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The loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus comprises diploid, triploid and diploid-triploid mosaic individuals in a wild population of the Hokkaido island, Japan. Previous studies revealed the presence of a cryptic clonal lineage among diploid loaches, which is maintained by uniparental reproduction of genetically identical diploid eggs. In the present study, we analyzed distribution and genetic status of diploid and triploid cells in infrequent mosaic males. Flow cytometry, microsatellite genotyping and DNA fingerprinting verified that mosaic males consisted of diploid cells with genotypes identical to the natural clone and triploid cells with diploid genomes of the clonal lineage plus haploid genome from sperm nucleus of the father. Thus, the occurrence of diploid-triploid mosaicism might be caused by accidental fertilization of a diploid blastomere nucleus with haploid sperm after the initiation of clonal development of unreduced eggs. Such mosaic males produced fertile sperm with diploid DNA content. The experimental cross between normal diploid female and diploid-triploid mosaic male gave rise to the appearance of triploid progeny which exhibited two microsatellite alleles identical to the clonal genotype and one allele derived from the normal female. In DNA fingerprinting, such triploid progeny gave not only all the DNA fragments from the clone, but also other fragments from the normal female. Induced androgenesis using UV irradiated eggs and sperm of the mosaic male gave rise to the occurrence of diploid individuals with paternally derived microsatellite genotypes and DNA fingerprints, absolutely identical to the natural clonal lineage. These results conclude that the diploid-triploid mosaic male produced unreduced diploid sperm with genetically identical genotypes. The spermatogenesis in the clonal diploid cells under the mosaic condition suggests that triploid male somatic cells might transform genetically all-female germ cells to differentiate into functionally male gametes. The discovery of the mosaic male producing unreduced sperm suggests the theoretical occurrence of triploids and other polyploids by the syngamy of such paternally derived diploid gametes.  相似文献   

In Polistes paper wasps, haploid early males can mate with early emerging females and leave viable offspring. In contrast, diploid early males are eventually sterile because they contribute triploid offspring via diploid sperm. Clarifying the ploidy of early males is important for determining whether early male production is a reproductive strategy for the species. We examined the mating behavior and the ploidy of early males in the Japanese paper wasp, Polistes rothneyi iwatai van der Vecht. Thirteen early males from four colonies were all diploid. Two of the nine early males (22.2%) attempted to mate with females, but only one individual (11.1%) was successful (the female's spermatheca contained spermatozoa). These results suggest that although most early males of P. rothneyi iwatai do not produce offspring, their mating may be linked to the occasional production of triploid females.  相似文献   

Given the hybrid genomic constitutions and increased ploidy of many asexual animals, the identification of processes governing the origin and maintenance of clonal diversity provides useful information about the evolutionary consequences of interspecific hybridization, asexuality and polyploidy. In order to understand the processes driving observed diversity of biotypes and clones in the Cobitis taenia hybrid complex, we performed fine-scale genetic analysis of Central European hybrid zone between two sexual species using microsatellite genotyping and mtDNA sequencing. We found that the hybrid zone is populated by an assemblage of clonally (gynogenetically) reproducing di-, tri- and tetraploid hybrid lineages and that successful clones, which are able of spatial expansion, recruit from two ploidy levels, i.e. diploid and triploid. We further compared the distribution of observed estimates of clonal ages to theoretical distributions simulated under various assumptions and showed that new clones are most likely continuously recruited from ancestral populations. This suggests that the clonal diversity is maintained by dynamic equilibrium between origination and extinction of clonal lineages. On the other hand, an interclonal selection is implied by nonrandom spatial distribution of individual clones with respect to the coexisting sexual species. Importantly, there was no evidence for sexually reproducing hybrids or clonally reproducing non-hybrid forms. Together with previous successful laboratory synthesis of clonal Cobitis hybrids, our data thus provide the most compelling evidence that 1) the origin of asexuality is causally linked to interspecific hybridization; 2) successful establishment of clones is not restricted to one specific ploidy level and 3) the initiation of clonality and polyploidy may be dynamic and continuous in asexual complexes.  相似文献   

Hymenopteran species with single-locus complimentary sex-determination (sl-CSD) face an additional cost of inbreeding because of a loss of diversity at the sex-determining locus. Laboratory studies of a range of Hymenoptera have found that a small percentage of diploid males produce viable diploid sperm, and that if these males mate, then the resultant females produce triploid offspring that are sterile. Here, we use microsatellite markers to determine the frequency of triploid individuals of Bombus muscorum and B. jonellus in a model island system. Triploids were found in populations of both species. Observed triploid frequencies of up to 8% were detected, and estimated total frequencies peaked at 20% with respect to normal diploid workers. For both species, triploid frequency was negatively correlated with surrogates of population size, providing direct evidence for inbreeding in small populations. Populations limited to <~15 km(2) of suitable habitat were particularly likely to harbour triploids. Estimated total triploid frequencies were higher in B. muscorum than in B. jonellus, perhaps due to the greater dispersal range of the latter species. Implications for the conservation of rare social hymenopterans are discussed.  相似文献   

