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Aqueous maize starch dispersions (20%) were heated at 100 °C, in the presence of myristic, palmitic or stearic acid potassium salts as well as of sorbitol added at concentrations up to 60% (dry starch). Flow behaviour measurements at 100 °C indicated that interactions took place between the starch–fatty acid systems and sorbitol resulting in viscosity increase which was more pronounced as the sorbitol content increased. Water solubility measurements showed that a major part of sorbitol was easily extracted by excess water whereas sorption experiments revealed that the moisture uptake rate was proportional to sorbitol content of the starch systems examined. Thermomechanical studies indicated that the starch–fatty acid samples containing sorbitol up to 40% exhibited antiplasticizing behaviour. Scanning electron microscopy studies revealed that at sorbitol concentrations over 30%, free sorbitol crystals were formed on the surface of starch–fatty acid samples, whereas the percentage crystallinity as well as the crystallite size of samples were proportional to sorbitol content.  相似文献   

A modified Flory–Huggins equation accounting for the solvation of polymer molecules by water molecules was used to model the phase behavior of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) formed by poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and dextran. The parameters of the equation were obtained by fitting experimental equilibrium data either accounting for or disregarding dextran polidispersity. The modified equation was subsequently applied to calculate partition coefficients of biomolecules in these systems. It was found that accounting for polidispersity did not affect significantly the calculated phase equilibrium, but increased the agreement of calculated partition coefficients with experimental data. Further improvement was obtained by using a size dependent interaction parameter for dextran pseudo-components.  相似文献   

Mortalin is frequently overexpressed in human malignancies. Previous studies have suggested that mortalin contributes to ovarian cancer development and progression, but further investigation is warranted. The aim of this study is to elucidate the mechanism of mortalin in ovarian cancer development and progression. In this study, lentivirus‐delivered mortalin short hairpin RNA (shRNA) was used to knockdown mortalin expression in A2780 and A2780/cis ovarian cancer cell lines, and lentiviral mortalin‐pLVX‐AcGFP was used to generate mortalin‐overexpressing cell lines. The results demonstrated that decreased mortalin expression reduced ovarian cancer cell proliferation, colony formation, migration and invasion by Cell Counting Kit‐8 assay, colony formation assay, wounding healing assay and Transwell cell invasion assay, respectively. Flow cytometry results suggested that mortalin promotes the G1 transition, leading to faster restoration of a normal cell‐cycle distribution. Cell‐cycle proteins, including C‐myc and Cyclin‐D1, significantly increased, and Cyclin‐B1 remarkably decreased upon mortalin down‐regulation. Western blot analysis showed that mortalin knockdown significantly decreased p‐c‐Raf and phospho‐extracellular–regulated protein kinases (p‐ERK1/2) pathways but not the Jun N‐terminal kinase pathway, whereas mortalin overexpression had the opposite effect. Taken together, these results indicate that mortalin is an oncogenic factor, and mitogen‐activated protein kinase‐ERK signalling pathway activation by mortalin may contribute to ovarian cancer development and progression.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic analyses have been increasingly used to estimate the genetic basis of life‐history traits in natural populations. Imperfect detection of individuals is inherent to studies that monitor populations in the wild, yet it is seldom accounted for by quantitative genetic studies, perhaps leading to flawed inference. To facilitate the inclusion of imperfect detection of individuals in such studies, we develop a method to estimate additive genetic variance and assess heritability for binary traits such as survival, using capture–recapture (CR) data. Our approach combines mixed‐effects CR models with a threshold model to incorporate discrete data in a standard ‘animal model’ approach. We employ Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling in a Bayesian framework to estimate model parameters. We illustrate our approach using data from a wild population of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) and present the first estimate of heritability of adult survival in the wild. In agreement with the prediction that selection should deplete additive genetic variance in fitness, we found that survival had low heritability. Because the detection process is incorporated, capture–recapture animal models (CRAM) provide unbiased quantitative genetics analyses of longitudinal data collected in the wild.  相似文献   

