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Three sympatric whiting species-(Sillaginidae)—sand whiting, Sillago ciliata , golden-lined whiting, Sillago analis , and trumpeter whiting, Sillago maculata , are common in Moreton Bay, Queensland. Their identification, habitats and seasonal occurrence of juveniles are studied. A key to identification of these species is provided. Juveniles of the three species inhabit shallow shores including lower sections of creeks and rivers; but 5. ciliata prefer sandy substrates with less than 1 m depth and S. analis favour muddy-sand substrates also with less than 1 m depth, while 5. maculata juveniles stay in muddy-sand to muddy substrates at 1–3 m depth. Sillago analis juveniles appear at the waters' edge from October to May each year.  相似文献   


Ascarophisnema hoiae n. sp. (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae) is described from the stomach of the trumpeter whiting, Sillago maculata Quoy & Gaimard (Perciformes: Sillaginidae) from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. It differs morphologically from the only other valid congener, A. tridentatum Moravec & Justine, 2010 in the shape of the sub-labium and in the lengths of the spicules and the morphology of their distal tips (bifid). It represents the first record of this genus from Australia and appears to be highly oioxenous, having been found only in this host species among 133 other species of fish examined at the same locality.


Quintuplicate samples of macrobenthos were collected by an 0.1 m2 Smith-McIntyre grab from six selected sites in Moreton Bay at 8-week intervals on twelve occasions. This is part of a continuing study of time changes in the benthos. The present paper deals with the‘withinfives’data, mostly on a species basis. We show that there is, for most species, a close power curve relationship between variances (withinfives) and means (of fives): here v = am where V is variance, m is mean, and a and b are constants. Following Taylor's (1961, 1971) initial interpretations b is a measure of aggregation, although a values also have interpretive importance. Of eight-seven species studied there is a spectrum from highly aggregated (c. 65% of total) to random (c. 25%) to spaced (c. l0%). There is a comparable spectrum of transformations to produce variance stabilizing in the data. Power curve fitting also applies to total site populations (n) where b is 1.977 and data require log transformation, and to species densities (s) where b is 1.342 and data require cube-root transformation. The data are not entirely suitable for investigating the topographic scale of patchiness of species within the 20 m‘within-fives’traverses. A predominant patch width of 30 m or more was revealed.  相似文献   

Abstract We used a network of 20 carbon dioxide- and octenol-supplemented light traps to sample adult mosquitoes throughout Russell Island in southern Moreton Bay, south-east Queensland. Between February and April 2001, an estimated 1365 564 adult female mosquitoes were collected. In contrast to an average catch of 9754 female mosquitoes per trap night on Russell Island, reference traps set on Macleay Island and on the mainland returned average catches of 3172 and 222, respectively. On Russell Island, Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse), Coquillettidia linealis (Skuse), Culex annulirostris Skuse and Verrallina funerea (Theobald), known or suspected vectors of Ross River (RR) and/or Barmah Forest (BF) viruses, comprised 89.6% of the 25 taxa collected. When the spatial distributions of the above species were mapped and analysed using local spatial statistics, all were found to be present in highest numbers towards the southern end of the island during most of the 7 weeks. This indicated the presence of more suitable adult harbourage sites and/or suboptimal larval control efficacy. As immature stages and the breeding habitat of Cq. linealis are as yet undescribed, this species in particular presents a considerable impediment to proposed development scenarios. The method presented here of mapping the numbers of mosquitoes throughout a local government area allows specific areas that have high vector numbers to be defined.  相似文献   

