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What determines the number of alien species in a given region? ‘Native biodiversity’ and ‘human impact’ are typical answers to this question. Indeed, studies comparing different regions have frequently found positive relationships between number of alien species and measures of both native biodiversity (e.g. the number of native species) and human impact (e.g. human population). These relationships are typically explained by biotic acceptance or resistance, i.e. by influence of native biodiversity and human impact on the second step of the invasion process, establishment. The first step of the invasion process, introduction, has often been ignored. Here we investigate whether relationships between number of alien mammals and native biodiversity or human impact in 43 European countries are mainly shaped by differences in number of introduced mammals or establishment success. Our results suggest that correlation between number of native and established mammals is spurious, as it is simply explainable by the fact that both quantities are linked to country area. We also demonstrate that countries with higher human impact host more alien mammals than other countries because they received more introductions than other countries. Differences in number of alien mammals cannot be explained by differences in establishment success. Our findings highlight importance of human activities and question, at least for mammals in Europe, importance of biotic acceptance and resistance.  相似文献   

Semi-natural habitat is extremely vulnerable to habitat fragmentation and degradation since its socio-economic value has decreased substantially during the last century in most parts of Europe. We evaluated the relative effects of habitat fragmentation and local environmental conditions on population structure and reproductive performance of the long-lived corm geophyte Colchicum autumnale in 17 highly fragmented populations. Habitat isolation did not affect patch occupancy, population structure or plant performance. In contrast, population size and local environment strongly affected population structure and reproductive performance. Densities of all life stages increased with increasing population size. Large populations also showed a higher reproductive performance and a larger proportion of new recruits. Relationships with local growth conditions pointed towards the importance of an open grassland sward for flower and fruit set and the presence of microsites for successful sexual recruitment. These results suggest that the distribution of C. autumnale consists of an assemblage of basically unconnected populations that are remnants of formerly larger populations. This is in accordance with the species' ability to grow clonally, allowing long-term persistence under deteriorating conditions that occurred during a long period of habitat fragmentation. In conclusion, our results indicate that local habitat and population size are more important than habitat fragmentation (i.e. calcareous grassland isolation and surface area) and argue in favour of a management that is primarily focused on local habitat restoration. This is preferentially accomplished by reintroducing grazing practices, complemented by regular setback of spontaneous succession towards forest.  相似文献   

Alpine treelines are expected to move upslope with a warming climate. However, so far treelines have responded inconsistently and future shifts remain difficult to predict since many factors unrelated to temperature, such as biotic interactions, affect responses at the local scale. Especially during the earliest regeneration stages, trees can be strongly influenced by alpine vegetation via both competition and facilitation. We aimed to understand the relative importance of these two types of interaction in different vegetation structures for treeline regeneration dynamics. Effects of herbaceous alpine vegetation on seedling emergence and first‐year performance were studied in a field experiment in the French Alps (2100 m a.s.l.) with five important European treeline tree species: Larix decidua, Picea abies, Pinus cembra, Pinus uncinata and Sorbus aucuparia. Total emergence and locally‐germinated seedling survival were not affected, but for seedlings planted at two months of age, negative vegetation impacts dominated for all response parameters: first‐year survival, growth and carbohydrate accumulation. However, in the winter half‐year, evergreen tree seedlings increased carbohydrate reserves under the protection of senescent herbs. Also, responses of locally‐germinated seedlings suggest facilitative vegetation effects in the first two months after emergence. Thus, the interaction switched between competition and facilitation according to ontogenetic stage and seasons. Still, the net outcome after one year was negative, but species differed in their susceptibilities. Because initial establishment is the first bottleneck determining whether treelines remain stable or move upslope, understanding establishment, including site‐, life‐stage and species‐specific processes, is essential for understanding observed treeline spatial patterns and dynamics. When developing predictive models of treeline dynamics, all these ‘local’ aspects should be incorporated in addition to more global drivers like changes in temperature.  相似文献   

According to the "habitat copying" hypothesis, animals use thereproductive performance of conspecifics to assess habitat suitabilityand choose their future breeding site. This is because conspecificsshare ecological needs and thus indicate habitat suitability.Here, we propose the "heterospecific habitat copying" hypothesis,which states that animals should use public information (i.e.,information derived from the performance of others) from con-and heterospecifics sharing ecological needs. In a correlationalapproach we test some assumptions and predictions of this hypothesiswith a data set from two sympatric bird populations, rollers(Coracias garrulus) and kestrels (Falco tinnunculus), usingthe same nest-boxes and exploiting similar food resources. Sincekestrels are residents and breed earlier, we assumed that theyare dominant over rollers for nest-box acquisition. The environmentappears to be patchy for both species and temporally predictablefor kestrels only. Two results suggest that the use of heterospecificpublic information in breeding habitat selection may be at work:(1) an increase in the reoccupancy probability by kestrels ofprevious roller nests with increasing nest success, and (2)an increase in roller breeding population with increasing localkestrel success. Most of the other observed patterns could beexplained by alternative mechanisms such as natal philopatry,breeding fidelity, conspecific attraction, intraspecific habitatcopying, and the effect of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

