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The aim of the current study is to identify the adipokinetic hormone(s) (AKHs) of a basal suborder of the species‐rich Coleoptera, the Adephaga, and possibly learn more about the ancestral AKH of beetles. Moreover, we wanted to compare the ancestral AKH with AKHs of more advanced beetles, of which a number are pest insects. This would allow us to assess whether AKH mimetics would be suitable as insecticides, that is, be harmful to the pest species but not to the beneficial species. Nine species of the Adephaga were investigated and all synthesize only one octapeptide in the corpus cardiacum, as revealed by Edman degradation sequencing techniques or by mass spectrometry. The amino acid sequence pGlu‐Leu‐Asn‐Phe‐Ser‐Thr‐Gly‐Trp corresponds to Schgr‐AKH‐II that was first identified in the desert locust. It is assumed that Schgr‐AKH‐II—the peptide of a basal beetle clade—is the ancestral AKH for beetles. Some other beetle families, as well as some Hymenoptera (including honey bees) also contain this peptide, whereas most of the pest beetle species have different AKHs. This argues that those peptides and their receptors should be explored for developing mimetics with insecticidal properties. A scenario where Schgr‐AKH‐II (the only AKH of Adephaga) is used as basic molecular structure to derive almost all other known beetle AKHs via single step mutations is very likely, and supports the interpretation that Schgr‐AKH‐II is the ancestral AKH of Coleoptera.  相似文献   

The spontaneous deamination of cytosine produces uracil mispaired with guanine in DNA, which will produce a mutation, unless repaired. In all domains of life, uracil-DNA glycosylases (UDGs) are responsible for the elimination of uracil from DNA. Thus, UDGs contribute to the integrity of the genetic information and their loss results in mutator phenotypes. We are interested in understanding the role of UDG genes in the evolutionary variation of the rate and the spectrum of spontaneous mutations. To this end, we determined the presence or absence of the five main UDG families in more than 1,000 completely sequenced genomes and analyzed their patterns of gene loss and gain in eubacterial lineages. We observe nonindependent patterns of gene loss and gain between UDG families in Eubacteria, suggesting extensive functional overlap in an evolutionary timescale. Given that UDGs prevent transitions at G:C sites, we expected the loss of UDG genes to bias the mutational spectrum toward a lower equilibrium G + C content. To test this hypothesis, we used phylogenetically independent contrasts to compare the G + C content at intergenic and 4-fold redundant sites between lineages where UDG genes have been lost and their sister clades. None of the main UDG families present in Eubacteria was associated with a higher G + C content at intergenic or 4-fold redundant sites. We discuss the reasons of this negative result and report several features of the evolution of the UDG superfamily with implications for their functional study. uracil-DNA glycosylase, mutation rate evolution, mutational bias, GC content, DNA repair, mutator gene.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of Adephaga is presented. It is based on 148 morphological characters of adults and larvae and focussed on a placement of the recently described Meruidae, and the genus‐level phylogeny of the smaller aquatic families Gyrinidae, Haliplidae and Noteridae. We found a sister group relationship between Gyrinidae and the remaining adephagan families, as was found in previous studies using morphology. Haliplidae are either the sister group of Dytiscoidea or the sister group of a clade comprising Geadephaga and the dytiscoid families. Trachypachidae was placed as the sister group of the rhysodid‐carabid clade or of Dytiscoidea. The monophyly of Dytiscoidea including Meru is well supported. Autapomorphies are the extensive metathoracic intercoxal septum, the origin of the metafurca from this structure, the loss of Mm. furcacoxalis anterior and posterior, and possibly the presence of an elongated subcubital setal binding patch. Meruidae was placed as sister group of the Noteridae. Synapomorphies are the absence of the transverse ridge of the metaventrite, the fusion of abdominal segments III and IV, the shape of the strongly asymmetric parameres, and the enlargement of antennomeres 5, 7 and 9. The Meru‐noterid clade is the sister group of the remaining Dytiscoidea. The exact position of Aspidytes within this clade remains ambiguous: it is either the sister group of Amphizoidae or the sister group of a clade comprising this family and Hygrobiidae + Dytiscidae. The sister group relationship between Spanglerogyrinae and Gyrininae was strongly supported. The two included genera of Gyrinini form a clade, and Enhydrini are the sister group of a monophylum comprising the remaining Enhydrini and Orectochilini. A branching pattern (Peltodytes + (Brychius + Haliplus)) within Haliplidae was confirmed. Algophilus, Apteraliplus and the Haliplus‐subgenus Liaphlus form a clade. The generic status of the two former taxa is unjustified. The Phreatodytinae are the sister group of Noterinae, and Notomicrus (+ Speonoterus), Hydrocoptus, and Pronoterus branch off successively within this subfamily. The search for the larvae of Meru and a combined analysis of morphological and molecular data should have high priority. © The Willi Hennig Society 2006.  相似文献   