We report differences in the thermal biology, elevational, temporal and geographic distributions of sympatric clones of the widespread asexual house gecko, Lepidodactylus lugubris. The two most common L. lugubris clones in Fiji, clones 2NA and 2NB, differ significantly in preferred temperature as measured in a laboratory heat gradient, but were similar in critical thermal maximum and minimum. Significant differences were found in the relative frequency of clones 2NA, 2NB, and a third Fijian clone, clone 3NB, at seven sites along an elevational gradient in Fiji. Clone 2NB was not collected at sites above 235 m, consistent with its higher preferred temperature, whereas clone 2NA was captured as high as 835 m. Clone 3NB was extremely rare at sealevel (1% of all individuals at three sites below 100 m), but predominated at the two highest-elevation sites (42% and 100%). Clones 2NA and 2NB did not differ significantly in their activity time or ambient activity temperature at low-elevation sites. Clone 3NB however, was active on significantly cooler nights at two of those sites. These significant inter-clonal differences in spatial and temporal distribution should allow a more complete utilization of resources by the assemblage of clones than by any single clonal genotype, and may promote coexistence of clones at a within-island and within-site scale. Clone 2NA, which is the most common clone in Fiji and has the broadest elevational distribution, also has the widest geographic distribution. It was the predominant clone at 27 of 34 sites surveyed in nine Pacific archipelagoes. This suggests that the ecological attributes that favor this clone in Fiji also favor it elsewhere in the Pacific despite differing environmental conditions and clonal composition in those areas.  相似文献   

We examined clonal diversity and the distribution of both clonal and sexual genotypes in a single population of freshwater snails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) in which diploid sexual individuals and triploid parthenogens coexist. A genetic analysis of individuals from three habitat zones in Lake Alexandrina, New Zealand revealed extremely high clonal diversity: 165 genotypes among 605 clonal individuals. The frequency of triploid clonal individuals increased with increasing depth in the lake, and most of the individual clones were habitat specific, suggesting that differences among habitats are important in structuring the clonal subpopulation. There were also high levels of clonal diversity within habitats, suggesting frequent origins of habitat-specific clones. In contrast, diploid sexual individuals were proportionately more common in the shallow regions of the lake (where infection by trematode larvae is highest), and there was no significant spatial structure in the sexual subpopulation. We suggest that habitat specialization by clones, as well as parasite-mediated selection against common clones, are important factors affecting the structure of this mixed population of sexual and clonal snails.  相似文献   

Asexual reproduction in vertebrates is rare and generally considered an evolutionary dead end. Asexuality is often associated with polyploidy, and several hypotheses have been put forward to explain this relationship. So far, it remains unclear whether polyploidization in asexual organisms is a frequent or a rare event. Here we present a field study on the gynogenetic Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa. We used multilocus fingerprints and microsatellites to investigate the genetic diversity in 339 diploid and 55 triploid individuals and in 25 P. mexicana, its sexual host. Although multilocus DNA fingerprints found high clonal diversity in triploids, microsatellites revealed only two very similar clones in the triploids. Phylogenetic analysis of microsatellite data provided evidence for a monophyletic origin of the triploid clones of P. formosa. In addition, shared alleles within the triploid clones between the triploid and diploid genotypes and between asexual and sexual lineages indicate a recent origin of triploid clones in Poecilia formosa.  相似文献   

The ploidy of silver crucian carp Carassius auratus gibelio individuals, originating from nine natural habitats of Hungary, was estimated by erythrocyte nucleus area analysis. On the basis of DNA polymorphism, the genetic homogeneity or heterogeneity and the chromosome number of different offspring derived from the crossing of triploid and diploid populations and of two types of silver crucian carp females with other cyprinid males ( Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Carassius auratus and Barbus conchonius ) were determined. The results of chromosome and RAPD analysis demonstrated that diploid females could reproduce sexually with silver crucian carp and other cyprinid males and that the offspring of intra‐ and interspecific crosses contained the paternal DNA. Triploid females usually reproduced by gynogenesis and their offspring were clones, however, in very rare cases paternal genes were actually transmitted ( i.e . paternal leakage) to the offspring and the progeny were triploid interspecific hybrids. RAPD analysis showed that while the paternal DNA appeared in the offspring, the maternal phenotype was strongly expressed.  相似文献   

