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Summary Demographic parameters for the Mediterranean fruit fly reared on each of twenty four different hosts from sixteen different plant families are reported. These include cohort parameters of development, survival, pupal sizc, and fecundity as well as population parameters such as intrinsic rate of population increase (r) and mean generation time. Major findings include the following: i) no consistent quantitative relationships existed between r and its chief demographic determinants such as preadult developmental time and adult fecundity; and ii) few correlations existed among the cohort life history parameters themselves. The principle conclusion is that the medfly is a successful generalist frugivore because of its developmental ability to offset the effect of the value for a host-specific trait that tends to lower r with one that tends to increase r, the net result of which is to maintain a relatively high r.  相似文献   

Learning to find fruit in Ceratitis capitata flies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wild Mediterranean fruit fly females, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), from an essentially monophagous population on the island of Hawaii were exposed to natural mock orange (Murraya paniculata) or sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) host fruit hung from branches of potted trees for 3-day periods in field enclosures. Subsequently, when flies were released individually onto potted trees harboring one or the other (or a mixture) of these fruit types, a higher proportion visited the type of fruit with which they were familiar (and visitors found familiar fruit faster) compared with the fruit type with which they were unfamiliar. Moreover, fruit-finding flies of this monophagous population attempted oviposition exclusively in the familiar fruit type, and thus appeared to be just as capable of learning to accept fruit for oviposition as wild flies from a previously-tested polyphagous population on the island of Maui. Additional tests were conducted in which flies were exposed to natural or colored-wax-covered mock oranges or sweet oranges and tested for response to colored-wax-covered natural or artificial fruit. Results suggested that fruit size was the principal character learned and used in finding mock orange or sweet orange fruit, while fruit color and odor appeared to be of little or no importance in this regard.
Résumé Des femelles sauvages d'une population essentiellement monophage de C. capitata Wiedemann, provenant de l'île de Hawaï, ont été mises en présence pendant des périodes de 3 jours dans des enceintes dans la nature à des fruits de Murraya paniculata et de Citrus sinensis suspendus à des branches d'arbres empotés. Quand les mouches ont été libérées individuellement sur les arbres empotés portant l'un ou l'autre de ces fruits (ou leur mélange), une plus forte proportion a visité le fruit avec lequel elles étaient familiarisées (et l'ont trouvé plus vite) que le fruit avec lequel elles ne n'étaient pas. De plus, les femelles découvrant des fruits de cette population monophage ne tentèrent de pondre que dans le type de fruit avec lequel elle étaient familiarisées. Elles se montrèrent aussi capables que les mouches d'une population polyphage de l'île de Maui d'apprendre à accepter de nouveaux fruits pour pondre. Des expériences complémentaires ont été réalisées dans lesquelles les mouches étaient mises en présence de fruits de M. paniculata ou de C. sinensis naturels ou couverts de cire colorée ou encore de fruits artificiels. Les résultats suggèrent que la taille du fruit est le principal critère d'apprentissage utilisé pour trouver M. paniculata ou C. sinensis, la couleur et l'odeur du fruit étant apparus comme de moindre importance ou sans effet.

Mediterranean fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata Wied.) are detected by traps baited with the attractant, trimedlure (TML), deposited on the standard cotton dental roll dispenser. Since this dispenser is effective for only 2–4 weeks, controlled-release dispensers may extend the field life of TML-baited traps. A polymeric plug containing 70% by weight TML was highly effective for 8–12 weeks. Other formulations were less effective in the tests with released flies. A release rate of ca. 17 mg of standard TML/day or higher gave insect captures which were generally lower but statistically equivalent to those with the reference dispenser which released 61–63 mg/day. Normalized insect catches increased approximately as the square root of the release rate; the curvilinear regression equation suggested that TML release rates of ca. 52 and 15 mg/day give insect captures equal to ca. 100% and 50%, respectively, of the reference catches. The most attractive TML isomer (TML-C) was a highly effective attractant at a release rate of ca. 4 mg/day.
Résumé C. capitata était attiré par des pièges alimentés avec de la trimedlure (TML), attractif déposé sur un distributeur commercial de coton dentaire en rouleau. Puisque ce distributeur ne fonctionne que 2 à 4 semaines, des distributeurs à libération contrôlée peuvent augmenter le temps de fonctionnement de pièges fournis en TML. Un bouchon en polymère contenant en poids 70% de TML a été très efficace pendant 8 à 12 semaines. D'autres formules ont été moins efficaces avec des mouches lâchées. Un taux de libération, de 17 mg ou plus de TML moyen par jour, capture moins, mais sans différence statistique significative, qu'un distributeur témoin qui libérait 61 à 63 mg/j. Les captures d'insectes ont augmenté à peu près comme le carré du taux de libération; l'équation de régression curviligne a conduit à penser que la libération de TML à des taux de 52 et 15 mg/j, provoque des captures égales à 100% et 50% des captures de référence. L'isomère le plus attractif (TML-C) a été un attractif très efficace au taux de libération de 4 mg/j.

