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The coexistence of both A form and B form tracts and formation of an A-B junction in the oligomer d(GGGGGTTTTT)· d(AAAAACCCCC) in saturated sodium chloride solution have been detected by Raman spectroscopy. The entire duplex adopts the familiar B-form conformation in aqueous solution at low salt concentrations (0.1M NaCl). In 6M NaCl the adoption of an A form is observed within the G,C tract while a B-form is maintained in the A,T tract. The experimental results indicate that two different helical forms can co-exist in a rather short oligonucleotide and that formation of an A-B junction can occur over a fairly small span of bases. This is in agreement with recent rules governing the relation between base sequence and secondary structure of DNA published from this laboratory.

The conformational preferences of each of the individual oligomers d(AAAAACCCCC) and d(GGGGGTTTTT) have also been investigated. The oligomer d(AAAAACCCCC) is single stranded but some evidence for base stacking is observed at 2°C. In contrast, a double stranded B-form structure characterized by wobble G-T base pairing is observed for d(GGGGGTTTTT) in 0.1M and 6M NaCl.  相似文献   

J Luo  M H Sarma  R D Yuan  R H Sarma 《FEBS letters》1992,306(2-3):223-228
The oligonucleotide d(A5C5) in solution forms a parallel self-duplex at neutral and low pH values. H2O NMR spectra at pH 5.1 indicate the presence of five imino resonances at lower temperatures; and the structure is stable up to 60 degrees C. These signals can arise only from the hemiprotonated C+.C pairs [Westhof, E. and Sundaralingham, M. (1980) Biochemistry 77, 1852-1856; Westhof, E. and Sundaralingham, M. (1980) J. Mol. Biol. 142, 331-361] and constitute the first direct observation of C+.C hemiprotonated pairs in solution. The cross peaks from H1's and more than five distinct AH8's in 500 MHz 1H 2D-NOESY spectra indicate that there are two conformationally different and energetically similar A-tracts. There is good qualitative agreement between NOESY data and two theoretically derived structures in which A-tracts are reverse Watson-Crick and reverse Hoogsteen base-paired, respectively.  相似文献   

The crystal and molecular structure of the sodium salt of deoxycytidylyl-(3H-5H)-deoxyguanosine has been determined from X-ray diffraction data. The crystal, obtained from an aqueous gamma-butyrolactone solution at pH = 5.3 are orthorhombic, P212121, a = 10.640(2), b = 11.184(2) and c = 44.618(4)A. The structure was refined to an R = 0.041. The d(CpG) structure is similar to the ammonium salt solved by Cruse et al.(1). Both structures form a parallel self base paired mini-double helix. In d(CpG).Na+ one of the two paired cytosines is protonated on N(3). The cytosines form 3 hydrogen bonds while the guanines form only 2. The Na+ ion is coordinated with five groups: two water molecules, O(6) of guanine A, N(7) of guanine B and 0(5') of cytosine B, forming a square pyramid. The hydration shell around the mini-helix is analysed and compared with that of the ammonium salt, d(CpG).Na+ is the second d(CpG) oligonucleotide found with a self base pairing arrangement despite of the fact that the crystallization conditions and counterion were different in both cases. The hypothesis that self base pairing is not only a crystallization artifact but may play a role under physiological conditions as a source of transversion mutations is discussed.  相似文献   


The oligonucleotide d(G5T5) can in principle form a fully matched duplex with G · T pairing and/or a tetraplex. Non-denaturing gel electrophoresis, circular dichroism and NMR experiments show that the tetraplex is exclusively formed by this oligomer in solution. In the presence of its complementary strand d(A5C5) at low temperature, d(G5T5) forms the tetraplex over the normally expected Watson-Crick duplex. However, when d(G5T5) and d(A5C5) are mixed together in equimolar amounts and heated for several minutes at 85°C, and then allowed to cool, the product was essentially the Watson-Crick duplex. The lack of resolution in the 500 MHz 1H NMR spectra and the presence of extensive spin diffusion do not allow us to derive a quantitative structure for the tetraplex from the NMR data. However, we find good qualitative agreement between the NOESY and MINSY data and a theoretically derived stereochemically sound structure in which the G's and T's are part of a parallel tetraplex.  相似文献   

