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The introduction of mammalian predators to oceanic islands has led to dramatic declines in the abundance of many native species. Conservation management of these species often relies on low‐cost predator control techniques that can be implemented over large scales. Assessing the effectiveness of such management techniques is difficult, but using population viability analyses (PVA), which identify the population growth rate (λ) and extinction risk of threatened species, may offer a solution. PVA provide the opportunity to compare the relative effectiveness of various management options and can identify knowledge gaps to prioritize research efforts. We used PVA to assess the population viability of whio (Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos), a rare riverine duck endemic to New Zealand. Current populations are threatened by introduced mammalian predators and are rapidly declining in both distribution and abundance. Whio conservation management is dominated by large‐scale, low‐intensity predator control, targeting introduced stoats (Mustela erminea). There is evidence that such control increases whio productivity but it is unknown if this increase is sufficient for long‐term population persistence. We undertook a stochastic PVA to assess the viability of whio populations under different management scenarios using data obtained from a 6‐year study of whio demographic responses to predator control. Populations with no predator control and low productivity will rapidly decline to extinction. Increasing productivity through predator control increased population viability but populations still showed a declining trajectory. A perturbation analysis showed that the growth rate of whio populations was largely driven by adult survival. Therefore, future research should target obtaining more robust estimates of adult survival, particularly how it is affected by predator control. Overall, our analysis indicated that large‐scale predator control increases the short‐term viability of whio populations but is insufficient for long‐term population persistence.  相似文献   

In bird species that have a high movement capacity, dispersal may connect subpopulations over vast geographical regions, with important consequences for the design of conservation management strategies. Here we used a molecular approach to infer the patterns and rates of dispersal among eight Mediterranean subpopulations of the endangered Bonelli's Eagle, based on 245 individuals screened at 17 microsatellite loci. There was moderate genetic differentiation between subpopulations sampled in the western (Iberia and Morocco) and eastern (Cyprus) Mediterranean, whereas differentiation among subpopulations in the former region was weak to moderate and followed a pattern of isolation by distance. Within the western Mediterranean, the small, peripheral and ecologically unique population of southwest Portugal had the lowest genetic diversity and the highest differentiation. The remaining subpopulations formed two loose clusters, one including Morocco and southwest and eastern Spain, and the other northeast Portugal and western and central Spain. Few recent migrants were detected, and they originated primarily from adjacent subpopulations. Our findings suggest that western Mediterranean Bonelli's Eagles may have a large‐scale metapopulation structure, with subpopulations connected to some extent by distance‐dependent dispersal, probably influenced by natal philopatry and the geographical configuration of subpopulations. The combination of marked ecological and genetic divergence suggests that the peripheral subpopulation of southwest Portugal may be regarded as a distinct management unit.  相似文献   

Predator–prey interactions are critical in understanding how communities function. However, we need to describe intraspecific variation in diet to accurately depict those interactions. Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) are an abundant marine predator that prey on species of conservation concern. We estimated intrapopulation feeding diversity (variation in feeding habits between individuals of the same species) of harbor seals in the Salish Sea. Estimates of feeding diversity were examined relative to sex, month, and location using a novel approach that combined molecular techniques, repeated cross‐sectional sampling of scat, and a specialization metric (within‐individual consistency in diet measured by the Proportional Similarity Index ()). Based on 1,083 scat samples collected from five haul‐out sites during four nonsequential years, we quantified diet using metabarcoding techniques and determined the sex of the scat depositor using a molecular assay. Results suggest that intrapopulation feeding diversity was present. Specialization was high over short periods (24–48 hr,  = 0.392, 95% CI = 0.013, R = 100,000) and variable in time and space. Females showed more specialization than males, particularly during summer and fall. Additionally, demersal and benthic prey species were correlated with more specialized diets. The latter finding suggests that this type of prey likely requires specific foraging strategies and that there are trade‐offs between pelagic and benthic foraging styles for harbor seals. This differential feeding on prey species, as well as between sexes of harbor seals, indicates that predator–prey interactions in harbor seals are complex and that each sex may have a different impact on species of conservation concern. As such, describing intrapopulation feeding diversity may unravel hitherto unknown complex predator–prey interactions in the community.  相似文献   