Synopsis The ways in which the distributions of six species of whiting (Sillaginidae) in the coastal marine waters of south-western Australia are related to the type of substrate (bare sand vs. seagrass), degree of exposure of habitat, water depth and body size have been investigated. Whiting in near shore waters (< 1.5 m) were sampled using a fine-meshed seine net, while those in shallow (5–15 m) and deep (20–35 m) waters of the inner continental shelf were sampled with a trawl net. Shallow nearshore waters are shown to provide nursery habitats for five of the six whiting species. In these waters, Sillaginodes punctata, Sillago burrus, Sillago schomburgkii and Sillago vittata mainly occur in protected areas, while Sillago bassensis predominantly occupies areas that are more exposed to wave and swell activity. The first three of these species also use estuaries as nursery areas. In nearshore waters, whiting were captured almost exclusively over bare sand, rather than in interpersed beds of the seagrass Posidonia spp., presumably reflecting the fact that the dense canopies produced by the wide blades of Posidonia spp. must inhibit penetration by the benthic whiting species. As 0 + S. punctata increase in size, they tend to move offshore during the day and inshore at night. Many mature representatives of S. schomburgkii are present in nearshore areas, whereas the other four species move offshore into inner-shelf waters as they increase in length. Sillago burrus and S. vittata remain in shallow inner-shelf waters, whereas the larger S. bassensis subsequently migrate into deeper inner-shelf waters. Large Sillago bassensis thus co-occurs with Sillago robusta, which is mainly found in those deeper waters, but does not reach as large a size. The larger S. punctata occupy areas near reefs which could not be sampled by trawl netting. There are thus interspecific differences in (i) the times of recruitment of the 0 + age class into nearshore areas, (ii) the types of habitat occupied during juvenile and adult life, and (iii) the degree to which fish move into more offshore waters as they increase in length, and one species is restricted to deeper waters. The resultant partial segregation among habitats of the coastal waters of south-western Australia by different size groups of these relatively abundant whiting species presumably reduces the potential for intra- and interspecific competition amongst these species.  相似文献   

Understanding the social organization of coastal dolphins, particularly those that reside adjacent to major cities and urbanized regions, is important for understanding the vulnerability of populations to human impacts. We investigated the sexual segregation and social dynamics in a population of Australian humpback dolphins (Sousa sahulensis) inhabiting the near-urban embayment of Moreton Bay, Queensland. Over 160 vessel-based surveys, 148 adults were photographically identified. This included 116 assumed females and 32 assumed males. The population was sexually segregated (SSAS = 0.52, p < .001) and individuals preferred to associate with others of the same sex occupying the same spatial area (p < .025). Association indices between paired males were almost double those of females (◂=▸x¯HWI=0.09, SD = 0.04 and ◂=▸x¯HWI=0.05, SD = 0.02, respectively). However, females were more gregarious than males and maintained a larger network of associates based on preferred companionships. The social network was also modular with five clusters identified, and a limited number of individuals had a disproportionate influence on connectivity between clusters. This highly fragmented social network implies that the population may be vulnerable to social disruptions from human impacts.  相似文献   

The distribution of yellow, brown and red morphs of sympatric species of Littoraria were recorded on mangrove trees of the genus Avicennia within Moreton Bay, Queensland. The roles of background mimicry (leaf vs. bark, dark vs. light), niche selection and thermal tolerance (sunny vs. shaded positions and height above ground) were examined. The yellow advantage found previously in the area was tested. Total yellow morph frequency adjusted to a reduction in leaf background on pruned trees. Morph frequencies in Littoraria species reflect differences in habitat use. L. filosa (high yellow frequency) was more frequently found on leaves at the highest tree levels, while L. luteola (high brown frequency) was more frequently found on branches at lower levels. It is therefore argued that morphs mimic background elements. Previously reported niche selection by yellow and brown morphs of leaf and bark backgrounds is shown to be a result of the distribution of L. luteola on branches and L. filosa on leaves. At warmer times of the year, yellow L. filosa were more common in sunny positions; this is thought to be a result of thermal tolerance. There appears to be some advantage to particular morphs on particular tree types, but this relationship needs to be examined further. Mangrove-dwelling Littoraria are a promising model to investigate molluscan polymorphism. In the past, erroneous identification of sympatric species may have influenced the accuracy of reported patterns. We used allozyme electrophoretic markers as a precise identification technique. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 219–232.  相似文献   

Two species ofCoitocaecum Nicoll, 1915,C. gymnophallum Nicoll, 1915 andC. michaeli n. sp., are recorded, described and figured from the intestine ofAcanthopagrus australis from Moreton Bay, off south east Queensland. The holotype ofC. gymnophallum Nicoll, 1915 is examined, measured and figured for comparison.C. glandulosum Yamaguti, 1934 andC. robustum Wang, 1984 are reduced to synonymy withC. gymnophallum. The host specificity ofCoitocaecum spp. is discussed.  相似文献   

