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Neurotrophins (NTs) regulate neuronal survival, differentiation, and synaptic plasticity through tropomyosin receptor kinases (Trks). The molecular mechanisms underlying these functions, however, have remained incompletely understood. In the present study, we first showed that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) increased both the number of primary dendrites and dendritic complexity in cultured hippocampal neurons. Since hippocampal neurons predominantly express the BDNF receptor TrkB, but not the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor Trk, we generated DNA constructs encoding the extracellular domain of TrkA fused with the transmembrane and intracellular domain of TrkB and introduced these constructs into cultured hippocampal neurons. To visualize the dendrites, the TrkA/TrkB fusion proteins were bicistronically expressed with green fluorescence protein (GFP). Interestingly, the GFP-labeled neurons grew dendrites and activated the TrkA/TrkB receptors in response to NGF, but not BDNF. We next generated a series of TrkA/TrkB receptors with mutations at tyrosine residues in the TrkB kinase domain, and sought to identify the signaling pathway required for NT-induced dendrite outgrowth. Sholl analyses demonstrated that TrkB signaling through Shc, but not through PLC-γ, plays a crucial role in NT-elicited dendritic outgrowth in hippocampal neurons.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis, a gram-positive bacterium widely used by the dairy industry to manufacture cheeses, is subject to infection by a diverse population of virulent phages. We have previously determined the structures of three receptor binding proteins (RBPs) from lactococcal phages TP901-1, p2, and bIL170, each of them having a distinct host range. Virulent phages p2 and bIL170 are classified within the 936 group, while the temperate phage TP901-1 is a member of the genetically distinct P335 polythetic group. These RBPs comprise three domains: the N-terminal domain, binding to the virion particle; a β-helical linker domain; and the C-terminal domain, bearing the receptor binding site used for host recognition. Here, we have designed, expressed, and determined the structure of an RBP chimera in which the N-terminal and linker RBP domains of phage TP901-1 (P335) are fused to the C-terminal RBP domain of phage p2 (936). This chimera exhibits a stable structure that closely resembles the parental structures, while a slight displacement of the linker made RBP domain adaptation efficient. The receptor binding site is structurally indistinguishable from that of native p2 RBP and binds glycerol with excellent affinity.A broad number of products are manufactured by large-scale bacterial fermentation, including the value-added fermented dairy products. Most bacterial fermentation industries have experienced problems with phage contamination. Phage outbreaks are costly and time-consuming because they can slow or arrest the fermentation process and adversely affect product quality (15). For decades, the dairy industry has relied on an array of strategies to control this natural phenomenon, including rotation of their bacterial cultures (11, 24, 25). However, in spite of these efforts, new virulent lactococcal phages keep emerging. A better understanding of the various mechanisms affecting the genetic diversity of the phage population is necessary for optimal phage control strategies (18).Lactococcal phages are among the most studied bacterial viruses because of the economic importance of their hosts. Hundreds of lactococcal phages have been isolated, and the vast majority of them have a long, contractile tail, thereby belonging to the Siphoviridae family (1). Lactococcus lactis phages are currently classified into 10 genetically distinct groups (10), but only members of 3 of them are highly adapted to multiply in milk, namely, the 936, c2, and P335 groups (11, 24, 25). The first step for such an effective viral infection is host recognition, which necessitates the interaction between the adsorption device located at the distal tail end of the phage and the cell surface receptor (32). Members of the 936 and P335 groups recognize their host through an interaction between their receptor binding protein (RBP) (13) and receptors, probably lipoteichoic acids, at the host cell surface (27, 29-31).We have previously determined the crystal structures of three RBPs, from the virulent lactococcal phages p2 (30, 31) and bIL170 (936 group) (27) and from the temperate phage TP901-1 (P335 group) (29). The RBPs