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Migrating birds make the longest non‐stop endurance flights in the animal kingdom. Satellite technology is now providing direct evidence on the lengths and durations of these flights and associated staging episodes for individual birds. Using this technology, we compared the migration performance of two subspecies of bar‐tailed godwit Limosa lapponica travelling between non‐breeding grounds in New Zealand (subspecies baueri) and northwest Australia (subspecies menzbieri) and breeding grounds in Alaska and eastern Russia, respectively. Individuals of both subspecies made long, usually non‐stop, flights from non‐breeding grounds to coastal staging grounds in the Yellow Sea region of East Asia (average 10 060 ± SD 290 km for baueri and 5860 ± 240 km for menzbieri). After an average stay of 41.2 ± 4.8 d, baueri flew over the North Pacific Ocean before heading northeast to the Alaskan breeding grounds (6770 ± 800 km). Menzbieri staged for 38.4 ± 2.5 d, and flew over land and sea northeast to high arctic Russia (4170 ± 370 km). The post‐breeding journey for baueri involved several weeks of staging in southwest Alaska followed by non‐stop flights across the Pacific Ocean to New Zealand (11 690 km in a complete track) or stopovers on islands in the southwestern Pacific en route to New Zealand and eastern Australia. By contrast, menzbieri returned to Australia via stopovers in the New Siberian Islands, Russia, and back at the Yellow Sea; birds travelled on average 4510 ± 360 km from Russia to the Yellow Sea, staged there for 40.8 ± 5.6 d, and then flew another 5680–7180 km to Australia (10 820 ± 300 km in total). Overall, the entire migration of the single baueri godwit with a fully completed return track totalled 29 280 km and involved 20 d of major migratory flight over a round‐trip journey of 174 d. The entire migrations of menzbieri averaged 21 940 ± 570 km, including 14 d of major migratory flights out of 154 d total. Godwits of both populations exhibit extreme flight performance, and baueri makes the longest (southbound) and second‐longest (northbound) non‐stop migratory flights documented for any bird. Both subspecies essentially make single stops when moving between non‐breeding and breeding sites in opposite hemispheres. This reinforces the critical importance of the intertidal habitats used by fuelling godwits in Australasia, the Yellow Sea, and Alaska.  相似文献   

Dispersal and migratory behavior are influential factors in determining how genetic diversity is distributed across the landscape. In migratory species, genetic structure can be promoted via several mechanisms including fidelity to distinct migratory routes. Particularly within North America, waterfowl management units have been delineated according to distinct longitudinal migratory flyways supported by banding data and other direct evidence. The greater white‐fronted goose (Anser albifrons) is a migratory waterfowl species with a largely circumpolar distribution consisting of up to six subspecies roughly corresponding to phenotypic variation. We examined the rangewide population genetic structure of greater white‐fronted geese using mtDNA control region sequence data and microsatellite loci from 23 locales across North America and Eurasia. We found significant differentiation in mtDNA between sampling locales with flyway delineation explaining a significant portion of the observed genetic variation (~12%). This is concordant with band recovery data which shows little interflyway or intercontinental movements. However, microsatellite loci revealed little genetic structure suggesting a panmictic population across most of the Arctic. As with many high‐latitude species, Beringia appears to have played a role in the diversification of this species. A common Beringian origin of North America and Asian populations and a recent divergence could at least partly explain the general lack of structure at nuclear markers. Further, our results do not provide strong support for the various taxonomic proposals for this species except for supporting the distinctness of two isolated breeding populations within Cook Inlet, Alaska (A. a. elgasi) and Greenland (A. a. flavirostris), consistent with their subspecies status.  相似文献   

