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As much as 10% of the total carbon stored in peatlands occurs in the tropics. Although tropical peatlands are poorly understood scientifically, they are increasingly exploited for a variety of human uses. Our objective was to measure baseline carbon cycling data in one type of tropical peatland in order to understand better how peat accumulates in these ecosystems. Average plant production for two study sites on the island of Kosrae in the Federated States of Micronesia over 2 year was 1122 g C m−2 year−1, of which 1058 g C m−2 year−1 was aboveground plant production (bole, buttress and litterfall). Although leaves contributed a high proportion of total plant productivity, their rapid decomposition left little carbon for peat accumulation. In contrast, fine roots only contributed 10% to plant productivity, but their slow decomposition allowed them to accumulate as peat. Wood (branches and stems) probably contributed the most carbon to the formation of peat. Despite being on the soil surface, small branches decomposed more slowly than leaves because of their high C:N and lignin:N ratios. In summary, we suggest that tropical peatlands in Micronesia accumulate peat not because of high plant production but rather because of slow decomposition of roots and wood under anaerobic conditions that result from nearly constant high water levels.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of forest fertilization on the forest carbon (C) dynamics in a 36-year-old larch (Larix leptolepis) plantation in Korea. Above- and below-ground C storage, litterfall, root decomposition and soil CO2 efflux rates after fertilization were measured for 2 years. Fertilizers were applied to the forest floor at rates of 112 kg N ha−1 year−1, 75 kg P ha−1 year−1 and 37 kg K ha−1 year−1 for 2 years (May 2002, 2003). There was no significant difference in the above-ground C storage between fertilized (41.20 Mg C ha−1) and unfertilized (42.25 Mg C ha−1) plots, and the C increment was similar between the fertilized (1.65 Mg C ha−1 year−1) and unfertilized (1.52 Mg C ha−1 year−1) plots. There was no significant difference in the soil C storage between the fertilized and unfertilized plots at each soil depth (0–15, 15–30 and 30–50 cm). The organic C inputs due to litterfall ranged from 1.57 Mg C ha−1 year−1 for fertilized to 1.68 Mg C ha−1 year−1 for unfertilized plots. There was no significant difference in the needle litter decomposition rates between the fertilized and unfertilized plots, while the decomposition of roots with 1–2 mm diameters increased significantly with the fertilization relative to the unfertilized plots. The mean annual soil CO2 efflux rates for the 2 years were similar between the fertilized (0.38 g CO2 m−2 h−1) and unfertilized (0.40 g CO2 m−2 h−1) plots, which corresponded with the similar fluctuation in the organic carbon (litterfall, needle and root decomposition) and soil environmental parameters (soil temperature and soil water content). These results indicate that little effect on the C dynamics of the larch plantation could be attributed to the 2-year short-term fertilization trials and/or the soil fertility in the mature coniferous plantation used in this study.  相似文献   

根际沉积及其在植物-土壤碳循环中的作用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
植物根际沉积是一种重要的植物与土壤交换的界面过程,在土壤碳周转方面具有重要的作用;根际碳的沉积也是联系植物、土壤及微生物的桥梁.本文就近年来关于根际沉积中碳平衡、碳循环等相关研究,阐述了根际碳沉积的机制,探讨了相关试验中存在的问题,以及不同植物品种、种类和生育期根际沉积的差异和根际沉积物与土壤呼吸的关系,指出了根际沉积在植物 土壤体系中碳循环的重要作用.在此基础上,提出了未来的研究领域及方向.  相似文献   

