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Algal community structure is described for a deep-water rock pinnacle in the Gulf of Maine. Three depth zones of algal dominance were apparent consisting of 1) leathery macrophytes (to 40 m), 2) foliose red algae (to 50 m) and 3) crustose algae (fleshy crusts to 55 m and coralline crusts to 63 m). Microscopic filamentous and erect calcareous algae were also present but inconspicuous. Upright macroscopic filamentous and thin sheet-like forms were not observed on the pinnacle. Sea anemones (Metridium senile) dominated some vertical faces and abrupt prominences in the shallowest regions of the pinnacle (to 24 m) and locally appeared to set the upper vertical limits of kelp and possibly foliose reds. Laminaria sp. formed an open park-like canopy from 24 to 30 m whereas Agarum cribrosum, the deepest kelp, grew as isolated individuals to 40 m. Peyssonnelia sp. and Leptophytum laeve were the deepest occurring fleshy (to 55 m) and calcareous crusts (to 63 m), respectively. The occurrence of these algae at record depths for the Gulf of Maine and for cold water marine environments may be the result of an absence of large herbivores and the high productivity potential of the benthos in these relatively clear waters. By compiling data on depth distribution patterns world-wide, it is evident that the three zone structure of algal morphologies observed in the Gulf of Maine is a global phenomenon.  相似文献   

Absolute depths of Silurian benthic assemblages   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A variety of evidence can be used to estimate the absolute depth of the well-established depth gradient of Silurian onshore-to-offshore benthic assemblages (BA 1–5); this evidence is reviewed herein. There is a fair degree of consistency between fossil benthic assemblages and the occurrence of certain primary sedimentary structures, particularly those involved in storm deposition. A second, probably stronger, line of evidence for absolute depth of Silurian benthic assemblages involves the distribution of fossils of light-sensitive organisms and of reefs. Among these, the most important are the calcified dasycladacean algae, to which the cyclocrinitids of the Middle Ordovician - Early Silurian may belong. The modem dasycladaceans have a narrowly restricted bathymetric range. Maximum depth for modern calcified dasycladaceans is about 90 m, but the vast majority occur at 30 m or less. Some Silurian occurrences of these algae are abundant, particularly in BA 3 and 4; rarely, small specimens of cyclocrinitids and receptaculitids are found in the lower, outer portions of BA 4 and even into 5. This evidence constrains much of the spectrum (BA 1–5) of Silurian fossil communities to a rather narrow depth range, within the photic zone. Based on taxonomic uniformitarianism, we would place the depth of Silurian BA 1 through 4 between 0 and about 40–60 m. The common coincidence of the lower end of storm wave base and the lower end of the photic zone near the BA 4–5 boundary also suggests that this position may represent water depths on the order of 50 m. Several other lines of evidence -including algal borings, widths of facies belts, separation of communities by basalt flows whose thicknesses are known - also support a relatively shallow depth range for BA 14. The absence of storm-disturbed beds over large parts of several major platforms below about the BA 3–4 boundary region suggests that major storms of the Silurian may have been far weaker than those of the present, possibly owing to a different climatic regime. □Absolute depth, Silurian, photic zone, calcareous algae, Benthic Assemblage, storms.  相似文献   

The deep‐water macroalgal assemblage was described at 14 sites off the central California coast during 1999 and 2000 from SCUBA and remotely operated vehicle sampling. The stipitate kelp Pleurophycus gardneri Setchell & Gardner, previously thought to be rare in the region, was abundant from 30 to 45 m, forming kelp beds below the well‐known giant kelp forests. Macroalgae typically formed three broadly overlapping zones usually characterized by one or a few visually dominant taxa: 1) the upper “Pleurophycus zone” (30–45 m) of stipitate kelps and Desmarestia spp. with a high percent cover of corallines, low cover of uncalcified red algae, and rare green algae; 2) a middle “Maripelta zone” (40–55 m) with other uncalcified red algae and infrequent corallines and green algae; and 3) a zone (55–75 m) of infrequent patches of nongeniculate coralline algae. The green alga Palmophyllum umbracola Nelson & Ryan, not previously reported from the Northeast Pacific, was found over the entire geographical range sampled from 35 to 54 m. Year‐round profiles of water column irradiance revealed unexpectedly clear water with an average K0 of 0.106·m ? 1 Received 18 January 2002. Accepted 16 December 2002. . The low percent surface irradiance found at the average lower macroalgal depth limits in this study (0.56% for brown algae, 0.12% for uncalcified red algae, and 0.01% for nongeniculate coralline algae) and lack of large grazers suggest that light controls the lower distributional limits. The ubiquitous distribution, perennial nature, and similar lower depth limits of deep‐water macroalgal assemblages at all sites suggest that these assemblages are a common persistent part of the benthic biota in this region.  相似文献   