Tuna are globally distributed species of major commercial importance and some tuna species are a major source of protein in many countries. Tuna are characterized by dynamic distribution patterns that respond to climate variability and long‐term change. Here, we investigated the effect of environmental conditions on the worldwide distribution and relative abundance of six tuna species between 1958 and 2004 and estimated the expected end‐of‐the‐century changes based on a high‐greenhouse gas concentration scenario (RCP8.5). We created species distribution models using a long‐term Japanese longline fishery dataset and two‐step generalized additive models. Over the historical period, suitable habitats shifted poleward for 20 out of 22 tuna stocks, based on their gravity centre (GC) and/or one of their distribution limits. On average, tuna habitat distribution limits have shifted poleward 6.5 km per decade in the northern hemisphere and 5.5 km per decade in the southern hemisphere. Larger tuna distribution shifts and changes in abundance are expected in the future, especially by the end‐of‐the‐century (2080–2099). Temperate tunas (albacore, Atlantic bluefin, and southern bluefin) and the tropical bigeye tuna are expected to decline in the tropics and shift poleward. In contrast, skipjack and yellowfin tunas are projected to become more abundant in tropical areas as well as in most coastal countries' exclusive economic zones (EEZ). These results provide global information on the potential effects of climate change in tuna populations and can assist countries seeking to minimize these effects via adaptive management.  相似文献   

Hydrological connectivity regulates the structure and function of Amazonian freshwater ecosystems and the provisioning of services that sustain local populations. This connectivity is increasingly being disrupted by the construction of dams, mining, land‐cover changes, and global climate change. This review analyzes these drivers of degradation, evaluates their impacts on hydrological connectivity, and identifies policy deficiencies that hinder freshwater ecosystem protection. There are 154 large hydroelectric dams in operation today, and 21 dams under construction. The current trajectory of dam construction will leave only three free‐flowing tributaries in the next few decades if all 277 planned dams are completed. Land‐cover changes driven by mining, dam and road construction, agriculture and cattle ranching have already affected ~20% of the Basin and up to ~50% of riparian forests in some regions. Global climate change will likely exacerbate these impacts by creating warmer and dryer conditions, with less predictable rainfall and more extreme events (e.g., droughts and floods). The resulting hydrological alterations are rapidly degrading freshwater ecosystems, both independently and via complex feedbacks and synergistic interactions. The ecosystem impacts include biodiversity loss, warmer stream temperatures, stronger and more frequent floodplain fires, and changes to biogeochemical cycles, transport of organic and inorganic materials, and freshwater community structure and function. The impacts also include reductions in water quality, fish yields, and availability of water for navigation, power generation, and human use. This degradation of Amazonian freshwater ecosystems cannot be curbed presently because existing policies are inconsistent across the Basin, ignore cumulative effects, and overlook the hydrological connectivity of freshwater ecosystems. Maintaining the integrity of these freshwater ecosystems requires a basinwide research and policy framework to understand and manage hydrological connectivity across multiple spatial scales and jurisdictional boundaries.  相似文献   

Information on the response of vegetation to different environmental drivers, including rainfall, forms a critical input to ecosystem models. Currently, such models are run based on parameters that, in some cases, are either assumed or lack supporting evidence (e.g., that vegetation growth across Africa is rainfall‐driven). A limited number of studies have reported that the onset of rain across Africa does not fully explain the onset of vegetation growth, for example, drawing on the observation of prerain flush effects in some parts of Africa. The spatial extent of this prerain green‐up effect, however, remains unknown, leaving a large gap in our understanding that may bias ecosystem modelling. This paper provides the most comprehensive spatial assessment to‐date of the magnitude and frequency of the different patterns of phenology response to rainfall across Africa and for different vegetation types. To define the relations between phenology and rainfall, we investigated the spatial variation in the difference, in number of days, between the start of rainy season (SRS) and start of vegetation growing season (SOS); and between the end of rainy season (ERS) and end of vegetation growing season (EOS). We reveal a much more extensive spread of prerain green‐up over Africa than previously reported, with prerain green‐up being the norm rather than the exception. We also show the relative sparsity of postrain green‐up, confined largely to the Sudano‐Sahel region. While the prerain green‐up phenomenon is well documented, its large spatial extent was not anticipated. Our results, thus, contrast with the widely held view that rainfall drives the onset and end of the vegetation growing season across Africa. Our findings point to a much more nuanced role of rainfall in Africa's vegetation growth cycle than previously thought, specifically as one of a set of several drivers, with important implications for ecosystem modelling.  相似文献   

