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Bacteriophage HK97 head assembly   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract: The head assembly pathway of bacteriophage HK97 shares many features with head assembly pathways determined for other dsDNA phages, and it also provides examples of novel variations on the basic theme. We describe aspects of two specific steps in the assembly pathway, the covalent cross-linking among the assembled head protein subunits and the cleavage of those subunits that takes place earlier in the pathway. Comparisons of head assembly pathways among different phages, as well as comparisons of the organization of the genes that specify those pathways, suggest the range of different solutions phages have found to common assembly problems and give insight into the evolutionary histories of these assembly processes.  相似文献   

A novel phage lambda mutation, called dc10, which interferes with proper lambda head assembly has been isolated and characterized. Phage lambda carrying this mutation is (i) unable to form plaques at 30 or 37 degrees C but does so at 42 degrees C and (ii) unable to form plaques at 42 degrees C on pN-constitutive hosts. Both properties are due to dc10 since all phage revertants for one phenotype simultaneously lose the other phenotype and vice versa. The dc10 mutation has been mapped in the B gene and has been shown to be dominant over the corresponding wild-type product. At 30 degrees C the dc10 mutation results in the formation of abnormal petit lambda heads made up of pE, pB, pC, and pNu3. Under pN-constitutive conditions, the dc10 mutation results in the formation of abnormal petit lambda heads made of pE, X1, and X2 only. A model to explain the data is presented.  相似文献   

Host participation in bacteriophage lambda head assembly   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
Mutants of Escherichia coli, called groE, specifically block assembly of bacteriophage λ heads. When groE bacteria are infected by wild type λ, phage adsorption, DNA injection and replication, tail assembly, and cell lysis are all normal. No active heads are formed, however, and head related “monsters” are seen in lysates. These monsters are similar to the structures seen on infection of wild-type cells by phage defective in genes B or C.We have isolated mutants of λ which can overcome the block in groE hosts and have mapped these mutants. All groE mutations can be compensated for by mutation of phage gene E (hence the name groE). Gene E codes for the major structural subunit of the phage head. Some groE mutants, called groEB, can be compensated by mutation in either gene E or in gene B. Gene B is another head gene.During normal head assembly the protein encoded by phage head gene B or C appears to be converted to a lower molecular weight form, h3, which is found in phage. The appearance of h3 protein in fast sedimenting head related structures requires the host groE function.We suggest that the proteins encoded by phage genes E, B and C, and the bacterial component defined by groE mutations act together at an early stage in head assembly.  相似文献   

Petit λ is an empty spherical shell of protein which appears wherever λ grows. If phage DNA and petit λ are added to a cell-free extract of induced lysogenic bacteria, then phage particles are formed that contain the DNA and protein from the petit λ. Petit λ is transformed, without dissociation, into a phage head by addition of DNA and more phage proteins.The products of ten genes, nine phage and one host, are required for λ head assembly. Among these, the products of four phage genes, E, B, C, and Nu3 and of the host gene groE are involved in the synthesis of petit λ, consequently these proteins are dispensable for head assembly in extracts to which petit λ has been added. The products of genes A and D allow DNA to combine with petit λ to form a head that has normal morphology. In an extract, DNA can react with A product and petit λ to become partially DNAase-resistant, as if an unstable DNA-filled intermediate were formed. ATP and spermidine are needed at this stage. This intermediate is subsequently stabilized by addition of D product. The data suggest a pathway for head assembly.  相似文献   

Summary The D gene of bacteriophage which codes for a major head protein is expressed at a high level during growth. We have constructed a set of D-lacZ gene fusions in order to examine the factors determining the high efficiency of the D translational initiation signals. It was found that an integral sequence, 300 bp long and upstream of the ATG initiation codon, is required for maximal protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The study of bacteriophage lambda has provided key insights into fundamental biological processes. This review recalls some highlights in the history of lambda research, and relates how simple (but elegant) experiments yielded major scientific breakthroughs. What we know about recombination, gene regulation, and protein folding, for example, derives in large part from bacteriophage lambda genetics. Lambda not only represents a model system of scientific logic in a technology-driven age, but continues to reveal new principles of molecular biology.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage (phage) Lambda (λ) has played a key historic role in driving our understanding of molecular genetics. The lytic nature of λ and the conformation of its major capsid protein gpD in capsid assembly offer several advantages as a phage display candidate. The unique formation of the λ capsid and the potential to exploit gpD in the design of controlled phage decoration will benefit future applications of λ display where steric hindrance and avidity are of great concern. Here, we review the recent developments in phage display technologies with phage λ and explore some key applications of this technology including vaccine delivery, gene transfer, bio-detection, and bio-control.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage lambda int protein binds to and promotes polynucleotide strand exchange within specific DNA segments called attachment sites. Previous work strongly suggests that the specificity of int protein action is based, at least in part, on its ability to recognize nucleotide sequences in the attachment sites. We suggest that int protein also recognizes structural features of the attachment sites such as the twist and roll angles between adjacent base pairs. This proposal is based on statistical analysis of the predicted twist and roll angles of a large collection of secondary attachment sites. The analysis shows that the oscillation patterns of these parameters are conserved in regions where int proteins binds.  相似文献   

