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We examined the genetic divergence of Platycerus hongwonpyoi Imura & Choe, 1989 in South Korea using the nuclear wingless (Wg) gene, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. We found no variation in Wg or ITS. Based on COI, P. hongwonpyoi was split into four well defined and one weakly supported clades, which were inferred to have diverged 2.11–1.33 Ma. The Platycerus hongwonpyoi population size seems to have decreased during the past several tens of thousands of years. The divergence times of major clades of P. hongwonpyoi were comparable with those involved in the speciation of certain Japanese species. Frequent overlapping of different clades at the same sites suggests the occurrence of secondary gene flow following differentiation in South Korea. In conclusion, the genus Platycerus underwent strikingly different divergence patterns in South Korea compared with Japan according to the disparate topographies of these two geographical areas.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenies of the genus Platycerus in Japan were characterized based on the nuclear 28S ribosomal RNA and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes. These analyses, combined with our previous morphological information, revealed a detailed diversification process of Platycerus in Japan, as well as estimates of their divergence times. Japanese species were monophyletic and were inferred to have diverged to the acuticollis species group and all other species ca 1.69 Mya. The acuticollis species group then appeared to split into P. viridicuprus and a group including P. takakuwai, P. albisomni and P. acuticollis ca 1.26 Mya. Other specific divergences have occurred primarily since ca 0.33 Mya. Comparing the molecular trees and the morphological tree, we also found introgression of the COI gene in some species. Genetic divergence of Platycerus has occurred intensely in southwestern Japan.  相似文献   

Takydromus Daudin is a group of Lacertidae lizards with slender bodies and long tails. Half of the Takydromus spp. are endemic to islands of eastern Asia aligned along the Pacific margin of the East Asian continent. This feature offers a good opportunity to study the effects of glaciations and land connections on the speciation of East Asian fauna. We reconstructed the molecular phylogeny of Takydromus species via the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum-parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum-likelihood options do not support a two-subgenera scheme of Takydromus and Platyplacopus proposed earlier. In contrast, the phylogeny of Takydromus species on islands fits the sequential separation of island groups influenced by changes in sea level. The hypothesis in our prediction supports the process of vicariant speciation and multicolonization of grass lizards on eastern Asian islands. At least two obvious colonization events were followed by vicariance events. Because the molecular clock of the 12 rRNA gene was not rejected in our model test, it is possible to estimate times of speciation events. As the most isolated and basal species compared to other temperate and subtropical species of Takydromus, the separation period of T. smaragdinus in the central Ryukyus is the crucial point in estimating the evolutionary rate. Quaternary-origin or Tertiary-origin models are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

Aim Various data sets and methods of analysis were combined to produce the first comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the genus Tuber and to analyse its biogeography. Location Europe, North Africa, China, Asia, North America. Methods Phylogenetic relationships among Tuber species were reconstructed based on a data set of internal‐transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences and various phylogenetic inference methods, specifically maximum parsimony, Bayesian analysis and neighbour joining. Tajima’s relative rate test showed that Tuber 18S rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, 5.8S‐ITS2 rRNA and β‐tubulin sequences evolved in a clock‐like manner. These genes, combined or not, were employed for molecular clock estimates after construction of linearized trees using mega 3.1. We reconstructed ancestral areas in the Northern Hemisphere by means of a dispersal–vicariance analysis (diva 1.1) based on current distribution patterns of the genus Tuber determined from the literature. Results The resulting molecular phylogeny divided the genus Tuber into five distinct clades, in agreement with our previously published studies. The Puberulum, Melanosporum and Rufum groups were diversified in terms of species and geographical distribution. In contrast, the Aestivum and Excavatum groups were less diversified and were located only in Europe or North Africa. Using a global molecular clock analysis, we estimated the divergence times for the origin of the genus and for the origin of several groups. diva inferred nine dispersal events and suggested that the ancestor of Tuber was originally present in Europe or was widespread in Eurasia. Equally optimal distributions were obtained for several nodes, suggesting different possible biogeographical patterns. Main conclusions Our analyses identified several discrepancies with the classical taxonomy of the genus, and we propose a new phylogenetic classification. According to molecular clocks, the radiation of the genus Tuber could have started between 271 and 140 Ma. Used in combination with the results obtained from time divergence estimates, this allows us to propose two equally probable scenarios of intra‐ and inter‐continental diversification of the genus according to the geographic distribution of the most recent common ancestor in Europe or Eurasia. The biogeographical patterns imply intra‐continental dispersal events between Europe and Asia and inter‐continental dispersal events between North America and Europe or Asia, which are compatible with land connections during the Tertiary.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogeny based on DNA/DNA hybridization revealed that the Sylvia-Parisoma complex is monophyletic and includes three main groups of species, the “mid-European” warblers, the genus Parisoma, and the “eu-Mediterranean” Sylvia species sensu stricto. The latter can be assigned to three main clusters, a “West-Mediterranean” group, a “Central-Mediterranean group”, and an “East-Mediterranean” group. The radiation of the whole complex is much more ancient than formerly believed. It started ca 12–13 Ma ago and the ancestors of the main extant groups differentiated during the Pliocene. Only speciation events within the “eu-Mediterranean” lineages occurred during the Pleistocene. The paleoclimatical and paleoecological history of the Mediterranean region is too complicated to provide any evidence for direct relationships between past events and evolutionary steps of these taxa which did not leave any reliable fossil record. However, some major speciation events may be related to well documented climatical crises as well as paleobotanical data. The largely man-induced extension of matorrals over several millenia presumably extended the range of several species that were formerly much more restricted, which complicates reconstruction of the spatio-temporal course of speciation.  相似文献   