The parthenogenetic lizard species Cnemidophorus tesselatus is composed of diploid populations formed by hybridization of the bisexual species C. tigris and C. septemvittatus, and of triploid populations derived from a cross between diploid tesselatus and a third bisexual species, C. sexlineatus. An analysis of allozymic variation in proteins encoded by 21 loci revealed that, primarily because of hybrid origin, individual heterozygosity in tesselatus is much higher (0.560 in diploids and 0.714 in triploids) than in the parental bisexual species (mean, 0.059). All triploid individuals apparently represent a single clone, but 12 diploid clones were identified on the basis of genotypic diversity occurring at six loci. From one to four clones were recorded in each population sampled. Three possible sources of clonal diversity in the diploid parthenogens were identified: mutation at three loci has produced three clones, each confined to a single locality; genotypic diversity at two loci apparently caused by multiple hybridization of the bisexual species accounts for four clones; and the remaining five clones apparently have arisen through recombination at three loci. The relatively limited clonal diversity of tesselatus suggests a recent origin. The evolutionary potential of tesselatus and of parthenogenetic forms in general may be less severely limited than has generally been supposed.  相似文献   

Levels and distribution of genetic variation were studied in central and western European populations of Taraxacum section Ruderalia containing differing mixtures of sexual diploid and asexual triploid plants. All sexual populations were panmictic with their variation partitioned mainly among populations. Genotypic diversity in triploid samples was very high with few clones widespread and many clones restricted to one or a few populations. Extensive amounts of gene (pollen) flow between the diploid and triploid components of a population were inferred from the following data: (1) the two ploidy levels share all major allozyme polymorphisms; (2) the intrapopulational homogeneity in genic variation between diploids and triploids contrasts strongly with the geographic differentiation at each ploidy level separately; (3) population-unique alleles simultaneously occur at the two ploidy levels; (4) not only sexuals but also asexuals generally simulate Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Most likely, intrapopulational gene exchange occurs bidirectionally by mechanisms such as reductional pollen meiosis in apomictic plants, facultative apomixis, and formation of unreduced gametes in sexuals. Thus, diploid and triploid Taraxacum section Ruderalia are less genetically isolated than has previously been supposed and probably form a cohesive evolutionary unit with the level at which gene pools are shared differing by population.  相似文献   

Polyploidisation is assumed to have played a significant role in the evolution of hybrid asexual lineages. The virtual absence of natural asexual systems in which more than a single ploidy level successfully establishes successful independent clonal lineages is generally explained by the strong effects of polyploidisation on fitness. Experimental crosses were made between diploid and triploid asexual Cobitis elongatoides × C. taenia hybrids (female) and both parental spined loach species (male). Genotyping of the progeny using allozymes and multilocus DNA fingerprinting, along with flow cytometric measurement of ploidy level, demonstrated the occurrence of gynogenetic reproduction in both female biotypes. The incorporation of the sperm genome occurred in some progeny, giving rise to a higher ploidy level, but the rate of polyploidisation differed significantly between the diploid and triploid females. These outcomes are consistent with the existence of developmental constraints on tetraploidy, which determine the rarity of tetraploids in natural populations. No cases of ploidy level reduction were observed. Since diploid and triploid hybrid populations occur where the lack of potential progenitor excludes the possibility of de novo origin, it is probable that both diploid and triploid females can establish successful clonal lineages. Spined loaches represent a unique example, among asexual vertebrates, where more than one ploidy level can establish persistent clonal lineages, which are reproductively independent of one another.  相似文献   

The Carassius auratus complex in natural populations includes diploid triploid and polyploidy individuals. Diploid individuals belong to the species Carassius auratus whereas triploid and polyploidy individuals are from the subspecies Carassius auratus gibelio. Triploid individuals are all female and reproduce clonally by gynogenesis. Therefore the Carassius auratus complex is an ideal system for studying evolution of unisexual reproduction. Identification of triploid individuals and clonal lines is the first step towards understanding of the evolution of unisexual clonal lines. We examined the ability of 10 microsatellites in identifying triploid individuals in 94 individuals from Japan and China. In 40 confirmed triploid individuals and eight confirmed diploid individuals, all triploid and diploid individuals can be identified by genotyping 10 microsatellite, and four triploid clonal lines were identified. Using the 10 microsatellites we genotyped 46 adult individuals (40 females and six males) from a natural population in China and found that all six males were diploid whereas the majority of females (36 of 40) were triploid and three triploid clonal lines were detected. In 18 diploid individuals from China, all individuals showed different genotypes, suggesting there is no diploid clonal line in diploid crucian carp. A phylogenetic analysis of 94 individuals from China and Japan showed that triploid individuals and clonal lines have originated recurrently.  相似文献   

