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The present study was designed to assess the influence of antigen retrieval and/or DNA denaturation on the quantitative estimation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. Specimens of small intestine from rats injected with BrdU were routinely fixed and embedded in paraffin. For antigen retrieval, sections were pretreated with microwave irradiation or enzymatically (pepsin or trypsin). Acid hydrolysis was used as a DNA denaturation method. Immunostaining of BrdU-labeled cells was performed. The best results, regarding tissue morphology and immunostaining, were obtained with microwave pretreatment followed by acid hydrolysis. Enzymatic pretreatment resulted in damage of tissue morphology and/or high background staining. Microwave alone, without DNA denaturation, resulted in a lower percentage of BrdU positive cells. The significance of validation studies is emphasized when the level of positivity for a prognostic marker, such as BrdU, is assessed.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts are critical for tissue homeostasis, and their inappropriate proliferation and activation can result in common and debilitating conditions including fibrosis and cancer. We currently have a poor understanding of the mechanisms that control the growth and activation of fibroblasts in vivo, in part because of a lack of suitable fibroblast markers. We have taken advantage of an antibody previously shown to stain stromal cells in frozen tissues (TE-7) and identified conditions in which it can be used to stain fibroblasts and myofibroblasts in the paraffin-embedded tissue samples routinely collected for pathological analysis. We show that this antibody recognizes growing and quiescent fibroblasts and myofibroblasts by immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and ELISA assays. We also present its staining patterns in normal tissue samples and in breast tumors.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate seven anti-TIMP-1 (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1) monoclonal antibodies by immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue. Detection of the TIMP-1 protein was studied by IHC in FFPE human archival normal and neoplastic samples. Indirect IHC technique was used, and the seven antibodies (clones VT1, VT2, VT4, VT5, VT6, VT7, and VT8) were tested in various concentrations using different pretreatment protocols. All seven VT antibodies specifically immunostained the cytoplasm of islets of Langerhans cells in normal pancreas, epithelial cells of hyperplastic prostate, tumor cells of medullary thyroid carcinoma, and fibroblast-like cells of malignant melanoma. Specificity of the anti-TIMP-1 antibodies was confirmed by several controls, e.g., Western blotting on proteins extracted from FFPE tissue showed that the VT7 antibody reacted specifically with a protein band of approximately 28 kDa, corresponding to the molecular mass of TIMP-1. However, sensitivity varied with the different antibodies. Use of heat-induced epitope retrieval (HIER) and the VT7 clone applied at low concentrations demonstrated more intense immunoreactivity with the TIMP-1-positive cell types compared to the other six clones. Furthermore, when tested on a range of normal and neoplastic endocrine tissues, the VT7 clone demonstrated immunoreactivity with all neuroendocrine cell types. In conclusion, all seven antibodies detected TIMP-1 protein in various normal and neoplastic FFPE tissues, but one clone, VT7, was superior for IHC staining of TIMP-1 in FFPE tissue sections when using HIER.  相似文献   

Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue banks represent an invaluable resource for biomarker discovery. Recently, the combination of full-length protein extraction, GeLC-MS/MS analysis, and spectral counting quantification has been successfully applied to mine proteomic information from these tissues. However, several sources of variability affect these samples; among these, the duration of the fixation process is one of the most important and most easily controllable ones. To assess its influence on quality of GeLC-MS/MS data, the impact of fixation time on efficiency of full-length protein extraction efficiency and on quality of label-free quantitative data was evaluated. As a result, although proteins were successfully extracted from FFPE liver samples fixed for up to eight days, fixation time appeared to negatively influence both protein extraction yield and GeLC-MS/MS quantitative proteomic data. Particularly, MS identification efficiency decreased with increasing fixation times. Moreover, amino acid modifications putatively induced by formaldehyde were detected and characterized. These results demonstrate that proteomic information can be achieved also from tissue samples fixed for relatively long times, but suggest that variations in fixation time need to be carefully taken into account when performing proteomic biomarker discovery studies on fixed tissue archives.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of different fixatives and enzymatic-digestion procedures on the immunohistochemical visualization of type-I, -III and -IV collagen in paraffin-embedded normal human liver sections. None of the fixatives tested allowed the staining of these antigens without prior enzymatic digestion. The best results i.e. strong staining intensity and well-defined localization, were obtained when liver tissue was fixed in Bouin's fluid or in other solutions containing picric acid. Several other fixatives, including Carnoy's fluid, Lillie's AAF, 10% neutral formalin and 96% ethanol, gave unsatisfactory results. Pepsin was ineffective for unmasking type-I and -III collagen antigens, and was only partially effective for visualizing the type-IV collagen antigen. The best results were obtained when material fixed in Bouin's fluid was embedded in paraffin and digested with trypsin. Using this procedure, the results were comparable to those obtained in unfixed frozen sections with respect to the staining intensity, specificity and non-specific staining.  相似文献   

