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In addition to the flavonoids exuded by many legumes as signals to their rhizobial symbionts, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) releases two betaines, trigonelline and stachydrine, that induce nodulation (nod) genes inRhizobium meliloti. Experiments with14C-phenylalanine in the presence and absence of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase inhibitors show that exudation of flavonoidnod-gene inducers from alfalfa roots is linked closely to their concurrent synthesis. In contrast, flavonoid and betainenod-gene inducers are already present on mature seeds before they are released during germination. Alfalfa seeds and roots release structurally differentnod-gene-inducing signals in the absence of rhizobia. WhenR. meliloti is added to roots, medicarpin, a classical isoflavonoid phytoalexin normally elicited by pathogens, and anod-gene-inducing compound, formononetin-7-O-(6-O-malonylglycoside), are exuded. Carbon flow through the phenylpropanoid pathway and into the flavonoid pathway via chalcone synthase is controlled by complexcis-acting sequences andtrans-acting factors which are not completely understood. Even less information is available on molecular regulation of the two other biosynthetic pathways that produce trigonelline and stachydrine. Presumably the three separate pathways for producingnod-gene inducers in some way protect the plant against fluctuations in the production or transmission of the two classes of signals. Factors influencing transmission of alfalfanod-gene inducers through soil are poorly defined, but solubility differences between hydrophobic flavonoids and hydrophilic betaines suggest that the diffusional traits of these molecules are not similar. Knowledge derived from studies of how legumes regulate rhizobial symbionts with natural plant products offers a basis for defining new fundamental concepts of rhizosphere ecology.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Lespedeza cuneata (Dum. Cours.) G. Don is an invasive legume that displaces populations of native N. American congeners. Our aims are to determine the growth benefits of different rhizobacterial strains for L. cuneata and native Lespedeza virginica (L.) Britton, and to determine if these strains influence competition between these plants.


Plants were grown under nitrogen-limiting conditions in sterilized soil in pairs consisting of two L. cuneata, two L. virginica, or one of each species, and then plants were inoculated with one of seven rhizobial isolates, or with a no-strain control. After 3 months, plants were harvested for determination of biomass and nodulation rate.


Five of the assayed stains improved L. cuneata biomass over uninoculated controls, but none of the strains benefited L. virginica. L. cuneata plants had more biomass and root nodules when grown in competition with L. virginica than with a conspecific.


Asymmetrical benefits from these symbionts accrued to invasive L. cuneata but not to native L. virginica, and this may provide the invader with a growth advantage in the field. Changes in the availability of effective symbionts in the soils of invaded sites can shape performance of native and invasive plants.  相似文献   

Our hypothesis is that Lotus glaber (a glycophytic species, highly tolerant to saline-alkaline soils) displays a plastic root phenotypic response to soil salinity that may be influenced by mycorrhizal and rhizobial microorganisms. Uninoculated plants and plants colonised by Glomus intraradices or Mesorhizobium loti were exposed to either 150 or 0 mM NaCl. General plant growth and root architectural parameters (morphology and topology) were measured and phenotypic plasticity determined at the end of the salt treatment period. Two genotypes differing in their salt tolerance capacity were used in this study. G. intraradices and M. loti reduced the total biomass of non-salinised, sensitive plants, but they did not affect that of corresponding tolerant ones. Root morphology of sensitive plants was greatly affected by salinity, whereas mycorrhiza establishment counteracted salinity effects. Under both saline conditions, the external link length and the internal link length of mycorrhizal salt-sensitive plants were higher than those of uninoculated control and rhizobial treatments. The topological trend (TT) was strongly influenced by genotype x symbiosis interaction. Under non-saline conditions, nodulated root systems of the sensitive plant genotype had a more herringbone architecture than corresponding uninoculated ones. At 150 mM NaCl, nodulated root systems of tolerant plants were more dichotomous and those of the corresponding sensitive genotype more herringbone in architecture. Notwithstanding the absence of a link between TTs and variations in plant growth, it is possible to predict a dissimilar adaptation of plants with different TTs. Root colonisation by either symbiotic microorganisms reduced the level of root phenotypic plasticity in the sensitive plant genotype. We conclude that root plasticity could be part of the general mechanism of L. glaber salt tolerance only in the case of non-symbiotic plants.  相似文献   

