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Data on the spatial structure of an Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus beringensis) colony were obtained in July-August 1995, using walk counts and observations near living dens around the Northern rookery of the northern fur seals located on Bering Island (Commander Islands). The home ranges of 31 Arctic fox families (61 adults and 145 pups inhabiting 66 dens) were found over 27 km of the coastline. Sixty individuals (3 adults and 57 pups) were marked by color ear-tags. Among adult foxes, 24 (39.3%) were recognized as females and 12 (19.7%) as males; the sex of 25 (41.0%) foxes was not recognized. Among 57 marked cubs, 26 (45.6%) were females and 31 (54.4%) were males. The best studied families (13) had 3–11 pups (6.7 ± 0.7, on average). The survival of cubs at an age younger than 2.0–2.5 months was 82.5%; 30.8% of the families consisted of more than two adults. The distribution of the Arctic fox dens and home ranges along the coastline has been studied; specific features of the location of dens have been described. In the studied area, Arctic foxes have been foraging on birds (67.6% of dens with food remains), northern fur seals (40.5), other marine mammals (13.5), Pacific salmon (29.7), and reindeer (2.7%), as well as on amphipods and voles. Rich constant food sources (rookeries, marine bird colonies, and spawning places of the blueback salmon) were found in 7 home ranges of the Arctic fox; 6 home ranges included temporary food sources (spawning streams of the humpback salmon); and 18 home ranges were poor in food resources. Arctic foxes whose home ranges lie within 6–7 km around a “food patch” used the concentrated food resources together. Food resources are supposed to become important only after the raised pups turn to self-feeding. Differences in the use of space, foraging and breeding of the two Arctic fox subspecies (A. l. beringensis and A. l. semenovi), and arrangement of colonies around the northern fur seal rookeries are discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents a first direct comparison of vocal type, call rate and time spent vocalizing among Unselected, Tame and Aggressive strains of silver fox (Vulpes vulpes) in three modes of human approach (Provoking, Approach–Retreat, and Static). Also, it provides a first comparison of male and female vocal output in the Provoking test. Vocal types were found strain-specific irrespective of the fox sex or the test. Males had higher call rates and spent shorter times vocalizing than females. These results support the evidence of genetic-based emotional states, triggering vocal behavior in silver fox strains, and suggest sex dimorphism in vocal activity toward humans.  相似文献   

Dominance relationships were studied in captive Arctic blue fox (Alopex lagopus) groups comprising adults (four males, five females) and juveniles (four males, five females). The results showed that Arctic blue foxes easily formed a social organization with an observable hierarchy, in which adults typically dominated over juveniles. Within the same age group, males usually dominated over females. Dominance correlated most significantly with body weight in autumn, but later that correlation decreased. Urine marking activity was very low during autumn and early winter, but increased significantly prior to and during the breeding season when aggressive encounters were also most pronounced. In addition to several adults, the social status of some juveniles was high at breeding time. Altogether 7 out of 11 females (63.6%) whelped, but the survival rate of litters was low and kits of only two adult females survived (18.2%). It can be concluded that hierarchical development and reproduction in Arctic blue fox groups are markedly influenced by dominance relationships.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The distribution and abundance of swift foxes (Vulpes velox) has declined from historic levels. Causes for the decline include habitat loss and fragmentation, incidental poisoning, changing land use practices, trapping, and predation by other carnivores. Coyotes (Canis latrans) overlap the geographical distribution of swift foxes, compete for similar resources, and are a significant source of mortality amongst many swift fox populations. Current swift fox conservation and management plans to bolster declining or recovering fox populations may include coyote population reduction to decrease predation. However, the role of coyote predation in swift fox population dynamics is not well-understood. To better understand the interactions of swift foxes and coyotes, we compared swift fox population demographics (survival rates, dispersal rates, reproduction, density) between areas with and without coyote population reduction. On the Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site, Colorado, USA, we monitored 141 swift foxes for 65,226 radio-days from 15 December 1998 to 14 December 2000 with 18,035 total telemetry locations collected. Juvenile swift fox survival rate was increased and survival was temporarily prolonged in the coyote removal area. Adult fox survival patterns were also altered by coyote removal, but only following late-summer coyote removals and, again, only temporarily. Coyote predation remained the main cause of juvenile and adult fox mortality in both areas. The increase in juvenile fox survival in the coyote removal area resulted in a compensatory increase in the juvenile dispersal rate and an earlier pulse in dispersal movements. Adult fox dispersal rate was more consistent throughout the year in the coyote removal area. Coyote removal did not influence the reproductive parameters of the swift foxes. Even though juvenile survival increased, swift fox density remained similar between the areas due to the compensatory dispersal rate among juvenile foxes. We concluded that the swift fox population in the area was saturated. Although coyote predation appeared additive in the juvenile cohort, it was compensatory with dispersal.  相似文献   