The relationship between sampled area and the number of species within that area, the species–area relationship (SAR), is a major biodiversity pattern and one of a few law‐like regularities in ecology. While the SAR for isolated units (islands or continents) is assumed to result from the dynamics of species colonization, speciation and extinction, the SAR for contiguous areas in which smaller plots are nested within larger sample areas can be attributed to spatial patterns in the distribution of individuals. The nested SAR is typically triphasic in logarithmic space, so that it increases steeply at smaller scales, decelerates at intermediate scales and increases steeply again at continental scales. I will review current theory for this pattern, showing that all three phases of the SAR can be derived from simple geometric considerations. The increase of species richness with area in logarithmic space is generally determined by overall species rarity, so that the rarer the species are on average, the higher is the local slope z. Rarity is scale‐dependent: species occupy only a minor proportion of area at broad spatial scales, leading to upward accelerating shape of the SAR at continental scales. Similarly, species are represented by only a few individuals at fine spatial scales, leading to high SAR slope also at small areas. Geometric considerations reveal links of the SAR to other macroecological patterns, namely patterns of β‐diversity, the species–abundance distribution, and the relationship between energy availability (or productivity) and species richness. Knowledge of the regularities concerning nested SARs may be used for standardizing unequal areas, upscaling species richness and estimating species loss due to area loss, but all these applications have their limits, which also follow from the geometric considerations.  相似文献   

Species–area curves from islands and other isolates often differ in shape from sample‐area curves generated from mainlands or sections of isolates (or islands), especially at finer scales. We examine two explanations for this difference: (1) the small‐island effect (SIE), which assumes the species–area curve is composed of two distinctly different curve patterns; and (2) a sigmoid or depressed isolate species–area curve with no break‐points (in arithmetic space). We argue that the application of Ockham’s razor – the principle that the simplest, most economical explanation for a hypothesis should be accepted over less parsimonious alternatives – leads to the conclusion that the latter explanation is preferable. We hold that there is no reason to assume the ecological factors or patterns that affect the shapes of isolate (or island) curves cause two distinctly different patterns. This assumption is not required for the alternative, namely that these factors cause a single (though depressed) isolate species–area curve with no break‐points. We conclude that the theory of the small‐island effect, despite its present standing as an accepted general pattern in nature, should be abandoned.  相似文献   

Summary As the nonparametric generalization of the one‐way analysis of variance model, the Kruskal–Wallis test applies when the goal is to test the difference between multiple samples and the underlying population distributions are nonnormal or unknown. Although the Kruskal–Wallis test has been widely used for data analysis, power and sample size methods for this test have been investigated to a much lesser extent. This article proposes new power and sample size calculation methods for the Kruskal–Wallis test based on the pilot study in either a completely nonparametric model or a semiparametric location model. No assumption is made on the shape of the underlying population distributions. Simulation results show that, in terms of sample size calculation for the Kruskal–Wallis test, the proposed methods are more reliable and preferable to some more traditional methods. A mouse peritoneal cavity study is used to demonstrate the application of the methods.  相似文献   

The Darwin–Fisher theory proposes that the presence of male secondary sexual traits in monogamous birds is selected for by early season breeding of females that are in good condition. These early breeding females have high fecundity because of their good condition, and they select mates based on secondary sex traits. We tested whether this hypothesis may be responsible for the presence of male sexual ornaments in the great frigatebird, a socially and genetically monogamous seabird. Consistent with the Darwin–Fisher theory, we found that reproductive success declined over the season. However, males with more exaggerated ornaments were not chosen as mates earlier in the season than males with less exaggerated ornaments, and selection gradients on these ornaments were not significantly different from zero.  相似文献   

