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Sequencing hypervariable regions from the 18S rRNA gene is commonly employed to characterize protistan biodiversity, yet there are concerns that short reads do not provide the same taxonomic resolution as full‐length sequences. A total of 7,432 full‐length sequences were used to perform an in silico analysis of how sequences of various lengths and target regions impact downstream ecological interpretations. Sequences that were longer than 400 nucleotides and included the V4 hypervariable region generated results similar to those derived from full‐length 18S rRNA gene sequences. Present high‐throughput sequencing capabilities are approaching protistan diversity estimation comparable to whole gene sequences.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲盐碱地花生根层土壤菌群结构多样性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
戴良香  康涛  慈敦伟  丁红  徐扬  张智猛  张岱  李文金 《生态学报》2019,39(19):7169-7178
花生属豆科固氮作物,具较强的抗旱耐盐性,土壤微生物在盐碱土生态系统中具有重要的生态功能。以花生平作、花生/棉花间作为对象,通过16S rRNA基因克隆文库技术分析了黄河三角洲滨海盐碱地花生旺盛生长期不同含盐量盐碱地和非盐碱地0—40cm根层非培养土壤微生物群落组成及其多样性,分析了盐碱地花生根层土壤细菌群落与非盐碱地花生根层土壤细菌群落的差异,为揭示盐碱地花生根层土壤微生物的多样性以及土地利用变化与生态环境效应间的关系奠定基础。利用免培养技术直接从土壤样品提取总DNA,针对细菌基因组16S rRNA基因的V3高变区进行PCR扩增;利用焦磷酸测序的方法对V3高变区PCR产物进行高通量测序,并对测序数据进行生物信息学分析。结果表明,(1)黄河三角洲滨海盐碱土较高含盐量土壤中根层土壤微生物种类、优势种群数量和群落功能多样性较非盐碱土壤较为丰富。(2)盐碱土花生平作或花生//棉花间作两种种植方式基本不影响二者0—40cm根层土壤微生物优势类群;不同土壤类型和种植模式下,花生和棉花根层土壤中优势菌群均为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)和酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria) 4种菌群,其总丰度为80%—90%。非盐碱土壤中花生根层的酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)丰度是盐碱土壤中的3倍以上,嗜热油菌纲(Thermoleophilia)和放线菌纲(Actinomycetales)丰度远高于各种盐碱土壤花生平作和花生//棉花间作两种植模式下的花生根层土壤;非盐碱土平作花生0—40cm土层中Rubellimicrobium、Pontibacter和Lamia细菌则显著缺失。(3)土壤类型对土壤微生物菌群类型影响较大,聚类分析表明,10个土壤样本依据土壤含盐量高低和根系分布深度聚为3类,即非盐碱土壤归为1类,盐碱土壤根系密集分布层0—20cm、20—40cm各归为1类。  相似文献   

Although open ocean time-series sites have been areas of microbial research for years, relatively little is known about the population dynamics of bacterioplankton communities in the coastal ocean on kilometer spatial and seasonal temporal scales. To gain a better understanding of microbial community variability, monthly samples of bacterial biomass were collected in 1995-1996 along a 34-km transect near the Long-Term Ecosystem Observatory (LEO-15) off the New Jersey coast. Surface and bottom sampling was performed at seven stations along a transect line with depths ranging from 1 to 35 m (n=178). Microbial populations were fingerprinted using ribosomal 16S rRNA genes and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Results from cluster analysis revealed distinct temporal patterns among the bacterioplankton communities in the Mid-Atlantic Bight rather than grouping by sample location or depth. Principal components analysis models supported the temporal patterns. In addition, partial least squares regression modeling could not discern a significant correlation from traditional oceanographic physical and phytoplankton nutrient parameters on overall bacterial community variability patterns at LEO-15. These results suggest factors not traditionally measured during oceanographic studies are structuring coastal microbial communities.  相似文献   

