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There is increasing evidence that tissue-specific modifications of basic cellular functions play an important role in development and disease. To identify the functions of COPI coatomer-mediated membrane trafficking in Drosophila development, we were aiming to create loss-of-function mutations in the γCOP gene, which encodes a subunit of the COPI coatomer complex.

Principal Findings

We found that γCOP is essential for the viability of the Drosophila embryo. In the absence of zygotic γCOP activity, embryos die late in embryogenesis and display pronounced defects in morphogenesis of the embryonic epidermis and of tracheal tubes. The coordinated cell rearrangements and cell shape changes during tracheal tube morphogenesis critically depend on apical secretion of certain proteins. Investigation of tracheal morphogenesis in γCOP loss-of-function mutants revealed that several key proteins required for tracheal morphogenesis are not properly secreted into the apical lumen. As a consequence, γCOP mutants show defects in cell rearrangements during branch elongation, in tube dilation, as well as in tube fusion. We present genetic evidence that a specific subset of the tracheal defects in γCOP mutants is due to the reduced secretion of the Zona Pellucida protein Piopio. Thus, we identified a critical target protein of COPI-dependent secretion in epithelial tube morphogenesis.


These studies highlight the role of COPI coatomer-mediated vesicle trafficking in both general and tissue-specific secretion in a multicellular organism. Although COPI coatomer is generally required for protein secretion, we show that the phenotypic effect of γCOP mutations is surprisingly specific. Importantly, we attribute a distinct aspect of the γCOP phenotype to the effect on a specific key target protein.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are a critical part of the innate immune defense against viral infections and for the control of tumors. Much less is known about how NK cells contribute to anti-bacterial immunity. NK cell-produced interferon gamma (IFN-γ) contributes to the control of early exponential replication of bacterial pathogens, however the regulation of these events remains poorly resolved. Using a mouse model of invasive Salmonellosis, here we report that the activation of the intracellular danger sensor NLRC4 by Salmonella-derived flagellin within CD11c+ cells regulates early IFN-γ secretion by NK cells through the provision of interleukin 18 (IL-18), independently of Toll-like receptor (TLR)-signaling. Although IL18-signalling deficient NK cells improved host protection during S. Typhimurium infection, this increased resistance was inferior to that provided by wild-type NK cells. These findings suggest that although NLRC4 inflammasome-driven secretion of IL18 serves as a potent activator of NK cell mediated IFN-γ secretion, IL18-independent NK cell-mediated mechanisms of IFN-γ secretion contribute to in vivo control of Salmonella replication.  相似文献   

