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Background and Aims

A vast quantity of empirical evidence suggests that insufficient quantity or quality of pollen may lead to a reduction in fruit set, in particular for self-incompatible species. This study uses an integrative approach that combines field research with marker gene analysis to understand the factors affecting reproductive success in a widely distributed self-incompatible species, Prunus virginiana (Rosaceae).


Twelve patches of P. virginiana distributed within three populations that differed in degree of disturbance were examined. Two of the sites were small (7–35 km2) remnants of forest in an intensively used agricultural landscape, while the third was continuous (350 km2) and less disturbed. Field studies (natural and hand cross-pollinations) were combined with marker gene analyses (microsatellites and S-locus) in order to explore potential factors affecting pollen delivery and consequently reproductive success at landscape (between populations) and fine scales (within populations).

Key Results

Reductions in reproductive output were found in the two fragments compared with the continuous population, and suggest that pollen is an important factor limiting fruit production. Genetic analyses carried out in one of the fragments and in the continuous site suggest that even though S-allele diversity is high in both populations, the fragment exhibits an increase in biparental inbreeding and correlated paternity. The increase in biparental inbreeding in the fragment is potentially attributable to variation in the density of individuals and/or the spatial distribution of genotypes among populations, both of which could alter mating dynamics.


By using a novel integrative approach, this study shows that even though P. virginiana is a widespread species, fragmented populations can experience significant reductions in fruit set and pollen limitation in the field. Deatiled examination of one fragmented population suggests that these linitations may be explained by an increase in biparental inbreeding, correlated paternity and fine-scale genetic structure. The consistency of the field and fine-scale genetic analyses, and the consistency of the results within patches and across years, suggest that these are important processes driving pollen limitation in the fragment.  相似文献   

Critical to the mitigation of parasitic vector-borne diseases is the development of accurate spatial predictions that integrate environmental conditions conducive to pathogen proliferation. Species of Plasmodium and Trypanosoma readily infect humans, and are also common in birds. Here, we develop predictive spatial models for the prevalence of these blood parasites in the olive sunbird (Cyanomitra olivacea). Since this species exhibits high natural parasite prevalence and occupies diverse habitats in tropical Africa, it represents a distinctive ecological model system for studying vector-borne pathogens. We used PCR and microscopy to screen for haematozoa from 28 sites in Central and West Africa. Species distribution models were constructed to associate ground-based and remotely sensed environmental variables with parasite presence. We then used machine-learning algorithm models to identify relationships between parasite prevalence and environmental predictors. Finally, predictive maps were generated by projecting model outputs to geographically unsampled areas. Results indicate that for Plasmodium spp., the maximum temperature of the warmest month was most important in predicting prevalence. For Trypanosoma spp., seasonal canopy moisture variability was the most important predictor. The models presented here visualize gradients of disease prevalence, identify pathogen hotspots and will be instrumental in studying the effects of ecological change on these and other pathogens.  相似文献   

Retinyl esters are the major chemical forms of vitamin A stored in the liver, and can be delivered to peripheral tissues for conversion into biologically active forms. The function and regulation of the hepatic genes that are potentially involved in catalyzing the hydrolysis of retinyl esters remain unclear. Here we show that two lipid hydrolytic genes, pancreatic-related protein 2 (mPlrp2) and procolipase (mClps), expressed specifically in the mouse pancreas, are associated with the ratio of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) to S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy). Light illumination deficiency or administration of 5'-AMP elevated the ratio of AdoMet to AdoHcy and induced the expression in the liver of mPlrp2 and mClps, which was blocked by all-trans retinoic acid. Mice fed a vitamin A-free diet exhibited increased activation of hepatic mPlrp2 and mClps expression, which was associated with increased methylation of histone H3K4 residues located near the mPlrp2 and mClps promoters. Inhibition of hepatic mPlrp2 and mClps expression by a methylase inhibitor, methylthioadenosine, markedly decreased plasma retinol levels in these mice. The activated hepatic stellate cell (HSC)-T6 cell line specifically expressed mClps and mPlrp2. Inhibition of mClps gene expressions by short hairpin RNA (shRNA) decreased hydrolysis of retinyl esters in the HSC-T6 cell line. These data suggest that the conditional expression of mPlrp2 and mClps is involved in the hydrolysis of retinyl esters in the mouse liver.  相似文献   