Trophically transmitted parasites start their development in an intermediate host, before they finish the development in their definitive host when the definitive host preys on the intermediate host. In intermediate–definitive host systems, two strategies of host manipulation have been evolved: increasing the rate of transmission to the definitive host by increasing the chance that the definitive host will prey on the intermediate host, or increasing the lifespan of the parasite in the intermediate host by decreasing the predation chance when the intermediate host is not yet infectious. As the second strategy is less well studied than the first, it is unknown under what conditions each of these strategies is prevailed and evolved. We analysed the effect of both strategies on the presence of parasites in intermediate–definitive host systems with a structured population model. We show that the parasite can increase the parameter space where it can persist in the intermediate–definitive host system using one of these two strategies of host manipulation. We found that when the intermediate host or the definitive host has life‐history traits that allow the definitive host to reach large population densities, that is high reproduction rate of the intermediate host or high conversion efficiency of the definitive host (efficiency at which the uninfected definitive host converts caught intermediate hosts into offspring), respectively, evolving manipulation to decrease the predation chance of the intermediate host will be more beneficial than manipulation to increase the predation chance to enhance transmission. Furthermore, manipulation to decrease the predation chance of the intermediate host results in higher population densities of infected intermediate hosts than manipulation that increases the predation chance to enhance transmission. Our study shows that host manipulation in early stages of the parasite development to decrease predation might be a more frequently evolved way of host manipulation than is currently assumed.  相似文献   

Effectively adapting to climate change involves overcoming social and ecological system barriers. The present study uses a three‐phase adaptation framework to propose adaptation strategies aimed at overcoming socioecological barriers of the food–energy–water (FEW) nexus. Cradle‐to‐farm‐gate land, greenhouse gas (GHG), and water impacts—that derive from food consumption in the United States—are analyzed and differentiated by major demographic groups (Black, Latinx, and White). Results indicate that the White demographic yields the highest per capita GHG (680 kg of CO2 eq?year?1) and water impacts (328,600 L?year?1) from food consumption, whereas the Black demographic yields the highest per capita land impacts (1,770 m2?year?1) from food consumption. Our findings suggest that obtaining data with the intention of building consensus across sociodemographic lines overcomes barriers in the understanding phase, leading to increased social receptivity for many planning and managing phase processes. Specifically, we find that identifying and developing leaders who possess the cognitive and interpersonal capacity to manage many variables and stakeholders is key to assessing and selecting adaptation options in the planning phase. We also propose using government programming to encourage environmentally friendly food purchasing behavior. Then, we discuss how our proposals could be used in adaptation feasibility and evaluation activities in the managing phase. In all, these findings facilitate the development of improved climate change adaptation and policy by satisfying the understanding phase of the climate change adaptation framework, establishing a cross‐disciplinary methodological approach to addressing socioecological problems, and providing useful FEW impact data for FEW nexus and climate change researchers.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic noise associated with highway construction and operation can have individual‐ and population‐level consequences for wildlife (e.g., reduced densities, decreased reproductive success, behavioral changes). We used a before–after control–impact study design to examine the potential impacts of highway construction and traffic noise on endangered golden‐cheeked warblers (Setophaga chrysoparia; hereafter warbler) in urban Texas. We mapped and monitored warbler territories before (2009–2011), during (2012–2013), and after (2014) highway construction at three study sites: a treatment site exposed to highway construction and traffic noise, a control site exposed only to traffic noise, and a second control site exposed to neither highway construction or traffic noise. We measured noise levels at varying distances from the highway at sites exposed to construction and traffic noise. We examined how highway construction and traffic noise influenced warbler territory density, territory placement, productivity, and song characteristics. In addition, we conducted a playback experiment within study sites to evaluate acute behavioral responses to highway construction noises. Noise decreased with increasing distance from the highways. However, noise did not differ between the construction and traffic noise sites or across time. Warbler territory density increased over time at all study sites, and we found no differences in warbler territory placement, productivity, behavior, or song characteristics that we can attribute to highway construction or traffic noise. As such, we found no evidence to suggest that highway construction or traffic noise had a negative effect on warblers during our study. Because human population growth will require recurring improvements to transportation infrastructure, understanding wildlife responses to anthropogenic noise associated with the construction and operation of roads is essential for effective management and recovery of prioritized species.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting is one of the most widely used molecular techniques in plant biology today. In this paper, we describe the application of the extremely sensitive nonradioactive biotin–streptavidin system to visualize AFLP fragments blotted onto nylon membranes. The protocol is tested for different plant species (from bryophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms) and primer combinations. Advantages of this protocol over other nonradioactive detection methods are discussed, and the suitability of the method for laboratories without automated sequencing facilities are emphasized.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the influence of choice of the measure of mean abundance on the abundance–occupancy relationship, and to examine the implications for identifying causal mechanisms. Innovation Simulations were performed to generate stochastic abundance–occupancy data sets covering a wide range of scenarios representative of empirical abundance–occupancy data. Two common measures of mean abundance were used: local mean abundance (mean abundance calculated using only data from occupied sites) and global mean abundance (mean abundance calculated using all sites or samples). I found that the choice of mean abundance measure had a strong effect on the correlation between abundance and occupancy. Local mean abundance was associated with a high proportion of negative correlations (mean percentage of negative correlations across 24 simulations = 44.39), while global mean abundance was strongly associated with positive correlations (mean percentage of negative correlations across 24 simulations = 0.02). Main conclusions The choice of abundance measure influences the correlation between abundance and occupancy. Negative correlations between local mean abundance and occupancy are an inherent and unavoidable consequence of using this measure of abundance. Efforts to identify causal mechanisms that give rise to the abundance–occupancy relationship have attempted to explain occasional negative correlations when the expectation was for positive correlations. This study shows that negative correlations arise from the choice of mean abundance measure and that this artefact confounds efforts to identify ecological causal mechanisms.  相似文献   