Benthic macrofauna was sampled from Naval Reserve Bank, Moreton Bay, Queensland, using an 0.05 m2 van Veen grab, and data were used to investigate spatial micropatterning. Samples were taken within a 5 × 6 square sampling grid (total area 730 in2) with an intersampling distance of 6 m. Samples were taken in duplicate on each occasion at 2-inonth intervals. Particle size of sediments and depth data were also collected. Data on other abiotic factors such as temperature, salinity and currents were inferred. Sampling gave data for 131 species. Hierarchical numerical classificatory techniques were employed to obtain (a) spatial patterns (site-groups) based on biotic data, and (b) species-groups which characterize the above site groups. Species diversity (SH) species richness (S), species evenness (J’) and individual species diversity (I) indices were computed for the total data set for each site with the species summated over the sampling times. A selected number of species were used in the classification. The spatial patterns were well defined but the species-groups categorizing them were somewhat confused. Species diversity indices were found to be of little aid in the interpretation of the site patterns or in generating alternative hypotheses.  相似文献   

Lyngbya majuscula is a filamentous marine cyanobacterium with a worldwide distribution in temperate and tropical regions to a depth of 30 m. Over 70 chemicals have been isolated and characterised from this organism, many of which are biologically active. Previously, L. majuscula has been reported as implicated in negative health outcomes only in Hawaii and Okinawa. Recently large blooms of L. majuscula have occurred with increasing repetition in the Moreton Bay region as well as other areas along the Australian coastline.Lyngbya toxin A (LA) and debromoaplysiatoxin (DAT) were found in samples of L. majuscula collected from Eastern Moreton Bay and North Deception Bay, Queensland, Australia, respectively. Samples of L. majuscula were also obtained from West Maui, Hawaii and the freshwater Lyngbya wollei from Florida. A quantitative measure of the irritant effects of the chemicals found in L. majuscula was made using a mouse ear swelling test. The relative toxicities of two purified toxins, LA and DAT, were examined. These were found to produce swelling to a similar extent. The time course of inflammation and histopathological results were also similar for the two purified toxins. Less than 1 μg per ear of either toxin or a mixture (1:1) of the two toxins caused a measurable increase in ear thickness. When toxins were combined (1:1) there was an additive, not synergistic effect. Increases in ear thickness occurred within 15 min. Crude extracts of L. majuscula from Moreton Bay were also applied to mice ears. The effect of crude extracts from Eastern Moreton Bay was not fully explained by the measured LA content, suggesting other toxin(s) and/or modulating factors were present. The toxic effects of L. majuscula containing DAT from North Deception Bay were explained by the concentrations measured. Some samples of L. majuscula containing no measurable quantities of LA or DAT were found to exert an inflammatory response. This response had a different time course to the response produced by LA or DAT.  相似文献   

Life-history characteristics of the double-ended pipefish, Syngnathoides biaculeatus (Bloch), were investigated to determine growth rate, degree of sexual dimorphism, size at maturity, and reproductive biology. Growth rates of wild juveniles and adults calculated from monthly progression of length-frequency modes ranged from 0.8mmd–1 (fish lengths 120–145mm standard length (SL)) in summer to 0.2mmd–1 in winter (185–200mm SL). Growth of laboratory-reared juveniles up to 63d old was greater, ranging from 0.8 to 2.3mmd-1. The von Bertalanffy growth constant K was estimated at 0.0076d- 1, or 2.8year–1. Morphological differentiation between the sexes based upon abdominal pattern was possible for fish larger than 120mm SL, with females possessing a zigzag pattern on the abdomen. The association between this pattern and sex was confirmed by histological gonad analysis. Males were significantly longer than females during four of seven seasons examined, and a 1:1 sex ratio was determined for all seasons except autumn when the ratio was female biased. The breeding season was marked by the appearance of pregnant males between October and April, and during courtship both species exhibited increased pigmentation. The minimum paternal size at maturity was 185mm, the maximum length recorded 260mm. Clutch size ranged between 60 and 200 eggs, with a mean of 153. Ovaries had a sequential pattern of egg development, resulting in egg batches that approximated the number of eggs carried by brooding males. Additionally, all eggs in a brood were at the same developmental stage. This suggests that one female provides all of the eggs for one male per breeding event in a monogamous mating system.  相似文献   

Of 66 calanoid species recorded in Moreton Bay, the 11 which were most frequent (> 50%) were also amongst the most dominant. Greatest total number of species (56) and greatest species richness (per sample) was found in the oceanic-influenced eastern Bay regions, a decrease toward western Bay estuarine-influenced regions being correlated with a salinity (and temperature) gradient. Maximum species richness in all regions occurred in autumn, seasonal amplitude of change being greatest in the eastern Bay. These data are largely explained by increasing environmental stability in .eastern Bay waters, especially with autumnal oceanic intrusion.  相似文献   

