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Consanguineous marriage has had considerable attention as a causative factor in the prevalence of genetic disorders. Iran, with its majority Muslim population, has a high rate of consanguineous marriage. In Iranian tradition, first cousin marriage is an acceptable and appreciated custom. However, there seems to be no encouragement of consanguineous marriage in the Islamic context; it is merely mentioned as a traditional and common custom. This paper may help medical professionals providing premarital genetic counselling, who are regularly asked about consanguineous marriage, especially in Islamic communities. Increased public awareness via the mass media would seem to be a priority.  相似文献   

Cultural and environmental factors interact in determining the genetic structure of human populations. Bio-demographic investigations of ethnic minorities are able to disentangle the influences that these two components have on the evolution of the genetic structure of a population. The ethnic minority of the Arb?reshe of the province of Cosenza (Calabria, southern Italy) is analyzed in this paper and its bio-demographic structure in the early 1800s is compared with that of neighboring Italian populations. The data derive from surnames recorded in the birth registers of the 19 Arbdreshe municipalities of the province of Cosenza and in 5 non-Arb?reshe municipalities of the same province. Isonymy and repeated pairs of surnames are used to analyze the bio-demographic structure of these populations, while analysis of isonymic relationships is used to investigate the variability between populations. Higher values of marital isonymy and subdivision into subpopulations characterize the Arb?reshe populations with respect to their non-Arb?reshe neighbors. However, the high range of variability of these parameters suggests a strong influence of geographic location on the marriage pattern of each community. At the same time, cultural differences linked to group identity had a strong impact in limiting marriage exchanges between the different ethnic groups living in the province of Cosenza in the early 1800s. In fact, the analysis of isonymic relationships demonstrates that geographic location shaped kinship patterns among the Arbereshe communities, but it also shows that the non-Arb?reshe neighbors formed a clearly separate reproductive cluster.  相似文献   

Marriage structure was studied in the city of Kiev and in two cities of the Sumy oblast, Shostka and Trostyanets. Ethnic affiliations and birthplaces of persons contracting marriage were analyzed as the main characteristics of population genetic diversity. The ethnic composition of persons contracting marriage and the proportions of mono- and interethnic marriages remained almost unchanged during one generation. The majority of the persons contracting marriage were Ukrainians (66-91%); among other ethnic groups, only Russians considerably contributed to ethnic diversity (up to 26%). During the period studied, coefficients of marital migration substantially decreased in Kiev (from 0.66-0.82 to 0.34) and Shostka (from 0.72 to 0.52) and changed only insignificantly in Trostyanets. Outbreeding was estimated based on the migration parameters, exogamy level, and marital migration distances. The outbreeding level in the Shostka population (100,000 people) was comparable with that for the considerably larger Kiev population (two million people); however, it was significantly higher than that for the Trostyanets population, the size of which was close to the size of the Shostka population. It is supposed that "migration stress" may unfavorably affect the adaptive genetic structure of the Shostka population.  相似文献   

The factor XIIIB gene was examined to determine the nature of a previously described 300 bp restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) seen in the human population. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of different regions within the factor XIIIB gene was carried out to define a high resolution map of the region encompassing the polymorphism, followed by DNA sequence analysis. AnAlu insertion was found to be the source of this variation. ThisAlu repeat is a member of the human specific-1 (HS-1) subfamily, although one of the five diagnostic nucleotides is a cattarhine specific (CS) subfamily mutation, suggesting that it may represent an intermediate form in the evolution between these two subfamilies. Subsequently, we developed a PCR-based assay to detect the polymorphism, rendering it a more useful marker for genetic linkage studies and genome mapping. This insertion is also a valuable polymorphism for human population studies, as demonstrated by the large variations in allele frequencies seen in three population groups.  相似文献   

The way geneticists use the word “inbreeding” can be somewhat puzzling. How can the same word be applied to situations as different as the presence of commong ancestors in the pedigrees of two individuals, on one hand, and the attitude towards marriage in a population, on the other? How can the same parameter, i.e., the “inbreeding coefficient F,” be used both, to measure the degree of genetic resemblance between individuals within a single population and also to measure the degree of genetic differences between groups of individuals.It will be useful for the sake of translation as well as for that of clarity, to delineate the various situations in which geneticists are led to refer to “inbreeding.”We shall see that this one word is used in, at least, five concepts: relationship between relatives; genetic drift; departure from panmixia of mating behaviour; subdivision of a population into several isolated groups; and divergence between the actual genotypic structure of a population and the reference “Hardy-Weinberg Structure.”  相似文献   

