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Cao W  Song HJ  Gangi T  Kelkar A  Antani I  Garza D  Konsolaki M 《Genetics》2008,178(3):1457-1471
Sustained increases in life expectancy have underscored the importance of managing diseases with a high incidence in late life, such as various neurodegenerative conditions. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common among these, and consequently significant research effort is spent on studying it. Although a lot is known about the pathology of AD and the role of beta-amyloid (Abeta) peptides, the complete network of interactions regulating Abeta metabolism and toxicity still eludes us. To address this, we have conducted genetic interaction screens using transgenic Drosophila expressing Abeta and we have identified mutations that affect Abeta metabolism and toxicity. These analyses highlight the involvement of various biochemical processes such as secretion, cholesterol homeostasis, and regulation of chromatin structure and function, among others, in mediating toxic Abeta effects. Several of the mutations that we identified have not been linked to Abeta toxicity before and thus constitute novel potential targets for AD intervention. We additionally tested these mutations for interactions with tau and expanded-polyglutamine overexpression and found a few candidate mutations that may mediate common mechanisms of neurodegeneration. Our data offer insight into the toxicity of Abeta and open new areas for further study into AD pathogenesis.  相似文献   

During early development, the neurogenic genes of Drosophila melanogaster are involved in the control of cell fates in the neurectoderm; almondex (amx) belongs to this category of genes. We have identified the amx locus and rescued the amx embryonic neurogenic phenotype with a 1.5 kb DNA fragment. Using a small deficiency, we generated a new amx mutant background called amx(m), which is a null allele. Besides the characteristic neurogenic maternal effect caused by loss of amx, amx(m) flies display a new imaginal phenotype resembling loss of function of Notch. We describe amx-induced misregulation of the Notch pathway target E(spl) m7 in embryos and genetic interactions between amx and Notch pathway mutants in adult flies. These data show that wildtype amx acts as a novel positive regulator of the Notch pathway and is required at different levels during development.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones, such as heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) and its bacterial ortholog DnaK, play numerous important roles in protein folding. In vitro, this activity can be observed by incubating purified chaperones with denatured substrates and measuring the recovery of properly folded protein. In an effort to rapidly identify small molecules that modify this folding activity, we modified an existing method for use in 96-well plates. In this assay, denatured firefly luciferase was treated with a mixture of DnaK and prospective chemical modulators. The luminescence of refolded luciferase was used to follow the reaction progress, and counterscreens excluded compounds that target luciferase; thus, hits from these screens modify protein folding via their effects on the function of the chaperone machine. Using this platform, we screened a pilot chemical library and found five new inhibitors of DnaK and one compound that promoted folding. These chemical probes may be useful in studies aimed at understanding the many varied roles of chaperones in cellular protein folding. Moreover, this assay provides the opportunity to rapidly screen for additional compounds that might regulate the folding activity of Hsp70.  相似文献   

K M Vaze  K L Nikhil  V K Sharma 《Heredity》2013,111(4):265-274
Circadian rhythms are perhaps among the genetically best characterized behaviours. Several mutations with drastic effects on circadian processes have been identified and models developed to explain how clock genes and their products generate self-sustained oscillations. Although natural variations in circadian phenotypes have been studied extensively, the genetic basis of such adaptive variations remains largely unknown. Here we report the results of a preliminary genetic analysis of adaptive divergence of circadian phenotypes in populations of fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster. Two sets of populations, ‘early'' and ‘late'', were created in a long-term laboratory selection for morning and evening emergence, with four independent replicates each. Over the course of ∼55 generations, the early flies evolved increased morning emergence and a shorter circadian period, whereas late flies evolved increased evening emergence and longer period. To examine the genetic basis of circadian phenotypes, we set up crosses between early and late flies, and monitored emergence and activity/rest rhythms in the F1, backcrossed and F2 progeny. Our analysis suggests that the genetic basis of divergent circadian phenotypes in early and late stocks is primarily autosomal. Line-cross analysis revealed that additive and non-additive genetic effects contribute to the divergence of circadian phenotypes in early and late flies.  相似文献   

Inversion polymorphism on chromosome O and polymorphism for the viability of determining genes have been studied in a natural population of Drosophila subobscura from Petnica (Serbia). The range of inversion polymorphism and the abundance of particular gene arrangements in the study population agree with a general pattern of inversion polymorphism of D. subobscura in Europe. The data obtained on the amount of genetic loads show that the D. subobscura population from Petnica displays a moderate degree of that polymorphism, compared to the other studied populations of these species. Therefore, the D. subobscura population from Petnica could be tentatively classified as an ecologically central population. Examination association of chromosomal, thus, inversion polymorphism with gene polymorphism, in the form of genetic loads show that differences exist in the mean viability among certain gene arrangements. The distribution of deleterious genes among chromosome O gene arrangements were non-random.  相似文献   

