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The yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella is a common European bird that sings in dialects that for decades have been distinguished by the existence of one single element (called a “specific”). In this study we looked into other possibilities for dialect discrimination, measuring 24 different variables. For the first time, multivariate statistics were used to discriminate dialect in yellowhammer song. Two similar dialects (XlB and XsB) that are not clearly defined in the literature were studied. Statistics incorporated (1) all variables, (2) no variables of “specific” elements, and (3) no variables under the influence of these “specific” variables. Multivariate statistics support dialect discrimination by ear and confirmed that only one element in yellowhammer song characterises dialect. In addition, we looked for local differences within two dialects and found that one local observation area showed a higher separation than the other sites (Meck1). However, as yet there is insufficient evidence for the existence of a new subdialect. The experiments comply with the current laws of the study area.  相似文献   

Song dialects, as a special case of geographical variation in vocalization, are useful tools in the study of a number of topics ranging from cultural evolution to the emergence of reproductive barriers, and thus continue to be the focus of many bird‐song studies. The Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella is a common Palaearctic bird with a long breeding season and song period, whose distinctive song exhibits clearly distinguishable dialects differing in the composition of the final phrase. The species is therefore particularly suitable for large‐scale studies of dialect distribution involving not only experts but also members of the public. Here we demonstrate that citizen science can indeed allow mapping of songbird dialect distribution on a national scale in unprecedented detail. During the project Dialects of Czech Yellowhammers, which collected almost 4000 recordings over 6 years (2011–2016), we obtained information on dialect distribution for almost 90% of the territory of Czechia. We detected most of the common dialect types known elsewhere in Europe, and these were distributed in a fragmented fashion, with several unusual and rare dialects also detected in small areas. However, the highly scattered distribution of birds using some final phrases traditionally assigned to distinct dialects suggests that classification of Yellowhammer dialects warrants a thorough re‐assessment based on quantitative data. Successful involvement of the public in this and other ongoing citizen science projects has contributed to the establishment of the Yellowhammer as a model species for dialect research. The dataset will serve as a foundation for future studies investigating processes responsible for the origin and maintenance of avian dialects, and may be particularly useful for evaluating their spatial and temporal stability.  相似文献   

Nelson DA 《Animal behaviour》2000,60(6):887-898
Male Puget Sound white-crowned sparrows, Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis, form large vocal dialects along the Pacific northwest coast of North America. Most adult males sing a single song dialect throughout their lives. To determine how dialects are maintained in this species, I studied two populations at the Columbia River mouth in a contact zone between two dialects. Singers of each of the two dialects clustered together in space, forming local song 'neighbourhoods'. Two hypotheses for the maintenance of dialects were tested. The late acquisition hypothesis predicts that yearling or adult male immigrants memorize their song from the territory neighbours they settle next to. The selective attrition hypothesis predicts that males memorize a variety of dialects early in life, overproduce song dialects upon arrival, and later selectively retain the one prelearned dialect that best matches what their neighbours sing. In 1997 and 1998, 35-40% of new territory occupants sang two dialects upon arrival in April, and then over the course of days to several weeks, discarded one dialect from their repertoire. Fourteen of 16 (88%) kept as their adult song the dialect that matched the dialect sung by the majority of their neighbours. No male added a new dialect to his repertoire after arrival, nor did males alter their retained dialect to more closely resemble their neighbours' songs. New arrivals that overproduced dialects upon arrival were significantly more likely to match their neighbours' dialect than males that did not overproduce upon arrival. In a playback experiment, males in the overproduction stage engaged in matched countersinging to the dialect played to them. These observations and the experiment support the selective attrition hypothesis: males visit and memorize a variety of dialects, probably in their hatching-year summer, overproduce dialects upon arrival the next spring, and then selectively retain the one dialect that matches the local song culture. Vocal plasticity late in life is not the result of a late sensitive phase for song memorization, but rather results from behavioural selection operating on a pre-existing repertoire of song dialects. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Bird song often varies geographically within a species; when this geographic variation has distinct boundaries, the shared song types are referred to as song dialects. How dialects are produced and their adaptive significance are longstanding problems in biology, with implications for the role of culture in the evolution and ecology of diverse organisms, including humans. Here we test the hypothesis that song dialect, a culturally transmitted trait, is related to the population genetic structure of mountain white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha). To address this, we compared microsatellite allele frequencies from 18 sample sites representing eight dialect regions in the Sierra Nevada. Pairwise genetic distances were not significantly correlated with geographic distances either within or between dialects, nor did dialect groups form distinct genetic groups according to neighbor-joining or UPGMA analysis, and most variation in allele frequencies occurred among individuals rather than at higher levels. However, most of the remaining variation was attributable to differences among, rather than within, dialect regions, and this among-dialect component of variance was statistically significant. Moreover, when controlling for the effect of geographic distance, song dissimilarity and genetic distance between site pairs were significantly correlated. Thus, song dialects appear to be associated with reductions in, but not strict barriers to, gene flow among dialect regions.  相似文献   