Summary We compared the effects of different fixatives and enzymatic-digestion procedures on the immunohistochemical visualization of type-I,-III and-IV collagen in paraffin-embedded normal human liver sections. None of the fixatives tested allowed the staining of these antigens without prior enzymatic digestion. The best results i.e. strong staining intensity and well-defined localization, were obtained when liver tissue was fixed in Bouin's fluid or in other solutions containing picric acid. Several other fixatives, including Carnoy's fluid, Lillie's AAF, 10% neutral formalin and 96% ethanol, gave unsatisfactory results. Pepsin was ineffective for unmasking type-I and-III collagen antigens, and was only partially effective for visualizing the type-IV collagen antigen. The best results were obtained when material fixed in Bouin's fluid was embedded in paraftin and digested with trypsin. Using this procedure, the results were comparable to those obtained in unfixed frozen sections with respect to the staining intensity, specificity and non-specific staining.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of eight decalcifying agents on the immunoreactivity of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue for immunoglobulins, lysozyme, factor VIII-related antigen and keratin was studied using the unlabelled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method. Limited studies were also performed on tissues fixed in acid-formalin mixtures. All tissues were stained using an indirect immunoperoxidase method with mouse monoclonal antibodies to IgM, kappa and lambda light chains. The results suggest that, with controlled trypsinization of sections, it was possible to obtain optimal immunostaining for all tested antigens, with adequate preservation of histological structure, after decalcification in neutral EDTA or 10% aqueous acetic or formic acid. Tissue treated with agents containing mineral acids exhibited variable immunoreactivity and impaired counterstaining.  相似文献   

Formalin fixation, generally followed by paraffin embedding, is the standard and well-established processing method employed by pathologist. This treatment conserves and stabilizes biopsy samples for years. Analysis of FFPE tissues from biopsy libraries has been, so far, a challenge for proteomics biomarker studies. Herein, we present two methods for the direct analysis of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues by MALDI-MS. The first is based on the use of a reactive matrix, 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, useful for FFPE tissues stored less than 1 year. The second approach is applicable for all FFPE tissues regardless of conservation time. The strategy is based on in situ enzymatic digestion of the tissue section after paraffin removal. In situ digestion can be performed on a specific area of the tissue as well as on a very small area (microdigestion). Combining automated microdigestion of a predefined tissue array with either in situ extraction prior to classical nanoLC/MS-MS analysis or automated microspotting of MALDI matrix according to the same array allows the identification of both proteins by nanoLC-nanoESI and MALDI imaging. When adjacent tissue sections are used, it is, thus, possible to correlate protein identification and molecular imaging. These combined approaches, along with FFPE tissue analysis provide access to massive amounts of archived samples in the clinical pathology setting.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of fixation and tissue preparation on the immunohistochemical localization of human fibronectin in gastrointestinal tract tissue has been examined using indirect immunoperoxidase technique. The most optimal staining result with strong intensity and well defined localization was obtained on frozen sections of unfixed material. Nearly identical results with improved morphology were obtained when staining paraffin sections of tissue fixed in 96% ethanol, 96%+1% acetic acid and absolute acetone. All other fixatives tested, 10% neutral buffered formalin, Lillie's AAF, Bouin's fixative, Clarke's fixative, 4% formaldehyde, 4% formaldehyde+ 0.5% cetylpyridiniumchloride (F-CPC), 4% formaldehyde +0.1% glutaraldehyde gave unsatisfactory results. However, proteolytic digestion with pepsin of paraffin sections prior to staining of buffered formalin and F-CPCfixed material gave results comparable with those obtained on unfixed frozen sections as regards definition of the staining whereas staining intensity was decreased in some degree. No improvement was observed when using proteolytic digestion of tissue fixed in other fixatives.  相似文献   