Lice are considered a model system for studying the process of cospeciation because they are obligate and permanent parasites and are often highly host‐specific. Among lice, species in the family Echinophthiriidae Enderlein (Anoplura) are unique in that they infest mammalian hosts with an amphibious lifestyle, i.e. pinnipeds and the river otter. There is evidence that the ancestor of this group infested the terrestrial ancestor of pinnipeds, which suggests these parasites coevolved with their hosts during the transition to marine environments. However, there has been no previous study investigating the phylogenetic relationships among sucking lice parasitizing seals and sea lions. To uncover the evolutionary history of these parasites, we obtained genomic data for Antarctophthirus microchir Trouessart and Neumann (from two hosts), Antarctophthirus carlinii Leonardi et al., Antarctophthirus lobodontis Enderlein, Antarctophthirus ogmorhini Enderlein, Lepidophthirus macrorhini Enderlein, and Proechinophthirus fluctus Ferris. From genomic sequence reads, we assembled > 1000 nuclear genes and used these data to infer a phylogenetic tree for these lice. We also used the assembled genes in combination with read‐mapping to estimate heterozygosity and effective population size from individual lice. Our analysis supports the monophyly of lice from pinnipeds and uncovers phylogenetic relationships within the group. Surprisingly, we found that A. carlinii, A. lobodontis, and A. ogmorhini have very little genetic divergence among them, whereas the divergence between different geographic representatives of A. microchir indicate that they are possibly different species. Nevertheless, our phylogeny of Echinophthiriidae suggests that these lice have consistently codiverged with their hosts with minimal host switching. Population genomic metrics indicate that louse effective population size is linked to host demographics, which further highlights the close association between pinnipeds and their lice.  相似文献   

The tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Cf-9 resistance gene encodes the first characterized member of the plant receptor-like protein (RLP) family. Other RLPs such as CLAVATA2 and TOO MANY MOUTHS are known to regulate development. The domain structure of RLPs consists of extracellular leucine-rich repeats, a transmembrane helix, and a short cytoplasmic region. Here, we identify 90 RLPs in rice (Oryza sativa) and compare them with functionally characterized RLPs from different plant species and with 56 Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) RLPs, including the downy mildew resistance protein RPP27. Many RLPs cluster into four distinct superclades, three of which include RLPs known to be involved in plant defense. Sequence comparisons reveal diagnostic amino acid residues that may specify different molecular functions in different RLP subtypes. This analysis of rice RLPs thus identified at least 73 candidate resistance genes and four genes potentially involved in development. Due to the synteny between rice and other Gramineae, this analysis should provide valuable tools for experimental studies in rice and other cereals.  相似文献   

Here we use phylogenomics with expressed sequence tag (EST) data from the ecologically important coccolithophore-forming alga Emiliania huxleyi and the plastid-lacking cryptophyte Goniomonas cf. pacifica to establish their phylogenetic positions in the eukaryotic tree. Haptophytes and cryptophytes are members of the putative eukaryotic supergroup Chromalveolata (chromists [cryptophytes, haptophytes, stramenopiles] and alveolates [apicomplexans, ciliates, and dinoflagellates]). The chromalveolates are postulated to be monophyletic on the basis of plastid pigmentation in photosynthetic members, plastid gene and genome relationships, nuclear "host" phylogenies of some chromalveolate lineages, unique gene duplication and replacements shared by these taxa, and the evolutionary history of components of the plastid import and translocation systems. However the phylogenetic position of cryptophytes and haptophytes and the monophyly of chromalveolates as a whole remain to be substantiated. Here we assess chromalveolate monophyly using a multigene dataset of nuclear genes that includes members of all 6 eukaryotic supergroups. An automated phylogenomics pipeline followed by targeted database searches was used to assemble a 16-protein dataset (6,735 aa) from 46 taxa for tree inference. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of these data support the monophyly of haptophytes and cryptophytes. This relationship is consistent with a gene replacement via horizontal gene transfer of plastid-encoded rpl36 that is uniquely shared by these taxa. The haptophytes + cryptophytes are sister to a clade that includes all other chromalveolates and, surprisingly, two members of the Rhizaria, Reticulomyxa filosa and Bigelowiella natans. The association of the two Rhizaria with chromalveolates is supported by the approximately unbiased (AU)-test and when the fastest evolving amino acid sites are removed from the 16-protein alignment.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the performance of six validated brain finite element (FE) models to localized brain motion validation data in five experimental configurations. Model performance was measured using the objective metric CORA (CORrelation and Analysis), where higher ratings represent better correlation. The KTH model achieved the highest average CORA rating, and the ABM received the highest average rating among models robustly validated against five cadaver impacts in three directions. This technique can be more frequently employed to build better models and, when associated limitations are well understood, to compare inter-model performance under similar conditions.  相似文献   



