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Oscillation of the activities of gluconeogenic enzymes (malate dehydrogenase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase) was observed during the cell cycle of chemostat cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Since ethanol is released by the cells at the beginning of the division cycle, its effect on enzyme expression was determined. Pulsing ethanol to a synchronously dividing yeast culture led to a prolongation of the metabolically active phase as indicated by the course of oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production rates (concomitant ethanol and glucose assimilation). Enzyme activities also remained elevated as long as ethanol was available to the cells. After a substrate shift from glucose to ethanol during cell division, ethanol was used without a lag phase and enzyme induction increased from the level reached at the point of the substrate change. The data confirmed that the small amount of ethanol produced when the cells begin active reproduction acts as an inducer of gluconeogenic enzymes.  相似文献   

Nuclear changes in the life cycle of Saccharomyces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the mitotic spindle must align along the mother-bud axis to accurately partition the sister chromatids into daughter cells. Previous studies showed that spindle orientation required both astral microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton. We now report that maintenance of correct spindle orientation does not depend on F-actin during G2/M phase of the cell cycle. Depolymerization of F-actin using Latrunculin-A did not perturb spindle orientation after this stage. Even an early step in spindle orientation, the migration of the spindle pole body (SPB), became actin-independent if it was delayed until late in the cell cycle. Early in the cell cycle, both SPB migration and spindle orientation were very sensitive to perturbation of F-actin. Selective disruption of actin cables using a conditional tropomyosin double-mutant also led to defects in spindle orientation, even though cortical actin patches were still polarized. This suggests that actin cables are important for either guiding astral microtubules into the bud or anchoring them in the bud. In addition, F-actin was required early in the cell cycle for the development of the actin-independent spindle orientation capability later in the cell cycle. Finally, neither SPB migration nor the switch from actin-dependent to actin-independent spindle behavior required B-type cyclins.  相似文献   

A large proportion of protein Ax, one of the three acidic proteins detected in S.cervisiae is found in the cell cytoplasm. The fraction of Ax associated with the ribosomes is partially released by treatment of these particles in conditions that remove the bound initiation factors but a residual amount remains tightly bound to the ribosomes.Protein Ax is associated with the large ribosomal subunit and the amount of protein in the particles duplicates as the celle enters the stationary phase.The amino acid composition of protein Ax is similar to those of other acidic proteins from the ribosomes of yeast and other species being very rich in alanine (21.3%), glycine (12.2%), aspartic acid (14.7%) and glumatic acid (14.3%).  相似文献   

A fluorometric amino acid analyzer using fluorescamine for the assay of the full array of natural amino acids including proline on a single column is reported. The proline determination was carried out by specific introduction of a solution of N-chlorosuccinimide into the flow system. Single column fluorometric amino acid analysis was carried out in a significantly shorter time and with a sensitivity almost two orders of magnitude greater than that obtained with a commerical colorimetric ninhydrin amino acid analyzer.  相似文献   

Cell buoyant densities of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were determined for rapidly growing asynchronous and synchronous cultures by equilibrium sedimentation in Percoll gradients. The average cell density in exponentially growing cultures was 1.1126 g/ml, with a range of density variation of 0.010 g/ml. Densities were highest for cells with buds about one-fourth the diameter of their mother cells and lowest when bud diameters were about the same as their mother cells. In synchronous cultures inoculated from the least-dense cells, there was no observable perturbation of cell growth: cell numbers increased without lag, and the doubling time (66 min) was the same as that for the parent culture. Starting from a low value at the beginning of the cycle, cell buoyant density oscillated between a maximum density near midcycle (0.4 generations) and a minimum near the end of the cycle (0.9 generations). The pattern of cyclic variation of buoyant density was quantitatively determined from density measurements for five cell classes, which were categorized by bud diameter. The observed variation in buoyant density during the cell cycle of S. cerevisiae contrasts sharply with the constancy in buoyant density observed for cells of Escherichia coli, Chinese hamster cells, and three murine cell lines.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle   总被引:101,自引:0,他引:101  

The chromatin structures of two well-characterized autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) elements were examined at their chromosomal sites during the cell division cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The H4 ARS is located near one of the duplicate nonallelic histone H4 genes, while ARS1 is present near the TRP1 gene. Cells blocked in G1 either by alpha-factor arrest or by nitrogen starvation had two DNase I-hypersensitive sites of about equal intensity in the ARS element. This pattern of DNase I-hypersensitive sites was altered in synchronous cultures allowed to proceed into S phase. In addition to a general increase in DNase I sensitivity around the core consensus sequence, the DNase I-hypersensitive site closest to the core consensus became more nuclease sensitive than the distal site. This change in chromatin structure was restricted to the ARS region and depended on replication since cdc7 cells blocked near the time of replication initiation did not undergo the transition. Subsequent release of arrested cdc7 cells restored entry into S phase and was accompanied by the characteristic change in ARS chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Summary Diploid strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, each homozygous for one of the temperature sensitive mutations rna2, rna4, rna6 or rna8, are temperature sensitive for ribosome synthesis during vegetative growth, but are not inhibited for ribosomal synthesis at the restrictive temperature under sporulation conditions. The continued ribosome biosynthesis at the restrictive temperature (34° C) during sporulation includes de novo synthesis of both ribosomal RNA and ribosomal proteins. This lack of inhibition of ribosome biosynthesis is found even when cells committed to complete sporulation are returned to vegetative growth medium. The ribosomes synthesized at 34° C are apparently functional, as they are found in polyribosomes. Although the rna mutants do not regulate ribosome synthesis during sporulation, all of these diploid strains fail to complete sporulation at 34° C. The cells are arrested after the second meiotic nuclear division but before ascus formation. The failure to complete sporulation at the restrictive temperature and the inhibition of ribosome biosynthesis during growth are caused by the same mutation, because revertants selected for temperature independent growth were also able to sporulate at 34° C.  相似文献   