When landscapes are heavily impacted by biological invasion, local populations of native plant species may no longer be adapted to altered environmental conditions. In these cases, it is useful to investigate alternative sources of germplasm, such as cultivated varieties, for planting at restoration sites. This study compared cultivated and wild (local) varieties of the native perennial bunchgrass, Poa secunda J. Presl, grown with and without the exotic, invasive Bromus tectorum L. in a greenhouse setting. While P. secunda cultivars emerged and grew more rapidly than wild seed sources, this advantage declined in the presence of B. tectorum and cultivated germplasm did not outperform wild accessions in the presence of an invasive species. Given the novel genetic background of cultivars and their potential to alter patterns of dominance in native plant communities, we recommend the use of local or regional wild seed sources when possible to conserve regional patterns of genetic diversity and adaptation. Use of multiple seed sources may increase the potential for capturing vigorous genotypes in the restoration seed mix. In cases where sites are heavily impacted by exotic, invasive species, other control measures will be necessary to improve establishment of native species in grassland restoration programs.  相似文献   

In a recent online publication in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 30 December 2009, Damman from the group of de Winter (AMC, Amsterdam) published the five-year clinical outcome in the Invasive versus Conservative Treatment in Unstable coronary Syndromes (ICTUS) The ICTUS trial was supported by the Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands (ICIN), the Working Group on Cardiovascular Research of the Netherlands (WCN), and educational grants form Eli Lilly, Sanofi/Synthelabo, Sanofi-Aventis, Medtronic, and Roche Diagnostics.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that where resources are limited, investment in reproduction will cause a decline in body condition and ultimately may lower survival rates. We investigate the relationship between reproduction and mortality in women in rural Gambia. We use a number of different measures of reproductive investment: the timing of reproduction, intensity of reproduction, and cumulative reproductive investment (parity). Though giving birth is clearly a risk factor for increased mortality, we find limited evidence that the timing, intensity, or cumulative effects of reproduction have a survival cost. Instead, there is some evidence that women who have invested heavily in reproduction have higher survival than women with lower reproductive investment: both high parity and late age at last reproduction are associated with high survival. The only evidence for any cost of reproduction is that women who have given birth to twins (considered a marker of heavy investment in reproduction) have higher mortality rates than other women, after the age of 50 years. A potential confounding factor may be differences in health between women: particularly healthy women may be able to invest substantially in both reproduction and their own survival, leading to the positive correlations between survival and both parity and age at last birth we observe. To control for differences in health between women, we reanalyze the relationship between reproduction and mortality but include variables correlating with health in our models (height, BMI, and hemoglobin). Even when controlling for health, the positive correlation between investment in reproduction and survival remains unchanged.  相似文献   

Whole‐genome duplication (WGD) events occur in all kingdoms and have been hypothesized to promote adaptability. WGDs identified in the early history of vertebrates, teleosts, and angiosperms have been linked to the large‐scale diversification of these lineages. However, the mechanics and full outcomes of WGD regarding potential evolutionary impacts remain a topic of debate. The Corydoradinae are a diverse subfamily of Neotropical catfishes with over 170 species described and a history of WGDs. They are divided into nine mtDNA lineages, with species coexisting in sympatric—and often mimetic—communities containing representatives of two or more of the nine lineages. Given their similar life histories, coexisting species of Corydoras might be exposed to similar parasite loads and because of their different histories of WGD and genome size they provide a powerful system for investigating the impacts of WGD on immune diversity and function in an animal system. Here, we compared parasite counts and the diversity of the immune‐related toll‐like receptors (TLR) in two coexisting species of Corydoras catfish (C. maculifer and C. araguaiaensis), one diploid and one putative tetraploid. In the putative tetraploid C. araguaiaensis, we found significantly lower numbers of parasites and significantly higher diversity (measured by both synonymous and nonsynonymous SNP counts) in two TLR genes than in the diploid C. maculifer. These results provide insight into how WGD may impact evolution, in this case by providing greater immunogenetic diversity.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat fragmentation may include the loss of species from isolated fragments or changes in species abundances among habitats that differ in area, structure, or edge characteristics. We measured the species richness and abundance of ground‐dwelling insects in a 1.14‐ha old field that was mowed to produce patches of unmowed vegetation which differed in size, degree of isolation, and the amount of habitat edge. Four treatments – ranging from unfragmented (169‐m2) to highly fragmented (1‐m2) patches – were replicated four times in a Latin square design, and insects were sampled twice during 1995 using 177 pitfall traps. Species richness showed a non‐monotonic response to fragmentation, with the fewest species occurring in the slightly fragmented treatment. Responses of rove beetles and ants, the most species‐rich and abundant taxa, respectively, were similar to the overall insect community but ants had a stronger and more consistent treatment effect in both sample months. Ordinations of ant and rove‐beetle assemblages using nonmetric multidimensional scaling showed that the slightly fragmented treatment differed from other treatments in species occurrence and abundance. The lower species richness in the slightly fragmented treatment was primarily due to a subset of ant and rove beetle species that showed a lower abundance than in other treatments, possibly because this treatment had the greatest amount of habitat edge. We hypothesize that the non‐monotonic species response to fragmentation was due to the differential effects of habitat edge on species movements across the habitat boundary between unmowed patches and mowed areas. A greater effect due to the amount of habitat edge rather than total patch area, at least among the range of patch sizes studied, suggests that the length of habitat edge may be quite important to the distribution and abundance of ground‐dwelling animals in fragmented habitats.  相似文献   