Protists make up an important component of aquatic ecosystems, playing crucial roles in biogeochemical processes on local and global scales. To reveal the changes of diversity and community structure of protists along the salinity gradients, community compositions of active protistan assemblages were characterized along a transect from the lower Pearl River estuary to the open waters of the South China Sea (SCS), using high-throughput sequencing of the hyper-variable V9 regions of 18S rRNA. This study showed that the alpha diversity of protists, both in the freshwater and in the coastal SCS stations was higher than that in the estuary. The protist community structure also changed along the salinity gradient. The relative sequence abundance of Stramenopiles was highest at stations with lower salinity and decreased with the increasing of salinity. By contrast, the contributions of Alveolata, Hacrobia and Rhizaria to the protistan communities generally increased with the increasing of salinity. The composition of the active protistan community was strongly correlated with salinity, indicating that salinity was the dominant factor among measured environmental parameters affecting protistan community composition and structure.  相似文献   

The microbial community and its diversity in production water from a high-temperature, water-flooded petroleum reservoir of an offshore oilfield in China were characterized by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene clone libraries were constructed from the community DNA and, using sequence analysis, 388 bacterial and 220 archaeal randomly selected clones were clustered with 60 and 28 phylotypes, respectively. The results showed that the 16S rRNA genes of bacterial clones belonged to the divisions Firmicutes, Thermotogae, Nitrospirae and Proteobacteria, whereas the archaeal library was dominated by methanogen-like rRNA genes (Methanothermobacter, Methanobacter, Methanobrevibacter and Methanococcus), with a lower percentage of clones belonging to Thermoprotei. Thermophilic microorganisms were found in the production water, as well as mesophilic microorganisms such as Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter-like clones. The thermophilic microorganisms may be common inhabitants of geothermally heated specialized subsurface environments, which have been isolated previously from a number of high-temperature petroleum reservoirs worldwide. The mesophilic microorganisms were probably introduced into the reservoir as it was being exploited. The results of this work provide further insight into the composition of microbial communities of high-temperature petroleum reservoirs at offshore oilfields.  相似文献   

Cultivation-based and molecular approaches were used to characterize the phylogenetic composition and structure of the microbial community in an extremely acidic (pH 2.0) acid mine drainage (AMD) associated with Pb/Zn mine tailings that were undergoing vigorous acid generation. Acidophilic bacteria were isolated and enumerated on solid media, and were found to be restricted to isolates related to Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidiphilium cryptum. By contrast, cloning and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA genes revealed that, although low in total taxonomically distinct groups, the tailings AMD ecosystem harbored a wide range of phylogenetically diverse microbes. Of the 141 clones examined, 104 were phylogenetically affiliated with the recently discovered, iron-oxidizing Leptospirillum group III within the Nitrospira. It thus appears that iron serves as the major electron donor in this habitat. Thirty clones were affiliated with the Proteobacteria, half of which belonged to organisms related to Alphaproteobacteria species capable of ferric iron reduction. Other clones were grouped with Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria (six clones each), and even with Deltaproteobacteria (three clones), a subdivision with anaerobic sulfate or metal (iron) reduction as the predominant physiological trait of its members. Finally, four clones were clustered within the Firmicutes and the Acidobacteria. Approximately half of the sequence types representing the majority of the total clones fell into lineages that are poorly represented by cultured organisms or have thus far been represented by only a few environmental sequences. Thus, the present study extends our knowledge of the biodiversity of microorganisms populating highly acidic AMD environments.  相似文献   

分子生物学方法在微生物多样性研究中的应用   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
杨永华  姚健 《生物多样性》2000,8(3):337-342
微生物多样性是生物多样性的重要组成部分。由于微生物和大生物(动、植物)相比,存在着多种显著差异,因此其多样性,保护及利用也有所不同,尤其是研究方法亟待完善,提高。近年来,分子生物学方法广泛用于微生物多样性的研究并取得了一系列研究成果。本文从四个方面加以介绍:1)微生物总DNA制备及其遗传多样性检测方法;2)16SrRNA基因序列研究;3)核酸杂交分析技术;4)DNA动力学的研究。今后的发展趋势是加  相似文献   

