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The concept of “areas of endemism”, and the assumption that these patterns are always a consequence of vicariant events, are reviewed. This assumption is related to the idea that areas of endemism have well-defined limits and never share any surface with other areas of endemism because they must represent sister areas supported by sister taxa. Based on this idea, overlapping areas have been considered rarely, or ignored completely. Using a data set of mammals of North America, we test here whether the overlapping areas are indeed sister areas supported by sister taxa, thus evaluating whether vicariant events are commonly the factor producing areas of endemism.  相似文献   

Impairments in social and emotional skills are a defining feature of autism spectrum disorder. Recent research shows that structural and functional abnormalities within the neural system that matches observation and execution of actions--the mirror neuron system--may explain the social aspects of the pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorder.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess the meaningfulness of a year''s worth of audit data relating to all the inpatients of one consultant general surgeon and to question the usefulness of certain outcome measures. DESIGN--Analysis of records entered on to audit computer (Dunnfile) and relating to inpatient episodes for one consultant general surgeon over one year. Data obtained were compared with ward records and the patient administration system to check their accuracy. SETTING--The three hospitals and 12 wards in Brighton health district where the surgeon admitted patients. SUBJECTS--859 Records relating to inpatient episodes from 1 January to 31 December 1988. These covered 655 main procedures and 79 secondary procedures performed at the same time. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Procedures were analysed by complexity of operation (BUPA code) and grade of surgeon; complications were counted and rates constructed by surgeon and by BUPA code: returns to theatre were analysed. RESULTS--Simple counts revealed some data, such as the fact that one registrar performed more major operations (32) than the senior registrars (22 and 14), and an analysis of complications showed that he had a lower complication rate (11.4% v 20.0% and 19.4%). But the simple complication rate disclosed nothing about whether the complication was avoidable. Likewise, the number of returns to theatre needed further qualification. Analysis of data collection for February to April 1988 showed a 30% deficit of information on the audit system compared with ward records and prompted a re-examination of everyone''s role in collecting data. After the year''s audit there was still a 17% shortfall compared with the district''s patient administration system, though some of this was accounted for by a backlog of work. CONCLUSIONS--It is difficult to ensure adequate data collection and entails everyone in an unfamiliar discipline. Connecting the audit system to the patient administration system would help. Despite the limitations of crude analyses of workload and complications rates, the audit data helped to measure activity and in the management of the firm. Nevertheless, time and care have to be taken in presenting and interpreting audit data carefully. IMPLICATIONS--Counting is not enough.  相似文献   

The effect of inhibition of estrogen synthesis on ovulation in rat ovaries perfused in vitro with medium without phenol red was examined. The addition of luteinizing hormone (LH, 0.1 microgram/mL) plus 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX, 0.2 mM) to phenol red-free perfusion medium (M199 + 4% bovine serum albumin) induced ovulation. The number of ovulations was similar to that found in medium containing phenol red. There was a similar increase in estradiol (1, 3, 5 (10)-estratriene-3, 17 beta-diol) levels in the medium in both groups. The addition of 4-hydroxy-4-androstene-3, 17-dione (4-OH-A, 5 microM) to phenol red-free medium blocked the increase in estradiol levels induced by LH + IBMX, but did not prevent ovulation. There was no significant difference in the number of ovulations in the three groups. In conclusion, phenol red in the perfusion medium does not influence ovulation induced by LH + IBMX. Furthermore, an increase in estrogen is not required during the immediate preovulatory period for ovulation to occur.  相似文献   

Naegleria isolates which are currently placed in the type species N. gruberi display great genetic, physiological and morphological heterogeneity. There are two possible interpretations of the nature of this species--that N. gruberi is a species complex or that it is a single continuously variable species. To distinguish between these alternatives, allelic states were determined for 33 loci in 74 new isolates selected to represent wide geographic sources and diverse temperature limits for growth. The results were compared with data for culture collection strains of N. gruberi and other species in the genus. The isolates formed a discontinuous series of clusters, separated by genetic distances similar to those separating the better-characterised taxa N. fowleri, N. lovaniensis, N. jadini, N. australiensis australiensis and N. australiensis italica. Culture collection strains assigned to N. gruberi fell into six distinct clusters, while other clusters were not represented by reference strains. The data are most consistent with the interpretation that N. gruberi is a group of several distinct species, each equivalent to the recently described species in the genus. Naegleria andersoni andersoni and N. andersoni jamiesoni also formed two distinct clusters, equivalent to species. Characteristics temperature limits for growth show that the mesophilic species are ecological as well as genetic entities.  相似文献   

Hereditary xanthinuria (type I) is caused by an inherited deficiency of the xanthine oxidorectase (XDH/XO), and is characterized by very low concentration of uric acid in blood and urine and high concentration of urinary xanthine, leading to urolithiasis. Type II results from a combined deficiency of XDH/XO and aldehyde oxidase. Patients present with hematuria, renal colic, urolithiasis or even acute renal failure. Clinical symptoms are the same for both types. In a third type, clinically distinct, sulfite oxidase activity is missing as well as XDH/XO and aldehyde oxidase. The prevalence is not known, but about 150 cases have been described so far. Hypouricemia is sometimes overlooked, that´s why we have set up the diagnostic flowchart. This consists of a) evaluation of uric acid concentrations in serum and urine with exclusion of primary renal hypouricemia, b) estimation of urinary xanthine, c) allopurinol loading test, which enables to distinguish type I and II; and finally assay of xanthine oxidoreductase activity in plasma with molecular genetic analysis. Following this diagnostic procedure we were able to find first patients with hereditary xanthinuria in our Czech population. We have detected nine cases, which is one of the largest group worldwide. Four patients were asymptomatic. All had profound hypouricemia, which was the first sign and led to referral to our department. Urinary concentrations of xanthine were in the range of 170–598 mmol/mol creatinine (normal < 30 mmol/mol creatinine). Hereditary xanthinuria is still unrecognized disorder and subjects with unexplained hypouricemia need detailed purine metabolic investigation.  相似文献   