The northern Swedish population has a history of admixture of three ethnic groups and a dramatic population growth from a relatively small founder population. This has resulted in founder effects that together with unique resources for genealogical analyses provide excellent conditions for genetic mapping of monogenic diseases. Several recent examples of successful mapping of genetic factors underlying susceptibility to complex diseases have suggested that the population of northern Sweden may also be an important tool for efficient mapping of more complex phenotypes. A potential factor contributing to these effects may be population sub-isolates within the large river valleys, constituting a central geographic characteristic of this region. We here provide evidence that marriage patterns as well as the distribution of gene frequencies in a set of marker loci are compatible with this notion. The possible implications of this population structure on linkage- and association based strategies for identifying genes contributing risk to complex diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

Because it increases relatedness between interacting individuals, population viscosity has been proposed to favour the evolution of altruistic helping. However, because it increases local competition between relatives, population viscosity may also act as a brake for the evolution of helping behaviours. In simple models, the kin selected fecundity benefits of helping are exactly cancelled out by the cost of increased competition between relatives when helping occurs after dispersal. This result has lead to the widespread view, especially among people working with social organisms, that special conditions are required for the evolution of altruism. Here, we re-examine this result by constructing a simple population genetic model where we analyse whether the evolution of a sterile worker caste (i.e. an extreme case of altruism) can be selected for by limited dispersal. We show that a sterile worker caste can be selected for even under the simplest life-cycle assumptions. This has relevant consequences for our understanding of the evolution of altruism in social organisms, as many social insects are characterized by limited dispersal and significant genetic population structure.  相似文献   

We use the patterns of homozygosity at multiple loci to distinguish between excess homozygosity caused by consanguineous mating and that due to undetected population subdivision (the Wahlund effect). Clarification of the underlying causes of excess homozygosity is of practical importance in explaining the occurrence of recessive genetic disorders and in forensic match probability calculations. We calculated a likelihood surface for two parameters: C, the proportion of the population practicing consanguinity, and theta, the genetic correlation due population subdivision. To illustrate the method, we applied it to multilocus genotypic data of two U.K. Asian populations, one practicing a high frequency of cousin marriage, and another in which caste endogamy was suspected. The method was able to successfully distinguish the different patterns of relatedness. The method also returned accurate estimates of C and theta using simulated data sets. We show how our method can be extended to allow for degrees of inbreeding closer than cousin unions, including selfing. With closer inbreeding, the relatedness of recent ancestors beyond the parents becomes an issue.  相似文献   

Although models of evolution usually assume that the strength of selection on a trait and the expression of genetic variation in that trait are independent, whenever the same ecological factor impacts both parameters, a correlation between the two may arise that accelerates trait evolution in some environments and slows it in others. Here, we address the evolutionary consequences and ecological causes of a correlation between selection and expressed genetic variation. Using a simple analytical model, we show that the correlation has a modest effect on the mean evolutionary response and a large effect on its variance, increasing among‐population or among‐generation variation in the response when positive, and diminishing variation when negative. We performed a literature review to identify the ecological factors that influence selection and expressed genetic variation across traits. We found that some factors – temperature and competition – are unlikely to generate the correlation because they affected one parameter more than the other, and identified others – most notably, environmental novelty – that merit further investigation because little is known about their impact on one of the two parameters. We argue that the correlation between selection and genetic variation deserves attention alongside other factors that promote or constrain evolution in heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

袁义达  张诚  杨焕明 《遗传学报》2000,27(7):565-572
分析了比较了宋朝、明朝和当代姓氏的分布曲线,同姓率(isonymy)和地域人群间的亲缘关系。3个历史时期的姓氏分布反映了2个重要的现象;第一,中国人姓氏在历史上是连续的和稳定的。它揭示了姓氏所表现的血缘文化的痕迹与生命遗传物质,尤其是Y染色体的进化具有基本相同的和平行的表现,第二,中国人的姓氏存在2种状态,常见姓氏和非常见姓氏。仅占总姓氏上5%的100个常见姓氏集中了85%以上的人口,而占总姓氏量  相似文献   

,,, 《American anthropologist》2007,109(4):735-746
In the present study, we show how, through time, an ethnic mosaic and a changing social and economic context translated into intrapopulation differentiation and a change in genetic barriers between populations. Surname analysis was applied to a sample drawn from two centuries of marriage records in ten Arbëreshe and nine Italian villages of southern Italy to evaluate the evolution of internal differentiation and changes in genetic relationships between populations. Marital Isonymy and subdivision into subpopulations was higher in the Arbëreshe. Genetic barriers coinciding with ethnic boundaries characterized the 1800s. In the second half of the 1900s, ethnic differentiation disappeared. We hypothesize that socioeconomic changes, such as increased outmigration and regional mobility, were the forces that progressively eliminated the ethnic-related genetic differentiation in the region. This study has important implications for an understanding of the relationship between genetic evolution and the cultural milieu involving enforcement of ethnic differences.  相似文献   

