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Summary Myrica gale litter deposition and decomposition were studied in a central Massachusetts peatland to determine the amount of N made available to the ecosystem by these processes. Leaf litter added 114–140 g biomass m–2 annually and contained 2.12–2.59 g N m–2 returning about 70% as much N to the ecosystem as was fixed annually byMyrica gale. During the first five years of decomposition, the leaf liter lost only 40% of its initial biomass and released only 10% of its initial N content. About 60% of its original N mass was still present when the litter reached the permanently waterlogged zone, and thus was effectively lost to the vegetation. The low decomposition rate was due primarily to the chemical content of the litter because similarly low rates were observed in an upland forest where the native litter decayed rapidly. The initial lignin content (40%) ofM. gale litter may be largely responsible for its slow decomposition in spite of its relatively high (1.69%) initial N content.M. gale litter decayed substantially more slowly and had a much higher initial lignin content than the litter of other woody N2-fixing plants which have been examined.  相似文献   

Litter decomposition and nutrient mineralization in high-latitude peatlands are constrained by low temperatures. So far, little is known about the effects of seasonal components of climate change (higher spring and summer temperatures, more snow which leads to higher winter soil temperatures) on these processes. In a 4-year field experiment, we manipulated these seasonal components in a sub-arctic bog and studied the effects on the decomposition and N and P dynamics of leaf litter of Calamagrostis lapponica, Betula nana, and Rubus chamaemorus, incubated both in a common ambient environment and in the treatment plots. Mass loss in the controls increased in the order Calamagrostis < Betula < Rubus. After 4 years, overall mass loss in the climate-treatment plots was 10 % higher compared to the ambient incubation environment. Litter chemistry showed within each incubation environment only a few and species-specific responses. Compared to the interspecific differences, they resulted in only moderate climate treatment effects on mass loss and these differed among seasons and species. Neither N nor P mineralization in the litter were affected by the incubation environment. Remarkably, for all species, no net N mineralization had occurred in any of the treatments during 4 years. Species differed in P-release patterns, and summer warming strongly stimulated P release for all species. Thus, moderate changes in summer temperatures and/or winter snow addition have limited effects on litter decomposition rates and N dynamics, but summer warming does stimulate litter P release. As a result, N-limitation of plant growth in this sub-arctic bog may be sustained or even further promoted.  相似文献   

Plant species and growth forms differ widely in litter chemistry, which affects decay and may have important consequences for plant growth via e.g. the release of nutrients and growth-inhibitory compounds. We investigated the overall short-term (9.5 months) and medium-term (21.5 months) feedback effects of leaf litter quality and quantity on plant production, and tested whether growth forms can be used to generalise differences among litter species. Leaf litter effects of 21 sub-arctic vascular peatland species on Poa alpina test plants changed clearly with time. Across all growth forms, litter initially reduced plant biomass compared with untreated plants, particularly litters with a high decomposition rate or low initial lignin/P ratio. In the second year, however, litter effects were neutral or positive, and related to initial litter N concentration (positive), C/N, polyphenol/N and polyphenol/P ratios (all negative), but not to decomposability. Differences in effect size among several litter species were large, while differences in response to increasing litter quantities were not significant or of similar magnitude to differences in response to three contrasting litter species. Growth forms did not differ in initial litter effects, but second-year plant production showed a trend (P < 0.10) for differences in response to litters of different growth forms: evergreen shrubs < graminoids or deciduous shrubs < forbs. While long-persisting negative litter effects were predominant across all growth forms, our data indicate that even within nutrient-constrained ecosystems such as northern peatlands, vascular plant species, and possibly growth forms, differ in litter feedbacks to plant growth. Differences in the composition of undisturbed plant communities or species shifts induced by external disturbance, such as climate change, may therefore feedback strongly to plant biomass production and probably nutrient cycling rates in northern peatlands. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Increasing infestation by insect herbivores and pathogenic fungi in response to climate change will inevitably impact the amount and quality of leaf litter inputs into the soil. However, little is known on the interactive effect of infestation severity and climate change on litter decomposition, and no such study has been published for deciduous forests in Central Europe. We assessed changes in initial chemical quality of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and maple litter (Acer platanoides L.) in response to infestation by the gall midge Mikiola fagi Hart. and the pathogenic fungus Sawadaea tulasnei Fuckel, respectively, and investigated interactive effects of infestation severity, changes in temperature and soil moisture on carbon mineralization in a short-term laboratory study. We found that infestation by the gall midge M. fagi and the pathogenic fungus S. tulasnei significantly changed the chemical quality of beech and maple litter. Changes in element concentrations were generally positive and more pronounced, and if negative less pronounced for maple than beech litter most likely due to high quality fungal tissue remaining on litter after abscission. More importantly, alterations in litter chemical quality did not translate to distinct patterns of carbon mineralization at ambient conditions, but even low amounts of infested litter accelerated carbon mineralization at moderately increased soil moisture and in particular at higher temperature. Our results indicate that insect herbivores and fungal pathogens can markedly alter initial litter chemical quality, but that afterlife effects on carbon mineralization depend on soil moisture and temperature, suggesting that increased infestation severity under projected climate change potentially increases soil carbon release in deciduous forests in Central Europe.  相似文献   

