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In light of recent proposals that iron (Fe) availability may play an important role in controlling oceanic primary production and nutrient flux, its regulatory impact on N(2) fixation and production dynamics was investigated in the widespread and biogeochemically important diazotrophic, planktonic cyanobacteria Trichodesmium spp. Fe additions, as FeCl(3) and EDTA-chelated FeCl(3), enhanced N(2) fixation (nitrogenase activity), photosynthesis (CO(2) fixation), and growth (chlorophyll a production) in both naturally occurring and cultured (on unenriched oligotrophic seawater) Trichodesmium populations. Maximum enhancement of these processes occurred under FeEDTA-amended conditions. On occasions, EDTA alone led to enhancement. No evidence for previously proposed molybdenum or phosphorus limitation was found. Our findings geographically extend support for Fe limitation of N(2) fixation and primary production to tropical and subtropical oligotrophic ocean waters often characterized by Trichodesmium blooms.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which planktonic marine cyanobacteria of the genus Trichodesmium fix N2 aerobically during photosynthesis without heterocysts is unknown. As an aid in understanding how these species protect nitrogenase, we have developed an immunofluorescence technique coupled to light microscopy (IF-LM) with which intact cyanobacteria can be immunolabeled and the distribution patterns of nitrogenase and other proteins can be described and semiquantified. Chilled ethanol was used to fix the cells, which were subsequently made permeable to antibodies by using dimethyl sulfoxide. Use of this technique demonstrated that about 3 to 20 cells (mean ± standard deviation, 9 ± 4) consecutively arranged in a Trichodesmium trichome were labeled with the nitrogenase antibody. The nitrogenase-containing cells were distributed more frequently around the center of the trichome and were rarely found at the ends. On average 15% of over 300 randomly encountered cells examined contained nitrogenase. The percentage of nitrogenase-containing cells (nitrogenase index [NI]) in an exponential culture was higher early in the light period than during the rest of the light-dark cycle, while that for a stationary culture was somewhat constant at a lower level throughout the light-dark cycle. The NI was not affected by treatment of the cultures with the photosynthetic inhibitor dichloro 1,3′-dimethyl urea or with low concentrations of ammonium (NH4Cl). However, incubation of cultures with 0.5 μM NH4Cl over 2 days reduced the NI. The IF technique combined with 14C autoradiography showed that the CO2 fixation rate was lower in nitrogenase-containing cells. The results of the present study suggest that (i) the IF-LM technique may be a useful tool for in situ protein localization in cyanobacteria, (ii) cell differentiation occurs in Trichodesmium and only a small fraction of cells in a colony have the potential to fix nitrogen, (iii) the photosynthetic activity (CO2 uptake) is reduced if not absent in N2-fixing cells, and (iv) variation in the NI may be a modulator of nitrogen-fixing activity.  相似文献   

Trichodesmium sp. is a filamentous, colonial cyanobacterium which contributes substantially to the input of nitrogen in tropical and subtropical oceanic waters through nitrogen fixation (N(2) fixation). We applied a N tracer technique to assess the rate of release of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) from this cyanobacterium and compared those rates with rates of N(2) fixation determined for the same assemblages at the same times of day. Rates of release of DON showed considerable variation within replicate experiments and were variable depending on time of day and duration of time course experiments. On average, rates of DON release were ca. 50% the rates of N(2) fixation. We also fractionated the DON released by using ultrafiltration and found that 60 to 80% of the total organic release was of the size class <10,000 Da. The release of these organic compounds by Trichodesmium spp. is likely a significant source of new nitrogen for the associated bacteria or the non-nitrogen-fixing filaments of the Trichodesmium colonies.  相似文献   

Colonial aggregation among nonheterocystous filaments of the planktonic marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium is known to enhance N2 fixation, mediated by the O2-sensitive enzyme complex nitrogenase. Expression of nitrogenase appears linked to the formation of O2-depleted microzones within aggregated bacterium-associated colonies. While this implies a mechanism by which nonheterocystous N2 fixation can take place in an oxygenated water column, both the location and regulation of the N2-fixing apparatus remain unknown. We used an antinitrogenase polyclonal antibody together with postsection immunocolloidal gold staining and transmission electron microscopy to show that (i) virtually all Trichodesmium cells within a colony possessed nitrogenase, (ii) nitrogenase showed no clear intracellular localization, and (iii) certain associated bacteria contained nitrogenase. Our findings emphasize the critical role coloniality plays in regulating nitrogenase expression in nature. We interpret the potential for a large share of Trichodesmium cells to fix N2 as an opportunistic response to the dynamic nature of the sea state; during quiescent conditions, aggregation and consequent expression of nitrogenase can proceed rapidly.  相似文献   