The cystatin superfamily comprises cysteine protease inhibitors that play key regulatory roles in protein degradation processes. Although they have been the subject of many studies, little is known about their genesis, evolution and functional diversification. Our aim has been to obtain a comprehensive insight into their origin, distribution, diversity, evolution and classification in Eukaryota, Bacteria and Archaea.  相似文献   

L1 retrotransposons constitute the largest single component of mammalian genomes. In contrast to the single remaining lineage of L1 retrotransposons in mammalian genomes, some teleost fishes contain a highly diverse L1 retrotransposon repertoire. Major evolutionary changes in L1 retrotransposon repertoires have therefore taken place in the land vertebrates (Tetrapoda). The lack of sequence data for L1 retrotransposons in the basal living Tetrapoda lineages prompted an investigation of their distribution and evolution in the genomes of the key tetrapod lineages, amphibians and reptiles, and in lungfishes. In this study, we combined genome database searches with PCR analysis to demonstrate that L1 retrotransposons are present in the genomes of lungfishes, amphibians, and lepidosaurs. Phylogenomic analysis shows that the genomes of Deuterostomia possess three highly divergent groups of L1 retrotransposons, with distinct distribution patterns. The analysis of L1 diversity shows the presence of a very large number of diverse L1 families, each with very low copy numbers, at the time of the origin of tetrapods. During the evolution of synapsids, all but one L1 lineage have been lost. This study establishes that the loss of L1 diversity and explosion in copy numbers occurred in the synapsid ancestors of mammals, and was most probably caused by severe population bottlenecks.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization events have played a major role in plant speciation, yet the evolutionary origin of hybrid species often remains enigmatic. Here, we inferred the evolutionary origin of the allotetraploid species Coffea arabica, which is widely cultivated for Arabica coffee production. We estimated genetic distances between C. arabica and all species that are known to be closely related to C. arabica using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) data. In addition, we reconstructed a time-calibrated multilabeled phylogenetic tree of 24 species to estimate the age of the C. arabica hybridization event. Ancestral states of self-compatibility were also inferred to shed new light on the evolution of self-compatibility in Coffea. Coffea canephora and C. eugenioides were confirmed as the putative progenitor species of C. arabica. These species most likely hybridized between 1.08 million and 543 000 years ago, coinciding with periods of environmental upheaval, which may have induced range shifts of the progenitor species that facilitated the emergence of C. arabica.  相似文献   

In this study, we sequenced the mitochondrial (mt) genome of Agrilus mali (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) using next-generation sequencing, and accordingly annotated 13 protein-coding, 22 tRNA, and 2 rRNA genes and a 1458-bp non-coding region. Comparative analysis indicated that the mt genome of A. mali is relatively conserved, with a typical gene content and order identical to those of other coleopterans. However, the newly sequenced mt genome is characterized by a relatively higher A + T content compared with that of other species within the family Buprestidae. Phylogenetic analysis based on Bayesian inference revealed that the evolutionary relationship among the six infraorders of the suborder Polyphaga is (Scirtiformia + (Elateriformia + ((Scarabaeiformia + Staphyliniformia) + (Bostrichiformia + (Cucujiformia))))). However, the topology indicated that the family Buprestidae is a sister group to other Polyphaga infraorders, excluding Scirtiformia as a monophyly, and thus the monophyly of Elateriformia was not supported. This study not only presents the mt genome of a species in the family Buprestidae and a comparative analysis of jewel beetles but also examines the contribution of mt genomes in elucidating phylogenetic relationships within the suborder Polyphaga of Coleoptera.  相似文献   