The oligonucleotide d(G5T5) can in principle form a fully matched duplex with G.T pairing and/or a tetraplex. Non-denaturing gel electrophoresis, circular dichroism and NMR experiments show that the tetraplex is exclusively formed by this oligomer in solution. In the presence of its complementary strand d(A5C5) at low temperature, d(G5T5) forms the tetraplex over the normally expected Watson-Crick duplex. However, when d(G5T5) and d(A5C5) are mixed together in equimolar amounts and heated for several minutes at 85 degrees C, and then allowed to cool, the product was essentially the Watson-Crick duplex. The lack of resolution in the 500 MHz 1H NMR spectra and the presence of extensive spin diffusion do not allow us to derive a quantitative structure for the tetraplex from the NMR data. However, we find good qualitative agreement between the NOESY and MINSY data and a theoretically derived stereochemically sound structure in which the G's and T's are part of a parallel tetraplex.  相似文献   

Two conformations adopted by the tetranucleoside triphosphate d(TCGA) in aqueous solution are in slow-exchange equilibrium on the NMR time scale. 1H and 31P NMR spectra obtained at temperatures below 25 degrees C contain two sets of signals that vary in relative proportions with changing temperature. High-field NMR techniques allow the conformations of these species to be examined. Both forms are right-handed double-helical structures, and their interconversion does not involve a single-stranded species since transfer of saturation is observed between corresponding imino protons held in the base pairs of each duplex. The form that predominates at higher temperatures resembles B-DNA, but the other, while of similar conformation at the ends of the molecule, is distorted at the C-G step. Shearing at the center of the duplex results in interstrand stacking of the two cytosines in a way that is reminiscent of Z-DNA. Distances between nonexchangeable protons in this model are consistent with nuclear Overhauser effects observed for resonances of the low-temperature form, while the 1H NMR spectrum shows cytidine H-2' resonances at unusually high field. The relative stabilities of the two forms are discussed in terms of base stacking and hydration, but the origin of the high activation energy for interconversion implicit in the slow-exchange rate is unclear. The conformation of the low-temperature form may represent a sequence-dependent structural feature important in natural DNA, although somewhat fortuitously exemplified by this tetramer. The suggested involvement in correct nucleosome phasing of the pentamer d(TTCGA), present in some eukaryotic genes, is noted.  相似文献   

Conformational studies on three DNA-oligomers (d(CGCGCGTTAATT), d(CGCGTTAA) and d(CGCGCGTT) in solution by circular dichroism spectroscopy are reported. In low salt solution, all three DNA oligomers exhibit a characteristic B-conformation. However, under the influence of high salt concentration i.e. 5M NaCl, the octamer d(CGCGCGTT) exhibits 'A' conformation whereas the decamer and dodecamer retain B-conformation. On addition of millimolar amount of NiCl2 to the 5M NaCl, solution of oligodeoxynucleotides a B-Z transition is observed in octamer, decamer and dodecamer. However, NiCl2 titrations show that mid point of transition for dodecamer is at 2.25 mM, for decamer is at 13 mM NiCl2 and for octamer is 17 mM at NiCl2. In 60% alcohol all three oligonucleotides remain in the B-conformation. The melting temperatures of oligonucleotides at various salt concentration are also reported. Thermodynamic parameters calculated by melting profile using a two state model show that dodecamer and decamer are most stable in their 5M NaCl, B-form. However, octamer is more stable in its Z form than that of its 'A' form.  相似文献   