We examined diel trends in internal pools and net efflux of free amino acids in colonies of the nonheterocystous, diazotrophic cyanobacterium Trichodesmium thiebautii, freshly collected from waters of the Caribbean and the Bahamas. The kinetics of glutamate uptake by whole colonies were also examined. While intracolonial pools of most free amino acids were relatively constant through the day, pools of glutamate and glutamine varied over the diel cycle, with maxima during the early afternoon. This paralleled the daily cycle of nitrogenase activity. We also observed a large net release of these two amino acids from intact colonies. Glutamate release was typically 100 pmol of N colony-1 h-1. This is about one-fourth the concurrent rate of N2 fixation during the day. However, while nitrogenase activity only occurs during the day, net release of glutamate and glutamine persisted into the night and may therefore account for a greater loss of recently fixed N on a daily basis. This release may be an important route of new N input into tropical, oligotrophic waters. Whole colonies also displayed saturation kinetics with respect to glutamate uptake. The Ks for whole colonies varied from 1.6 to 3.2 μM, or about 100-fold greater than typical ambient concentrations. Thus, uptake systems appear to be adapted to the higher concentrations of glutamate found within the intracellular spaces of the colonies. This suggests that glutamate may be a vehicle for N exchange among trichomes in the colony.  相似文献   

A fragment of the nifH gene was amplified from natural populations of Trichodesmium spp. and cloned into a maltose-binding protein (MBP) expression vector. The peptide product of the amplified 359-bp fragment of nifH was cleaved from the fusion protein, purified, and used to generate a specific antibody to the Fe protein of nitrogenase. The antiserum recognized the MBP-nitrogenase fusion protein and the cleaved nif peptide product but not MBP. The antibody cross-reacted with nitrogenase from natural populations of Trichodesmium spp. from the Caribbean Sea and with a cultured isolate from the Kuroshio waters (Trichodesmium sp. strain NIBB1067). The same nifH fragment was amplified, cloned, and sequenced from Trichodesmium sp. strain NIBB1067 and was found to be 98% identical at both the protein and DNA levels to nifH from the Caribbean populations. Three of the six nucleotide differences between the Trichodesmium sp. strain NIBB1067 and the Trichodesmium spp. nifH sequence had also been found in a second sequence from the natural populations, indicating either that there is more than one strain of Trichodesmium sp. in natural assemblages or that there are multiple copies of nifH in the genome. This DNA fragment, which is easily amplified with the polymerase chain reaction, may provide a good indicator of species relatedness without requiring extensive cloning or sequencing. Furthermore, the use of the polymerase chain reaction in combination with a MBP protein fusion vector provides a rapid method for production of highly specific sera, starting with a small amount of DNA.  相似文献   

Trichodesmium spp. have proved to be enigmatic organisms, and their ecology and physiology are unusual among diazotrophs. Recent research shows that they can simultaneously fix N2 and take up combined nitrogen. The co-occurrence of these two processes is thought to be incompatible, but they could be obligatory in Trichodesmium spp. if only a small fraction of cells within a colony or along a filament are capable of N2 fixation. Combined nitrogen is released from cells during periods of active growth and N2 fixation, and concomitantly taken up by Trichodesmium spp. or cells living in association with colonies. Although the nitrogenase of Trichodesmium spp. is affected by high concentrations of combined nitrogen, it might be relatively less sensitive to low concentrations of combined nitrogen typical of the oligotrophic ocean and culture conditions. Nitrogenase activity and synthesis exhibits an endogenous rhythm in Trichodesmium spp. cultures, which is affected by the addition of nitrogen.  相似文献   

Natural populations of the nonheterocystous marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium thiebautii exhibit a diel periodicity in nitrogenase activity (NA). NA “turns on” near dawn and “turns off” near dusk, independent of photic conditions. Chloramphenicol (CAP) and ammonium prevented turn on of NA in T. thiebautii when added to samples collected before dawn but were progressively less effective in inhibiting NA in samples collected later in the morning. In samples collected after turn on, activities declined with time with both CAP and ammonium treatments, with ammonium having a stronger effect. In contrast, CAP added to samples collected in late afternoon prolonged NA, compared with controls, which turned off. Direct analysis of the presence of the Fe protein of nitrogenase in T. thiebautii by using a Western immunoblot procedure found a strong protein band present in samples collected after 0800 h through the late evening but little or no Fe protein in samples collected within the 2 to 4 h preceding dawn. We conclude that the diel cycle of NA in T. thiebautii results from de novo synthesis of nitrogenase each morning and from the inactivation and degradation of nitrogenase in the late afternoon and night.  相似文献   