Understanding what drives or prevents long‐distance migrants to respond to environmental change requires basic knowledge about the wintering and breeding grounds, and the timing of movements between them. Both strong and weak migratory connectivity have been reported for Palearctic passerines wintering in Africa, but this remains unknown for most species. We investigated whether pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca from different breeding populations also differ in wintering locations in west‐Africa. Light‐level geolocator data revealed that flycatchers from different breeding populations travelled to different wintering sites, despite similarity in routes during most of the autumn migration. We found support for strong migratory connectivity showing an unexpected pattern: individuals breeding in Fennoscandia (S‐Finland and S‐Norway) wintered further west compared to individuals breeding at more southern latitudes in the Netherlands and SW‐United Kingdom. The same pattern was found in ring recovery data from sub‐Saharan Africa of individuals with confirmed breeding origin. Furthermore, population‐specific migratory connectivity was associated with geographical variation in breeding and migration phenology: birds from populations which breed and migrate earlier wintered further east than birds from ‘late’ populations. There was no indication that wintering locations were affected by geolocation deployment, as we found high repeatability and consistency in δ13C and δ15N stable isotope ratios of winter grown feathers of individuals with and without a geolocator. We discuss the potential ecological factors causing such an unexpected pattern of migratory connectivity. We hypothesise that population differences in wintering longitudes of pied flycatchers result from geographical variation in breeding phenology and the timing of fuelling for spring migration at the wintering grounds. Future research should aim at describing how temporal dynamics in food availability across the wintering range affects migration, wintering distribution and populations’ capacity to respond to environmental changes.  相似文献   

Many Arctic‐breeding waterbirds are thought to bring nutrients for egg production from southern latitudes to allow early breeding. It has proved problematic to quantify the extent of such capital breeding and identify whether nutrients for egg production are brought in from nearby or from afar. Before reaching their breeding grounds on Svalbard, pink‐footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus fly ~ 1100 km across the Barents Sea from Norway. Using abdominal profile indexing (API) we scored body stores in individually marked geese just prior to migration from the northernmost staging area in Norway to Svalbard, followed by their breeding success on their non‐breeding grounds in autumn. In productive breeding years leading to a high (> 13.8%) proportion of juveniles in the autumn population, there was a positive relationship between female API and number of young produced, suggesting that the geese are at least partial capital breeders. Moreover, focusing on the geographic origin of proteins used in egg synthesis and measuring nitrogen stable isotope ratios in pink‐footed geese's eggs and food sources in Norway and Svalbard, we identified that capital breeding in this species is ~ 50% on average but may potentially amount to as much as 100%, notably in females laying early. About 60% of this protein capital is carried in well‐developed follicles across the Barents Sea, the remainder likely being stored in muscle tissues. Conditions on the wintering grounds and migratory stopover sites can have profound effects on an individual's fitness but the here presented link between the use of migratory stopover sites and breeding performance is particularly noteworthy. Apparently, some individuals accept the putative costs of carrying body stores over large distances to the breeding grounds. The data also highlights considerable variation in the reliance on capital for breeding, suggesting substantial individual scope to adjust breeding strategy to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Migratory divides represent narrow zones of overlap between parapatric populations with distinct migration directions and, consequently, expected divergent non‐breeding distributions. The composition of the mixed population at a migratory divide and the corresponding non‐breeding ranges remain, however, unknown for many Palaearctic‐African migrants. Here, we used light‐level geolocation to track migration direction and non‐breeding grounds of Eurasian reed warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus from three breeding populations across the species’ migratory divide. Moreover, by using feathers grown at non‐breeding grounds, we quantified stable isotope composition for individuals with known southwestern (SW) and southeastern (SE) migration directions. On a larger sample per population, we then assessed the proportions of SW‐ and SE‐migrating phenotypes in each of the three populations. All tracked reed warblers from Germany and two thirds of the birds tagged from the Czech population headed initially SW. Nevertheless, about one third of the birds from the Czech site migrated towards SE. No tracking data have been obtained for the Bulgarian population. The initial migration direction determined by geolocators was a strong predictor of the non‐breeding region, with SW migrants staying in west Africa and SE migrants in central Africa. Feather δ34S and δ15N values confirmed the predominance of SW migrants in the German population, the co‐occurrence of SW and SE migrants in the Czech population, and indicated a high (72%) proportion of SE migrants in the Bulgarian population. Thus, the combined approach of geolocator tracking and stable isotopic assignments provided clear evidence for the existence of a migratory divide in the southeast of central Europe and predicted non‐breeding range in central and central‐eastern Africa for the eastern population.  相似文献   