Worldwide decomposition rates depend both on climate and the legacy of plant functional traits as litter quality. To quantify the degree to which functional differentiation among species affects their litter decomposition rates, we brought together leaf trait and litter mass loss data for 818 species from 66 decomposition experiments on six continents. We show that: (i) the magnitude of species-driven differences is much larger than previously thought and greater than climate-driven variation; (ii) the decomposability of a species' litter is consistently correlated with that species' ecological strategy within different ecosystems globally, representing a new connection between whole plant carbon strategy and biogeochemical cycling. This connection between plant strategies and decomposability is crucial for both understanding vegetation-soil feedbacks, and for improving forecasts of the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Cottonwoods are dominant riparian trees of the western United States and are known for their propensity to hybridize. We compared the decomposition of leaf litter from two species (Populus angustifolia and P. fremontii) and their hybrids. Three patterns were found. First, in one terrestrial and two aquatic experiments, decomposition varied twofold among tree types. Second, backcross hybrid leaves decomposed more slowly than those of either parent. Third, the variation in decomposition between F1 and backcross hybrids was as great as the variation between species. These results show significant differences in decomposition in a low-diversity system, where >80% of the leaf litter comes from just two species and their hybrids. Mechanistically, high concentrations of condensed tannins in leaves appear to inhibit decomposition (r 2=0.63). The initial condensed tannin concentration was high in narrowleaf leaves, low or undetectable in Fremont leaves, and intermediate in F1 hybrid leaves (additive inheritance). Backcross hybrids were high in condensed tannins and were not different from narrowleaf (dominant inheritance). Neither nitrogen (N) concentration nor the ratio of ash-free dry weight to N (a surrogate for carbon:nitrogen ratio) were significantly correlated with decomposition. The N content of leaf material at the end of each year’s experiment was inversely correlated with rates of litter mass loss and varied 1.6- to 2.1-fold among tree classes. This result suggests that hybrids and their parental species are used differently by the microbial community. Received: 7 April 1999 / Accepted: 2 November 1999  相似文献   

Active restoration strategies increase the production of leaf litter in tropical forests, but little is known about their effect on litter decomposition and subsequent nutrient release. We quantified changes in leaf litter stoichiometry during decomposition in former pasture sites under contrasting restoration strategies (natural regeneration, applied nucleation/islands tree planting and plantation), as well as in nearby primary forest. Litterbags were employed to evaluate decomposition. We used a leaf mixture of either the four planted tree species in the plantation and island treatments or the nearby primary forest and compared them under a factorial design. Decomposition rates were similar between restoration treatments (p > 0.5), but leaves decomposed faster in the forest mixture than in the plantation mixture (p < 0.01). The content of Ca, Mg, K, P, and the C:N ratio were higher in the forest mixture at the beginning and during decomposition (p < 0.05); the N content in the plantation mixture was higher at the beginning but lower during decomposition (p < 0.05), which meant greater mobilization of nitrogen per unit of carbon lost. K and P had a strong initial release, while Mg was released more gradually. N and Ca had an irregular pattern of initial fast release, immobilization, and re‐release in the later stages. We conclude that the differences in rates of decomposition and nutrient release in these systems under restoration were at least partly determined by the floristic heterogeneity and chemical quality of the leaf litter that reaches the soil.  相似文献   

