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施肥与摘蕾对棉蚜、棉叶蝉种群数量及棉花产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
分析比较了不同施氮水平(0-450kg·hm^-2)与不同摘蕾处理(0-12个·株^-1)对转Bt基因棉花(GK-12)和常规棉花(泗棉3号)的棉蚜、棉叶蝉种群数量以及棉花产量的影响.结果表明,两个品种的棉蚜、棉叶蝉种群数量和有效铃量没有显著性差异。在本实验水平下,施肥和摘蕾与施肥的交互作用对两种棉花的棉蚜数量有显著性的影响,而摘蕾、施肥和两者的交互作用对两种棉花的棉叶蝉数量没有显著影响.在花铃期,施氮肥能增加两种棉花的有效铃数.线性回归分析表明,两种棉花的棉蚜、棉叶蝉的数量与施氮肥量和摘蕾量成正相关关系;有效铃量与施氮肥量呈正相关,与摘蕾量呈负相关.  相似文献   

不同棉蚜种群对棉花和黄瓜的适合度分化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过室内转接试验,研究来源于越冬寄主花椒、木槿、石榴和夏寄主棉花、黄瓜共5个棉蚜Aphids gossypii Glover种群对棉花和黄瓜的适合度。结果表明:花椒棉蚜、木槿棉蚜、棉花棉蚜转接到棉花上的成虫留居率和种群繁殖率均明显地高于黄瓜;黄瓜棉蚜转接到棉花上的成虫留居率和种群繁殖率均显著地低于黄瓜;石榴棉蚜转接到棉花上的种群繁殖率显著低于黄瓜,但成虫留居率在2种寄主之间没有明显差异。  相似文献   

棉铃虫与棉花生长发育耦合系统的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以棉铃虫取食模型、种群动态模型及棉花生长发育模型为基础,通过对棉田生态系统中一些关键环节的分析,进一步发展出田间棉铃虫的管理系统。这个系统较好地反映出了国内外到目前为止在棉铃虫管理方面的最新研究成果。强调了在棉花生长发育过程中超补偿机制的实现,以及人工去早蕾与2代棉铃虫取食对棉花生长和产量形成的影响。本系统可以反映第2、3代棉铃虫不同卵量水平下,及不同人工去早蕾水平下棉花生长发育的动态过程。通过不同卵量水平时各去蕾量对产量的影响,以及不同用药时间的最终产量效果的比较,可以找出最佳的去蕾量以及合理的用药时间。  相似文献   

化学杀虫剂对不同类型棉田害虫、天敌种群的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏丽  戈峰  刘向辉 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2631-2641
研究了化学杀虫剂对6种不同类型棉田的害虫、天敌种群数量及其相互作用的影响。结果表明,化学防治使棉花苗期棉蚜数量下降,但不能抑制中后期棉蚜数量;除豆间棉田外,其他类型棉田化防区棉红蜘蛛和棉铃虫数量低于未防区。化学防治使各类型棉田天敌数量减少,以单作棉田天敌数量减少最明显,间套作棉田天敌数量下降幅度较小;此外,棉田不同天敌种群所受的影响存在一定差异,化学防治对瓢虫、捕食蝽类的影响显著,数量下降剧烈,但蜘蛛类群下降幅度比前两者小。化学防治对棉田害虫与天敌的相互关系的影响随棉田类型或害虫、天敌种类的不同而有所差异。  相似文献   

棉铃虫对转Bt基因抗虫棉花的抗性机制及治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
棉铃虫是危害棉花最严重的害虫之一. 作为生物技术产品, 转Bt杀虫基因棉花产生的Cry毒素对棉铃虫有高效毒杀作用. Bt棉花已在世界范围内商业化种植, 通过有效控制棉铃虫种群数量, 而显著减少了化学农药的用量. 尽管没有发现棉铃虫田间种群对Bt棉花产生高水平抗性, 但室内持续筛选已培育出多个高水平抗性品系, 表明存在棉铃虫对Bt棉花产生抗性的风险. 鉴于棉铃虫对Bt棉花产生抗性可能对Bt棉花利用价值的影响, 国内外近10年来对此进行了系统深入地研究. 本文综述了棉铃虫对Bt棉花抗性的生物化学和分子机制、抗性治理与监测技术的最新研究进展, 并分析了中国、澳大利亚和印度等国家棉铃虫对Bt棉花的抗性治理策略.  相似文献   

