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Until recently, rigorously reconstructing the many hybrid speciation events in plants has not been practical because of the limited number of molecular markers available for plant phylogenetic reconstruction and the lack of good, biologically based methods for inferring reticulation (network) events. This situation should change rapidly with the development of multiple nuclear markers for phylogenetic reconstruction and new methods for reconstructing reticulate evolution. These developments will necessitate a much greater incorporation of population genetics into phylogenetic reconstruction than has been common. Population genetic events such as gene duplication coupled with lineage sorting and meiotic and sexual recombination have always had the potential to affect phylogenetic inference. For tree reconstruction, these problems are usually minimized by using uniparental markers and nuclear markers that undergo rapid concerted evolution. Because reconstruction of reticulate speciation events will require nuclear markers that lack these characteristics, effects of population genetics on phylogenetic inference will need to be addressed directly. Current models and methods that allow hybrid speciation to be detected and reconstructed are discussed, with a focus on how lineage sorting and meiotic and sexual recombination affect network reconstruction. Approaches that would allow inference of phylogenetic networks in their presence are suggested.  相似文献   

Identifying signatures of hybridization in molecular data and distinguishing them from other causes of phylogenetic incongruence is important for evaluating the evolutionary significance of hybridization in plants. Consensus networks and supernetworks provide a means for doing this. In this review, we explain these methodologies, discuss their potential and illustrate their application with examples from the Brassicaceae.  相似文献   

Reconstructing recent human evolution.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The two most distinct models of recent human evolution, the multiregional and the recent African origin models, have different retrodictions concerning specific archaic-recent population relationships. The former model infers multiple regional archaic-modern connections and the ancient establishment of regional characteristics, whereas the latter model implies only an African archaic-all modern relationship, with recent (late Pleistocene) development of regionality. In this paper, four late archaic groups from Europe, southwest Asia, Africa and East Asia are compared with various fossil and recent Homo sapiens crania or cranial samples. The results of Penrose shape comparisons narrowly favour a late archaic African-modern special relationship over an East Asian-modern one, with European and southwest Asian Neanderthal groups much more distant. No specific archaic-recent regional relationships are indicated in the shape analyses, nor in separate examinations of patterns of regionality, which indicate a recent origin for present day regionality. The Skhul-Qafzeh sample provides an excellent shape intermediate between the archaic and recent samples.  相似文献   

The usual assumption that species have evolved from a common ancestor by a simple branching process--where each branch is genetically isolated--has been challenged by the observation of frequent hybridization between species in natural populations. In fact, most plant species are thought to have hybrid origins. This reticulate pattern of species evolution has posed problems in the definition of speciation and in phylogenetic reconstruction, especially when molecular data are used. As a result, hybridization has been largely treated as an evolutionary accident or statistical error in phylogenetic analysis. In this paper, I explicitly incorporate hybridization as an evolutionary occurrence and then conduct phylogenetic reconstruction. I first examine the reticulate evolution under a pure drift model, and then extend the theory to fit a mutation model. A least-squares method is developed for reconstructing a reticulate phylogeny using gene frequency data. The efficacy of the method under the pure drift model is verified via Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

The systematic position and intrageneric relationships of the economically important Pistacia species (Anacardiaceae) are controversial. The phylogeny of Pistacia was assessed using five data sets: sequences of nuclear ribosomal ITS, the third intron of the nuclear nitrate reductase gene (NIA-i3), and the plastid ndhF, trnL-F and trnC-trnD. Significant discordance was detected among ITS, NIA-i3, and the combined plastid DNA data sets. ITS, NIA-i3, and the combined plastid data sets were analyzed separately using Bayesian and parsimony methods. Both the ITS and the NIA-i3 data sets resolved the relationships among Pistacia species well; however, these two data sets had significant discordance. The ITS phylogeny best reflects the evolutionary relationships among Pistacia species. Lineage sorting of the NIA-i3 alleles may explain the conflicts between the NIA-i3 and the ITS data sets. The combined analysis of three plastid DNA data sets resolved Pistacia species into three major clades, within which only a few subclades were supported. Pistacia was shown to be monophyletic in all three analyses. The previous intrageneric classification was largely inconsistent with the molecular data. Some Pistacia species appear not to be genealogical species, and evidence for reticulate evolution is presented. Pistacia saportae was shown to be a hybrid with P. lentiscus (maternal) and P. terebinthus (paternal) as the parental taxa.  相似文献   