Rien Aerts 《Polar Biology》2009,32(2):207-214
Global warming will lead to increased nitrogen supply in tundra ecosystems. How increased N supply affected leaf production, leaf turnover and dead leaf N input into the soil of Empetrum nigrum and Andromeda polifolia (evergreens), Eriophorum vaginatum (graminoid) and Betula nana (deciduous) in a sub-arctic tundra in northern Sweden between 2003 and 2007 was experimentally investigated. There was considerable interspecific variation in the response of leaf production to N addition, varying from negative, no response to a positive response. Nitrogen addition effects on leaf turnover also showed considerable variation among species, varying from no effect to increased leaf turnover (up to 27% in Eriophorum). Nitrogen addition resulted in a four to fivefold increase in N content in the dead leaves of both evergreens and a 65% increase in Eriophorum. Surprisingly, there was no increase in Betula. The response of dead leaf P contents to N addition was rather species specific. There was no response in Empetrum, whereas there were significant increases in Andromeda (+214%) and Eriophorum (+32%), and a decrease of 47% in Betula. As an overall result of the changes in leaf production, leaf turnover and dead leaf N and P contents, nitrogen addition increased in all species except Betula the amount of N and, for Andromeda and Eriophorum the amount of P transferred to the soil due to leaf litter inputs. However, the way in which this was achieved differed substantially among species due to interspecific differences in the response of the component processes (leaf production, leaf turnover, dead leaf nutrient content).  相似文献   

地上枯落物的累积、分解及其在陆地生态系统中的作用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
李强  周道玮  陈笑莹 《生态学报》2014,34(14):3807-3819
了解陆地生态系统地上枯落物的累积和分解过程对认识它的生态作用、通过管理地上枯落物调控陆地生态系统功能和服务有重要意义。综述了陆地生态系统地上枯落物的积累和分解过程及其影响因素,然后概括了通过这些过程地上枯落物所发挥的生态作用,最后,在全球变化背景下,基于当前研究进展提出陆地生态系统地上枯落物研究的前景。地上枯落物累积在时间尺度上一般遵循植物的生命周期,同时也受环境因子的调控。大的空间尺度上,枯落物累积主要受水热因子控制,伴随植被类型的变化,表现随纬度升高而减少的趋势。然而,在局域尺度内,枯落物累积除受水、热因子限制,还被群落结构、土壤条件、植食动物等因素影响,表现较大变异性。当前,人类干扰作为一个不可忽视的因素,正在强烈甚至不可逆转的改变地表植被覆盖和枯落物累积。地上枯落物的分解过程包括淋溶、光降解、土壤动物和微生物分解,这些过程同时进行并相互影响。尽管目前还不清楚,但区分这些分解过程和分解产物的去向对了解陆地生态系统物质循环有重要意义。枯落物分解首先被自身类型、化学组成、物种多样性决定,同时也受分解者群体、非生物环境影响。其中,枯落物分解与其化学特性、物种多样性及土壤养分状况的关系是研究的热点,也是广泛争议的焦点。通过累积和分解,地上枯落物对陆地生态系统有物理、化学、生物作用。目前,枯落物的物理和化学作用研究较为透彻,而由于受枯落物数量、环境条件、响应植物特征或一些有待挖掘的未知因素的共同限制,地上枯落物的生物作用,尤其对植物的作用在不同研究中仍没有达成普遍的共识。全球变化可能影响地上枯落物累积、分解和生态作用。在全球变化的背景,研究地上枯落物产量和性状变化、阐明枯落物分解的分室模型、继续分析枯落物性状和分解关系、深入揭示枯落物的生态作用及其制约因素,理解和预测地上枯落物数量和质量变化对陆地生态系统功能和服务的影响是必要的。  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of increased N-supply on productivity and potential litter decay rates of Carex species, which are the dominant vascular plant species in peatlands in the Netherlands. We hypothesized that: (1) under conditions of N-limited plant growth, increased N-supply will lead to increased productivity but will not affect C:N ratios of plant litter and potential decay rates of that litter; and (2) under conditions of P-limited plant growth, increased N-supply will not affect productivity but it will lead to lower C:N ratios in plant litter and thereby to a higher potential decay rate of that litter. These hypotheses were tested by fertilization experiments (addition of 10 g N m-2 year-1) in peatlands in which plant growth was N-limited and P-limited, respectively. We investigated the effects of fertilization on net C-fixation by plant biomass, N uptake, leaf litter chemistry and potential leaf litter decay. In a P-limited peatland, dominated by Carex lasiocarpa, there was no significant increase of net C-fixation by plant biomass upon enhanced N-supply, although N-uptake had increased significantly compared with the unfertilized control. Due to the N-fertilization the C:N ratio in the plant biomass decreased significantly. Similarly, the C:N ratio of leaf litter produced at the end of the experiment showed a significant decrease upon enhanced N-supply. The potential decay rate of that litter, measured as CO2-evolution from the litter under aerobic conditions, was significantly increase upon enhanced N-supply. In a N-limited peatland, dominated by C. acutiformis, the net C-fixation by plant biomass increased with increasing N-supply, whereas the increase in N-uptake was not significant. The C:N ratio of both living plant material and of dead leaves did not change in response to N-fertilization. The potential decay rate of the leaf litter was not affected by N-supply. The results agree with our hypotheses. This implies that atmospheric N-deposition may affect the CO2-sink function of peatlands, but the effect is dependent on the nature of nutrient limitation. In peatlands where plant growth is N-limited, increased N-supply leads to an increase in the net accumulation of C. Under conditions of P-limited plant growth, however, the net C-accumulation will decrease, because productivity is not further increased, whereas the amount of C lost through decomposition of dead organic matter is increased. As plant growth in most terrestrial ecosystems is N-limited, increased N-supply will in most peatlands lead to an increase of net C-accumulation.  相似文献   