The influence of fixation and tissue preparation on the immunohistochemical localization of human fibronectin in gastrointestinal tract tissue has been examined using indirect immunoperoxidase technique. The most optimal staining result with strong intensity and well defined localization was obtained on frozen sections of unfixed material. Nearly identical results with improved morphology were obtained when staining paraffin sections of tissue fixed in 96% ethanol, 96% + 1% acetic acid and absolute acetone. All other fixatives tested, 10% neutral buffered formalin. Lillie's AAF, Bouin's fixative, Clarke's fixative, 4% formaldehyde, 4% formaldehyde + 0.5% cetylpyridiniumchloride (F-CPC), 4% formaldehyde +0.1% glutaraldehyde gave unsatisfactory results. However, proteolytic digestion with pepsin of paraffin sections prior to staining of buffered formalin and F-CPCfixed material gave results comparable with those obtained on unfixed frozen sections are regards definition of the staining whereas staining intensity was decreased in some degree. No improvement was observed when using proteolytic digestion of tissue fixed in other fixatives.  相似文献   

Targeted proteomics research, based on the enrichment of disease-relevant proteins from isolated cell populations selected from high-quality tissue specimens, offers great potential for the identification of diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive biological markers for use in the clinical setting and during preclinical testing and clinical trials, as well as for the discovery and validation of new protein drug targets. Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue collections, with attached clinical and outcome information, are invaluable resources for conducting retrospective protein biomarker investigations and performing translational studies of cancer and other diseases. Combined capillary isoelectric focusing/nano-reversed-phase liquid chromatography separations equipped with nano-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry are employed for the studies of proteins extracted from microdissected FFPE glioblastoma tissues using a heat-induced antigen retrieval (AR) technique. A total of 14,478 distinct peptides are identified, leading to the identification of 2733 non-redundant SwissProt protein entries. Eighty-three percent of identified FFPE tissue proteins overlap with those obtained from the pellet fraction of fresh-frozen tissue of the same patient. This large degree of protein overlapping is attributed to the application of detergent-based protein extraction in both the cell pellet preparation protocol and the AR technique.  相似文献   

As emerging novel DNA-based methodologies are adopted, nucleic acid-based assays depend critically on the quality and quantity of extracted DNA. Formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue samples provide an invaluable resource for subsequent molecular studies of clinical phenotypes, but high-quality DNA extraction from archival FFPE tissue specimens remains complex and time-consuming. To address this challenge, we have developed a reliable rapid DNA extraction method for FFPE tissue specimens. It is based on deparaffinization at high temperature coupled with relieving crosslink in a pressure cooker. The DNA yield by this rapid method resulted in an average 1.8-fold increase in comparison with the commercial kit and OD 260/280 ratios between 1.87 and 1.95. The DNA obtained by the rapid method was suitable for methylation analyses in colon cancer patients. These data suggest that this new DNA extraction method coupled with methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction can be used for epigenetic studies with the advantages of rapidity and high quality and may contribute to the development of biomarkers in clinical studies.  相似文献   

Mutation and overexpression of the p53 gene have been noted in a wide range of human cancers and are thought to play a role in malignant transformation. Previously, immunohistochemical detection of p53 has been possible only in fresh-frozen tissues. We examined p53 expression in paraffin-embedded tissues from 50 epithelial ovarian cancers and 25 primary breast cancers with a modified immunohistochemical (IHC) technique developed in this laboratory, using monoclonal antibody (MAb) PAb1801. The 75 cases were selected from a group of patients in whom the expression levels had already been assessed in a fresh-tissue IHC assay. An identical staining reactivity was observed in both formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue and fresh-frozen tissue in 48 of 50 (96%) epithelial ovarian cancers and in 23 of 25 (92%) primary breast cancers. Immunodetection of p53 in paraffin-embedded tissue blocks will be a useful alternative to the standard fresh-tissue assay and can accurately reflect the level of p53 expression in human tumors.  相似文献   