We have analyzed eight new phage-resistant missense mutations in lamB. These mutations identify five new amino acid residues essential for phage lambda adsorption. Two mutations at positions 245 and 382 affect residues which were previously identified, but lead to different amino acid changes. Three mutations at residues 163, 164, and 250 enlarge and confirm previously proposed phage receptor sites. Two different mutations at residue 259 and one at 18 alter residues previously suggested as facing the periplasmic face. The mutation at residue 18 implicates for the first time the amino-terminal region of the LamB protein in phage adsorption. The results are discussed in terms of the topology of the LamB protein.  相似文献   

The FI gene product (gp) of bacteriophage lambda is required during phage head assembly in vivo. Mutations in this gene lead to an accumulation of immature concatemeric lambda DNA and of proheads that appear normal and are competent for DNA packaging in vitro. This phenotype can be taken as evidence of a failure to couple DNA and proheads for packaging/maturation. In contrast to the requirement for gpFI in vivo, the packaging of lambda DNA in vitro occurs efficiently in the complete absence of gpFI. However, if ssDNA is included at the outset of the in vitro packaging reaction, DNA packaging is blocked. This block to packaging is relieved by addition of gpFI. Thus packaging of lambda DNA in vitro can be made dependent of gpFI by the inclusion of ssDNA at the outset of the reaction. Inhibition of DNA packaging by ssDNA appears to be mediated by a lambda b region-directed protein (packaging inhibitor, ben protein) that is present in the crude extracts of cells used to support the early steps of the packaging reaction. Neither ssDNA nor the packaging inhibitor alone has significant inhibitory effect on packaging; both components are required together to effect the inhibition that is relieved by gpFI. The packaging inhibitor was extensively purified and shown to have endonucleolytic activity. Several lines of evidence are presented to support the idea that both the inhibitory and endonucleolytic activities are functions of the same protein. Although gpFI relieves the inhibition imposed by the ben protein in packaging, gpFI fails to block the DNA cleavage activity of the ben protein in the standard endonuclease assay.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda DNA: the beginning of the end.   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文

Bacteriophage P22 tail protein gene expression.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have found that mutations which block bacteriophage P22 head assembly at or before the DNA packaging stage (1-, 2-, 3-, 5-, and 8-) cause up to a 20-fold increase in the amount of tail (gene 9) protein made during infection. This correlation seems strong enough to warrant consideration of a control mechanism in which the failure to package DNA per se causes a large increase in the synthesis of tail protein. Our results indicate that one of the repressors required for maintenance of lysogeny, the mnt gene product, may be partially responsible for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The developmental pathways for a variety of eukaryotic and prokaryotic double-stranded DNA viruses include packaging of viral DNA into a preformed procapsid structure, catalyzed by terminase enzymes and fueled by ATP hydrolysis. In most instances, a capsid expansion process accompanies DNA packaging, which significantly increases the volume of the capsid to accommodate the full-length viral genome. “Decoration” proteins add to the surface of the expanded capsid lattice, and the terminase motors tightly package DNA, generating up to ∼ 20 atm of internal capsid pressure. Herein we describe biochemical studies on genome packaging using bacteriophage λ as a model system. Kinetic analysis suggests that the packaging motor possesses at least four ATPase catalytic sites that act cooperatively to effect DNA translocation, and that the motor is highly processive. While not required for DNA translocation into the capsid, the phage λ capsid decoration protein gpD is essential for the packaging of the penultimate 8-10 kb (15-20%) of the viral genome; virtually no DNA is packaged in the absence of gpD when large DNA substrates are used, most likely due to a loss of capsid structural integrity. Finally, we show that ATP hydrolysis is required to retain the genome in a packaged state subsequent to condensation within the capsid. Presumably, the packaging motor continues to “idle” at the genome end and to maintain a positive pressure towards the packaged state. Surprisingly, ADP, guanosine triphosphate, and the nonhydrolyzable ATP analog 5'-adenylyl-beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) similarly stabilize the packaged viral genome despite the fact that they fail to support genome packaging. In contrast, the poorly hydrolyzed ATP analog ATP-γS only partially stabilizes the nucleocapsid, and a DNA is released in “quantized” steps. We interpret the ensemble of data to indicate that (i) the viral procapsid possesses a degree of plasticity that is required to accommodate the packaging of large DNA substrates; (ii) the gpD decoration protein is required to stabilize the fully expanded capsid; and (iii) nucleotides regulate high-affinity DNA binding interactions that are required to maintain DNA in the packaged state.  相似文献   