Zhou X  Xu S  Xu J  Chen B  Zhou K  Yang G 《Systematic biology》2012,61(1):150-164
Although great progress has been made in resolving the relationships of placental mammals, the position of several clades in Laurasiatheria remain controversial. In this study, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of 97 orthologs (46,152 bp) for 15 taxa, representing all laurasiatherian orders. Additionally, phylogenetic trees of laurasiatherian mammals with draft genome sequences were reconstructed based on 1608 exons (2,175,102 bp). Our reconstructions resolve the interordinal relationships within Laurasiatheria and corroborate the clades Scrotifera, Fereuungulata, and Cetartiodactyla. Furthermore, we tested alternative topologies within Laurasiatheria, and among alternatives for the phylogenetic position of Perissodactyla, a sister-group relationship with Cetartiodactyla receives the highest support. Thus, Pegasoferae (Perissodactyla + Carnivora + Pholidota + Chiroptera) does not appear to be a natural group. Divergence time estimates from these genes were compared with published estimates for splits within Laurasiatheria. Our estimates were similar to those of several studies and suggest that the divergences among these orders occurred within just a few million years.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular stents are commonly made from 316L stainless steel and are deployed within stenosed arterial lesions using balloon expansion. Deployment involves inflating the balloon and plastically deforming the stent until the required diameter is obtained. This plastic deformation induces static stresses in the stent, which will remain for the lifetime of the device. In order to determine these stresses, finite element models of the unit cells of geometrically different, commercially available balloon expandable stents have been created, and deployment and elastic recoil have been simulated. In this work the residual stresses associated with deployment and recoil are compared for the various stent geometries, with a view to establishing appropriate initial stress states for fatigue loading for the stents. The maximum, minimum, and mean stresses induced in the stent due to systolic/diastolic pressure are evaluated, as are performance measures such as radial and longitudinal recoil.  相似文献   

Abstract. Characters of the head of adephagan larvae were examined and analysed phylogenetically. A labrum which is completely fused to the clypeofrons and the presence of a closed prepharyngeal tube are autapomorphies of Adephaga. Partial reduction of the fossa maxillaris, cardo and stipes forming a functional unit, the immobilization of the lacinia, attachment of M. craniolacinialis to the lateral stipital wall, and loss of one stipitopalpal muscle, are considered autapomorphies of Adephaga excluding Gyrinidae. Complete reduction of the fossa maxillaris and the presence of M. craniostipitalis medialis are possible autapomorphies of Adephaga excluding Gyrinidae and Haliplidae. The presence of caudal tentorial arms, insertion of the galea on the mesal side of palpomere I, and absence of the lacinia are considered synapomorphies of Trachypachidae and Dytiscoidea (Noteridae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae, Dytiscidae). The presence of a slender, elongated process of the head capsule, which articulates with a corresponding socket of the cardo, is a possible autapomorphy of Dytiscoidea. The sinuate frontal sutures, distinctly protruding prementum, shortened M. craniostipitalis medialis, and absence of M. submentopraementalis are considered autapomorphies of Geadephaga excluding Trachypachidae. The presence of a regular row of hairs along the anterior hypopharyngeal margin is a possible autapomorphy of Geadephaga excluding Trachypachidae and Rhysodidae. Improvement of the hypopharyngeal filter apparatus suggests the monophyly of Anisochaeta. Presence of a penicillum and partial reduction of the lacinia are possible autapomorphies of Anisochaeta excluding Omophronini. Larvae of Cychrini, Carabini, Nebriini and Notiophilini are characterized by a strongly developed, cone-shaped hypodon. Postocular and cervical ridges, crosswise arrangement of antennal muscles, and a completely flattened hypopharynx are considered autapomorphies of Caraboidea Limbata.  相似文献   

【目的】从基因组层次研究草菇低温自溶异常代谢的分子特征。【方法】对21个真菌物种进行全基因组系统发生分析,进而选取其中具有代表性的物种进行比较基因组学分析,系统研究草菇异常代谢分子特征。【结果】全基因组系统发生分析结果显示草菇位于草腐菌所形成簇的底端。基于全基因组系统发生树,由于担子菌和子囊菌属于完全不同的演化路径,所以选取担子菌中具有代表性的9个物种进行比较基因组学分析,结果显示相比于其它草腐菌,草菇基因家族具有一定的收缩趋势。进一步对不同范畴的基因家族数目进行比较,结果显示3个大于200的草菇基因家族(fam1、fam4和fam6)分别发生了显著扩增,且在总数上也显著高于其它物种,表明草菇的这一分子特征与其异常代谢相关。【结论】3个草菇基因家族(200)显著扩增提示其特定基因家族功能加强,很可能与草菇低温自溶密切相关。  相似文献   

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