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Females of the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma turkestanica Meyer (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) generally host feed after ovipositing on the first egg of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) they encounter. We measured the impact of host feeding on the fecundity and longevity of females, in absence of host or food, and on the fitness of their progeny. We also determined if the frequency of host feeding is influenced by the humidity level at which T. turkestanica females developed. Host feeding increased egg production by 70% but decreased female longevity. This impact of host feeding on the longevity of females is probably due to the allocation of carbohydrates to egg production at the expense of somatic maintenance. Humidity did not influence the occurrence or duration of host feeding. The size of individuals developing in eggs on which females host fed was smaller, indicating that their fitness was affected.  相似文献   

Juvenile Atlantic salmon or parr ( Salmo salar L.) maintain station at certain locations in flowing stream water. This position choice is assumed to involve the maximization of energy intake, based upon food availability which is usually directly related to water flow rate. Conversely energy expenditure, including station holding behaviour, foraging and defending preferred sites, is inversely related to water flow rate. Adaptations of parr to life in fast flows implies that station holding is energetically inexpensive at water speeds up to the maximum sustained holding speed, which is fish specific, thus the most important energetic consideration for parr is the ability to maximize food intake. Ten groups of three parr were each observed for 60 min within an artificial stream tank over a heterogeneous substratum. Individual position choice and behaviour were recorded continuously. For each location chosen by the parr the potential upstream line‐of‐sight (LOS), defined as the maximum distance upstream that the water surface would be visible, was calculated. At those sites where foraging behaviour was observed, the mean upstream potential LOS was significantly greater than at sites where other behaviours were observed and at 400 randomly generated sites within the tank. When foraging, parr usually take food from the stream drift and there is a significant time expenditure on food location, identification and catching. Results presented here would seem to confirm that to maximize time available to make these decisions, a fish would be expected to maximize the distance over which it can observe potential food particles.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. To study the function of group living in a non-social animal, costs and benefits of feeding in different group sizes (one to eight) were measured for nymphs of the meadow spittlebug ( Philaenus spumarius ) on tall goldenrod ( Solidago altissima ).
2. In a controlled greenhouse experiment, the number of nymphs per plant had a significant influence on their mass as adults. Adult mass increased as group size went from one to five nymphs per plant, but fell as the group size increased beyond five. In contrast, the density of nymphs on a plant had no effect on the duration of nymphal development.
3. Nymphal mortality increased linearly as the number of nymphs increased from one to eight per plant.
4. These performance results suggest that the optimal group size of spittlebug nymphs reflects a compromise between bottom-up influences (e.g. overcoming physical barriers to feeding on xylem) and within-trophic-level influences (e.g. avoiding competition for limited plant resources).
5. In a survey of local populations of goldenrod, spittlebug nymphs were found to be slightly but significantly aggregated among host-plant individuals. In addition, when more than one nymph occurred on a plant, the nymphs tended to feed in shared spittle masses.
6. It is concluded that the aggregated dispersion pattern of spittlebug nymphs reflects an adaptive balance of coping with potentially conflicting demands from different trophic levels.  相似文献   

Costs of aggregation: shadow competition in a sit-and-wait predator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of top-down (e.g. parasitism) and bottom-up (e.g. resource competition) processes is of fundamental importance for the stability and persistence of insect herbivore populations. Although emphasis has often focused on single regulatory agents, the processes underpinning tri-trophic interactions may actually be more pluralistic. Recently, further complexities involved in the regulation of tri-trophic systems have been highlighted. In particular, life history characteristics may have a concomitant role when coupled with the regulatory effects of resource competition and/or parasitism. Here we present an age-structured model to investigate the effects of larval development period, parasitism and resource competition on the stability and persistence of herbivore–parasitoid interactions. We show that the influence of weak density dependent parasitism is sufficient to stabilise the interaction when the period of host susceptibility to parasitism is short. For longer periods of host susceptibility, parasitism needs to be highly non-linear to overcome the destabilising effects of the time delays. In systems where host development is protracted through the season we predict that resource competition is likely to be the dominant process for herbivore regulation. We use this age-structured approach to explore the population dynamics of two field studies from temperate ecosystems. Predictions from these case studies show 1) that both the strength and type of competition and parasitism are important for the stability and persistence of the particular system, and 2) that the length of the developmental period of the vulnerable host is critical to understand the influence of different regulatory processes. Host demography is of overriding importance in determining whether herbivores show outbreaks, and which particular ecological processes and mechanisms are responsible for generating such overcompensatory dynamics.  相似文献   