No significant variation in mating activity was observed among eight laboratory strains of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Two methods were used to select strains showing high and low mating activity: a single pair technique (SP) assessing time to mating and a mass technique (M) based on a mating index. Reciprocal pairings between fast and slow selected lines showed that the difference between the SP lines was female-determined whereas the difference between the M lines depended on the behaviour of both sexes. M selection, irrespective of its direction, affected two courtship parameters, vibration distance and vibration duration both of which tended to be shorter. M selection was also associated with a reduction in startle activity in females.
Résumé Aucune variation significative n'a été observée dans les activités sexuelles de huit souches de laboratoire de la mouche méditerranéenne du fruit, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera Tephritidae).Deux méthodes ont été utilisées pour sélectionner des souches manifestant une activité sexuelle basse ou élevée: une technique utilisant un seul couple (SP), basée sur la durée de la période avant copulation, et une technique de masse (M), basée sur un index d'accouplement.Des appariements réciproques entre les lignées rapides et lentes ont montré que la différence entre les lignées SP était déterminée par les femelles, tandis que la différence entre les lignées M résultait du comportement des deux sexes. La sélection M, quelle que soit sa direction, affects deux paramètres, la distance entre partenaires lors de la vibration et la durée de la vibration qui tous deux tendent à se raccourcir. La sélection M est aussi associée à une réduction de la réaction des femelles à un brusque stimulus lumineux (Startle activity).

Abstract. 1. This study was conducted in Greece using a wild strain of medflies ( Ceratitis capitata [Weidemann]) to assess age-specific vital rates in adults, and development and survival in pre-adults when reared on different host fruit. The results were used to construct life tables.
2. The demographic analyses suggested that there are basically four aspects of the medfly's life history which are of major importance: (i) multiple, highlyoverlapping generations; (ii) high net reproduction while young; (iii) high larval fitness in certain hosts; (iv) lack of diapause.
3. Reasons why these characteristics are felt to be important are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic research on the Mediterranean fruit fly,Ceratitis capitata, will provide tools to permit determination of source populations for new pest infestations. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of mitochondrial DNA provides some interpopulation discrimination. A restriction map, including the informative variableEcoRV andXbaI restriction sites, is constructed for the Mediterranean fruit fly, and several restriction sites are associated with specific gene regions based on polymerase chain reaction-RFLP and sequence analyses. A partial sequence of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene is reported.  相似文献   

