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西双版纳植物区秒的特点与亲缘 总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16
西双版纳植物区系经初步资料整理统计有种子植物3336种,隶属于1140个属,大约197个科。植物区系成分构成是热带分布的科和属分别占总科和属数的60.1%和83.5%,在热带分布属中,又以热带亚洲成分占优势(占32.8%)。通过植物区系组成和地理成分分析,认为该植物区系是热带性质的,属于热带亚洲区系的一部分,并带有明显热带边缘性质和几种地理成分交汇的特点,西双版纳植物区系与广西热带植物区系和海南热带植物区秒的发生上同源,主要来自于古南大陆与古北大陆区系成分的融合,在发展上受热带亚洲植物区系的渗透和强列影响。 相似文献
西双版纳石灰岩植物区系与东南亚及中国南部一些地区植物区系的关系 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
西双版纳石灰岩植物区系是热带性质的植物区系,属于热带亚洲区系的一部分。在与邻近地区一些具体植物区系的比较上,它与热带性质的植物区系表现联系密切,并且与亚热带地区岩溶植物区系的相似性要大于非岩溶植物区系,而在热带地区,基质对区系相似性影响不明显。在与周围地区植物区系的关系上地滇南石灰岩植物区系显然与印度支那植物区系、滇东南植物区系、广西植物区系、海南植物区系以及缅甸、泰国至马来半岛植物区系联系密切。 相似文献
南岭植物区系地理学研究──Ⅲ.植物区系地理亲缘与区划 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
南岭山地与相邻地区植物区系具有明显的过渡或替代关系,主要通过亚热带及亚热带至热带亚洲分布成分与华南南亚热带及亚洲热带地区联系;与华中和华东地区植物区系的联系以亚热带以及亚热带至温带分布和中国-日本间断分布成分来沟通;与西南地区植物区系的联系则表现为两地共有的古老和与子遗成分区及石灰岩山地区系成分。华夏植物区系,是从古老的华夏植物群逐步发展起来的统一体,在区系分区上应划归为统一的华夏植物界,下分东亚 相似文献
西双版纳热带雨林植物区系组成初步分析 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
作者1958—1979年在中国科学院云南热带森林生物地理群落站工作期间,选取了三个代表西双版纳热带森林的林地,用植物群落学样方法做了大小不等的11个样地,共计15700m~2(1.57公顷)。根据这些样地资料研究讨论了在一定面积上西双版纳热带雨林区系组成,区系成分在群落中的垂直配置,森林的热带性程度以及与邻近地区森林区系的关系。同时比较了西双版纳雨林与滇东南、滇西南雨林的性质及其在东南亚雨林群系中的地位。 相似文献
南岭山地与相邻地区植物区系具有明显的过渡或替代关系,主要通过亚热带及亚热带亚热带亚洲分布成分与华南南亚热带及亚洲热带地区联系;与华中和华东地区植物区系的联系以亚热带及亚热带至温带分布和中国—日本间断分布成分来沟通;与西南地区植物区系的联系则表现为两地共有的古老和与遗成分区及石灰岩山地区系成分.华夏植物区系,是从古老的华夏植物群逐步发展起来的统一体,在区系分区上应划归为统一的华夏植物界,下分东亚植物区、马来西亚植物区和印度—喜马拉雅植物区。南岭山地植物区系拥有其自身的标志种、特有属和丰富的特有种,在区系分区上可划为完整的南岭植物亚省,下分东南岭植物县、中南岭植物县和西南岭植物县。 相似文献
西双版纳石灰岩森林的植物区系地理研究 总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13
西双版纳石灰岩森林植物区系经调查有维管束植物153科,640属,1394种及变种,其中,种子植物占129科558属1269种及变种。种子植物的分布区类型组成是热带和主产热带的科占总科数的71.3%;热带分布属占总属数的90.1%;热带分布种超过总种数的90%。热带分布属中又以热带亚洲分布属最多,占总数的35.3%;热带分布种中则以热带亚洲分布及其变型的种类占总种数的64.5%为特点。这表明该石灰岩森林植物区系是热带性质的植物区系,属于热带亚洲区系的一部分。由于特殊的地理位置,西双版纳地区是许多典型热带植物的分布北界,同时又是几种地理成分的交汇地带,这又使该石灰岩区系带有明显热带边缘性质和多种地理成分交汇的特点。 相似文献
西双版纳片断热带雨林植物区系成分及变化趋势 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
本文以西双版纳地区的6个“龙山”片断热带雨林的植物物种多样性编目为基础,通过与同样类型的原始热带雨林的比较,探讨了片断热带雨林植物区系成分的变化。随着热带雨林的片断化,森林边缘效应和人为干扰加剧,阳性先锋植物和藤本植物等的侵入,导致这些先锋植物和藤本植物所属的科属在群落中的种数增多,优势度增大。而一些含喜荫湿的荫生植物、群落顶极树种及附生植物较多的科属则在群落中的种数减小了,优势度下降。在植物属的地理成分构成上,片断热带雨林中全热带分布和热带亚洲—热带非洲分布成分比例相对增高,而热带亚洲成分相对减少。在种的地理成分构成上,片断热带雨林中广域分布种比例相对增高,显示了与属的地理成分类似的变化。这也是森林片断化后,由于边缘效应和林内生境在一定程度上干暖化,喜光的先锋成分增多,而先锋成分大多为一些广域分布属种所致。 相似文献
西双版纳龙脑香林与热带亚洲和中国热带北缘地区植物区系的关系 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
西双版纳龙脑香林只有与热带亚洲的龙脑香林完全一致的植物科的组成,绝大多数的属也与后者共有,特别是在乔木层的区系组成和数量特征上,二者很类似,表明西双版纳龙脑香林在植物区系性质上归属于热带亚洲龙脑香林,但为后者的一种北缘类型。与中国热带边缘地区的其它一些森林类型相比,西双版纳龙脑香林亦具有与它们基本一致的科的组成,但无论按在群落中的种数,按占科的世界区系百分比,还是按重要值指数,西双版纳龙脑香林中热带科均占有显著地位,并且包含有较高比例的热带亚洲分布属和种,故可认为它是中国热带北缘地区的森林类型中热带性强,在区系组成上接近热带亚洲龙脑香林而作为后者的一个部分的森林类型。 相似文献
油瓜Hodgsonia macrocarpa,葫芦科多年生木质藤本植物。自20世纪初其食用价值被发现以来,各国科学家对其油脂组成、栽培利用进行了广泛研究。而油瓜的民族植物学系统研究则鲜为报道。本文运用关键人物访谈、小组讨论等民族植物学方法对油瓜的传统知识进行深入调查。本研究对西双版纳地区23个村寨的8个民族进行多次野外调查,记录民间传统利用数据,采集凭证标本。调查结果显示,油瓜的民族民间名多样;烤熟后的种仁被各民族所喜食;油瓜的根、茎、叶、果皮、种仁均可入药,主要用于肠道类疾病与皮肤类疾病的治疗。当地名称的多样性反映了各民族认识油瓜角度的差异,各民族间在油瓜食用知识方面较为一致,在药用知识上具在一定的差异。 相似文献
