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Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) marker was used to assess diversity in germplasm collection of Mucuna species which has gained tremendous attention in the recent past due to its promising nutritional, agronomic and medicinal attributes. Twenty five accessions comprising five species, collected from seven states of India were evaluated with twelve AFLP primer combinations that generated a total of 1,612 fragments with an average of 134 fragments per primer combination. The values of polymorphic information content (PIC), marker index (MI) and the resolving power (Rp) demonstrated the utility of the primer combinations used in the present study for discriminating the Mucuna accessions. UPGMA and Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) of the genotypic data revealed clustering of accessions as per phenetic and genetic relationships. The Jaccard’s similarity coefficient values suggested good variability among the M. pruriens accessions indicating their utility in breeding programs. Molecular diversity presented in this study combined with the datasets on other morphological/agronomic traits will be highly useful for selecting appropriate accessions for plant improvement through conventional as well as molecular breeding approaches and for evolving suitable conservation strategies.  相似文献   

The degree of genetic diversity within and between 21 Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh ecotypes was estimated by AFLP analysis. Within seven of the 21 ecotypes, a low but significant level of polymorphism was detected, and for five of these ecotypes two or three distinct subgroups could be distinguished. As these ecotypes represent natural populations, this intra-ecotypic diversity reflects natural genetic variation and diversification within the ecotypes. The source of this diversity remains unclear but is intriguing in view of the predominantly self-fertilizing nature of Arabidopsis. Interrelationships between the different ecotypes were estimated after AFLP fingerprinting using two enzyme combinations (EcoRI/MseI and SacI/MseI) and a number of selective primer pairs. SacI recognition sites are less evenly distributed in the genome than EcoRI sites, and occur more frequently in coding sequences. In most cases, AFLP data from only one enzyme combination are used for genetic diversity analysis. Our results show that the use of two enzyme combinations can result in significantly different classifications of the ecotypes both in cluster and ordination analysis. This difference most probably reflects differences in the genomic distribution of the AFLP fragments generated, depending on the enzymes and selective primers used. For closely related varieties, as in the case of Arabidopsis ecotypes, this can preclude reliable classification.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of Coffea arabica cultivars was estimated using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Sixty one Coffea accessions composed of six arabica cultivars, including Typica, Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Caturra and Mokka Hybrid, plus two diploid Coffea species, were analyzed with six EcoRI- MseI primer combinations. A total of 274 informative AFLP markers were generated and scored as binary data. These data were analyzed using cluster methods in the software package NTSYSpc. The differences among cultivars at the DNA level were small, with an average genetic similarity of 0.933. Most accessions within a cultivar formed a cluster, although deviant samples occurred in five of the six cultivars examined due to residual heterozygosity from ancestral materials. Among the six cultivars fingerprinted, the highest level of genetic diversity was found within the cultivar Catimor, with an average genetic similarity of 0.880. The lowest level was found within Caturra accessions, with an average genetic similarity of 0.993. Diversity between C. arabica and two other Coffea species, Coffea canephora and Coffea liberica, was also estimated with average genetic similarities of 0.540 and 0.413, respectively, suggesting that C. canephora is more closely related to C. arabica than is C. liberica. The genetic variation among arabica cultivars was similar to the variation within cultivars, and no cultivar-specific DNA marker was detected. Although arabica cultivars appear to have a narrow genetic base, our results show that sufficient polymorphism can be found among some arabica cultivars with a genetic similarity as low as 0.767 for genetic/QTL mapping and breeding. The assessment of genetic diversity among arabica cultivars provided the necessary information to estimate the potential for using marker-assisted breeding for coffee improvement.  相似文献   

The degree of genetic diversity within and between 21 Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh ecotypes was estimated by AFLP analysis. Within seven of the 21 ecotypes, a low but significant level of polymorphism was detected, and for five of these ecotypes two or three distinct subgroups could be distinguished. As these ecotypes represent natural populations, this intra-ecotypic diversity reflects natural genetic variation and diversification within the ecotypes. The source of this diversity remains unclear but is intriguing in view of the predominantly self-fertilizing nature of Arabidopsis. Interrelationships between the different ecotypes were estimated after AFLP fingerprinting using two enzyme combinations (EcoRI/MseI and SacI/MseI) and a number of selective primer pairs. SacI recognition sites are less evenly distributed in the genome than EcoRI sites, and occur more frequently in coding sequences. In most cases, AFLP data from only one enzyme combination are used for genetic diversity analysis. Our results show that the use of two enzyme combinations can result in significantly different classifications of the ecotypes both in cluster and ordination analysis. This difference most probably reflects differences in the genomic distribution of the AFLP fragments generated, depending on the enzymes and selective primers used. For closely related varieties, as in the case of Arabidopsis ecotypes, this can preclude reliable classification. Received: 25 September 1998 / Accepted: 3 March 1999  相似文献   