Jakovlić I  Gui JF 《Genetica》2011,139(6):789-804
Carassius auratus is an invasive species in European waters, comprising a complex of diploid and polyploid forms with different modes of reproduction. However, the evolutionary history and relationships between the diploids and polyploids are still unresolved. In this study, 51.5% diploids and 48.5% triploids, including four triploid males, were discovered among the 363 individuals sampled in Croatia. We used eight microsatellite loci and mitochondrial displacement loop sequences to analyze the structure and origin of populations; and to attempt to infer the evolutionary history of the two different forms in Croatia. Microsatellite analyses revealed high allelic and clonal diversity, corroborating that high propagule vectors can compensate for the negative effects of genetic bottlenecks in successful invasive species. The absence of significant population structuring confirmed recent origin and rapid spreading of populations. No evidence was found for the existence of native European populations. Distances between individuals using both nuclear and mtDNA markers revealed the absence of substantial clustering on the ploidy level, while the split between the different ploidies on population level was only partial, suggesting that the reproductive isolation between the two forms is either of a very recent origin, or that there exists uni-, or bidirectional gene flow between the diploid and triploid forms.  相似文献   

We present a new method to produce tetraploid Crassostrea gigas by cytochalasin B inhibition of polar body 2 expulsion in diploid females crossed with tetraploid males. This offers a means of direct introgression of genetic characters from selected diploid to tetraploid lines, avoiding a triploid step. Offspring larval ploidy shifted over time and depended on size, with tetraploids more frequent among the smaller larvae and triploids among the large. Viable tetraploids were found at 4 and 6 months, indicating the technique was successful. The possibility that gynogenesis occurred was tested by microsatellite analysis to confirm the presence of paternally inherited alleles. These were present in all animals of the 2n × 4n + CB (female first) cross. However, a 4n × 2n + CB cross produced triploids, including some gynogens. Our method illustrates for the first time that diploid C. gigas eggs, if selected for large size, can give viable tetraploid offspring.  相似文献   

Reproductive capacity was investigated in naturally occurring triploid individuals of the loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus collected from Memanbetsu Town, Abashiri County, Hokkaido Island, Japan. These triploids have been considered to appear by accidental incorporation of the haploid sperm genome from normal diploid into unreduced diploid eggs from the clonal lineage that usually reproduces unisexually. By fertilization with sperm from the normal male, one triploid female gave many inviable aneuploid (2.1–2.7n) and very few tetraploid progeny, whereas the other produced both diploid and triploid progeny. The results suggest that at least four different types of eggs can be formed in triploid females in this locality. In contrast, no progeny hatched when eggs of the normal female were fertilized with sperm or sperm-like cells obtained from triploid males. These gametes exhibited inactive or no motility after adding ambient water. They had larger head sizes than those of normal haploid sperm and had a short or no tail. Although their ploidy was triploid or hexaploid, a small number of haploid cells were detected in the semen by flow cytometry. Thus, triploid males were generally sterile, but they have a little potential for producing very few haploid sperm.  相似文献   

Duchateau  M. J.  Mariën  J. 《Insectes Sociaux》1995,42(3):255-266
Summary InB. terrestris diploid males develop normally into adults (Duchateau et al., 1994). The diploid males are similar in appearance to the haploid males, except that they are smaller. The size of the testis of diploid males, relative to the length of the radial cell, is smaller than that of haploid males. There is overlap in the frequency distribution with respect to body size and testis size. The spermatozoa of diploid males are larger than those of the haploids and the vasa deferentia contain fair less spermatozoa than those of haploid males of the same age. Countings and measurements of the spermatozoa, therefore, can give the best indication about the ploidy of the males. Diploid males are successful in mating. They mate at a younger age than haploid males and they die sooner. The number of vial offspring of diploid males, however, is very low. No queen that mated with a diploid male produced a colony, but a few queens did produce some progeny. These might have been triploid males and workers. InB. terrestris higher ploidy results in smaller individuals, whereas in several other species of the Hymenoptera it has been found to result in larger individuals.  相似文献   

