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The production of rat serum proteins by a clonal strain of rat hepatoma cells (MH1C1) has been investigated by growing the cells in a serum-free medium. By immunodiffusion, immunoelectrophoresis and autoradiography we have demonstrated that the cells produce and secrete at least 12 rat serum proteins.  相似文献   

Addition of hydrocortisone to the medium of a clonal strain of rat pituitary cells (GH3) stimulated the rate of production of growth hormone. The stimulation had a lag period of about 24 hr, reached a maximum at 70–100 hr, and was observed at a hydrocortisone concentration as low as 5 x 10-8 M. Cells maximally stimulated with 3 x 10-6 M hydrocortisone produced 50–160 µg growth hormone/mg cell protein/24 hr. These rates were four to eight times those observed in control cells. At maximum stimulation, intracellular levels of growth hormone in both stimulated and control cells were equal to the amount secreted into the medium in about 15 min. Removal of hydrocortisone from the medium of GH3 cells caused a return of the rate of growth hormone production to that in control cells. Addition of hydrocortisone to the medium of cells growing exponentially with a population-doubling time of 60 hr caused both an increase in the doubling time to 90 hr and a stimulation of growth hormone production. Cycloheximide (3.6 x 10-5 M) and puromycin (3.7 x 10-4 M) suppressed incorporation of labeled amino acids into protein by 93 and 98%, respectively, and suppressed growth hormone production by stimulated and control cells by at least 94%.  相似文献   

Steroid metabolism in hepatoma tissue culture (HTC) cells derived from a male rat was investigated. Steroids in ethanol were incubated with the cells for various lengths of time. Volume of ethanol never exceeded 1% of incubation volume. Thin-layer and paper chromatography were used. Incubation was with tritiated steroids. It was demonstrated that testosterone as well as dihydrotestosterone is transformed. The main enzyme activities detected were 5alpha-reduction and 3alpha-, 3beta, and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenation. The pattern of metabolism was reproducible and varied with time, substrate concentration, and number of cells incubated. Some steroids interfered with androgen metabolism. 17beta-estradiol, 17-epitestosterone, and progesterone competed for the 17beta-hydroxyprogesterone dehydrogenase. it is concluded that 3beta and 17beta reduction in the HTC cells may be catalyzed by the same enzyme which might differ considerably from the 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase assayed in intact liver cells. A hepatoma derived from a female rat also produced considerable amounts of 3beta-derivatives of testosterone.  相似文献   

GH4C1 cells (CH cells) are a clonal strain of rat pituitary tumor cells which secrete prolactin. We measured intracellular prolactin at different stages of the cell cycle using flow microfluorometry. Prolactin was stained by an indirect immunocytochemical technique using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated antiserum, and DNA was stained simultaneously with propidium iodide. We found that prolactin storage in GH cells was cell-cycle dependent; prolactin storage increased as cells passed from G1 to S to G2 + M. We have shown previously that insulin and 17 beta-estradiol act synergistically to increase intracellular prolactin three- to sevenfold and slow the rate of cell growth to approximately 70% of control cells. In this study we observed that insulin and estradiol increased prolactin storage at each stage of the cell cycle but did not affect the cell-cycle distribution of the population even though cell growth was slowed. We conclude that insulin and estradiol did not increase prolactin storage by affecting the cell-cycle distribution of the population.  相似文献   

GH4C1 cells (GH cells) are a clonal strain of rat pituitary tumor cells which secrete prolactin. GH cells have been used to study hormone secretion, but they store relatively little prolactin compared to normal prolactin-secreting cells. They are not suitable, therefore, for studying some aspects of pituitary function. We have found that the amount of prolactin GH cells store can be regulated. When GH cells were plated at 10(6) cells/well and treated for six days with 180 nM insulin or 1 nM estradiol, there was a 60 percent increase in prolactin storage compared to control cells. Insulin and estradiol in combination acted synergistically to cause a 190 percent increase in prolactin storage. In contrast, they were additive in increasing extracellular prolactin; there was a 40 percent increase in extracellular prolactin after insulin, a 20 percent increase after estradiol, and a 50 percent increase after insulin plus estradiol. The increases in prolactin storage were always greater than the increases in extracellular prolactin. The increases in prolactin storage were dose-dependent and reached maximal levels after four days of treatment with 180 nM insulin plus 1 nM estradiol. Reducing the plating density to 10(3) cells/well increased the response to insulin and estradiol to nineteenfold. Epidermal growth factor (10 nM) acted synergistically with estradiol and insulin in combination to increase prolactin storage 27-fold. The insulin- and estradiol-induced increase in extracellular prolactin was caused by a specific increase in the rate of prolactin synthesis. The fractional increase in prolactin storage above the increase in prolactin production could not be explained by an increase in prolactin synthesis, an increase in intracellular transit time, or a change in the cell-cycle distribution of the population. Hormone storage can, therefore, be regulated independently from other processes which control hormone production. The prolactin stored in response to insulin and estradiol was releasable by potassium depolarization. Following depletion of intracellular prolactin by depolarization, the cells retained their increased capacity for prolactin storage. The ability to increase prolactin storage will make GH cells a more useful system in which to study pituitary function.  相似文献   