The biogeographical history of major groups of bees with worldwide distributions have often been explained through hypotheses based on Gondwanan vicariance or long distance dispersal events, but until recently these hypotheses have been very difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish. New fossil data, comprehensive information on Mesozoic and Cenozoic coastline positions and the availability of phylogenetically informative DNA markers now makes it feasible to test these hypotheses for some groups of bees. This paper presents historical biogeographical analyses of the genus Xylocopa Latreille, based on phylogenetic analyses of species belonging to 22 subgenera using molecular data from two nuclear genes, elongation factor‐1α (EF‐1α) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), combined with previously published morphological and mitochondrial data sets. Phylogenetic analyses based on parsimony and likelihood approaches resulted in several groups of subgenera supported by high bootstrap values (>85%): an American group with the Oriental/Palaearctic subgenera Nyctomelitta and Proxylocopa as sister taxa; a geographically diverse group (Xylocopa s.l); and a group consisting of African and Oriental subgenera. The relationships among these three clades and the subgenus Perixylocopa remained unresolved. The Oriental subgenus Biluna was found to be the sister group of all other carpenter bee subgenera included in this study. Using a relaxed molecular clock calibrated using fossil carpenter bees, we show that the major splits in the carpenter bee phylogeny occurred well after the final breakup of Gondwanaland (the separation of South America and Africa, 100 Mya), but before important Miocene fusion events. Ancestral area analysis showed that the genus Xylocopa most likely had an Oriental‐Palaearctic origin and that the present world distribution of Xylocopa subgenera resulted mainly from independent dispersal events. The influence of Pleistocene glaciations on carpenter bee distributions is also discussed. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 77 , 249–266.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses were conducted for Astilbe (Saxifragaceae), an Asian/eastern North American disjunct genus, using sequences of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and plastid matK, trnL‐trnF and psbA‐trnH regions. The monophyly of Astilbe is well supported by both ITS and plastid sequences. Topological incongruence was detected between the plastid and the ITS trees, particularly concerning the placement of the single North American species, A. biternata, which may be most probably explained by its origin involving hybridization and/or allopolyploidy with plastid capture. In Astilbe, all species with hermaphroditic flowers constitute a well‐supported clade; dioecious species form a basal grade to the hermaphroditic clade. Astilbe was estimated to have split with Saxifragopsis from western North America at 20.69 Ma (95% HPD: 12.14–30.22 Ma) in the early Miocene. This intercontinental disjunction between Astilbe and Saxifragopsis most likely occurred via the Bering land bridge. The major clade of Astilbe (all species of the genus excluding A. platyphylla) was inferred to have a continental Asian origin. At least three subsequent migrations or dispersals were hypothesized to explain the expansion of Astilbe into North America, Japan and tropical Asian islands. The intercontinental disjunct lineage in Astilbe invokes a hybridization event either in eastern Asia or in North America. This disjunction in Astilbe may be explained by a Beringian migration around 3.54 Ma (95% high posterior density: 1.29–6.18 Ma) in the late Tertiary, although long‐distance dispersal from eastern Asia to North America is also likely. The biogeographical connection between continental Asia, Taiwan, the Philippines and other tropical Asian islands in Astilbe provides evidence for the close floristic affinity between temperate or alpine south‐western China and tropical Asia. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