Packaging of coliphage lambda DNA. II. The role of the gene D protein   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The gene D protein (pD) of coliphage λ is normally an essential component of the virus capsid. It acts during packaging of concatemeric λ DNA into the phage prohead and is necessary for cutting the concatemers at the cohesive end site (cos). In this report we show that cos cutting and phage production occur without pD in λ deletion mutants whose DNA content is less than 82% that of λ wild type. D-independence appears to result directly from DNA loss rather than from inactivation (or activation) of a phage gene. (1) In cells mixedly infected with undeleted λ and a deletion mutant, particles of the deletion mutant alone are efficiently produced in the absence of pD; and (2) D-independence cannot be attributed to loss of a specific segment of the phage genome. pD-deficient phage resemble pD-containing phage in head size and DNA ends; they differ in their extreme sensitivity to EDTA, greater density, and ability to accept pD.pD appears to act by stabilizing the head against disruption by overfilling with DNA rather than by changing the capacity of the head for DNA. This is shown by the observation that the amount of DNA packaged by a “headful” mechanism, normally in excess of the wild-type chromosome size, is not reduced in the absence of pD. In fact, pD is required for packaging headfuls of DNA. This implies that a mechanism exists for preventing the entry of excess DNA into the head during packaging of concatemers formed by deletion mutants, and we suggest that this is accomplished by binding of cos sites to the head.The above results show that pD is not an essential component of the nuclease that cuts λ concatemers at cos during packaging, and they imply that 82% of a wild-type chromosome length can enter the prohead in the absence of pD. Yet, pD is needed for the formation of cohesive ends after infection with undeleted phage. We propose two models to account for these observations. In the first, cos cutting is assumed to occur early during packaging. The absence of pD leads to release of packaged DNA and the loss of cohesive ends by end-joining. In the second, cos cutting is assumed to occur as a terminal event in packaging. pD promotes cos cutting indirectly through its effect on head stability. We favor the second model because it better explains the asymmetry observed in the packaging of the chromosomes of cos duplication mutants (Emmons, 1974).  相似文献   

The cIII gene and protein of bacteriophage lambda   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The cIII and cII gene products of bacteriophage λ control the lysogenic response through positive regulation of the viral repressor and integration genes and negative regulation of lytic functions. Although many aspects of cII action have been defined biochemically, little is known about cIII. As a first step in defining the molecular role of cIII in the regulation of lysogeny, we have determined the precise location and DNA sequence of the cIII gene. In addition, we have identified the cIII gene product as a polypeptide with a molecular weight of approximately 6000.  相似文献   

The temperate Salmonella enterica bacteriophage L is a close relative of the very well studied bacteriophage P22. In this study we show that the L procapsid assembly and DNA packaging genes, which encode terminase, portal, scaffold, and coat proteins, are extremely close relatives of the homologous P22 genes (96.3 to 99.1% identity in encoded amino acid sequence). However, we also identify an L gene, dec, which is not present in the P22 genome and which encodes a protein (Dec) that is present on the surface of L virions in about 150 to 180 molecules/virion. We also show that the Dec protein is a trimer in solution and that it binds to P22 virions in numbers similar to those for L virions. Its binding dramatically stabilizes P22 virions against disruption by a magnesium ion chelating agent. Dec protein binds to P22 coat protein shells that have expanded naturally in vivo or by sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment in vitro but does not bind to unexpanded procapsid shells. Finally, analysis of phage L restriction site locations and a number of patches of nucleotide sequence suggest that phages ST64T and L are extremely close relatives, perhaps the two closest relatives that have been independently isolated to date among the lambdoid phages.  相似文献   

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