The parameters of fluorescence spectra of myosin and its subunits in Tris-HCl-buffer (pH 7.2) were studied. Analysis of the experimental results of myosin fluorescence quenching with I-ions and the quantum yield of the fluorescence at the excitation wavelength 296 nm shows that the greater part of the tryptophan residues (21 out of 28) is located in the hydrophylic environment. Concentrated solutions of NaCl and KCl do not affect myosin fluorescence, while LiCl, which changes the quaternary structure of the protein, brings about a change in the parameters of the myosin fluorescence spectra. This may be linked with structural changes accompanying the dissociation of the ligh subunits of myosin in the presence of LiCl.  相似文献   

Microcalorimetric heat capacity measurements on dilute and concentrated solutions and films of poly[d(A-T)·d(A-T)] in 2 M sodium chloride have been carried out. Values for enthalpy, entropy, and temperature of the helix–coil transition have been found to depend on the polymer concentration, and to have maxima near 20% (w/w) of polymer. The results are discussed in terms of polynucleotide hydration as one of the structure stabilizing factors.  相似文献   

Utilizing a new method for modeling furanose pseudorotation (D. A. Pearlman and S.-H. Kim, J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 3, 85 (1985)) and the empirical multiple correlations between nucleic acid torsion angles we derived in the previous report (D. A. Pearlman and S.-H. Kim, previous paper in this issue), we have made an energetic examination of the entire conformational spaces available to two nucleic acid oligonucleotides: d(ApApApA) and ApApApA. The energies are calculated using a semi-empirical potential function. From the resulting body of data, energy contour map pairs (one for the DNA molecule, one for the RNA structure) have been created for each of the 21 possible torsion angle pairs in a nucleotide repeating unit. Of the 21 pairs, 15 have not been reported previously. The contour plots are different from those made earlier in that for each point in a particular angle-angle plot, the remaining five variable torsion angles are rotated to the values which give a minimum energy at this point. The contour maps are overall quite consistent with the experimental distribution of oligonucleotide data. A number of these maps are of particular interest: delta (C5'-C4'-C3'-O3')-chi (O4'-C1'-N9-C4), where the energetic basis for an approximately linear delta-chi correlation can be seen: zeta (C3'-O3'-P-O5')-delta, in which the experimentally observed linear correlation between zeta and delta in DNA(220 degrees less than zeta less than 280 degrees) is clearly predicted; zeta-epsilon (C4'-C3'-O3'-P), which shows that epsilon increases with decreasing zeta less than 260 degrees; alpha (O3'-P-O5'-C5')-gamma (O5'-C5'-C4'-C3') where a clear linear correlation between these angles is also apparent, consistent with experiment; and several others. For the DNA molecule studied here, the sugar torsion delta is predicted to be the most flexible, while for the RNA molecule, the greatest amount of flexibility is expected to reside in alpha and gamma. Both the DNA and RNA molecules are predicted to be highly polymorphic. Complete energy minimization has been performed on each of the minima found in the energy searches and the results further support this prediction. Possible pathways for B-form to A-form DNA interconversion suggested by the results of this study are discussed. The results of these calculations support use of the new sugar modeling technique and torsion angle correlations in future conformational studies of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

Poly(d2NH2A-dT): two-dimensional NMR shows a B to A conversion in high salt   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
B Borah  J S Cohen  F B Howard  H T Miles 《Biochemistry》1985,24(25):7456-7462
Poly(d2NH2A-dT) forms a structure in high salt that is clearly distinct from the B form present in low salt. Two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (2D NOE) NMR spectra establish that the conformation of the high-salt form is not Z. Correlations of observed cross peaks in the 2D NOE spectra and estimated interproton distances of the common DNA conformations are consistent only with an A form or closely related structure. This interpretation is also consistent with the negative circular dichroic band observed in the high-salt form of poly(d2NH2A-dT) and in A-form ribohomopolymer helices containing 2NH2A.  相似文献   