Fibronectin (FN) matrix is crucial for cell and tissue functions during embryonic development, wound healing, and oncogenesis. Assembly of FN matrix fibrils requires FN domains that mediate interactions with integrin receptors and with other FN molecules. In addition, regulation of FN matrix assembly depends on the first two FN type III modules, III1 and III2, which harbor FN-binding sites. We propose that interactions between these two modules sequester FN-binding sites in soluble FN and that these sites become exposed by FN conformational changes during assembly. To test the idea that III1–2 has a compact conformation, we constructed CIIIY, a conformational sensor of III1–2 based on fluorescent resonance energy transfer between cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins conjugated at its N and C termini. We demonstrate energy transfer in CIIIY and show that fluorescent resonance energy transfer was eliminated by proteolysis and by treatment with mild denaturants that disrupted intramolecular interactions between the two modules. We also show that mutations of key charged residues resulted in conformational changes that exposed binding sites for the N-terminal 70-kDa FN fragment. Collectively, these results support a conformation-dependent mechanism for the regulation of FN matrix assembly by III1–2.Fibronectin (FN)3 is a 500-kDa modular dimeric protein and a major component of the extracellular matrix. It exists in the blood and other body fluids as a soluble compact molecule and undergoes cell-mediated assembly to form an insoluble three-dimensional fibrillar matrix (reviewed in Ref. 1). The process of FN matrix assembly has been implicated in embryonic development, wound healing, and cancer (24). FN is composed of type I–III modules, and sets of these modules comprise binding domains for cells and for other extracellular matrix components (see Fig. 1A). Three of these binding domains are essential for matrix assembly (1). Integrin receptor interactions with the cell-binding domain tether disulfide-bonded FN dimers to the cell surface, where FN-FN interactions involving the N-terminal assembly domain form dimers into fibrils. In addition to these essential domains, other FN-binding sites have been implicated in assembly. In particular, the III1–2 FN-binding domain plays a regulatory role in matrix assembly. Within this domain reside a cryptic FN-binding site in III1 and a site available for FN binding in the native form of III2 (58). Recombinant FN lacking III1 is assembled into a matrix at wild-type levels, but that lacking the III1–2 domain results in short immature FN fibrils (8). Peptides derived from the III1–2 domain or antibodies against III1–2 block matrix assembly by cultured cells (911). Furthermore, FN binding to this region is enhanced when FN is mechanically stretched (12). Taken together, these results suggest that conformational changes in the III1–2 domain may control its interactions during FN assembly.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.The FN III1–2 FRET conformational sensor. A, representation of the domain structure of FN and major interaction sites. FN is composed of repeating modules that form binding domains for other FN molecules, cell receptors, and other extracellular matrix components as indicated. The first two type III modules III1 and III2 (black), have FN-binding sites and regulate FN matrix assembly. The N-terminal 70-kDa region contains a matrix assembly domain with FN-binding activity. The cell-binding domain (cell), the heparin-binding domain (heparin), the dimerization site (SS), and the alternatively spliced type IIIA (A), IIIB (B), and variable regions (V) are indicated. 70kD, N-terminal 70-kDa FN fragment. B, schematic of proposed model of III1–2 domain conformation. Panel i, in solution, the FN-binding sites in III1 and III2 (hatched areas) are sequestered through domain orientations that are facilitated by the linker between modules (thin line). Panel ii, binding sites are exposed through conformational changes resulting from cell-mediated extension of FN (arrows). The length of the linker and the height and width of the modules are drawn to scale for a linear peptide and published data on FN type III modules, respectively. C, ribbon diagram representation of CIIIY, a FRET sensor of the model in B (panel i), oriented with N and C termini 50 Å apart. CIIIY consists of the III1–2 domain with CFP at the N terminus and YFP at the C terminus.To more fully understand the roles of native and cryptic FN-binding sites in matrix assembly, the conformational dynamics of III1–2 must be characterized. One approach to this problem is to tag III1–2 with fluorescent probes, which, in conjunction with fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET), create a molecular conformational sensor. FRET involves the radiationless transfer of energy from an excited donor fluorophore to an acceptor fluorophore, a process that is very sensitive to the distance between the two fluorophores (1315). Two fluorescent protein variants, cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), are highly related to green fluorescent protein (GFP). Because the emission spectrum of CFP is well matched to the excitation spectrum of YFP, these two fluorophores have been widely used as a donor-acceptor pair in FRET studies (1315).In this study, we describe a FRET conformational sensor designed to test the idea that intramolecular interactions between III1 and III2 sequester key FN-binding and assembly sites. We show that III1–2 with CFP and YFP fused to the N and C termini, respectively, displays a clear FRET signal, indicating that the attached fluorescent proteins and thus the ends of III1–2 are in close proximity. FRET data from III1–2 mutants support the presence of a stabilizing intermodule salt bridge that regulates FN-binding activity.  相似文献   

