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The tumour suppressor gene BRCA1 encodes a 220 kDa protein that participates in multiple cellular processes. The BRCA1 protein contains a tandem of two BRCT repeats at its carboxy-terminal region. The majority of disease-associated BRCA1 mutations affect this region and provide to the BRCT repeats a central role in the BRCA1 tumour suppressor function. The BRCT repeats have been shown to mediate phospho-dependant protein-protein interactions. They recognize phosphorylated peptides using a recognition groove that spans both BRCT repeats. We previously identified an interaction between the tandem of BRCA1 BRCT repeats and ACCA, which was disrupted by germ line BRCA1 mutations that affect the BRCT repeats. We recently showed that BRCA1 modulates ACCA activity through its phospho-dependent binding to ACCA. To delineate the region of ACCA that is crucial for the regulation of its activity by BRCA1, we searched for potential phosphorylation sites in the ACCA sequence that might be recognized by the BRCA1 BRCT repeats. Using sequence analysis and structure modelling, we proposed the Ser1263 residue as the most favourable candidate among six residues, for recognition by the BRCA1 BRCT repeats. Using experimental approaches, such as GST pull-down assay with Bosc cells, we clearly showed that phosphorylation of only Ser1263 was essential for the interaction of ACCA with the BRCT repeats. We finally demonstrated by immunoprecipitation of ACCA in cells, that the whole BRCA1 protein interacts with ACCA when phosphorylated on Ser1263.  相似文献   

Shiozaki EN  Gu L  Yan N  Shi Y 《Molecular cell》2004,14(3):405-412
The recognition of the phosphorylated BACH1 helicase by the BRCA1 C-terminal (BRCT) repeats is important to the tumor suppressor function of BRCA1. Here we report the crystal structure of the BRCT repeats of human BRCA1 bound to a phosphorylated BACH1 peptide at 2.3 A resolution. The phosphorylated serine 990 and phenylalanine 993 of BACH1 anchor the binding to BRCA1 through specific interactions with a surface cleft at the junction of the two BRCT repeats. This surface cleft is highly conserved in BRCA1 across species, suggesting an evolutionarily conserved function of phosphopeptide recognition. Importantly, conserved amino acids critical for BACH1 binding are frequently targeted for missense mutations in breast cancer. These mutations greatly diminish the ability of BRCA1 to interact with the phosphorylated BACH1 peptide. Additional structural analysis revealed significant implications for understanding the function of the BRCT family of proteins in DNA damage and repair signaling.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation by protein kinases may generate docking sites for other proteins. It thus allows the assembly of signaling complexes in response to kinase activation. Several protein domains that bind phosphoserine or phosphothreonine residues have been identified, including the 14-3-3, PIN1, FHA, KIX, WD-40 domain, and polo box (Yaffe, M. B., and Elia, A. E. (2001) Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 13, 131-138; Elia, A. E., Cantley, L. C., and Yaffe, M. B. (2003) Science 299, 1228-1231). The BRCA1 COOH-terminal (BRCT) domains are protein modules found in many proteins that regulate DNA damage responses (Koonin, E. V., Altschul, S. F., and Bork, P. (1996) Nat. Genet. 13, 266-268). Whether BRCT domains can mediate phosphorylation-dependent interactions has not been systematically investigated. We report here that the BRCT domains also recognize phosphopeptides. Oriented peptide library analysis indicated that the BRCT domains from BRCA1, MDC1, BARD1, and DNA Ligase IV preferred distinct phosphoserine-containing peptides. In addition, the interaction between BRCA1 and the BRCT binding motif of BACH1 was required for BACH1 checkpoint activity. Furthermore, BRCT domains of the yeast DNA repair protein Rad9 could bind phosphopeptides, suggesting that the BRCT domains represent a class of ancient phosphopeptide-binding modules. Potential targets of BRCT domains were identified through data base search. Structural analysis of BRCA1 BRCT repeats also predicted conserved residues that may form the phosphopeptide-binding pocket. Thus, the BRCT repeats are a new family of phosphopeptide-binding domains in DNA damage responses.  相似文献   