Hodgsonia macrocarpa, commonly known as lardfruit, is a perennial woody vine belongs to family Cucurbitaceae. Since the food value of its kernel was reported in the early 20th century, increasing studies have been focused on the introduction and cultivation of the wild populations and chemical analysis of the edible kernel oils. While its ethnobotanical details about local nomenclaetures, gathering techniques, form of consumption and folk resouce management are left unclear. In this study we collected these ethnobotanical data from 8 ethnic groups by conducting field survey in 23 ethnic villages in Xishuangbana. Methods including key informants interview and group discussion were used for recording the traditional medicinal and culinary knowledge of lardfruit. The results show an unexpected diversity of their folk names, which indicate the long history of folk uses. The baked edible kernel is favored by all the 8 ethnic groups. The root, stem, leaf, fruit and seed are widely used as herbal medicine for the treatment of intestinal diseases and skin ailments. The diverse folk names and multiple medicinal uses practice among different ethnic groups indicate that they exploited this plant resource in various perspectives for culture, economic and social reasons. 相似文献
Aims Buttresses are prevalent and are important to many ecological processes in tropical rainforests but are overlooked in many rainforest studies. Based on a buttress survey in a 20-hectare plot, this study aims to answer the following questions: (I) Is buttress forming a fixed species characteristic? (ii) Is there any phylogenetic signal for buttress forming across a broad taxonomic scale? (iii) Is buttress forming an inherent feature or simply induced by environmental factors, and how is this relevant to the size of the tree?Methods We surveyed buttresses for all 95940 trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥10mm in a 20-ha tropical dipterocarp rainforest in Xishuangbanna, SW China. The occurrence of buttresses was compared across different taxa and across different tree-size classes. A phylogenetic analysis was conducted among buttressed and non-buttressed species in order to understand the evolutionary background of buttress formation.Important findings This preliminary study showed that buttress trees are very abundant (making up 32% of trees with ≥100mm DBH) in this 20-ha tropical rainforest situated at the northern edge of the tropics. Fifty-one percent of the 468 tree species in the plot had stems that produced buttresses. Large trees were more likely to develop buttresses than smaller ones. We found that although buttress formation is not a fixed species characteristic, there is a strong phylogenetic signal for buttress formation in larger species. 相似文献