The mismatched duplex d(GGGTGCCC) (I) and its two Watson-Crick analogues (dGGGCGCCC) (II) and d(GGGTACCC) (III) were synthesized. The X-ray crystal structures of (I) and (II) were determined at resolutions of 2.5 and 1.7 A (1 A = 0.1 nm) and refined to R factors of 15 and 16%, respectively. (I) and (II) crystallize as A-DNA doublehelical octamers in space groups P61 and P4(3)2(1)2, respectively, and are stable at room temperature. The central two G.T mispairs of (I) adopt the wobble geometry as observed in other G.T mismatches. The two structures differ significantly in their local conformational features at the central helical regions as well as in some global ones. In particular, T-G adopts a large helical twist (44 degrees) whereas C-G adopts a small one (24 degrees). This difference can be rationalized on the basis of simple geometrical considerations. Base-pair stacking energies which were calculated for the two duplexes indicate that (I) is destabilized with respect to (II). Helix-coil transition measurements were performed for each of the three oligomers by means of ultraviolet absorbance spectrophotometry. The results indicate that the stability of the duplexes and the co-operativity of the transition are in the following order: (I) less than (III) less than (II). Such studies may help in understanding why certain regions of DNA are more likely to undergo spontaneous mutations than others.  相似文献   

The conformation of the d(ACCCGGGT) duplex in aqueous solution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nonexchangeable base and sugar protons of the octanucleotide d(ACCCGGGT)2 have been assigned using two dimensional homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn relayed spectroscopy (HOHAHA), double quantum filtered homonuclear correlation spectroscopy (DQFCOSY) and nuclear Overhauser spectroscopy (NOESY) in D2O at 12 degrees C. The observed NOE's between the base protons and their own H2' protons and between the base protons and the H2' protons of the 5' adjacent nucleotide and the observed coupling constants between the deoxyribose 1' and 2',2' protons indicate that this duplex assumes a right-handed B-type helix conformation in solution.  相似文献   

C A Swenson 《Biopolymers》1971,10(12):2591-2596
The infrared absorption of poly-L -proline in concentrated aqueous salt solutions was measured in the fundamental region. Of primary interest were the carbonyl absorption of the peptide linkage and the methylene C–H bending absorption of the pyrrolidine ring. These spectral regions each show an additional component in the concentrated salt solutions. Using the position of the absorptions of poly-L -proline I (cis) and II (trans) as models, we conclude that both cistrans linkages are present in the peptide in salt solutions. Increasing the temperature shifts the equilibrium slightly in favor of cis.  相似文献   

A temperature-dependent Z to B to single-strand transition in d(CGCG)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G A Thomas  W L Peticolas 《Biopolymers》1989,28(9):1625-1636
A thermally induced left- to right-handed helical interconversion for the self-complementary tetradeoxynucleotide d(CGCG) has been observed in the presence of NaCl at concentrations from 1.5 to 2.25M. Analysis of the Raman spectrum of d(CGCG) in aqueous solution as a function of temperature indicates that at low temperature a left-handed Z-helical form is the predominant species. An increase in temperature results in a decrease in the population of the left-handed form and an increase in the population of the right-handed form. Further elevation in temperature results in extensive disruption of base stacking and a loss of secondary structure. This unstacking presumably represents dissociation to a single-stranded structure. The data suggest that a temperature-dependent Z to B to single-strand transition occurs under the conditions employed. A direct Z to single-strand conversion was not identified. In contrast to previous examples, the thermally induced left- to right-handed helical conversion for d(CGCG) can occur in the absence of chemically modified nucleic acid bases, alcohol solutions, or divalent ions.  相似文献   

From a low-salt solution, d(CpGpCpG) crystallizes in space group P6122 with a = b = 30.8 A? and c = 43.6 A?. From a high-salt solution, d(CpGpCpG) crystallizes in space group C2221with a = 19.5 A?, b = 31.3 A?, and c = 64.7 A?. The transition between these two forms appears to be fully reversible in the crystalline state. Native data sets have been collected and Patterson maps calculated from both low and high-salt crystals in preparation for structure analysis.  相似文献   

