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While patterns in species diversity have been well studied across large‐scale environmental gradients, little is known about how species’ interaction networks change in response to abiotic and biotic factors across such gradients. Here we studied seed‐dispersal networks on 50 study plots distributed over ten different habitat types on the southern slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, to disentangle the effects of climate, habitat structure, fruit diversity and fruit availability on different measures of interaction diversity. We used direct observations to record the interactions of frugivorous birds and mammals with fleshy‐fruited plants and recorded climatic conditions, habitat structure, fruit diversity and availability. We found that Shannon interaction diversity (H) increased with fruit diversity and availability, whereas interaction evenness (EH) and network specialization (H2) responded differently to changes in fruit availability depending on habitat structure. The direction of the effects of fruit availability on EH and H2 differed between open habitats at the mountain base and structurally complex habitats in the forest belt. Our findings illustrate that interaction networks react differently to changes in environmental conditions in different ecosystems. Hence, our findings demonstrate that future projections of network structure and associated ecosystem functions need to account for habitat differences among ecosystems.  相似文献   

Noise in environmental variables is often described as 'coloured', where colour describes the exponent beta of the scaling relationship between the amplitude of variability and its frequency of occurrence (1/f(beta)). Different environments are known to have different colours and models have shown that colour can have important impacts upon population persistence and dynamics. This study advances current knowledge about the impact of environmental colour using a trophic model (consumer-resource) experiencing environmental noise (temperature) in a biologically realistic manner--derived mechanistically from metabolic scaling theory. The model demonstrates that the variability of consumers and resources can respond differently to changing environmental colour, depending upon (i) their relative ability to track and over or undercompensate for environmental changes and (ii) the relative sensitivity of their equilibria to environmental changes. These results form the basis with which to interpret differences and facilitate comparisons of the variability of ecological communities across gradients of environmental colour.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated how soil fungal communities respond to elevation, especially within TMCF (tropical montane cloud forests). We used an elevation gradient in a TMCF in Costa Rica to determine how soil properties, processes, and community composition of fungi change in response to elevation and across seasons. As elevation increased, soil temperature and soil pH decreased, while soil moisture and soil C:N ratios increased with elevation. Responses of these properties varied seasonally. Fungal abundance increased with elevation during wet and dry seasons. Fungal community composition shifted in response to elevation, and to a lesser extent by season. These shifts were accompanied by varying responses of important fungal functional groups during the wet season and the relative abundance of certain fungal phyla. We suggest that elevation and the responses of certain fungal functional groups may be structuring fungal communities along this elevation gradient. TMCF are ecosystems that are rapidly changing due to climate change. Our study suggests that these changes may affect how fungal communities are structured.  相似文献   

Questions: Is multi‐stemming a survival strategy in response to chronic disturbance? Is multi‐stemming under phylogenetic control? What environmental factors are associated with multi‐stemming? When do trees initiate growth of multiple stems? Do multi‐stemmed trees have limited stature? Location: Subtropical Indian Ocean coastal dune forest at Cape Vidal in the Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park, northeastern South Africa. Methods: Tree physiognomy and environmental conditions were sampled in 20 transects that were 300 m long and 5 m wide. Results: 38.9 % of trees were multi‐stemmed, with no correlation between multi‐stemming and taxonomic grouping. The multi‐stemming trait was most associated with stem decumb‐ency and substrate erosion and multi‐stemmed individuals were less common in protected dune slacks. Trees at Cape Vidal appear to facultatively produce multiple stems from an early stage. There was no trade‐off between tree height and stem number. Conclusions: Coastal winds and the unstable dune substrate are important environmental correlates of multi‐stemming. Both short stature and the high incidence of multi‐stemming are related to the tree‐disturbance interaction. The taxonomically widespread phenotypic plasticity in this trait indicates the importance of multi‐stemming to tree survival even under low levels of disturbance.  相似文献   