The apterous (ap) mutant in Drosophila melanogaster exhibits phenotypes of wing deficiency, precocious adult death, and nonvitellogenic oocyte development. The latter phenotype previously has been shown to result from juvenile hormone (JH) deficiency in the adult stage. To explore the relationship between the hormone deficiency and the other phenotypes, the expression of each phenotype was measured in five alleles of ap (including a new, chemically-induced allele, ap77f) as wing length, survival five days after eclosion, and initiation and progress of vitellogenic oocyte development. No correlation could be found between severity of wing phenotype and that of precocious adult death or nonvitellogenesis. However, the latter phenotypes were correlated in both ap homozygotes and allelic heterozygotes, since adults that survive have wild-type vitellogenesis, and those fated for precocious death fail to develop vitellogenic oocytes. These results indicate that no relationship exists between wing and JH deficiencies, but that precocious adult death is related to hormone deficiency — probably through pleiotropy, rather than through causality.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that chromosomal rearrangements play a significant role in speciation by preventing recombination and maintaining species persistence despite interspecies gene flow. Factors conferring adaptation or reproductive isolation are maintained in rearranged regions in the face of hybridization, while such factors are eliminated from collinear regions. As a direct test of this rearrangement model, we evaluated the genetic basis of hybrid male sterility in a sympatric species pair, Drosophila pseudoobscura pseudoobscura and D. persimilis, and an allopatric species pair, D. pseudoobscura bogotana and D. persimilis. Our results are consistent with the proposed model: virtually all of the sterility factors in the former pair are associated with three inverted regions, whereas sterility factors are present in the collinear regions in the latter pair. These findings indicate recombination and selection may have eliminated sterility factors outside the inverted regions between D. p. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis, suggesting chromosomal rearrangements may facilitate species persistence despite hybridization.  相似文献   

Summary The ectodermal germ layer of Drosophila melanogaster gives rise to two major cell lineages, the neural and the epidermal. Progenitor cells for each of these lineages arise from groups of cells, whose elements must decide between taking on either fate. Commitment of the progenitor cells to one of the developmental fates implies two factors. One is intrinsic to the ectodermal cells and determines a propensity to take on neural fate; this factor is probably represented by the products of the so-called proneural genes, which are differentially distributed throughout the ectoderm. The other factor in the cells' decision to adopt one of the two alternative fates is intercellular communication, which is mediated by the products of the so-called neurogenic genes. Two types of interactions, one inhibiting and the other stimulating neural development, have been inferred. We discuss here the assumed role of various neurogenic genes, in particular Notch and Delta, in these processes. Offprint requests to: J.A. Campos-Ortega  相似文献   