There is a remarkable similarity in the appearance of groups of animal species during periods of their embryonic development. This classic observation has long been viewed as an emphatic realization of the principle of common descent. Despite the importance of embryonic conservation as a unifying concept, models seeking to predict and explain different patterns of conservation have remained in contention. Here, we focus on early embryonic development and discuss several lines of evidence, from recent molecular data, through developmental networks to life-history strategies, that indicate that early animal embryos are not highly conserved. Bringing this evidence together, we argue that the nature of early development often reflects adaptation to diverse ecological niches. Finally, we synthesize old and new ideas to propose a model that accounts for the evolutionary process by which embryos have come to be conserved.  相似文献   

Investigating how crop domestication and early farming mediated crop attributes, distributions, and interactions with antagonists may shed light on today's agricultural pest problems. Crop domestication generally involved artificial selection for traits desirable to early farmers, for example, in creased productivity or yield, and enhanced qualities, though invariably it altered the interactions between crops and insects, and expanded the geographical ranges of crops. Thus, some studies suggest that with crop domestication and spread, insect populations on wild crop ancestors gave rise to pestiferous insect populations on crops. Here, we addressed whether the emergence of corn leafhopper (Dalbulus ma id is) as an agricultural pest may be associated with domestication and early spread of maize (Zea mays mays). We used AFLP markers and mitochondrial COI sequences to assess population genetic structuring and haplotype relationships among corn leafhopper samples from maize and its wild relative Zea diploperennis from multiple locations in Mexico and Argentina. We uncovered seven corn leafhopper haplotypes contained within two haplogroups, one haplogroup containing haplotypes associated with maize and the other containing haplotypes associated with Z. diploperennis in a mountainous habitat. Within the first haplogroup, one haplotype was predominant across Mexican locations, and another across Argentinean locations;both were considered pestiferous. We suggested that the divergence times of the maize-associated haplogroup and of the "pestiferous" haplotypes are correlated with the chronology of maize spread following its domestication. Overall, our results support a hypothesis positing that maize domestication favored corn leafhopper genotypes preadapted for exploiting maize so that they became pestiferous, and that with the geographical expansi on of maize farming, corn leafhopper colonized Z. diploperennis, a host exclusive to secluded habitats that serves as a refuge for archaic corn leafhopper genotypic diversity. Broadly, our results help explain the extents to which crop domestication and early spread may have mediated the emergence of today's agricultural pests.  相似文献   

Summary It has been proposed that within rather broad habitat types the distribution and abundance of bird species may be more closely associated with plant taxonomic composition than with the structure and configuration of the vegetation. Birds from a sample of eight representative grassland habitats in middle and western North America are consistent with this hypothesis. Over half (55%) of the variation in bird community composition was associated with floristic variation, but only a third (35%) was associated with physiognomy. Separating the interacting effects of floristics and physiognomy from each other served to accentuate the difference between them with respect to the avifauna. It is postulated that bird species/plant taxa associations, especially within similar habitat types, are mediated by the specific food resources that different plant taxa provide. Summary indices such as diversity measures obscure the taxonomic information content of plant or animal assemblages, and the use of such indices has likely impeded detection of the relationships described here.  相似文献   