Trophic cascades are important drivers of plant and animal abundances in aquatic and aboveground systems, but in soils trophic cascades have been thought to be of limited importance due to omnivory and other factors. Here we use a meta‐analysis of 215 studies with 1526 experiments that measured plant growth responses to additions or removals of soil organisms to test how different soil trophic levels affect plant growth. Consistent with the trophic cascade hypothesis, we found that herbivores and plant pathogens (henceforth pests) decreased plant growth and that predators of pests increased plant growth. The magnitude of this trophic cascade was similar to that reported for aboveground systems. In contrast, we did not find evidence for trophic cascades in decomposer‐ and symbiont‐based (henceforth mutualist) food chains. In these food chains, mutualists increased plant growth and predators of mutualists also increased plant growth, presumably by increasing nutrient cycling rates. Therefore, mutualists, predators of mutualists and predators of pests all increased plant growth. Further, experiments that added multiple organisms from different trophic levels also increased plant growth. As a result, across the dataset, soil organisms increased plant growth 29% and non‐pest soil organisms increased plant growth 46%. Omnivory has traditionally been thought to confound soil trophic dynamics, but here we suggest that omnivory allows for a simplified perspective of soil food webs – one in which most soil organisms increase plant growth by preying on pests or increasing nutrient cycling rates. An implication of this perspective is that processes that decrease soil organism abundance (e.g. soil tillage) are likely to decrease aboveground productivity. Synthesis Soil foodwebs have resisted generalizations due to their diversity and interconnectedness. Here we use results from a meta‐analysis to inform a simplified perspective of soil foodwebs: one in which most soil trophic guilds increase plant growth. Our review also includes the first widespread support for the presence of trophic cascades in soils.  相似文献   

Question: Do tree and shrub species in an evergreen broadleaf forest show similar habitat associations across different life stages? Location: A 24‐ha evergreen broadleaf forest plot in a heterogeneous landscape in Gutianshan National Nature Reserve, Zhejiang Province, Eastern China. Methods: Species having positive associations with four habitat types (low valley, low ridge, upper valley, and upper ridge) at three life stages (sapling, juvenile, and mature stages) were compared for 60 tree and shrub species using torus‐translation tests. Results: A total of 117 significant positive associations with the four habitats were observed at the three life stages (43, 41, and 33 at the sapling, juvenile, and mature stages, respectively). For the 52 species significantly associated with habitats, only 16 were associated with the same habitat across all three stages. The majority of associated species at the juvenile stage (34 out of 40) were associated with the same habitat at their sapling stage, whereas half of species at the mature stage had consistent associations with the same habitat at their sapling stage. More species were associated with the upper ridge at the sapling and juvenile stages compared to the mature stage. Conversely, more species were associated with the low valley at the mature stage compared to the sapling and juvenile stages. Conclusions: Our results indicate that species ecological habitat associations can differ between developmental stages beyond 1 cm DBH, as most species habitat preferences were consistent from the sapling stage to the juvenile stage but changed at the mature stage.  相似文献   

Future changes in climate are widely anticipated to increase fire frequency, particularly in boreal forests where extreme warming is expected to occur. Feedbacks between vegetation and fire may modify the direct effects of warming on fire activity and shape ecological responses to changing fire frequency. We investigate these interactions using extensive field data from the Boreal Shield of Saskatchewan, Canada, a region where >40% of the forest has burned in the past 30 years. We use geospatial and field data to assess the resistance and resilience of eight common vegetation states to frequent fire by quantifying the occurrence of short‐interval fires and their effect on recovery to a similar vegetation state. These empirical relationships are combined with data from published literature to parameterize a spatially explicit, state‐and‐transition simulation model of fire and forest succession. We use this model to ask if and how: (a) feedbacks between vegetation and wildfire may modify fire activity on the landscape, and (b) more frequent fire may affect landscape forest composition and age structure. Both field and GIS data suggest the probability of fire is low in the initial decades after fire, supporting the hypothesis that fuel accumulation may exert a negative feedback on fire frequency. Field observations of pre‐ and postfire composition indicate that switches in forest state are more likely in conifer stands that burn at a young age, supporting the hypothesis that resilience is lower in immature stands. Stands dominated by deciduous trees or jack pine were generally resilient to fire, while mixed conifer and well‐drained spruce forests were less resilient. However, simulation modeling suggests increased fire activity may result in large changes in forest age structure and composition, despite the feedbacks between vegetation–fire likely to occur with increased fire activity.  相似文献   

Predation is an ecological interaction influenced by abiotic and biotic factors acting on multiple temporal scales, yet multi‐temporal comparisons are rare in empirical studies. For polar bears Ursus maritimus, the physical configuration of the habitat and conditions in which seals are hunted may change on intra‐ and inter‐seasonal scales. Additionally, while the effects of climate change on polar bears have focused on linking reductions in sea ice to body condition and survival, the potential changes to on‐ice hunting conditions have not been examined. Employing observational counts of seals killed by polar bears between early‐April and late‐May 1985–2011 (n = 650), we modelled the likelihood of predation events in the Beaufort Sea, Canada at multi‐temporal scales. We used the top model to estimate the expected kill rate of seals in the springs of 1985–1986 and 2005–2006 and integrated the result with fasting rates derived from physiological markers in blood samples. A log‐likelihood ratio test suggested a multi‐temporal approach fit the seal kill data better than any single scale alone. Predation events were influenced by ringed seal Pusa hispida reproduction and haul‐out behaviour, regional sea ice concentration and the phase of climatic indices. The expected kill rate from the top predation model and the estimated mean biomass of seal kills were significant predictors of polar bear fasting rates. Results suggest that 50% less seal biomass was killed in 2005–2006 than in 1985–1986, which correlates with a significant increase in the frequency of polar bears in a fasting state. We propose that the documented changes in polar bear fasting rates between 1985–1986 and 2005–2006 are due to a complex set of abiotic and biotic factors including underlying prey dynamics, rather than a single‐scale environmental correlation.  相似文献   