Bacteria of the class Dehalococcoidia (DEH), phylum Chloroflexi, are widely distributed in the marine subsurface, yet metabolic properties of the many uncultivated lineages are completely unknown. This study therefore analysed genomic content from a single DEH cell designated ‘DEH-J10'' obtained from the sediments of Aarhus Bay, Denmark. Real-time PCR showed the DEH-J10 phylotype was abundant in upper sediments but was absent below 160 cm below sea floor. A 1.44 Mbp assembly was obtained and was estimated to represent up to 60.8% of the full genome. The predicted genome is much larger than genomes of cultivated DEH and appears to confer metabolic versatility. Numerous genes encoding enzymes of core and auxiliary beta-oxidation pathways were identified, suggesting that this organism is capable of oxidising various fatty acids and/or structurally related substrates. Additional substrate versatility was indicated by genes, which may enable the bacterium to oxidise aromatic compounds. Genes encoding enzymes of the reductive acetyl-CoA pathway were identified, which may also enable the fixation of CO2 or oxidation of organics completely to CO2. Genes encoding a putative dimethylsulphoxide reductase were the only evidence for a respiratory terminal reductase. No evidence for reductive dehalogenase genes was found. Genetic evidence also suggests that the organism could synthesise ATP by converting acetyl-CoA to acetate by substrate-level phosphorylation. Other encoded enzymes putatively conferring marine adaptations such as salt tolerance and organo-sulphate sulfohydrolysis were identified. Together, these analyses provide the first insights into the potential metabolic traits that may enable members of the DEH to occupy an ecological niche in marine sediments.  相似文献   

Ejaculated mammalian sperm must acquire fertilization capacity after residing into the female reproductive tract, a process collectively known as capacitation. Cholesterol efflux was required for sperm maturation. Different from flagellated sperm, C. elegans sperm are crawling cells. C. elegans sperm are highly enriched with cholesterol though this animal species lacks biosynthetic pathway for cholesterol and its survival requires an exogenous cholesterol supply. The low abundance of cholesterol in C. elegans lipid extract is thought insufficient to form lipid microdomains ubiquitously in this organism. We present evidence that cholesterol is enriched in the plasma membrane of C. elegans spermatids and that cholesterol- and glycosphingolipids (GSLs)-enriched membrane microdomains (lipid microdomains) mediate sperm activation. Disruption of sperm lipid microdomains by acute manipulation of cholesterol in vitro blocks the sperm activation. Restriction of cholesterol uptake also results in the abnormal sperm activation in both males and hermaphrodites. Manipulation of the integrity of lipid microdomains by targeting the biosynthesis of GSLs inhibits sperm activation and the inhibition can be rescued by the addition of exogenous GSLs. The cleavage of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins, which are exclusively found in lipid microdomains, also affects sperm activation. We conclude that localized signaling mediated by lipid microdomains is critical for worm sperm activation. Lipid microdomains composed of cholesterol and GSLs have been observed in flagellated sperm of several animal species, thus cholesterol, before its efflux from the plasma membrane, might be needed to assemble into a platform for some more important upstream signal sorting during spermatogenesis than was previously thought.  相似文献   

IscU is a key component of the ISC machinery and is involved in the biogenesis of iron-sulfur (Fe-S) proteins. IscU serves as a scaffold for assembly of a nascent Fe-S cluster prior to its delivery to an apo protein. Here, we report the first crystal structure of IscU with a bound [2Fe-2S] cluster from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus, determined at a resolution of 2.3 Å, using multiwavelength anomalous diffraction of the cluster. The holo IscU formed a novel asymmetric trimer that harbored only one [2Fe-2S] cluster. One iron atom of the cluster was coordinated by the Sγ atom of Cys36 and the Nε atom of His106, and the other was coordinated by the Sγ atoms of Cys63 and Cys107 on the surface of just one of the protomers. However, the cluster was buried inside the trimer between the neighboring protomers. The three protomers were conformationally distinct from one another and associated around a noncrystallographic pseudo-3-fold axis. The three flexible loop regions carrying the ligand-binding residues (Cys36, Cys63, His106 and Cys107) and the N-terminal α1 helices were positioned at the interfaces and underwent substantial conformational rearrangement, which stabilized the association of the asymmetric trimer. This unique trimeric A. aeolicus holo-IscU architecture was clearly distinct from other known monomeric apo-IscU/SufU structures, indicating that asymmetric trimer organization, as well as its association/dissociation, would be involved in the scaffolding function of IscU.  相似文献   



Several resistance traits, including the I2 resistance against tomato fusarium wilt, were mapped to the long arm of chromosome 11 of Solanum. However, the structure and evolution of this locus remain poorly understood.