The land snail genus Solatopupa consists of six species and has a peri-Tyrrhenian distribution; most of the species have a very narrow range and all of them except one (Solatopupa cianensis, which inhabits porphyritic rocks) are strictly bound to calcareous substrates. One species (Solatopupa guidoni) is limited to Sardinia, Corsica, and Elba Island. Because the potential for dispersal of these snails is low, the insular range of this species has been traditionally related to the Oligocenic detachment of the Sardinia-Corsica microplate from the Iberian plate and its subsequent rotation towards the Italian peninsula. In this study, we used sequences of three mitochondrial and one nuclear gene to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the genus. Our phylogenetic results are consistent with the genetic relationships found using allozymes, but contrast with the phylogenetic hypotheses based on karyology and morphology. Molecular clock estimates indicate that the main cladogenetic events in the genus occurred between the middle Miocene and the middle-late Pliocene. Patterns of phylogenetic relationships and geological considerations suggest that the cladogenesis of the genus can be explained by vicariant (tectonic) processes. Our datings do not support a causal relation between the split of S. guidoni from its continental sister taxon and the initial phases of the detachment of the Corsica-Sardinia microplate from the mainland. On the contrary, time estimates coincide with the very last phase of detachment of the microplate (from 5 to 3 Myrs ago). Overall, our molecular clock estimates are in good agreement with the latest geological views on the tectonic evolution of the peri-Tyrrhenian area.  相似文献   

We performed a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the ground beetles Apatrobus (Carabidae), endemic to Japan, using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear 28S rRNA (28S) genes. We focused on the species divergence in Kyushu, Shikoku and western Honshu and used 15 of 19 species and three populations with undetermined species in the DNA analysis. The gene trees showed that, of the Apatrobus species studied, A. hayachinensis Nakane from northern Honshu was not included in the monophyletic group of the other Apatrobus species and likely to be of a different genus. Divergence time estimation suggested that Apatrobus species excluding A. hayachinensis diverged 5.2 million years ago and the subsequent divergence of species occurred during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. In each of the main islands, Kyushu, Shikoku and Honshu, two or more distinct lineages occurred and all species had restricted distribution areas, suggesting that ancient dispersal and vicariance among the three main islands resulted in the nested biogeographical pattern of species distribution.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Pteris (Pteridaceae), comprising over 250 species, had been thought to be a monophyletic genus until the three monotypic genera Neurocallis, Ochropteris and Platyzoma were included. However, the relationships between the type species of the genus Pteris, P. longifolia, and other species are still unknown. Furthermore, several infrageneric morphological classifications have been proposed, but are debated. To date, no worldwide phylogenetic hypothesis has been proposed for the genus, and no comprehensive biogeographical history of Pteris, crucial to understanding its cosmopolitan distribution, has been presented.


A molecular phylogeny of Pteris is presented for 135 species, based on cpDNA rbcL and matK and using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference approaches. The inferred phylogeny was used to assess the biogeographical history of Pteris and to reconstruct the evolution of one ecological and four morphological characters commonly used for infrageneric classifications.

Key Results

The monophyly of Pteris remains uncertain, especially regarding the relationship of Pteris with Actiniopteris + Onychium and Platyzoma. Pteris comprises 11 clades supported by combinations of ecological and morphological character states, but none of the characters used in previous classifications were found to be exclusive synapomorphies. The results indicate that Pteris diversified around 47 million years ago, and when species colonized new geographical areas they generated new lineages, which are associated with morphological character transitions.