Synopsis A revitalized view of feeding by herbivorous marine fishes is sought through two questions. First, What characteristics of major taxa of algae identify them as predictably high or low quality foods? Second, are marine algae valuable foods for fishes which do not mechanically disrupt cell walls and do not harbor specialized enzymes or microbes capable of lysing cell walls? Energy, ash and nutrient content of 16 species of marine algae were employed to assess food quality of fleshy red, green, brown and calcareous red algae. On the basis of ash, calories, total protein and total lipid content, fleshy algae should be superior to calcareous algae as foods for fishes; in addition, green algae should be superior to brown algae and brown algae superior to red algae. When the probable digestibility of storage and extracellular carbohydrates is considered, green and red algae are predicted superior to brown algae as food. Two species of damselfishes (Pomacentridae) from the Gulf of California,Eupomacentrus rectifraenum andMicrospathodon dorsalis, eat red and green algae and ignore brown and calcareous algae. They feed, therefore, in a fashion consistent with predictions based only on algal chemistry. These fishes absorb at least 20–24% of the biomass, 57–67% of the protein, 46–56% of the lipid and 37–44% of the carbohydrate contained in algae eaten in the wild. Since these damselfishes do not masticate their food, it appears that herbivorous fishes can digest major fractions of algal nutrients without mechanical destruction of algal cells.  相似文献   

Different kinds of experimental calcareous substrates were exposed at Lee Stocking Island (Bahamas) and One Tree Island (Great Barrier Reef, Australia) to study which endolithic bacteria, algae and fungi contribute to bioerosion and what their bioerosion rates are. The sites at Lee Stocking Island were several leeward shallow water and several windward shallow and deep-water positions (from the Acropora palmata reef at 2 m down to 275 m depth). At One Tree Island, the experiments were conducted in patch reefs treated with P and N to study the influence of mineral nutrients on bioerosion. The exposure periods ranged from 1 week to 2 years. The micritic carbonate substrates exposed on Lee Stocking Island contained 6 genera with 15 species of cyanobacteria, green and red algae, and different kinds of microendolithic heterotrophs. The mean values of bioerosion rates measured between 1 to 2 g/m2/y at 275 m and 520 g/m2/y at one of the leeward sites. The composition of the endolithic community and the bioerosion rates changed over time. At One Tree Island, shell pieces of Tridacna were used as substrate exposed for 5 months to endolith activity. Five genera and 6 species of cyanobacteria, green and red algae and different kinds of heterotrophic microendoliths were found with bioerosion rates of 20-30 g/m2/y. There are differences in abundance of taxa between Lee Stocking Island and One Tree Island. The introduction of nutrients had no apparent impact on the microborer community. Controlling factors for the distribution and abundance of microborers are mainly light, but also the kind of substrate and, possibly, the biogeographic position. The results support the paleoecological importance of microendoliths.  相似文献   