香菇主要栽培菌株遗传多样性的AFLP分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用AFLP技术分析了收集到的31个主要香菇栽培菌株的DNA多态性。采用6对引物共扩增得到了443条DNA带,其中共有条带为189条,多态性比率为57.34%,说明收集到的香菇菌种具有一定的遗传多样性,它们之间存在一定的遗传差异。用平均连锁聚类法构建了所有样本的遗传相关聚类图,以0.80的相似性为切割点,31个菌株可分成4个类群,类群Ⅰ主要由上海农科院食用菌研究所和福建三明真菌研究所提供的香菇菌种组成,类群Ⅱ全部由收集到的日本栽培品种组成,类群Ⅲ由浙江庆元与福建三明真菌所的菌种组成,类群Ⅳ为上海农科院食用菌所的7402。本研究为香菇遗传信息数据库的建立奠定基础,为优良品种选育和亲缘关系的研究提供分子生物学依据。AFLP技术通过不同菌株的指纹图谱的不同能够有效分辨其基因型,可为香菇的栽培菌株质量监测和菌种鉴定提供快速有效的技术手段,从而为规范食用菌菌种生产管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was used to assess genetic inter-relationships among olive varieties cultivated in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin. The genotypes sampled included most of the important cultivars from Turkey, Greece and the Middle East and selected genotypes from the Western Mediterranean area. A total of 119 polymorphic markers were generated from five selective primer-pair combinations. The combined data sets generated by just two primer-pairs were adequate to discriminate between all 65 genotypes, while each primer-pair could individually identify up to 64 genotypes. A factorial correspondence analysis (FCA) plot indicated that the cultivars clustered into two relatively modestly defined groups. The first broad group was dominated by cultivars from Turkey but also included genotypes originating from the Middle East (Syria and Lebanon) that collectively formed a tight subcluster. The second group comprised Greek cultivars and those originating from the Western Mediterranean. A significant genetic distance value between Greek and Turkish cultivars was provided by an analysis of molecular variance (amova). There was also evidence of substructure here, with an apparent separation of most Spanish and Italian clones. These findings are in general accordance to previous suggestions of an East-West divergence of olive cultivars, although the dichotomy is less extensive than reported previously and complicated by regional variation within each group.  相似文献   

本文根据华中型20个猪品种27个微卫星DNA标记的研究数据, 应用Weitzman方法, 即通过估计总体遗传多样性、期望多样性、品种对总体遗传多样性的贡献、边际遗传多样性、保种潜力等指标, 评估华中型20个猪品种的遗传多样性, 并通过构建品种间遗传多样性的最大似然树, 图示化展示20个品种间遗传多样性的相互关系。20个华中型猪品种的总体遗传多样性是11,707, 期望多样性占总的遗传多样性的66.96%, 金华猪、皖南花猪、嵊县花猪和乐平猪是对总体遗传多样性贡献最大的4个品种, 其贡献率分别是8.90%、7.46%、7.40%和7.04%, 保种潜力最大的4个品种分别是金华猪、嵊县花猪、杭猪和大花白猪。根据遗传多样性进行聚类分析, 大致可将华中型猪分为3类: 大围子猪、沙子岭猪、宁乡猪等分布于湖南、湖北的品种为一类; 南城猪、嵊县花猪与杭猪聚成另一类; 金华猪与皖南花猪单独聚成一类。研究结果可为我国华中型地方猪种遗传多样性的最大化保护和利用提供科学决策依据, 本文也对Weitzman方法在应用中的关键性问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

A high level of genetic diversity was recorded in molecular analysis of random collections of industrially important reed bamboos (O. travancorica) from Kerala region of India. Fifty primers (8 AFLP & 42 RAPD) detected 914 polymorphic loci. Cluster and Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCA) based on combined AFLP & RAPD data grouped all the random accessions into three different populations. Further, AMOVA revealed a moderate to high level of genetic variation. Most of the variation occurred within population (54 %) than among population (46 %). Highly significant and high PhiPT estimate (Fst value; 0.456) indicated that these populations are not panmictic and are significantly isolated. Relatively large number of polymorphism obtained could be useful in finding the elite germplasm resources for industrial use.  相似文献   

