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The effects of different environments on the agonistic behavior of males of the cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea were investigated. We compared the social interactions between pairs of males that had been reared during the period of sexual maturation, when social behavior develops, under one of four environmental treatments: (1) control (28°C with ad libitum food and water) (2) heat stress (35°C, ad libitum food and water) (3) water deprivation (28°C), or (4) food and water deprivation (28°C). Different environments affected the structure of the interactions between males and the behavior of both dominant and subordinate individuals. The mean number of agonistic acts per minute was similar for all treatment groups except the water-deprived group, which was significantly lower. Water-deprived, food- and water-deprived, and heat-stress rearing conditions reduced the stability of agonistic interactions relative to the control group. When reared under stressful conditions, dominant-scored males decreased the number of aggressive acts and increased the number of submissive acts, and subordinate-scored males decreased the number of submissive acts and increased the number of aggressive acts. Thus, stressful environmental conditions can disrupt agonistic interactions and cause both dominant and subordinate male N. cinerea to adopt different behavioral strategies during male-male competition.  相似文献   

The study of properties of proteolytic enzymes in midgut of imago of the cockroachNauphoeta cinerea Oliv. Has been carried out. It is shown that the total proteolytic activity of digestive proteases, measured with azocasein as substrate, is maximal at pH 11.5 both in the anterior and in the posterior parts of the midgut. The predominant part of this activity (67%) was present in the posterior part. Fractionation of preparation from the posterior part on a column with Sephadex G-50 and subsequent analysis of the activity in the obtained fractions using specificp-nitroanilide substrates and effects of activators and inhibitors of active center have allowed revealing three types of activity of serine proteinases and one cysteine proteinase. No activity of aspartic and metalloproteinases were detected. Among serine proteinases, one trypsin-like, one unusual SHdependent serine, one chymotrypsin-like, and not less than two enzymes hydrolyzing specific substrate of subtilisin were established. The fractionation of the preparation from the anterior part has allowed revealing only three proteinases that were similar by their properties to cysteine, SHdependent serine, and chymotrypsin-like ones in the posterior part of midgut. Their activity was lower in the anterior, than in the posterior part of the midgut. The probable causes of the low proteolytic activity in the anterior part of the midgut are discussed.  相似文献   

Proteinase inhibitors were studied in the midgut of Nauphoeta cinerea Oliv. (Blattoptera: Blaberidae) in experimental conditions, excluding their nutritional origin. One trypsin inhibitor (TI) with M(r) 8,000 and two subtilisin inhibitors (SI1 and SI2) with M(r) 13,000 and 8,000 were detected after fractionation of total protein preparation on Sephadex G-50. Ninety-four percent of both types of inhibitors was located in anterior midgut (AM). TI was 120-fold purified by FPLC-chromatography on Mono Q. Its isoelectric point was 4.3. TI lost a large part of activity in acidic and especially in alkaline medium. TI, SI1, and SI2 effectively inhibited activities of endogenous proteinases from posterior midgut (PM) of the cockroach. A search for inhibitor of endogenous unusual SH-dependent proteinase from AM revealed in AM a new inhibitor with M(r) 18,000. It was also inactivated in alkaline medium and was effective against proteinases from PM along with unusual SH-dependent proteinase from AM. A mechanism of regulation of activity of midgut proteinases is proposed based on pH-stability of inhibitors.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(4):1160-1165
The behavioural effects of assessment of male dominance status on male and female courtship were investigated in the cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea. Dominance hierarchies were established in laboratory groups of male N. cinerea; virgin females were then given the opportunity to (1) male with a subordinate male in the presence of dominant male odours; (2) mate with a dominant male in the presence of subordinate male odours; (3) mate with a male in the presence of another male's odour, both males lacking status; (4) mate when only a single male was present and no other male's odour was presented. The presence of the dominant male resulted in a significant delay in the approach of a female to a subordinate male and in the response of a female to a courtship display by the subordinate male. Males that lacked status were significantly slower to initiate courtship behaviours. Copulatory time was significantly shorter for subordinate males and males without status. Information concerning the dominance status of neighbouring males is used in assessment of appropriate mating behaviour by males and as a possible criterion in female choice.  相似文献   