Clarifying the relationship between distribution patterns of organisms and geological events is critical to understanding the impact of environmental changes on organismal evolution. Quercus sect. Heterobalanus is now distributed across the Himalaya–Hengduan Mountains (HHM) and warm lowland in East China, yet how the distribution patterns of this group changed in response to the HHM uplift remains largely unknown. This study examines the effect of tectonic events in the HHM region on the oaks, providing a biological perspective on the geological history of this region. Fifty‐six populations of Quercus sect. Heterobalanus were genotyped using four chloroplast DNA regions and nine nuclear simple sequence repeat loci to assess population structure and diversity, supplemented by molecular dating and ancestral area reconstructions. The underlying demographic dynamics were compared using ecological niche models of the species distributions during the last glacial maximum and the present. These analyses illustrate that Quercus sect. Heterobalanus diversified as the HHM uplifted and climatic cooling during the mid‐Miocene, colonizing the cold habitats from warm broadleaf mixed forests. Lineages in cold highlands and warm lowlands have diverged as a consequence of local adaptation to diverging climates since the late Miocene. Our results suggest that continuous uplift of the HHM in the late Miocene to early Pliocene accompanied by simultaneous cooling triggered the differentiation of oaks. The biogeography of Quercus sect. Heterobalanus illuminates the geological events responsible for the modern‐day HHM.  相似文献   

Summary Case–cohort sampling is a commonly used and efficient method for studying large cohorts. Most existing methods of analysis for case–cohort data have concerned the analysis of univariate failure time data. However, clustered failure time data are commonly encountered in public health studies. For example, patients treated at the same center are unlikely to be independent. In this article, we consider methods based on estimating equations for case–cohort designs for clustered failure time data. We assume a marginal hazards model, with a common baseline hazard and common regression coefficient across clusters. The proposed estimators of the regression parameter and cumulative baseline hazard are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal, and consistent estimators of the asymptotic covariance matrices are derived. The regression parameter estimator is easily computed using any standard Cox regression software that allows for offset terms. The proposed estimators are investigated in simulation studies, and demonstrated empirically to have increased efficiency relative to some existing methods. The proposed methods are applied to a study of mortality among Canadian dialysis patients.  相似文献   

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