Forest fire dramatically affects the carbon storage and underlying mechanisms that control the carbon balance of recovering ecosystems. In western North America where fire extent has increased in recent years, we measured carbon pools and fluxes in moderately and severely burned forest stands 2 years after a fire to determine the controls on net ecosystem productivity (NEP) and make comparisons with unburned stands in the same region. Total ecosystem carbon in soil and live and dead pools in the burned stands was on average 66% that of unburned stands (11.0 and 16.5 kg C m−2, respectively, P<0.01). Soil carbon accounted for 56% and 43% of the carbon pools in burned and unburned stands. NEP was significantly lower in severely burned compared with unburned stands (P<0.01) with an increasing trend from −125±44 g C m−2 yr−1 (±1 SD) in severely burned stands (stand replacing fire), to −38±96 and +50±47 g C m−2 yr−1 in moderately burned and unburned stands, respectively. Fire of moderate severity killed 82% of trees <20 cm in diameter (diameter at 1.3 m height, DBH); however, this size class only contributed 22% of prefire estimates of bole wood production. Larger trees (> 20 cm DBH) suffered only 34% mortality under moderate severity fire and contributed to 91% of postfire bole wood production. Growth rates of trees that survived the fire were comparable with their prefire rates. Net primary production NPP (g C m−2 yr−1, ±1 SD) of severely burned stands was 47% of unburned stands (167±76, 346±148, respectively, P<0.05), with forb and grass aboveground NPP accounting for 74% and 4% of total aboveground NPP, respectively. Based on continuous seasonal measurements of soil respiration in a severely burned stand, in areas kept free of ground vegetation, soil heterotrophic respiration accounted for 56% of total soil CO2 efflux, comparable with the values of 54% and 49% previously reported for two of the unburned forest stands. Estimates of total ecosystem heterotrophic respiration (Rh) were not significantly different between stand types 2 years after fire. The ratio NPP/Rh averaged 0.55, 0.85 and 1.21 in the severely burned, moderately burned and unburned stands, respectively. Annual soil CO2 efflux was linearly related to aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) with an increase in soil CO2 efflux of 1.48 g C yr−1 for every 1 g increase in ANPP (P<0.01, r2= 0.76). There was no significant difference in this relationship between the recently burned and unburned stands. Contrary to expectations that the magnitude of NEP 2 years postfire would be principally driven by the sudden increase in detrital pools and increased rates of Rh, the data suggest NPP was more important in determining postfire NEP.  相似文献   

We observed the phenomenon of midday depression in the rate of tree root respiration. Diurnal changes in the root respiration rate of Quercus crispula and Chamaecyparis obtusa were measured under intact conditions using a closed chamber method and a soil respiration measurement system (LI-6400 with a root respiration chamber) in a forest in the foothills of Mt. Fuji. After the measurement of intact root respiration in the field, the root was excised and taken to the laboratory, and the temperature dependence on the respiration rate of the detached root was measured using an open-flow gas exchange system with an infrared gas analyzer (LI-6252). The measurement was conducted in September 2003, August and November 2005, and June 2006. Whereas the root respiration rate of both species under intact conditions increased with increasing soil and root temperatures from dawn to early morning, the respiration rate decreased around midday from 10:00 to 15:00 despite an increment of soil and root temperatures. There was no clear relationship between the intact root respiration rate and root temperature in either species, although the detached root respiration rate of both increased exponentially with the temperature. The amount of the CO2 efflux estimated using the temperature dependence of detached root respiration tended to underestimate the actual measurement value (intact respiration rate) by 20–50% in both species. These results indicate that evaluating midday depression in root respiration would be important for a more accurate estimation of the carbon cycle or net ecosystem production in forests.  相似文献   

