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The role of the tachykinin neurokinin (NK)(2) receptors on rabbit distal colon propulsion was investigated by using two selective NK(2)-receptor antagonists, MEN-10627 and SR-48968. Experiments on colonic circular muscle strips showed that contractile responses to [beta-Ala(8)]NKA-(4-10) (1 nM-1 microM), a selective NK(2)-receptor agonist, were competitively antagonized by MEN-10627 (1-100 nM), whereas SR-48968 (0.1-10 nM) caused an insurmountable antagonism, thus confirming the difference in the mode of action of the two compounds. Colonic propulsion was elicited by distending a mobile rubber balloon with 0.3 ml (submaximal stimulus) or 1.0 ml (maximal stimulus) of water. The velocity of anal displacement of the balloon (mm/s) was considered the main propulsion parameter. At low concentrations (1.0-100 nM and 0.1-10 nM, respectively), MEN-10627 and SR-48968 facilitated the velocity of propulsion, whereas at high concentrations (100 nM and 1 microM, respectively) they decelerated propulsion. The excitatory and inhibitory effects of both antagonists were observed only with submaximal stimulus. We focused on the hypothesis that the facilitatory effect on propulsion may result from blockade of neuronal NK(2) receptors and the inhibitory effect from suppression of the excitatory transmission mediated by NK(2) receptors on smooth muscle cells. In the presence of N(G)-nitro-L-arginine (300 microM), a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, MEN-10627, at a concentration (10 nM) that was found to accelerate propulsion in control experiments inhibited the velocity of propulsion. In the presence of threshold (1-10 nM) or full (1 microM) concentration of atropine, which inhibited to a great extent the velocity of propulsion, the inhibitory effect of MEN-10627 (1 microM) was markedly increased. In conclusion, in the rabbit distal colon NK(2) receptors may decelerate propulsion by activating a nitric oxide-dependent neuronal mechanism and may accelerate it by a postjunctional synergistic interaction with cholinergic muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   

Biological effects of substance P (SP) are mediated by the neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor that exists as a full-length and as a carboxy-terminally truncated isoform in humans. Although NK1 receptor mRNA and binding sites have been detected in certain malignancies, little is known about the cellular and subcellular localization of NK1 receptor protein in human neoplastic tissues. We developed and characterized a novel anti-peptide antibody to the carboxy-terminal region of the human full-length NK1 receptor. Specificity of the antiserum was demonstrated by (1) detection of a broad band migrating at molecular mass 70,000-90,000 Da in Western blots of membranes from NK1-expressing tissues; (2) cell-surface staining of NK1-transfected cells; (3) translocation of NK1 receptor immunostaining after SP exposure; and (4) abolition of tissue immunostaining by preadsorption of the antibody with its immunizing peptide. Distribution of NK1 receptors was investigated in 72 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human tumors showing that NK1 receptors were frequently expressed in glioblastomas and breast and pancreatic carcinomas. Immunoreactive NK1 receptors were clearly confined to the plasma membrane and uniformly present on nearly all tumor cells. Development of this novel NK1 receptor antibody allows the efficient localization of NK1 receptor protein in human formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. NK1 receptor visualization with this simple and rapid immunohistochemical method will facilitate identification of tumors with a sufficient receptor overexpression for diagnostic or therapeutic intervention using SP analogs.  相似文献   

The tachykinins, substance P (SP) and neurokinin A (NKA), are agonists for the NK1 and NK2 receptors, respectively. Tachykinins have various respiratory effects, including bronchoconstriction. This study characterizes tachykinin binding sites in the rabbit lung. We hypothesize that (2-[125I]iodohistidyl1)Neurokinin A ([125I]NKA) interacts with NK1 and NK2 binding sites in the rabbit lung. The Kd determined from saturation isotherms was 0.69 X/÷1.14 nM (geometic mean X/÷ SEM) and the Bmax was 4.15±0.22 femtomole/mg protein (arithmetic mean±SEM). Competitive inhibition studies with NKA, SP and various selective tachykinin agonists showed the rank order of potency: [β-Ala8]-Neurokinin A 4–10=SP ≫ NKA ≫ [Sar9,Met(O2)11]-Substance P. [β-Ala8]-Neurokinin A 4–10, a selective NK2 agonist, and SP inhibition of [125I]NKA binding were best described using a two-site model. Competitive inhibition studies using the selective nonpeptide NK2 antagonist (SR 48968) and the selective nonpeptide NK1 antagonist (CP 96,345) revealed Ki's of 5.5 nM and 8.1 nM, respectively. Our data therefore suggest that [125I]NKA binds to both the NK1 and NK2 receptors in the lung. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Kinya Kuriyama.  相似文献   