Compartmentalization of proteinases, amylases, and pH in the midgut of Nauphoeta cinerea Oliv. (Blattoptera:Blaberidae) was studied in order to understand the organization of protein and starch digestion. Total proteolytic activity measured with azocasein was maximal at pH 11.5 both in anterior (AM) and posterior (PM) halves of the midgut, but the bulk of activity (67%) was found in PM. Total AM and PM preparations were fractionated on a Sephadex G-50 column and further analysed by means of activity electrophoresis and specific inhibitors and activators. The major activity in PM was classified as an unusual SH-dependent proteinase with M(r) 24,000 and pH optimum with synthetic substrate BApNA at 10.0. The enzyme was 43-fold activated in the presence of 1 mM DTT, insensitive to synthetic inhibitors of serine (PMSF, TLCK, TPCK) and cysteine (IAA, E-64) proteinases, strongly inhibited by STI, and displayed four active bands on zymograms. In PM, activities of trypsin-like, chymotrypsin-like, subtilisin-like, and cysteine proteinases were observed. Aspartic and metalloproteinases were not detected. In AM, activity of unusual SH-dependent proteinase also dominated and activity of chymotrypsin-like proteinase was observed, but their levels were much lower than in PM. Distribution of amylase activity, exhibiting an optimum at pH 6.0, was quite the opposite. The major part of it (67%) was located in AM. Treatment of amylase preparation with proteinases from AM and PM reduced amylase activity twofold. pH of the midgut contents was 6.0-7.2 in AM, 6.4-7.6 in the first and 8.8-9.3 in the second halves of PM. Thus, pH in AM is in good agreement with the optimal pH of amylase, located in this compartment, but the activity of proteinases, including the ability to degrade amylase, in such an environment is low. Active proteolysis takes place in the second half of PM, where pH of the gut is close to the optimal pH of proteinases.  相似文献   

Inhibitory activity against subtilisin, proteinase K, chymotrypsin and trypsin was detected in the salivary glands and saliva of the cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea (Blattoptera: Blaberidae). Fractionation of the salivary glands extract by affinity chromatography followed by reverse-phase HPLC yielded five subtilisin-inhibiting peptides with molecular masses ranging from 5 to 14 kDa. N-terminal sequences and subsequently full-length cDNAs of inhibitors designated NcPIa and NcPIb were obtained. The NcPIa cDNA contains 216 nucleotides and encodes a pre-peptide of 72 amino-acid residues of which 19 make up the signal peptide. The cDNA of NcPIb consists of 240 nucleotides and yields a putative secretory peptide of 80 amino-acid residues. Mature NcPIa (5906.6 Da, 53 residues) and NcPIb (6713.3 Da, 60 residues) are structurally similar (65.4% amino acid overlap) single-domain Kazal-type peptidase inhibitors. NcPIa with Arg in P1 position and typical Kazal motif VCGSD interacted stoichiometrically (1:1) with subtilisin and was slightly less active against proteinase K. NcPIb with Leu in P1 and modified Kazal motif ICGSD had similar activity on subtilisin and no on proteinase K but was active on chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

Starvation and enforced virginity induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in the oocytes of female cockroaches of Nauphoeta cinerea, yet the life‐history outcome differs among fed and starved virgins. Consistent with the hypothesis that oocytes are absorbed to reallocate resources, apoptosis is followed by an increase in future reproduction and longevity in starved virgins. However, apoptosis induction by enforced virginity in fed females results in reduced fecundity and longevity. It is predicted that this life‐history outcome occurs because oocyte apoptosis under these conditions is not part of an adaptive reproductive strategy but simply is the result of cellular ageing and clearance to maintain reproductive synchrony. In the present study, reproductive and somatic allocation are examined over time to test whether resources are recouped by the fat body, reinvested in reproduction or lost altogether when apoptosis is associated with enforced virginity. To assay reproductive investment, the number of ovarioles is counted, apoptosis levels are analysed and the size of all oocytes within the vitellaerium is measured. To assay somatic investment, dry fat body mass is measured. In conjunction with apoptosis, the number of ovarioles declines, whereas the size of surviving oocytes increases. By contrast to the cellular ageing hypothesis, apoptosis associated with enforced virginity appears to be adaptive if resources from sacrificed oocytes are recycled into the survivors to maintain the quality of ageing oocytes. This reinvestment in current reproduction may trade‐off with future reproductive capacity.  相似文献   