Comparative analysis showed that the structure and evolutionary patterns of the I2 locus vary considerably between potato and tomato. The I2 homologues from different Solanaceae species usually do not have orthologous relationship, due to duplication, deletion and frequent sequence exchanges. At least 154 sequence exchanges were detected among 76 tomato I2 homologues, but sequence exchanges between I2 homologues in potato is less frequent. Previous study showed that I2 homologues in potato were targeted by miR482. However, our data showed that I2 homologues in tomato were targeted by miR6024 rather than miR482. Furthermore, miR6024 triggers phasiRNAs from I2 homologues in tomato. Sequence analysis showed that miR6024 was originated after the divergence of Solanaceae. We hypothesized that miR6024 and miR482 might have facilitated the expansion of the I2 family in Solanaceae species, since they can minimize their potential toxic effects by down-regulating their expression.


The I2 locus represents a most divergent resistance gene cluster in Solanum. Its high divergence was partly due to frequent sequence exchanges between homologues. We propose that the successful expansion of I2 homologues in Solanum was at least partially attributed to miRNA mediated regulation.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-743) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of jasmonates in plants is initiated by 13S-lipoxygenase (LOX), but details of jasmonate biosynthesis by fungi, including Fusarium oxysporum, are unknown. The genome of F. oxysporum codes for linoleate 13S-LOX (FoxLOX) and for F. oxysporum manganese LOX (Fo-MnLOX), an uncharacterized homolog of 13R-MnLOX of Gaeumannomyces graminis. We expressed Fo-MnLOX and compared its properties to Cg-MnLOX from Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Electron paramagnetic resonance and metal analysis showed that Fo-MnLOX contained catalytic Mn. Fo-MnLOX oxidized 18:2n-6 mainly to 11R-hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic acid (HPODE), 13S-HPODE, and 9(S/R)-HPODE, whereas Cg-MnLOX produced 9S-, 11S-, and 13R-HPODE with high stereoselectivity. The 11-hydroperoxides did not undergo the rapid β-fragmentation earlier observed with 13R-MnLOX. Oxidation of [11S-2H]18:2n-6 by Cg-MnLOX was accompanied by loss of deuterium and a large kinetic isotope effect (>30). The Fo-MnLOX-catalyzed oxidation occurred with retention of the 2H-label. Fo-MnLOX also oxidized 1-lineoyl-2-hydroxy-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine. The predicted active site of all MnLOXs contains Phe except for Ser348 in this position of Fo-MnLOX. The Ser348Phe mutant of Fo-MnLOX oxidized 18:2n-6 to the same major products as Cg-MnLOX. Our results suggest that Fo-MnLOX, with support of Ser348, binds 18:2n-6 so that the proR rather than the proS hydrogen at C-11 interacts with the metal center, but retains the suprafacial oxygenation mechanism observed in other MnLOXs.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Following the consensus view for unitary origin and conserved function of stomata across over 400 million years of land plant evolution, stomatal abundance has been widely used to reconstruct palaeo-atmospheric environments. However, the responsiveness of stomata in mosses and hornworts, the most basal stomate lineages of extant land plants, has received relatively little attention. This study aimed to redress this imbalance and provide the first direct evidence of bryophyte stomatal responsiveness to atmospheric CO2.Methods A selection of hornwort (Anthoceros punctatus, Phaeoceros laevis) and moss (Polytrichum juniperinum, Mnium hornum, Funaria hygrometrica) sporophytes with contrasting stomatal morphologies were grown under different atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) representing both modern (440 p.p.m. CO2) and ancient (1500 p.p.m. CO2) atmospheres. Upon sporophyte maturation, stomata from each bryophyte species were imaged, measured and quantified.Key Results Densities and dimensions were unaffected by changes in [CO2], other than a slight increase in stomatal density in Funaria and abnormalities in Polytrichum stomata under elevated [CO2].Conclusions The changes to stomata in Funaria and Polytrichum are attributed to differential growth of the sporophytes rather than stomata-specific responses. The absence of responses to changes in [CO2] in bryophytes is in line with findings previously reported in other early lineages of vascular plants. These findings strengthen the hypothesis of an incremental acquisition of stomatal regulatory processes through land plant evolution and urge considerable caution in using stomatal densities as proxies for paleo-atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