Activity changes of a number of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism were determined in cell extracts of fractionated exponential-phase populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown under excess glucose. Cell-size fractionation was achieved by an improved centrifugal elutriation procedure. Evidence that the yeast populations had been fractionated according to age in the cell cycle was obtained by examining the various cell fractions for their volume distribution and their microscopic appearance and by flow cytometric analysis of the distribution patterns of cellular DNA and protein contents. Trehalase, hexokinase, pyruvate kinase, phosphofructokinase 1, and fructose-1,6-diphosphatase showed changes in specific activities throughout the cell cycle, whereas the specific activities of alcohol dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase remained constant. The basal trehalase activity increased substantially (about 20-fold) with bud emergence and decreased again in binucleated cells. However, when the enzyme was activated by pretreatment of the cell extracts with cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, no significant fluctuations in activity were seen. These observations strongly favor posttranslational modification through phosphorylation-dephosphorylation as the mechanism underlying the periodic changes in trehalase activity during the cell cycle. As observed for trehalase, the specific activities of hexokinase and phosphofructokinase 1 rose from the beginning of bud formation onward, finally leading to more than eightfold higher values at the end of the S phase. Subsequently, the enzyme activities dropped markedly at later stages of the cycle. Pyruvate kinase activity was relatively low during the G1 phase and the S phase, but increased dramatically (more than 50-fold) during G2. In contrast to the three glycolytic enzymes investigated, the highest specific activity of the gluconeogenic enzyme fructose-1, 6-diphosphatase 1 was found in fractions enriched in either unbudded cells with a single nucleus or binucleated cells. The observed changes in enzyme activities most likely underlie pronounced alterations in carbohydrate metabolism during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of acetic acid on transport of glucose and on the activity of glycolytic enzymes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated. Acetic acid did not affect glucose transport. The inhibitory effect of the acid on the enzymes was considered from the point of view of acidification of the cytoplasm (pH dependence of the activity) and of the direct effect of the presence of acetic acid. Enolase was the enzyme most severely affected according to these two criteria. Fermentation was monitored in vivo by 31P-NMR. When ATP was available, a rise in cytoplasmic pH was observed and fermentation proceeded with a lower level of sugar phosphate. This may indicate that control was exerted at one of the early phosphorylation steps. Offprint requests to: M. C. Loureiro-Dias  相似文献   

 Sporulation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a meiotic developmental process that occurs in MAT a/MATα heterozygotes in response to nutrient deprivation. Here, the fate and role of peroxisomes during sporulation and germination has been examined by a combination of immunoelectron microscopy and the use of pex mutants defective in peroxisomal functions. Using a green fluorescent protein probe targeted to peroxisomes we show that peroxisomes are inherited through meiosis and that they do not increase in number either during sporulation or spore germination. In addition, there is no requirement for peroxisome degradation prior to spore packaging. Unlike the situation in filamentous fungi, peroxisomes do not proliferate during the yeast life cycle. Functional peroxisomes are dispensable for efficient meiotic development on acetate medium since homozygous Δpex6 diploids sporulated well and produced mature spores that were resistant to diethyl ether. Like haploids, diploid cells can proliferate their peroxisomes in response to oleate as sole carbon source in liquid medium, but under these conditions they do not sporulate. On solid oleate medium, homozygous pex5,Δpex6, and pex7 cells were unable to sporulate efficiently, whereas the wild type was. The results presented here are discussed in terms of the transmission of organelles to progeny cells. Accepted: 19 December 1997  相似文献   

Synchronous cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae prepared by selection of small unbudded cells from an elutriating rotor were used to measure trehalase activity during the cell cycle. After the small cells had been removed from the rotor, the remainder was used to prepare asynchronous control cultures. Both synchronous and control cultures were studied for two cell cycles. In asynchronous cultures the trehalase activity of crude cell lysates rose continuously. In synchronized populations trehalase activity increased from the beginning of budding onwards. However, around the period of cell division the enzyme activity dropped rapidly but transiently by more than 5-fold. The same changes were found during the second budding cycle. Measurements of invertase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities in the same synchronous and asynchronous cultures revealed a continuous increase for both enzymes. Incubation of cell lysates with cAMP-dependent protein kinase before assaying for trehalase resulted in a 2-fold enhancement of enzyme activity in asynchronous control cultures. In synchronized cells this treatment also led to a significant stimulation of trehalase activity, and largely abolished the cell-cycle-dependent oscillatory pattern of enzyme activity. These results suggest that the activity of trehalase during the cell cycle is regulated, presumably at the post-translational level, by a phosphorylation-dephosphorylation mechanism.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

During batch fermentation, the rate of ethanol production per milligram of cell protein is maximal for a brief period early in this process and declines progressively as ethanol accumulates in the surrounding broth. Our studies demonstrate that the removal of this accumulated ethanol does not immediately restore fermentative activity, and they provide evidence that the decline in metabolic rate is due to physiological changes (including possible ethanol damage) rather than to the presence of ethanol. Several potential causes for the decline in fermentative activity have been investigated. Viability remained at or above 90%, internal pH remained near neutrality, and the specific activities of the glycolytic and alcohologenic enzymes (measured in vitro) remained high throughout batch fermentation. None of these factors appears to be causally related to the fall in fermentative activity during batch fermentation.  相似文献   

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