The genus Dunaliella comprises 28 species defined primarily by morphological and physiological criteria, which vary considerably depending on growth conditions. Concomitantly, the taxonomic status of various species is uncertain. To confirm the taxonomic identity and to better understand the relationship within Dunaliella, seven taxa ( D. salina, D. bardawil, D. tertiolecta, D. parva, D. viridis, D. lateralis, D. peircei) were compared using RFLP analysis of the nuclear rDNA repeats, specifically the internal transcribed spacer regions, including the 5.8S rRNA gene. Volvox aureus was used as an outgroup. A single ITS PCR amplification product was obtained for each taxon. An ITS fragment of ca. 640 bp was present in all the taxa within the subgenus Dunaliella, except for D. salina CCMP 1303 (ca. 540 bp) and D. lateralis (subgenus Pascheria) (ca. 600 bp). A cluster analysis based on the presence or absence of bands generated by digestion of the PCR product with 8 restriction endonucleases (DpnI, HhaI, EcoRI, PvuII, TaqI, HaeIII, MspI, StyI) revealed no correlation between the genetic relationship inferred from the ITS-RFLP data and the morpho-physiological attributes used for taxonomy. In addition, differences in morphology, physiology and in the length and restriction fragment patterns of the ITS region of D. salina CCMP 1303 suggest that this strain does not belong to Dunaliella. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Plant breeding of rice emphasizes improvement in yield, disease resistance, and milling quality. Numerous other traits (e.g., bran carotenoids) that historically have not been selected for could provide added value in expanding niche markets, as well as be useful tools for understanding the genetic control of these traits. Residual heterozygosity is present in many rice cultivars; therefore, it is possible to select for different alleles within an existing cultivar. By identifying and using cultivars with high levels of variability for a trait, we were able to develop separate lines from single cultivars that showed high and low levels of that trait. The rice cultivar RU9101001 and the warm- and cold-sprouting lines that were derived from it were used to demonstrate that residual heterozygosity was present within a cultivar and that the original heterozygosity was separated in the derived lines. Rice simple sequence repeat markers were heterozygous in the parent RU9101001 cultivar, but the cold-sprouting lines were homozygous for one set of alleles and the warm-sprouting lines were homozygous for the other set. Through detailed phenotypic screening, we developed lines that exhibited low and high levels of the following traits in the specified cultivars: cold-sprouting from RU9101001 and Bonnet 73, postharvest yellowing from Tominishiki, early tillering from Hei Jaio and Tominishiki, and bran carotenoid levels from Spring. If variability exists in a cultivar, then utilization of residual heterozygosity may provide a quicker and more efficient means to develop lines with special characteristics using cultivars that are already agronomically valuable or to develop near isogenic lines for genetic and biochemical investigations.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of 57 Achillea accessions belonging to five species, A. millefolium, A. filipendulina, A. tenuifolia, A. santolina and A. biebersteinii. Nine AFLP primer combinations were used, which produced 301 polymorphic bands. In most species, a high level of genetic variation was detected among the genotypes. The Jaccard's similarity indices (J), based on AFLP profiles, were subjected to UPGMA cluster analysis. Application of Mantel's test for cophenetic correlation to the cluster analysis indicated the high fitness of the accessions to a group (r = 0.918). The dendrogram generated revealed five major groups corresponding to five species. The principle coordinate analysis (PCoA) data confirmed the results of the clustering. Among the species, A. teunifolia and A. santolina showed the greatest and the least genetic diversity, respectively. A. filipendulina accessions were acquired primarily from the same ecological regions of western Iran. Accessions belonging to A. biebersteinii originated from the Isfahan province and were separated from other species at the root of the dendrogram. The results of the clustering method, based on AFLP markers, corresponded closely with the geographical origins of the genotypes. The results of the present study could contribute to a better understanding and management of conservation and exploitation of the Achillea germplasm.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2005,83(4):296-309
We investigated to what extent DNA-markers can assist species determination in the genus Typha. A set of AFLP markers was used to discriminate samples of the species Typha latifolia and Typha angustifolia collected in Flanders (North Belgium). The T. latifolia samples formed a compact cluster while the T. angustifolia samples were divided into smaller groups. It was not clear whether interspecific hybrids or higher levels of diversity present in the T. angustifolia dataset could account for this. As in previous surveys, using isozyme and VNTR markers, AFLP markers revealed an almost complete lack of genetic variation in Flemish T. latifolia. Despite the low degree of diversity, a significant level of genetic differentiation was found between the T. latifolia samples originating from different river basins. Whether this differentiation has any ecological relevance remains to be investigated. The methodology applied was not able to detect clonal reproduction in T. latifolia. Probably, the low levels of diversity present in this species can account for this, indicating that the usefulness of the methodology applied depends on the level of diversity present in the species studied.  相似文献   