Many ecological systems exhibit self-organized spatial patterns due to local interactions. Such patterns can promote species diversity and therefore serve as an important mechanism for biodiversity maintenance. Previous work has shown that when species interactions occurred at local spatial scales, species diversity was greatest when robust mosaic spatial patterns formed. Also, intransitive interactions led to the emergence of spiral patterns, frequently resulting in multispecies coexistence. In some instances, intransitive interactions reduced species diversity as the consequence of competitive hierarchies. Here, we extend and broaden this line of investigation and examine the role of global competition along a continuum ranging from spatial mosaics to spiral patterns. While previous models have predicted that species diversity is reduced when interactions occur over larger spatial scales, our model considers the effects of various levels of mixing on species diversity, in the context of various network structures as measured by the covariance of row and column sums of the competition matrix. First, we compare local competition (unmixed system) versus global competition (mixed systems) and show that greater species diversity is maintained under a positive covariance. Second, we show that under various levels of mixing, species diversity declines more rapidly under a negative covariance. Lastly, we demonstrate that time to extinction in our model occurs much more rapidly under a negative covariance.  相似文献   

Female dominance and feeding priority are considered unique behavioral strategies in many Malagasy lemuriformes, particularly Lemur catta. Two hypotheses have been introduced to explain these behavior patterns: 1) females are agonistically dominant over males to mitigate female-male food competition so that females can compensate for high energy demands and inefficient reproductive physiology, and 2) males defer to females when feeding as a reproductive strategy. We tested these hypotheses by conducting controlled feeding experiments on free-ranging ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) on St. Catherine's Island, GA. Food was dispersed in three ways to simulate varying patch sizes. All feeding and agonistic interactions were recorded during each trial (n = 24). The degree of relatedness between individuals was determined using DNA fingerprinting. There was a clear relationship between food dispersion and both expression of female dominance and feeding priority. Elements of both hypotheses were supported because male and female L. catta used different strategies depending on rank and the dispersion of food. Interpretation of the impact of male rank was complicated because the younger, low-ranking males had female relatives in the group. Females fed more than males, and rates of aggression decreased as food dispersion increased. High-ranking, older unrelated males deferred to females and received little aggression. The top-ranking male deferred the most and sired most if not all of the offspring. Low-ranking, younger related males fought with females for access to food sources, received more aggression, and did not sire offspring.  相似文献   

广义森林生态效益货币量的空间模型分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
郎璞玫 《生态学报》2003,23(7):1356-1362
从广义森林生态效益计量概念出发,提出了广义森林生态效益货币量和森林生态环境空间的定义。根据广义森林生态环境的空间模型分析概念和实现空间模型分析的3个基本条件,采用Arcview和Autocad图形向GIS空间数据转换的方法对1986、1949和1896年黑龙江省森林资源空间图形资料和反推的小班资源数据库,通过环境图象叠置分析获得森林资源与环境的空间图象,建立广义森林生态效益经济计量模型,由此实现广义森林生态效益的GIS空间分析。结果表明:森林生态效益货币量的分布近似呈正态分布,各森林生态效益经济总量各占一定比重。利用GIS空间分析功能作出的黑龙江省森林生态效益主产区的空间分布图显示,黑龙江省森林生态效益的主产区主要分布在镜泊湖、兴凯湖、汤旺河、嫩江等江河的源头。通过分析黑龙江省森林生态效益货币总量的动态,得出1986年的黑龙江省森林生态效益比1949年下降38%,比原生状态的1896年下降59%。森林生态效益的下降与森林资源的数量和质量的下降呈正相关,森林生态效益的变化总是要滞后于森林资源的变化。  相似文献   

Between January 1981 and December 1986 3829 low birthweight (<2500 g) infants and 1980 other high risk infants were cared for at home after they were discharged from hospital by a specialist neonatal nursing service. Of the infants who were referred to this service, 720 (12%) weighed under 2000 g and 1919 (33%) under 2250 g at the time of discharge home. The infants were visited by the community neonatal sisters on an average of 11 occasions, but the number of visits varied from six to over 100 depending on the needs of the child and parents. There was close liaison with other community and hospital staff. Two hundred and thirty (4%) referred infants were readmitted to hospital while under the care of the specialist nursing service. In 1985 the cost of the service was £127 000, or £123 for each infant referred. Providing this specialist support at home allowed much earlier discharge of low birthweight infants from hospital. When compared with the cost of providing continuing inpatient neonatal care earlier discharge was estimated to have saved roughly £250 000 in 1985.Low birthweight infants have an increased risk of serious illness or death that extends beyond the neonatal period. Many are born to young and socially disadvantaged parents who can benefit from expert guidance and support at home. A community neonatal nursing service has advantages for high risk infants and their parents, is cost effective, and allows more efficient use of limited hospital resources.  相似文献   