Obligate insectivorous birds breeding in high latitudes travel thousands of kilometres during annual movements to track the local seasonal peaks of food abundance in a continuously fluctuating resource landscape. Avian migrants use an array of strategies when conducting these movements depending on e.g. morphology, life history traits and environmental factors encountered en route. Here we used geolocators to derive data on the annual space‐use, temporal pattern and migratory strategies in an Afro‐Palaearctic aerial insectivorous bird species – the European nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus. More specifically, we aimed to test a set of hypothesises pertaining to the migration of a population of nightjars breeding in south‐eastern Sweden. We found that the birds wintered across the central and western parts of the southern tropical Africa almost entirely outside the currently described wintering range of the species. The nightjars performed a narrow loop migration across Sahara, with spring Sahel stopovers significantly to the west of autumn stops indicative to an adaptive response to winds during migration. To our surprise, the migration speed was faster in the autumn (119 km d? 1) than in the spring (99 km d? 1), possibly due to the prevailing wind regimes over the Sahara. The estimated flight fraction in both autumn (14%) and spring (12%) was almost exactly as the theoretically predicted 1:7 time relationship between flights and stopovers for small birds. The temporal patterns within the annual cycle indicate that individuals follow alternative spatiotemporal schedules that converge towards the breeding season. The positive relationship between the spatially and temporally distant winter departure and breeding arrival suggests that individuals´ temporal fine‐tuning to breeding may be constrained, leading to potential negative fitness consequences.  相似文献   

The range of the great bustard stretches 10 000 km across Eurasia, one of the largest ranges of any threatened species. While movement patterns of the western subspecies of great bustard are relatively well‐understood, this is the first research to monitor the movements of the more endangered Asian subspecies of great bustard through telemetry and to link a breeding population of Asian great bustards to their wintering grounds. Using Argos/GPS platform transmitter terminals, we identified the annual movement patterns of three female great bustards captured at their breeding sites in northern Mongolia. The 4000 km round‐trip migration we have recorded terminated at wintering grounds in Shaanxi, China. This route is twice as long as has previously been reported for great bustards, which are among the heaviest flying birds. The journey was accomplished in approximately two months each way, at ground velocities of 48–98 km h?1, and incorporated multiple and variable stopover sites. On their wintering grounds these birds moved itinerantly across relatively large home ranges. Our findings confirm that migratory behavior in this species varies longitudinally. This variation may be attributable to longitudinal gradients in seasonality and severity of winter across Eurasia. The distance and duration of the migratory route taken by great bustards breeding in Mongolia, the crossing of an international border, the incorporation of many stopovers, and the use of a large wintering territory present challenges to the conservation of the Asian subspecies of great bustard in this rapidly changing part of the world.  相似文献   