Xishuangbanna, lying between 99°56´ and 101°50´E longitude and 21°08´ and 22°36´ N latitude of southern Yunnan, is located on the northern fringe of the tropics. Its orchid flora is very rich but little known to the outside world. From 1980 to 1992, the authors tripped seven times to that region collecting and studying orchids there. As a result, 335 species and two varieties belonging to 96 genera were identified as indigenous to Xishuangbanna region. Among them, two genera (Pennilabium J. J. Sm. & Parapteroceras Averyanov), 50 species are new to China, 190 species new to this region, and 21 species and one variety are endemic to Xishuangbanna. It is interesting to note that both genera and species native to Xishuangbanna are more than those in Hainan and comparable to those in Taiwan, though the collection in this region is not complete. 相似文献
With diversification of field type among households in same eco-environment and social situation, even in the same ecosystem,
merging household socio-economics with biodiversity initiative values to determine incentives and optimum strategy of on-farm
conservation of biodiversity. Botany survey of agroecosystems at landscape level in Daka and Baka, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan,
China, as well as household differentiation of biodiversity in agroecosystem and on-farm conservation strategy merging household
socio-economic characters were studied. There were 73 families 179 species distributed in 0.1 ha of different agroecosystems
in Daka, and 70 families 166 species distributed in 0.08 ha different agroecosystems of Baka respectively. The cosmopolitan
families, such as Gramineae and Compositae decreased the percentage of tropical families and subtropical families. Botany
survey among 12 random selected households from Daka in 46 sampling plots of different agroecosystems showed significant differentiation
of the species richness indices of natural biodiversity and agrobiodiversity as there were differences of cognition and utilization
of plant species besides management practices among households. Dengrogram using the Ward method of hierarchical cluster analysis
based on annual questionnaire interview of 60% household from 1998 to 2001 in Daka showed disparity among different households’
socio-economics which underpins management diversity. There were significant correlation coefficients between household socio-economics
and species richness indices of different agroecosystems. Fallow size had significant positive correlation coefficients with
species richness index of rubber plantation. By contraries, production input had negative correlation coefficients with species
richness index of upland rice field. Meanwhile, cereal crop income had significant positive correlation coefficient with agro-species
richness index of rubber plantation. By contraries, other income such as off-farm income had negative correlation coefficients
with agro-species richness index of rubber plantation. Innovations of the expert farmer on agrobiodiversity on farm conservation