Similar binding sites often imply similar protein-protein interactions and similar functions; however, similar binding sites may also constitute traps for nonfunctional associations. How are similar sites distinguished to prevent misassociations? BRCT domains from breast cancer-susceptibility gene product BRCA1 and protein 53BP1 have similar structures yet different binding behaviors with p53 core domain. 53BP1-BRCT domain forms a stable complex with p53. In contrast, BRCA1-p53 interaction is weak or other mechanisms operate. To delineate the difference, we designed 13 BRCA1-BRCT mutants and computationally investigated the structural and stability changes compared to the experimental p53-53BP1 structure. Interestingly, of the 13, the 2 mutations that are cancerous and involve nonconserved residues are those that enforced p53 core domain binding with BRCA1-BRCT in a way similar to p53-53BP1 binding. Hence, falling into the "similarity trap" may disrupt normal BRCA1 and p53 functions. Our results illustrate how this trap is avoided in the native state.  相似文献   

BRCTs are protein-docking modules involved in eukaryotic DNA repair. They are characterized by low sequence homology with generally well-conserved structure organization. In a considerable number of proteins, a pair of BRCT structural repeats occurs, connected with inter-BRCT linkers, variable in length, sequence and structure. Linkers may separate and control the relative position of BRCT domains as well as protect and stabilize the hydrophobic inter-BRCT interface region. Their vital role in protein function has been demonstrated by recent findings associating missense mutations in the inter-repeat linker region of the BRCT domain of BRCA1 (BRCA1-BRCT) to hereditary breast/ovarian cancer. The interaction of 53BP1 with the core domain of the p53 tumor suppressor involves the C-terminal BRCT repeat as well as the inert-BRCT linker of the tandem BRCT domain of 53BP1 (53BP1-BRCT). High-accuracy differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and circular dichroism (CD) have been employed to characterize the heat-induced unfolding of 53BP1-BRCT domain. The calorimetric results provide evidence for unfolding to an intermediate, only partly unfolded state, which, based on the CD results, retains the secondary structural characteristics of the native protein. A direct comparison with the corresponding thermal processes for BRAC1-BRCT and BARD1-BRCT provides evidence that the observed behavior is analogous to BRCA1-BRCT even though the two domains differ substantially in the linker structure. Moreover, chemical denaturation experiments of the untagged 53BP1-BRCT and comparison with BRCA1 and BARD1 BRCTs show that no clear association can be drawn between the structural organization of the inter-BRCT linkers and the overall stability of the BRCT domains.  相似文献   

Germline mutations in the BRCA1 tumor suppressor gene contribute to familial breast and ovarian tumor formation. Sporadic breast and ovarian cancer, however, which accounts for more than 90% of total cases and virtually lacks BRCA1 mutations, exhibits reduced expression of the BRCA1 gene. The magnitude of this reduction correlates with disease progression. In this report we have identified an imperfect palindrome sequence for binding of the 53BP1-containing complex, -40TTCCGTGG CAACGGAA-25, within the BRCA1 minimal promoter. Overexpression of 53BP1 activates a luciferase reporter driven by the wild type BRCA1 minimal promoter, but not by the BRCA1 minimal promoter with mutated palindrome sequence. Depletion of endogenous 53BP1 by siRNA suppresses activity of the BRCA1 minimal promoter. In vitro and in vivo DNA-protein interaction studies demonstrate that this palindrome sequence binds to the 53BP1-containing complex. These findings establish a positive regulation of the BRCA1 promoter by 53BP1. Disruption of this regulation in cancer cells may provide a molecular mechanistic basis for sporadic breast and ovarian tumor formation.  相似文献   

53BP1 plays an important role in cellular response to DNA damage. It is thought to be the mammalian homologue of budding yeast Rad9 and/or fission yeast Crb2. Rad9/Crb2 are bona fide checkpoint proteins whose activation requires their corresponding C-terminal tandem BRCT (BRCA1 C-terminal) motifs, which mediate their oligomerization and phosphorylation at multiple sites following DNA damage. Here we show that the function of human 53BP1 similarly depends on its oligomerization and phosphorylation at multiple sites but in a BRCT domain-independent manner. Moreover, unlike its proposed yeast counterparts, human 53BP1 only has limited checkpoint functions but rather acts as an adaptor in the repair of DNA double strand breaks. This difference in function may reflect the higher complexity of the DNA damage response network in metazoa including the evolution of other BRCT domain-containing proteins that may have functions redundant or overlapping with those of 53BP1.  相似文献   