We examined the intra-tree foraging behavior of individually-released, wild-population Mediterranean fruit flies (medflies), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), on field-caged host trees bearing each of three different densities (0, 3, or 12 per tree) of non-infested host fruit (kumquat) or each of two levels of fruit quality (12 non-infested fruit or 12 fruit infested with eggs and covered with host marking pheromone). With increasing density of non-infested fruit, medflies tended to remain longer in trees, visit more fruit before leaving, oviposit more often, accept a proportionately smaller number of fruit visited, and emigrate sooner after the last egg was laid (i.e. have a shorter Giving-Up-Time). Medflies spent much less time, oviposited much less often, and exhibited a longer Giving-Up-Time on trees harboring pheromone-marked fruit than non-infested fruit. Variation in temperature within the range at which experiments were conducted (25–36°C) had little detectable influence on foraging behavior. We compare our findings with published findings on the intra-tree foraging behavior of another tephritid fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), and with current foraging behavior theory. We discuss implications of our findings with respect to medfly management strategies, particularly fruit stripping in eradication programs and use of synthetic marking pheromone for control.
Résumé Nous avons étudié le comportement de prospection dans un arbre, de femelles d'une population sauvage de C. capitata, libérées individuellement à l'intérieur de cages contenant des Eriobotrya japonica (kumquat), portant chacun 3 densités différentes de fruits no contaminés (0, 3, 12 par arbre) et chacun 2 niveaux de qualité de fruits: 12 fruits non infestés ou 12 fruits contaminés par des oeufs et recouverts de phéromone de marquage de l'hôte. C. capitata avait terndance à rester plus longtemps dans les arbres, à visiter plus de fruits avant le quitter, à pondre plus souvent, à accepter proportionnellement un nombre plus réduit de fruits déjà visités, à émigrer plus tôt après la ponte du dernier oeuf (c'est-à-dire à présenter un temps d'abandon plus bref), quand la densité des fruits non contaminés augmentait. C. capitata a dépensé beaucoup moins de temps, pondu beaucoup moins souvent, et présenté un temps d'abandon plus long sur les arbres portant des fruits marqués par la phéromone que sur ceux ayant des fruits non contaminés. Les variations de température dans la gamme de cells où les observations ont eu lieu (23–36°C) n'ont eu qu'une faible influence décelable sur le comportement de prospection. Nous avons comparé nos résultats avec ceux publiés sur la prospection à l'intérieur de l'arbre par une autre téphritide (Rhagoletis pomonella) et avec la théorie dominante sur le comportement de prospection. Nous discutons les conséquences de nos résultats sur les stratégies de lutte contre C. capitata, en particulier l'élimination des fruits dans les plans d'erradication et l'utilisation de phéromone synthétique de marquage.

Fifty-six compounds from the odor of calling, sexually mature, laboratory reared males of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) were isolated by headspace trapping on Tenax columns and identified using GC/MS techniques (69 total compounds were detected). Electroantennogram responses (EAGs) to 54 of the 56 identified compounds as well as 5 analogs were tested on both sexes. Significant differences between the sexes in their responsiveness were found in 9 of the 54 identified compounds tested. There was no correlation between the amplitude of the EAG response and the relative abundance of compound identified from headspace analysis. Of the five major identified components, three elicited relatively small EAG responses, while two elicited large EAGs compared to the hexan-1-ol standard. The relative ranking of EAG responses were: methyl and ethyl hexenoates and hexanoates > C4–C6 esters and/or acetates > ethyl and methyl octenoates > monoterpenes > sesquiterpenes > C2–C5 acetates, alcohols and ketones. Behavioral bioassays on each of the five major identified components as well as a blend of six of the compounds showed some degree of attractancy to virgin females which in some cases approached the response to a pheromonal standard (male odors absorbed onto filter paper). These results are discussed in relationship to the insect's antennal sensitivity to putative pheromone components and/or allomonal components and to other reported C. capitata pheromone studies.
Résumé Cinquante-six composés de l'odeur de mâles de C. capitata Weidemann, élevés en laboratoire, sexuellement mûrs et en appel, ont été isolés par piégeage sur colonnes tenax et identifiés par la technique GC/MS (69 composés avaient été détectés en tout). Les électroantennogrammes (EAGs) ont été examinés chez les deux sexes pour 54 des 56 composés identifiés et 5 de leurs analogues. Des différences significatives entre les sexes ont été observées pour 9 des 54 composés identifiés. Il n'y avait pas de corrélation entre l'ampleur de l'EAG et l'abondance relative du composé lors de son isolement. Pour les 5 principaux composés identifiés, 3 ont induit des EAGs relativement faibles, tandis que 2 étaient importants, par comparaison avec l'Hexane-1-ol utilisé comme témoin. Le classement relatif des EAG a été: hexénoates et hexanoates d'éthyl et de méthyl C4–C6 esters et/ou acétates octénoates d'éthyl ou de méthyl monoterpènes sesquiterpènes C2–C5 acétates, alcools et kétones. Les expériences de comportement avec chacun des 5 composés principaux identifiés, comme avec des mélanges de 6 composés ont mis en évidence une attraction des femelles vierges qui dans quelques cas avoisine la réponse à la phéromone témoin (odeur du mâle absorbée sur papier filtre). Ces résultats sont discutés en fonction de la sensibilité de l'antenne d'insexte aux composés supposés de la phéromone et aux composés allomonaux, et en fonction des autres études connues sur les phéromones de C. capitata.

Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded from laboratory-reared, male and female Ceratitis capitata (medfly) in response to individual volatiles identified from ripe nectarines. Uniformity in EAG response between the sexes was observed for most test compounds. Only 10 volatiles, of the 44 nectarine volatiles tested, elicited significantly different EAG responses between the sexes. No correlation was observed between the magnitude of antennal responsiveness and the concentration of a particular volatile in the headspace odor of ripe nectarines. The most abundant (major) nectarine volatiles were among the least EAG stimulatory compounds tested. And certain minor and trace volatiles were the most potent compounds in eliciting EAGs. Moreover, the magnitude of antennal response to a nectarine volatile was related to the functional-group, chain-length, and unsaturation of the compound. The degree of potency of the compounds was as follows: six-carbon unsaturated aldehydes and alcoholsmethyl and ethyl hexanoates and octanoateshexenyl acetates and monoterpenes>shorter chain-length acetates and alcohols>lactones. Unsaturated aldehydes, alcohols, and acetates generally elicited larger EAGs than their saturated analogs, with the (E)-2-isomers being the most potent isomeric configurations. In addition, medfly antennae exhibited long recovery periods (i.e., >10 sec.) for the EAG tracings to return to baseline potential after stimulations with certain classes of compounds, e.g., C6 to C8 acid esters, monoterpenes, and hexen-1-ols. The potential adaptiveness to medflies for selective sensitivity to these volatiles is discussed.  相似文献   

Significant inter-populational differences in propensity to attempt boring into (accept) various types of fruit for oviposition were found among Ceratitis capitata females from two wild sources and one laboratory source. Evidence suggests that (a) fruit size had a strong influence whereas fruit taxonomic status had little influence on the acceptance pattern of each population, and (b) at least a portion of the inter-populational variation had a genetic basis.
Zusammenfassung Bei zwei Wildherkünften und einem Laboratoriumsstamm von Ceratitis capitata wurden Weibchen auf ihre Neigung zur Probebohrung in Früchte vor der Eiablage untersucht; dabei ergaben sich gesicherte Unterschiede zwischen den Populationen. Die Resultate deuten drauf hin, (a) dass die Fruchtgrösse einen grossen, und die taxonomische Stellung der Früchte einen kleinen Einfluss auf das Annahmemuster der Populationen ausübt, und (b) dass mindestens ein Teil der Unterschiede zwischen den Populationen genetisch bedingt ist.

R. Kaspi 《BioControl》2000,45(4):463-468
Chiracanthium mildei, a common sac spider (Clubionidae) in Israel, is an important predator of pest insects in citrus and apple orchards. Field observations indicate that the females of this hunting spider are attracted to traps containing the parapheromone trimedlure and males of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata),which were caught in these traps. Laboratory testsshow that C. mildei females are attractedto olfactory cues from male C. capitata, but notto trimedlure. This suggests that C. mildeimay be an important nocturnal predator of C.capitata.  相似文献   

Qin Zhou  David S. Haymer 《Genetica》1997,101(3):167-178
We have isolated and characterized a new LTR-retrotransposon in the genome of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), Ceratitis capitata. This retrotransposon, which we named yoyo, appears to be a member of the gypsy/Ty3 class of elements. The yoyo element was originally discovered on the Y chromosome of the Medfly. Although the Y chromosome copy appears to be truncated, at least two other apparently complete copies of yoyo from other genomic locations have been isolated and characterized. The complete element is approximately 7.7 kb in size. In addition to fairly typical GAG and POL coding regions, the yoyo element contains a potential ENV gene. The presence of an ENV gene is a key feature distinguishing potential retroviral-like elements, such as gypsy (and possibly yoyo), from many other invertebrate retrotransposons previously described. In addition to the structural features of yoyo, evidence is provided to show that yoyo is capable of movement in the genome, including RFLPs showing variability in genomic localization of copies of yoyo between strains, and differences among individuals in the presence of yoyo at a specific site in the genome. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Groups of female Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata(Wiedemann), were exposed for several days to one of three host fruit species. Oviposition-site acceptance behavior was subsequently assayed on five fruit species. Females accepted most often the fruit to which they were exposed. Females exposed to a small fruit, mock orange, accepted other fruit species less often as the size of the fruit increased; females exposed to a large fruit, sweet orange, accepted other fruit species more often as the size of the fruit increased. This tendency for experience with one host fruit species to alter differentially behavioral responses to alternative host fruit species has been defined as cross-induction. In contrast, females exposed to a medium fruit, kumquat, were not cross-induced: females accepted the medium fruit very often and rejected all other fruit species to approximately the same degree regardless of size. When females were exposed to small, medium, or large fruit and tested on spherical wax fruit models of a variety of sizes, patterns similar to those with real fruit were observed. Whereas naive females generally accepted a given model as frequently as real fruit of a similar size, experienced females generally accepted models much less frequently than real fruit. In a final experiment, females were exposed to different fruits and tested on spherical wax models treated with fruit chemicals. Experienced females generally accepted fruit-treated spheres more often than untreated spheres. In addition, females usually accepted most often models treated with chemicals from the fruit to which they were exposed. Two hypotheses about the mechanism by which experience alters fruit acceptance— termed the sliding template and closing window hypotheses— are presented. Results of fruit and model acceptance by naive and experienced females support the latter hypothesis.  相似文献   