The clearing of tropical forest for pasture leads to important changes in soil organic carbon (C) stocks and cycling patterns. We used the naturally occurring distribution of13C in soil organic matter (SOM) to examine the roles of forest- and pasture-derived organic matter in the carbon balance in the soils of 3- to 81-year-old pastures created following deforestation in the western Brazilian Amazon Basin state of Rondônia. Different 13C values of C3 forest-derived C (-28) and C4 pasture-derived C (-13) allowed determination of the origin of total soil C and soil respiration. The 13C of total soil increased steadily across ecosystems from -27.8 in the forest to -15.8 in the 81-year-old pasture and indicated a replacement of forest-derived C with pasture-derived C. The 13C of respired CO2 increased more rapidly from -26.5 in the forest to -17 in the 3- to 13-year-old pastures and indicated a faster shift in the origin of more labile SOM. In 3-year-old pasture, soil C derived from pasture grasses made up 69% of respired C but only 17% of total soil C in the top 10 cm. Soils of pastures 5 years old and older had higher total C stocks to 30 cm than the original forest. This occurred because pasture-derived C in soil organic matter increased more rapidly than forest-derived C was lost. The increase of pasture-derived C in soils of young pastures suggests that C inputs derived from pasture grasses play a critical role in development of soil C stocks in addition to fueling microbial respiration. Management practices that promote high grass production will likely result in greater inputs of grass-derived C to pasture soils and will be important for maintaining tropical pasture soil C stocks.  相似文献   

Only a small fraction of the carbon (C) allocated belowground by trees is retained by soils in long-lived, decay-resistant forms, yet because of the large magnitude of terrestrial primary productivity, even small changes in C allocation or retention can alter terrestrial C storage. The humid tropics exert a disproportionately large influence over terrestrial C storage, but C allocation and belowground retention in these ecosystems remain poorly quantified. Using mass balance and 13C isotope methods, we examined the effects of afforestation and fertilization, two land-use changes of large-scale importance, on belowground C cycling at a humid tropical site in Hawaii. Here we report that in unfertilized plots, 80% of the C allocated belowground by trees to roots and mycorrhizae was returned to the atmosphere within 1 year; 9% of the belowground C flux was retained in coarse roots and 11% was retained as new soil C. The gains in new soil C were offset entirely by losses of old soil C. Further, while fertilization early in stand development increased C storage in the litter layer and in coarse roots, it reduced by 22% the flux of C moving through roots and mycorrhizae into mineral soils. Because soil C formation rates related strongly to rhizosphere C flux, fertilization may reduce an already limited capacity of these forests to sequester decay-resistant soil C.  相似文献   

In order to understand how changes in climate and land cover affect carbon cycles and structure and function of regional grassland ecosystems, we developed a grassland landscape productivity model, proposed an approach that combined both process-based modeling and spatial analysis with field measurements, and provided an example of semiarid region in Inner Mongolia, China, in extremely arid conditions. The modeled monthly mean and total net primary productivity, and monthly and annual mean respiration rates for Leymus chinensis steppes during the growing seasons in 2002 were mostly within the normal varying ranges of measured values, or similar to the field measurements, conducted in the similarly arid conditions. And the modeled total net ecosystem productivity (NEP) for L. chinensis steppes and Stipa grandis steppes were both between the lower and the higher measurements or within modeled multi-annual data by the other model. The modeled total NEP was 1.91 g C/m2/year over the entire study region. It indicated that if human disturbances were not considered, carbon budget over the entire study region during the growing seasons was nearly in balance or weak carbon sink even under extremely arid conditions. However, the modeled NEP spatially greatly varied not only over the entire study region (−48.28–52.09 g C/m2/year), but also among different land cover types. The modeled results also showed that there were obvious seasonal variations in carbon fluxes, mainly caused by leaf area index; and annual precipitation was the major limiting factor for the obvious spatial patterns of carbon fluxes from the east to the west. The modeled results also revealed the influence of extreme drought on carbon fluxes. The study provides an effective approach to derive useful information about carbon fluxes for different land cover types, and thus can instruct regional land-use planning and resource management based on carbon storage conditions.  相似文献   