【目的】棉蚜Aphis gossypii和棉长管蚜Acyrthosiphon gossypii是棉花上的共存种,本文拟明确不同恒温条件下两种蚜虫单种和共存时的种群动态、有翅蚜发生及在棉株上的分布情况,探讨温度对两者种间竞争的作用。【方法】棉蚜、棉长管蚜单种、混合初始等蚜量设置,分别置于室内21、24和27℃恒温条件下,系统调查记录各处理种群数量、有翅蚜数量及在棉株上的分布,应用内禀增长率rm、空间分布情况、有翅蚜比例为竞争判别指标。【结果】棉蚜单种种群过程的rm均大于棉长管蚜,共存条件下一种对另一种蚜虫的rm均没有显著影响;棉蚜种群97%以上在叶片活动,棉长管蚜在叶片的比例为55%~75%;同一温度条件,两种共存不影响对方在棉花叶片和茎秆上的分布;棉蚜和棉长管蚜主要分布于棉花中上部。随温度升高,共存种群中棉蚜向棉株下部移动的比例增加,单种和共存种群棉长管蚜趋向于棉株上部移动。同一温度条件下,共存对棉蚜上下分布没有明显影响。21℃和27℃棉蚜的存在对棉长管蚜没有显著影响,但24℃时共存可使棉长管蚜在下部的比例明显增加;随温度的升高,棉蚜有翅蚜比例下降显著,而棉长管蚜无显著变化。【结论】适温范围内,两种蚜虫种间竞争的存在不影响彼此的内在繁殖能力,棉蚜比棉长管蚜具有更强的内在竞争能力;温度对棉蚜在竞争活动空间上的影响不明显,而对棉长管蚜的上下位置的选择有一定作用;种间竞争和种内竞争加速棉蚜有翅蚜的发生。  相似文献   

棉蚜是世界性分布的棉花害虫,仲夏棉蚜种群崩溃是生态控制棉蚜危害的重要途径,为棉蚜预测和防治提供了新思路与切入点,但其崩溃机制尚未明确。导致棉蚜种群崩溃的可能因素主要包括:(1)植物次生代谢物影响棉蚜的发育和繁殖,但不足以导致棉蚜种群崩溃;(2)暴风雨对棉蚜种群有一定的影响,但无法解释连续多年和多个地点发生的种群崩溃现象;(3)高温显著降低棉蚜的存活和繁殖,且与仲夏棉蚜种群崩溃期相吻合,高温很可能是棉蚜种群崩溃的关键影响因子;(4)高密度条件下激烈的种内竞争导致棉蚜繁殖率降低,有翅蚜比例增加;(5)天敌除具有直接捕食或寄生作用外,同时间接影响若蚜生长发育和刺激有翅蚜形成,对棉蚜种群后期崩溃发挥重要作用。本文对可能导致仲夏棉蚜种群崩溃的主要因素分别进行论述,探讨其对棉蚜存活、繁殖和有翅蚜形成的影响,旨在为探明仲夏棉蚜种群崩溃机制提供参考。  相似文献   

【目的】近年来,我国长江流域和黄河流域棉花面积锐减,种植区域向滨海盐碱地或干旱地转移。研究盐碱旱地转基因棉田与非转基因棉田昆虫群落差异,可为盐碱旱地对转基因棉田生物影响和盐碱旱地转基因棉田害虫防治提供理论指导。【方法】在山东东营和河北枣强盐碱干旱地转Bt基因棉田分别设置常规施药田和非施药田,进行了系统的田间昆虫种群消长动态的调查和统计分析。【结果】中轻度盐碱旱地种植转基因棉花对靶标害虫棉铃虫具有较好的控制作用;与非转基因棉花相比,对其他非靶标害虫棉蚜、烟粉虱和盲蝽及自然天敌龟纹瓢虫、草间小黑蛛种群数量无显著影响,草蛉种群数量在转基因棉田低于非转基因棉田;喷施化学农药对棉铃虫幼虫和棉蚜的防治作用较好,对烟粉虱和盲蝽的防治效果年度间和试验点间有差异,对龟纹瓢虫的杀伤力较大,对草间小黑蛛和草蛉未见明显影响。【结论】盐碱旱地对棉田不同的害虫和天敌影响不同,且转基因棉田与非转基因棉田昆虫群落结构与对照棉田无显著差异。  相似文献   

