides or with NaCl. Responses to the neutral amino acids L-Ser and L-Ala were larger than those to their D-amino acid enantiomers. The acidic amino acids L-Asp and L-Glu showed concentration-response functions different from that for HCl. Both acidic amino acids were more stimulatory than HCl at the same pH, although the responses to them were cross-adapted by HCl, indicating a pH effect. A comparison of the stimulatory effectiveness among amino acid derivatives and analogues suggested that the alpha- amino group is essential for the stimulatory effectiveness of neutral amino acids.   相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,114(2):119-122
The iridium(III) dihydride complexes IrH2X- (Cyttp) (X = Cl, I) possess a mer-octahedral structure in which the hydrides are cis to each other and the Cyttp ligand is chelated around an edge of the octahedron. The phenyl group on the central phosphorus atom is oriented away from the chloride ligand in the crystal structure, and Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) measurements show that this anti coordination geometry is maintained in solution. Treatment of IrH2Cl(Cyttp), 1a, with TIBF4 and CH3CN results in a mixture of anti and syn diastereomers, whereas CO gives only the syn diastereomer of the type [IrH2(CH3CN)(Cyttp)]+ and Tl+.  相似文献   

In order to understand the role of sulfur in the primitive atmosphere, we have studied the action of a silent discharge on mixtures of CH4 and H2S at low pressure. The nature of the products formed in the gaseous phase, and the influence of several parameters, especially the H2S percentage, on the yield of the products are reported. The analysis of the products is carried out by gas liquid chromatography and infrared spectrometry. The formation of sulfur-containing compounds, such as thiols and sulfides, is reported. CS2 is formed in high yield (a few percent) in mixtures containing 40-50% of H2S, while the maximum concentration of thiols (i.e., CH3SH and C2H5SH) is reached with lower percentages of H2S. The formation of hydrocarbons decreases rapidly with increasing proportions of H2S. These results show the important inhibitor effect of H2S on the formation of hydrocarbons and the possibility of occurrence of many sulfur compounds in prebiological evolution.  相似文献   

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