Habitat change affects both taxonomic and functional biodiversity, and beta-diversity is often used as a metric to describe these changes. Furthermore, spatially closer communities tend to have more similar species compositions (lower beta-diversity). These changes in community composition can be revealed with taxonomic and functional aspects of diversity. We assessed the responses of ant taxonomic and functional beta-diversity to changes in forest cover and spatial distance. We expected that changes in taxonomic and functional beta-diversity along a forest cover gradient would be caused by the replacement of open-habitat ant species by forest-habitat ant species. We sampled ants within twelve landscapes with different forest cover percentages in the southwestern Amazon of Brazil. Both taxonomic and functional beta-diversity of pairwise samples (βBC) were partitioned into their turnover (βBal) and nestedness (βGra) components. Increasing forest cover correlated with increases in taxonomic and functional βBC, however, βBal had a greater contribution to taxonomic βBC and βGra to functional βBC. Taxonomic βBC and βBal and functional βBal increased with spatial distance. Forest-habitat species richness increased, and open-habitat species richness decreased with increasing forest cover, while the richness of habitat-use generalist species did not vary. The loss of environmental heterogeneity may be responsible for generalist species dominance and open-habitat species presence in less-forested landscapes. This leads to great taxonomic replacement, but a nestedness gradient of function. Better land use planning is needed to ensure biodiversity and ecosystem functions of forest habitats in human-modified landscapes.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate whether differences in the elevational trend in native and alien species richness were dependent on climate or human pressures. Specifically we tested whether life‐form and/or alien/native status modifies the response of plant species richness to human population and temperature along: (1) a complete elevational gradient, and (2) within separate elevational bands that, by keeping temperature within a narrow range, elucidate the effects of human pressures more clearly. Location Two provinces (c. 7507 km2) on the southern border of the European Alps (Italy), subdivided into 240 contiguous sampling cells (c. 35.7 km2). Methods We used an extensive dataset on alien and native species richness across an elevation gradient (20–2900 m a.s.l.). Richness of natives and naturalized aliens were separately related to temperature, human population and Raunkiaer life‐form using general linear mixed models. Life‐form describes different plant strategies for survival during seasons with adverse cold/arid conditions. Results The relationship between species richness and temperature for natives was strongly dependent on life‐form, while aliens showed a consistent positive trend. Similar trends across alien and native life‐forms were found for the relationship between species richness and human population along the whole gradient and within separate elevational bands. Main conclusions The absence of life‐form‐dependent responses amongst aliens supports the hypothesis that the distribution of alien plant species richness was more related to propagule pressure and availability of novel niches created by human activities than to climatic filtering. While climate change will potentially contribute to relaxing species thermal constraints, the response of alien species to future warming will also be contingent on changes in anthropogenic pressures.  相似文献   

Bacteria and fungi are ecologically important contributors to various functioning of forest ecosystems. In this study, we examined simultaneously the bacterial and fungal distributions in response to elevation changes of a forest. By using clone library analysis from genomic DNA extracted from forest humic clay soils, the composition and diversity of bacterial and fungal communities were determined across an elevation gradient from low via medium to high, in a subtropical forest in the Mountain Lushan, China. Our results showed that soil water content and nutrient availability, specifically total carbon, differed significantly with elevation changes. Although the soil acidity did not differ significantly among the three sites, low pH (around 4) could be an important selection factor selecting for acidophilic Acidobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria, which were the most abundant bacterial clones. As the majority of the fungi recovered, both Basidiomycota and Ascomycota, and their relative abundance were most closely associated with the total carbon. Based on the Shannon–Weaver diversity index and ∫-libshuff analysis, the soil at medium elevation contained the highest diversity of bacteria compared with those at high and low elevations. However, it is difficult to predict overall fungal diversity along elevation. The extreme high soil moisture content which may lead to the formation of anaerobic microhabitats in the forest soils potentially reduces the overall bacterial and fungal diversity.  相似文献   

