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PhiX174 replicative form DNA replication, origin and direction   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

The parvovirus genome is a linear, single-stranded DNA molecule with double-stranded hairpin termini. The 3' terminus can serve in vitro as a self-primer for the synthesis of a double-stranded viral DNA intermediate. We have sequenced the nucleotides in the 3' terminus and propose a model for the secondary structure of the terminus and the in vitro origin of replication for the complementary viral DNA strand.  相似文献   

Characterization of replicative form (RF) DNA of mink enteritis virus (MEV) was carried out. Most of the RF DNA were bound to terminal protein but some were free from the protein. The protein-free RF DNA increased about 7 times from 30 to 50 hr post-infection, while the DNA with protein increased less. The molecules of the replicative intermediate which were partially single-stranded DNA and bound to terminal protein were present. Two terminal conformations, "extended" and "turnaround," were observed in both ends of both terminal protein-bound and protein-free RF DNA. The 5' end labeling revealed that 5' ends of protein-free RF DNA were not blocked to phosphorylation by an amino acid or an oligopeptide which attaches to 5' ends of proteolytically deproteinized RF DNA. Restriction analysis of incomplete RF DNA which was partially double-stranded DNA showed that extended conformation was dominant in such incomplete RF molecules.  相似文献   

A general method for the immobilization of DNA through its 5'-end has been developed. A synthetic oligonucleotide, modified at its 5'-end with an aldehyde or carboxylic acid, was attached to latex microspheres containing hydrazide residues. Using T4 polynucleotide ligase and an oligonucleotide splint, a single stranded 98mer was efficiently joined to the immobilized synthetic fragment. After impregnation of the latex microspheres with the fluorescent dye, Nile Red and attachment of an aldehyde 16mer, 5 X 10(5) bead-DNA conjugates could be detected with a conventional fluorimeter.  相似文献   

A rapid and versatile method has been developed for the synthesis of oligonucleotides which contain an aliphatic amino group at their 5' terminus. This amino group reacts specifically with a variety of electrophiles, thereby allowing other chemical species to be attached to the oligonucleotide. This chemistry has been utilized to synthesize several fluorescent derivatives of an oligonucleotide primer used in DNA sequence analysis by the dideoxy (enzymatic) method. The modified primers are highly fluorescent and retain their ability to specifically prime DNA synthesis. The use of these fluorescent primers in DNA sequence analysis will enable DNA sequence analysis to be automated.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence for the first 50 nucleotides at the 5' terminus of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) genome RNA. This sequence is identical to that of the in vitro RNA polymerase product synthesized by defective interfering (DI) particles of VSV. These results confirm previous conclusions rengarding DI and standard viral terminal sequences based on hybridization studies and earlier sequencing of the DI polymerase product RNA.  相似文献   

T Sekiya  M Kobayashi  T Seki  K Koike 《Gene》1980,11(1-2):53-62
The nucleotide sequence was determined for the 717 bp HapII subfragment (HapEcoA5) of the EcoRI-A fragment of rat mitochondrial DNA, which contains the heavy-strand replication origin. Analysis of the heavy-strand initiation segments released from the D-loop molecules has revealed that some 5'-ends of these initiation segments are linked to ribonucleotide(s) and are heterogeneous. Sequence analysis of the 5'-end portion of the initiation segment indicated that one of the start points of the deoxyribonucleotide polymerization corresponds to the 425th bp on the HapEcoA5. Two-fold rotational symmetry and palindrome structures, and a G-cluster sequence around the start point have been discussed in connection with unidirectional replication.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the right-hand terminal 3% of adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) DNA has been determined, using the chemical degradation technique developed by Maxam and Gilbert (1977). This region of the genome comprises the 1003 basepair long HindIII-I fragment and the first 75 nucleotides of the adjacent HindIII-F fragment, extending from the right-hand terminus to the sequences from which the main body of the mRNA of early region 4 is transcribed. One of the origins of adenovirus DNA replication is located within this part of the genome. The sequencing results are discussed in relation to several models proposed for the mechanism of replication of linear DNA molecules, which invariably depend on the presence of specific arrangements of nucleotides at the termini of those linear DNAs.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence around the replication origin of polyoma virus DNA.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
E Soeda  K Miura  A Nakaso  G Kimura 《FEBS letters》1977,79(2):383-389

In Xenopus laevis mitochondria up to 14 different polypeptides with affinity for the DNA, have been identified by the protein blotting technique. Under stringent binding conditions only one polypeptide displayed specific affinity for a restriction fragment containing the H strand origin of replication of the Xenopus laevis mt chromosome. The proteins were fractionated by double stranded DNA cellulose chromatography. Under conditions which favor high affinity interactions between proteins and DNA, a protein of the 2M NaCl step shows specific binding to the DNA fragments containing the D-loop region. Some physical properties of the protein have been studied. It has a MW of 21.5 Kd and a globular shape as can be inferred from the relationship between MW and sedimentation coefficient (2.7 S). It binds non cooperatively to DNA and forms relatively stable complexes as demonstrated by DNA competition experiments.  相似文献   

The initiation of adenovirus DNA takes place at the termini of the viral genome and requires the presence of specific nucleotide sequence elements. To define the sequence organization of the viral origin, we tested a large number of deletion, insertion, and base substitution mutants for their ability to support initiation and replication in vitro. The data demonstrate that the origin consists of at least three functionally distinct domains, A, B, and C. Domain A (nucleotides 1 to 18) contains the minimal sequence sufficient for origin function. Domains B (nucleotides 19 to 40) and C (nucleotides 41 to 51) contain accessory sequences that significantly increase the activity of the minimal origin. The presence of domain B increases the efficiency of initiation by more than 10-fold in vitro, and the presence of domains B and C increases the efficiency of initiation by more than 30-fold. Mutations that alter the distance between the minimal origin and the accessory domains by one or two base pairs dramatically decrease initiation efficiency. This critical spacing requirement suggests that there are specific interactions between the factors that recognize the two regions.  相似文献   