The extent to which plant communities are determined by resource availability is a central theme in ecosystem science, but patterns of small-scale variation in resource availability are poorly known. Studies of carbon (C) and nutrient cycling provide insights into factors limiting tree growth and forest productivity. To investigate rates of tropical forest litter production and decomposition in relation to nutrient availability and topography in the absence of confounding large-scale variation in climate and altitude we quantified nutrient fluxes via litterfall and leaf litter decomposition within three distinct floristic associations of tropical rain forest growing along a soil fertility gradient at the Sepilok Forest Reserve (SFR), Sabah, Malaysia. The quantity and nutrient content of small litter decreased along a gradient of soil nutrient availability from alluvial forest (most fertile) through sandstone forest to heath forest (least fertile). Temporal variation in litterfall was greatest in the sandstone forest, where the amount of litter was correlated negatively with rainfall in the previous month. Mass loss and N and P release were fastest from alluvial forest litter, and slowest from heath forest litter. All litter types decomposed most rapidly in the alluvial forest. Stand-level N and P use efficiencies (ratios of litter dry mass to nutrient content) were greatest for the heath forest followed by the sandstone ridge, sandstone valley and alluvial forests, respectively. We conclude that nutrient supply limits productivity most in the heath forest and least in the alluvial forest. Nutrient supply limited productivity in sandstone forest, especially on ridge and hill top sites where nutrient limitation may be exacerbated by reduced rates of litter decomposition during dry periods. The fluxes of N and P varied significantly between the different floristic communities at SFR and these differences may contribute to small-scale variation in species composition.  相似文献   

Tropical forests dominate global terrestrial carbon (C) exchange, and recent droughts in the Amazon Basin have contributed to short‐term declines in terrestrial carbon dioxide uptake and storage. However, the effects of longer‐term climate variability on tropical forest carbon dynamics are still not well understood. We synthesised field data from more than 150 tropical forest sites to explore how climate regulates tropical forest aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and organic matter decomposition, and combined those data with two existing databases to explore climate – C relationships globally. While previous analyses have focused on the effects of either temperature or rainfall on ANPP, our results highlight the importance of interactions between temperature and rainfall on the C cycle. In cool forests (< 20 °C), high rainfall slowed rates of C cycling, but in warm tropical forests (> 20 °C) it consistently enhanced both ANPP and decomposition. At the global scale, our analysis showed an increase in ANPP with rainfall in relatively warm sites, inconsistent with declines in ANPP with rainfall reported previously. Overall, our results alter our understanding of climate – C cycle relationships, with high precipitation accelerating rates of C exchange with the atmosphere in the most productive biome on earth.  相似文献   

Responses of soil respiration (CO2 emission) to simulated N deposition were studied in a disturbed (reforested forest with previous understory and litter harvesting) and a rehabilitated (reforested forest with no understory and litter harvesting) tropical forest in southern China from October 2005 to September 2006. The objectives of the study were to test the following hypotheses: (1) soil respiration is higher in rehabilitated forest than in disturbed forest; (2) soil respiration in both rehabilitated and disturbed tropical forests is stimulated by N additions; and (3) soil respiration is more sensitive to N addition in disturbed forest than in rehabilitated forest due to relatively low soil nutrient status in the former, resulting from different previous human disturbance. Static chamber and gas chromatography techniques were employed to quantify the soil respiration, following different N treatments (Control, no N addition; Low-N, 5 g N m−2 year−1; Medium-N, 10 g N m−2 year−1), which had been applied continuously for 26 months before the respiration measurement. Results showed that soil respiration exhibited a strong seasonal pattern, with the highest rates observed in the hot and wet growing season (April–September) and the lowest rates in winter (December–February) in both rehabilitated and disturbed forests. Soil respiration rates exhibited significant positive exponential relationship with soil temperature and significant positive linear relationship with soil moisture. Soil respiration was also significantly higher in the rehabilitated forest than in the disturbed forest. Annual mean soil respiration rate in the rehabilitated forest was 20% lower in low-N plots (71 ± 4 mg CO2-C m−2 h−1) and 10% lower in medium-N plots (80 ± 4 mg CO2-C m−2 h−1) than in the control plots (89 ± 5 mg CO2-C m−2 h−1), and the differences between the control and low-N or medium-N treatments were statistically significant. In disturbed forest, annual mean soil respiration rate was 5% lower in low-N plots (63 ± 3 mg CO2-C m−2 h−1) and 8% lower in medium-N plots (61 ± 3 mg CO2-C m−2 h−1) than in the control plots (66 ± 4 mg CO2-C m−2 h−1), but the differences among treatments were not significant. The depressed effects of experimental N deposition occurred mostly in the hot and wet growing season. Our results suggest that response of soil respiration to elevated N deposition in the reforested tropical forests may vary depending on the status of human disturbance. Responsible Editor: Hans Lambers.  相似文献   