When mature larvae of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) pupated in bran rather than naked there was an increase in adult eclosion, but no difference in 9 day pupal weight, 9 day lipid content, or flight ability. There was no difference when pupation occurred at 20 or 25°C. Pupation in sand at 20°C caused severe mortality, while pupation in sand at 25°C did not. Data are presented which favour naked pupation over pupation in any medium, and evidence is presented which indicates that collection of mature larvae in a rotary tumbler rather than by the conventional popping method is economically preferable and is without significant biologically adverse effects.
Résumé Si des larves mûres de Ceratitis capitata se nymphosent dans du son ou à l'air libre, dans le premier cas le taux d'éclosions est plus élevé, mais le poids et la teneur en lipides au neuvième jour de nymphose ainsi que l'aptitude au vol sont identiques dans les deux. Il n'y a pas de différences pour les pupaisons à 20°C et 25°C, mais la pupaison dans le sable à 20°C provoque une forte mortalité, tandis qu'à 25°C le sable n'a aucun effet. Les résultats obtenus sont favorable à une pupaison à nu plutôt que dans un substrat, et des arguments sont apportés montrant que la collecte des larves mûres dans un culbuteur rotatif ne provoque significativement pas plus d'effets nocifs que la méthode classique du saut.

Summary The viability of a series of recombination suppressor (RS) strains in Ceratitis capitata, all previously found to contain a reciprocal autosomal translocation, was assessed for egg hatchability and adult emergence in both the homozygous and heterozygous state. Except in T 30C, which contains a Y-autosome translocation in addition to the A-A translocation, egg hatch was significantly reduced in all heterozygous translocation strains, and ranged from 42.4% to 58.5% in seeded eggs compared to a control value of 82.8%. Adult emergence from hatched eggs was affected to a lesser extent, but with a range of 59.5% to 84.2%, compared to the control value of 83.1%, remained significantly reduced in 4 of the 6 translocation strains, as well as in the male line of T 30C. In the homozygous configuration all strains, except T 19 and T 109, showed a significant reduction in egg hatchability, whereas adult emergence was not adversely affected. A significant reduction in the egg hatchability of the translocation heterozygotes compared to that of the homozygotes was observed in 5 of the 7 strains, the observed reduction in T 55/109 being non-significant while that of T 30C was significantly increased. The behaviour of translocations as recombination suppressors and their suitability for inclusion in breeding schemes for the isolation of induced recessive mutations is discussed.This work forms part of a Joint FAO/IAEA research programme on the development of genetic sexing mechanisms for the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.)  相似文献   