Rivers are among the world's most modified ecosystems, with poor water quality representing a prominent problem for over 200 years, especially in urban areas. In Western Europe, however, industrial decline, tighter regulation and improved wastewater treatment have combined over recent decades to create conditions conducive to extensive restoration and positive biological change. Here, we evaluate the river macroinvertebrate fauna of England and Wales in relation to water quality, physical habitat and climate over almost two decades. We predicted that biological recovery would be characterized by: (i) greater taxon richness and prevalence of pollution‐sensitive taxa, (ii) larger changes in more heavily urbanized catchments, and (iii) temporal trends in assemblage structure that correlated with improving water quality. Family level richness increased on average by nearly 20% during 1991–2008, accompanied by a widespread shift towards taxa characteristic of well‐oxygenated and less polluted waters. Changes were largest in the most urbanized catchments. A combination of natural gradients and anthropogenic pressures explained the variation among sites, whereas temporal changes correlated with improving water quality and variations in discharge. Positive trends were not universal, however, and there was localized deterioration in some streams draining upland areas and in the lowland south east. Our results are consistent with a large‐scale ecological recovery of English and Welsh rivers since 1990, probably continuing a trend from the mid‐20th century. Based on these results, we suggest: (i) freshwater communities are resilient to long‐term anthropogenic pressures, (ii) biodiversity benefits can arise from investment and long‐term restoration intended largely to enhance ecosystem services such as drinking water and sanitary concerns, and (iii) long‐term monitoring data collected for statutory purposes–based in this case on nearly 50 000 samples–can address scientific questions at spatial and temporal extents seldom achieved in research programmes.  相似文献   

In 2014, baits laced with the poison sodium fluoroacetate (1080) were sown over 694 000 ha of mostly native beech forests in New Zealand to control rats, stoats and possums – a landscape‐scale pest control programme called ‘Battle for our Birds’. This large pest control operation was necessitated by the mast seeding of beech trees which led to irruptions of rodent and stoats which were predicted to lead to decreases in vulnerable native wildlife. In this article, we describe why and how this extensive pest control programme was developed and implemented. We describe the seedfall monitoring that was used to determine the need for large‐scale rodent and stoat control and the response of these predators to this control. We also provide a summary of the bird monitoring that was undertaken to demonstrate the effectiveness or otherwise of the programme.  相似文献   

Dror Tobi 《Proteins》2013,81(11):1910-1918
Protein enzymes enable the cell to execute chemical reactions in short time by accelerating the rate of the reactions in a selective manner. The motions or dynamics of the enzymes are essential for their function. Comparison of the dynamics of a set of 1247 nonhomologous enzymes was performed. For each enzyme, the slowest modes of motion are calculated using the Gaussian network model (GNM) and they are globally aligned. Alignment is done using the dynamic programming algorithm of Needleman and Wunsch, commonly used for sequence alignment. Only 96 pairs of proteins were identified to have three similar GNM slow modes with 63 of them having a similar structure. The most frequent slowest mode of motion describes a two domains anticorrelated motion that characterizes at least 23% of the enzymes. Therefore, dynamics uniqueness cannot be accounted for by the slowest mode itself but rather by the combination of several slow modes. Different quaternary structure packing can restrain the motion of enzyme subunits differently and may serve as another mechanism that increases the dynamics uniqueness. Proteins 2013; 81:1910–1918. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Iridescent colours produced during moult likely play an important role in pair formation in birds. We sought to quantify geographic variation in such colouration in a duck species, Eurasian teal Anas crecca, in winter (when mating occurs) to evaluate whether this variation reflects birds’ breeding origins or differential individual migration strategies in both males and females. We combined information on feather production region and individual attributes (body size, sex and age) of Eurasian teal from 82 wintering sites in France. Feather production region (moult site or natal origin) was inferred using feather deuterium values (δDf). We performed spectral measurements to evaluate speculum colour and brightness contrasts for 1052 teal collected over four years. Colouration differed strongly among wintering regions, with birds wintering in eastern France exhibiting higher colour contrast than those wintering in the west. Body size and colouration were positively related. There were no differences in cohort‐specific δDf values between separate wintering regions in France, indicating that within a winter quarter teal originated from areas across the entire breeding range. Overall, patterns of spatial variation in feather colouration were related most closely to body size which was consistent with predictions of a differential migration hypothesis, with larger and more colour‐contrasting birds wintering closer to their breeding grounds. Because moult speed is also known to affect colour production, early breeders or individuals that skipped reproduction may have invested more or earlier in their feather quality to gain potential advantages in monopolizing future mates.  相似文献   