Assessment of genetic diversity in Azadirachta indica using AFLP markers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 Genetic diversity was estimated in 37 neem accessions from different eco-geographic regions of India and four exotic lines from Thailand using AFLP markers. Seven AFLP selective primer combinations generated a total of 422 amplification products. The average number of scorable fragments was 60 per experiment, and a high degree (69.8%) of polymorphism was obtained per assay with values ranging from 58% to 83.8%. Several rare and accession-specific bands were identified which could be effectively used to distinguish the different genotypes. Genetic relationships within the accessions were evaluated by generating a similarity matrix based on the Jaccard index. The phenetic dendrogram generated by UPGMA as well as principal correspondence analysis separated the 37 Indian genotypes from the four Thai lines. The cluster analysis indicated that neem germplasm within India constitutes a broad genetic base with the values of genetic similarity coefficient ranging from 0.74 to 0.93. Also, the Indian genotypes were more dispersed on the principal correspondence plot, indicating a wide genetic base. The four lines from Thailand, on the other hand, formed a narrow genetic base with similarity coefficients ranging from 0.88 to 0.92. The lowest genetic similarity coefficient value (0.47) was observed between an Indian and an exotic genotype. The level of genetic variation detected within the neem accessions with AFLP analysis suggests that it is an efficient marker technology for delineating genetic relationships amongst genotypes and estimating genetic diversity, thereby enabling the formulation of appropriate strategies for conservation and tree improvement programs. Received: 20 October 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

Genetic marker technology designed to detect naturally occurring polymorphisms at the DNA level had become an invaluable and revolutionizing tool for both applied and basic studies of fungi. To eliminate the confusion on the taxonomy of Ganoderma strains, in this study, a collection of 31 accessions representative of morphotypes and some unclassified types was used for analyzing molecular diversity using a novel molecular marker sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP). This collection included commercial cultivars and wild varieties that represented the great diversification of types from different countries and regions. The experimental results showed that 50 out of 95 combinations of primers turned out to be polymorphic, and 85 polymorphism bands were obtained using six combinations. Based on the appearances of markers, the genetic similarity coefficients were calculated, and genetic variations were observed (0∼1) among the 31 different Ganoderma strains. The group of Ganoderma lucidum showed significant differences from the group of Ganoderma sinense. Moreover, G. lucidum in China was also different from G. lucidum in Yugoslavia. At the same time, cluster analysis successfully categorized these 31 Ganoderma strains into five groups. These results revealed the genetic diversity of Ganoderma strains and their correlation with geographic environments. It also suggested SRAP marker could be used in the taxonomic analysis of fungi. To our knowledge, this is the first application of SRAP marker on the systematics of Ganoderma strains within basidiomycetes.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was described in 17 cedar populations covering the geographical range of the four species of the genus Cedrus. The study was conducted using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) on haploid tissues (megagametophytes). Eleven selective AFLP primer pairs generated a total of 107 polymorphic amplification products. Correspondence and genetic distance analyses indicated that Cedrus deodara constitutes a separate gene pool from the Mediterranean cedars. Within Mediterranean cedars, we distinguished two groups: the first one is made of Cedrus atlantica, while the second one is made of Cedrus libani and Cedrus brevifolia, these latter two species being genetically similar despite important divergence previously observed for morphological and physiological traits. The lowest intrapopulation variability was found in the two C. deodara populations analyzed. Surprisingly, C. brevifolia, the endemic taxon from the island of Cyprus that is found in small and fragmented populations, showed one of the highest levels of diversity. This unexpected pattern of diversity and differentiation observed for C. brevifolia suggests a recent divergence rather than a relictual, declining population. Patterns of diversity within- and among-populations were used to test divergence and fragmentation hypotheses and to draw conclusions for the conservation of Cedrus gene pools.  相似文献   