Using a genetic sexing line based on pupal colour dimorphism in Ceratitis capitata Wied., field cage experiments were carried out with a wild population in Italy. The experiments were designed to monitor the competitiveness of males of this line in comparison with wild males and to assess the effect of removal of females prior to release on the proportion of wild females mated by the released males.The results showed that the genetic sexing strain competed well with the wild population but there was a large degree of intra-strain mating. Removal of females prior to release radically changed the mating pattern from intra to inter-strain mating. This change greatly increases the efficiency of the sterile insect method of control.It was concluded that as well as the obvious economic advantages of genetic sexing, significant biological advantages would also be associated with the integration of such a strain in a sterile insect control programme.
Résumé Des expériences en cage en champ ont été réalisées en Italie avec des populations naturelles de Ceratitis capitata en utilisant une lignée dont le sexage était basé sur le dimorphisme de la couleur des pupes. Les expériences ont été conçues pour contrôler la compétitivité des mâles de cette lignée face aux mâles sauvages, et d'évaluer l'effet du retrait des femelles avant le lâcher sur le pourcentage de femelles sauvages accouplées avec des mâles lâchés.Les expériences montrent que la compétition ne défavorise pas la lignée génétiquement sexable mais révèlent une fréquence élevée d'accouplement intralignée.Le retrait des femelles avant le lâcher modifie radicalement l'orientation des accouplements d'intra vers interlignées. Ce changement accroît fortement l'efficacité de la technique d'utilisation des mâles stériles dans la lutte biologique. On en a conclu que non seulement des intérêts économiques évidents mais aussi des avantages biologiques significatifs seraient retirés de l'intégration de telles lignées sexables génétiquement dans les programmes de lutte avec des mâles stériles.

Replacing commercial granular sucrose by inexpensive sugar-cane molasses in the finisher bulk phase of the Seibersdorf standard larval diet with starter (SLDS) for Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) had no detrimental effect on larval stage duration, pupal size, pupal recovery from hatched eggs, adult emergence, and adult flight ability. When a low-cost yeast from Cairo replaced Schwechat brewer's yeast in the Seibersdorf standard larval diet without the starter (SLD), all quality measurements except the larval stage duration were improved by 5–10%, the increase found significant for adult emergence and flight ability. When sugar and Schwechat yeast were replaced by molasses and Cairo yeast, respectively, in both starter and finisher phases of the SLDS, all quality measurements except the pupal size were affected negatively, the difference from control found almost always significant for larval stage duration and pupal recovery. When the SLDS diet contained molasses and Cairo yeast, molasses could be reduced in the finisher by 50% with no significant reduction on any of the quality measurements except the pupal size which was reduced by 6%. A similar reduction of Cairo yeast resulted in a significant reduction of both pupal recovery (by 26%) and adult emergence (by 18%). Yeast could be reduced by 50% only when molasses was simultaneously increased by 25%. Finally, in the starter phase of SLDS sodium benzoate or citric acid could be reduced considerably without a significant effect on any of the quality measurements.
Zusammenfassung Der Ersatz von kommerziell verfügbarem, granuliertem Rübenzucker durch billige Zuckerrohrmelasse in der Endkomponente der in Seibersdorf für die Massenaufzucht von Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) verwendeten Standard-Larven-Diät mit Starter (SLDS) hatte keine negativen Auswirkungen auf (i) die Dauer des Larvenstadiums (ii) die Größe der Puppen (iii) die Entwicklung der Puppen nach dem Schlüpfen sowie auf (iv) die Entwicklung und (v) die Flugfähigkeit erwachsener Fruchtfliegen. Desgleichen führte ein Ersatz von Schwechater Brauhefe durch billige Hefe aus Kairo in der standardisierten Seibersdorfer Larvendiät ohne Starter (SLD) zu einer 5–10% igen Verbesserung der bewerteten Qualitätsparameter mit Ausnahme der Dauer des Larvenstadiums; die Entwicklung und Flugfähigkeit erwachsener Fliegen war zudem signifikant verbessert.Bei Ersatz von Zucker und Schwechater Brauhefe durch Melasse bzw. Hefe aus Kairo sowohl in der Starterphase als auch in der Endkomponente der SLDS wurden alle bewerteten Qualitätskriterien mit Ausnahme der Größe der Puppen negativ beeinflußt; signifikant verschlechterte Werte zu den Kontrollen traten insbesonders bei der Dauer des Larvenstadiums und der Entwicklung der Puppen auf. Enthielt dagegen die SLDS-Diät Melasse und Hefe aus Kairo, so konnte der Melasseanteil in der Endkomponente der Diät ohne signifikante negative Auswirkungen auf die Qualitätskontrollmerkmale um 50% verringert werden; nur die Größe der Puppen war um 6% reduziert. Eine gleich große Verringerung des Anteils an Kairohefe führte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der Entwicklung der Puppen (um 26%) und der Entwicklung erwachsener Fliegen (um 18%). Hefe aus Kairo konnte nur dann um 50% vermindert werden, wenn der Melasseanteil gleichzeitig um 25% erhöht wurde.Letztendlich konnte Natriumbenzoat oder Zitronensäure in der Starterphase der SLDS ohne significante Auswirkungen auf die bewerteten Qualitätskriterien wesentlich reduziert werden.