Atmospheric changes could strongly influence how terrestrial ecosystems function by altering nutrient cycling. We examined how the dynamics of nutrient release from leaf litter responded to two important atmospheric changes: rising atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3. We evaluated the independent and combined effects of these gases on foliar litter nutrient dynamics in aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx) and birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh)/aspen communities at the Aspen FACE Project in Rhinelander, WI. Naturally senesced leaf litter was incubated in litter bags in the field for 735 days. Decomposing litter was sampled six times during incubation and was analyzed for carbon, and both macro (N, P, K, S, Ca, and Mg) and micro (Mn, B, Zn and Cu) nutrient concentrations. Elevated CO2 significantly decreased the initial litter concentrations of N (−10.7%) and B (−14.4%), and increased the concentrations of K (+23.7%) and P (+19.7%), with no change in the other elements. Elevated O3 significantly decreased the initial litter concentrations of P (−11.2%), S (−8.1%), Ca (−12.1%), and Zn (−19.5%), with no change in the other elements. Pairing concentration data with litterfall data, we estimated that elevated CO2 significantly increased the fluxes to soil of all nutrients: N (+12.5%), P (+61.0%), K (+67.1%), S (+28.0%), and Mg (+40.7%), Ca (+44.0%), Cu (+38.9%), Mn (+62.8%), and Zn (+33.1%). Elevated O3 had the opposite effect: N (−22.4%), P (−25.4%), K (−27.2%), S (−23.6%), Ca (−27.6%), Mg (−21.7%), B (−16.2%), Cu (−20.8%), and Zn (−31.6%). The relative release rates of the nine elements during the incubation was: K ≥ P ≥ mass ≥ Mg ≥ B ≥ Ca ≥ S ≥ N ≥ Mn ≥ Cu ≥ Zn. Atmospheric changes had little effect on nutrient release rates, except for decreasing Ca and B release under elevated CO2 and decreasing N and Ca release under elevated O3. We conclude that elevated CO2 and elevated O3 will alter nutrient cycling more through effects on litter production, rather than litter nutrient concentrations or release rates.  相似文献   