Fifteen per cent of all living fishes are united in a single suborder (Labroidei) and display a dazzling array of behavioural and ecological traits. The labroids are considered monophyletic and members share a pharyngeal jaw apparatus (PJA) modified for crushing and processing prey. Outside of the explicitly functional PJA, there is no corroborative evidence for a monophyletic Labroidei. Here, we report the first molecular phylogenetic analysis of the suborder. Contrary to morphology-based phylogenies, our single-copy nuclear DNA data do not support labroid families as a natural group. Our data indicate that pharyngognathy has evolved independently among labroid families and that characters of the PJA are not reliable markers of perciform evolution. This work ''crushes'' conventional views of fish phylogeny and should engender novel concepts of piscine life history evolution.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Asexual reproduction is a prominent evolutionary process within land plant lineages and especially in ferns. Up to 10 % of the approx. 10 000 fern species are assumed to be obligate asexuals. In the Asplenium monanthes species complex, previous studies identified two triploid, apomictic species. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships in the A. monanthes complex and to investigate the occurrence and evolution of apomixis within this group.


DNA sequences of three plastid markers and one nuclear single copy gene were used for phylogenetic analyses. Reproductive modes were assessed by examining gametophytic and sporophyte development, while polyploidy was inferred from spore measurements.

Key Results

Asplenium monanthes and A. resiliens are confirmed to be apomictic. Asplenium palmeri, A. hallbergii and specimens that are morphologically similar to A. heterochroum are also found to be apomictic. Apomixis is confined to two main clades of taxa related to A. monanthes and A. resiliens, respectively, and is associated with reticulate evolution. Two apomictic A. monanthes lineages, and two putative diploid sexual progenitor species are identified in the A. monanthes clade.


Multiple origins of apomixis are inferred, in both alloploid and autoploid forms, within the A. resiliens and A. monanthes clades.  相似文献   

Approximately 5% of the human genome consists of segmental duplications that can cause genomic mutations and may play a role in gene innovation. Reticulate evolutionary processes, such as unequal crossing-over and gene conversion, are known to occur within specific duplicon families, but the broader contribution of these processes to the evolution of human duplications remains poorly characterized. Here, we use phylogenetic profiling to analyze multiple alignments of 24 human duplicon families that span >8 Mb of DNA. Our results indicate that none of them are evolving independently, with all alignments showing sharp discontinuities in phylogenetic signal consistent with reticulation. To analyze these results in more detail, we have developed a quartet method that estimates the relative contribution of nucleotide substitution and reticulate processes to sequence evolution. Our data indicate that most of the duplications show a highly significant excess of sites consistent with reticulate evolution, compared with the number expected by nucleotide substitution alone, with 15 of 30 alignments showing a >20-fold excess over that expected. Using permutation tests, we also show that at least 5% of the total sequence shares 100% sequence identity because of reticulation, a figure that includes 74 independent tracts of perfect identity >2 kb in length. Furthermore, analysis of a subset of alignments indicates that the density of reticulation events is as high as 1 every 4 kb. These results indicate that phylogenetic relationships within recently duplicated human DNA can be rapidly disrupted by reticulate evolution. This finding has important implications for efforts to finish the human genome sequence, complicates comparative sequence analysis of duplicon families, and could profoundly influence the tempo of gene-family evolution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The thirteen species of Dryopteris in North America have long been suspected of having undergone a complicated history of reticulate evolution via allopolyploid hybridization. Various explanations for the origins of the allopolyploid taxa have been suggested, and though most lines of evidence have supported the so-called "semicristata" hypothesis, contention over the group's history has continued in several recent, conflicting studies. RESULTS: Sequence data from nine plastid and two nuclear markers were collected from 73 accessions representing 35 species of Dryopteris. Sequences from each of the allopolyploids are most closely related to their progenitor species as predicted by the "semicristata" hypothesis. Allotetraploid D. campyloptera appears to be derived from a hybrid between diploid D. expansa and D. intermedia; D. celsa, from diploid D. ludoviciana x D. goldiana; and D. carthusiana and D. cristata, from diploid "D. semicristata" x D. intermedia and D. ludoviciana, respectively. Allohexaploid D. clintoniana appears to be derived from D. cristata x D.goldiana. The earliest estimated dates of formation of the allopolyploids, based on divergence time analyses, were within the last 6 Ma. We found no evidence for recurrent formation of any of the allopolyploids. The sexual allopolyploid taxa are derived from crosses between parents that show intermediate levels of genetic divergence relative to all pairs of potential progenitors. In addition, the four allotetraploids are transgressive with respect to geographic range relative to one or both of their parents (their ranges extend beyond those of the parents), suggesting that ecological advantages in novel habitats or regions may promote long-term regional coexistence of the hybrid taxa with their progenitors. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides the first thorough evaluation of the North American complex of woodferns using extensive sampling of taxa and genetic markers. Phylogenies produced from each of three datasets (one plastid and two nuclear) support the "semicristata" hypothesis, including the existence of a missing diploid progenitor, and allowed us to reject all competing hypotheses. This study demonstrates the value of using multiple, biparentally inherited markers to evaluate reticulate complexes, assess the frequency of recurrent polyploidization, and determine the relative importance of introgression vs. hybridization in shaping the histories of such groups.  相似文献   