On any given day, about 35% of 80- to 85-day-old socially na?ve male (SNM) lobster cockroaches (Nauphoeta cinerea) spontaneously adopted an aggressive posture (AP) without encountering another male [spontaneous AP (SAP)]. Although SAP SNMs showed significantly higher release of the pheromone 3-hydroxy-2-butanone (3H-2B) than non-SAP SNMs, there was no significant difference in hemolymph juvenile hormone (JH) III titer. When different body parts were tested for induction of the attack behavior, the antenna was found to be the most effective. After 1 min of contact with an antenna from another SAP SNM, attack behavior was induced in 100% of SAP and 76.2% of non-SAP SNMs, and the JH III titer was significantly increased in all responders. Among the non-SAP SNMs, the JH III titer before antenna contact was significantly lower in the non-responders than in the responders, and, although the JH III increase induced by 1 min antenna contact was similar between responders and non-responders, the final JH III titer of the non-responders was significantly lower. A similar attack response, JH III titer change, and 3H-2B release were seen when the individual's own antenna was used. After 5 min of contact with an antenna from another SAP SNM, attack behavior was induced in 100% of SAP and 82% of non-SAP SNMs; in the former, 3H-2B release was similar before and after antenna contact, but the JH III titer was significantly increased after antenna contact, while, in the latter, both 3H-2B release and JH III titer were significantly increased after antenna contact. Among the non-SAP SNMs, JH III titer in the non-responders was not elevated after 5 min antenna contact, and was significantly lower than that in the responders. A pentane-washed antenna did not induce attack behavior or increase the hemolymph JH III titer, and a pentane-washed antenna coated with 3H-2B also failed to induce attack behavior. These results indicate that N. cinerea male-male agonistic interactions, to which the vertebrate challenge hypothesis can be applied, are due to contact pheromone on the antenna, resulting in the concomitant expression of attack behavior and an increase in 3H-2B release and JH III titer.  相似文献   

The inhibition of exogenous serine proteinases of different origin by cationic protease inhibitors BWI-1c, -2c, -3c, and -4c from buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) seeds has been studied. High efficiency of the inhibitors in binding bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin as well as their broad antiprotease effect, including inhibition of proteinases secreted by fungi and bacteria, has been demonstrated. According to the data obtained, it is proposed that cationic inhibitors from buckwheat seeds may participate in the defense of plants against fungal and bacterial infection.  相似文献   

The innervation of the salivary gland of the cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea (Olivier) has been investigated with the use of light and scanning electron microscopy. Light microscopy of methylene blue stained glands reveals the presence of a dual innervation arising from the ventral nerve cord and the stomodeal nervous system; the principal innervation is that from the ventral nerve cord which passes to the gland via the reservoir ducts. Branches of these nerves form a plexus on the acinar surface, the axons of which exhibit swelling at irregular intervals. The presence of this surface plexus and the axonal swellings was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy both in normal glands and in those in which the basal lamina had been removed by means of an HCl-collagenase digestion method. No acinar plexus was seen to be formed by branches of the stomatogastric nerve that were associated with the gland. However, other branches of this nerve were clearly connected with a complex network of multipolar neurones on the surfaces of the anterior regions of both salivary reservoirs.  相似文献   

The behavior of large, distal, C-heterochromatic blocks in the spermatogenesis of the grey cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea was investigated by light and electron microscopy. In early meiotic prophase I, heterochromatic blocks of some autosomes are involved in the nonhomologous association and form a chromocenter. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with a ribosomal DNA (rDNA) probe revealed the signal on only two pairs of middle chromosomes not engaged in the chromocenter formation; therefore, ectopic conjugation was not caused by the formation of a nucleolus. Analysis showed that chromocentric heterochromatin does not participate (functionally or spatially) in basic meiotic events. Heterochromatin does not participate in the formation of a bouquet, initiation of homologous synapsis, or recombination events. The chromocenter disintegrates at the end of the pachytene when synapsis is totally completed. Heterochromatin polymorphism results in asymmetric synaptonemal complexes (SCs) with different degrees of synaptic adjustment. The axis of the sex univalent (male sex determination is XO) is split in various sites, regardless of heterochromatin localization.  相似文献   