Mating with more than one male often provides direct or indirect benefits to female fitness but can also increase the chance of injury and death. Costs of mating are expected to increase linearly with increasing mating number. But how such costs interact with benefits to determine the net payoff of mating multiply is not well understood. Using the highly cannibalistic Springbok mantis, Miomantis caffra, a species where females are stabbed in the abdomen by males during violent premating struggles that males initiate to avoid being cannibalized, we took an experimental approach to assess the economics of polyandry under the risk of external, male-inflicted injury. We predicted that females that mate multiply would be more likely to show abdominal injuries, have higher prereproductive mortality, produce fewer offspring and be more likely to engage in pre-mating cannibalism to avoid unwanted matings. In line with our predictions, we found that the likelihood of abdominal injury was highest among females that mated at least once, and prereproductive death was highest among females that mated twice or three times. Virgin females completely avoided these costs and produced some offspring parthenogenetically but not enough to provide a net benefit. Although mating was better than not mating, there was no singularly optimal mating number: females that mated once and three times produced similarly high numbers of offspring from the first ootheca, which resulted in an intermediate trough in offspring production at two matings. We also found little evidence that cannibalism was deployed as a mate-avoidance strategy: females consistently attacked and consumed males regardless of how many times they mated or how long they were housed with males. Our results suggest the possibility of two distinct mating strategies in M. caffra, where females either mate at a lower frequency to minimize costs or at a higher frequency to maximize benefits. We discuss possible explanations for this bimodal pattern in offspring production.  相似文献   

In central coastal California, USA, 3–16% of western bluebird ( Sialia mexicana ) pairs have adult male helpers at the nest. Demographic data on a colour-ringed population over a 13-year period indicate that helpers gain a small indirect fitness benefit through increases in the number of young fledged from nests of close kin. A small proportion of adult helpers (16%) that were able to breed and help simultaneously had higher annual inclusive fitness than males that only bred. These males comprised such a minor proportion of helpers that the mean fitness of helpers was still lower than the mean fitness of independent breeders. We used DNA fingerprinting to determine whether extrapair fertilizations alter within-group benefits enough to tip the balance in favour of helping behaviour. Overall, 19% of 207 offspring were sired by males other than their social father and extrapair fertilizations occurred in 45% of 51 nests. Intraspecific brood parasitism was rare so that mean mother-nestling relatedness approximated the expected value of 0.5. Extrapair paternity reduced putative father-offspring relatedness to 0.38. Mean helper-nestling relatedness was 0.41 for helpers assisting one or both parents and 0.28 for helpers aiding their brothers. Helpers rarely sired offspring in the nests at which they helped. Helping was not conditional on paternity and helpers were not significantly more closely related to offspring in their parents' nests than to offspring in their own nests. Although helpers may derive extracurricular benefits if helping increases their own or their father's opportunities for extrapair fertilizations, within-nest inclusive fitness benefits of helping do not compensate males for failing to breed. Breeding failure and constraints on breeding are the most likely explanations for why most helpers help.  相似文献   

Symbiotic associations between animals and inherited micro-organisms are widespread in nature. In many cases, hosts may be superinfected with multiple inherited symbionts. Acyrthosiphon pisum (the pea aphid) may harbour more than one facultative symbiont (called secondary symbionts) in addition to the obligate primary symbiont, Buchnera aphidicola. Previously we demonstrated that, in a controlled genetic background, A. pisum infected with either Serratia symbiotica or Hamiltonella defensa (called R- and T-type in that study) were more resistant to attack by the parasitoid Aphidius ervi. Here, we examined the consequences of A. pisum superinfected with both resistance-conferring symbionts. We found that an A. pisum line co-infected with both S. symbiotica and H. defensa symbionts exhibits even greater resistance to parasitism by A. ervi than either of the singly infected lines. Despite this added benefit to resistance, superinfections of S. symbiotica and H. defensa symbionts appeared rare in our survey of Utah A. pisum symbionts, which is probably attributable to severe fecundity costs. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction estimates indicate that while the density of H. defensa is similar in singly and superinfected hosts, S. symbiotica densities increased dramatically in superinfected hosts. Over-proliferation of symbionts or antagonistic interactions between symbionts may be harmful to the aphid host. Our results indicate that in addition to host-symbiont interactions, interactions among the symbionts themselves probably play a critical role in determining the distributions of symbionts in natural populations.  相似文献   