An 1800-km South to North transect (N 53°43′ to 69°43′) through Western Siberia was established to study the interaction of nitrogen and carbon cycles. The transect comprised all major vegetation zones from steppe, through taiga to tundra and corresponded to a natural temperature gradient of 9.5°C mean annual temperature (MAT). In order to elucidate changes in the control of C and N cycling along this transect, we analyzed physical and chemical properties of soils and microbial structure and activity in the organic and in the mineral horizons, respectively. The impact of vegetation and climate exerted major controls on soil C and N pools (e.g., soil organic matter, total C and dissolved inorganic nitrogen) and process rates (gross N mineralization and heterotrophic respiration) in the organic horizons. In the mineral horizons, however, the impact of climate and vegetation was less pronounced. Gross N mineralization rates decreased in the organic horizons from south to north, while remaining nearly constant in the mineral horizons. Especially, in the northern taiga and southern tundra gross nitrogen mineralization rates were higher in the mineral compared to organic horizons, pointing to strong N limitation in these biomes. Heterotrophic respiration rates did not exhibit a clear trend along the transect, but were generally higher in the organic horizon compared to mineral horizons. Therefore, C and N mineralization were spatially decoupled at the northern taiga and tundra. The climate change implications of these findings (specifically for the Arctic) are discussed.  相似文献   

湿润亚热带峰丛洼地岩溶土壤系统中碳分布及其转移   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
以桂林丫吉村岩溶试验场为例,研究了湿润亚热带峰丛洼地表层岩溶带生物量碳库、凋落物碳库、土壤有机碳库(SOM)及其活泼性、有机碳分解速率、土壤中CO2浓度和土壤呼吸CO2排放,表明岩溶系统中丰富的碳库提供了系统中CO2的来源,并用δ^13C证实春夏岩溶活跃季节中岩溶输出C约60%来自土壤CO2。由此认为,驱动岩溶作用的CO2并非直接来自大气CO2,而是大气-植物-土壤-水碳素转移的结果,因而揭示了土  相似文献   

Tropical forests hold large stores of carbon, yet uncertainty remains regarding their quantitative contribution to the global carbon cycle. One approach to quantifying carbon biomass stores consists in inferring changes from long-term forest inventory plots. Regression models are used to convert inventory data into an estimate of aboveground biomass (AGB). We provide a critical reassessment of the quality and the robustness of these models across tropical forest types, using a large dataset of 2,410 trees ≥ 5 cm diameter, directly harvested in 27 study sites across the tropics. Proportional relationships between aboveground biomass and the product of wood density, trunk cross-sectional area, and total height are constructed. We also develop a regression model involving wood density and stem diameter only. Our models were tested for secondary and old-growth forests, for dry, moist and wet forests, for lowland and montane forests, and for mangrove forests. The most important predictors of AGB of a tree were, in decreasing order of importance, its trunk diameter, wood specific gravity, total height, and forest type (dry, moist, or wet). Overestimates prevailed, giving a bias of 0.5–6.5% when errors were averaged across all stands. Our regression models can be used reliably to predict aboveground tree biomass across a broad range of tropical forests. Because they are based on an unprecedented dataset, these models should improve the quality of tropical biomass estimates, and bring consensus about the contribution of the tropical forest biome and tropical deforestation to the global carbon cycle. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Organic matter decomposition and soil CO2 efflux are both mediated by soil microorganisms, but the potential effects of temporal variations in microbial community composition are not considered in most analytical models of these two important processes. However, inconsistent relationships between rates of heterotrophic soil respiration and abiotic factors, including temperature and moisture, suggest that microbial community composition may be an important regulator of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and CO2 efflux. We performed a short-term (12-h) laboratory incubation experiment using tropical rain forest soil amended with either water (as a control) or dissolved organic matter (DOM) leached from native plant litter, and analyzed the effects of the treatments on soil respiration and microbial community composition. The latter was determined by constructing clone libraries of small-subunit ribosomal RNA genes (SSU rRNA) extracted from the soil at the end of the incubation experiment. In contrast to the subtle effects of adding water alone, additions of DOM caused a rapid and large increase in soil CO2 flux. DOM-stimulated CO2 fluxes also coincided with profound shifts in the abundance of certain members of the soil microbial community. Our results suggest that natural DOM inputs may drive high rates of soil respiration by stimulating an opportunistic subset of the soil bacterial community, particularly members of the Gammaproteobacteria and Firmicutes groups. Our experiment indicates that variations in microbial community composition may influence SOM decomposition and soil respiration rates, and emphasizes the need for in situ studies of how natural variations in microbial community composition regulate soil biogeochemical processes.  相似文献   