As in most other seven-transmembrane receptors, the central disulfide bridge from the extracellular end of TM-III to the middle of the second extracellular loop was essential for ligand binding in the NK1 receptor. However, introduction of "extra", single Cys residues in the second extracellular loop, at positions where disease-associated Cys substitutions impair receptor function in the vasopressin V2 receptor and in rhodopsin, did not cause mispairing with the Cys residues involved in this central disulfide bridge. Cys residues were introduced in the N-terminal extension and in the third extracellular loop, respectively, in such a way that disulfide bridge formation could be monitored by loss of substance P binding and breakage of the bridge could be monitored by gain of ligand binding. This disulfide bridge formed spontaneously in the whole population of receptors and could be titrated with low concentrations of reducing agent, dithiothreitol. Another putative disulfide bridge "switch" was constructed at the extracellular ends of TM-V and -VI, i.e., at positions where a high-affinity zinc site previously had been constructed with His substitutions. Disulfide bridge formation at this position, monitored by loss of binding of the nonpeptide antagonist [3H]LY303.870, occurred spontaneously only in a small fraction of the receptors. It is concluded that disulfide bridges form readily between Cys residues introduced appropriately in the N-terminal extension and the third extracellular loop, whereas they form with more difficulty between Cys residues placed at the extracellular ends of the transmembrane segments even at positions where high-affinity metal ion sites can be constructed with His residues.  相似文献   

Binding experiments performed with [(125)I]-NKA allowed us to demonstrate the presence of "septide-sensitive" specific binding sites on membranes from rat CHO cells transfected with the NK(1) receptor cDNA (CHO-rat-NK1 cells), human astrocytoma U373 MG, or mouse cortical astrocytes, cells which express NK(1) but neither NK(2) nor NK(3) receptors. In all cases, [(125)I]-NKA was specifically bound with high affinity (2 to 5 nM) to a single population of sites. In the three preparations, pharmacological characteristics of [(125)I]-NKA binding sites were notably different from those of classical NK(1) binding sites selectively labelled with [(125)I]-BHSP. Indeed, the endogenous tachykinins NKA, NPK, and NKB and the septide-like compounds such as septide, SP(6-11), ALIE-124, [Apa(9-10)]SP, or [Lys(5)]NKA(4-10) had a much higher affinity for [(125)I]-NKA than [(125)I]-BHSP binding sites. Interestingly, differences were also found in the ratio of B(max) values for [(125)I]-NKA and [(125)I]-BHSP specific bindings from one tissue to another. These latter observations suggest that these two types of NK(1) binding sites are present on distinct NK(1) receptor isoforms (or conformers). Finally, while several tachykinins and tachykinin-related compounds stimulated cAMP formation or increased inositol phosphate accumulation in CHO-rat-NK1 cells, these compounds only increased the accumulation of inositol phosphates in the two other preparations.  相似文献   

X H Xiao  C J Mussap  E Burcher 《Peptides》1992,13(2):281-285
Contractile responses to neurokinin A (NKA), neuropeptide gamma(NP gamma), and the NK2 receptor-selective analogs [Lys5,MeLeu9,Nle10]NKA(4-10) and MDL 28,564 were determined in the endothelium-denuded rabbit pulmonary artery. Responses to NKA, NP gamma, and [Lys5,MeLeu9,Nle10]NKA(4-10) were antagonized by the NK2 receptor antagonist MDL 29,913, with pA2 values of 6.67, 6.46, and 7.32, respectively. Autoradiographic studies failed to demonstrate any specific binding sites for [125I]-iodohistidyl NKA (INKA) over the pulmonary artery. These data suggest the presence in rabbit pulmonary artery of an unusual "nonclassical" NK2 receptor subtype, which appears to lack affinity for INKA.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of cholinesterase in the rabbit distal colon has been studied using histochemical methods. Non-specific cholinesterase predominates in muscle tissue, the longitudinal layer of the muscularis externa staining slightly more strongly than the circular layer. The muscularis mucosae stains the most intensely but its non-specific cholinesterase is markedly inactivated by 20 hr fixation in formaldehyde. Specific cholinesterase is present in ganglion cells in the myenteric and submucous plexuses, and these cells vary in staining intensity. Nerve fibres which stain for specific cholinesterase are present in the nerve plexuses and in the muscle layers. It is concluded that there are cholinergic nervous elements in the myenteric and submucous plexuses and in the muscle layers of the rabbit distal colon.M. R. C. Junior Research Fellow.  相似文献   