Role of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) in maintaining genomic integrity   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Burma S  Chen BP  Chen DJ 《DNA Repair》2006,5(9-10):1042-1048
Of the various types of DNA damage that can occur within the mammalian cell, the DNA double strand break (DSB) is perhaps the most dangerous. DSBs are typically induced by intrinsic sources such as the by products of cellular metabolism or by extrinsic sources such as X-rays or gamma-rays and chemotherapeutic drugs. It is becoming increasing clear that an inability to respond properly to DSBs will lead to genomic instability and promote carcinogenesis. The mammalian cell, therefore, has in place several mechanisms that can respond rapidly to DSBs. In this review, we focus on the role of one such mechanism, the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway of DSB repair, in maintaining genome integrity and preventing carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

BRCA1 mutations strongly predispose affected individuals to breast and ovarian cancer, but the mechanism by which BRCA1 acts as a tumor suppressor is not fully understood. Homozygous deletion of exon 2 of the mouse Brca1 gene normally causes embryonic lethality, but we show that exon 2‐deleted alleles of Brca1 are expressed as a mutant isoform that lacks the N‐terminal RING domain. This “RING‐less” BRCA1 protein is stable and efficiently recruited to the sites of DNA damage. Surprisingly, robust RAD51 foci form in cells expressing RING‐less BRCA1 in response to DNA damage, but the cells nonetheless display the substantial genomic instability. Genomic instability can be rescued by the deletion of Trp53bp1, which encodes the DNA damage response factor 53BP1, and mice expressing RING‐less BRCA1 do not show an increased susceptibility to tumors in the absence of 53BP1. Genomic instability in cells expressing RING‐less BRCA1 correlates with the loss of BARD1 and a defect in restart of replication forks after hydroxyurea treatment, suggesting a role of BRCA1–BARD1 in genomic integrity that is independent of RAD51 loading.  相似文献   

The role of the proofreading exonuclease in maintaining the stability of multiply repeated units in DNA was studied in Escherichia coli. Reversion of plasmids in which the beta-galactosidase alpha complementing sequence was moved +2 out of frame by inserts containing (CA)14, (CA)5, (CA)2 or (TA)6 or +1 by creating a run of 8 C was compared in mutS and mutSdnaQ strains. Proofreading corrects at least half of the frameshift errors for all the plasmids and at least 99% of the errors in the (CA)2 plasmid. The (CA)2 plasmid reverts mostly by +1 frameshifts in the restriction sites flanking the insert. With the (CA)14, (TA)6, (CA)5 and 8C plasmids, reversion is mainly by loss of a repeat unit. The data support the hypothesis that the dnaQgene product recognizes frameshifts close to the DNA growing point. Frameshifts distal to the growing point are mainly corrected by mismatch repair.We speculate that mismatches in mononucleotide repeats are susceptible to proofreading because they can either migrate to a point where they are recognized by the exonuclease or, alternatively, because single nucleotide distortions are more readily detected than dinucleotides.  相似文献   

Ross KE  Cohen-Fix O 《Genetics》2003,165(2):489-503
Cdh1p, a substrate specificity factor for the cell cycle-regulated ubiquitin ligase, the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), promotes exit from mitosis by directing the degradation of a number of proteins, including the mitotic cyclins. Here we present evidence that Cdh1p activity at the M/G(1) transition is important not only for mitotic exit but also for high-fidelity chromosome segregation in the subsequent cell cycle. CDH1 showed genetic interactions with MAD2 and PDS1, genes encoding components of the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint that acts at metaphase to prevent premature chromosome segregation. Unlike cdh1delta and mad2delta single mutants, the mad2delta cdh1delta double mutant grew slowly and exhibited high rates of chromosome and plasmid loss. Simultaneous deletion of PDS1 and CDH1 caused extensive chromosome missegregation and cell death. Our data suggest that at least part of the chromosome loss can be attributed to kinetochore/spindle problems. Our data further suggest that Cdh1p and Sic1p, a Cdc28p/Clb inhibitor, have overlapping as well as nonoverlapping roles in ensuring proper chromosome segregation. The severe growth defects of both mad2delta cdh1delta and pds1delta cdh1dDelta strains were rescued by overexpressing Swe1p, a G(2)/M inhibitor of the cyclin-dependent kinase, Cdc28p/Clb. We propose that the failure to degrade cyclins at the end of mitosis leaves cdh1delta mutant strains with abnormal Cdc28p/Clb activity that interferes with proper chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

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