The large accumulation of organic matter in peatlands has been partially attributed to litter decomposition rates, which are slowed by a high water table. To test this, we examined whether there were significant differences in the decomposition and N and P dynamics of ten foliar litters and wood blocks at three pairs of upland forest and peatland sites in the transitional grassland, high boreal and low subarctic regions of central Canada, using litterbags collected over a 12-year period. At two of the three pairs, the decomposition rate, as determined by proportion of the original mass remaining after 12 years and by the exponential decay coefficient (k), was faster overall at the upland than at the peatland. In the third pair, there was no significant difference, despite the water table being close to the peat surface; warmer soil temperatures in the peatland than the upland may be the cause. In general, there were small losses or gains of N in the litters after 12 years, compared to the original litter, though there were some differences among litter types and sites, net gains in N likely reflecting the higher exogenous N availability. P was lost from most litters at the two northern pairs of sites, but at the transitional grassland pair, there were large net gains in P and greater variation among litters. The N:P ratio in the original litters ranged from 5 to 26 and after 12 years the ratio narrowed, with the site average of the ten litters ranging from 13 to 22, varying with the soil ratio. Decomposition rates and N and P dynamics after 12 years are different between upland and peatland sites: although the water table is a primary control on these differences, other factors such as temperature and soil nutrient status are also important.  相似文献   

Bogs are globally important sinks of atmospheric carbon (C) due to the accumulation of partially decomposed litter that forms peat. Because bogs receive their nutrients from the atmosphere, the world‐wide increase of nitrogen (N) deposition is expected to affect litter decomposition and, ultimately, the rate of C accumulation. However, the mechanism of such biogeochemical alteration remains unclear and quantification of the effect of N addition on litter accumulation has yet to be done. Here, we show that 7 years of N addition to a bog decreased the C : N ratio, increased the bacterial biomass and stimulated the activity of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes in surface peat. Furthermore, N addition modified nutrient limitation of microbes during litter decomposition so that phosphorus became a primary limiting nutrient. Alteration of N release from decomposing litter affected bog water chemistry and the competitive balance between peat‐forming mosses and vascular plants. We estimate that deposition of about 4 g N m?2 yr?1 will cause a mean annual reduction of fresh litter C accumulation of about 40 g m?2 primarily as a consequence of decreased litter production from peat‐forming mosses. Our findings show that N deposition interacts with both above and below ground components of biodiversity to threaten the ability of bogs to act as N‐sinks, which may offset the positive effects of N on C accumulation seen in other ecosystems.  相似文献   

红松混交林凋落物氮储量及分解释放对土壤氮的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2012年5—10月,采用直接收获法,研究了小兴安岭地区云冷杉红松混交林和枫桦红松混交林两种林型凋落物的未分解层(L层)、半分解层(F层)和腐殖质层(H层)以及土壤表层(S层)氮储量及凋落物分解释放对土壤氮影响。结果表明:研究期间两种林型凋落物现存量变化范围分别为19.43~27.25和21.25~24.28 t·hm-2,氮储量变化范围分别为287.21~418.22和274.81~351.21 kg·hm-2,各层氮含量大小次序均为LFHS;云冷杉红松混交林各层凋落物现存量及其氮储存量5月和9月达到峰值,每月氮储量从L~H层均增加,凋落物分解释放氮在F和H层易富集,输入到土壤中较少;枫桦红松混交林各层凋落物现存量及其氮储量5月和10月达到峰值,每月氮储量从L~H层均减少,氮在凋落物各层中均易迁移,输入到土壤中的氮比云冷杉红松混交林多;两种林型L、F、H层凋落物现存量以及H层氮含量与S层氮含量之间,L和F层凋落物现存量与H层氮含量之间均呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

Effects of fire frequency on oak litter decomposition and nitrogen dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Young HJ 《Oecologia》2008,158(3):535-543
Rapid speciation within some plant families has been attributed to the evolution of floral spurs and to the effect of spur length on plant reproductive success. The flowers of Impatiens capensis (jewelweed) possess a long, curved spur in which nectar is produced and stored. Spur length and curvature varies among plants within one population. Here I document that spur shape is variable in natural populations, variation within plants is less than variation among plants, and spur shape is correlated with components of female and male reproductive success. The apparent natural selection is weakly directional in 1 of 2 years, with greatest seed production and pollen removal occurring in flowers with the greatest spur curvature. Bee pollinator visit length is longest at flowers with highly curved spurs, and they leave less nectar in these spurs than in flowers with straighter spurs. Spur angle evolution may be limited, at least in part, by opposing selection by nectar-robbers who prefer to visit flowers with greater spur curvature. Other factors that might contribute to the maintenance of spur angle variation are temporal variation in the strength of selection and potential genetic correlations of spur shape with other traits under selection.  相似文献   