The differential effect of fox and pig bile and its corresponding low molecular weight fraction (LMW) was investigated on the in vitro invasion of MDCK-AA7 epithelial cell monolayers by Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae. Seven invasion experiments were performed and a total of 274 cell monolayers were examined. Fox and pig raw bile at 1:10 and 1:20 dilution and their LMW fractions at 1:10 dilution activated T. spiralis larvae to invade the cell monolayers. In addition, fox raw bile caused significantly larger cell damage than pig raw bile at both dilutions. The area of cell damage was larger at 1:10 than at 1:20 dilution for both fox and pig raw bile (p < 0.05). On the other hand, there was no significant difference between the areas of cell damage caused by the LMW fractions of fox and pig bile. It is concluded that differences between host bile actions may account for differences in host susceptibility to T. spiralis.  相似文献   

Parental investment varies in mammalian species, with male care of young being more common in social and monogamous species. Monogamy is commonly observed in canid species, with both males and females, and often “helper” individuals, providing some degree of care for the young. Social units of the swift fox (Vulpes velox), a small North American canid species, usually consist of a male–female pair and occasionally helpers. The role of parental investment and behavior in swift fox society is currently poorly understood. We observed swift fox dens during the pup-rearing season in each of 2 years to evaluate attendance and frequency of visits to natal dens by adult males and females. Female foxes remained at dens longer and visited them more frequently than did male foxes. Female attendance and visitation decreased throughout the pup-rearing season as pups became older and more independent. Environmental factors, including climate and its effect on prey, appeared to contribute to differences in fox behavior between the 2 years. We observed only one fox outside of the breeding pair attending a den in each of the 2 years, both of which were males. We concluded that each of these two foxes were living within the social unit of the male–female pair as a trio, but not serving as a helper and contributing to the care of the pups. Our results increased knowledge of the ecology and behavior of the swift fox, a species of conservation concern in the Great Plains of North America.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of red fox (Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus 1758) predation on juvenile eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus Shaw 1790) using a replicated predator removal experiment. In two sites in Namadgi National Park, south‐eastern Australia, a persistent 1080 poisoning campaign over 18 months reduced fox density by more than 85%, and to less than 10% of the fox density in two other sites with no fox baiting. Changes in the mother : young ratios and densities of kangaroo populations were monitored twice monthly along 2‐km transects in each site from July 1993 to February 1995. Compared to nonremoval sites, where foxes were controlled, 25–40% more females retained juveniles over the period when these young became emergent from the pouch. This higher survival of emergent pouch young resulted in a significantly higher proportion of juveniles in kangaroo populations at fox control sites, which resulted in a significantly higher annual growth rate. We conclude that predation upon juveniles is an important limiting factor for kangaroo populations in Namadgi NP.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to determine if the highly invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) experiences lower predation risk during early stages of invasion. We compared round goby predation rates between a recently invaded area (occupied for ≈1 year) and a longer established area (≈7 years) of the Trent River, Ontario, Canada. Tethering trials were conducted in three habitat types, and comparable habitats in the two areas were similar in water temperature, velocity and depth. Predation rates of tethered round gobies were on average 27% lower in the recently invaded area. Reduced predation in the recently invaded area may be due to the short duration of round goby occupancy and/or differences in predator communities between the two study areas. Data before the round goby invasion suggest that predator communities were similar between the two range areas, but differences in predator abundance cannot be ruled out as a potential mechanism. Other possible mechanisms include a numerical or learned response by predators over time to a novel prey item. Reduced predation rate during the initial stages of invasion may contribute to the fitness of individuals that migrate into areas not previously occupied, and thus facilitate successful range expansion.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of urine marking in the territorial systems of wild mammals can be difficult, especially for nocturnal cryptic species. Even for common species, such as the red fox Vulpes vulpes, a comprehensive analysis of seasonal and sex differences has not been carried out. Using 6 years of infra-red video monitoring, we compared marking rates between months and between sexes. Urine marking was significantly lower during summer (June–August). Males urine marked significantly more frequently than females during late summer and autumn, but not winter. Males marked more frequently than females also during March. There was no increase during the breeding season for either sex. Our results correlate with previous partial data but demonstrate how urine marking rates vary across the year. They also further support the greater role of males in fox territorial maintenance. Urine marking is lowest during summer when territorial intrusions are least, whilst the higher male urine marking rate in March reflects the period when females are denning. Overall, our results provide the first comprehensive analysis of red fox urine marking rates, contributing to a greater understanding of territoriality and olfactory communication.  相似文献   