B Borah  F B Howard  H T Miles  J S Cohen 《Biochemistry》1986,25(23):7464-7470
Proton one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (1D and 2D NOE) spectroscopy has been used to demonstrate that poly(d2NH2A-d5IU) and poly(d2NH2A-d5BrU) are converted from the B to the A conformation in high salt, as found previously for poly(d2NH2A-dT) [Borah, B., Cohen, J. S., Howard, F. B., & Miles, H. T. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 7456-7462]. The 2D NOE and 1D NOE spectra exhibit strong base proton (H8,H6)-H3' cross relaxation, suggesting short interproton distances. These results are indicative of a C3'-endo sugar pucker for both purine and pyrimidine residues in an A or closely related structure. The circular dichroism and UV spectra are consistent with the interpretation of an A conformation in high salt.  相似文献   

The amino-reactive derivative of tetraphenylporphine meso-tetrakis[4-(carboxy)phenyl]porphine (TCPP) was synthesized, which is characterized by a high molar absorption coefficient (epsilon 416 = 36,500 M-1.cm-1). TCPP was covalently attached to oligonucleotides d(CG)5 [d(CG)5-TCPP] and d(TA)5 [d(TA)5-TCPP]. The spectral characteristics of these complexes were studied in 0.01 M phosphate buffer, pH 7 at 23 degrees C. UV-visible absorption spectra of these complexes have a clearly pronounced Soret band at (414 +/- 1) nm for d(CG)5-TCPP and at (412 +/- 1) nm for d(TA)5-TCPP. The fluorescence spectra of these complexes have maxima at (648 +/- 2) nm for d(CG)5-TCPP and at (658 +/- 2) nm for d(TA)5-TCPP. In this study we also determined fluorescence quantum yields q and fluorescence lifetimes tau [q = 0.099 +/- 0.011, tau = (9.0 +/- 0.3) ns for d(CG)5-TCPP and q = 0.080 +/- 0.011, tau = (8.7 +/- 0.3) ns for d(TA)5-TCPP]. A temperature rise from 5 to 50 degrees C produced only slight (within 23%) emission changes in both samples studied. Taking into account: a) high fluorescence yields (q), b) weak dependence of q on temperature, c) weak q dependence of q on the oligonucleotide type, we conclude that TCPP may be used as a sensitive fluorescence label in DNA studies.  相似文献   

We have used CD spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy and unrestrained molecular dynamics to study conformational properties of a DNA duplex formed by the self-complementary octamer d(GGGGCCCC). Its unusual CD spectrum contains features indicating A-like stacking of half of the bases, whereas the other half stack in a B-like fashion. Unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations converged to a stable B-like double-helix of d(GGGGCCCC). However, the double-helix contained a central hole whose size was half of that occurring in structure A. In the canonical structure B, the hole does not exist at all because the base-pairs cross the double-helix centre. The cytosine bases were stacked in the duplex of d(GGGGCCCC) as in structure B, while stacking of the guanine bases displayed features characteristic for structure A. NMR spectroscopy revealed that the A-like guanine-guanine stacking was accompanied by an increased tendency of the deoxyribose rings attached to the guanine bases to be puckered in an A-like fashion. Otherwise, the duplex of d(GGGGCCCC) showed no clash, no bend and no other significant deviation from structure B. The present analysis demonstrates a remarkable propensity of the guanine runs to stack in an A-like fashion even within the B-DNA framework. This property explains why the oligo(dG). oligo(dC) tracts switch into structure A so easily. Secondly, this property may influence replication, because structure A is replicated more faithfully than structure B. Thirdly, the oligo(dG) runs might have played an important role in early evolution, when DNA took on functions that originally evolved on RNA. Fourthly, the present study extends the vocabulary of DNA secondary structures by the heteronomous duplex of d(GGGGCCCC) in which the B-like strand of oligo(dC) is bound to the A-like strand of oligo(dG).  相似文献   

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