Refugia are expected to preserve genetic variation of relict taxa, especially in polyploids, because high gene dosages could prevent genetic erosion in small isolated populations. However, other attributes linked to polyploidy, such as asexual reproduction, may strongly limit the levels of genetic variability in relict populations. Here, ploidy levels and patterns of genetic variation at nuclear microsatellite loci were analysed in Prunus lusitanica, a polyploid species with clonal reproduction that is considered a paradigmatic example of a Tertiary relict. Sampling in this study considered a total of 20 populations of three subspecies: mainland lusitanica (Iberian Peninsula and Morocco), and island azorica (Azores) and hixa (Canary Islands and Madeira). Flow cytometry results supported an octoploid genome for lusitanica and hixa, whereas a 16‐ploid level was inferred for azorica. Fixed heterozygosity of a few allele variants at most microsatellite loci resulted in levels of allelic diversity much lower than those expected for a high‐order polyploid. Islands as a whole did not contain higher levels of genetic variation (allelic or genotypic) than mainland refuges, but island populations displayed more private alleles and higher genotypic diversity in old volcanic areas. Patterns of microsatellite variation were compatible with the occurrence of clonal individuals in all but two island populations, and the incidence of clonality within populations negatively correlated with the estimated timing of colonization. Our results also suggest that gene flow has been very rare among populations, and thus population growth following founder events was apparently mediated by clonality rather than seed recruitment, especially in mainland areas. This study extends to clonal taxa the idea of oceanic islands as important refugia for biodiversity, since the conditions for generation and maintenance of clonal diversity (i.e. occasional events of sexual reproduction, mutation and/or seed immigration) appear to have been more frequent in these enclaves than in mainland areas.  相似文献   

A remarkable diversity of ploidy, i.e., diploidy, triploidy, and diploid-triploid mosaicism, was found among the somatic and testicular cells in a natural population of the lizard Liolaemus chiliensis from central Chile. Intra pop ulation, intersexual, and intraindividual ploidy variation is reported. In contrast with other species of polyploid reptiles, 86% of L. chiliensis males were mosaics (2n/3n) and 14% were diploids; 33% of females were triploid, 57.1% were mosaics, and 9.5% were diploid. Among 21 specimens, no triploid males were found in this sample. In the mosaic males, the diploid and triploid spermatogonia both enter meiosis, producing both reduced and unreduced metaphase II spermatocytes, most of them euploids. We discuss the origin for this ploidy in this iguanid lizard.  相似文献   

The scarcity of parthenogenetic vertebrates is often attributed to their ‘inferior’ mode of clonal reproduction, which restricts them to self‐reproduce their own genotype lineage and leaves little evolutionary potential with regard to speciation and evolution of sexual reproduction. Here, we show that for some taxa, such uniformity does not hold. Using hybridogenetic water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus) as a model system, we demonstrate that triploid hybrid males from two geographic regions exhibit very different reproductive modes. With an integrative data set combining field studies, crossing experiments, flow cytometry and microsatellite analyses, we found that triploid hybrids from Central Europe are rare, occur in male sex only and form diploid gametes of a single clonal lineage. In contrast, triploid hybrids from north‐western Europe are widespread, occur in both sexes and produce recombined haploid gametes. These differences translate into contrasting reproductive roles between regions. In Central Europe, triploid hybrid males sexually parasitize diploid hybrids and just perpetuate their own genotype – which is the usual pattern in parthenogens. In north‐western Europe, on the other hand, the triploid males are gamete donors for diploid hybrids, thereby stabilizing the mixed 2n‐3n hybrid populations. By demonstrating these contrasting roles in male reproduction, we draw attention to a new significant evolutionary potential for animals with nonsexual reproduction, namely reproductive plasticity.  相似文献   

Asexual organisms are confronted with substantial drawbacks, both immediate and delayed, threatening their evolutionary persistence. Yet, genetic associations with asexuality may refresh the gene pool promoting adaptation of clonal lineages; polyploidy is one of them. Parthenogenesis itself and/or polyploidy are responsible for the maintenance and spread of clones in Artemia, a sexual-asexual genus of halophilic anostracans. We applied flow cytometry, microsatellite genotyping, and mtDNA sequencing to 23 asexual populations. Artemia parthenogens have evolved multiple times either through hybridization or spontaneously. Nine out of 23 populations contained clones of mixed ploidy (2n, 3n, 4n). Most clones were diploid (20/31) while two and nine clones were triploid and tetraploid, respectively. Apomictic triploids and tetraploids formed two distinct groups of low genetic diversity compared with the more divergent automictic diploids. Polyploidy is also polyphyletic in Artemia, with triploids and tetraploids having independent origins from different sexual ancestors. We discern a pattern of geographical parthenogenesis with all clonal groups being more widespread than their closest sexuals. In favour of a specialist model, asexual diploids are restricted to single locations and are strikingly segregated from generalist triploids and tetraploids occupying a variety of sites. This is a rare pattern of mixed life-history strategies within an asexual complex.  相似文献   

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