The Fe protein of nitrogenase in the marine nonheterocystous cyanobacterium Trichodesmium thiebautii is interconverted between two forms, which is reminiscent of the ADP-ribosylation described in the purple bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum. In natural populations of T. thiebautii during the day, when nitrogenase activity (NA) is present and while photosynthetic rates are high, a low-molecular-mass form of the Fe protein is present. In the late afternoon, the low-molecular-mass form is partially converted to a higher-molecular-mass form (approximately equal distribution of high- and low-molecular-mass forms of the Fe protein subunits), concurrent with cessation of NA. Some of the higher-molecular-mass form persists through the night until the very early morning, when the lower-molecular-mass form appears. New synthesis of both the Fe and MoFe proteins of nitrogenase appears to occur at this time. The higher-molecular-mass form of the Fe protein is also produced rapidly in response to artificially elevated external O2 levels (40%) during the day. T. thiebautii is capable of recovery of NA in less than 1 h following exposure to 40% O2, which is correlated with the return of the Fe protein to the lower-molecular-mass form. Recovery from exposure to O2 is not dependent upon protein synthesis. The modification of the Fe protein is clearly involved in regulation of NA during the diel cycle of NA in T. thiebautii but may also be involved in protecting the Fe protein during transient O2 concentration increases.  相似文献   

Natural populations of the cyanobacteria Spirulina species and Oscillatoria species obtained from Israeli fishponds were limited in growth by nitrogen availability in summer. Physiological indicators for nitrogen limitation, such as phycocyanin, chlorophyll a, and carbohydrate content, did not show clear evidence for nitrogen limited growth, since these organisms are capable of vertical migration from and to the nitrogen-rich bottom. By means of 14C labeling of the cells under simulated pond conditions followed by cell fractionation into macromolecular compounds, we found that carbohydrates synthesized at the lighted surface were partially utilized for dark protein synthesis at the bottom of these ponds.  相似文献   

Effects of Fixation on Cell Volume of Marine Planktonic Protozoa   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of fixation on the cell volume of marine heterotrophic nanoflagellates and planktonic ciliates were investigated. Decreases in cell volume depended on the combination of the protozoan taxa and the particular fixative. For a particular fixative and protozoan species, degree of shrinkage was independent of physiological state. The volume of fixed cells was found to be approximately 20 to 55% lower than the cell volume of live organisms. For the heterotrophic microflagellates, the fixatives ranked, in order of decreasing effect on cell volume, as glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde, acid Lugol's solution, and modified van der Veer solution. With oligotrichous ciliates and a tintinnid ciliate, formaldehyde caused less shrinkage than glutaraldehyde or acid Lugol's solution. With the aldehyde fixatives, the microflagellates were found to shrink more than the ciliates. Differential effects of fixation on cell volumes may result in an underestimation of the biomass of certain protozoan taxa in natural samples.  相似文献   

The abilities of four models to describe nitrogenase light-response curves were compared, using the heterocystous cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena and a cyanobacterial bloom from the Baltic Sea as examples. All tested models gave a good fit of the data, and the rectangular hyperbola model is recommended for fitting nitrogenase-light response curves. This model describes an enzymatic process, while the others are empirical. It was possible to convert the process parameters between the four models and compare N2 fixation with photosynthesis. The physiological meanings of the process parameters are discussed and compared to those of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Physiological studies of Trichodesmium species have been hindered by difficulties in maintaining actively growing, nitrogen-fixing cultures. Previous cultivation successes have not been widely duplicated. We present here a simple modified seawater medium and handling techniques which have been used to maintain actively growing Trichodesmium thiebautii in laboratory culture for over 1 year. The cultured population, isolated from coastal Atlantic waters, has a growth rate of 0.23 division day-1 and exhibits light-dependent nitrogen fixation during exponential growth. Various morphologies, including solitary trichomes, and aggregates (spherical puffs and fusiform tufts) are present during growth. Spectral and scalar irradiance were measured within naturally occurring (coastal Atlantic) aggregates with small (diameter, 50 to 70 μm) spherical fiber-optic sensors. In contrast to naturally occurring puffs, cultivated Trichodesmium aggregates exhibited spectral properties consistent with low-light adaptation. Cultivated puff-type aggregates were also examined by using oxygen microelectrodes. The simple medium and approach used for cultivation should be easily reproducible and amenable to further manipulations and modifications useful for physiological studies of Trichodesmium spp. in culture.  相似文献   