Simultaneous immunofluorescence labelling was used to investigate the patterns of colocalisation of the NK1 tachykinin receptor with other neuronal markers, and hence determine the functional classes of neuron that bear the NK1 receptor in the guinea-pig ileum. In the myenteric plexus, 85% of NK1 receptor-immunoreactive (NK1r-IR) nerve cells had nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunoreactivity and the remaining 15% were immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). Of the latter group, about 50% were immunoreactive for both neuropeptide Y (NPY) and somatostatin (SOM), and had the morphologies of secretomotor neurons. Many of the remaining ChAT neurons were immunoreactive for calbindin or tachykinins (TK), but not both. These calbindin immunoreactive neurons had Dogiel type II morphology. No NK1r-IR nerve cells in the myenteric plexus had serotonin or calretinin immunoreactivity. In the submucosal ganglia, 84% of NK1r-IR nerve cells had neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity and 16% were immunoreactive for TK. It is concluded that NK1r-IR occurs in five classes of neuron; namely, in the majority of NOS-immunoreactive inhibitory motor neurons, in ChAT/TK-immunoreactive excitatory neurons to the circular muscle, in all ChAT/NPY/SOM-immunoreactive secretomotor neurons, in a small proportion of ChAT/calbindin myenteric neurons, and in about 50% of ChAT/TK submucosal neurons.  相似文献   

Interletrkin-1beta levels are elevated in inflammatory bowel disease. In this study the mechanism by which interleukin-1beta affects electrolyte transport in the rabbit distal colon, was investigated. Interleukin-1beta caused a delayed increase in short-circuit current (I(sc)) which was attributed to protein synthesis since the effect was inhibited by cycloheximide. The interleukin-1beta induced increase in I(sc) was not affected by amiloride treatment but was completely inhibited by bumetanide or in chloride-free buffer and by indomethacin. Prostaglandin E(2) levels increased in tissue treated with interleukin-1beta, but this increase was reversed by cycloheximide. These data suggest that interleukin-1beta causes its effect via a yet to be identified second messenger, by increasing chloride secretion through a prostaglandin E(2) mediated mechanism.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of anion transport in the rabbit distal colon were investigated in vitro under short-circuit conditions by examining the effects of transport inhibitors (the stilbene derivatives SITS and DIDS) under a variety of conditions. These agents consistently inhibited Jm-sCl: SITS (10(-3) M) reduced both unidirectional chloride fluxes to the same degree and did not alter JnetCl. In contrast, 10(-4) M DIDS had no effect on Js-mCl and had a significant chloride antiabsorptive effect. DIDS had no effect on either tissue cyclic AMP levels or on basal flux of potassium. The effects of SITS and the cyclic AMP-related secretagogue theophylline on Isc were independent. Additionally, there was no significant alteration of intracellular potential difference or apical membrane fractional resistance elicited by SITS during microelectrode impalement of colonic surface epithelial cells. These results suggest a complex mechanism of anion transport in the distal colon, with a component of electrogenic anion absorption inhibited by the stilbenes. The subsequent changes in current, conductance, and chloride fluxes are dependent upon additional, independent anion transport processes. These pharmacologic agents exhibit an antiabsorptive effect, rather than a stimulation of electrogenic chloride secretion.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and idiopathic chronic constipation (ICC) are intestinal disorders which disrupt normal colonic motility. Enteric tachykinins are well-recognised to play a role in the motor control of the gut, and increased colonic levels of substance P are seen in IBD, whereas decreased levels have been reported in ICC. In this investigation, we have characterised the tachykinin receptor population of normal human colonic circular smooth muscle and examined any changes that occur in IBD and ICC. The selective tachykinin NK2 receptor agonist, [beta-Ala8]neurokinin A(4-10), caused concentration-dependent contractions in healthy tissues; neither NK1 receptor-selective nor NK3 receptor-selective agonists were contractile. In diseased preparations also, only [beta-Ala8]neurokinin A(4-10) caused contractions with EC50 values similar to health. The maximum contractile responses (Emax), however, were significantly decreased in both forms of IBD but significantly increased in ICC. The muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist, carbachol, also caused contractions in diseased tissues, but EC50 and Emax values were not significantly different from health. The differential changes in contractility found in IBD and ICC are specific to NK2 receptors, and may reflect the altered levels of substance P or other tachykinins found in these intestinal disorders.  相似文献   