Peter F.  Jenkins Allan J.  Baker 《Ibis》1984,126(4):510-524
Chaffinches Fringilla coelebs were introduced to New Zealand from Great Britain over 100 years ago, and since then their songs have diverged from British ones in both syllable structure and basic organization of syllable sequences. The New Zealand populations seem to be unique in that their songs have undergone differentiation of trill segments by progressive elaboration of syllable morphology and hp ascending and descending changes of pitch. Published sonagrams of British song types have significantly more trill phrases and significantly fewer syllables in the end phrase than do Yew Zealand ones. Many New Zealand song types have much elaborated end phrases and concomitantly simpler trill segments, with songs quite commonly having only one trill phrase. This reversal of complexity between the trill and end phrase in New Zealand seems to have been derived by progressive reduction of the ultimate trill phrase to one syllable, and by recombination of end phrase syllables from different song types into one compound end phrase. The significance of the increased complexity in the end phrases of many song types may relate to the sound transmission properties of dense pine forests in New Zealand, in which Chaffinches are ubiquitous. Elaborate end phrases degrade much less from reverberation in pine forests because individual syllables have more dispersed temporal patterning.
Recombination of syllables to form new song types is a major mechanism of song differentiation in New Zealand. Although whole song copying is the predominant mode of replication, very few song types in a locality sample are composed of a unique set of syllables. Rather, song types in an area are interconnected by different combinations of shared syllables, suggesting that the incorporation of some local syllables in a bird's repertoire is sufficient to signal its status as a member of a neighbourhood and also allows the evolution of broadcast complexity.  相似文献   

The yellowhammer and pine bunting represent a quite rare case of mass hybridization in a broad secondary contact zone. Previously, it was shown that the two forms did not differ by mitochondrial DNA (Irwin et al., 2009). This result allowed suggesting either a very close evolutionary relationship between these species or a consequence of borrowing the mitochondrial genome due to long-term hybridization. An attempt to reconstruct the phylogeny of these species was made on the basis of cluster analysis performed relative to the song characters and morphological features (male coloration and morphometric characters). The geographical variability of songs in yellowhammers and pine buntings was also investigated. The cladistic analysis included another 5 closely related bunting species: cirl (E. cirlus), chestnut-breasted (E. stewarti), ortolan (E. hortulana), grey-necked (E. buchanani), and Cretzschmar??s bunting (E. caesia). Based on the results of our analysis, the yellowhammer and pine bunting show no sister relationship. They compose the smallest clusters: one with the cirl bunting and the other one with the chestnut-breasted bunting. Thus, in this paper we attempt to prove the hypothesis of a high divergence level between the species and mtDNA introgression from the pine bunting into the yellowhammer following long term hybridization. The analysis of song dialects agrees with the assumption that there existed an ancient hybrid zone between the yellowhammer and the pine bunting in Europe.  相似文献   