From 1999 to 2003, a range of carbon fluxes was measured and integrated to establish a carbon balance for a natural evergreen forest of Castanopsis kawakamii (NF) and adjacent monoculture evergreen plantations of C. kawakamii (CK) and Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata, CF) in Sanming Nature Reserve, Fujian, China. Biomass carbon increment of aboveground parts and coarse roots were measured by the allometric method. Above- and belowground litter C inputs were assessed by litter traps and sequential cores, respectively. Soil respiration (SR) was determined by the alkaline absorbance method, and the contribution from roots, above- and belowground litters was separated by the DIRT plots. Annual SR averaged 13.742 t C ha−1 a−1 in the NF, 9.439 t C ha−1 a−1 in the CK, and 4.543 t C ha−1 a−1 in the CF. For all forests, SR generally peaked in later spring or early summer (May or June). The contribution of root respiration ranged from 47.8% in the NF to 40.3% in the CF. On average, soil heterotrophic respiration (HR) was evenly distributed between below- (47.3∼54.5%) and aboveground litter (45.5%–52.7%). Annual C inputs (t C ha−1 a−1) from litterfall and root turnover averaged 4.452 and 4.295, 4.548 and 2.313, and 2.220 and 1.265, respectively, in the NF, CK, and CF. As compared to HR, annual net primary production (NPP) of 11.228, 13.264, and 6.491 t C ha−1 a−1 in the NF, CK, and CF brought a positive net ecosystem production (NEP) of 4.144, 7.514, and 3.677 t C ha−1 a−1, respectively. It suggests that native forest in subtropical China currently acts as an important carbon sink just as the timber plantation does, and converting native forest to tree plantations locally during last decades might have caused a high landscape carbon loss to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Nutrient supply commonly limits aboveground plant productivity in forests, but the effects of an altered nutrient supply on gross primary production (GPP) and patterns of carbon (C) allocation remain poorly characterized. Increased nutrient supply may lead to a higher aboveground net primary production (ANPP), but a lower total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA), with little change in either aboveground plant respiration (APR) or GPP. Alternatively, increases in nutrient supply may increase GPP, with the quantity of GPP allocated aboveground increasing more steeply than the quantity of GPP allocated belowground. To examine the effects of an elevated nutrient supply on the C allocation patterns in forests, we determined whole‐ecosystem C budgets in unfertilized plots of Eucalyptus saligna and in adjacent plots receiving regular additions of 65 kg N ha?1, 31 kg P ha?1, 46 kg K ha?1, and macro‐ and micronutrients. We measured the absolute flux of C allocated to the components of GPP (ANPP, TBCA and APR), as well as the fraction of GPP allocated to these components. Fertilization dramatically increased GPP. Averaged over 3 years, GPP in the fertilized plots was 34% higher than that in the unfertilized controls (3.95 vs. 2.95 kg C m?2 yr?1). Fertilization‐related increases in GPP were allocated entirely aboveground – ANPP was 85% higher and APR was 57% higher in the fertilized than in the control plots, while TBCA did not differ significantly between treatments. Carbon use efficiency (NPP/GPP) was slightly higher in the fertilized (0.53) compared with the control plots (0.51). Overall, fertilization increased ANPP and APR, and these increases were related to a greater GPP and an increase in the fraction of GPP allocated aboveground.  相似文献   