This first phylogeny of Pteris on a global scale and including more than half of the diversity of the genus should contribute to a new, more reliable infrageneric classification of Pteris, based not only on a few morphological characters but also on ecological traits and geographical distribution. The inferred biogeographical history highlights long-distance dispersal as a major process shaping the worldwide distribution of the species. Colonization of different niches was followed by subsequent morphological diversification. Dispersal events followed by allopatric and parapatric speciation contribute to the species diversity of Pteris.  相似文献   

Minute moss beetles (Hydraenidae) are one of the most speciose and widespread families of aquatic Coleoptera, with an estimated 4000 extant species, found in the majority of aquatic habitats from coastal rock pools to mountain streams and from the Arctic Circle to the Antarctic islands. Molecular phylogenetic works have improved our understanding of the evolutionary history of the megadiverse Hydraena, Limnebius and Ochthebius in recent years, but most genera in the family have not yet been included in any phylogenetic analyses, particularly most of those which are restricted to the Southern Hemisphere. Using a multimarker molecular matrix, sampling over 40% of described species richness and 75% of currently recognized genera, we infer a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of these predominantly Gondwanan Hydraenidae. Whilst the genera we focus on are morphologically diverse, and currently classified across all four hydraenid subfamilies, our phylogenetic analyses suggest that these Gondwanan genera may instead constitute a single clade. As a result of our findings, the African genus Oomtelecopon Perkins syn.n. is shown to nest within Coelometopon Janssens, the New Zealand Homalaena Ordish syn.n. and Podaena Ordish syn.n. are synonymised with Orchymontia Broun, and the South African Pterosthetops Perkins syn.n. is synonymised with Prosthetops Waterhouse, resulting in Pterosthetopini Perkins syn.n. being synonymised with Prosthetopini Perkins. Mesoceratops Bilton & Jäch gen.n. is erected to accommodate six former members of Mesoceration Janssens, which is shown to be polyphyletic. We propose the replacement name Orchymontia ordishi Jäch & Bilton nom.n. for Homalaena dilatata Ordish, 1984 (now a junior homonym); altogether 39 new combinations are proposed. Our Bayesian divergence times infer an origin for this ‘Gondwana group’ of genera in Africa plus Madagascar in the mid-Cretaceous and suggest that both vicariant and dispersal processes, together with extinctions, have shaped the biogeographic history of these beetles in the Southern Hemisphere during the Cretaceous, resulting in geographically conserved extant lineages. Finally, we reconstruct ancestral habitat shifts across our phylogeny, revealing numerous changes in habitat occupancy in these genera, including multiple origins of fully terrestrial, humicolous taxa in different regions.  相似文献   

In this study we sought to clarify the evolutionary relationships and biogeographic history of the bell-ring frog, Buergeria buergeri (family Rhacophoridae), and two congeneric species Buergeria japonica and Buergeria robusta, by analyzing three mitochondrial (mt) genes: 12S rRNA, Cytb, and ND5. Phylogenetic analyses based on gene data showed the mt clades corresponding to the Buergeria species and three major haplogroups within B. buergeri. Each haplogroup corresponded clearly to the area in which it was distributed, namely eastern Japan (excluding Hokkaido; Hg I), central Japan (Hg II), and western Japan (including the Shikoku and Kyushu regions; Hg III). The estimated divergence time suggested that the lineage splits of the Buergeria species occurred before the formation of the island of Taiwan and the Japan Archipelago (including the Ryukyu islands). The differentiation among the genealogical lineages of B. buergeri seems to have begun in the Late Miocene (approx. 7-5Mya), and the formation of their present distribution pattern might have been influenced by climatic changes and geographical events such as the formation of a wide peneplane and expansions of certain basins.  相似文献   

The seasonal flight activity of Platycerus caprea was studied at two sites in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts in 2002–2004 using bark beetle pheromone traps of Theysohn® type. Platycerus caprea occurred at altitudes of 400 m up to 1200 m a.s.l. Seasonal flight activity in both males and females started at the beginning of May and continued until mid-June. At lower altitudes (up to ca 900 m a.s.l.), adults flew in the first half of May, at altitudes about 1000 m a.s.l. in the second half of May and in the highest sites more than 1200 m a.s.l. in the first half of June.  相似文献   