The preservation or the change of the population structure is often strictly related to the acquisition or loss of behavioural models: the choice of the wedding period is among them. Analysing the period in which people marry, it is possible to point out modifications in the economy, in the work calendar and it also can be helpful to determine the importance of religious traditions. In this work, the authors study the marriage seasonality of nine rural European populations in France, Spain and Italy and its evolution during the last two centuries. The research has allowed to point out three different patterns of marriage seasonality: the Autumn marriage, the Winter marriage and populations with no remarkable seasonal variations. The first distribution results from the combination of work calendar, harsh climate in winter and religious traditions (the month of May consacrated to Maria, the Lent and Advent period), while the second one is due mostly to summer migrations. The importance of these factors tend to reduce during the XX century, making the distributions more homogeneous.  相似文献   

The standard genetic code, by which most organisms translate genetic material into protein metabolism, is non-randomly organized. The Error Minimization hypothesis interprets this non-randomness as an adaptation, proposing that natural selection produced a pattern of codon assignments that buffers genomes against the impact of mutations. Indeed, on the average any given point mutation has a lesser effect on the chemical properties of the utilized amino acid than expected by chance. Might it also, however, be the case that the non-random nature of the code effects the rate of adaptive evolution? To investigate this, here we develop population genetic simulations to test the rate of adaptive gene evolution under different genetic codes. We identify two independent properties of a genetic code that profoundly influence the speed of adaptive evolution. Noting that the standard genetic code exhibits both, we offer a new insight into the effects of the "error minimizing" code: such a code enhances the efficacy of adaptive sequence evolution.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic properties of adaptive trait evolution is a fundamental crux of biological inquiry that links molecular processes to biological diversity. Important uncertainties persist regarding the genetic predictability of adaptive trait change, the role of standing variation, and whether adaptation tends to result in the fixation of favored variants. Here, we use the recurrent evolution of enhanced ethanol resistance in Drosophila melanogaster during this species’ worldwide expansion as a promising system to add to our understanding of the genetics of adaptation. We find that elevated ethanol resistance has evolved at least three times in different cooler regions of the species’ modern range—not only at high latitude but also in two African high‐altitude regions. Applying a bulk segregant mapping framework, we find that the genetic architecture of ethanol resistance evolution differs substantially not only between our three resistant populations, but also between two crosses involving the same European population. We then apply population genetic scans for local adaptation within our quantitative trait locus regions, and we find potential contributions of genes with annotated roles in spindle localization, membrane composition, sterol and alcohol metabolism, and other processes. We also apply simulation‐based analyses that confirm the variable genetic basis of ethanol resistance and hint at a moderately polygenic architecture. However, these simulations indicate that larger‐scale studies will be needed to more clearly quantify the genetic architecture of adaptive evolution and to firmly connect trait evolution to specific causative loci.  相似文献   

The tendency of insect species to evolve specialization to one or a few plant species is probably a major reason for the remarkable diversity of herbivorous insects. The suggested explanations for this general trend toward specialization include a range of evolutionary mechanisms, whose relative importance is debated. Here we address two potentially important mechanisms: (i) how variation in the geographic distribution of host use may lead to the evolution of local adaptation and specialization; (ii) how selection for specialization may lead to the evolution of trade‐offs in performance between different hosts. We performed a quantitative genetic experiment of larval performance in three different populations of the alpine leaf beetle Oreina elongata reared on two of its main host plants. Due to differences in host availability, each population represents a distinctly different selective regime in terms of host use including selection for specialization on one or the other host as well as selection for utilizing both hosts during the larval stage. The results suggest that selection for specialization has lead to some degree of local adaptations in host use: both single‐host population had higher larval growth rate on their respective native host plant genus, while there was no difference between plant treatments in the two‐host population. However, differences between host plant treatments within populations were generally small and the degree of local adaptation in performance traits seems to be relatively limited. Genetic correlations in performance traits between the hosts ranged from zero in the two‐host population to significantly positive in the single‐host populations. This suggests that selection for specialization in single host populations typically also increased performance on the alternative host that is not naturally encountered. Moreover, the lack of a positive genetic correlation in the two host‐population give support for the hypothesis that performance trade‐offs between two host plants may typically evolve when a population have adapted to both these plants. We conclude that although there is selection for specialization in larval performance traits it seems as if the genetic architecture of these traits have limited the divergence between populations in relative performance on the two hosts.  相似文献   