Howard A.  Ross 《Journal of Zoology》1983,201(3):351-362
Several hundred starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) were introduced to New Zealand from Great Britain during1860–1880. Allozymic variation at 24 loci was analysed in winter populations sampled at six localities in each country. New Zealand samples had fewer alleles per locus but the same mean heterozygosity (3% per locus) and proportion of polymorphic loci as did British samples. Winter populations in Britain contain European migrants and were genetically homogeneous. Paradoxically, genetic distances among derived New Zealand populations, and between New Zealand and Great Britain were much greater, similar in magnitude to those observed among allopatric populations in other avian species. The geographical pattern of genetic variation in New Zealand suggests that reproductive isolation of populations and random drift have contributed to the development of population differentiation.  相似文献   

In addition to the observed high diversity of species in the tropics, divergence among populations of the same species exists over short geographic distances in both phenotypic traits and neutral genetic markers. Divergence among populations suggests great potential for the evolution of reproductive isolation and eventual speciation. In birds, song can evolve quickly through cultural transmission and result in regional dialects, which can be a critical component of reproductive isolation through variation in female preference. We examined female and male behavioral responses to local and nonlocal dialects in two allopatric populations of rufous-collared sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis) in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador. Here we show that female sparrows prefer their natal song dialect to the dialect of an allopatric population that is just 25 km away and separated by an unsuitable higher-elevation habitat (pass of 4,200 m), thus providing evidence of prezygotic reproductive isolation among populations. Males showed similar territorial responses to all conspecific dialects with no consistent difference with respect to distance, making male territoriality uninformative for estimating reproductive isolation. This study provides novel evidence for culturally based prezygotic isolation over very short distances in a tropical bird.  相似文献   

Male orange-tufted sunbirds ( Nectarinia osea ) exhibit distinct song dialects throughout Israel. Recently, two distinct local dialects with a sharp boundary were discovered in a small (1.5 km2) urban neighborhood densely inhabited by 63 territorial sunbird pairs. We conducted playback experiments to determine song dialect discrimination capability by sunbird males in this neighborhood. Males of both dialects responded significantly more strongly to playback of their own dialect than to that of the adjacent dialect. In spite of the extreme proximity between the two dialect areas, we found no effect of distance to the neighboring dialect on the intensity of any the behavioral responses. We suggest that due to the complex acoustic properties of this urban neighborhood, sunbirds are extremely limited in the number of neighboring males they can assess to establish what the local song is. A stronger response to one's own dialect is therefore expected, and we discuss how local dialects could be maintained via this mechanism regardless of the very small distances between territories and dialect populations.  相似文献   


In this paper we document the pattern of geographic variation in song of the Corn Bunting in a marked population in Sussex. Song variation is best described as a system of local dialects with three song types in each dialect. We examine the inheritance of dialects from father to son; sons sing the same dialect as their nearest neighbour, rather than inheriting the dialect of the father. Therefore songs seem to be learned after dispersal. We also compare the dialects of mates and fathers of females: our results suggest that females do not rely on dialects when pairing. These results are discussed in the context of the current controversy surrounding other species with dialects and hypotheses relating dialects to the genetic structure of populations.  相似文献   

Populations within a species can show geographic variation in behavioral traits that affect mating decisions or limit dispersal. This may lead to restricted gene flow, resulting in a correlation between behavioral variation and genetic differentiation. Populations of a songbird that differ in a learned behavioral trait, their song dialects, may also differ genetically. If song dialects function as mating barriers, evolutionary processes such as genetic drift should lead to divergence in allele frequencies among dialect populations. The Puget Sound white‐crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis) is an excellent study system with a well‐defined series of song dialects along the Pacific Northwest coast. A previous study found low genetic differentiation based on four microsatellite loci; however, available loci and analyses techniques have since dramatically improved and allow us to reassess gene flow in this species. We also add extra samples to fill in gaps and add a new level of analysis of geographic variation. Based on acoustic similarities, we group six song dialects into two geographically larger “northern” and “southern” song themes. One southern dialect is acoustically more similar to dialects in the north, which makes the genetic profile of birds singing this dialect particularly interesting. Traditional F‐statistics, analysis of molecular variance as well as Bayesian techniques confirmed the earlier result that geographic variation in song does not correlate with the neutral genetic structure of the sampled dialect populations. The song themes also did not differ genetically, and the origin of the extralimital northern‐theme dialect cannot be determined. We compare this result to findings in several other species and discuss how the timing of learning and dispersal allow vocalizations to vary independently of patterns of genetic divergence.  相似文献   