Bacterial pathogens have evolved a wide range of strategies to colonize and invade human organs, despite the presence of multiple host defense mechanisms. In this review, we will describe how pathogenic bacteria can adhere and multiply at the surface of host cells, how some bacteria can enter and proliferate inside these cells, and finally how pathogens may cross epithelial or endothelial host barriers and get access to internal tissues, leading to severe diseases in humans.  相似文献   

During recent years signals leading to the early stages of nodulation of legumes by rhizobia have been identified. Plant flavonoids induce rhizobialnod genes that are essential for nodulation. Most of thenod gene products are involved in the biosynthesis of lipo-oligosaccharide molecules. The commonnodABC genes are minimally required for the synthesis of all lipo-oligosaccharides. Host-specificnod gene products in a givenRhizobium species are responsible for synthesis or addition of various moieties to those basic lipo-oligosaccharide molecules. For example, inR. leguminosarum, thenodFEL operon is involved in the production of lipo-oligosaccharide signals that mediate host specificity. AnodFE-determined highly unsaturated fatty acid (trans-2, trans-4, trans-6, cis-11-octadecatetraenoic acid) is essential for inducing nodule meristems and pre-infection thread structures on the host plantVicia sativa. Lipo-oligosaccharides also trigger autoregulation of nodulation in pea and, if applied in excessive amounts to a legume, can prevent nodulation and thereby might play a role in competition. During our studies on the biosynthesis of lipo-oligosaccharides, we discovered that, besides the lipo-oligosaccharides, other metabolites are synthesizedde novo after induction of thenod genes. These novel metabolites appeared to be phospholipids, containing either one of the three fatty acids which are made by the action of NodFE inR. leguminosarum.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of 221 Mimosa pudica bacterial symbionts trapped from eight soils from diverse environments in French Guiana was assessed by 16S rRNA PCR-RFLP, REP-PCR fingerprints, as well as by phylogenies of their 16S rRNA and recA housekeeping genes, and by their nifH, nodA and nodC symbiotic genes. Interestingly, we found a large diversity of beta-rhizobia, with Burkholderia phymatum and Burkholderia tuberum being the most frequent and diverse symbiotic species. Other species were also found, such as Burkholderia mimosarum, an unnamed Burkholderia species and, for the first time in South America, Cupriavidus taiwanensis. The sampling site had a strong influence on the diversity of the symbionts sampled, and the specific distributions of symbiotic populations between the soils were related to soil composition in some cases. Some alpha-rhizobial strains taxonomically close to Rhizobium endophyticum were also trapped in one soil, and these carried two copies of the nodA gene, a feature not previously reported. Phylogenies of nodA, nodC and nifH genes showed a monophyly of symbiotic genes for beta-rhizobia isolated from Mimosa spp., indicative of a long history of interaction between beta-rhizobia and Mimosa species. Based on their symbiotic gene phylogenies and legume hosts, B. tuberum was shown to contain two large biovars: one specific to the mimosoid genus Mimosa and one to South African papilionoid legumes.  相似文献   

In most mutualisms, partners disperse independently of each other. For instance, in ant-plant symbioses, plants disperse as seeds, and ants disperse as winged queens. For an ant-plant mutualism to persist, therefore, queens must be able to locate and colonise host plant saplings. It has been suggested that host plants emit volatile chemical cues that attract dispersing queens, but this has never been demonstrated experimentally. We used a Y-tube olfactometry protocol to test this hypothesis in the tropical understorey antplant Cordia nodosa Lam. (Boraginaceae), which associates with two genera of ants, Azteca (Dolichoderinae) and Allomerus (Myrmicinae). Both genera show significant attraction to the volatiles of C. nodosa over control understorey plant species that do not associate with ants. These results support the hypothesis that ants are attracted to volatiles emitted by their host plant and suggest a key preadaptation that promoted the evolution of ant-plant symbioses. Received 1 July 2005; revised 2 November 2005; accepted 8 November 2005.  相似文献   