Unlike other B cells, plasma cells (PC) react with only a few antibodies against haemopoietic antigens. We investigated 36 specimens exhibiting a reactive increase in PC numbers (i.e. plasmacytosis, PC hyperplasia) with a broad panel of antibodies suitable for use on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, and compared the findings with those obtained in 51 cases of multiple myeloma (plasmacytoma). Regardless of the immunostaining pattern for immunoglobulin light and heavy chains, reactive PC reacted with at least two and at most six of seventeen antibodies detecting haemopoietic antigens [Ber-H2/CD30 (91%), anti-leucocyte common antigen (LCA)/CD45 (86%), KP1/CD68 (64%), MB2 (57%), 4KB5/CD45RA (37%), DF-T1/CD43 (28%), UCHL1/CD45RO (20%), L26/CD20 (17%), MT2 (14%) and Mac387 (8%)], and with at least one and at most four of six antibodies against non-haemopoietic antigens [anti-epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) (94%), anti-vimentin (77%), anti-pan-cytokeratin/KL1 (74%), BMA120 (51%) and HMB45 (14%)]. Five antibodies stained reactive PC significantly more often than neoplastic PC: Ber-H2/CD30 (p < or = 0.0000), KP1/CD68 (p < or = 0.0000), anti-LCA/CD45 (p < or = 0.0000), anti-EMA (p < or = 0.0339) and anti-pancytokeratin/KL1 (p < or = 0.0000). The more frequent and more heterogeneous expression of antigens by reactive PC suggests that the aberrant immunoreactivity of neoplastic PC in plasmacytoma is not due to the process of malignant transformation in an early step of B-cell differentiation, but could reflect the heterogeneity of antigen expression by normal PC.  相似文献   

Summary Bromodeoxyuridine (BUDR) is a non-radioactive thymidine analogue which is incorporated into the DNA of proliferating cells. This allows evaluation of the size of the S-phase as the BUDR labelling index (BUDR-LI) not onlyin vitro but alsoin vivo, since BUDR is not toxic at the doses needed to label cells. To ascertain whetherin vivo BUDR incorporation can be detected on routine histological material we tested several different procedures prior to immunoperoxidase staining, on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections from five patients with gastric cancer, who received BUDR (250 mg m–2, intravenous) 4 h before surgery. To determine the optimal conditions for detecting BUDR in formalin-fixed tissues, immunohistochemical testing for BUDR was performed simultaneously on duplicate sections fixed with 70% ethanol. It was found that hydrolysis with 3N HCl at 37° C for 30 min and digestion with 0.5% in at 37° C for 30 min were sufficient to detect BUDR immunoreactivity in formalin-fixed sections.The method presented extends the range of applications of thein vivo BUDR technique for cell kinetics studies in human neoplasms because it can be used on routinely fixed archival material, with the advantage of correlating the kinetic data with histopathological characters.  相似文献   

We describe a new approach for retrieval of antigens from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues and their subsequent staining by immunohistochemical techniques. This method of antigen retrieval is based on microwave heating of tissue sections attached to microscope slides to temperatures up to 100 degrees C in the presence of metal solutions. Among 52 monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies tested by this method, 39 antibodies demonstrated a significant increase in immunostaining, nine antibodies showed no change, and four antibodies showed reduced immunostaining. In particular, excellent immunostaining results were obtained with a monoclonal antibody to vimentin as well as several different keratin antibodies on routine formalin-fixed tissue sections after pre-treatment of the slides with this method. These results showed that after antigen retrieval: (a) enzyme predigestion of tissues could be omitted; (b) incubation times of primary antibodies could be significantly reduced, or dilutions of primary antibodies could be increased; (c) adequate staining could be achieved in long-term formalin-fixed tissues that failed to stain by conventional methods; and (d) certain antibodies which were typically unreactive with formalin-fixed tissues gave excellent staining.  相似文献   



Investigating the expression of candidate genes in tissue samples usually involves either immunohistochemical labelling of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) sections or immunofluorescence labelling of cryosections. Although both of these methods provide essential data, both have important limitations as research tools. Consequently, there is a demand in the research community to be able to perform routine, high quality immunofluorescence labelling of FFPE tissues.  相似文献   

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