The aquatic filamentous cyanobacteria Anabaena oscillarioides and Trichodesmium sp. reveal specific cellular regions of tetrazolium salt reduction. The effects of localized reduction of five tetrazolium salts on N2 fixation (acetylene reduction), 14CO2 fixation, and 3H2 utilization were examined. During short-term (within 30 min) exposures in A. oscillarioides, salt reduction in heterocysts occurred simultaneously with inhibition of acetylene reduction. Conversely, when salts failed to either penetrate or be reduced in heterocysts, no inhibition of acetylene reduction occurred. When salts were rapidly reduced in vegetative cells, 14CO2 fixation and 3H2 utilization rates decreased, whereas salts exclusively reduced in heterocysts were not linked to blockage of these processes. In the nonheterocystous genus Trichodesmium, the deposition of reduced 2,3,5-triphenyl-2-tetrazolium chloride (TTC) in the internal cores of trichomes occurs simultaneously with a lowering of acetylene reduction rates. Since TTC deposition in heterocysts of A. oscillarioides occurs contemporaneously with inhibition of acetylene reduction, we conclude that the cellular reduction of this salt is of use in locating potential N2-fixing sites in cyanobacteria. The possible applications and problems associated with interpreting localized reduction of tetrazolium salts in cyanobacteria are presented.  相似文献   

The effect of IAA on growth, dinitrogen fixation, and heterocystsfrequency of Anabaena PCC 7119 and Nodularia sp. have been investigated.Concentrations of IAA ranging from 10–10 to 10–4M did not change the growth of Anabaena PCC 7119. Concentrationshigher than 10–4 M were inhibitory. Similar results werefound in Nodularia sp. although in this case the inhibitoryeffect appeared with 10–5M of IAA. Neither the nitrogenaseactivity nor the heterocysts frequency were enhanced by IAAtreatment. (Received June 17, 1986; Accepted January 22, 1987)  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are prominent constituents of the marine biosphere that account for a significant percentage of oceanic primary productivity. In an effort to resolve how open-ocean cyanobacteria persist in regions where the Fe concentration is thought to be limiting their productivity, we performed a number of Fe stress experiments on axenic cultures of marine Synechococcus spp., Crocosphaera sp., and Trichodesmium sp. Through this work, we determined that all of these marine cyanobacteria mount adaptive responses to Fe stress, which resulted in the induction and/or repression of several proteins. We have identified one of the Fe stress-induced proteins as an IdiA homologue. Genomic observations and laboratory data presented herein from open-ocean Synechococcus spp. are consistent with IdiA having a role in cellular Fe scavenging. Our data indicate that IdiA may make an excellent marker for Fe stress in open-ocean cyanobacterial field populations. By determining how these microorganisms respond to Fe stress, we will gain insight into how and when this important trace element can limit their growth in situ. This knowledge will greatly increase our understanding of how marine Fe cycling impacts oceanic processes, such as carbon and nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

The distribution of nitrogenase activity in the rice-soil system and the possible contribution of epiphytic cyanobacteria on rice plants and other macrophytes to this activity were studied in two locations in the rice fields of Valencia, Spain, in two consecutive crop seasons. The largest proportion of photodependent N2 fixation was associated with the macrophyte Chara vulgaris in both years and at both locations. The nitrogen fixation rate associated with Chara always represented more than 45% of the global nitrogenase activity measured in the rice field. The estimated average N2 fixation rate associated with Chara was 27.53 kg of N ha−1 crop−1. The mean estimated N2 fixation rates for the other parts of the system for all sampling periods were as follows: soil, 4.07 kg of N ha−1 crop−1; submerged parts of rice plants, 3.93 kg of N ha−1 crop−1; and roots, 0.28 kg of N ha−1 crop−1. Micrographic studies revealed the presence of epiphytic cyanobacteria on the surface of Chara. Three-dimensional reconstructions by confocal scanning laser microscopy revealed no cyanobacterial cells inside the Chara structures. Quantification of epiphytic cyanobacteria by image analysis revealed that cyanobacteria were more abundant in nodes than in internodes (on average, cyanobacteria covered 8.4% ± 4.4% and 6.2% ± 5.0% of the surface area in the nodes and internodes, respectively). Epiphytic cyanobacteria were also quantified by using a fluorometer. This made it possible to discriminate which algal groups were the source of chlorophyll a. Chlorophyll a measurements confirmed that cyanobacteria were more abundant in nodes than in internodes (on average, the chlorophyll a concentrations were 17.2 ± 28.0 and 4.0 ± 3.8 μg mg [dry weight] of Chara−1 in the nodes and internodes, respectively). These results indicate that this macrophyte, which is usually considered a weed in the context of rice cultivation, may help maintain soil N fertility in the rice field ecosystem.  相似文献   

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