We showed that neonatal leptin treatment programmes for hyperleptinemia and central leptin resistance both at 30days-old and adulthood, while programmes for lower serum T3 at 30days-old, but higher thyroid hormones (TH) at adulthood. As in these animals, acute cold at 30days-old normalized leptinemia and restored the expression of hypothalamic leptin receptor (OBR), here we evaluate the effect of cold exposure on the thyroid function and OBR in adult rats programmed by neonatal hyperleptinemia. Pups were divided into 2 groups: Lep-injected with leptin (8μg/100g/BW, sc) for the first 10days of lactation, and C-injected with saline. At 150days, both groups were subdivided into: LepC and CC, which were exposed to 8°C for 12h. Serum leptin, TH, TSH, liver type I and brown adipose tissue (BAT) type II deiodinases (D1 and D2) activities, liver mitochondrial alpha-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (mGPD) activity and adrenal catecholamine content were measured. Hypothalamic and thyroid OBR protein contents were evaluated. Differences were significant when p<0.05. Lep group had hyperleptinemia (+19%), higher T4 (+20%) and T3 (+30%) with lower TSH (-55%), higher liver D1 (1.4 fold-increase), lower BAT D2 (-44%) and liver mGPD activities (-55%), higher adrenal catecholamines (+44%), lower hypothalamic OBR (-51%) and normal thyroid OBR. Cold exposure normalized leptinemia, D1, mGPD, catecholamine and hypothalamic OBR. However, cold exposure further increased TH and decreased D2. Thus, cold exposure normalizes most of the changes programmed by neonatal hyperleptinemia, at the expense of worsening the hyperthyroidism and BAT thermogenesis.  相似文献   

Abstract The importance of non‐trophic animal damage (biting and uprooting without consumption) and mortality of canopy tree seedlings were investigated in a warm temperate forest, in northern New Zealand. Two hundred seedlings 10‐30 cm in height were monitored at 4‐6‐week intervals for 2 years. Non‐trophic animal damage accounted for more seedling mortality in the first year (37.5% of all mortalities) than any other cause. Of the seedlings damaged in non‐trophic animal interactions 73% were bitten off close to the ground and left uneaten and the remainder were uprooted. In the second year all non‐trophic animal damage and mortality ceased following the control of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), suggesting that rabbits were the major cause of this damage. Total annual mortality rates (6‐8%) were low. However, measured seedling growth rates indicated an average time for seedlings to grow from 10 to 30 cm of 37 years. Therefore, in the absence of rabbit control, mortality due to non‐trophic animal interactions (3% per year) can have an important cumulative effect. Non‐trophic animal damage found in the present study before rabbits were culled (5% per year) was similar to that reported for two tropical forests, but much less than that reported for some other tropical and temperate forests.  相似文献   

South African coastal forests form part of two critically endangered eco‐regions and harbor an extinction debt. Remaining fragments are small, isolated, and embedded within a range of human land‐use types. In this study, we ask: how should we invest conservation resources if we want to restore this landscape and prevent predicted extinctions? To answer this question, we use path analyses to determine the direct and indirect effects of forest area, forest connectivity, and matrix land‐use types on species richness within five bird feeding guilds. We found that forest connectivity had a significant direct effect on insectivores—fragments that were more connected had more species of insectivores than those that were isolated. Moreover, forest area had a significant indirect effect on insectivores that was mediated through tree species richness. Larger fragments had more species of trees, which led to more species of insectivores. Fragment area, connectivity, matrix land‐use type, and tree species richness had no significant effects on the species richness of frugivores, nectarivores, granivores, or generalist feeders. To conserve insectivores in coastal forests, conservation efforts should focus on maximizing fragment connectivity across the landscape, but also protect the tree community within fragments from degradation. This can be achieved by including matrix habitats that adjoin forest fragments within forest conservation and restoration plans. Natural matrix habitats can increase connectivity, provide supplementary resources, buffer fragments from degradation, and could play an important role in safeguarding diversity and preventing extinctions in this threatened human‐modified landscape.  相似文献   

Carbon (C) availability to ectomycorrhizal fungi is likely to increase at elevated atmospheric CO(2). To determine whether there are any broad patterns in species' responses that relate to their ecology, we compared growth, respiration, N uptake and C exudation of 17 fungal isolates in liquid culture. As a surrogate for increased C availability we used three different C:N ratios (10:1, 20:1 and 40:1), moving from conditions of C limitation to conditions of N limitation. Responses were species-specific, and suilloid fungi were the most responsive in terms of growth and respiration. In contrast, a group of eight isolates showed no growth increase above C:N 20:1. This inability to respond was not due to N limitation, although there were marked differences in N uptake between isolates. At higher C availability isolates generally became more efficient in converting C into biomass. Six isolates showed net release of exudates into the culture medium (up to 40% of the C in biomass and respiration). We conclude that the findings were in agreement with field observations, and suggest that pure culture observations can yield ecologically relevant information on how ectomycorrhizal fungi may respond under conditions of elevated CO(2).  相似文献   

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