The sequences of three regions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of a total length of 5226 bp were used to study the phylogeography of the genus Abies. The mtDNA haplotype network, comprising 36 studied Abies taxa, consisted of two branches; the first represented all American species plus two Asian, and the second included the remaining Eurasian species. Within these clusters, the haplotypes formed nine major groups, generally corresponding to the clades of the previously obtained phylogeny based on chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), but the relationships of these groups were significantly different; species assignment to the particular mtDNA haplotype group was more in line with its geographical distribution. In addition, the mtDNA haplotype network contains cycles indicating the recombination. It is assumed that the incongruence of cpDNA and mtDNA phylogenies is caused by the introgression capture of alien mtDNA during species hybridization and thus contains information about past migrations. The cases of incongruence of mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA suggesting a migration of Abies between Asia and North America are discussed.  相似文献   

Homo erectus is the first hominin species with a truly cosmopolitan distribution and resembles recent humans in its broad spatial distribution. The microevolutionary events associated with dispersal and local adaptation may have produced similar population structure in both species. Understanding the evolutionary population dynamics of H. erectus has larger implications for the emergence of later Homo lineages in the Middle Pleistocene. Quantitative genetics models provide a means of interrogating aspects of long-standing H. erectus population history narratives. For the current study, cranial fossils were sorted into six major palaeodemes from sites across Africa and Asia spanning 1.8–0.1 Ma. Three-dimensional shape data from the occipital and frontal bones were used to compare intraspecific variation and test evolutionary hypotheses. Results indicate that H. erectus had higher individual and group variation than Homo sapiens, probably reflecting different levels of genetic diversity and population history in these spatially disperse species. This study also revealed distinct evolutionary histories for frontal and occipital bone shape in H. erectus, with a larger role for natural selection in the former. One scenario consistent with these findings is climate-driven facial adaptation in H. erectus, which is reflected in the frontal bone through integration with the orbits.  相似文献   

Natural hybridisation in plants is one of the most striking modes of evolution, when looking at the effects reticulation may have on patterns and processes of the evolutionary history of the affected system. Among other functional constraints, symmetry is regarded as a major factor of or for evolution. A loss of symmetry, that means origin of asymmetrical phenomena can in some cases be linked to environmental or genetic stresses, such as hybridisation. It has been shown that the discussion on reticulation and symmetrical evolution is strongly influenced by a zoocentric evolutionary view, but more focus is needed on the differences between the organisms subject to the study. Plant hybridogenic evolution with the subsequent possibility of polyploidisation and the consequent reduced homology is a completely different phenomenon compared to animal evolution. This article examines the role of symmetry for plant evolution by concentration on two topics: (a) spatial asymmetry on multiple levels caused by hybridisation, and (b) temporal asymmetry (changes of rhythms inherent to specific systems) as an effect of reticulation.  相似文献   