The embryonic, larval and juvenile development of blue whiting,Sillago parvisquamis Gill, are described from a series of laboratory-reared specimens. Mean egg diameter and mean total length (TL) of newly-hatched larvae were 0.71 mm and 1.58 mm, respectively. The eggs were non-adhesive, buoyant and spherical with an oil globule (mean diameter 0.18 mm). Hatching occurred about 20 hours after fertilization at a temperature of 24.0–25.0°C, newly-hatched larvae having 38–40 myomeres. The yolk and oil globule were completely absorbed 3 days after hatching at 2.8–3.2 (mean 3.0) mm TL. Notochord flexion was completed by 7.2–8.2 (7.7) mm TL, and pectoral and caudal fin rays fully developed by approximately 10 mm and 8.5 mm TL, respectively. Completion of fin development occurred in the following sequence: caudal, pectoral, anal and second dorsal, first dorsal and pelvic, the last-mentioned by approximately 11 mm TL. The larvae ofS. parvisquamis andS. japonica, which closely resemble each other in general morphology and pigmentation, could be distinguished as follows. Newly-hatchedS. parvisquamis larvae had more myomeres thanS. japonica (38–40 vs. 32–34) and more melanophores on the dorsal surface of the body (19–28 vs. about 40).Sillago japonica had a vertical band of melanophores on the caudal peduncle, which was lacking in postflexionS. parvisquamis larvae. In addition, juveniles ofS. parvisquamis (larger than 23 mm TL) had melanophores on the body extending anteriorly to below the lateral line to form a midlateral band, whereas no obvious band occurred on similarly-sizedS. japonica juveniles.  相似文献   

A new species of sand whiting, Sillago (Sillago) caudicula, is described based on four specimens collected from Oman, the Indian Ocean. It is easily distinguishable from its four known members of the subgenus Sillago by having a smaller head (29.0–30.1% in standard length), 23–24 soft anal fin rays, 35–36 total vertebrae, body depth at the origin of the second dorsal fin slightly deeper than that at the origin of the first dorsal fin, first and second hypurals fused (in adult) or narrowly separated (in young), third and fourth hypurals fused, and 11 dusky midlateral spots on the body.  相似文献   

We surveyed 30 individuals of Tylosurus gavialoides (Castelnau) (Belonidae) collected from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, and describe three new species of Prosorhynchoides Dollfus, 1929 from them. The new species are morphologically distinct from existing Prosorhynchoides spp. and 28S and ITS-2 ribosomal DNA data further supports our morphological findings. We also conduct the first mitochondrial DNA analysis of species of Prosorhynchoides. The new species from T. gavialoides form a strongly supported clade on the basis of the two ribosomal markers, further supporting the emerging hypothesis that bucephaline clades are strongly associated with host groups. We have not observed any of the new species reported here in over 3500 surveyed individuals of other piscivorous fish in Australia, suggesting that these species are host-specific at least to belonids, if not to only T. gavialoides. Our findings support previous reports that suggest that belonids are exceptional hosts for bucephalids. We predict that further sampling of the numerous other belonid species present in Australian waters, for which nothing is known of the bucephalid fauna, will uncover further bucephalid richness.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to initiate autecological studies on uncultivated natural populations of diazotrophic bacteria by examining the distribution of specific diazotrophs in the Chesapeake Bay. By use of quantitative PCR, the abundance of two nifH sequences (907h22 and 912h4) was quantified in water samples collected along a transect from the head to the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay during cruises in April and October 2001 and 2002. Standard curves for the quantitative PCR assays demonstrated that the relationship between gene copies and cycle threshold was linear and highly reproducible from 1 to 10(7) gene copies. The maximum number of 907h22 gene copies detected was approximately 140 ml(-1) and the maximum number of 912h4 gene copies detected was approximately 340 ml(-1). Sequence 912h4 was most abundant at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, and in general, its abundance increased with increasing salinity, with the highest abundances observed in April 2002. Overall, the 907h22 phylotype was most abundant at the mid-bay station. Additionally, 907h22 was most abundant in the April samples from the mid-bay and mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. Despite the fact that the Chesapeake Bay is rarely nitrogen limited, our results show that individual nitrogen-fixing bacteria have distinct nonrandom spatial and seasonal distributions in the Chesapeake Bay and are either distributed by specific physical processes or adapted to different environmental niches.  相似文献   