Recent advances in mouse genomics have revealed considerable variation in the form of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among common inbred strains. This has made it possible to characterize closely related strains and to identify genes that differ; such genes may be causal for quantitative phenotypes. The mouse strains DBA/1J and DBA/2J differ by just 5.6% at the SNP level. These strains exhibit differences in a number of metabolic and lipid phenotypes, such as plasma levels of triglycerides (TGs) and HDL. A cross between these strains revealed multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in 294 progeny. We identified significant TG QTLs on chromosomes (Chrs) 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, and 19, and significant HDL QTLs on Chrs 3, 9, and 16. Some QTLs mapped to chromosomes with limited variability between the two strains, thus facilitating the identification of candidate genes. We suggest that Tshr is the QTL gene for Chr 12 TG and HDL levels and that Ihh may account for the TG QTL on Chr 1. This cross highlights the advantage of crossing closely related strains for subsequent identification of QTL genes.  相似文献   

The 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine caps of eukaryal snRNAs and snoRNA are formed by the enzyme Tgs1, which catalyzes sequential guanine-N2 methylations of m(7)G caps. Atypically, in the divergent unicellular eukaryote Trichomonas vaginalis, spliceosomal snRNAs lack a guanosine cap and the recombinant T. vaginalis trimethylguanosine synthase (TvTgs) produces only m(2,7)G in vitro. Here, we show by direct metabolic labeling that endogenous T. vaginalis RNAs contain m(7)G, m(2,7)G, and m(2,2,7)G caps. Immunodepletion of TvTgs from cell extracts and TvTgs add-back experiments demonstrate that TvTgs produces m(2,7)G and m(2,2,7)G caps. Expression of TvTgs in yeast tgs1Δ cells leads to the formation of m(2,7)G and m(2,2,7)G caps and complementation of the lethality of a tgs1Δ mud2Δ strain. Whereas TvTgs is present in the nucleus and cytosol of T. vaginalis cells, TMG-containing RNAs are localized primarily in the nucleolus. Molecular cloning of anti-TMG affinity-purified T. vaginalis RNAs identified 16 box H/ACA snoRNAs, which are implicated in guiding RNA pseudouridylation. The ensemble of new T. vaginalis H/ACA snoRNAs allowed us to predict and partially validate an extensive map of pseudouridines in T. vaginalis rRNA.  相似文献   

The songs of oscine passerine birds vary on many spatial scales, reflecting the actions of diverse evolutionary pressures. Here we examine the songs of Cisticola erythrops, which effectively signal species identity across a geographical area spanning 6500 km in sub-Saharan Africa. Selection for species identification should promote stability in song traits, while sexual selection and geographical segregation should promote diversity. Cisticola erythrops share syllable types across the entire range of species and structure songs similarly, but individuals sing highly variable songs through improvisational recombination of syllables. Patterns of syllable use change gradually across the range of the species and do not show distinct breaks at subspecies boundaries. The acoustic properties of the most common syllable type also change gradually with distance. The results illustrate how songs can be simultaneously species-specific and highly variable at an individual level. At a larger level, patterns of variation indicate that cultural drift has generated song diversity through an isolation by distance mechanism.  相似文献   

The growth and metamorphosis of insects are regulated by ecdysteroid hormones produced in the ring gland. Ecdysone biosynthesis-related genes are both highly and specifically expressed in the ring gland. However, the intrinsic regulation of ecdysone biosynthesis has received little attention. Here we used the Drosophila npc1 gene to study the mechanism of ring gland-specific gene expression. npc1 is important for sterol trafficking in the ring gland during ecdysone biosynthesis. We have identified a conserved ring gland-specific cis-regulatory element (RSE) in the npc1 promoter using promoter fusion reporter analysis. Furthermore, genetic loss-of-function analysis and in vitro electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that the ecdysone early response gene broad complex (br) is a vital factor in the positive regulation of npc1 ring gland expression. Moreover, br also affects the ring gland expression of many other ecdysone biosynthetic genes as well as torso and InR, two key factors in the regulation of ecdysone biosynthesis. These results imply that ecdysone could potentially act through its early response gene br to achieve positive feedback regulation of ecdysone biosynthesis during development.  相似文献   

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