不同初始密度棉蚜种群动态过程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探索棉蚜初始密度对其种群过程的影响,在棉田控制1和20头·叶-1 2个初始密度,通过尼龙网纱袋构建在封闭(套袋)与开放(不套袋)条件下,监测棉蚜在不同初始密度和不同环境条件下种群动态.结果表明:初始密度越大,棉蚜种群峰值越高,封闭条件和开放条件棉蚜种群峰值没有显著性差异;初始密度越大种群高峰期越早,开放条件比封闭条件种群高峰期提前;封闭条件下,初始密度越大,种群崩溃越快.种群发展初期,初始密度越小,种群增长率越大,开放条件比封闭条件棉蚜种群增长快;种群高峰期和崩溃期,不同初始密度棉蚜种群增长率没有显著差异.初始密度影响有翅蚜形成,初始密度越大,有翅蚜比例越高;但封闭条件和开放条件有翅蚜比例没有显著性差异.  相似文献   

棉花对大气CO2浓度升高的响应及其对棉蚜种群发生的作用   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
陈法军  戈峰  刘向辉 《生态学报》2004,24(5):991-996
通过模拟试验研究了棉花对大气 CO2 浓度升高 (70 5 .0 μl/ L 和 10 32 .3μl/ L vs.387.4 μl/ L)的响应及其对棉蚜 (Aphisgossypii Glover)种群发生的作用机制。结果表明 :(1) CO2 浓度升高可以促进棉花的生长 ,显著提高棉花的株高和生物产量 ;(2 )CO2 浓度增加对棉花的光合作用十分有利 ,单株叶面积显著增加 ,同时 ,叶绿素含量也显著增加 ;(3)高的 CO2 浓度可明显影响棉花组织的营养成分和次生代谢物质的含量 ,游离脂肪酸和游离氨基酸显著增加 ,可溶性蛋白含量显著降低 ,此外 ,大气 CO2增加下棉花组织内棉酚和单宁含量也显著增加了 ;(4 )棉蚜的发育历期与棉花组织的游离脂肪酸、游离氨基酸、可溶性蛋白、和棉酚的含量呈显著负相关 ;而棉蚜的繁殖力与组织含水量呈显著负相关 ,与游离脂肪酸、游离氨基酸和棉酚的含量呈显著正相关。大气 CO2 浓度升高主要是通过影响棉花的营养组成和次生代谢物质含量 ,而间接作用于棉蚜 ;未来 ,随着大气 CO2 浓度增加 ,棉花组织营养物质的变化对棉蚜种群的发生和危害有加重的趋势  相似文献   

江苏沿江棉区3代棉铃虫对棉花的为害及经济阈值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过人工接虫为害,研究了3代棉铃虫对蕾铃脱落及结铃的影响,观察了不同年份棉铃虫卵和各龄幼虫的自然存活率及棉花蕾、幼铃的成铃率。结果表明,蕾铃的虫害脱落率对结铃的影响最大,直接通径系数达-0.8917,虫量和蕾铃脱落数主要通过接虫期间的虫害脱落率影响棉花结铃,其间接通径系数分别为-0.8894和-0.891,接虫期间的自然脱落率对结铃的直接和间接通径系数均很小,表明33代棉铃虫为害时棉花4的补偿能力已基本丧失,各龄幼虫的为害量观察表明,1-6龄幼虫的单虫为害当量分别为0.02、0.14、0.31、0.47、0.84和1.54个大铃,根据防治的直接和间接收益,得出3代棉铃虫的防治指标为百株累计卵量26粒。  相似文献   