of these phages have a similar architecture of three protomers related by a threefold axis. Each protomer comprises three domains: the N terminus (named shoulders in p2), the interlaced β-prism linker (the “neck” domain), and the jelly-roll domain (2) at the C terminus (the “head” domain). This last domain harbors a saccharide binding site likely involved in host recognition, as it binds with high affinity to phosphoglycerol, a component of teichoic acid (8, 19, 27, 29-31). We have previously shown that the shoulder and neck domains are highly conserved in the RBPs of 936-like phages (8, 19, 27, 29-31). The individuality of the RBP C-terminal domain sequence likely dictates phage specificity for the receptor, which may specifically recognize different substitutions (H, GlcNAc, or d-Ala) of the phosphoglycerol moieties of the L. lactis teichoic acid polymers. Recently, the complete genomic sequence of the reference virulent phage P335 was determined, and comparative analysis revealed that the C terminus of its RBP showed homology to the RBP of the virulent lactococcal phage P475 of the 936 group (17). Such homology between RBP head domains was surprising because the two lactococcal phage groups rarely shared common genes or domains. This observation suggested that modular shuffling of domains can occur between these otherwise genetically distinct phage groups.The overall fold of the N-terminal RBP domain is different in 936- and P335-like phages. In the P335 group, the N-terminal domain comprises a unique helix that fits into the rest of the phage baseplate (28, 29) (Fig. (Fig.1A),1A), while in the 936 group, this 140-residue domain is a large β-sandwich with an external α-helix (30) (Fig. (Fig.1B).1B). Nonetheless, the N-terminal domains of the two RBPs may still be, related because both appear to be built using a coiled coil, although the 936-like phages have an additional β-sandwich. The β-prism linkers (neck domain) of the two phage groups also differ in sequence and in radius, but they have a similar fold, the latter being also close to that of T4 phage short fiber (33). The linker domain of phage TP901-1 is wider than that of p2 and exhibits a repeated motif (G-X-Y-X-Y, where X is polar and Y nonpolar). Finally, the C-terminal domains of both species share the same fold, a jelly-roll motif (2) also found in adenovirus (5) and reovirus (3, 4, 6).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Structures and sequences of RBPs from lactococcal phages. (A) Three-dimensional structure of the RBP from phage TP901-1 (P335 group; blue). (B) Three-dimensional structure of the RBP from phage p2 (936 group; magenta). (C) View of a model associating domains of TP901-1 (N terminus and linker domain, below red line, blue) and p2 (head, above red line, magenta) RBPs. (D) Three-dimensional crystal structure of chimera form 1 (yellow) assembled according to the model in panel C. (E) Sequence alignment of the RBPs of p2 (part) and TP901-1. The secondary structure is described above the alignment. The binding residues are shown with blue dots. The hinge proline (Pro 162/63) is identified by a red arrow. The chimera is composed of the N-terminal domain (residues 17 to 33) and the linker domain residues (residues 34 to 63) from phage TP901-1 RBP and the C-terminal domain (residues 163 to 264) from phage p2 RBP.The question addressed here was whether exchange between the C-terminal domains of two phage groups would lead to a stable protein with conserved binding capacity. To answer this question, we have generated an RBP chimera comprising the N-terminal and linker domains of phage TP901-1 fused to the C-terminal domain of phage p2. We have produced this chimera and determined its crystal structure and its sugar binding capacity. These results indicate that straightforward domain exchange produced a stable chimera with a conserved binding capacity and a structure close to that of each of the parental parts.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is often refractory to radiotherapy, but molecular mechanisms of tumor resistance remain poorly defined. Here we show that the receptor tyrosine kinase EphA5 is specifically overexpressed in lung cancer and is involved in regulating cellular responses to genotoxic insult. In the absence of EphA5, lung cancer cells displayed a defective G1/S cell cycle checkpoint, were unable to resolve DNA damage, and became radiosensitive. Upon irradiation, EphA5 was transported into the nucleus where it interacted with activated ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia mutated) at sites of DNA repair. Finally, we demonstrate that a new monoclonal antibody against human EphA5 sensitized lung cancer cells and human lung cancer xenografts to radiotherapy and significantly prolonged survival, thus suggesting the likelihood of translational applications.  相似文献   