Considerable work in evolutionary biology has focused on the question of why sex persists. Both advantages to sex and constraints limiting a return to asexual reproduction are hypothesized to maintain sex once it evolves. Developmental constraints would limit asexual reproduction from a sexual species if it were difficult for females to switch from making eggs that do not develop without fertilization to making zygotes that are capable of developing in the absence of fertilization. Nauphoeta cinerea is an ovoviviparous cockroach in which some females are capable of switching from a sexual mode of reproduction to an asexual mode when isolated from males. Yet, while facultative parthenogenesis can occur in individuals, few females make the switch. Thus, this cockroach provides an ideal system for examining the potential role of developmental constraints in maintaining sex. Here we compare the cytogenetics and embryonic development of sexual and parthenogenetic offspring in N. cinerea. We find that deviations from normal ploidy levels are associated with abnormal development. All viable N. cinerea embryos exhibit typically hemimetabolous insect embryogenesis. Although there is no variation among embryos in development within a sexually produced clutch, we see extreme variation in asexually derived clutches. These results suggest that developmental constraints limit the success of asexual reproduction in this facultatively parthenogenetic cockroach. Our data further suggest that the specific constraint occurs in the switch from a meiotic mode of reproduction requiring fertilization to diploid zygotes that develop in the absence of fertilization.  相似文献   


The electrical properties of vitellogenic cockroach follicles have been studied using a two-electrode voltage-clamp technique. The resting potential of freshly isolated follicles was usually between ?30 mV and ?45 mV. A voltage-dependent inward current could be activated when the follicles were placed in a medium containing high concentrations of either Ca2+ or Ba2+. Maximal current amplitudes were 0.8μA in a medium containing 30 mM Ca2+ and 2 μA in 30 mM Ba2+. Maximal amplitudes could be elicited with depolarizing pulses to about +15 mV. The steady-state inactivation curve indicated half maximal current at a holding potential of about ?20 mV. Co2+, Ni2+ and Mn2+ inhibited the divalent cation currents in a concentration dependent manner. Half maximal inhibition was observed at about 3 mM concentration for each of the inhibitory cations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study was to explore the olfactory recognition mechanisms used by individual subordinate male cockroaches, Nauphoeta cinerea (Olivier), in a dominance hierarchy. Results of two independent sets of experiments, one using an olfactometer and the other using an arena, suggest that olfactory cues are important to males. Subordinate males did not avoid dominant male odour in an olfactometer but could discriminate between the odours of familiar and unfamiliar individual dominant males, preferring the odour of the dominant male with which they had previous social contact. Since test subordinates did not avoid dominant male odours in the olfactometer, it is possible that the distance an individual remains from a dominant is important. To test this, individual dominant and subordinate males were tethered in the centre of an arena. Subordinate males were introduced into the arena and allowed to approach the tethered male. They approached tethered dominants and subordinates differently, and tended to keep away from the dominants. Tethered males unfamiliar to the test animals were avoided as well.  相似文献   

The cervicothoracic musculature of the adult cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea (Olivier) is described for the first time. The adult thoracic ventral intersegmental muscles are compared with those of the nymph and of the adult cockroach, Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus).  相似文献   

Cationic Inhibitors of Serine Proteinases from Buckwheat Seeds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Preparations of low molecular weight protein inhibitors of serine proteinases have been obtained from buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) seeds by chromatography of seed extract on trypsin-Sepharose 4B, Mono-Q, and Mono-S ion exchangers (FPLC regime). Their molecular masses, determined by mass spectrometry, were 5203 (BWI-1c), 5347 (BWI-2c), 7760 (BWI-3c), and 6031 daltons (BWI-4c). All of the inhibitors possess high pH- and thermal stability in the pH range 2-12. In addition to trypsin, BWI-3c and BWI-4c inhibited chymotrypsin and subtilisin-like bacterial proteases. The N-terminal sequences of all of the inhibitors were determined: BWI-1c (23 residues), BWI-2c (33 residues), BWI-3c (18 residues), and BWI-4c (20 residues). In their physicochemical properties and N-terminal amino acid sequences, the buckwheat seed trypsin inhibitors BWI-3c and BWI-4c appear to belong to potato proteinase inhibitor I family.  相似文献   

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