The conservation of migratory birds requires internationally coordinated efforts that, in turn, demand an understanding of population dynamics and connectivity throughout a species' range. Whimbrels (Numenius phaeopus) are a widespread long‐distance migratory shorebird with two disparate North American breeding populations. Monitoring efforts suggest that at least one of these populations is declining, but the level of migratory connectivity linking the two populations to specific non‐breeding sites or identifiable conservation threats remains unclear. We deployed light‐level geolocators in 2012 to track the migration of Whimbrels breeding near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. In 2013, we recovered 11 of these geolocators, yielding complete migration tracks for nine individuals. During southbound migration, six of the nine Whimbrels stopped at two staging sites on the mid‐Atlantic seaboard of the United States for an average of 22 days, whereas three individuals made nonstop flights of ~8000 km from Churchill to South America. All individuals subsequently spent the entire non‐breeding season along the northern coasts of Brazil and Suriname. On their way north, all birds stopped at the same two staging sites used during southbound migration. Individuals staged at these sites for an average of 34 days, significantly longer than during southbound migration, and all departed within a 5‐day period to undertake nonstop flights ranging from 2600 to 3100 km to the breeding grounds. These extended spring stopovers suggest that female Whimbrels likely employ a mixed breeding strategy, drawing on both endogenous and exogenous reserves to produce their eggs. Our results also demonstrate that this breeding population exhibits a high degree of connectivity among breeding, staging, and wintering sites. As with other long‐distance migratory shorebirds, conservation efforts for this population of Whimbrels must therefore focus on a small, but widely spaced, suite of sites that support a large proportion of the population.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in technology, it remains difficult to connect breeding and non‐breeding areas of populations of migratory organisms due to the challenges of year‐round tracking. Here, we used the Eurasian reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus, a passerine with a pronounced migratory divide to demonstrate the promise of integrating several sources of information within the Bayesian modelling framework for the study of migratory connectivity. To this end, we combined data from stable hydrogen isotope ratios (δ2H) of feathers, ring recoveries, and the geographic delineation of sub‐populations on either side of the migratory divide. Feather δ2H measurements from local juvenile birds sampled across the breeding range tightly correlated with amount‐weighted mean annual precipitation δ2H values predicted for the natal sites. Predicted natal origins of birds intercepted en route in the Mediterranean region largely differed among the five stopover sites. Thanks to the different migratory pathways used by different breeding populations and the existence of a migratory divide, we were able to effectively narrow the assigned regions of origin. Our results show that spatial resolution of likelihood‐based assignments of geographic origins based on δ2H measurements may improve significantly when prior probabilities derived from population‐specific migratory directions are included. Integrating information from stable isotopes, ring recoveries, geolocators and other sources within the Bayesian modelling framework will provide an extremely useful toolbox for the study of animal movements in the future.  相似文献   

Many migratory water birds are known to feed both during day and night outside the breeding season, but the underlying factors and mechanisms determining this foraging pattern are poorly understood. We addressed this topic by comparing both diurnal and nocturnal foraging activity (FA) and metabolizable energy intake rate (MEIR) in migrating black‐tailed godwits Limosa limosa staging in two different habitats, rice fields and coastal salt pans. Black‐tailed godwits staging in rice fields during pre‐breeding migration fed on rice seeds, and only foraged during the daylight period (FA: 81.89 ± 3.03%; MEIR: 1.15 ± 0.03 kJ · min?1). Daily energy consumption (DEC) of godwits relying on seeds was enough to meet the theoretical daily energy expenditure (DEE). In contrast, black‐tailed godwits staging in salt pans during post‐breeding migration fed on chironomid larvae, and they foraged during both daylight (FA: 67.36 ± 4.30%; MEIR: 0.27 ± 0.01 kJ · min?1) and darkness (FA: 69.89 ± 6.89%; MEIR: 0.26 ± 0.00 kJ · min?1). Nocturnal energy intake contributed 31.7% to DEC, the latter being insufficient to fully meet DEE. Our findings give empirical support to the view that diurnal foraging is the norm in many migratory water birds outside the breeding season, and nocturnal foraging occurs when the daily energy requirements are not met during the daylight period, supporting the supplementary food hypothesis.  相似文献   

Ecosystems around the world are connected by seasonal migration. The migrant animals themselves are influenced by migratory connectivity through effects on the individual and the population level. Measuring migratory connectivity is notoriously difficult due to the simple requirement of data conveying information about the nonbreeding distribution of many individuals from several breeding populations. Explicit integration of data derived from different methods increases the precision and the reliability of parameter estimates. We combine ring‐reencounter, stable isotope, and blood parasite data of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica in a single integrated model to estimate migratory connectivity for three large scale breeding populations across a latitudinal gradient from Central Europe to Scandinavia. To this end, we integrated a non‐Markovian multistate mark‐recovery model for the ring‐reencounter data with normal and binomial mixture models for the stable isotope and parasite data. The integration of different data sources within a mark‐recapture modeling framework enables the most precise quantification of migratory connectivity on the given broad spatial scale. The results show that northern‐breeding populations and Southern Africa as well as southern‐breeding populations and Western–Central Africa are more strongly connected through Barn Swallow migration than central European breeding populations with any of the African wintering areas. The nonbreeding distribution of Barn Swallows from central European breeding populations seems to be a mixture of those populations breeding further north and south, indicating a migratory divide.  相似文献   