Excessive accumulation of β-amyloid peptides in the brain is a major cause for the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. β-Amyloid is derived from β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) through sequential cleavages by β- and γ-secretases, whose enzymatic activities are tightly controlled by subcellular localization. Delineation of how intracellular trafficking of these secretases and APP is regulated is important for understanding Alzheimer disease pathogenesis. Although APP trafficking is regulated by multiple factors including presenilin 1 (PS1), a major component of the γ-secretase complex, and phospholipase D1 (PLD1), a phospholipid-modifying enzyme, regulation of intracellular trafficking of PS1/γ-secretase and β-secretase is less clear. Here we demonstrate that APP can reciprocally regulate PS1 trafficking; APP deficiency results in faster transport of PS1 from the trans-Golgi network to the cell surface and increased steady state levels of PS1 at the cell surface, which can be reversed by restoring APP levels. Restoration of APP in APP-deficient cells also reduces steady state levels of other γ-secretase components (nicastrin, APH-1, and PEN-2) and the cleavage of Notch by PS1/γ-secretase that is more highly correlated with cell surface levels of PS1 than with APP overexpression levels, supporting the notion that Notch is mainly cleaved at the cell surface. In contrast, intracellular trafficking of β-secretase (BACE1) is not regulated by APP. Moreover, we find that PLD1 also regulates PS1 trafficking and that PLD1 overexpression promotes cell surface accumulation of PS1 in an APP-independent manner. Our results clearly elucidate a physiological function of APP in regulating protein trafficking and suggest that intracellular trafficking of PS1/γ-secretase is regulated by multiple factors, including APP and PLD1.An important pathological hallmark of Alzheimer disease (AD)4 is the formation of senile plaques in the brains of patients. The major components of those plaques are β-amyloid peptides (Aβ), whose accumulation triggers a cascade of neurodegenerative steps ending in formation of senile plaques and intraneuronal fibrillary tangles with subsequent neuronal loss in susceptible brain regions (1, 2). Aβ is proteolytically derived from the β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) through sequential cleavages by β-secretase (BACE1), a novel membrane-bound aspartyl protease (3, 4), and by γ-secretase, a high molecular weight complex consisting of at least four components: presenilin (PS), nicastrin (NCT), anterior pharynx-defective-1 (APH-1), and presenilin enhancer-2 (PEN-2) (5, 6). APP is a type I transmembrane protein belonging to a protein family that includes APP-like protein 1 (APLP1) and 2 (APLP2) in mammals (7, 8). Full-length APP is synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and transported through the Golgi apparatus. Most secreted Aβ peptides are generated within the trans-Golgi network (TGN), also the major site of steady state APP in neurons (911). APP can be transported to the cell surface in TGN-derived secretory vesicles if not proteolyzed to Aβ or an intermediate metabolite. At the cell surface APP is either cleaved by α-secretase to produce soluble sAPPα (12) or reinternalized for endosomal/lysosomal degradation (13, 14). Aβ may also be generated in endosomal/lysosomal compartments (15, 16). In contrast to neurotoxic Aβ peptides, sAPPα possesses neuroprotective potential (17, 18). Thus, the subcellular distribution of APP and proteases that process it directly affect the ratio of sAPPα to Aβ, making delineation of the mechanisms responsible for regulating trafficking of all of these proteins relevant to AD pathogenesis.Presenilin (PS) is a critical component of the γ-secretase. Of the two mammalian PS gene homologues, PS1 and PS2, PS1 encodes the major form (PS1) in active γ-secretase (19, 20). Nascent PSs undergo endoproteolytic cleavage to generate an amino-terminal fragment (NTF) and a carboxyl-terminal fragment (CTF) to form a functional PS heterodimer (21). Based on observations that PSs possess two highly conserved aspartate residues indispensable for γ-secretase activity and that specific transition state analogue γ-secretase inhibitors bind to PS1 NTF/CTF heterodimers (5, 22), PSs are believed to be the catalytic component of the γ-secretase complex. PS assembles with three other components, NCT, APH-1, and PEN-2, to form the functional γ-secretase (5, 6). Strong evidence suggests that PS1/γ-secretase resides principally in the ER, early Golgi, TGN, endocytic and intermediate compartments, most of which (except the TGN) are not major subcellular sites for APP (23, 24). In addition to generating Aβ and cleaving APP to release the APP intracellular domain, PS1/γ-secretase cleaves other substrates such as Notch (25), cadherin (26), ErbB4 (27), and CD44 (28), releasing their respective intracellular domains. Interestingly, PS1/γ-secretase cleavage of different substrates seems to occur at different subcellular compartments; APP is mainly cleaved at the TGN and early endosome domains, whereas Notch is predominantly cleaved at the cell surface (9, 11, 29). Thus, perturbing intracellular trafficking of PS1/γ-secretase may alter interactions between PS1/γ-secretase and APP, contributing to either abnormal Aβ generation and AD pathogenesis or decreased access of PS1/γ-secretase to APP such that Aβ production is reduced. However, mechanisms regulating PS1/γ-secretase trafficking warrant further investigation.In addition to participating in γ-secretase activity, PS1 regulates intracellular trafficking of several membrane proteins, including other γ-secretase components (nicastrin, APH-1, and PEN-2) and the substrate APP (reviewed in Ref. 30). Intracellular APP trafficking is highly regulated and requires other factors such as mint family members and SorLA (2). Moreover, we recently found that phospholipase D1 (PLD1), a phospholipid-modifying enzyme that regulates membrane trafficking events, can interact with PS1, and can regulate budding of APP-containing vesicles from the TGN and delivery of APP to the cell surface (31, 32). Interestingly, Kamal et al. (33) identified an axonal membrane compartment that contains APP, BACE1, and PS1 and showed that fast anterograde axonal transport of this compartment is mediated by APP and kinesin-I, implying a traffic-regulating role for APP. Increased APP expression is also shown to decrease retrograde axonal transport of nerve growth factor (34). However, whether APP indeed regulates intracellular trafficking of proteins including BACE1 and PS1/γ-secretase requires further validation. In the present study we demonstrate that intracellular trafficking of PS1, as well as that of other γ-secretase components, but not BACE1, is regulated by APP. APP deficiency promotes cell surface delivery of PS1/γ-secretase complex and facilitates PS1/γ-secretase-mediated Notch cleavage. In addition, we find that PLD1 also regulates intracellular trafficking of PS1 through a different mechanism and more potently than APP.  相似文献   



Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is the most common cause for bacterial exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Recent investigations suggest the participation of the inflammasome in the pathomechanism of airway inflammation. The inflammasome is a cytosolic protein complex important for early inflammatory responses, by processing Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) to its active form.


Since inflammasome activation has been described for a variety of inflammatory diseases, we investigated whether this pathway plays a role in NTHi infection of the airways.


A murine macrophage cell line (RAW 264.7), human alveolar macrophages and human lung tissue (HLT) were stimulated with viable or non-viable NTHi and/or nigericin, a potassium ionophore. Secreted cytokines were measured with ELISA and participating proteins detected via Western Blot or immunohistochemistry.

Measurements and Main Results

Western Blot analysis of cells and immunohistochemistry of lung tissue detected the inflammasome key components NLRP3 and caspase-1 after stimulation, leading to a significant induction of IL-1β expression (RAW: control at the lower detection limit vs. NTHi 505±111pg/ml, p<0.01). Inhibition of caspase-1 in human lung tissue led to a significant reduction of IL-1β and IL-18 levels (IL-1β: NTHi 24 h 17423±3198pg/ml vs. NTHi+Z-YVAD-FMK 6961±1751pg/ml, p<0.01).


Our data demonstrate the upregulation of the NRLP3-inflammasome during NTHi-induced inflammation in respiratory cells and tissues. Our findings concerning caspase-1 dependent IL-1β release suggest a role for the inflammasome in respiratory tract infections with NTHi which may be relevant for the pathogenesis of bacterial exacerbations in COPD.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that loss of the T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TC-PTP) induces Rab4a-dependent recycling of the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) β-receptor in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). Here we identify protein kinase C (PKC) α as the critical signaling component that regulates the sorting of the PDGF β-receptor at the early endosomes. Down-regulation of PKC abrogated receptor recycling by preventing the sorting of the activated receptor into EGFP-Rab4a positive domains on the early endosomes. This effect was mimicked by inhibition of PKCα, using myristoylated inhibitory peptides or by knockdown of PKCα with shRNAi. In wt MEFs, short-term preactivation of PKC by PMA caused a ligand-induced PDGF β-receptor recycling that was dependent on Rab4a function. Together, these observations demonstrate that PKC activity is necessary for recycling of ligand-stimulated PDGF β-receptor to occur. The sorting also required Rab4a function as it was prevented by expression of EGFP-Rab4aS22N. Preventing receptor sorting into recycling endosomes increased the rate of receptor degradation, indicating that the sorting of activated receptors at early endosomes directly regulates the duration of receptor signaling. Activation of PKC through the LPA receptor also induced PDGF β-receptor recycling and potentiated the chemotactic response to PDGF-BB. Taken together, our present findings indicate that sorting of PDGF β-receptors on early endosomes is regulated by sequential activation of PKCα and Rab4a and that this sorting step could constitute a point of cross-talk with other receptors.  相似文献   