从塔北隆起奥陶纪钙藻化石探讨奥陶纪的古环境   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
塔里木盆地塔北隆起轮南46井、英买1、2井奥陶纪石灰岩内含有大量的钙藻化石、蓝细菌以及疑难微体化石。这些钻井岩芯均在深达5000-6200m的地下深部取得。钙藻主要为绿藻类的Dasyporella,Ver‘miporella,Moniliporella以及?Plexa;红藻类的管孔藻类Solenoporaceans;钙化蓝细菌则有Girvanella,Botomaella,?Subtifloria等;疑难微体化石有Bevocastria,Nuia,Rothpletzella。这些钙藻生活于热带或亚热带正常盐度的浅海水内,其水深不到20m。世界各地的奥陶纪Vermiporella均位于古赤道的两侧,这表明它们是在气候炎热、温暖海水中生活的一类海洋藻类。Girvanella以藻灰结核和内碎屑最为常见,某些球粒可能代表Girvanella破碎后形成的单管或小棒。塔里木盆地钙藻植物群相似于哈萨克斯坦、波罗的海周围地区以及北美同时代植物群,这表明这些钙藻和蓝细菌化石具有遍布于全球的性质。塔北隆起早、中奥陶世沉积属于典型的碳酸盐岩台地相沉积。到晚奥陶世时,碳酸盐岩沉积被浅水陆棚沉积所取代,以陆源碎屑岩为主,夹少量的碳酸盐岩。  相似文献   

The lower Senonian of Central Aquitaine includes few calcareous algae, alone green algae, while the upper Senonian admits nothing but numerous red algae.A new species has been discovered (Lithothamnium villaegranis n. sp.). Solenomeris, generally frequent in the Paleocene deposits, has been identified in the maestrichtian levels.  相似文献   

Mediterranean gorgonian forests are threatened by several human activities and are affected by climatic anomalies that have led to mass mortality events in recent decades. The ecological role of these habitats and the possible consequence of their loss are poorly understood. Effects of gorgonians on the recruitment of epibenthic organisms were investigated by manipulating presence of gorgonians on experimental panels at 24 m depth, for Eunicella cavolinii, and at 40 m depth, for Paramuricea clavata, at two sites: Tavolara Island (Tyrrhenian Sea) and Portofino Promontory (Ligurian Sea). After 4 months, the most abundant taxa on the panels were encrusting green algae, erect red algae and crustose coralline algae at 24 m depth and encrusting brown algae and erect red algae at 40 m depth. Assemblages on the panels were significantly affected by the presence of the gorgonians, although effects varied across sites and between gorgonian species. Species diversity and evenness were lower on panels with gorgonian branches. Growth of erect algae and recruitment of serpulid polychaetes were also affected by the presence of the gorgonians, primarily at Tavolara. Crustose coralline algae and erect sponges were more abundant on E. cavolinii panels at 24 m depth, while encrusting bryozoans were more abundant on P. clavata panels at 40 m depth. Effects of gorgonians on recruited assemblages could be due to microscale modification of hydrodynamics and sediment deposition rate, or by a shading effect reducing light intensity. Gorgonians may also intercept settling propagules, compete for food with the filter-feeders and/or for space by producing allelochemicals. Presence of gorgonians mainly limits the growth of erect algae and enhances the abundance of encrusting algae and sessile invertebrates. Therefore, the gorgonian disappearances may cause a shift from assemblages characterised by crustose coralline algae to filamentous algae assemblages, decreasing complexity and resilience of coralligenous bioconstructions.  相似文献   

Macroalgal studies in Baja California Sur have dealt mainly with occurrence and seasonality, but some areas are poorly known even for these basic data. Bahia del Rincón-La Rivera is an important high-productivity fisheries area where coastal infrastructure development is under way. A spatial characterization of the marine flora from Bahia del Rincón-La Rivera was done by intensive sampling at different depths and localities with skin and SCUBA diving. At least 500 m2 were surveyed in each site. Additionally. quantitative sampling was done in ten random 25 cm2 quadrates per site. In the intertidal section, density and cover estimates were used. We also investigated the historical records and geographical affinities. A total of 72 species were identified (most were red algae: 62%). We found no general trend in the biogeographical affinities, which varied with each taxonomic group. Most brown algae species were tropical-endemic; red algae temperate-cosmopolite and green algae tropical-cosmopolite. In the spatial assemblage structure we found a high similarity between the intertidal areas, but a low similarity in shallow or deeper areas (3-5 m). This pattern was the same when we compared the abundance of the main species. We suggest that there are significant spatial differences in recruitment and development of the assemblages in relation to vertical distribution (depth) and position along the shore. There is a clear-cut Gelidium-Jania belt in the intertidal zone and a Padina-Dictyota belt below the low tide. Sporadic and year-round species occur in the intertidal zone, annual and perennial species below the low tide line. Sites differ in recruitment and this affects the abundance of other species (such as coraline and Caulerpa species). Temperature and sedimentation affect seasonality, but community structure is relatively constant throughout the year.  相似文献   