Quantifying population genetic structure is fundamental to testing hypotheses regarding gene flow, population divergence and dynamics across large spatial scales. In species with highly mobile life‐history stages, where it is unclear whether such movements translate into effective dispersal among discrete philopatric breeding populations, this approach can be particularly effective. We used seven nuclear microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (ND2) markers to quantify population genetic structure and variation across 20 populations (447 individuals) of one such species, the European Shag, spanning a large geographical range. Despite high breeding philopatry, rare cross‐sea movements and recognized subspecies, population genetic structure was weak across both microsatellites and mitochondrial markers. Furthermore, although isolation‐by‐distance was detected, microsatellite variation provided no evidence that open sea formed a complete barrier to effective dispersal. These data suggest that occasional long‐distance, cross‐sea movements translate into gene flow across a large spatial scale. Historical factors may also have shaped contemporary genetic structure: cluster analyses of microsatellite data identified three groups, comprising colonies at southern, mid‐ and northern latitudes, and similar structure was observed at mitochondrial loci. Only one private mitochondrial haplotype was found among subspecies, suggesting that this current taxonomic subdivision may not be mirrored by genetic isolation.  相似文献   

Understanding the population dynamics of migratory animals and predicting the consequences of environmental change requires knowing how populations are spatially connected between different periods of the annual cycle. We used stable isotopes to examine patterns of migratory connectivity across the range of the western sandpiper Calidris mauri. First, we developed a winter isotope basemap from stable‐hydrogen (δD), ‐carbon (δ13C), and ‐nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes of feathers grown in wintering areas. δD and δ15N values from wintering individuals varied with the latitude and longitude of capture location, while δ13C varied with longitude only. We then tested the ability of the basemap to assign known‐origin individuals. Sixty percent of wintering individuals were correctly assigned to their region of origin out of seven possible regions. Finally, we estimated the winter origins of breeding and migrant individuals and compared the resulting empirical distribution against the distribution that would be expected based on patterns of winter relative abundance. For breeding birds, the distribution of winter origins differed from expected only among males in the Yukon‐Kuskokwim (Y‐K) Delta and Nome, Alaska. Males in the Y‐K Delta originated overwhelmingly from western Mexico, while in Nome, there were fewer males from western North America and more from the Baja Peninsula than expected. An unexpectedly high proportion of migrants captured at a stopover site in the interior United States originated from eastern and southern wintering areas, while none originated from western North America. In general, we document substantial mixing between the breeding and wintering populations of both sexes, which will buffer the global population of western sandpipers from the effects of local habitat loss on both breeding and wintering grounds.  相似文献   