饲料含氮量对棉铃虫发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
分别用含氮量为1.48%、2.31%、2.89%和3.64%的人工饲料和嫩棉铃饲养棉铃虫(Heliotkls arraigera),测定6龄幼虫对食物和氮的利用效率,并研究饲料氮对棉铃虫发育和繁殖的影响.结果表明,随饲料含氮量的增加,幼虫发育历期减短,6龄幼虫的干重和食物利用率均有所增加,虫体和虫类的含氮量增高.当饲料含氮量从1.48%增加到2.89%时,氮累积速率(NAR)增长了45%,氮利用率(NUR)增加16%,种群增长指数增加65%.饲料氮从2.89%增至3.64%,NAR值不变,NUR值和种群增长指数分别下降25%和10%.饲料含氮量在1.48%和2.89%之间时,正是棉铃中含氮量变化的幅度,在这幅度间对棉铃虫发育繁殖的影晌最大.饲料含氮量在2.31%至2.89%时,是幼虫生长发育最适宜的范围,成虫繁殖力最强.这是它对寄主作物长期适应的结果.饲料含氮量过高或过低对棉铃虫的发育和繁殖都是不利的.  相似文献   

利用“H”型嗅觉仪测定结果表明 :在棉花蕾期、花铃期 ,棉铃虫 2龄幼虫对常规棉的棉叶、嫩头的选择性明显高于转基因棉花品种 ,差异达显著或极显著水平。但 3龄幼虫对两者的选择性差异并不显著 ;而在棉花蕾期 ,果枝对棉铃虫 2龄幼虫选择性行为有一定的影响。试验初步说明Bt棉对棉铃虫低龄幼虫有一定的忌避作用 ,而对高龄幼虫忌避效应不显著。  相似文献   

免耕法对棉田生态系统能流功能的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
比较了常规与免耕法对棉田生态系统中土壤微生物、害虫、天敌、棉株及其整个棉田生态系统能流功能的影响 .结果表明 ,免耕棉田土壤微生物量与年呼吸耗氧量均明显高于常规棉田 ,分别为常规棉田的 1 .32倍和 1 .63倍 ;免耕棉田的苗蚜与秋蚜、2代与 4代棉铃虫种群生产力下降 ,而伏蚜与 3代棉铃虫种群生产力增加 ;免耕棉田内天敌种群生产力及其捕食利用效率下降 ;免耕可提高棉田系统的光能利用率和总生产力 ,减少辅助能的投入 ,具有低耗、高效的特点 .  相似文献   

Transgenic cotton, Gossypium hirsutum (L.), expressing either one or two Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. kurstaki Berliner (Bt) proteins was compared with the conventional sister line in field experiments with regard to production of bollworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), and bolls damaged by bollworm. The relative numbers of bollworms that developed on Bollgard (Monsanto Co., St. Louis, MO), Bollgard II (Monsanto Co.), and conventional cotton were estimated under nontreated conditions in 2000 and both insecticide-treated and nontreated conditions in 2001-2002 in North Carolina tests. Averaged across seven field studies under nontreated conditions, Bollgard cotton generated statistically similar numbers of large (L4-L5) bollworm larvae compared with the conventional variety; however, Bollgard cotton produced significantly fewer damaged bolls and bollworm adults than the conventional variety. Production of large larvae, damaged bolls, and adults was decreased dramatically by Bollgard II cotton as compared with Bollgard and conventional varieties. When comparing insecticide-treated and nontreated cotton genotypes, both Bt cotton sustained less boll damage than the conventional variety averaged across insecticide regimes; furthermore, Bollgard II cotton had fewer damaged bolls than the Bollgard variety. When averaged across cotton genotypes, pyrethroid oversprays reduced the numbers of damaged bolls compared with the nontreated cotton. Insecticide-treated Bollgard cotton, along with insecticide-treated and nontreated Bollgard II cotton reduced production of bollworm larvae, pupae, and adults. However, the addition of pyrethroid oversprays to Bollgard II cotton seemed to be the best resistance management strategy available for bollworm because no bollworms were capable of completing development under these conditions.  相似文献   