The localisation of NK3 tachykinin receptors in guinea-pig ileum was studied using the fluorescently labelled agonists, Cy3.5-neurokinin A and Cy3.5-kassinin. Binding to nerve cell bodies in the myenteric and submucosal plexuses was visualised using confocal microscopy. Binding to NK1 receptors was blocked by the NK1 receptor antagonist, CP-99994. NK3 receptors, demonstrated by binding in the presence of CP-99994, occurred in 72% of myenteric and 38% of submucosal neurons. Colocalisation with other markers was examined to deduce the classes of neurons with NK3 receptors. In myenteric ganglia, NK3 receptors were present on the following: 73% of calbindin-immunoreactive (IR) intrinsic primary afferent neurons, 63% of calretinin-IR excitatory motor neurons and ascending interneurons, 63% of nitric oxide synthase-IR inhibitory motor neurons and descending interneurons, 79% of strongly neuropeptide Y (NPY)-IR secretomotor neurons, 67% of weakly NPY-IR descending interneurons and motor neurons, and 46% of NK1 receptor-IR neurons. In submucosal ganglia, NK3 receptors were on 65% of calretinin-IR secretomotor/vasodilator neurons, 81% of NPY-IR cholinergic secretomotor neurons, 2% of vasoactive intestinal peptide-IR non-cholinergic secretomotor neurons and were completely absent from substance P-IR intrinsic primary afferent neurons. The results support physiological studies suggesting that NK3 receptors mediate tachykinin transmission between myenteric sensory neurons and to interneurons and/or motor neurons in descending inhibitory and ascending excitatory pathways. Accepted: 22 June 1999  相似文献   

The effect of baicalein on mucosal ion transport in the rat distal colon was investigated in Ussing chambers. Mucosal addition of baicalein (1-100 microM) elicited a concentration-dependent short-circuit current (I(sc)) response. The increase in I(sc) was mainly due to Cl(-) secretion. The presence of mucosal indomethacin (10 microM) significantly reduced both the basal and subsequent baicalein-evoked I(sc) responses. The baicalein-induced I(sc) were inhibited by mucosal application of diphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid (100 microM) and glibenclamide (500 microM) and basolateral application of chromanol 293B (30 microM), a blocker of K(v)LQT1 channels and Ba(2+) ions (5 mM). Treatment of the colonic mucosa with baicalein elicited a threefold increase in cAMP production. Pretreating the colonic mucosa with carbachol (100 microM, serosal) but not thapsigargin (1 microM, both sides) abolished the baicalein-induced I(sc). Addition of baicalein subsequent to forskolin induced a further increase in I(sc). These results indicate that the baicalein evoked Cl(-) secretion across rat colonic mucosa, possibly via a cAMP-dependent pathway. However, the action of baicalein cannot be solely explained by its cAMP-elevating effect. Baicalein may stimulate Cl(-) secretion via a cAMP-independent pathway or have a direct effect on cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator.  相似文献   