Experiments on the corn bunting were carried out in two localities of different dialects. In the center of the territory of each bird, we played two natural songs: either one local song and one song of the foreign dialect or two local songs coming from a neighbor and from a non-neighboring individual. The following results were obtained: (1) The behavioral responses are always more intense to the local song than to the song of a foreign dialect. Thus, the behavior of the corn bunting is similar to that of species with dialects studied up to now. (2) Eighty percent of the birds tested with the song of the foreign dialect react weakly or not at all. This peculiarity, which is specific to the corn bunting, suggests limited possibilities of generalization in this species. (3) The behavioral responses to the songs of a neighbor and of a non-neighboring individual of the same locality, are aggressive and of the same intensity. This means that the song of a neighbor, emitted from a different place than usual, is perceived by the bird as a threat to its territory.  相似文献   

Female preference for local cultural traits has been proposed as a barrier to breeding among animal populations. As such, several studies have found correlations between male bird song dialects and population genetics over relatively large distances. To investigate whether female choice for local dialects could act as a barrier to breeding between nearby and contiguous populations, we tested whether variation in male song dialects explains genetic structure among eight populations of rufous‐collared sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis) in Ecuador. Our study sites lay along a transect, and adjacent study sites were separated by approximately 25 km, an order of magnitude less than previously examined for this and most other species. This transect crossed an Andean ridge and through the Quijos River Valley, both of which may be barriers to gene flow. Using a variance partitioning approach, we show that song dialect is important in explaining population genetics, independent of the geographic variables: distance, the river valley and the Andean Ridge. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that song acts as a barrier to breeding among populations in close proximity. In addition, songs of contiguous populations differed by the same degree or more than between two populations previously shown to exhibit female preference for local dialect, suggesting that birds from these populations would also breed preferentially with locals. As expected, all geographic variables (distance, the river valley and the Andean Ridge) also predicted population genetic structure. Our results have important implications for the understanding whether, and at what spatial scale, culture can affect population divergence.  相似文献   

Although bird song has been an important model for investigating questions of behavior development, cultural evolution and population differentiation, the quantitative methods of analysis have been problematic. Here we develop and apply quantitative randomization methods to test hypotheses about these processes in a natural population of birds. Songs of the African brood-parasitic straw-tailed whydahs ( Vidua fischeri ) and songs of their host species, the purple grenadier ( Granatina ianthinogaster ), were compared in audiospectrograms for similarity to test the following hypotheses: Whydahs mimic the songs of their host species, they have local song dialects, neighboring males match their song themes, local males match the songs of local hosts, remote populations have different songs according to their geographic distance, and songs undergo cultural evolution over time across generations. Randomization analyses were completed using (1) Mantel matrix statistics and (2) tree-based measures employing Sankoff optimization of Manhattan matrices and approximate randomizations. Our results provide evidence for song mimicry, local song dialects, matching song themes between neighboring males, song matching of local whydah mimics and grenadier song models, correspondence of song differences and geographic distance, and cultural continuity with change in song traditions within a local population. These randomization methods may be useful in other studies of animal communication, and they are sufficiently general for use both with distance matrices derived either from naturalistic impressions of song similarity as in our example or from acoustic measurements.  相似文献   

Vocal Dialect Recognition and Population Genetic Consequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS. On the basis of male territorial song, a system ofdiscrete dialects is described in a population of White-crownedSparrows in central, coastal California. Four of these dialectsare genetically differentiated from one another. Inbreedingcoefficients calculated from electrophoretic alleles indicatethat individuals in a dialect are inbred due to isolation ofthe dialect not because of inbreeding with close relatives.Males react more aggressively to male song from an adjacentdialect than to song from another member of their own dialectbut react only weakly to song from a distant dialect. This indicatesthat male-male interactions may have a role in maintaining dialectpopulations. Females of the Mountain White-crowned Sparrow havebeen tested in dialect experiments in the laboratory and foundto respond with precopulatory sexual posturing almost exclusivelyto song from the home dialect in comparison to song from analien dialect. This indicates that female choice of mate mayalso play a role in maintaining dialect populations.  相似文献   