The effects of cold shock (4°C for 18–24 h) on survival of Trichogramma buesi females, their fecundity, and the inclination to parasitize grain moth eggs were studied under laboratory conditions. Cold shock did not result in any significant change in the survival rate, whereas the fraction of females that parasitized grain moth eggs and the fecundity of these females slightly decreased. However, females which had already started oviposition before cold shock infested grain moth eggs much more frequently. In most insect species studied, cold shock results in a sharp decrease or even disruption of the effect of experience on the subsequent behavior. Thus, the results of this study suggest that “the effect of acquired experience” (a tendency to continue infestation of the particular host species) in Trichogramma females is based not on learning or not only on learning but on some other, possibly hormonal mechanisms.  相似文献   

The diet and partitioning of food resources among mid-sized mammalian carnivores is poorly known, especially in the tropics. We evaluated the resource partitioning between Leopardus pardalis (ocelot), Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating fox), and Nasua nasua (brown-nosed coati) in the Pantanal of Brazil. Between December 2005 and February 2008, we collected data necessary to better understand interspecific, intraspecific, and seasonal variability in diet. Food habits were assessed by analysis of feces (n?=?293) collected from known individuals (n?=?128), and differences in dietary composition were evaluated through nonmetric dimensional scaling using the Jaccard similarity index. The main diet differences were observed between the specialist ocelot and the more generalist crab-eating fox and brown-nosed coati. Crab-eating foxes and brown-nosed coatis preyed on arthropods, fruits, and vertebrates whereas ocelots preyed almost entirely on vertebrates, mainly rodents and snakes. Ocelots’ consumption of snakes was the highest ever recorded, as was the extent of carnivory by brown-nosed coatis. For the crab-eating fox and the brown-nosed coati, there were large differences between the use of fruits and animal foods in the wet and dry season. Yet for both species there were no significant differences in the diets of males and females. Despite the conspicuous sexual dimorphism and spatial segregation that are typical of brown-nosed coatis, the results do not support the hypothesis that size dimorphism is primarily an adaptation to reduce intersexual competition for food. Rather, dimorphisms and patterns of space use may be more related to competition among males for access to females.  相似文献   

This study presents a complex approach for modeling the natural evolution of a population in terms of population number and dynamics of the genetic structure. A set of dynamic models that consider various types of natural selection was applied to describe possible mechanisms underlying the formation of existing genetic variations in litter sizes in coastal, inland, and farmed arctic fox populations (Alopex lagopus, family Canidae, order Carnivora). The r–K selection model for uniform population and the models with natural selection were assessed on various life cycle stages in a two-age population. The life cycle of arctic fox was fitted to the population model with two age stages. The different reproductive potentials and survivability of progeny on the early stage of life cycle were genetically determined using the model with a single diallelic gene. A monomorphism was obtained for a considered characteristic in a population of coastal arctic fox with constant food supply. Meanwhile, a polymorphism with cyclic fluctuations in population number and gene frequency was obtained in inland arctic fox populations, which could be due to cyclic fluctuations of prey. In farmed fox populations, the considered gene becomes pleiotropic (defines the survival rate of individuals on early and late stages of the life cycle) because of artificial selection performed by farmers to increase the reproductive success of breeders. The application of an appropriate model (with selection by pleiotropic gene) can be used to determine the elimination rate of low litter size alleles from the farmed populations. The possible applications of the proposed models for formulating and solving optimal control tasks in arctic fox populations are discussed too.  相似文献   