Genetically modified CD8+ T lymphocytes have shown significant anti-tumor effects in the adoptive immunotherapy of cancer, with recent studies highlighting a potential role for a combination of other immune subsets to enhance these results. However, limitations in present genetic modification techniques impose difficulties in our ability to fully explore the potential of various T cell subsets and assess the potential of other leukocytes armed with chimeric antigen receptors (CARs). To address this issue, we generated a transgenic mouse model using a pan-hematopoietic promoter (vav) to drive the expression of a CAR specific for a tumor antigen. Here we present a characterization of the immune cell compartment in two unique vav-CAR transgenic mice models, Founder 9 (F9) and Founder 38 (F38). We demonstrate the vav promoter is indeed capable of driving the expression of a CAR in cells from both myeloid and lymphoid lineage, however the highest level of expression was observed in T lymphocytes from F38 mice. Lymphoid organs in vav-CAR mice were smaller and had reduced cell numbers compared to the wild type (WT) controls. Furthermore, the immune composition of F9 mice differed greatly with a significant reduction in lymphocytes found in the thymus, lymph node and spleen of these mice. To gain insight into the altered immune phenotype of F9 mice, we determined the chromosomal integration site of the transgene in both mouse strains using whole genome sequencing (WGS). We demonstrated that compared to the 7 copies found in F38 mice, F9 mice harbored almost 270 copies. These novel vav-CAR models provide a ready source of CAR expressing myeloid and lymphoid cells and will aid in facilitating future experiments to delineate the role for other leukocytes for adoptive immunotherapy against cancer.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:构建人源化抗CD19嵌合抗原受体NK细胞(hCAR19-NK),并且在体外证明其对CD19 阳性血液病肿瘤细胞杀伤作用。方法:构建人源化的第二代CD19 CAR的逆转录病毒载体,使用辐照的K562-4-1BBL-mIL21细胞刺激外周血来源的NK细胞,通过逆转录病毒转导NK细胞获得hCAR19-NK细胞;采用流式细胞术和Western blot检测转导效率;采用4 h荧光杀伤实验和ELISA法检测hCAR19-NK细胞对淋巴瘤细胞的杀伤能力和IFN-γ释放水平;采用CD107a脱颗粒实验评估淋巴瘤细胞对hCAR19-NK细胞的特异性激活;比较对照组(Mock)和hCAR19-NK组细胞扩增倍数。结果:流式细胞术和Western blot 证明构建的CAR可以成功转导外周血来源的NK细胞;4 h荧光杀伤实验证明随着效靶比例升高,hCAR19-NK对Raji-GL杀伤率增加,明显高于Mock组;ELISA法检测显示Raji和K562-CD19作为靶细胞时,hCAR19-NK细胞的IFN-γ释放明显高于Mock组(P<0.01);CD19+细胞(Raji和K562-CD19)可以特异性刺激hCAR19-NK细胞表达CD107a,具有统计学意义(P<0.05);Mock组和hCAR19-NK组细胞扩增倍数无显著差异。结论:成功构建了可以杀伤CD19+ 肿瘤的人源化scFv的第二代hCAR19-NK细胞。  相似文献   

A major current focus of structural work on G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) pertains to the investigation of their active states. However, for virtually all GPCRs, active agonist-bound intermediate states have been difficult to characterize experimentally owing to their higher conformational flexibility, and thus intrinsic instability, as compared to inactive inverse agonist-bound states. In this work, we explored possible activation pathways of the prototypic GPCR bovine rhodopsin by means of biased molecular dynamics simulations. Specifically, we used an explicit atomistic representation of the receptor and its environment, and sampled the conformational transition from the crystal structure of a photoactivated deprotonated state of rhodopsin to the low pH crystal structure of opsin in the presence of 11-trans-retinal, using adiabatic biased molecular dynamics simulations. We then reconstructed the system free-energy landscape along the predetermined transition trajectories using a path collective variable approach based on metadynamics. Our results suggest that the two experimental endpoints of rhodopsin/opsin are connected by at least two different pathways, and that the conformational transition is populated by at least four metastable states of the receptor, characterized by a different amplitude of the outward movement of transmembrane helix 6.  相似文献   