The production parameters of the deep-water periphyton were investigated on the Macclesfield Bank (South China Sea) at depths down to 240 m. At 70–90 m depths the substrate is composed of the remains of dead corals and fragments of porous calcareous material overgrown with red coralline and articulated thalline algae Halimeda sp. At 220–240 m depths the substrate consists of rhodolites, which are individual unattached nodules encrusted mainly with red calcareous coralline algae Lithophyllum sp., Porolithon sp. and red lamellar alga Hypoglossum sp. At all depths the substrate is pierced with green filiform algae Ostreobium sp. and covered with benthic diatom algae. The zooperiphyton in the studied area is comprised of bryozoans, sponges, foraminifers and drilling mollusks. Respiration (R) and the gross (Pg) and net (Pn) primary production of the deepwater periphyton community were determined using the oxygen technique (polarographic electrode) at values of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) close to natural levels. At 70–90 m depths the Pg of the photoperiphyton was 23.3 mg O2/(m2 h), and the Pn of the community had negative values due to respiration of phytoand mainly zooperiphyton and bacteria. At 220–240 m depths, where less than 0.001% of the surface PAR penetrates, the Pg of the phytoperiphyton decreased to 9.6 mg O2/(m2 h), and the R of the community was 25.9 mg O2/(m2 h). A high efficiency of light energy utilization by the phytoperiphyton was found. The apparent quantum yield (Fa) for algae collected at 70–90 m depths was close to the maximum level of 0.097. The values of Fn that we obtained for 220–240 m depths and calculated from identical data [27], were much higher than theoretical values, which cannot be explained based on modern views on the mechanisms of photosynthesis. Possible sources of errors are discussed. It is proposed that we observed additional evolution of oxygen as the result of H2O2 degradation.  相似文献   

广西,贵州和川东二叠纪礁相岩石和礁后相岩层内获得了红藻Solenoporella,Gymnocodium,Permocalcu-lus;绿藻Anthracoporella,Mizzia以及显微疑难藻类化石Pseudovermiporella,Tubiphytes等,除了广西隆林有中二叠世茅口期藻类化石外,其它均属于晚二叠世乐平世的分子,这些藻类植物一般生活于热带和亚热带,正常盐度的浅海水内,其水深不大于30m,川东,鄂西晚二叠世礁属于浅水海绵礁,而非深水礁。  相似文献   

The cyclocrinitids are an extinct tribe of dasycladacean green algae. They were anatomically very similar to certain Recent dasyclads, even at early growth stages. The morphology and preservation of cyclocrinitids strongly suggest that they had a siphonous cellular organization with extracellular, aragonitic calcification; these features are characteristic of living dasyclads. The light surficial calcification of cyclocrinitids and other dasyclads had important paleoecological effects. It restricted them to low-energy waters, as it provided relatively little structural support. It also confined them to warm, tropical waters; they are good paleoequatorial indicators. The decline of these algae during the late Ordovician and early Silurian may therefore reflect the simultaneous cooling and glaciation. Receptaculitids are entirely unrelated organisms. Their meroms have several distinctive features; they are not homologous to the lateral branches of cyclocrinitids or dasyclads. Receptaculitid calcification was extensive and their thalli were apparently quite sturdy; they often occurred in reefs. Receptaculitids also lived in high-latitude, cold-water environments. Thus, they were ecologically unlike any calcareous green algae, and cannot be used as paleoequatorial indicators. Receptaculitids remain problematical, although the arrangement of meroms suggests plant affinities. □ Calcareous algae, Problematica, Dasycladales, Cyclocriniteae, Receptaculitales, morphology, classification, paleoecology, paleogeography .  相似文献   