Froelich CA  First EA 《Biochemistry》2011,50(33):7132-7145
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disorder (CMT) is the most common inherited peripheral neuropathy, afflicting 1 in every 2500 Americans. One form of this disease, Dominant Intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disorder type C (DI-CMTC), is due to mutation of the gene encoding the cytoplasmic tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (TyrRS). Three different TyrRS variants have been found to give rise to DI-CMTC: replacing glycine at position 41 by arginine (G41R), replacing glutamic acid at position 196 by lysine (E196K), and deleting amino acids 153-156 (Δ(153-156)). To test the hypothesis that DI-CMTC is due to a defect in the ability of tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase to catalyze the aminoacylation of tRNA(Tyr), we have expressed each of these variants as recombinant proteins and used single turnover kinetics to characterize their abilities to catalyze the activation of tyrosine and its subsequent transfer to the 3' end of tRNA(Tyr). Two of the variants, G41R and Δ(153-156), display a substantial decrease in their ability to bind tyrosine (>100-fold). In contrast, the E196K substitution does not significantly affect the kinetics for formation of the tyrosyl-adenylate intermediate and actually increases the rate at which the tyrosyl moiety is transferred to tRNA(Tyr). The observation that the E196K substitution does not decrease the rate of catalysis indicates that DI-CMTC is not due to a catalytic defect in tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase.  相似文献   



Many researchers are concerned with the comparability and reliability of microarray gene expression data. Recent completion of the MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project provides a unique opportunity to assess reproducibility across multiple sites and the comparability across multiple platforms. The MAQC analysis presented for the conclusion of inter- and intra-platform comparability/reproducibility of microarray gene expression measurements is inadequate. We evaluate the reproducibility/comparability of the MAQC data for 12901 common genes in four titration samples generated from five high-density one-color microarray platforms and the TaqMan technology. We discuss some of the problems with the use of correlation coefficient as metric to evaluate the inter- and intra-platform reproducibility and the percent of overlapping genes (POG) as a measure for evaluation of a gene selection procedure by MAQC.  相似文献   



In obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), individuals feel compelled to repeatedly perform security-related behaviors, even though these behaviours seem excessive and unwarranted to them. The present research investigated two alternative ways of explaining such behavior: (1) a dysfunction of activation—a starting problem—in which the level of excitation in response to stimuli suggesting potential danger is abnormally strong; versus (2) a dysfunction of termination—a stopping problem—in which the satiety-like process for shutting down security-related thoughts and actions is abnormally weak.


In two experiments, 70 patients with OCD (57 with washing compulsions, 13 with checking compulsions) and 72 controls were exposed to contamination cues—immersing a hand in wet diapers —and later allowed to wash their hands, first limited to 30 s and then for as long as desired. The intensity of activation of security motivation was measured objectively by change in respiratory sinus arrythmia. Subjective ratings (e.g., contamination) and behavioral measures (e.g., duration of hand washing) were also collected.


Compared to controls, OCD patients with washing compulsions did not differ significantly in their levels of initial activation to the threat of contamination; however, they were significantly less able to reduce this activation by engaging in the corrective behavior of hand-washing. Further, the deactivating effect of hand-washing in OCD patients with checking compulsions was similar to that for controls, indicating that the dysfunction of termination in OCD is specific to the patient''s symptom profile.


These results are the first to show that OCD is characterized by a reduced ability of security-related behavior to terminate motivation evoked by potential danger, rather than a heightened initial sensitivity to potential threat. They lend support to the security-motivation theory of OCD (Szechtman & Woody, 2004) and have important implications both for research into the biological mechanisms underlying OCD and for the development of new treatment approaches.  相似文献   

Mukhopadhyay and colleagues reveal in this issue of Developmental Cell that signaling mediated by a specialized neuronal cilium in C. elegans affects its structure. The finding that this cilium is modified in response to the cues it transduces suggests that cilia may not be static antennae, but organelles whose functions are shaped by their signaling activities.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that data deposition is not a generalised fact yet in the field of proteomics, several mass spectrometry (MS) based proteomics repositories are publicly available for the scientific community. The main existing resources are: the Global Proteome Machine Database (GPMDB), PeptideAtlas, the PRoteomics IDEntifications database (PRIDE), Tranche, and NCBI Peptidome. In this review the capabilities of each of these will be described, paying special attention to four key properties: data types stored, applicable data submission strategies, supported formats, and available data mining and visualization tools. Additionally, the data contents from model organisms will be enumerated for each resource. There are other valuable smaller and/or more specialized repositories but they will not be covered in this review. Finally, the concept behind the ProteomeXchange consortium, a collaborative effort among the main resources in the field, will be introduced.  相似文献   

Timing is everything: regulatory overlap in plant cell death   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plant development and defence are intimately connected to programmed cell death (PCD). PCD can occur after environmental cues such as pathogen infection, mechanical damage or abiotic stress. However, PCD also constitutes an essential feature of various aspects of growth and development. Despite the differences in stimuli, the subsequent steps leading to programmed cellular death show considerable commonality, reflecting the essential and overlapping roles of individual regulatory components in these processes. These components can function as positive or negative regulators and can have contrasting functions depending on the form of cell death.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment -  相似文献   

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