The severely degraded condition of many coral reefs worldwide calls for active interventions to rehabilitate their physical and biological structure and function, in addition to effective management of fisheries and no‐take reserves. Rehabilitation efforts to stabilize reef substratum sufficiently to support coral growth have been limited in size. We documented a large coral reef rehabilitation in Indonesia aiming to restore ecosystem functions by increasing live coral cover on a reef severely damaged by blast fishing and coral mining. The project deployed small, modular, open structures to stabilize rubble and to support transplanted coral fragments. Between 2013 to 2015, approximately 11,000 structures covering 7,000 m2 were deployed over 2 ha of a reef at a cost of US$174,000. Live coral cover on the structures increased from less than 10% initially to greater than 60% depending on depth, deployment date and location, and disturbances. The mean live coral cover in the rehabilitation area in October 2017 was higher than reported for reefs in many other areas in the Coral Triangle, including marine protected areas, but lower than in the no‐take reference reef. At least 42 coral species were observed growing on the structures. Surprisingly, during the massive coral bleaching in other regions during the 2014–2016 El Niño–Southern Oscillation event, bleaching in the rehabilitation area was less than 5% cover despite warm water (≥30°C). This project demonstrates that coral rehabilitation is achievable over large scales where coral reefs have been severely damaged and are under continuous anthropogenic disturbances in warming waters.  相似文献   

The increasing application of regenerative medicine has generated a growing demand for stem cells and their derivatives. Single‐use bioreactors offer an attractive platform for stem cell expansion owing to their scalability for large‐scale production and feasibility of meeting clinical‐grade standards. The current work evaluated the capacity of a single‐use bioreactor system (1 L working volume) for expanding Meg01 cells, a megakaryocytic (MK) progenitor cell line. Oxygen supply was provided by surface aeration to minimize foaming and orbital shaking was used to promote oxygen transfer. Oxygen transfer rates (kLa) of shaking speeds 50, 100, and 125 rpm were estimated to be 0.39, 1.12, and 10.45 h?1, respectively. Shaking speed was a critical factor for optimizing cell growth. At 50 rpm, Meg01 cells exhibited restricted growth due to insufficient mixing. A negative effect occurred when the shaking speed was increased to 125 rpm, likely caused by high hydrodynamic shear stress. The bioreactor culture achieved the highest growth profile when shaken at 100 rpm, achieving a total expansion rate up to 5.7‐fold with a total cell number of 1.2 ± 0.2 × 109 cells L?1. In addition, cells expanded using the bioreactor system could maintain their potency to differentiate following the MK lineage, as analyzed from specific surface protein and morphological similarity with the cells grown in the conventional culturing system. Our study reports the impact of operational variables such as shaking speed for growth profile and MK differentiation potential of a progenitor cell line in a single‐use bioreactor. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:362–369, 2018  相似文献   

Aim To investigate large‐scale patterns of above‐ground and below‐ground biomass partitioning in grassland ecosystems and to test the isometric theory at the community level. Location Northern China, in diverse grassland types spanning temperate grasslands in arid and semi‐arid regions to alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau. Methods We investigated above‐ground and below‐ground biomass in China's grasslands by conducting five consecutive sampling campaigns across the northern part of the country during 2001–05. We then documented the root : shoot ratio (R/S) and its relationship with climatic factors for China's grasslands. We further explored relationships between above‐ground and below‐ground biomass across different grassland types. Results Our results indicated that the overall R/S of China's grasslands was larger than the global average (6.3 vs. 3.7). The R/S for China's grasslands did not show any significant trend with either mean annual temperature or mean annual precipitation. Above‐ground biomass was nearly proportional to below‐ground biomass with a scaling exponent (the slope of log–log linear relationship between above‐ground and below‐ground biomass) of 1.02 across various grassland types. The slope did not differ significantly between temperate and alpine grasslands or between steppe and meadow. Main conclusions Our findings support the isometric theory of above‐ground and below‐ground biomass partitioning, and suggest that above‐ground biomass scales isometrically with below‐ground biomass at the community level.  相似文献   

1. Parasitoids are a valuable group for conservation biological control. In their role as regulators of aphid pests, it is critical that their lifecycle is synchronised with their hosts in both space and time. This is because a synchronised parasitoid community is more likely to strengthen the overall conservation biological control effect, thus damping aphid numbers and preventing potential outbreaks. One component of this host–parasitoid system was examined, that of migration, and the hypothesis that peak summer parasitoid and host migrations are synchronised in time was tested. 2. Sitobion avenae Fabricius and six associated parasitoids were sampled from 1976 to 2013 using 12.2‐m suction‐traps from two sites in Southern England. The relationship between peak weekly S. avenae counts and their parasitoids was quantified. 3. Simple regression models showed that the response of the peak parasitoids to the host was positive: generally, more parasitoids migrated with increasing numbers of aphids. Further, when averaged over time, the parasitoid migration peak date corresponded with the aphid migration peak. The co‐occurrence of the peaks was between 51% and 64%. However, the summer peak in aphid migration is not steadily shifting forward with time unlike spring first flights of aphids. Cross‐correlation analysis showed that there were no between‐year lagged effects of aphids on parasitoids. 4. These results demonstrate that the peak in migration phenology between host and parasitoid is broadly synchronised within a season. Because the threshold temperature for flight (> 12 °C) was almost always exceeded in summer, the synchronising agent is likely to be crop senescence, not temperature. Studies are needed to assess the effects of climate change on the mismatch potential between parasitoids and their hosts.  相似文献   

