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Plant allometry that is related to plant architecture and biomass allocation strongly influences a plants ability to grow in shaded forest understory. Some allometric traits can change with plant size. The present study compared crown and trunk allometries, root/shoot biomass allometry, and root architecture among understory saplings (0.25--5m height, except for two trees > 5 < 7 m) of seven deciduous dicotyledonous species in central Japan. Associations of the crown and trunk allometries with several plant morphological attributes were analyzed. Branch morphology (plagiotropyvs orthotropy) and life size were correlated with sapling crown and trunk allometries. Both large leaves and orthotropic branches were associated with a narrow small crown and slender trunk. The root/shoot ratio decreased rapidly with increasing plant height for saplings shorter than about 1.5 m. Less shade-tolerant species tended to have smaller root/shoot ratios for saplings taller than 1.5 m. With an increase in plant height, the branch/trunk biomass ratio decreased for saplings with plagiotropic branches but increased for saplings with orthotropic branches. Four subcanopy species (Acer distylum, Carpinus cordata, Fraxinus lanuginosa and Acanthopanax sciadophylloides) had superficial root systems; a common understory species (Sapium japonica) had a deep tap root system; and a canopy species (Magnolia obovata) and a subcanopy species (Acer tenuifolium) had heart root systems of intermediate depth. The root depth was not related to shade tolerance. Among species of the same height, the difference in fine root length can be 30-fold.  相似文献   

AIMS: The purpose of this Botanical Briefing is to stimulate reappraisal of root growth, root/shoot partitioning, and analysis of other aspects of plant growth under heterogeneous conditions. SCOPE: Until recently, most knowledge of plant growth was based upon experimental studies carried out under homogeneous conditions. Natural environments are heterogeneous at scales relevant to plants and in forms to which they can respond. Responses to environmental heterogeneity are often localized rather than plant-wide, and not always predictable from traditional optimization arguments or from knowledge of the ontogenetic trends of plants growing under homogeneous conditions. These responses can have substantial impacts, both locally and plant-wide, on patterns of resource allocation, and significant effects on whole-plant growth. Results from recent studies are presented to illustrate responses of plants, plant populations and plant communities to nutritionally heterogeneous conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Environmental heterogeneity is a constant presence in the natural world that significantly influences plant behaviour at a variety of levels of complexity. Failure to understand its effects on plants prevents us from fully exploiting aspects of plant behaviour that are only revealed under patchy conditions. More effort should be invested into analysis of the behaviour of plants under heterogeneous conditions.  相似文献   

研究高寒草甸主要植物地上地下生物量的分布及其对退化的响应有利于了解高寒草甸的退化过程。该研究首先在西藏那曲生态环境综合观测研究站小嵩草围栏内(2009年围封)选择原生植被较好的地点随机选择小嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)、矮嵩草(K.humilis)、紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)、二裂委陵菜(Potentila bifurca)和青藏苔草(Carex moorcroftii)等5种植物斑块,选择退化斑块上(与原生植被相比)的二裂委陵菜和青藏苔草;然后用烘箱烘至恒重并称重,用扫描仪对根系进行扫描用于估算根系表面积;最后利用2因子方差分析检验不同物种个体、不同取样层次对地上和地下生物量的影响,利用物种和退化状态2因子方差分析检验对地上生物量的影响,以及利用物种、取样层次和退化状态3因子方差分析检验对二裂委陵菜和青藏苔草地下生物量、根冠比和根系表面积的影响。结果表明:在未退化条件下,小嵩草、矮嵩草和紫花针茅0~10cml地下生物量占0~30cm地下生物量的70%以上,0~30cm地下生物量占其地上地下总生物量的96%以上;二裂委陵菜(Potentilla bifurca)和青藏苔草(Carex moorcroftii)0~10cm地下生物量占0~30cml地下生物量的50%以上,其中二裂委陵菜0~30cm地下生物量占其地上地下总生物量的57%,青藏苔草0~30cm地下生物量占其地上地下总生物量的87%;对于退化草甸的主要植物,退化显著降低了二裂委陵菜的地上生物量、地下生物量和根冠比,对其根系表面积影响不大,但显著增加了青藏苔草的地上生物量,降低了其根冠比,对其地下生物量和根系表面积影响不大。  相似文献   