A clonal strain of epithelial cells has been established from the transplantable Morris hepatoma 7800 and is designated 7800C1. The cells grow with a population doubling time of about three days in serum-supplemented synthetic medium. Cells of the 7800C1 strain have maintained measurable activities of all the enzymes of the urea cycle during 17 months in continuous culture. The activity of argininosuccinate lyase is approximately that found in normal rat liver, while argininosuccinate synthetase, carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, arginase and ornithine carbamoyl transferase activities are, respectively, 40%, 28%, 6%. and 1% of normal values. Treatment of 7800C1 cells with glucagon, dibutyryl 3′,5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate or hydrocortisone did not increase the activity of any of the five enzymes.  相似文献   

The cellular metabolism of apoE-free HDL (HDL) was studied in rat hepatoma cells (FU5AH). Cells incubated with HDL showed a dose-dependent decreased incorporation of [14C]acetate into cell sterol, indicating a net cholesterol delivery to the cells. HDL was localized both at the cell surface and inside the cell. This conclusion was drawn from both the association of 125I-labeled HDL with the cells under different experimental conditions and morphological evidence based on the association of colloidal gold-labeled HDL with the cells. Up to 63% of the 125I-labeled HDL protein initially inside the cell was subsequently recovered in the media as trichloroacetic acid precipitable (TCA-ppt) protein after a 30-min, 37 degrees C chase with a 100-fold concentration of unlabeled HDL. About 27% of the TCA-ppt apoprotein originally inside the cell was recovered as TCA-soluble material. Thus, we conclude that of the HDL apoprotein taken up by the cells, the majority is resecreted by a retroendocytosis pathway. The quantity of HDL apoprotein reappearing in the media was stimulated by the presence of unlabeled HDL in the media, while the amount of TCA-soluble material produced was not. Retroendocytosis of HDL was inhibited at 0 degree C and by the presence of 10 mM NaCN, 20 mM 2-deoxy-D-glucose in the media. Thus, the pathway appears to be both temperature- and energy-sensitive. HDL resecreted by the cell were depleted of cholesteryl ester and showed an altered size distribution, indicative of lipoprotein catabolism and remodeling. This study provides evidence for the existence of an endocytosis-retroendocytosis pathway for HDL apoproteins in a rat hepatoma cell and for the possibility that the endocytosis-retroendocytosis pathway may be involved in lipid delivery to the cell.  相似文献   

d-Aspartate (d-Asp) is found in prolactin (PRL)-containing cells of the rat anterior pituitary gland [Lee et al., Brain Res. 838, 193-199, 1999]. In order to determine whether d-Asp is actually produced by the anterior pituitary gland and whether it plays a physiological role in PRL function, a PRL-secreting clonal strain of rat pituitary tumor cells (GH(3)) was employed in this study. HPLC analysis and immunocytochemical staining detected the presence and synthesis of d-Asp in the cytoplasm of these cells. In addition, thyrotropin-releasing hormone-stimulated PRL secretion was increased in a dose-dependent fashion by d-Asp from these cells. These results suggest that the anterior pituitary gland synthesizes d-Asp and that d-Asp acts as a messenger in this gland.  相似文献   

Morris 7777 rat hepatoma cells in culture possess high delta 6 and delta 5 desaturase activities over linolenic acid added to the medium as albumin or alpha-fetoprotein complexes. After 2 hours incubation with [1-14C] linolenic acid (7 microM), around 40% of the radioactivity was recovered in other polyene fatty acids, mainly pentaenes. After 24 hours incubation with this substrate the polyene derivatives raised to more than 60%. However, [1-14C] linoleic acid was poorly converted to other polyene fatty acids. Linoleic acid up to 58 microM concentration in the medium do not inhibited linolenic acid desaturation. Long-term supplementation with 50 microM linoleic or linolenic acid, which modified the fatty acid profile of hepatoma lipids, enhanced the desaturase activities against linoleic acid. Desaturase activities were not affected by the fatty acid protein carrier, alpha-fetoprotein or albumin.  相似文献   