were admiration. 相似文献
基于西双版纳地区季风常绿阔叶林的植被调查资料,统计西双版纳季风常绿阔叶林种子植物区系组成,记录有种子植物95科223属351种(包括变种和亚种)。种子植物科的分布区类型中以泛热带分布科最多,达41个,占总科数的43.16%。属的分布类型中,热带分布属共计187个,占总属数的83.86%。在热带分布属中,又以泛热带分布属最多,达61个,占总属数的27.35%;其次为热带亚洲分布属,计有47个,占总属数的21.08%。种的分布类型中,各类热带分布的种最多,占总种数的70.37%,其中又以热带亚洲成分占优势。分布区类型的分析表明西双版纳季风常绿阔叶林种子植物区系具热带亚洲植物区系的特点,属马来西亚植物区系的一部分。进一步分析表明此区系具热带北缘的性质,但同时也呈现出向亚热带植物区系的过渡。 相似文献
There have been few studies of the alpine subnival belt flora in the Hengduan Mountains (HM), which host remarkable biodiversity. To extend knowledge of this flora, we examined published florae, herbarium specimens, and field observations (and material) collected by both ourselves and others. In total, 942 seed plant species have been recorded in the belt, representing 168 genera and 48 families. Twenty-four large families (with ≥10 species) are present, represented by 873 species (92.68% of the total). These include Asteraceae, Saxifragaceae, and Brassicaceae (146, 82, and 71 species, respectively). There are also 27 large genera (represented by ≥10 species), collectively contributing 587 species (62.31%) to the flora, including Saxifraga, Corydalis, and Saussurea (75, 55, and 49 species, respectively). Areal elements represented by the highest numbers of genera are the North temperate, Sino-Himalaya, and Old World temperate elements (39.88%, 14.29%, and 12.50%, respectively), while the Hengduan Mountains, Sino-Himalaya, and Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau elements are most species-rich (355, 281, and 161 species, respectively), collectively accounting for 84.61% species of the known flora. Of these, 295 species (31.32%) are endemic to the Sino-Himalayan alpine subnival belt and 151 (16.03%) strictly endemic to the alpine subnival belt of the HM. These findings indicate that the flora is young, strongly differentiated, probably developed as a result of the plateau's uplift, and speciation has been accelerated by the harsh environment and strong heterogeneity of niches. 相似文献
西双版纳热带山地雨林群落学特征分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据4块样地的调查资料,分析了西双版纳热带山地雨林的群落学特征。结果表明:在2500m^2的样地中,共计有维管束植物105~178种,分属于46~61科、80~130属。区系成分可分为11个类型,4块样地均以热带区系成分为主(约90%),其中又以热带亚洲(印度-马来西亚)分布(23.40%~32.88%)和泛热带分布(25.20%~36.67%)的成分占优势。群落以高位芽植物为主,其中又以中(约50%)、小高位芽植物(21.30%~27.78%)占优势;在叶片特征上,群落以中叶(72.66%~82.54%)、单叶(75%~86.96%)、纸质(58.73%~62.22%)、全缘(76.67%~83.33%)、非尾尖(约90%)为主。低海拔带上山地雨林的热带区系成分以及藤本植物、中叶和全缘叶植物所占的比例高于高海拔带上的山地雨林,而小高位芽植物比例则低于后者,体现出较强的热带雨林性质。西双版纳的山地雨林与本地区的沟谷雨林、低丘雨林相比表现为热带区系成分、藤本植物、大高位芽植物以及巨叶、大叶植物较少,而温带成分、小高位芽植物、小叶植物较为丰富,体现出向常绿阔叶林的过渡特征。 相似文献
西双版纳主干公路沿线森林景观格局动态 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
根据西双版纳地区1976、1988和2003年3期Landsat MSS/TM/ETM影像的解译结果,借助于地理信息系统技术,运用景观生态学的基本理论分析了该区主干公路沿线的森林景观格局动态。主要结果为:3个时期,与整个西双版纳州相比,公路沿线10km范围内的人工林景观百分比更大,增长更快,天然林景观则表现出相反的特征和趋势;且距公路越近,天然林的景观百分比越小,人工林的景观百分比越大,表现出明显的公路效应。公路沿线景观格局朝着多样化、均匀化、破碎化的方向发展。样区内的质心偏移分析表明,1976年至2003年,橡胶林、热带季节雨林、灌木林、山地雨林和非林地景观的分布都在向远离公路的方向偏移。 相似文献