温带湿地植物生物量分配格局调控群落水平养分回收效率对氮磷添加的响应 养分回收是植物养分利用策略的一个重要组成部分,但养分有效性的变化如何调控群落尺度上植物养分回收过程仍不清楚。在本研究中,我们提出两个科学问题:(1)叶片和茎养分回收过程对养分有效性增加的响应格局是不是一致?(2)群落尺度上养分富集引起的植物养分回收变化是受物种内养分回收可塑性的影响还是受物种组成变化的调控?本研究以中国东北草本植物占优势的温带湿地为研究对象,利用施肥实验调查了氮和磷添加3年后物种水平上植物地上部分生物量以及叶和茎养分回收的变化趋势,并评价了群落尺度上植物养分回收对3年养分添加的响应。对于植物叶和茎而言,氮和磷添加对养分回收效率(nutrient resorption efficiency)均没有影响,但降低了相应的养分回收度(nutrient resorption proficiency)。同样地,在群落水平上,植物氮和磷养分回收度也随着相应的养分添加而降低。而且,由于植物群落组成变化及其引起的叶茎比降低,氮添加显著降低群落尺度上植物氮和磷的养分回收效率。这些研究结果表明,温带湿地植物叶和茎养分回收过程对养分有效性增加的响应是一致的,而且养分富集引起的物种组成以及叶和茎生物量分配格局变化是驱动群落尺度上植物养分回收动态的重要因素。  相似文献   

Growth and shoot: root ratio of seedlings in relation to nutrient availability   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:28  
Ericsson  Tom 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):205-214
The influence of mineral nutrient availability, light intensity and CO2 on growth and shoot:root ratio in young plants is reviewed. Special emphasis in this evaluation is given to data from laboratory experiments with small Betula pendula plants, in which the concept of steady-state nutrition has been applied.Three distinctly different dry matter allocation patterns were observed when growth was limited by the availability of mineral nutrients: 1, Root growth was favoured when N, P or S were the major growth constraints. 2, The opposite pattern obtained when K, Mg and Mn restricted growth. 3, Shortage of Ca, Fe and Zn had almost no effect on the shoot:root ratio. The light regime had no effect on dry matter allocation except at very low photon flux densities (< 6.5 mol m-2 day-1), in which a small decrease in the root fraction was observed. Shortage of CO2, on the other hand, strongly decreased root development, while an increase of the atmospheric CO2 concentration had no influence on dry matter partitioning. An increased allocation of dry matter to below-ground parts was associated with an increased amount of starch in the tissues. Depletion of the carbohydrate stores occurred under all conditions in which root development was inhibited. It is concluded that the internal balance between labile nitrogen and carbon in the root and the shoot system determines how dry matter is being partitioned in the plant. The consistency of this statement with literature data and existing models for shoot:root regulation is examined.  相似文献   

 为了解氮素沉降对草地群落的影响, 通过人工氮肥添加模拟试验, 研究了黄土高原天然草地优势植物长芒草(Stipa bungeana)在不同施氮水平下叶片和立枯物碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)元素含量的变化特征, 探讨了N素增加对N、P重吸收率和C : N : P化学计量比的影响及其内在联系。结果表明: 氮素添加显著增加了长芒草叶片的C、N和立枯物的N、P含量, 对叶片P和立枯物C含量无显著影响; 氮素添加显著降低了长芒草的N、P重吸收率, 对照处理的N、P重吸收率最高, 分别为60.35%和
71.75%, 并且, 在相同氮素处理条件下P的重吸收率显著大于N重吸收率; 随着氮素添加量的增大, 叶片的C : N降低, N : P和C : P增加, N : P为18.25–29.01。研究表明, 黄土高原天然草地群落主要受P限制, 随氮素沉降增加, P限制进一步加剧; 长芒草较高的N、P重吸收率是保证其在贫瘠的土壤中生存的重要机制。  相似文献   