A genetic-demographic study of the dynamics of the Moscow population marriage structure, with respect to the age of marriage, birthplace and nationality of newlyweds has been carried out by means of sample analysis of 1955 and 1980 marriage records; some other demographic and statistic data obtained during several years were also used. The mean age of marriage being practically constant, the proportion of newlyweds younger than 20 in the reproductive part of the Moscow population was shown to be considerably higher at the beginning of the XX century than at present. The number of couples married at the postreproductive age increased in 1980, as compared with 1955. The process of migration contributing to the genetic structure of subsequent Moscow generations has been characterized quantitatively and from the spatio-geographical point of view. High values (0.57 less than m less than 0.86) of the coefficient of migration to Moscow correspond to the period of non-controlled city population growth. As a result of administrative measures for regulation of the city population growth, the value of the coefficient of migration to Moscow decreased considerably by 1980, though still remained at a rather high level (m=0.40). The mean migration distance increased from 230 km, in the beginning of XIX century to 560 km in 1955 and 1100 in 1980. Especially great was the increase of genetic contribution from Eastern and Southern regions of the USSR. The variability of the national composition also increased. These changes in the geography of migration will cause the increasing reproduction of the entire country gene pool in Moscow as a panmixia center that may result in genetic originality of the Moscow population.  相似文献   

This study presents the first results concerning the evolution of the birth intervals since 1840 among a rural population of the centre of France, where birth control appeared as far back as the end of the 18th Century. We observe the absence of variation of the average interval between successive briths in relation to the period of marriage, family size and socio-economic status of spouses. This confirms that child spacing does not play a part in the constitution of family. The average intervals between marriage and first birth are associated with most of the variables, essentially due to the marrying age and to a lesser extent to the family size. This rural population, in spite of a modern profile by the widespread practice of birth control, still presents traditional attitudes in the structure of its fertility as is indicated by the absence of birth spreading and the important part which seems to be played by the marriage age of women.  相似文献   

植物的交配系统与濒危植物的保护繁育策略   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王崇云 《生物多样性》1998,6(4):298-303
植物的交配系统在理论上被视为影响种群遗传结构最为显著的因素之一。在具体实践中,指导着遗传育种和濒危植物的保护。本文首先剖析了交配系统及其相关的概念,并简要回顾交配系统研究的历史、重要的理论模型和方法。然后说明交配系统与种群遗传结构的具体关系,进而讨论交配系统在濒危植物进化与适应中的作用。最后说明交配系统的信息在就地与迁地保护中的重要性。  相似文献   

Kokko H  Heubel K 《Genetica》2008,134(1):55-62
The lek paradox states that maintaining genetic variation necessary for 'indirect benefit' models of female choice is difficult, and two interrelated solutions have been proposed. 'Genic capture' assumes condition-dependence of sexual traits, while genotype-by-environment interactions (GEIs) offer an additional way to maintain diversity. However, condition-dependence, particularly with GEIs, implies that environmental variation can blur the relationship between male displays and offspring fitness. These issues have been treated separately in the past. Here we combine them in a population genetic model, and show that predictions change not only in magnitude but also in direction when the timing of dispersal between environments relative to the life cycle is changed. GEIs can dramatically improve the evolution of costly female preferences, but also hamper it if much dispersal occurs between the life history stage where condition is determined and mating. This situation also arises if selection or mutation rates are too high. In general, our results highlight that when evaluating any mechanism promoted as a potential resolution of the lek paradox, it is not sufficient to focus on its effects on genetic variation. It also has to be assessed to what extent the proposed mechanism blurs the association between male attractiveness and offspring fitness; the net balance of these two effects can be positive or negative, and often strongly context-dependent.  相似文献   

The genetic demographic structure of the Gagauz population of Moldova has been described for the first time. Data of interviews and official records have been used to analyze the sex and age structure of the population and marriage relationships, as well as to estimate the effective sizes of the populations of six settlements and selection intensity (according to Crow's formula). The demographic data indicate that social transformations have substantially affected the genetic demographic parameters of the population. The gene exchange rate per generation has been determined (m = 0.0204 in 1972 and m = 0.0309 in 1997). The estimated ratio between the components of Crow's index (I(m) < I(f)) in the Gagauz population is similar to those for the populations of developed countries with traditionally rural lifestyles. The study of marriage relationships of the Gagauz population has shown that Gagauzes are intensely mixing with Moldovans, Bulgarians, Russians, and Ukrainians.  相似文献   

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