Costs and benefits of defense by tannins in a neotropical tree   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Phyllis D. Coley 《Oecologia》1986,70(2):238-241
Summary The costs and benefits of defense by tannins were investigated for a neotropical tree, Cecropia peltata L. (Moraceae). Seedlings of equal age were grown under uniform conditions in a greenhouse for 18 months. Within a plant, leaf tannin concentrations measured in different years were highly correlated. Tannin concentrations differed substantially among individuals; plants with high tannin content had lower damage levels in herbivory experiments. The effects of tannin on herbivory appeared to be dosage dependent. There was, however, a cost associated with tannin production in terms of reduced leaf production.  相似文献   

Plant defense theory suggests that inducible resistance has evolved to reduce the costs of constitutive defense expression. To assess the functional and potentially adaptive value of induced resistance it is necessary to quantify the costs and benefits associated with this plastic response. The ecological and evolutionary viability of induced defenses ultimately depends on the long-term balance between advantageous and disadvantageous consequences of defense induction. Stoloniferous plants can use their inter-ramet connections to share resources and signals and to systemically activate defense expression after local herbivory. This network-specific early-warning system may confer clonal plants with potentially high benefits. However, systemic defense induction can also be costly if local herbivory is not followed by a subsequent attack on connected ramets. We found significant costs and benefits of systemic induced resistance by comparing growth and performance of induced and control plants of the stoloniferous herb Trifolium repens in the presence and absence of herbivores.  相似文献   

Bacterial endosymbionts induce various effects on hosts and can dramatically impact host fitness and development. An example is provided by obligate, maternally-inherited Wolbachia, which infect a broad range of invertebrates. Wolbachia are capable of altering host reproduction, thereby promoting infection spread. Wolbachia also pose direct physiological costs and benefits to hosts, complicating their categorization as parasites or mutualists. This study examines for an effect of Wolbachia infection in intra-specific larval competition by Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, with the goal of examining for an impact of Wolbachia infection in mixed populations. Similar to prior work examining for an influence of Wolbachia infection on the fitness of A. albopictus in adults, the results presented here support the hypothesized impact of Wolbachia across all life stages, including immatures. The differential competitiveness of infected larvae detected in our experiments indicates that Wolbachia infected A. albopictus females are less competitive relative to uninfected females when competing under highly competitive conditions. In contrast, under low competitive pressures, infected females experience higher survivorship. Thus, Wolbachia infection shifts from parasitism to mutualism as a function of developmental conditions. Results are discussed in relation to the invasion and persistence of Wolbachia in A. albopictus populations.The results are important to the evolution of stable Wolbachia symbioses, including Wolbachia invasion of an uninfected population. The resulting infection dynamics that occur in an infected population are discussed.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies have recently detected within-organism genetic heterogeneity suggesting that genetically homogeneous organisms may be rare. In this review, we examine the potential costs and benefits of such intraorganismal genetic heterogeneity (IGH) on the fitness of the individual. The costs of IGH include cancerous growth, parasitism, competitive interactions and developmental instability, all of which threaten the integrity of the individual while the potential benefits are increased genetic variability, size-specific processes, and synergistic interactions between genetic variants. The particular cost or benefit of IGH in a specific case depends on the organism type and the origin of the IGH. While mosaicism easily arise by genetic changes in an individual, and will be the more common type of IGH, chimerism originates by the fusion of genetically distinct entities, and is expected to be substantially rare in most organisms. Potential conflicts and synergistic effects between different genetic lineages within an individual provide an interesting example for theoretical and empirical studies of multilevel selection.  相似文献   

Recent experiments have suggested that resistance to antimalarial drugs, in particular chloroquine, is associated with increased transmission. However, epidemiological patterns suggest the opposite: ie. that resistance should be associated with a transmission cost. Here, Jacob Koella reviews the evidence for either a cost or a benefit of chloroquine resistance and proposes ideas from population and evolutionary biology that might explain the apparent contradiction between experimental and epidemiological evidence.  相似文献   

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