The cost of sexual interactions, usually expressed as a reduction of life-span, is a fundamental but poorly understood aspect of life. According to a widely accepted view, a rise in the “pro-aging” juvenile hormone (JH) might contribute to the decrease of life span caused by sexual interactions. We tested this hypothesis using the linden bug Pyrrhocoris apterus by removing the corpus allatum (CA), the source of JH. If JH is causally involved in the cost of sexual interactions, then the absence of CA (JH) should decrease the negative effect of sexual interactions on survival. As expected, ablating the CA significantly prolonged life-span of both virgin females and virgin males. Mated insects of both sexes lived significantly shorter than virgins. However, contrary to prediction, the decrease of life span by sexual interactions was similar in control and CA-ablated males, and was even enhanced in CA-ablated females. Another unexpected finding was that males paired with CA-ablated females lived almost as long as virgin males and significantly longer than did males paired with control females, although ablating the female CA did not cause any decrease in mating activity. On the other hand, females paired with CA-ablated males lived only slightly longer than did females paired with control males. These results highlight several important points. (1) In both genders, the negative effect of sexual interactions on insect's survival is not mediated by the insect's own CA. (2) The male CA has only minor effect on female survival, while (3) the female CA (JH) is principally responsible for the sex-induced reduction in the male survival.  相似文献   

We investigated diet composition, habitat selection and spatial behaviour of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in relation to the availability of wader nests in a coastal polder area in southwest Denmark. The predatory role of the red fox in wet grassland ecosystems has profound implications for conservation status of declining populations of grassland breeding waders. However, few studies have focussed on the foraging ecology and behaviour of the red fox in these landscapes. Faecal analyses revealed that fox diet consisted of birds (43 % of prey remains?/?32 % of biomass), rodents (39 %?/?21 %), sheep (mainly as carrion, 14 %?/?41 %) and lagomorphs (4 %?/?7 %). Charadriiformes (including waders) comprised 3–12 % of prey remains throughout the year. Telemetry data and spotlight counts indicated that foxes did not select areas with high densities of breeding waders, suggesting that foxes did not target wader nests while foraging. Foxes maintained stable home ranges throughout their lives, indicating that the area sustained a permanent fox population all year round. The population densities, estimated from spotlight surveys, were 0.74 visible foxes km?2 (95 % CI; 0.34–1.61) on the preferred breeding habitat for waders and 1.21 km?2 in other open habitats such as cultivated fields. Our results indicate that red fox predation on wader nests is incidental, consistent with the notion that red foxes are generalist predators that opportunistically subsist on many prey groups.  相似文献   

Food limitation and social regulation in a red fox population   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study evaluates a conceptual model on functional and numerical response to short-term fluctuating vole populations of a red fox ( Vulpes vulpes L.) population in south-central Sweden. The model assumes that this particular population is located in between socially regulated stable populations to the south and direct food-limited populations to the north. The model predicts: (1) food availability as the primary factor for limiting fox numbers, causing reduced rates of reproduction and survival during years of low vole densities, and (2) density-dependent regulation during years of increasing and high vole densities resulting in increased group sizes within territories of fixed dimensions. During 1973–1980 data were obtained from 1216 fox scats, 874 fox carcasses, 63 tagged foxes, nine radio-collared females and from yearly den counts in an area of 130 km2, Eight predictions of the model were tested. These concerned the occurrence of small rodents in fox diet, fluctuations in the density of foxes, variations in the number of fox litters, the effect on reproduction of providing supplemental food during January–May, the proportion of vixens bearing a litter different years, dispersal of young males relative to that of young females throughout the vole cycle, and variations in mortality rates of young males and females. All tests were in favour of the conceptual model, and contradictory to alternative models.  相似文献   