One of the goals of the present Martian exploration is to search for evidence of extinct (or even extant) life. This could be redefined as a search for carbon. The carbon cycle (or, more properly, cycles) on Earth is a complex interaction among three reservoirs: the atmosphere; the hydrosphere; and the lithosphere. Superimposed on this is the biosphere, and its presence influences the fixing and release of carbon in these reservoirs over different time-scales. The overall carbon balance is kept at equilibrium on the surface by a combination of tectonic processes (which bury carbon), volcanism (which releases it) and biology (which mediates it). In contrast to Earth, Mars presently has no active tectonic system; neither does it possess a significant biosphere. However, these observations might not necessarily have held in the past. By looking at how Earth's carbon cycles have changed with time, as both the Earth's tectonic structure and a more sophisticated biology have evolved, and also by constructing a carbon cycle for Mars based on the carbon chemistry of Martian meteorites, we investigate whether or not there is evidence for a Martian biosphere.  相似文献   

In most species, some individuals delay reproduction or occupy inferior breeding positions. The queue hypothesis tries to explain both patterns by proposing that individuals strategically delay breeding (queue) to acquire better breeding or social positions. In 1995, Ens, Weissing, and Drent addressed evolutionarily stable queuing strategies in situations with habitat heterogeneity. However, their model did not consider the non-mutually exclusive individual quality hypothesis, which suggests that some individuals delay breeding or occupy inferior breeding positions because they are poor competitors. Here we extend their model with individual differences in competitive abilities, which are probably plentiful in nature. We show that including even the smallest competitive asymmetries will result in individuals using queuing strategies completely different from those in models that assume equal competitors. Subsequently, we investigate how well our models can explain settlement patterns in the wild, using a long-term study on oystercatchers. This long-lived shorebird exhibits strong variation in age of first reproduction and territory quality. We show that only models that include competitive asymmetries can explain why oystercatchers' settlement patterns depend on natal origin. We conclude that predictions from queuing models are very sensitive to assumptions about competitive asymmetries, while detecting such differences in the wild is often problematic.  相似文献   

The academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) have long suffered from a lack of diversity. While in recent years there has been some progress in addressing the underrepresentation of women in STEM subjects, other characteristics that have the potential to impact on equality of opportunity have received less attention. In this study, we surveyed 188 early career scientists (ECRs), defined as within 10 years of completing their PhD, in the fields of ecology, evolutionary biology, behaviour, and related disciplines. We examined associations between ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, sex, socioeconomic background, and disability, with measures of career progression, namely publication record, number of applications made before obtaining a postdoc, type of contract, and number of grant applications made. We also queried respondents on perceived barriers to progression and potential ways of overcoming them. Our key finding was that socioeconomic background and ethnicity were associated with measures of career progression. While there was no difference in the number of reported first‐authored papers on PhD completion, ethnic minority respondents reported fewer other‐authored papers. In addition, ECRs from a lower socioeconomic background were more likely to report being in teaching and research positions, rather than research‐only positions, the latter being perceived as more prestigious by some institutions. We discuss our findings in the context of possible inequality of opportunity. We hope that this study will stimulate wider discussion and help to inform strategies to address the underrepresentation of minority groups in the fields of ecology and evolution, and STEM subjects more widely.  相似文献   



Combining small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering measurements with inelastic neutron scattering experiments, we investigated the impact of high hydrostatic pressure on the structure and dynamics of β-lactoglobulin (βLG) in aqueous solution.


βLG is a relatively small protein, which is predominantly dimeric in physiological conditions, but dissociates to monomer below about pH 3.


High-pressure structural results show that the dimer–monomer equilibrium, as well as the protein–protein interactions, are only slightly perturbed by pressure, and βLG unfolding is observed above a threshold value of 3000 bar. In the same range of pressure, dynamical results put in evidence a slowing down of the protein dynamics in the picosecond timescale and a loss of rigidity of the βLG structure. This dynamical behavior can be related to the onset of unfolding processes, probably promoted from water penetration in the hydrophobic cavity.

General significance

Results suggest that density and compressibility of water molecules in contact with the protein are key parameters to regulate the protein flexibility.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of mothers’ earnings on birth weight and gestational age of infants in the U.S. It also analyzes the impact of earnings on mothers’ consumption of prenatal medical care, and their propensity to smoke and drink during pregnancy. The paper uses census division-year-specific skill-biased technology shocks as an instrument for mothers’ earnings and employs a two-sample instrumental variables strategy. About 14 million records of births between 1989 and 2004 are used from the Natality Detail files along with the CPS Annual Demographic Files from the same period. The results reveal that an increase in weekly earnings prompts an increase in prenatal care of low-skill mothers (those who have at most a high school degree) who are not likely to be on Medicaid, and that earnings have a small positive impact on birth weight and gestational age of the newborns of these mothers. Specifically, if a mother's earnings double, this produces a weight gain of the newborn by about 100 g and an increase in gestational age by 0.7 weeks. An increase in earnings does not influence the health of newborns of high-skill mothers (those with at least some college education). Variations in earnings have no impact on birth weight for mothers who are likely to be on Medicaid.  相似文献   

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