The process of vegetative propagation used to multiply grapevine varieties produces, in most cases, clones genetically identical to the parental plant. Nevertheless, spontaneous somatic mutations can occur in the regenerative cells that give rise to the clones, leading to consider varieties as populations of clones that conform to a panel of phenotypic traits. Using two sets of nuclear microsatellite markers, the present work aimed at evaluating and comparing the intravarietal genetic diversity within seven wine grape varieties: Cabernet franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chenin blanc, Grolleau, Pinot noir, Riesling, Savagnin, comprising a total number of 344 accessions of certified clones and introductions preserved in French repositories. Ten accessions resulted in being either self-progeny, possible offspring of the expected variety or misclassified varieties. Out of the 334 remaining accessions, 83 displayed genotypes different from the varietal reference, i.e., the microsatellite profile shared by the larger number of accessions. They showed a similarity value ranging from 0.923 to 0.992, and thus were considered as polymorphic monozygotic clones. The fraction of polymorphic clones ranged from 2 to 75% depending on the variety and the set of markers, the widest clonal diversity being observed within the Savagnin. Among the 83 polymorphic clones, 29 had unique genotype making them distinguishable; others were classified in 21 groups sharing the same genotype. All microsatellite markers were not equally efficient to show diversity within clone collections and a standard set of five microsatellite markers (VMC3a9, VMC5g7, VVS2, VVMD30, and VVMD 32) relevant to reveal clonal polymorphism is proposed.  相似文献   

The AFLP technique was used to assess the genetic diversity and sectional relationships in 39 accessions representing the four main sections of the genus Musa. Eight AFLP + 3 primer pairs produced 260 polymorphic bands that were used in cluster and PCO analysis. A wide range of variability was observed among the species within the sections of the genus Musa. AFLP data was useful in separating the different sections of the genus as well as differentiating the different genomic groups of section Eumusa. Section Rhodochlamys (x = 11) appeared as a distinct entity and clustered closely with the Musa acuminata Colla complex of section Eumusa that has the same basic chromosome number. This relationship is congruent with previous studies. However, unlike previous proposals that questioned the identity of Rhodochlamys as a separate taxonomic unit, PCO analysis of the AFLP data showed that it is a distinct entity. Musa laterita Cheesman (Rhodochlamys) and Musa schizocarpa Simmonds clustered with the M. acuminata complex suggesting that they may be sources of useful genes for the improvement of the cultivated bananas. Callimusa formed a distinct unit and was closer to Australimusa than to the other sections. Although both sections share the same basic chromosome number of x = 10 these sections are genetically distinct  相似文献   

华重楼灰霉病在湖北和湖南两省多有发生,己对华重楼药材生产构成了严重威胁.为明确该病菌的遗传多样性水平,本研究对分离自两省10个地区的92株华重楼灰霉病菌进行了 rDNA-ITS分子鉴定,同时采用SSR-PCR技术进行了遗传多样性分析.rDNA-ITS分子鉴定结果表明92株病原菌均为灰葡萄孢Botrytis cinere...  相似文献   

2 congenic strains of mice, B6N.AKN-Ahk and D2N.B6N-Ahb, imported from the USA, were found to be either segregating or fixed for an incorrect allele at a number of biochemical loci. B6N.AKN-Ahk, supposedly congenic with C57BL/6N, had the wrong genotype at 6 out of 12 biochemical loci; D2N.B6N-Ahb, supposedly congenic with DBA/2N, was segregating at 3 out of 9 loci. There was genetic variation in mandible shape within the 2 strains but no abnormal coat colours were found and no hybrid vigour in breeding performance was detected. Analyses in the USA confirmed these results and showed that 2 other congenic strains, C3N.D2N-Ahd and AKN.B6J-Ahb, were also segregating at a number of loci. Some of the alleles found in the C3N.D2N-Ahd mice must be the result of a genetic contamination. The simplest explanation for this breakdown in the backcrossing programme is genetic contamination with other congenic strains or recombinant inbred lines under development in the same laboratory. These findings emphasize the importance of continual genetic monitoring of all genetic stocks at regular intervals and in particular during the development of congenic and recombinant lines.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a statistical approach for measuring genetic diversity within genebank accessions of a self-fertilising species. This approach is applied to lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), using AFLP marker data on a set of 1,390 accessions, representing six different lettuce types. Knowledge of the within-accession genetic diversity is important for decisions about the way accessions have to be maintained by genebanks. It is argued that if the within-accession diversity is small, as can be expected for a self-fertilising species like L. sativa, the best approach is to sample as many accessions as possible with only two plants per accession and estimate the within-accession diversity by the proportion of accessions of which the individuals are different.  相似文献   

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