Summary The restriction nuclease cleavage pattern of E. coli DNA synthesized in vitro in the cellophane membrane system (Schaller et al., 1972) is similar to the one obtained after labelling E. coli in vivo. This is shown for exponentially growing cells and for cells synchronized by amino acid starvation followed by thymine starvation. In synchronized cells a piece of some 180 kilobase pairs is labelled containing oriC and neighbouring regions at 82 min on the genetic map of E. coli. A pulse label in vitro is incorporated into the same piece of DNA, but the center of this region, i.e. the EcoR1 fragment of 8.6 kbp length which contains the oriC region (Marsh and Worcel, 1977; v. Meyenburg et al., 1977; Yasuda and Hirota, 1977) is missing.  相似文献   

The terminus region of the E. coli chromosome contains two loci, T1 and T2, that inhibit the progress of replication forks and require the trans-acting factor tus. We have identified a 23 bp terminator signal at T1 and T2 that is within 100 bp of the sites of replication arrest. When an oligodeoxyribonucleotide containing the terminator signal was inserted into a plasmid, replication was halted only in a tus+ strain and when the terminator signal was oriented properly. We also found this terminator sequence in the terminus region of the plasmid R6K and in the origin region of RepFIIA class plasmids. In addition, we found striking similarities between the E. coli terminator signal and the terminator sequence of B. subtilis.  相似文献   

The distribution of terminal-sequence orientations in the viral DNA of bovine parvovirus (BPV), an autonomous parvovirus, was studied by end labeling and restriction enzyme digestion and also by cloning. The left (3') end of the minus strand of BPV was found in two alternative sequence orientations (designated as flip and flop, which are reverse complements of each other), with a 10-fold excess of flip. This is in contrast to the autonomous rodent parvoviruses which encapsidate minus-strand DNA with only the flip orientation at this end. The right (5') end of the minus strand of BPV contained both sequence orientations with equal frequencies, as in the rodent parvoviruses. Sequence inversions were also detected at both ends of the plus strand, which makes up about 10% of the encapsidated BPV DNA. Each terminus of BPV DNA had a characteristic ratio of flip to flop forms, and this ratio was restored in the progeny DNA resulting from transfection with genomic clones of different defined terminal conformations. Replicative-form DNA showed the same distribution of terminal-sequence orientations as the reannealed plus and minus virion DNAs, suggesting that the distribution of flip and flop forms observed in virion DNA is not due to selective encapsidation, but rather to the specific distribution of replicative forms. The current replication model for autonomous parvoviruses, which was based on the available data for the rodent parvoviruses, cannot account for the observed distribution of BPV DNA. An alternative model is suggested.  相似文献   

Fidelity of mammalian DNA replication and replicative DNA polymerases.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Current models suggest that two or more DNA polymerases may be required for high-fidelity semiconservative DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. In the present study, we directly compare the fidelity of SV40 origin-dependent DNA replication in human cell extracts to the fidelity of mammalian DNA polymerases alpha, delta, and epsilon using lacZ alpha of M13mp2 as a reporter gene. Their fidelity, in decreasing order, is replication greater than or equal to pol epsilon greater than pol delta greater than pol alpha. DNA sequence analysis of mutants derived from extract reactions suggests that replication is accurate when considering single-base substitutions, single-base frameshifts, and larger deletions. The exonuclease-containing calf thymus DNA polymerase epsilon is also highly accurate. When high concentrations of deoxynucleoside triphosphates and deoxyguanosine monophosphate are included in the pol epsilon reaction, both base substitution and frameshift error rates increase. This response suggests that exonucleolytic proofreading contributes to the high base substitution and frameshift fidelity. Exonuclease-containing calf thymus DNA polymerase delta, which requires proliferating cell nuclear antigen for efficient synthesis, is significantly less accurate than pol epsilon. In contrast to pol epsilon, pol delta generates errors during synthesis at a relatively modest concentration of deoxynucleoside triphosphates (100 microM), and the error rate did not increase upon addition of adenosine monophosphate. Thus, we are as yet unable to demonstrate that exonucleolytic proofreading contributes to accuracy during synthesis by DNA polymerase delta. The four-subunit DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex from both HeLa cells and calf thymus is the least accurate replicative polymerase. Fidelity is similar whether the enzyme is assayed immediately after purification or after being stored frozen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

S L Rhode  III 《Journal of virology》1977,21(2):694-712
The linear duplex replicative form (RF) DNA of the parvovirus H-1 has been characterized with respect to cleavage by the bacterial restriction endonuclease of Escherichia coli, EcoRI. RF DNA has a single cleavage site 0.22 genome length from the left end of the molecule. The molecular weight of H-1 RF DNA determined by gel electrophoresis is 3.26 X 10(6). H-1 RF DNA has been found to dimerize by hydrogen-bounded linkage at the molecular left end, and in some molecules the viral strand is covalently linked to the complementary strand. Some 10% of monomeric RF DNA also has a covalent linkage between the viral and complementary strands at the left end. The EcoRI-B fragment, containing the left end of the RF molecule, appears to be a replication terminus by its labeling characteristics for both RF and progeny DNA synthesis. These findings suggest that the left end of H-1 RF DNA has some type of "turn-around" structure and that this end is not an origin for DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

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