Restoration of mined Restionaceae-dominated peat bogs in northern New Zealand is currently initiated by establishing native vegetation cover to minimise erosion of the remaining peat. The relative effects of various restoration techniques on litter decomposition and microbial activity within experimental litter bags were investigated in a restoration trial established on a mined peat surface. Decomposition and microbial activity of litter were compared between four different restoration treatments: direct transfer of intact habitat ‘islands’; the addition of processed peat with seed; the addition of processed peat with no seed; and recently mined peat surface (a ‘do nothing’ restoration option), with the four treatments replicated at each of five distances from an undisturbed peat bog. Treatments were compared with an undisturbed peat bog (control). Litter decomposition and associated microbial respiration rates were significantly higher in the undisturbed peat bog sites than in any of the restoration treatments, but the technique used to restore mined peatlands did have a significant effect on these ecosystem process rates. Results suggest that ecosystem processes such as decomposition and microbial community activity recover faster with restoration techniques such as direct transfer of intact habitat islands, than with other techniques such as simple seed addition. However, even after 12 months, litter decomposition and microbial activity in restored habitats were still far from reaching the levels recorded in the undisturbed peat bog. In addition, there was a strong relationship between the effort (and cost) applied to plant community restoration treatments and the rate of decomposition and microbial community activity.  相似文献   

Identifying the environmental factors controlling litter decomposition is key to understanding the magnitude and rates of nutrient cycling in tropical forests, and how they may be influenced by climate variability and environmental change. We carried out a leaf litter translocation experiment in mature rain forest over a 2,520 m altitudinal gradient in Costa Rica. Leaf litter decomposition rates (k) of ten tree species, two dominant species from each ecosystem, plus two standard species, were calculated over 540 days in four life zones. k was lowest in montane with 0.83 per year and lower montane forests with 2.21 per year. k did not differ between lowland and premontane forests at 3.12 per year, in spite of the 3℃ difference of mean annual temperature between these life zones. k varied fourfold among species. Species decomposition rates ranked as follows, and were predictably related to leaf economic spectrum traits of the species: Acalypha communis (standard, fast decomposer)» Hyeronima oblonga > Alchornea latifolia, Quercus bumelioides, Jarava ichu (standard, slow decomposer)> Minquartia guianensis > Magnolia sororum > Vochysia allenii > Pourouma bicolor, Carapa guianensis. These two slowest-decomposing species were native premontane and lowland forest dominants, respectively, with tough, low-nutrient leaves. The ranking of species by k varied very little among life zones suggesting that decomposer organisms in very different ecosystems and environments react in similar ways to the litter quality in general. We conclude that while k decreases with temperature in rain forests on tropical mountains, bioclimatic zones defined as premontane may be “functionally lowland.” The effects of species identity on decomposition rates on tropical mountains are consistent and independent of environment for both standard and native species. Under climate change on these mountains, if moisture regimes do not change, decomposition rates will increase due to rising temperatures. Soil carbon storage may therefore decrease. Changes in the altitudinal distributions of currently dominant species will also affect this critically important biogeochemical process.  相似文献   

Our understanding of how saprotrophic and mycorrhizal fungi interact to re-circulate carbon and nutrients from plant litter and soil organic matter is limited by poor understanding of their spatiotemporal dynamics. In order to investigate how different functional groups of fungi contribute to carbon and nitrogen cycling at different stages of decomposition, we studied changes in fungal community composition along vertical profiles through a Pinus sylvestris forest soil. We combined molecular identification methods with 14C dating of the organic matter, analyses of carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratios and 15N natural abundance measurements. Saprotrophic fungi were primarily confined to relatively recently (< 4 yr) shed litter components on the surface of the forest floor, where organic carbon was mineralized while nitrogen was retained. Mycorrhizal fungi dominated in the underlying, more decomposed litter and humus, where they apparently mobilized N and made it available to their host plants. Our observations show that the degrading and nutrient-mobilizing components of the fungal community are spatially separated. This has important implications for biogeochemical studies of boreal forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

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