The diverse origins of New Zealand house mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Molecular markers and morphological characters can help infer the colonization history of organisms. A combination of mitochondrial (mt) D-loop DNA sequences, nuclear DNA data, external measurements and skull characteristics shows that house mice (Mus musculus) in New Zealand and its outlying islands are descended from very diverse sources. The predominant genome is Mus musculus domesticus (from western Europe), but Mus musculus musculus (from central Europe) and Mus musculus castaneus (from southern Asia) are also represented genetically. These subspecies have hybridized to produce combinations of musculus and domesticus nuclear DNA coupled with domesticus mtDNA, and castaneus or musculus mtDNA with domesticus nuclear DNA. The majority of the mice with domesticus mtDNA that we sampled had D-loop sequences identical to two haplotypes common in Britain. This is consistent with long-term British-New Zealand cultural linkages. The origins of the castaneus mtDNA sequences widespread in New Zealand are less easy to identify.  相似文献   

Many bird species, especially song birds but also for instance some hummingbirds and parrots, have noted dialects. By this we mean that locally a particular song is sung by the majority of the birds, but that neighbouring patches may feature different song types. Behavioural ecologists have been interested in how such dialects come about and how they are maintained for over 45 years. As a result, a great deal is known about different mechanisms at play, such as dispersal, assortative mating and learning of songs, and there are several competing hypotheses to explain the dialect patterns known in nature. There is, however, surprisingly little theoretical work testing these different hypotheses at present. We analyse the simplest kind of model that takes into account the most important biological mechanisms, and in which one may speak of dialects: a model in which there are but two patches, and two song types. It teaches us that a combination of little dispersal and strong assortative mating ensures dialects are maintained. Assuming a simple, linear frequency-dependent learning rule has little effect on the maintenance of dialects. A nonlinear learning rule, however, has dramatic consequences and greatly facilitates dialect maintenance. Adding fitness benefits for singing particular songs in a given patch also has a great impact. Now rare song types may invade and remain in the population.  相似文献   

In recent decades, cultural diversity loss has been a growing issue, which can be analyzed mathematically through the use of the formalism of the theory of cultural evolution. We here study the evolutionary dynamics of dialects in order to find the key processes for mitigating the loss of language diversity. We define dialects as different speech systems of the same language which are mutually intelligible. Specifically, we focus on the survival of a local dialect when competing against a national standard language, with the latter giving an advantage in occupational and economic contexts. We assume individuals may use different dialects, in response to two different situations: they may use the national language in a formal workplace, while they may use a local dialect in family or close friend meetings. We consider the choice of a dialect is guided by two forces: (1) differential attractiveness of the local/standard language and (2) willingness to speak the same dialect (conformity factor) inside a private group. We found that the evolutionary outcome critically depends on how conformity works. Conformity enhances the effect of differential attractiveness between the local dialect and the standard language if conformity works favoring only those states in which all speakers use the same dialect (unanimity pressure model), but conformity has no effect at all if it works in proportion to the fraction among peers (peer pressure model).  相似文献   

The genetic structure of the earth bumblebee (Bombus terrestris L.) was examined across 22 wild populations and two commercially reared populations using eight microsatellite loci and two mitochondrial genes. Our study included wild bumblebee samples from six populations in Ireland, one from the Isle of Man, four from Britain and 11 from mainland Europe. A further sample was acquired from New Zealand. Observed levels of genetic variability and heterozygosity were low in Ireland and the Isle of Man, but relatively high in continental Europe and among commercial populations. Estimates of Fst revealed significant genetic differentiation among populations. Bayesian cluster analysis indicated that Irish populations were highly differentiated from British and continental populations, the latter two showing higher levels of admixture. The data suggest that the Irish Sea and prevailing south westerly winds act as a considerable geographical barrier to gene flow between populations in Ireland and Britain; however, some immigration from the Isle of Man to Ireland was detected. The results are discussed in the context of the recent commercialization of bumblebees for the European horticultural industry.  相似文献   

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