Wittzell H 《Molecular ecology》1999,8(12):2023-2035
Sequencing of the trnL-trnF intergenic spacer in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) from 237 sexual and apomictic species of dandelions (genus Taraxacum) from Europe, Asia and arctic North America revealed 46 haplotypes, which differed mainly by a variable number of polymorphic tRNA pseudogenes next to the trnF gene. The haplotypes could be divided into 20 cpDNA lineages, but independent duplications and deletions of the pseudogene copies made it difficult to further reconstruct the phylogeny. Intraspecific cpDNA variation was found in the primitive sexual T. serotinum. However, in contrast to a recent study, no cpDNA variation was detected within 12 apomictic species representing a variety of haplotypes. The cpDNA haplotype may therefore help to define these critical apomicts. On the other hand, the genetic variation may easily be overestimated, if the clones are not correctly identified, because some morphologically similar microspecies carried very different haplotypes. In all, 36 sections of the genus were sampled. Four primitive, mainly sexual, sections only displayed a group of ancient haplotypes, whereas morphologically more advanced sections often exhibited many different haplotypes from up to seven cpDNA lineages. In the latter cases, the lineages were rarely unique to a certain section. For example, the two most widespread haplotypes, belonging to different lineages, were found together in nine sections. This suggests that significant gene flow has occurred among the advanced sections, although sexual reproduction is not currently known in several of them. The result is consistent with the reticulate distribution of morphological characters among the sections.  相似文献   

The family Brassicaceae is well known for its large variation in chromosome numbers, common occurrence of polyploids and many reports of interspecific gene flow. The present review summarizes studies from the past decades on polyploidization and hybridization events, recognizing them as important evolutionary forces in the family. Attention is drawn to the issue of the reconstruction of reticulated pattern of evolution resulting from allopolyploid and homoploid hybrid speciation. The research of various authors on several Brassicaceae genera is presented and discussed in the context of our current understanding of polyploid and hybrid evolution. Model species, Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica taxa, are referred to only marginally, major focus is on a comprehensive survey of studies on about a dozen best explored non-model genera (e.g. Cardamine, Draba, Rorippa, Thlaspi). The increasing amount of genetic and genomic resources available for Brassicaceae model species provides excellent opportunities for comparative genetic and genomic studies. Future research directions and challenges are thus outlined, in order to obtain more detailed insights into the evolution of polyploid and hybrid genomes.  相似文献   

Reticulate evolution is a common and important driving force in angiosperm evolution. In this study, we analyzed the phylogenetic signals of genomic regions with different inheritance patterns to understand the evolutionary process of organisms using species-rich Himalaya–Hengduan taxa of bamboos (Fargesia Franchet and Yushania Keng). We constructed phylogenetic trees using different sampling strategies and reconstruction methods based on genome skimming and double digest restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing data. We assessed the congruence of topologies generated from different datasets and employed several approaches to reveal the causes of phylogenetic incongruence, including the detection of hybridization and introgression using PhyloNetworks and the D-statistic test (ABBA-BABA test). We found that, in the plastome-based phylogeny, Fargesia bamboos can be clustered into three groups and Yushania was nested within one of them, which contradicts the nuclear–double digest restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing-based phylogeny. Moreover, the genetic variation of chloroplast DNA is significantly correlated with geographical distribution. The strong signal of incomplete lineage sorting, hybridization, introgression, and cytoplasmic gene flow found among genera and species suggests that reticulate evolution is the main cause for the phylogenetic incongruence between nuclear and chloroplast datasets. Our results add evidence that genomes with different inheritance patterns can reveal distinct evolutionary histories of species and suggest that reticulate evolution is prevalent in rapidly diversifying groups.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA evidence for reticulate evolution in Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four highly differentiated chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) lineages were identified in the forest tree species Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (Myrtaceae) in Australia using restriction site polymorphisms from Southern analysis. The cpDNA variation did not conform with ssp. boundaries, yet there was a strong geographical pattern to the distribution of the lineages. One lineage (C) was geographically central and widespread, whereas the other three lineages were found in peripheral populations: Western (W), Northern (N) and Southern (S). Thirteen haplotypes were detected in E. globulus , seven of which belonged to clade C. At least three of the cpDNA lineages (C, N and S) were shared extensively with other species. On the east coast of the island of Tasmania, there was a major north–south difference in cpDNA in the virtually continuous distribution of E. globulus . Northern populations harboured haplotypes from clade C while southeastern populations harboured a single haplotype from clade S. This difference was also reflected in several co-occurring endemic species. It is argued that the extensive cpDNA differentiation within E. globulus is likely to originate from interspecific hybridization and 'chloroplast capture' from different species in different parts of its range. Superficially, this hybridization is not evident in taxonomic traits; however, large-scale common garden experiments have revealed a steep cline in quantitative genetic variation that coincides with the haplotype transition in Tasmania. Our cpDNA results provide the strongest evidence to date that hybridization has had a widespread impact on a eucalypt species and indicate that reticulate evolution may be occurring on an unappreciated scale in Eucalyptus .  相似文献   