The γ‐secretase complex is involved in cleaving transmembrane proteins such as Notch and one of the genes targeted in Alzheimer's disease known as amyloid precursor protein (APP). Presenilins function within the catalytic core of γ‐secretase, and mutated forms of presenilins were identified as causative factors in familial Alzheimer's disease. Recent studies show that in addition to Notch and APP, numerous signal transduction pathways are modulated by presenilins, including intracellular calcium signaling. Thus, presenilins appear to have diverse roles. To further understand presenilin function, we searched for Presenilin‐interacting genes in Drosophila by performing a genetic modifier screen for enhancers and suppressors of Presenilin‐dependent Notch‐related phenotypes. We identified 177 modifiers, including known members of the Notch pathway and genes involved in intracellular calcium homeostasis. We further demonstrate that 53 of these modifiers genetically interacted with APP. Characterization of these genes may provide valuable insights into Presenilin function in development and disease. genesis 47:246–260, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Drosophila fat facets gene encodes a deubiquitinating enzyme that regulates a cell communication pathway essential early during eye development to inhibit the determination of excess photoreceptors. Ubiquitin is a small polypeptide that tags proteins for degradation by a multisubunit proteolytic complex called the proteasome. The FAT FACETS protein is thought to be required to remove ubiquitin from a particular protein, thereby rescuing it from proteolysis. In order to identify the genes encoding the substrate of FAT FACETS and other components of the neural inhibition pathway, a mutagenesis screen for dominant enhancers of the fat facets mutant eye phenotype was performed. Several genes were identified, one of which is an excellent candidate for encoding a component of the pathway regulated by FAT FACETS. Three different eye phenotypes were observed when the fat facets mutants were dominantly enhanced by different mutations, suggesting that fat facets has other functions in addition to its critical role early in eye development. Dev. Genet. 21:167–174, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Chromosomal inversions impact genetic variation and facilitate speciation in part by reducing recombination in heterokaryotypes. We generated multiple whole-genome shotgun sequences of the parapatric species pair Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila persimilis and their sympatric outgroup (Drosophila miranda) and compared the average pairwise differences for neutral sites within, just outside and far outside of the three large inversions. Divergence between D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis is high inside the inversions and in the suppressed recombination regions extending 2.5 Mb outside of inversions, but significantly lower in collinear regions further from the inversions. We observe little evidence of decreased divergence predicted to exist in the centre of inversions, suggesting that gene flow through double crossovers or gene conversion is limited within the inversion, or selection is acting within the inversion to maintain divergence in the face of gene flow. In combination with past studies, we provide evidence that inversions in this system maintain areas of high divergence in the face of hybridization, and have done so for a substantial period of time. The left arm of the X chromosome and chromosome 2 inversions appear to have arisen in the lineage leading to D. persimilis approximately 2 Ma, near the time of the split of D. persimilis-D. pseudoobscura-D. miranda, but likely fixed within D. persimilis much more recently, as diversity within D. persimilis is substantially reduced inside and near these two inversions. We also hypothesize that the inversions in D. persimilis may provide an empirical example of the 'mixed geographical mode' theory of inversion origin and fixation, whereby allopatry and secondary contact both play a role.  相似文献   

The Wnt/Wingless (Wg) signaling cascade controls a number of biological processes in animal development and adult life; aberrant Wnt/Wg signaling can cause diseases. In the 1980s genes were discovered that encode core Wnt/Wg pathway components: their mutant phenotypes were similar and an outline of a signaling cascade emerged. Over the years our knowledge of this important signaling system increased and more components were uncovered that are instrumental for Wnt/Wg secretion and transduction. Here we provide an overview of these discoveries, the technologies involved, with a particular focus on the important role Drosophila screens played in this process.  相似文献   

Three species of cactophilic Drosophila endemic to the Sonoran Desert of North America, D. nigrospiracula, D. pachea and D. mettleri, experience marked differences in spatial resource availability, and the first two of these display significant differences in dispersal behaviour. We employed starch gel and cellulose acetate electrophoresis for eight allozyme loci to test for a relationship between these variables and genetic differentiation among geographical populations of each species. No evidence was found for population structure in any of the three species, populations of which were separated by geographical distances of up to 475 km. Allele frequencies for two loci, Mdh-1 and Est-2, in D. nigrospiracula and D. pachea were very similar to those obtained approximately 30 years ago by other workers, indicating that the polymorphisms are remarkably stable under the stressful and variable conditions of the desert environment. High longevity, dispersal and multiple female remating are likely to contribute to the apparent high level of gene flow in all three species.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of closely related organisms can prove sometimes difficult to infer. Hybridization and incomplete lineage sorting are the main concerns; however, genome rearrangements can also influence the outcome of analyses based on nuclear sequences. In the present study, DNA sequences from 12 nuclear genes, for which the approximate chromosomal locations are known, have been used to estimate the evolutionary history of two forms of Drosophila americana ( Drosophila   americana americana and Drosophila americana texana ) and Drosophila novamexicana ( virilis group of species). The phylogenetic analysis of the combined data set resulted in a phylogeny showing reciprocal monophyly for D. novamexicana and D. americana . Single gene analyses, however, resulted in incongruent phylogenies influenced by chromosomal rearrangements. Genetic differentiation estimates indicated a significant differentiation between the two species for all genes. Within D. americana , however, there is no evidence for differentiation between the chromosomal forms except at genes located near the X/4 fusion and Xc inversion breakpoint. Thus, the specific status of D. americana and D. novamexicana is confirmed, but there is no overall evidence for genetic differentiation between D. a. americana and D. a. texana , not supporting a subspecific status. Based on levels of allele and nucleotide diversity found in the strains used, it is proposed that D. americana has had a stable, large population during the recent past while D. novamexicana has speciated from a peripheral southwestern population having had an ancestral small effective population size. The influence of chromosomal rearrangements in single gene analyses is also examined.  相似文献   

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