Aim Over the last two decades, thousands of northward migrating ruffs (Philomachus pugnax) have disappeared from western European staging sites. These migratory ruffs were partly temperate breeding birds, but most individuals head towards the Eurasian Arctic tundras where 95% of the global population breeds. This regional decline may represent either: (1) local loss of breeding birds in western Europe, (2) a global decline, (3) shift(s) in distribution or (4) a combination of these. Location Northern Eurasia. Methods To put the declines in western Europe in context, we analysed Arctic monitoring data from the last two decades ( Soloviev & Tomkovich, 2009 ) to detect changes in regional breeding densities across northern Eurasia. We used a novel approach applying generalized additive modelling (GAM) and generalized estimations equations (GEE). Results We show that the global breeding population of ruffs has made a significant eastwards shift into the Asian part of the breeding range. In the European Arctic, ruffs decreased during the last 18 years. At the same time, in western Siberia, ruffs increased. In eastern Siberia, no significant population changes could be detected. These changes corroborate the finding that during northward migration, growing numbers of ruffs avoided staging areas in the Netherlands and Sweden and started migrating along a more easterly route leading into western Siberia. Main conclusions We detected an unprecedented large‐scale population redistribution of ruffs and suggest that this is a response to loss of habitat quality at the traditional staging site in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Detailed knowledge of migratory connectivity can facilitate effective conservation of Neotropical migrants by helping biologists understand where and when populations may be most limited. We studied the migratory behavior and non‐breeding distribution of two closely related species of conservation concern, the Golden‐winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) and Blue‐winged Warbler (Vermivora cyanoptera). Although both species have undergone dynamic range shifts and population changes attributed to habitat loss and social interactions promoting competition and hybridization, full life‐cycle conservation planning has been limited by a lack of information about their non‐breeding ecology. Because recent work has demonstrated that the two species are nearly identical genetically, we predicted that individuals from a single breeding population would have similar migratory timing and overwintering locations. In 2015, we placed light‐level geolocators on 25 males of both species and hybrids in an area of breeding sympatry at the Fort Drum Military Installation in Jefferson and Lewis counties, New York. Despite extreme genetic similarity, non‐breeding locations and duration of migration differed among genotypes. Golden‐winged Warblers (N = 2) overwintered > 1900 km southeast of the nearest Blue‐winged Warbler (N = 3) and spent nearly twice as many days in migration; hybrids (N = 2) had intermediate wintering distributions and migratory timing. Spring migration departure dates were staggered based on distance from the breeding area, and all birds arrived at the breeding site within 8 days of each other. Our results show that Golden‐winged Warblers and Blue‐winged Warblers in our study area retain species‐specific non‐breeding locations despite extreme genetic similarity, and suggest that non‐breeding locations and migratory timing vary along a genetic gradient. If the migratory period is limiting for these species, our results also suggest that Golden‐winged Warblers in our study population may be more vulnerable to population decline than Blue‐winged Warblers because they spend almost twice as many days migrating.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction represent a common life‐history trade‐off. Critical to understanding these costs in migratory species is the ability to track individuals across successive stages of the annual cycle. We assessed the effects of total number of offspring fledged and date of breeding completion on pre‐migratory body condition, the schedule of moult and annual survival in a migratory songbird, the Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis. Between 2008 and 2010, moult was delayed for individuals that finished breeding later in the breeding period and resulted in reduced lean tissue mass during the pre‐migratory period, suggesting an indirect trade‐off between the timing of breeding completion and condition just prior to migration. Lean tissue mass decreased as the number of offspring fledged increased in 2009, a particularly cool and wet year, illustrating a direct trade‐off between reproductive effort and condition just prior to migration in years when weather is poor. However, using a 17‐year dataset from the same population, we found that parents that fledged young late in the breeding period had the highest survival and that number of offspring fledged did not affect survival, suggesting that individuals do not experience long‐term trade‐offs between reproduction and survival. Taken together, our results suggest that adult Savannah Sparrows pay short‐term costs of reproduction, but that longer‐term costs are mitigated by individual quality, perhaps through individual variation in resource acquisition.  相似文献   

Arctic warbler Phylloscopus borealis is one of several high‐latitude Passerines which are widely distributed across one northern continent but restricted to the Beringian part of the other. Most species with such asymmetric intercontinental ranges are monomorphic across Beringia, suggesting either recent colonization of the second continent or considerable gene flow across the Bering Strait. Arctic warbler is the only migratory species in this group that has three different subspecies in Beringia: Ph. b. borealis (Scandinavia to western Beringia, south to Mongolia), Ph. b. xanthodryas (Japan, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, western Beringia), and Ph. b. kennicotti (Alaska). This polymorphism may indicate that Arctic warbler has a unique and complex phylogeographic history that differs significantly from other species with similar ranges. Our analyses of complete mtDNA ND2 sequences of 88 Arctic warblers collected across the species range showed that the clade comprised of birds breeding on Sakhalin Island and Kamchatka Peninsula diverged from the Palearctic/Beringian clade by 3.8% in ND2 sequence. Beringian birds formed a recently derived clade embedded within the Palearctic clade. Nucleotide diversity declined sharply eastward from Palearctic to western Beringia and then to eastern Beringia. Our data provided no support for currently recognized subspecies. They suggested that the barrier at the western edge of Beringia was crossed by Arctic warbler earlier than the Bering Strait resulting in a stepping‐stone colonization of Beringia by this species. Gene flow appears to be restricted across the western border of Beringia but not the Bering Strait.  相似文献   