Many species of rhizobial bacteria can invade their plant hosts and induce development of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing nodules only if they are able to produce an acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS) with certain structural and molecular weight characteristics.13 Sinorhizobium meliloti that produces the functional form of the exopolysaccharide succinoglycan induces formation of invasion structures called infection threads in the root hair cells of its plant hosts alfalfa and Medicago truncatula. However, S. meliloti mutants that cannot produce succinoglycan are not able to induce infection thread formation, resulting in an early arrest of nodule development and in nitrogen starvation of the plant. Mounting evidence has suggested that succinoglycan acts as a signal to these host plants to permit the entry of S. meliloti. Now, our microarray screen and functional category analysis of differentially-expressed genes show that M. truncatula plants inoculated with wild type S. meliloti receive a signal to increase their translation capacity, alter their metabolic activity and prepare for invasion, while those inoculated with a succinoglycan-deficient mutant do not receive this signal, and also more strongly express plant defense genes.Key words: nitrogen fixation, nodule, succinoglycan, microarray, legume, rhizobial bacteria, Sinorhizobium meliloti, Medicago truncatula, infection thread, root hair  相似文献   

Biology of Frankia strains, actinomycete symbionts of actinorhizal plants.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Frankia strains are N2-fixing actinomycetes whose isolation and cultivation were first reported in 1978. They induce N2-fixing root nodules on diverse nonleguminous (actinorhizal) plants that are important in ecological successions and in land reclamation and remediation. The genus Frankia encompasses a diverse group of soil actinomycetes that have in common the formation of multilocular sporangia, filamentous growth, and nitrogenase-containing vesicles enveloped in multilaminated lipid envelopes. The relatively constant morphology of vesicles in culture is modified by plant interactions in symbiosis to give a diverse array of vesicles shapes. Recent studies of the genetics and molecular genetics of these organisms have begun to provide new insights into higher-plant-bacterium interactions that lead to productive N2-fixing symbioses. Sufficient information about the relationship of Frankia strains to other bacteria, and to each other, is now available to warrant the creation of some species based on phenotypic and genetic criteria.  相似文献   

How plants tell the time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The components of the circadian system that have recently been discovered in plants share some characteristics with those from cyanobacterial, fungal and animal circadian clocks. Light input signals to the clock are contributed by multiple photoreceptors: some of these have now been shown to function specifically in response to light of defined wavelength and fluence rate. New reports of clock-controlled processes and genes are highlighting the importance of time management for plant development.  相似文献   

Symbiosis specificity in the legume: rhizobial mutualism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Legume plants are able to engage in root nodule symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria, collectively called rhizobia. This mutualistic association is highly specific, such that each rhizobial species/strain interacts with only a specific group of legumes, and vice versa. Symbiosis specificity can occur at multiple phases of the interaction, ranging from initial bacterial attachment and infection to late nodule development associated with nitrogen fixation. Genetic control of symbiosis specificity is complex, involving fine-tuned signal communication between the symbiotic partners. Here we review our current understanding of the mechanisms used by the host and bacteria to choose their symbiotic partners, with a special focus on the role that the host immunity plays in controlling the specificity of the legume - rhizobial symbiosis.  相似文献   

Plants have been propagating themselves by cloning for millennia. It is, however, widely recognised that mixing genes with other individuals of the same species makes better evolutionary sense, as it provides the variation that is the raw material for natural selection. How, then, do some plants prevent self-fertilisation?  相似文献   

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