A comparative autoradiographic analysis of the distribution of tachykinin binding sites was made on brain serial sections using several ligands. (1) 3H-SP, 125I-BHSP and 3H-physalaemin labeled identical binding sites (NK1 type). (2) 3H-NKB, 125I-BHE and 3H-eledoisin also labeled identical sites (NK3 type). (3) 125I-BHNKA preferentially labeled NK3 binding sites, the distribution of 125I-BHNKA binding sites being identical to that of 3H-NKB or 125I-BHE binding sites. (4) The distributions of 3H-SP and 3H-NKB binding sites were markedly different. (5) A very low density of labeling was found with 3H-NKA or 125I-NKA, and these binding sites were distributed only in areas rich in either 3H-SP or 3H-NKB binding sites. (6) Particular efforts were made to look for the presence of tachykinin binding sites in the substantia nigra, since this structure is particularly rich in SP and NKA and contains functional tachykinin receptors of the NK1 and NK2 types as suggested by physiological studies. Confirming previous reports, low or very low labeling was observed in the substantia nigra with 3H-SP or 125I-BHSP and 3H-NKB or 125I-BHE. Similar results were found with 3H-NKA, 125I-NKA or 125I-BHNKA. In conclusion, our data do not provide evidence yet for the existence of NK2 binding sites in the rat brain.  相似文献   

Summary Regulation of the paracellular pathway in rabbit distal colon by the hormone aldosterone was investigated in vitro in Ussing chambers by means of transepithelial and microelectrode techniques. To evaluate the cellular and paracellular resistances an equivalent circuit analysis was used. For the analysis the apical membrane resistance was altered using the antibiotic nystatin. Under control conditions two groups of epithelia were found, each clearly dependent on the light: dark regime. Low-transporting epithelia (LT) were observed in the morning and high-transporting epithelia (HT) in the afternoon. Na+ transport was about 3-fold higher in HT than in LT epithelia. Incubating epithelia of both groups with 0.1 mol·1-1 aldosterone on the serosal side nearly doubled in LT epithelia the short circuit current and transepithelial voltage but the transepithelial resistance was not influenced. Maximal values were reached after 4–5 h of aldosterone treatment. In HT epithelia due to the effect of aldosterone all three transepithelial parameters remained constant over time. Evaluation of the paracellular resistance revealed a significant increase after aldosterone stimulation in both epithelial groups. This increase suggests that tight junctions might have been regulated by aldosterone. The hormonal effect on electrolyte transport was also dependent on the physiological state of the rabbit colon. Since net Na+ absorption in distal colon is, in addition to transcellular absorption capacity, also dependent on the permeability of the paracellular pathway, the regulation of tight junctions by aldosterone may be a potent mechanism for improving Na+ absorption during hormone-stimulated ion transport.Abbreviations V t transepithelial potential difference (mV) - R t transepithelial resistance (·cm2) - G t transepithelial conductance (mS·cm-2) - Isc calculated short circuit current (A·cm-2) - V a apical membrane potential difference (mV) - V bl basolateral membrane potential difference (mV) - voltage divider ratio - R a apical membrane resistance (·cm2) - R bl basolateral membrane resistance (·cm2) - R c cellular resistance ( of apical and basolateral resistance) (·cm2) - R p resistance of the paracellular pathway (·cm2) - G a apical membrane conductance (mS·cm-2) - G bl basolateral membrane conductance (mS·cm-2) - G p paracellular conductance (mS·cm-2) - G t transepithelial conductance (mS·cm-2) - HT contr high transporting control epithelia - LT contr low transporting control epithelia - HT aldo aldosterone incubated high transporting epithelia - LT aldo aldosterone incubated low transporting epithelia  相似文献   

Neural circuits in the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter (dPAG) play an important role in the integration of defensive behavior. The neurokinin substance P causes conditioned place aversion when administered into this region. The present study examined whether these effects may be mimicked by its carboxy-terminal amino acid sequence and whether they are influenced by prior treatment with the tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonist WIN51,708. The behavioral testing apparatus is a circular open field consisting of 4 uniform quadrants that are equally preferred by the rats prior to drug treatments. For conditioning, rats received drug injections on three consecutive days and were placed into their assigned quadrant. The carboxy-terminal analog (17.5 pmol/0.2 microl) applied into the dPAG produced place aversion effects with reduced time spent in the drug-paired quadrant on the testing day. The effects of the carboxy-terminal analog was antagonized by pretreatment with WIN51,708 (20 mg/kg, i.p.). Microinjection of WIN51,708 (20 mg/kg, i.p.), by its own, did not produce significant effects. These findings suggest that previous reports showing conditioned place aversion effects of SP injected into the dPAG are encoded by its carboxy-terminal sequence and due to its action on tachykinin NK1 receptors.  相似文献   

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