1. We hypothesized that in Mediterranean plant communities seedling survival of different species during the drought period would be related to their ability to use below-ground resources, particularly water and nitrogen.
2. For 5 years we studied under field conditions the summer seedling survival of 11 dominant species of a Spanish Mediterranean shrubland. We related seedling survival of the different species to their seed size and root allocation estimated as the slope of the function root biomass vs log shoot biomass. We used δ13C for the estimation of water-use efficiency and δ15N and nitrogen concentration to determine the sources of nitrogen utilized. We correlated these variables with root allocation.
3. Seedling survival of the different species was positively correlated with root allocation and seed size. Root allocation was also positively correlated with seed size. δ15N and nitrogen concentration were also positively correlated with root allocation, but δ13C was not.
4. Under the relatively moist conditions occurring during summer 1996, higher root allocation was associated with the use of nitrogen from more nitrogen saturated microsites.  相似文献   

Xiao  Chun-Wang  Zhou  Guang-Sheng  Ceulemans  R. 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(4):565-569
We compared the effect of elevated temperature on morphological development, biomass accumulation and allocation, and gas exchange of three dominant plants (Caragana intermedia Kuanget H.C. Fu, Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz., and Artemisia ordosica Krasch.) growing in Chinese Maowusu sandland. Plants were grown in two temperature chambers (25/20, 28/23 °C, day/night) during 60 d. Tree height, number of leaves, and leaf area were increased in C. intermedia and H. mongolicum seedlings, while in A. ordosica temperature only affected tree height. Elevated temperature increased biomass and reduced the root : shoot ratio in C. intermedia and H. mongolicum seedlings, but not in A. ordosica seedlings. The net photosynthetic rate (P N) and transpiration rate (E) were increased at days 40 and 60 in C. intermedia and H. mongolicum seedlings, while in A. ordosica seedlings no significant effects on E were observed, and P N was increased only at day 60. Water use efficiency (WUE) was reduced at days 40 and 60 in H. mongolicum seedlings, and at day 60 in C. intermedia seedlings. No temperature effect on WUE was observed in A. ordosica seedlings. These different responses indicate that climate change could alter plant communities in Maowusu sandland.  相似文献   

Iron deficiency chlorosis (FeDC) is a common disorder for sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] grown on alkaline calcareous soils. Four sorghum genotypes were grown in growth chambers on a low Fe (1.3 g/g DTPA-extractable), alkaline (pH 8.0), calcareous (3.87% CaCO3 equivalent) Aridic Haplustoll to determine effects of different soil temperatures (12, 17, 22 and 27°C at a constant 27°C air temperature) on various root and shoot growth traits and development of FeDC. As soil temperature increased, leaf chlorosis became more severe, and shoot and root dry weights, root lengths, and leaf areas increased markedly. Shoot/root ratios, shoot weight/root length, leaf area/shoot weight and leaf area/root weight and root length also increased while root length/root weight decreased as soil temperature increased. Severe FeDC developed in all genotypes even though genotypes had previously shown different degrees of resistance to FeDC. Genotypes differed in most growth traits, especially dry matter yields, root lengths, and leaf areas, but most traits did not appear to be related to genotype resistance to FeDC. The most FeDC resistant genotype had the slowest growth rate and this may be a mechanism for its greater resistance to FeDC.  相似文献   