Alcohol may induce metabolic and functional changes in gastrointestinal epithelial cells, contributing to impaired mucosal barrier function. Duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion (DBS) is a primary epithelial defense against gastric acid and also has an important function in maintaining the homeostasis of the juxtamucosal microenvironment. The aim in this study was to investigate the effects of the luminal perfusion of moderate concentrations of ethanol in vivo on epithelial DBS, fluid secretion and paracellular permeability. Under thiobarbiturate anesthesia, a ∼30-mm segment of the proximal duodenum with an intact blood supply was perfused in situ in rats. The effects on DBS, duodenal transepithelial net fluid flux and the blood-to-lumen clearance of 51Cr-EDTA were investigated. Perfusing the duodenum with isotonic solutions of 10% or 15% ethanol-by-volume for 30 min increased DBS in a concentration-dependent manner, while the net fluid flux did not change. Pre-treatment with the CFTR inhibitor CFTRinh172 (i.p. or i.v.) did not change the secretory response to ethanol, while removing Cl from the luminal perfusate abolished the ethanol-induced increase in DBS. The administration of hexamethonium (i.v.) but not capsazepine significantly reduced the basal net fluid flux and the ethanol-induced increase in DBS. Perfusing the duodenum with a combination of 1.0 mM HCl and 15% ethanol induced significantly greater increases in DBS than 15% ethanol or 1.0 mM HCl alone but did not influence fluid flux. Our data demonstrate that ethanol induces increases in DBS through a mechanism that is critically dependent on luminal Cl and partly dependent on enteric neural pathways involving nicotinic receptors. Ethanol and HCl appears to stimulate DBS via the activation of different bicarbonate transporting mechanisms.  相似文献   

The Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) proteins from Mycobacterium smegmatis MsDps1 and MsDps2 are both DNA-binding proteins with some differences. While MsDps1 has two oligomeric states, with one of them responsible for DNA binding, MsDps2 has only one DNA-binding oligomeric state. Both the proteins however, show iron-binding activity. The MsDps1 protein has been shown previously to be induced under conditions of starvation and osmotic stress and is regulated by the extra cellular sigma factors σH and σF. We show here, that the second Dps homologue in M. smegmatis, namely MsDps2, is purified in a DNA-bound form and exhibits nucleoid-like structures under the atomic force microscope. It appears that the N-terminal sequence of Dps2 plays a role in nucleoid formation. MsDps2, unlike MsDps1, does not show elevated expression in nutritionally starved or stationary phase conditions; rather its promoter is recognized by RNA polymerase containing σA or σB, under in vitro conditions. We propose that due to the nucleoid-condensing ability, the expression of MsDps2 is tightly regulated inside the cells.  相似文献   

Bacterial pathogens and their toxins target host receptors, leading to aberrant behavior or host death by changing signaling events through subversion of host intracellular cAMP level. This is an efficient and widespread mechanism of microbial pathogenesis. Previous studies describe toxins that increase cAMP in host cells, resulting in death through G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling pathways by influencing adenylyl cyclase or G protein activity. G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) has a central role in regulation of GPCR desensitization. However, little information is available about the pathogenic mechanisms of toxins associated with GRK2. Here, we reported a new bacterial toxin-Bacillus bombysepticus (Bb) α-toxin that was lethal to host. We showed that Bb α-toxin interacted with BmGRK2. The data demonstrated that Bb α-toxin directly bound to BmGRK2 to promote death by affecting GPCR signaling pathways. This mechanism involved stimulation of Gαs, increase level of cAMP and activation of protein kinase A (PKA). Activated cAMP/PKA signal transduction altered downstream effectors that affected homeostasis and fundamental biological processes, disturbing the structural and functional integrity of cells, resulting in death. Preventing cAMP/PKA signaling transduction by inhibitions (NF449 or H-89) substantially reduced the pathogenicity of Bb α-toxin. The discovery of a toxin-induced host death specifically linked to GRK2 mediated signaling pathway suggested a new model for bacterial toxin action. Characterization of host genes whose expression and function are regulated by Bb α-toxin and GRK2 will offer a deeper understanding of the pathogenesis of infectious diseases caused by pathogens that elevate cAMP.  相似文献   