Apathya is a lacertid genus occurring mainly in south-east Turkey and its adjacent regions (part of Iran and Iraq). So far two morphological species have been attributed to the genus; A. cappadocica (with five subspecies, A. c. cappadocica, A. c. muhtari, A. c. schmidtlerorum, A. c. urmiana and A. c. wolteri) and A. yassujica. The first species occupies most of the genus’ distribution range, while A. yassujica is endemic of the Zagros Mountains. Here, we explored Apathya’s taxonomy and investigated the evolutionary history of the species by employing phylogenetic and phylogeographic approaches and using both mitochondrial (mtDNA) and nuclear markers. The phylogenetic relationships and the genetic distances retrieved, revealed that Apathya is a highly variable genus, which parallels its high morphological variation. Such levels of morphological and genetic differentiation often exceed those between species of other Lacertini genera that are already treated as full species, suggesting the necessity for a taxonomic revision of Apathya. The phylogeographical scenario emerging from the genetic data suggests that the present distribution of the genus was determined by a combination of dispersal and vicariance events between Anatolia and Southwest Asia dating back to the Miocene and continuing up to the Pleistocene. Key geological events for the understanding of the phylogeography of the genus are the movement of the Arabian plate that led to the configuration of Middle East (orogenesis of the mountain ranges of Turkey and Iran) and the formation of Anatolian Diagonal.  相似文献   

Leaf beetles of the genus Plateumaris inhabit wetlands across the temperate zone of the Holarctic region. To explore the phylogeographic relationships among North American, East Asian, and European members of this genus and the origin of the species endemic to Japan, we studied the molecular phylogeny of 20 of the 27 species in this genus using partial sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and the 16S and nuclear 28S rRNA genes. The molecular phylogeny revealed that three species endemic to Europe are monophyletic and sister to the remaining 11 North American and six Asian species. Within the latter clade, North American and Asian species did not show reciprocal monophyly. Dispersal-vicariance analysis and divergence time estimation revealed that the European and North America-Asian lineages diverged during the Eocene. Moreover, subsequent differentiation occurred repeatedly between North American and Asian species, which was facilitated by three dispersal events from North America to Asia and one in the opposite direction during the late Eocene through the late Miocene. Two Japanese endemics originated from different divergence events; one differentiated from the mainland lineage after differentiation from the North American lineage, whereas the other showed a deep coalescence from the North American lineage with no present-day sister species on the East Asian mainland. This study of extant insects provides molecular phylogenetic evidence for ancient vicariance between Europe and East Asia-North America, and for more recent (but pre-Pleistocene) faunal exchanges between East Asia and North America.  相似文献   

Monacha is the most species‐rich genus of the family Hygromiidae with a centre of diversity in Anatolia. On the basis of the presence or absence of accessory genital appendages, the group was subdivided into three subgenera, Monacha s. str., Paratheba and Metatheba, in the past. We used mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences of a representative sample of species 1) to reconstruct the phylogeny of the major lineages of Monacha, 2) to reconstruct the evolution of the accessory genital appendages, and 3) to reconstruct the biogeography of the group. Our results show that the accessory genital appendages upon which the classification of Monacha into subgenera rested so far, that is the appendicula, which is homologous to the dart sac and/or its accessory sac in other helicoid land snails, and the penis retractor muscle, were lost several times independently in different lineages of Monacha. Even among sister species, these characters were found to be variable. Thus, the typologically defined subgenera are para‐ or polyphyletic assemblages. The reconstruction of the biogeographical history indicated an origin of Monacha in Anatolia and the adjacent Caucasus region which is consistent with the observation that most other genera currently included in the subfamily Monachainae are also endemic to this region. Most major Monacha lineages remained restricted to northern Anatolia. Southern Europe was colonized by Monacha s. str., the Aegean region by Aegaeotheba subgen. n., the Crimean Peninsula by Paratheba and the Levant by Platytheba. On the basis of our phylogenetic analyses and testing of alternative hypotheses, we propose to divide Monacha into eight subgenera. We newly delimit the previously proposed subgenera Monacha s. str., Metatheba, Paratheba and Platytheba, and describe Pontotheba subgen. n., Aegaeotheba subgen. n., Trichotheba subgen. n. and Rhytidotheba subgen. n. as new subgenera.  相似文献   