Plasmodium vivax is responsible for a significant portion of malaria cases worldwide, especially in Asia and Latin America, where geo-helminthiasis have a high prevalence. Impact of the interaction between vivax malaria and intestinal helminthes has been poorly explored. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of intestinal helminthiasis on the concentration of hemoglobin in children with Plasmodium vivax malaria in rural areas in the municipality of Careiro, in the Western Brazilian Amazon.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A cohort study was conducted from April to November 2008, enrolling children from 5 to 14 years old in two rural areas endemic for malaria. A cross-sectional evaluation was performed in April to actively detect cases of malaria and document baseline hemoglobin and nutritional status. Children were followed-up for six months through passive case detection of malaria based on light microscopy. Throughout the follow-up interval, hemoglobin value and stool examination (three samples on alternate days) were performed on children who developed P. vivax malaria. For 54 schoolchildren with a single infection by P. vivax, hemoglobin during the malaria episode was similar to the baseline hemoglobin for children co-infected with Ascaris lumbricoides (n = 18), hookworm (n = 11) and Trichuris trichiura (n = 9). In children without intestinal helminthes, a significant decrease in the hemoglobin during the malarial attack was seen as compared to the baseline concentration. In the survival analysis, no difference was seen in the time (in days) from the baseline cross-sectional to the first malarial infection, between parasitized and non-parasitized children.


For the first time, a cohort study showed that intestinal helminthes protect against hemoglobin decrease during an acute malarial attack by P. vivax.  相似文献   

An analysis of the results of long-term stationary studies (1987–1996) on a Rana arvalis population showed that the mean body length and reproductive parameters of females increased with age. Significant interannual changes in body length and egg size (but not in fecundity and reproductive effort) were also accounted for by conditions of the warm season preceding the breeding season. The dependence of egg diameter and reproductive effort on the female body length weakened with age, and only the relationship between body length and fecundity was characterized by positive allometry. The survival rate of mature females depended on the premetamorphic survival rate and, therefore, was higher in earlier generations, in which the aquatic phase proceeded under more favorable conditions. The rate of reproduction (R 0) decreased and, therefore, further population growth slowed down only after the initial abundance of the generation had reached a relatively high level. An increase in the initial abundance of the generation exerts a strong influence on R 0 via a decrease in the survival of premetamorphic animals and, to a lesser extent, via a decrease in the body length and fecundity of tree-and four-year-old females. Changes in the annual abundance of breeding females in R. arvalis were more abrupt and less prolonged than those in the sympatric R. temporaria population. The holding capacity of the environment for the aquatic phase of the R. arvalis life cycle was higher than that for R. temporaria. Therefore, the population abundance of R. arvalis, compared to R. temporaria, was not subject to stringent negative feedback regulation dependent on the initial number of animals.  相似文献   

We investigated density dependence on the demographic parameters of a population of Camargue horses (Equus caballus), individually monitored and unmanaged for eight years. We also analysed the contributions of individual demographic parameters to changes in the population growth rates. The decrease in resources caused a loss of body condition. Adult male survival was not affected, but the survival of foals and adult females decreased with increasing density. Prime-aged females maintained high reproductive performance at high density, and their survival decreased. The higher survival of adult males compared with females at high density presumably results from higher investment in reproduction by mares. The high fecundity in prime-aged females, even when at high density, may result from artificial selection for high reproductive performance, which is known to have occurred in all the major domestic ungulates. Other studies suggest that feral ungulates including cattle and sheep, as these horses, respond differently from wild ungulates to increases in density, by trading adult survival for reproduction. As a consequence, populations of feral animals should oscillate more strongly than their wild counterparts, since they should be both more invasive (as they breed faster), and more sensitive to harsh environmental conditions (as the population growth rate of long-lived species is consistently more sensitive to a given proportional change in adult survival than to the same change in any other vital rate). If this principle proves to be general, it has important implications for management of populations of feral ungulates.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the survival and number of female northern fur seals, Callorhinus ursinus, on Tyuleniy Island have been studied. The data on the age structure and physiological condition of females (obtained during observations in 1958–1988) were used to estimate the model parameters. The adequacy of the model estimates of female number was evaluated using the data on the number of newborn pups at the rookery in 1958–2013. It has been found that a reduction in the survival rate of individuals of younger age groups, a decrease in the proportion of females, as well as aging of the population occurred in the 1958–1988 period. The use of numerical simulation methods shows that the rate of survival of females among individuals under 3 years of age increased substantially after 1988, indicating a positive trend in the dynamics of their number.  相似文献   

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