Quality control charting was applied to a number of criteria implemented to monitor the large scale (ca 10 million pupae per week) production of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) and to assess the quality of the flies so produced. The control chart procedure was useful and indicated the development involving adult flight ability. It also illustrated the variability inherent in some parameters e.g. percent recovery of pupae from eggs, but in the absence of similar data from other rearing facilities it is not possible to state whether or not that level of virability is inherent in the process.
Résumé Une procédure de contrôle de la qualité a été appliquée à une série de critères de l'élevage de masse (c'est-à-dire 10 millions de pupes var semaine) de C. capitata pour garantir la qualité des mouches produites. La charte de contrôle a été utile et a permis de mettre en évidence un problème concernant l'apptitude au vol des adultes. Elle a illustré la variabilité de certains paramètres, par exemple le taux de pupes obtenues à partir des oeufs, mais en l'absence de données semblables provenant d'autres élevages, il n'est pas possible de savoir quelle part du taux de variabilité est inhérente ou non à la méthode.

The potential of entomopathogenic nematodes, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Heterorhabditis zealandica and Steinernema khoisanae, to infect pupariating larvae, pupae and adults of Ceratitis capitata and Ceratitis rosa was investigated in laboratory bioassays. Pupariating larvae and adult flies were susceptible to nematode infection, with no infection recorded for the pupae. Pupariating larvae of C. capitata were generally more susceptible to infection than those of C. rosa. Significantly more larvae of C. capitata were infected by H. bacteriophora. For C. rosa, highest infectivity of larvae was obtained with H. zealandica. In contrast, adults of both species were highly infected by S. khoisanae.  相似文献   

Laboratory-reared and wild-collected adult female Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, were exposed to two host fruit species, sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.) and mock orange (Murraya paniculata Jack: Rutaceae). The effect of experience with a fruit species on acceptance of these fruit species (i.e., learning) differed between lab and wild females, but only for flies that were exposed to mock orange. Similar differences in fruit acceptance between lab and wild females were observed when individuals experienced with one fruit species were exposed to the other fruit species (i.e., switching). Finally, when each group was exposed to sweet orange, wild flies subsequently deprived of host fruit retained the effect of exposure on acceptance of mock orange 1 day longer than did lab flies subsequently deprived of host fruit. An hypothesis is presented by which selection under artificial culture gave rise to these differences.
Résumé Des Ceratitis capitata femelles, élevées au laboratoire ou obtenues dans la nature à partir d'Eriobotrya japonica, ont été mises en présence de Citrus sinensis et de Murraya paniculata. L'effet de l'accoutumance à une espèce de fruit sur l'acceptation ultérieure des fruits d'une espèce déterminée (c'est-à-dire l'apprentissage) n'était pas le même pour les mouches sauvages et pour les mouches de laboratoire accoutumées à M. paniculata. Les mouches sauvages accoutumées à M. paniculata tentent de pondre dans C. sinensis beaucoup moins fréquemment que dans M. paniculata. Par contre, les mouches de laboratoire accoutumées à M. paniculata tentent de pondre dans M. paniculata aussi souvent que dans C. sinensis. Des différences du même type entre mouches sauvages et mouches du laboratoire ont été observées quand les individus mis en expérience avec une espèce de fruit ont été ensuite exposés à l'autre espèce, c'est-à-dire lors de réapprentissage. L'acceptation finale par les mouches de laboratoire dépend un peu plus de l'exposition à C. sinensis et un peu moins à celle de M. paniculata que lors de l'acceptation finale par des mouches sauvages. Enfin, des mouches sauvages accoutumées à C. sinensis et privées de leurs fruits, conservent un jour de plus l'effet de l'accoutumance, lors de l'acceptation de M. paniculata, que les mouches de laboratoire placées dans les mêmes conditions.Nous émettons l'hypothèse qu'une sélection due aux conditions d'élevage est à l'origine de ces différences. L'élevage dans de grandes bouteilles de polyéthylène peut sélectionner des mouches qui apprennent plus difficilement en présence de petits fruits comme M. paniculata et qui conservent l'influence de l'expérience pendant un temps plus bref.

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