Land-use change is likely to be a major component of global change at high latitudes, potentially causing significant alterations in soil C and N cycling. We addressed the biogeochemical impacts of land-use change in fully replicated black spruce forests and agricultural fields of different ages (following deforestation) and under different management regimes in interior Alaska. Change from forests to cultivated fields increased summer temperatures in surface soil layers by 4–5 °C, and lengthened the season of biological activity by two to three weeks. Decomposition of a common substrate (oat stubble) was enhanced by 25% in fields compared to forests after litter bags were buried for one year. In-situ net N mineralization rates in site-specific soil were similar in forests and fields during summer, but during winter, forests were the only sites where net N immobilization occurred. Field age and management had a significant impact on C and N mineralization. Rates of annual decomposition, soil respiration and summer net N mineralization tended to be lower in young than in old fields and higher in fallow than in planted young fields. To identify the major environmental factors controlling C and N mineralization, soil temperature, moisture and N availability were studied. Decomposition and net N mineralization seemed to be mainly driven by availability of inorganic N. Soil temperature played a role only when comparing forests and fields, but not in field-to-field differences. Results from soil respiration measurements in fields confirmed low sensitivity of heterotrophic respiration, and thus decomposition to temperature. In addition, both soil respiration and net N mineralization were limited by low soil water contents. Our study showed that (1) C and N mineralization are enhanced by forest clearing in subarctic soils, and (2) N availability is more important than soil temperature in controling C and N mineralization following forest clearing. Projecting the biogeochemical impacts of land-use change at high latitudes requires an improved understanding of its interactions with other factors of global change, such as changing climate and N deposition.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is the relationship between water table depth (WTD) and water vapor [evapotranspiration (ET)] and carbon dioxide [CO2; net ecosystem exchange (NEE)] fluxes in a fen in western Canada. We analyzed hydrological and eddy covariance measurements from four snow‐free periods (2003–2006) with contrasting meteorological conditions to establish the link between daily WTD and ET and gross ecosystem CO2 exchange (GEE) and ecosystem respiration (Reco; NEE=Reco?GEE), respectively: 2003 was warm and dry, 2004 was cool and wet, and 2005 and 2006 were both wet. In 2003, the water table (WT) was below the ground surface. In 2004, the WT rose above the ground surface, and in 2005 and 2006, the WT stayed well above the ground surface. There were no significant differences in total ET (~316 mm period?1), but total NEE was significantly different (2003: 8 g C m?2 period?1; 2004: ?139 g C m?2 period?1; 2005: ?163 g C m?2 period?1; 2006: ?195 g C m?2 period?1), mostly due to differences in total GEE (2003: 327 g C m?2 period?1; 2004: 513 g C m?2 period?1; 2005: 411 g C m?2 period?1; 2006: 556 g C m?2 period?1). Variation in ET is mostly explained by radiation (67%), and the contribution of WTD is only minor (33%). WTD controls the compensating contributions of different land surface components, resulting in similar total ET regardless of the hydrological conditions. WTD and temperature each contribute about half to the explained variation in GEE up to a threshold ponding depth, below which temperature alone is the key explanatory variable. WTD is only of minor importance for the variation in Reco, which is mainly controlled by temperature. Our study implies that future peatland modeling efforts explicitly consider topographic and hydrogeological influences on WTD.  相似文献   

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