人工释放赤眼蜂对棉铃虫的防治作用及相关生态效应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1998~2000年在河北省南皮县棉区转Bt基因棉田及常规棉田中设置4种不同的组合处理,通过释放螟黄赤眼蜂控制棉铃虫的方法,减少化学农药的使用,达到提升和增强自然生物控制力的生态效应;并以不采取任何防治措施的常规棉田为常规棉对照田。研究表明:(1)转基因棉和常规棉棉田中自然寄生率随棉铃虫世代的增加而逐渐升高,2、3和4代棉铃虫卵被寄生率范围分别为13.3%~14.3%、26.7%~28.2%和60.8%~61.4%。(2)棉铃虫2代期,在常规棉综防田释放赤眼蜂2次,其寄生率为46.4%, 比未释放赤眼蜂的转基因棉棉田和常规棉对照田提高33.1%和32.1%; 3代期,转基因棉棉田释放赤眼蜂1次,其寄生率与常规棉综防田释放4次的效果相当,分别为73.7%和68.1%;但与转基因棉不放蜂田、常规棉化防田及对照田相比,分别提高45.5%、61. 8%和47.0%;4代期,无论放蜂与否,各处理棉田中的寄生率除化防田外(52.1%)均在60%以上。(3)常规棉化防田棉铃虫2代和3代期,分别使用农药2和3次,其自然寄生率分别为5.5%和11.9%,与对照田相比,分别降低8.8%和14.8%;与常规棉综防田相比,分别降低40.9%和56.2%;释放赤眼蜂的效果与施药时间有关,放蜂后1天内施药,寄生率仅为12.5%,施药后2天放蜂,寄生率达45.6%。(4)转基因棉棉田棉铃虫累计数和百株蕾铃被害数比常规棉综防田分别减少74.8%和73.8%,捕食性天敌增加63.0%;放蜂Bt棉田比不放蜂Bt棉田棉铃虫累计数、百株蕾铃被害数分别减少61.8%和33.3%;常规棉综防田棉铃虫累计数、百株蕾铃被害数、农药使用量比化防棉田分别减少29.7%、43.4%和60.0%,捕食性天敌数量增加63.0%。(5)转基因棉田和综防棉田的益害比(捕食性天敌/植食性害虫)分别为0.47∶1和0.30∶1, 而化防棉田为0.24∶1。上述结果表明释放赤眼蜂可弥补抗虫棉后期抗性减弱的不足,增加田间自然天敌的数量,提高对棉田害虫的自然控害功能。  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen fertilization on Aphis gossypii Glover color and size, fertility, and intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was studied on cotton plants. Nitrogen fertilization treatments consisted of 0, 50, 100, and 150% of the agronomic recommended level. Adult and nymph densities, as well as rm, were positively correlated with nitrogen fertilization. Aphid body length, head width, and darkness of color were recorded in populations on cotton plants fertilized with 100% nitrogen or with no nitrogen fertilization. Aphids on nitrogen-fertilized plants were significantly bigger and darker. All body size and darkness of color measurements were positively correlated with aphid fecundity. It was also found that the nutritional quality of the host plant on which the parent generation feeds has a stronger effect on the aphids than that of the quality of their own food plants. This phenomenon may dampen the effect short-term fluctuations in host plant quality have on aphid performance. Results are discussed in the context of aphid population biology, aphid-plant interactions and aphid population management.  相似文献   