Swallowtail butterflies are recognized as model organisms in ecology, evolutionary biology, genetics, and conservation biology but present numerous unresolved phylogenetic problems. We inferred phylogenetic relationships for 51 of about 205 species of the genus Papilio (sensu lato) from 3.3-Kilobase (kb) sequences of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA (2.3 kb of cytochrome oxidases I and II and 1.0 kb of elongation factor 1 alpha). Congruent phylogenetic trees were recovered within Papilio from analyses of combined data using maximum likelihood, Bayesian analysis, and maximum parsimony bootstrap consensus. Several disagreements with the traditional classification of Papilio were found. Five major previously hypothesized subdivisions within Papilio were well supported: Heraclides, Pterourus, Chilasa, Papilio (sensu stricto), and Eleppone. Further studies are required to clarify relationships within traditional "Princeps," which was paraphyletic. Several biologically interesting characteristics of Papilio appear to have polyphyletic origins, including mimetic adults, larval host associations, and larval morphology. Early diversification within Papilio is estimated at 55-65 million years ago based on a combination of biogeographic time constraints rather than fossils. This divergence time suggests that Papilio has slower apparent substitution rates than do Drosophila and fig-pollinating wasps and/or divergences corrected using best-fit substitution models are still being consistently underestimated. The amount of sequence divergence between Papilio subdivisions is equivalent to divergences between genera in other tribes of the Papilionidae, and between genera of moths of the noctuid subfamily Heliothinae.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the Japanese members of the genus Eubrianax (Coleoptera: Psephenidae) were examined using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and nuclear 28S rRNA gene sequences. Based on the molecular phylogeny as well as morphological features, the species status of Eubrianax brunneicornis Nakane, 1952 was proposed. The phylogenetic analyses recovered monophyly of the previously proposed pellucidus species group with four Japanese species, whereas a single Japanese species of the granicollis group was included in the lineage of the ramicornis group with five Japanese species. The divergence times of the species were estimated by dating the phylogenetic tree against the fossil record and a molecular clock based on the COI gene. The divergence of the Japanese species was inferred to have occurred during the Pliocene epoch.  相似文献   

The molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the East Asian freshwater crabs of the genus Nanhaipotamon (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae) were studied, using two mitochondrial (16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase I) and one nuclear (28S rRNA) markers, and correlated with various vicariant and dispersal events which have occurred in this region. The results showed Nanhaipotamon to be a monophyletic taxon with four clades which correspond to the topography of the coastal region of southeastern China and Taiwan Island. Mountains appear to play an important role in the distribution. The genus occurs only from east of the Wuyishan Range (Zhejiang and Fujian) and south of the Nanling Range (Guangdong) in southern China, and is also present west of the Central Range in Taiwan. The molecular and geological data suggest that Nanhaipotamon originated in an area between the Wuyishan and Nanling Ranges. In this area, the main and earliest cladogenesis occurred at ~4.8 million years ago (mya), with speciation probably taking place at around 4mya. The molecular evidence strongly supports the recent invasion of the genus into Taiwan Island from northeastern Fujian, via the paleo-Minjiang River on the landbridge of Taiwan Strait. The presence of the genus in Dongyin Island, however, is through invasion from southeastern Zhejiang, during the Pleistocene glaciation period. Nanhaipotamon reached Taiwan and Dongyin Island at ~1.0 and 0.4 mya, respectively. A small population of Nanhaipotamon formosanum from Penghu Islands (Pescadores) in the central Taiwan Strait has a slightly different genetic constitution and suggests it is a relict of past Pleistocene glaciations.  相似文献   

Oysters (Ostreidae) manifest a high degree of phenotypic plasticity, whereby morphology is of limited value for species identification and taxonomy. By using molecular data, the aim was to genetically characterize the species of Crassostrea occurring along the Brazilian coast, and phylogenetically relate these to other Crassostrea from different parts of the world. Sequencing of the partial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I gene (COI), revealed a total of three species of Crassostrea at 16 locations along the Brazilian coast. C. gasar was found from Curuçá (Pará state) to Santos (São Paulo state), and C. rhizophorae from Fortim (Ceará state) to Florianópolis (Santa Catarina state), although small individuals of the latter species were also found at Ajuruteua beach (municipality of Bragança, Pará state). An unidentified Crassostrea species was found only on Canela Island, Bragança. Crassostrea gasar and C. rhizophorae grouped with C. virginica, thereby forming a monophyletic Atlantic group, whereas Crassostrea sp. from Canela Island was shown to be more similar to Indo-Pacific oysters, and either arrived in the Atlantic Ocean before the convergence of the Isthmus of Panama or was accidentally brought to Brazil by ship.  相似文献   

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