Synopsis We compare the biology of the tropical species Sillago analis and the temperate species Sillago schomburgkii in Shark Bay, a large subtropical marine embayment on the west coast of Australia. This environment constitutes approximately the southernmost and northernmost limits of the distributions of these two species, respectively. The annuli visible in sectioned otoliths of S. analis and S. schomburgkii form annually. Their numbers were thus used to age the individuals of these two species, which are morphologically very similar and live in the same habitats. Although the growth rates of S. analis and S. schomburgkii are very similar until maturity is attained, they subsequently diverge, with S. schomburgkii investing relatively more energy into somatic growth. The maximum total lengths and ages of both the females (320 mm, 6 years) and males (283 mm, 8 years) of S. analis were not as great as those of the females (383 mm, 9 years) and males (302 mm, 9 years) of S. schomburgkii. In Shark Bay, S. schomburgkii spawns earlier and longer than S. analis, i.e. August–December vs. January–March, which would result in the juveniles of these two species recruiting into nursery areas at different times. In addition, S. schomburgkii spawns earlier and for longer in Shark Bay than in temperate marine waters 800 km further south, presumably reflecting the fact that, in that subtropical embayment, water temperatures over which this species typically spawns are attained earlier and last for longer. However, although environmental conditions in Shark Bay and those temperate marine waters differ markedly, the growth of the corresponding sexes of S. schomburgkii in these two water bodies is similar.  相似文献   

The fishes occurring in the main tidal inlet to a typical saltmarsh situated in southern Moreton Bay were studied from January to December 1984. The aim of the study was to determine the type of fishes and their feeding habits within the inlet, particularly for species of economic importance. Sampling was conducted at night on the full and new moon phases, and during the day on the full moon phase. A total of 19 species were recorded from the inlet, of which 11 are of economic importance. Six species were considered common. Most fish which entered the inlet were juveniles. The diversity of the fish assemblage from the inlet was low when compared with findings of other studies conducted in Australian subtidal mangrove areas. Diel differences in the sire offish entering the inlet were recorded for several species. Two mark-recapture programmes were conducted to investigate short-term utilization of the saltmarsh by fishes. Recapture rates indicated that individuals of some species regularly utilized the saltmarsh. The most abundant species from the inlet were predominantly benthic feeders although one species fed on plankton. Terrestrial foods formed an important part of the diet of some fishes. The inlet serves as a feeding area for certain species although it is unlikely that these species rely exclusively upon the area. Future management of saltmarsh areas should include protection and maintenance of tidal inlets wherever possible.  相似文献   

Eight species of the trematode family Bucephalidae Poche, 1907 are reported from teleost fishes in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Heterobucephalopsis yongi n. sp. is described from Gymnothorax eurostus (Muraenidae); the new form is distinguished from its congeners in the possession of a tiny cirrus-sac relative to body length, the length of the caecum, the position of the mouth and pharynx, and the position of the testes and ovary. Two known species of Dollfustrema Eckmann, 1934, D. durum Nolan, Curran, Miller, Cutmore, Cantacessi & Cribb, 2015 and D. gibsoni Nolan & Cribb, 2010, are reported from Gymnothorax pseudothyrsoideus (Bleeker) (Muraenidae); although both species were described from Australian waters, this represents the first reports from Moreton Bay and G. pseudothyrsoideus. Four species of Prosorhynchus Odhner, 1905 are reported, including one new, P. brayi n. sp., which is described from Epinephelus coioides (Hamilton) (Serranidae); P. brayi n. sp. is distinguished from its congeners in the possession of vitelline follicles in a confluent arc distinctly posterior to a conical rhynchus, uterine coils that do not extend anterior to the vitelline arc, contiguous testes, a cirrus-sac that reaches anteriorly to at least the level of the posterior testis and a short excretory vesicle. Three known species of Prosorhynchus are reported from Australia, for the first time: P. luzonicus Velasquez, 1959 and P. maternus Bray & Justine, 2006 from E. coioides and Prosorhynchus platycephali (Yamaguti, 1934) Srivastava, 1938 from Ambiserrula jugosa (McCulloch) and Inegocia japonica (Cuvier) (Platycephalidae). Skrjabiniella Issaitschikow, 1928 is re-recognised for new specimens of Skrjabiniella uniporus (Ozaki, 1924) n. comb. collected from Conger cinereus Rüppell (Congridae); three additional species of Prosorhynchus are considered members of this genus, two of which are synonymised with S. uniporus.  相似文献   

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