1. The consequences to plants of ant–aphid mutualisms, particularly those involving invasive ants, are poorly studied. Ant–aphid mutualisms may increase or decrease plant fitness depending on the relative cost of herbivory by ant‐tended aphids versus the relative benefit of increased ant suppression of other (non‐aphid) herbivores. 2. We conducted field and greenhouse experiments in which we manipulated the presence and absence of cotton aphids (Aphis gossypii) on cotton plants to test the hypothesis that a mutualism between cotton aphids and an invasive ant, the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), benefits cotton plants by increasing fire ant suppression of caterpillars. We also manipulated caterpillar abundance to test whether the benefit of the mutualism varied with caterpillar density. 3. We found that more fire ants foraged on plants with cotton aphids than on plants without cotton aphids, which resulted in a significant reduction in caterpillar survival and caterpillar herbivory of leaves, flower buds, and bolls on plants with aphids. Consequently, cotton aphids indirectly increased cotton reproduction: plants with cotton aphids produced 16% more bolls, 25% more seeds, and 10% greater seedcotton mass than plants without aphids. The indirect benefit of cotton aphids, however, varied with caterpillar density: the number of bolls per plant at harvest was 32% greater on plants with aphids than on plants without aphids at high caterpillar density, versus just 3% greater at low caterpillar density. 4. Our results highlight the potential benefit to plants that host ant–hemipteran mutualisms and provide the first experimental evidence that the consequences to plants of an ant–aphid mutualism vary at different densities of non‐aphid herbivores.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fertilization levels for ornamental crops may influence pest population dynamics, crop quality, and pest management strategy. We examined the effect of fertilization on population growth and within‐plant distribution of melon or cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, on potted chrysanthemum, Dendranthema grandiflora (Tzvelev). In terms of pest management implications, we also investigated the effect of fertilization on the number of insecticide applications needed to control A. gossypii on potted chrysanthemum. Population growth rate of A. gossypii increased with fertilization levels from 0 to 38 ppm N and reached a plateau from 38 to 488 ppm N. Increased fertilization beyond 38 ppm N, 10% of the commercial standard, did not result in higher aphid number. Aphids responded to nutrient availability of plants by distributing themselves in areas with higher level of nitrogen. More aphids were found in the apical and middle strata of the plants than the basal stratum, which had the lowest nitrogen content. Leaf nitrogen content increased with increased fertilization level and was consistently higher in the apical and middle strata than the basal stratum. Increased fertilization from 0 to 375 ppm N did not result in higher number of insecticide applications. All three insecticides (bifenthrin, kinoprene or pymetrozine) were effective in keeping the aphid infestation below a pre‐determined level, five aphids per plant, but pymetrozine required the least number of applications. For chrysanthemum, a fast‐growing crop and heavy utilizer of nitrogen, increased fertilization shortened the time to flowering, which would allow growers to harvest their crop sooner and reduce the time for aphid population growth. Reduction in time to harvest could result in significant reduction of insecticide usage by reducing the time for aphid population growth. As a result, high fertilization together with minimal runoff may be a useful tactic to an integrated pest management (IPM) programme for managing A. gossypii on potted chrysanthemums.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fertilization levels for ornamental crops may influence pest population dynamics, crop quality, and pest management strategy. We examined the effect of fertilization on population growth and within‐plant distribution of melon or cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, on potted chrysanthemum, Dendranthema grandiflora (Tzvelev). In terms of pest management implications, we also investigated the effect of fertilization on the number of insecticide applications needed to control A. gossypii on potted chrysanthemum. Population growth rate of A. gossypii increased with fertilization levels from 0 to 38 ppm N and reached a plateau from 38 to 488 ppm N. Increased fertilization beyond 38 ppm N, 10% of the commercial standard, did not result in higher aphid number. Aphids responded to nutrient availability of plants by distributing themselves in areas with higher level of nitrogen. More aphids were found in the apical and middle strata of the plants than the basal stratum, which had the lowest nitrogen content. Leaf nitrogen content increased with increased fertilization level and was consistently higher in the apical and middle strata than the basal stratum. Increased fertilization from 0 to 375 ppm N did not result in higher number of insecticide applications. All three insecticides (bifenthrin, kinoprene or pymetrozine) were effective in keeping the aphid infestation below a pre‐determined level, five aphids per plant, but pymetrozine required the least number of applications. For chrysanthemum, a fast‐growing crop and heavy utilizer of nitrogen, increased fertilization shortened the time to flowering, which would allow growers to harvest their crop sooner and reduce the time for aphid population growth. Reduction in time to harvest could result in significant reduction of insecticide usage by reducing the time for aphid population growth. As a result, high fertilization together with minimal runoff may be a useful tactic to an integrated pest management (IPM) programme for managing A. gossypii on potted chrysanthemums.  相似文献   

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