Abstract: In anterior pituitary cells or when transfected into host cell lines, the D2 dopamine receptor inhibits adenylyl cyclase and activates potassium channels. The GH-3 pituitary tumor cell line, which lacks functional D2 receptors, responds to epidermal growth factor (EGF) by expressing a D2 receptor that, paradoxically, couples to potassium channel activation but poorly inhibits adenylyl cyclase; this was correlated with a pronounced increase in α subunit of the G protein G13. In this study we have investigated the effects of EGF on the transduction mechanisms of D2 receptors in GH4C1 cells transfected and permanently overexpressing the rat short D2 receptor. Activation of D2 receptors in these cells resulted in both inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and opening of potassium channels and inhibition of prolactin release by both cyclic AMP-dependent and independent mechanisms. Exposure of the transfected GH4C1 cells to EGF caused a dramatic decrease in the coupling efficiency of the D2 receptor to inhibit cyclic AMP-dependent responses, leaving its activity toward potassium channels unchanged. The EGF treatment led to the concomitant increase in the membrane content of G13 protein. These results suggest that the transmembrane signaling specificity of G protein-coupled receptors can be modulated by the relative amounts of different G proteins at the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Dysfunction of the neuromuscular junction is involved in a wide range of muscular diseases. The development of neuromuscular junction through which skeletal muscle is innervated requires the functional modulation of acetylcholine receptor (AchR) clustering on myofibers. However, studies on AchR clustering in vitro are mostly done on monolayer muscle cell culture, which lacks a three-dimensional (3D) structure, a prominent limitation of the two-dimensional (2D) system. To enable a better understanding on the structure–function correlation underlying skeletal muscle innervation, a muscle system with a well-defined geometry mimicking the in vivo muscular setting is needed. Here, we report a 3D bio-artificial muscle (BAM) bioengineered from green fluorescent protein-transduced C3H murine myoblasts as a novel in vitro tissue-based model for muscle innervation studies. Our cell biological and molecular analysis showed that this BAM is structurally similar to in vivo muscle tissue and can reach the perinatal differentiation stage, higher than does 2D culture. Effective clustering and morphological maturation of AchRs on BAMs induced by agrin and laminin indicate the functional activity and plasticity of this BAM system toward innervation. Taken together, our results show that the BAM provides a favorable 3D environment that at least partially recapitulates real physiological skeletal muscle with regard to innervation. With a convenience of fabrication and manipulation, this 3D in vitro system offers a novel model for studying mechanisms underlying skeletal muscle innervation and testing therapeutic strategies for relevant nervous and muscular diseases.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:通过对CAR结构的ScFv单链可变区进行改造,构建并筛选具有更强杀伤肿瘤细胞功能的新型靶向人源B细胞成熟抗原(BCMA)的嵌合抗原受体 (CAR)-T细胞。方法:构建靶向人源BCMA的CAR分子,用逆转录病毒载体包装成功后转导健康志愿者的T细胞,制备Anti-BCMA-CAR-T细胞。将Anti-BCMA-CAR-T细胞作为观察组,普通T细胞作为对照组,将其与RPMI-8226细胞共培养,采用CFSE染色的T细胞增殖实验观察两组体外增殖能力。采用荧光素酶化学发光实验检测两组细胞在不同效靶比(1:8、1:4、1:2、1:1、2:1、4:1)对RPMI-8226细胞的杀伤效率,采用流式细胞术检测两组细胞在不同效靶比(1:4、1:2、1:1、2:1、4:1)对RPMI-8226细胞的杀伤效率。结果:CFSE检测结果显示,与对照组比较,观察组FITC信号明显左移,表明T细胞增殖能力越强。流式细胞术检测结果显示,相同效靶比时,观察组对RPMI-8226细胞的杀伤效率均高于对照组(P均<0.05);荧光素酶化学发光实验结果显示,相同效靶比时,观察组对RPMI-8226细胞的杀伤效率均高于对照组(P均<0.05)。在效靶比为4:1时,CAR170-T(未经改造的传统的ScFv)细胞和CAR174-T(经改造的ScFv)细胞的杀伤效率分别达到了88.5±0.3 %和98.5±0.7 %。结论:通过对CAR结构的ScFv单链可变区进行改造后成功构建出的新型靶向BCMA的CAR-T细胞,它能保持较强的增殖活性且具有更强的杀伤肿瘤细胞的能力。  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic behaviour of both the soluble and purified gamma-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptor of bovine or rat cerebral cortex has been investigated in solution in Triton X-100 or in 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulphonate (CHAPS). In all the hydrodynamic separations made, it was found that the binding activities for GABA, benzodiazepine, and (where detectable) t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate comigrated. Conditions were established for gel exclusion chromatography and for sucrose density gradient velocity sedimentation that maintain the GABAA receptor in a nonaggregated form. Using these conditions, the molecular weight of the bovine GABAA receptor in the above-mentioned detergents was calculated using the H2O/2H2O method. A value of Mr 230,000-240,000 was calculated for the bovine pure GABAA receptor purified in sodium deoxycholate/Triton X-100 media. A value of Mr 284,000-290,000 was calculated for the nonaggregated bovine or rat cortex receptor in CHAPS, but the Stokes radius is smaller in the latter than in the former medium and the detergent binding in CHAPS is underestimated. Thus the deduced Mr, 240,000, is the best estimate by this method.  相似文献   