Barred Long‐tailed Cuckoo (Cercococcyx montanus) currently comprises two morphologically distinct subspecies, one resident in the Albertine Rift (montanus) and one in east and southeast Africa (patulus) in which there are migrations that are poorly understood. Based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, we find that two specimens collected in relatively low‐elevation forest in the Albertine Rift were correctly identified from plumage as the migratory subspecies whose closest known breeding area is > 800 km to the east. We discuss ways in which this unique migratory pattern could have evolved and argue that migration was gained and then lost in the C. montanus complex. Based on consistent morphological and genetic differences, we suggest that Barred Long‐tailed Cuckoo is best treated as two species, one of which (C. montanus) is a non‐migratory Albertine Rift endemic.  相似文献   

Understanding the biology and conducting effective conservation of migratory species requires an understanding of migratory connectivity – the geographic linkages of populations between stages of the annual cycle. Unfortunately, for most species, we are lacking such information. The North American Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) houses an extensive database of marking, recaptures and recoveries, and such data could provide migratory connectivity information for many species. To date, however, few species have been analyzed for migratory connectivity largely because heterogeneous re‐encounter probabilities make interpretation problematic. We accounted for regional variation in re‐encounter probabilities by borrowing information across species and by using effort covariates on recapture and recovery probabilities in a multistate capture–recapture and recovery model. The effort covariates were derived from recaptures and recoveries of species within the same regions. We estimated the migratory connectivity for three tern species breeding in North America and over‐wintering in the tropics, common (Sterna hirundo), roseate (Sterna dougallii), and Caspian terns (Hydroprogne caspia). For western breeding terns, model‐derived estimates of migratory connectivity differed considerably from those derived directly from the proportions of re‐encounters. Conversely, for eastern breeding terns, estimates were merely refined by the inclusion of re‐encounter probabilities. In general, eastern breeding terns were strongly connected to eastern South America, and western breeding terns were strongly linked to the more western parts of the nonbreeding range under both models. Through simulation, we found this approach is likely useful for many species in the BBL database, although precision improved with higher re‐encounter probabilities and stronger migratory connectivity. We describe an approach to deal with the inherent biases in BBL banding and re‐encounter data to demonstrate that this large dataset is a valuable source of information about the migratory connectivity of the birds of North America.  相似文献   

The spatial scale of non‐breeding areas used by long‐distance migrant animals can vary from specific, relatively small non‐breeding areas for each independent breeding population (high connectivity) to a distribution over a large non‐breeding area with mixing of breeding populations (low connectivity). Measuring variation in the degree of connectivity and how it arises is crucial to predict how migratory animals can respond to global habitat and climate change because low connectivity is likely to be an adaptation to environmental uncertainty. Here, we assess whether use of non‐breeding areas in a long‐distance migrant may be stochastic by measuring the degree of connectivity, and whether it is annually variable. Twenty‐nine wintering Whinchats tagged with geolocators over 2 years within 40 km2 in central Nigeria were found to be breeding over 2.55 million km2 (26% of the land area of Europe), without an asymptote being approached in the relationship between area and sample size. Ranges differed in size between years by 1.51 million km2 and only 15% of the total breeding range across both years overlapped (8% overlap between years when only first‐year birds were considered), well above the range size difference and below the proportion of overlap that would be predicted from two equivalent groups breeding at random locations within the observed range. Mean distance between breeding locations (i.e. migratory spread) differed significantly between years (604 ± 18 km in 2013 and 869 ± 33 km in 2014). The results showed very low and variable connectivity that was reasonably robust to the errors and assumptions inherent in the use of geolocators, but with the caveat of having only ranges of 2 years to compare, and the sensitivity of range to the breeding locations of a small number of individuals. However, if representative, the results suggest the scope for between‐year variation (cohort effects) to determine migrant distribution on a large scale. Furthermore, for species with similarly low connectivity, we would predict breeding population trends to reflect average conditions across large non‐breeding areas: thus, as large areas of Africa become subject to habitat loss, migrant populations throughout Europe will decline.  相似文献   

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