Tasmania is a natural laboratory for investigating the evolutionary processes of the Quaternary. It is a large island lying 40-44 degrees S, which was repeatedly glaciated and linked to southeastern continental Australia during the Quaternary. Climate change promoted both the isolation of species in glacial refugia, and an exchange between Tasmanian and mainland floras. Eucalyptus is a complex and diverse genus, which has increased in abundance in Australia over the past 100 kyr, probably in response to higher fire frequency. Morphological evidence suggests that gene flow may have occurred between many eucalypt species after changes in their distribution during the Quaternary. This paper summarizes recent genetic evidence for migration and introgressive hybridization in Tasmanian Eucalyptus. Maternally inherited chloroplast DNA reveals a long-term persistence of eucalypts in southeastern Tasmanian refugia, coupled with introgressive hybridization involving many species. Detailed analysis of the widespread species Eucalyptus globulus suggests that migration from mainland Australia was followed by introgression involving a rare Tasmanian endemic. The data support the hypothesis that changes in distribution of interfertile species during the Quaternary have promoted reticulate evolution in Eucalyptus.  相似文献   

Polyploidization is a frequent evolutionary event in plants that has a large influence on speciation and evolution of the genome. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of the taxonomically complex subgenus Plantago were conducted to elucidate intrasubgeneric phylogenetic relationships. A nuclear-encoding single-copy gene, SUC1 (1.0-1.8 kb), was sequenced in 24 taxa representing all five sections of the subgenus Plantago and two taxa from subgenus Coronopus as the outgroup. Fifteen known polyploids and one putative polyploid were sampled to examine polyploid origins and occurrence of reticulate evolution by cloning and sequence analysis of SUC1. Phylogenetic relationships were estimated using maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining, and Bayesian analyses. For the first time, our analysis provides a highly resolved phylogenetic tree. Subgenus Plantago formed a well-supported monophyletic clade. In contrast, alleles from polyploid species were scattered across the whole SUC1 phylogenetic tree, and some independent allopolyploids originated from hybridization between distant lineages. One reason for this taxonomic complexity can be attributed to reticulate evolution within the subgenus Plantago. Our results also suggest the possibility of two independent long-distance dispersals between the northern and southern hemispheres.  相似文献   

The Asplenium pekinense complex mainly comprises one diploid, A. sarelii Hook. (rare), one autotetraploid, A. pekinense Hance (best known and very common), and shares two allotetraploids, A. anogrammoides Christ (common but often misidentified) and A. altajense (Komarov) Grubov (rare and endemic) with the A. varians complex. The latter is further constituted by two diploids, A. tenuicaule Hayata (widespread) and A. semivarians Viane & Reichstein (rare), as well as other three tetraploids, A. kansuense Ching (barely known), A. varians Wallich ex Hooker & Greville (well‐known, relatively common, and morphologically variable), and A. kukkonenii Viane & Reichstein (rare and often misidentified). These two species complexes are notorious for their taxonomic difficulty based on general morphology, which is mainly caused by their history of reticulate evolution. Here, we collected most species within the two complexes, and obtained ploidy information by spore size measurement and flow cytometry investigation. Phylogenetic analyses using DNA markers representing maternally inherited chloroplast and biparentally inherited nuclear genomes helped to reconstruct the reticulate evolution history. The present results support previous hypotheses that A. sarelii is the ancestor of both A. pekinense and A. anogrammoides, as well as that A. tenuicaule is the common progenitor of A. anogrammoides, A. varians, and A. kukkonenii. We also unraveled the autotetraploid origin of A. kansuense from A. tenuicaule for the first time, and found that A. altajense shares essentially identical genomes with A. anogrammoides.  相似文献   

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