Slash‐and‐burn clearing of forest typically results in increase in soil nutrient availability. However, the impact of these nutrients on the soil microbiome is not known. Using next generation sequencing of 16S rRNA gene and shotgun metagenomic DNA, we compared the structure and the potential functions of bacterial community in forest soils to deforested soils in the Amazon region and related the differences to soil chemical factors. Deforestation decreased soil organic matter content and factors linked to soil acidity and raised soil pH, base saturation and exchangeable bases. Concomitant to expected changes in soil chemical factors, we observed an increase in the alpha diversity of the bacterial microbiota and relative abundances of putative copiotrophic bacteria such as Actinomycetales and a decrease in the relative abundances of bacterial taxa such as Chlamydiae, Planctomycetes and Verrucomicrobia in the deforested soils. We did not observe an increase in genes related to microbial nutrient metabolism in deforested soils. However, we did observe changes in community functions such as increases in DNA repair, protein processing, modification, degradation and folding functions, and these functions might reflect adaptation to changes in soil characteristics due to forest clear‐cutting and burning. In addition, there were changes in the composition of the bacterial groups associated with metabolism‐related functions. Co‐occurrence microbial network analysis identified distinct phylogenetic patterns for forest and deforested soils and suggested relationships between Planctomycetes and aluminium content, and Actinobacteria and nitrogen sources in Amazon soils. The results support taxonomic and functional adaptations in the soil bacterial community following deforestation. We hypothesize that these microbial adaptations may serve as a buffer to drastic changes in soil fertility after slash‐and‐burning deforestation in the Amazon region.  相似文献   

Halophilic protozoa are independently scattered across the molecular phylogeny of eukaryotes; most of which are assigned to Heterolobosea. Here, we isolated a biflagellate from a hypersaline water of 342‰ salinity. This isolate shared several morphological features with typical halophilic heterolobosean flagellates. In addition, molecular phylogenetic trees of the 18S rRNA gene sequences clearly indicated flagellate is a heterolobosean species closely related to the halophilic Tulamoebidae. However, the flagellate was not accommodated to any described genus. Cells were ovoid‐shaped, and no amoebae were observed. The two unequal flagella beat heterodynamically. An ear‐like bulge at the margin of a cytostomal groove was observed. Flagellates could grow at 100–200‰ salinity, suggesting an obligately halophilic species. Currently, it appears that the new halophilic Aurem hypersalina forms a strong clade with Tulamoebidae, and is sister to the Tulamoebidae, indicating that this new clade is composed almost entirely of obligate halophilic taxa. Thus, A. hypersalina and the Tulamoebidae clade currently represent a unique adaptive radiation of halophilic eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Drought duration and intensity are expected to increase with global climate change. How changes in water availability and temperature affect the combined plant–soil–microorganism response remains uncertain. We excavated soil monoliths from a beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest, thus keeping the understory plant–microbe communities intact, imposed an extreme climate event, consisting of drought and/or a single heat‐pulse event, and followed microbial community dynamics over a time period of 28 days. During the treatment, we labeled the canopy with 13CO2 with the goal of (i) determining the strength of plant–microbe carbon linkages under control, drought, heat and heat–drought treatments and (ii) characterizing microbial groups that are tightly linked to the plant–soil carbon continuum based on 13C‐labeled PLFAs. Additionally, we used 16S rRNA sequencing of bacteria from the Ah horizon to determine the short‐term changes in the active microbial community. The treatments did not sever within‐plant transport over the experiment, and carbon sinks belowground were still active. Based on the relative distribution of labeled carbon to roots and microbial PLFAs, we determined that soil microbes appear to have a stronger carbon sink strength during environmental stress. High‐throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA revealed multiple trajectories in microbial community shifts within the different treatments. Heat in combination with drought had a clear negative effect on microbial diversity and resulted in a distinct shift in the microbial community structure that also corresponded to the lowest level of label found in the PLFAs. Hence, the strongest changes in microbial abundances occurred in the heat–drought treatment where plants were most severely affected. Our study suggests that many of the shifts in the microbial communities that we might expect from extreme environmental stress will result from the plant–soil–microbial dynamics rather than from direct effects of drought and heat on soil microbes alone.  相似文献   

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