Maladaptive movement behavior is a leading cause of failure for reptile reintroductions, thus characterizing movement for translocated populations is important to project success. From 2014–2016 we radio-tracked 183 immature reintroduced alligator snapping turtles (Macrochelys temminckii) using very high frequency telemetry in a stream in southern Illinois, USA. We assessed environmental, temporal, morphometric, and microhabitat factors influencing movement, including post-release dispersal from reintroduction sites, movement probability, and step length. We used directional statistics to investigate the effects of precipitation and age on directional movement in the stream. Numerous factors influenced active movement, including ambient temperatures, time since release, use of log jams, turtle size, and age. Precipitation had an age-biased effect on movement. Directional analyses suggested that movement was largely passive as turtles were swept downstream with increased discharge. Overall, the behavior of reintroduced alligator snapping turtles was similar to that reported in wild populations. Passive downstream transport has implications for reintroduced and natural populations as a force for unintentional emigration in channelized streams under current conditions and future high flow regimes.  相似文献   

The Black Sea chemocline represents the largest extant habitat of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria and harbours a monospecific population of Chlorobium phylotype BS‐1. High‐sensitivity measurements of underwater irradiance and sulfide revealed that the optical properties of the overlying water column were similar across the Black Sea basin, whereas the vertical profiles of sulfide varied strongly between sampling sites and caused a dome‐shaped three‐dimensional distribution of the green sulfur bacteria. In the centres of the western and eastern basins the population of BS‐1 reached upward to depths of 80 and 95 m, respectively, but were detected only at 145 m depth close to the shelf. Using highly concentrated chemocline samples from the centres of the western and eastern basins, the cells were found to be capable of anoxygenic photosynthesis under in situ light conditions and exhibited a photosynthesis–irradiance curve similar to low‐light‐adapted laboratory cultures of Chlorobium BS‐1. Application of a highly specific RT‐qPCR method which targets the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rrn operon of BS‐1 demonstrated that only cells at the central station are physiologically active in contrast to those at the Black Sea periphery. Based on the detection of ITS‐DNA sequences in the flocculent surface layer of deep‐sea sediments across the Black Sea, the population of BS‐1 has occupied the major part of the basin for the last decade. The continued presence of intact but non‐growing BS‐1 cells at the periphery of the Black Sea indicates that the cells can survive long‐distant transport and exhibit unusually low maintenance energy requirements. According to laboratory measurements, Chlorobium BS‐1 has a maintenance energy requirement of ~1.6–4.9·10?15 kJ cell?1 day?1 which is the lowest value determined for any bacterial culture so far. Chlorobium BS‐1 thus is particularly well adapted to survival under the extreme low‐light conditions of the Black Sea, and can be used as a laboratory model to elucidate general cellular mechanisms of long‐term starvation survival. Because of its adaptation to extreme low‐light marine environments, Chlorobium BS‐1 also represents a suitable indicator for palaeoceanography studies of deep photic zone anoxia in ancient oceans.  相似文献   

Plant‐pathogenic fungi cause diseases to all major crop plants world‐wide and threaten global food security. Underpinning fungal diseases are virulence genes facilitating plant host colonization that often marks pathogenesis and crop failures, as well as an increase in staple food prices. Fungal molecular genetics is therefore the cornerstone to the sustainable prevention of disease outbreaks. Pathogenicity studies using mutant collections provide immense function‐based information regarding virulence genes of economically relevant fungi. These collections are rich in potential targets for existing and new biological control agents. They contribute to host resistance breeding against fungal pathogens and are instrumental in searching for novel resistance genes through the identification of fungal effectors. Therefore, functional analyses of mutant collections propel gene discovery and characterization, and may be incorporated into disease management strategies. In the light of these attributes, mutant collections enhance the development of practical solutions to confront modern agricultural constraints. Here, a critical review of mutant collections constructed by various laboratories during the past decade is provided. We used Magnaporthe oryzae and Fusarium graminearum studies to show how mutant screens contribute to bridge existing knowledge gaps in pathogenicity and fungal–host interactions.  相似文献   

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