We have investigated spontaneous and light-induced photon emission of suspensions of rat hepatocytes and of HTC hepatoma cells. Rat hepatocytes exhibit spontaneous biophoton emission, but from hepatoma cells this was not detectable. In contrast, after irradiation with white light, the reemission intensity was found to be lower for hepatocytes than for the tumor cell line. Induced photon emission was neither influenced by anaerobiosis nor by the intactness of the cells. Cell-fractionation studies demonstrate that the induced photon emission was caused by the nuclear fraction and by isolated chromatin. Phenol-extracted DNA, however, has lost this capacity. Our data suggest that differences in the chromatin structure may explain the cell-specific induced photon emission.  相似文献   

Kupffer cells are known to participate in the early events of liver injury involving lipid peroxidation. 4-Hydroxy-2,3-(E)-nonenal (4-HNE), a major aldehydic product of lipid peroxidation, has been shown to modulate numerous cellular systems and is implicated in the pathogenesis of chemically induced liver damage. The purpose of this study was to characterize the metabolic ability of Kupffer cells to detoxify 4-HNE through oxidative (aldehyde dehydrogenase; ALDH), reductive (alcohol dehydrogenase; ADH), and conjugative (glutathione S-transferase; GST) pathways. Aldehyde dehydrogenase and GST activity was observed, while ADH activity was not detectable in isolated Kupffer cells. Additionally, immunoblots demonstrated that Kupffer cells contain ALDH 1 and ALDH 2 isoforms as well as GST A4-4, P1-1, Ya, and Yb. The cytotoxicity of 4-HNE on Kupffer cells was assessed and the TD50 value of 32.5+/-2.2 microM for 4-HNE was determined. HPLC measurement of 4-HNE metabolism using suspensions of Kupffer cells incubated with 25 microLM 4-HNE indicated a loss of 4-HNE over the 30-min time period. Subsequent production of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenoic acid (HNA) suggested the involvement of the ALDH enzyme system and formation of the 4-HNE-glutathione conjugate implicated GST-mediated catalysis. The basal level of glutathione in Kupffer cells (1.33+/-0.3 nmol of glutathione per 10(6) cells) decreased significantly during incubation with 4-HNE concurrent with formation of the 4-HNE-glutathione conjugate. These data demonstrate that oxidative and conjugative pathways are primarily responsible for the metabolism of 4-HNE in Kupffer cells. However, this cell type is characterized by a relatively low capacity to metabolize 4-HNE in comparison to other liver cell types. Collectively, these data suggest that Kupffer cells are potentially vulnerable to the increased concentrations of 4-HNE occurring during oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The metabolism of thyroxine, 3,3′,5-triiodothyronine and 3,3′,5′-triiodothyronine was investigated in rat hepatoma cell cultures (R117-21B). These iodothyronines were labeled with 125I in the phenolic ring and the metabolites were analyzed by ion-exchange column chromatography.When thyroxine was incubated with the cells at 37°C, its glucuronide was the major product and a little increase in 125I? was detected. Although 3,3′,5-triiodothyronine was not observed in the incubation medium, this metabolite was clearly identified in the ethanol extract obtained from the cell homogenates after 24 h incubation.This cell line also metabolized labeled 3,3′,5-triiodothyronine added to culture medium. After 24 h incubation, 3,3′,5-triiodothyronine glucuronide was the major metabolite and iodothyronine sulfates were also formed. The sulfates contained, 3,3′,5-triiodothyronine and 3,3′-diiodothyronine sulfates and an unknown component.In the metabolism of 3,3′,5′-triiodothyronine, the cells were very active in carrying out glucuronidation and phenolic ring deiodination, and this metabolism yielded 3,3′,5′-triiodothyronine and 3,3′-diiodothyronine glucuronides. The iodide fraction contained a small amount of 3,3′-diiodothyronine sulfate.These results show that the R117-21B rat hepatoma cells metabolize the thyroid hormones and their analogs by phenolic and nonphenolic ring deiodinations, by glucuronidation and by sulfation.  相似文献   

We have used a mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-infected rat hepatoma cell line as a model system for studying glucocorticoid action. These cells induce tyrosine aminotransferase and MMTV in response to the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone. The major viral antigen, a glycoprotein of 52,000 daltons (gp52), appears on the surface of infected cells in amounts which reflect the cytoplasmic content of viral RNA. Using an anti-gp52 antiserum and a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS), we have selected variants which display low levels of pg52 in the presence of the hormone. Multiple cycles of enrichment for cells that fluoresce weakly in the presence of hormone have generated a population which fails to produce a detectable increase in cell surface gp52 in response to dexamethasone. This population of nonresponders and a number of independent clones derived from this population were analyzed for their ability to induce gp52 and TAT and for these presence of glucocorticoid receptors. All nonresponder clones exhibited little or no induction of either glucocorticoid-inducible marker. Two of the clones contained reduced levels of glucocrticoid receptor, while the remainder of the clones showed no detectable specific hormone binding. These results provide genetic evidence that a single class of glucocorticoid receptors is involved in the induction of both MMTV and TAT in HTC cells.  相似文献   

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