The proform of the WF146 protease, an extracellular subtilase produced by thermophilic Bacillus sp. WF146, matures efficiently at high temperatures. Here we report that the proform, which contains an N-terminal propeptide composed of a core domain (N*) and a linker peptide, is intrinsically able to mature via multiple pathways. One autocatalytic pathway is initiated by cis-processing of N* to generate an autoprocessed complex N*-IWT, and this step is followed by truncation of the linker peptide and degradation of N*. Another autocatalytic pathway is initiated by trans-processing of the linker peptide followed by degradation of N*. Unlike most reported subtilases, the maturation of the WF146 protease occurs not only autocatalytically but also hetero-catalytically whereby heterogeneous proteases accelerate the maturation of the WF146 protease via trans-processing of the proform and N*-IWT. Although N* acts as an intramolecular chaperone and an inhibitor of the mature enzyme, the linker peptide is susceptible to proteolysis, allowing the trans-processing reaction to occur auto- and hetero-catalytically. These studies also demonstrate that the WF146 protease undergoes subtle structural adjustments during the maturation process and that the binding of Ca2+ is required for routing the proform to mature properly at high temperatures. Interestingly, under Ca2+-free conditions, the proform is cis-processed into a unique propeptide-intermediate complex (N*-IE) capable of re-synthesis of the proform. Based on the basic catalytic principle of serine proteases and these experimental results, a mechanism for the cis-processing/re-synthesis equilibrium of the proform and the role of the linker peptide in regulation of this equilibrium has been proposed.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer remains the single most prevalent cancer in men. Standard therapies are still limited and include androgen ablation that initially causes tumor regression. However, tumor cells eventually relapse and develop into a hormone-refractory prostate cancer. One of the current challenges in this disease is to define new therapeutic targets, which have been virtually unchanged in the past 30 years. Recent studies have suggested that the family of enzymes known as the proprotein convertases (PCs) is involved in various types of cancers and their progression. The present study examined PC expression in prostate cancer and validates one PC, namely PACE4, as a target. The evidence includes the observed high expression of PACE4 in all different clinical stages of human prostate tumor tissues. Gene silencing studies targeting PACE4 in the DU145 prostate cancer cell line produced cells (cell line 4-2) with slower proliferation rates, reduced clonogenic activity, and inability to grow as xenografts in nude mice. Gene expression and proteomic profiling of the 4-2 cell line reveals an increased expression of known cancer-related genes (e.g., GJA1, CD44, IGFBP6) that are downregulated in prostate cancer. Similarly, cancer genes whose expression is decreased in the 4-2 cell line were upregulated in prostate cancer (e.g., MUC1, IL6). The direct role of PACE4 in prostate cancer is most likely through the upregulated processing of growth factors or through the aberrant processing of growth factors leading to sustained cancer progression, suggesting that PACE4 holds a central role in prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Our laboratory is interested in characterizing the neurotransmitter and hormonal phenotype of neurons in the rat hypothalamus expressing novel neuropeptide receptors of the neuropeptide Y and galanin families. In this review, we describe a technique combining nonradioactive in situ hybridization to detect mRNA and fluorescence immunohistochemistry to detect protein antigens. We examined paraffin sections of rat hypothalamus using confocal microscopy to determine whether mRNA for the galanin receptor, GALR2, was colocalized at the cellular level of resolution with somatostatin or tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity. We found that many neurons in the hypothalamus expressed both GALR2 mRNA and either somatostatin or tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity. The simultaneous detection of mRNA and protein immunoreactivity in individual neurons using the confocal microscope for visualization is an excellent tool for the analysis of newly characterized genes in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

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