There is a large body of scientific evidence suggesting that 3,3′-Diindolylmethane (DIM), a compound derived from the digestion of indole-3-carbinol, which is abundant in cruciferous vegetables, harbors anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo. Accumulating evidence suggests that AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) plays an essential role in cellular energy homeostasis and tumor development and that targeting AMPK may be a promising therapeutic option for cancer treatment in the clinic. We previously reported that a formulated DIM (BR-DIM; hereafter referred as B-DIM) with higher bioavailability was able to induce apoptosis and inhibit cell growth, angiogenesis, and invasion of prostate cancer cells. However, the precise molecular mechanism(s) for the anti-cancer effects of B-DIM have not been fully elucidated. In the present study, we investigated whether AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a molecular target of B-DIM in human prostate cancer cells. Our results showed, for the first time, that B-DIM could activate the AMPK signaling pathway, associated with suppression of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), down-regulation of androgen receptor (AR) expression, and induction of apoptosis in both androgen-sensitive LNCaP and androgen-insensitive C4-2B prostate cancer cells. B-DIM also activates AMPK and down-regulates AR in androgen-independent C4-2B prostate tumor xenografts in SCID mice. These results suggest that B-DIM could be used as a potential anti-cancer agent in the clinic for prevention and/or treatment of prostate cancer regardless of androgen responsiveness, although functional AR may be required.  相似文献   

cDNA corresponding to the GA4 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana L. (Heynh.) was expressed in Escherichia coli, from which cell lysates converted [14C]gibberellin (GA)9 and [14C]GA20 to radiolabeled GA4 and GA1, respectively, thereby confirming that GA4 encodes a GA 3β-hydroxylase. GA9 was the preferred substrate, with a Michaelis value of 1 μm compared with 15 μm for GA20. Hydroxylation of these GAs was regiospecific, with no indication of 2β-hydroxylation or 2,3-desaturation. The capacity of the recombinant enzyme to hydroxylate a range of other GA substrates was investigated. In general, the preferred substrates contained a polar bridge between C-4 and C-10, and 13-deoxy GAs were preferred to their 13-hydroxylated analogs. Therefore, no activity was detected using GA12-aldehyde, GA12, GA19, GA25, GA53, or GA44 as the open lactone (20-hydroxy-GA53), whereas GA15, GA24, and GA44 were hydroxylated to GA37, GA36, and GA38, respectively. The open lactone of GA15 (20-hydroxy-GA12) was hydroxylated but less efficiently than GA15. In contrast to the free acid, GA25 19,20-anhydride was 3β-hydroxylated to give GA13. 2,3-Didehydro-GA9 and GA5 were converted by recombinant GA4 to the corresponding epoxides 2,3-oxido-GA9 and GA6.Dwarf mutants with reduced biosynthesis of the GA plant hormones have been valuable tools in studies of the function of these compounds (Ross, 1994). In Arabidopsis thaliana, mutations at six loci (GA1-GA6) that result in reduced GA biosynthesis have been identified (Koorneef and van der Veen, 1980; Sponsel et al., 1997), and three of these loci have recently been cloned. The GA1 locus was isolated by genomic subtraction (Sun et al., 1992) and shown by heterologous expression in Escherichia coli to encode the enzyme that cyclizes geranylgeranyl diphosphate to copalyl diphosphate (Sun and Kamiya, 1994). This enzyme was formerly referred to as ent-kaurene synthase A but has been renamed copalyl diphosphate synthase (Hedden and Kamiya, 1997; MacMillan, 1997). The GA5 locus was shown to correspond to one of the GA 20-oxidase genes (Xu et al., 1995), the products of which catalyze the conversion of GA12 to GA9 and GA53 to GA20 (Phillips et al., 1995; Xu et al., 1995). GA 20-oxidases are 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases that are encoded by small multigene families, members of which are differentially expressed in plant tissues (Phillips et al., 1995; Garcia-Martinez et al., 1997).The GA4 locus was isolated by T-DNA tagging and, on the basis of the derived amino acid sequence, was also shown to encode a dioxygenase (Chiang et al., 1995). Several lines of evidence indicate that the GA4 gene encodes a GA 3β-hydroxylase. Shoots of a ga4 mutant, all alleles of which are semidwarf, contained reduced concentrations of the 3β-hydroxy GAs GA1, GA4, and GA8 compared with the Landsberg erecta wild type, whereas levels of immediate precursors to these GAs were elevated (Talon et al., 1990). Furthermore, metabolism of [13C]GA20 to [13C]GA1 was substantially less in the mutant than in the wild type (Kobayashi et al., 1994). In the present paper we confirm by functional expression of its cDNA in E. coli that GA4 encodes a GA 3β-hydroxylase. In addition, we determine the substrate specificity of recombinant GA4 using a number of C20- and C19-GAs and show by kinetic analysis that the enzyme has a higher affinity for GA9 than for GA20, which is consistent with the non-13-hydroxylation pathway predominating in Arabidopsis (Talon et al., 1990).  相似文献   

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