中国新疆塔里木盆地上奥陶统良里塔格组的钙藻化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钙藻是可以发生生物钙化作用形成钙质"骨骼"的分属多个门类的藻类的俗称。钙藻最早出现于寒武纪,奥陶纪发生第一次辐射演化。本文系统讨论了绿藻门绒枝藻目(Dasycladales)、羽藻目钙扇藻科(Udoteaceae)的科和属级分类标准和红藻门珊瑚藻科、管孔藻科(Solenoporaceae)属级分类标准及其中各属分类中存在的问题。塔里木盆地晚奥陶世在塔中—巴楚台地和塔北台地发育了一套礁滩相良里塔格组碳酸盐岩,其中含有丰富的钙藻化石。本文系统描述了来自塔里木盆地塔中、巴楚、塔北地区取心井上奥陶统良里塔格组岩层中的钙藻化石11个属15个种。包括绿藻门绒枝藻目西莱特藻科(Seletonellaceae)的Dasyporella,Kazakhstanelia,Vermiporella,Aphroporella,Arthroporella,绿藻门的羽藻目Bryopsidales(siphonales)的钙扇藻科的Dimor phosiphon,Palaeo porella,红藻门珊瑚藻目(Corallinales)的管孔藻科的Solenopora,Parachaetetes及Corallinales incertus familiae的Petro-phyton,以及分类位置不明的Monili porella。其中绒枝藻Ajakmalajsoria被视作Kazakhstanelia的同义名。  相似文献   

A seasonal study of the periphyton developed on wooden blocks suspended at five constant depths (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 m) in the Pawm-pawm arm of the Volta Lake is reported. The early colonizers at all depths were diatom species, they gradually declined in diversity and numbers and blue-green algae and green algae became more common. After one year the shallower (0–1 m) blocks were covered by a luxuriant growth of filamentous green algae though at lower levels diatoms predominated. Diversity and cell numbers of algae decreased with depth, this was most pronounced below 2 m. It appears that filamentous green algae eventually come to dominate wooden surfaces floating at relatively shallow depths in the Volta Lake.  相似文献   

Red algae sometimes turn yellow, but few studies have been conducted on the yellowing of subtidal bed-forming species and on the relationship between the color and environmental factors. We examined the seasonal changes in thallus color of macroscopic subtidal red algae and nutrient levels as in shallow waters at two sites: Hirasawa (0 to 3 m in depth) and Okinoshima Island (0 to 6 m in depth), central Pacific coast of Japan from April 2011 to March 2012. Yellowed red algae were found at all depths of the two sites. At Hirasawa, the ratio of yellowed species among the red algae (yellowing ratio, YR) calculated with data on a total of 23 species (3 to 14 species month?1) was high in months in which nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) was low (1.73 to 2.19 μmol L?1); in months with higher NO3-N (5.91 to 6.01 μmol L?1), YR was 0 but exceptionally high in April probably because of the duration of fine days. At Okinoshima Island, YR calculated with data on a total of 40 species (3 to 22 species month?1) was high from March to July (except May), in which NO3-N was low (0.93 to 2.16 μmol L?1), but low from October to February among the months with higher NO3-N (4.56 to 5.62 μmol L?1). Totally, YR was negatively correlated with nitrate concentrations and NO3-N, which supports the possibility to use the value of YR as an indicator of nitrogen level although attention should also be paid to light conditions.  相似文献   

The evolution of fossil calcareous algae is at present incompletely known, and available illustrations are separate and not uniform. Examples in the groups of green and red algae are considered. A short selected bibliography of recent work on this subject is given.  相似文献   

The 22 published chloroplast genomes of green algae, representing sparse taxonomic sampling of diverse lineages that span over one billion years of evolution, each possess a unique gene arrangement. In contrast, many of the >190 published embryophyte (land plant) chloroplast genomes have relatively conserved architectures. To determine the phylogenetic depth at which chloroplast gene rearrangements occur in green algae, a 1.5-4 kb segment of the chloroplast genome was compared across nine species in three closely related genera of Trebouxiophyceae (Chlorophyta). In total, four distinct gene arrangements were obtained for the three genera Elliptochloris, Hemichloris, and Coccomyxa. In Elliptochloris, three distinct chloroplast gene arrangements were detected, one of which is shared with members of its sister genus Hemichloris. Both species of Coccomyxa examined share the fourth arrangement of this genome region, one characterized by very long spacers. Next, the order of genes found in this segment of the chloroplast genome was compared across green algae and land plants. As taxonomic ranks are not equivalent among different groups of organisms, the maximum molecular divergence among taxa sharing a common gene arrangement in this genome segment was compared. Well-supported clades possessing a single gene order had similar phylogenetic depth in green algae and embryophytes. When the dominant gene order of this chloroplast segment in embryophytes was assumed to be ancestral for land plants, the maximum molecular divergence was found to be over two times greater in embryophytes than in trebouxiophyte green algae. This study greatly expands information about chloroplast genome variation in green algae, is the first to demonstrate such variation among congeneric green algae, and further illustrates the fluidity of green algal chloroplast genome architecture in comparison to that of many embryophytes.  相似文献   