该研究利用4个由高到低不同海拔的同质园实验,以青藏高原高寒草地优势植物垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)、矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)和珠芽蓼(Polygonum viviparum)为对象,分析了植物个体根、茎、叶生物量分配及根冠比的变化规律及影响因素。结果表明:(1)植物个体根、茎、叶质量比和根冠比具有显著的种间差异;与垂穗披碱草和珠芽蓼相比,矮嵩草具有显著较高的根质量比而叶、茎质量比较低,所以其根冠比较高。(2)在向低海拔移栽的过程中,珠芽蓼叶质量比保持不变,茎质量比显著降低而根质量比显著升高,根冠比表现出显著上升的趋势;垂穗披碱草则相反,即叶、茎质量比显著升高而根质量比显著降低,根冠比表现出显著下降的趋势;矮嵩草根、茎、叶质量比和根冠比则无显著变化。(3)随着海拔降低,年均气温明显升高而年均降雨量明显降低,且在植物个体种源地和土壤基质保持一致的条件下,向低海拔移栽过程中温度是导致珠芽蓼根、茎、叶生物量分配及根冠比变化的重要因素,而水分是垂穗披碱草根、茎、叶生物量分配及根冠比变化的重要驱动因素;矮嵩草根、茎、叶生物量分配及根冠比受其遗传因素影响较大。因此,在将来暖干化的背景下,青藏高原高寒草地植物生物量的分配将会发生改变,导致它们对资源(光照、水分和土壤养分)获取和利用的变化而改变它们的种间关系,从而影响群落的物种多样性与组成,最终可能导致生态系统功能的变化。  相似文献   

Valdiani A  Kadir MA  Saad MS  Talei D  Tan SG 《Gene》2012,505(1):23-36
Andrographis paniculata (AP) has been stated as a low-diverse, endangered and red-listed plant species. Self-pollinated mating system, being an introduced species and experiencing a bottleneck as well as over exploitation cause such a consequence. Inter and intra-specific hybridizations have been suggested as essential techniques for generating genetic diversity. To test the effect of intra-specific hybridization on diversification and heterosis of AP, seven accessions were outcrossed manually in all 21 possible combinations. Three types of markers including morphological, phytochemical and RAPD markers were employed to evaluate the mentioned hypothesis. The results revealed that hybridization acted as a powerful engine for diversification of AP as it caused heterotic expression of the studied traits, simultaneously. Initially, it seems that additive and non-additive gene effects both can be considered as the genetic basis of heterosis in AP for the investigated traits. Agronomic and morphological traits were differentiated from each other, while positive heterosis was recorded mainly for agronomic traits but not for the morphological traits. Intra-specific hybridization increased the genetic diversity in AP population. Nevertheless, a part of this variation could also be attributed to the negative heterosis. The current exploration demonstrated the first ever conducted manual intra-specific hybridization among AP accessions in a mass scale. However, the 17 RAPD primers produced a monomorph pattern, but perhaps increasing the number of markers can feature a new genetic profile in this plant.  相似文献   

For a tree seedling to successfully establish in dense shrubbery, it must maintain function under heterogeneous resource availability. We evaluated leaf-level acclimation in photosynthetic capacity, seedling-level transpiration, and seedling morphology and growth to gain an understanding of the effects of above- and below-ground competition on Quercus robur seedlings. Experimental seedlings were established in a typical southern Swedish shrub community where they received 1 of 4 competition levels (above-ground, below-ground, above- and below-ground, or no competition), and leaf-level responses were examined between two growth flushes. Two years after establishment, first-flush leaves from seedlings receiving above-ground competition showed a maximum rate of photosynthesis (Amax) 40% lower than those of control seedlings. With the development of a second flush above the shrub canopy, Amax of these seedlings increased to levels equivalent to those of seedlings free of light competition. Shrubby competition reduced oak seedling transpiration such that seedlings exposed to above- and below-ground competition showed rates 43% lower than seedlings that were not exposed to competition. The impaired physiological function of oak seedlings growing amid competition ultimately led to a 60-74% reduction in leaf area, 29-36% reduction in basal diameter, and a 38-78% reduction in total biomass accumulation, but root to shoot ratio was not affected. Our findings also indicate that above-ground competition reduced Amax, transpiration and biomass accumulation more so than below-ground competition. Nevertheless, oak seedlings exhibited the ability to develop subsequent growth flushes with leaves that had an Amax acclimated to utilize increased light availability. Our findings highlight the importance of flush-level acclimation under conditions of heterogeneous resource availability, and the capacity of oak seedlings to initiate a positive response to moderate competition in a shrub community.  相似文献   

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