The deep fore-reef at Enewetak has been examined from the submersible Makali'i. Green algae grow to about-150 m at photon flux densities of approximately 1 Em-2s-1. Halimeda cover is 50% at many sites down to-90 m. Halimeda populations are important within the zone of scleractinian corals down to about-65 m, while a Halimeda zone with low coral cover or lacking corals between-65 m and-150 m probably is an important source of reef carbonate. Halimedas of the deep fore-reef, like those of the lagoon, constitute an important structural component in reef building. Other calcareous green algae such as Tydemania are less important on the deep fore-reef, but growth of coralline red algae continues to over-200m. Halimeda diversity is high down to near the base of the euphotic zone.  相似文献   

Large areas of the inter-reefal seabed in the Great Barrier Reef are carpeted with vegetation composed almost entirely of the green calcareous alga Halineda. These meadows occur principally in the northern sections between 11°30 and 15°35S at depths of 20 to 40 m, but there are also some in the central and southern sections, where they have been found at depths down to 96 m. The vegetation is dominated by the same sprawling Halimeda species that are common on coral reefs in this region. However, on reefs these species grow on solid substrata, not soft sediments like the Halimeda-rich gravels that underlie the meadows. A total of 12 Halimeda species, together with two Udotea and one Penicillus species, are characteristic components of the shallow meadows. Below 50 m depth, species composition is restricted to only two major components. One, H. copiosa, is also important shallower, but the other is an unusually large and heavily calcified form of H. fragilis, a species that is normally a minor, fragile component of the shallow meadows. The maximum biomass found in these meadows was 4637 gm2 of calcareous algae, although the thean for vegetated areas was 525 gm2. These meadows are confined to the nutrient-depleted waters of the outer continental shelf just inside the outer barrier reefs, and are usually associated with distinct shoaling of the seabed caused by accumulation of thick deposits of calcareous Halimeda segments. The meadows are probably supported by very localized upwelling of nutrients from the adjacent Coral Sea onto the shelf, where they enrich the otherwise nutrient-depleted waters.Contribution No.367 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

球状绿藻主要指绿藻门中多为单细胞, 形状为球形、近球形, 或由球形衍生出来的其他形状的藻类。球状绿藻分布广泛, 遍布全球, 生活于淡水、海水和亚气生等生境中, 其相似的简单形态下隐藏着复杂的物种多样性。球状绿藻分类学上主要位于绿藻门的两纲四目及其一些独立支系的类群。球状绿藻分类学正由传统的基于形态特征向基于分子信息的复合分类方法转变。球状绿藻隐性的物种多样性涉及约40属, 其中15属是依据新标本材料而建立的新属, 12个属是依据新证据建立的新组合。本文重点介绍了1998年以后在共球藻纲和绿藻纲中新发现和命名的单细胞球状绿藻, 介绍了它们的形态特征、分类学迁移及理由, 特别对常见的小球藻属和栅藻属的分类学概念变迁作了详细介绍, 对一些尚没有中文名的拉丁学名给出了中文命名。另外, 本文讨论了基于DNA的分类学方法在球状绿藻分类学中的应用, 目前系统发育位置的不同已经成为球状绿藻分类的主要依据。目前球状绿藻分类面临的问题是大多分类位置未用分子系统发育方法的验证。 未来, 球状绿藻分类学家应用系统发育研究结合形态学研究探索单细胞球状绿藻的生物多样性。  相似文献   

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