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Function and evolution of the plant MADS-box gene family   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The function of MADS-box genes in flower and fruit development has been uncovered at a rapid pace over the past decade. Evolutionary biologists can now analyse the expression pattern of MADS-box genes during the development of different plant species, and study the homology of body parts and the evolution of body plans. These studies have shown that floral development is conserved among divergent species, and indicate that the basic mechanism of floral patterning might have evolved in an ancient flowering plant.  相似文献   

We have cloned 26 different class I genes that are located in the major histocompatibility complex of the C57BL/10 mouse. Two of the three class I genes found in the H-2 complex encode the H-2Kb and H-2Db antigens; the other 23 class I genes map to the adjacent Tla complex. We have grouped the cosmids containing these genes into three clusters: one cluster links the H-2K and I-A regions, one cluster links the H-2D and Qa-2 regions, and the final cluster maps to the TL region. The class I gene organizations in the Qa-2 and TL regions of the C57BL/10 and BALB/c mice are generally similar, but there are several polymorphic segments. The Qa-2 region of both mice seems to have evolved by the duplication of gene pairs; furthermore, the H-2K region may have been generated by the translocation of a gene pair from the Qa-2 region. We have evidence that several of the genes in the Qa-2 region are expressed.  相似文献   



Polygalacturonases (PGs) belong to a large gene family in plants and are believed to be responsible for various cell separation processes. PG activities have been shown to be associated with a wide range of plant developmental programs such as seed germination, organ abscission, pod and anther dehiscence, pollen grain maturation, fruit softening and decay, xylem cell formation, and pollen tube growth, thus illustrating divergent roles for members of this gene family. A close look at phylogenetic relationships among Arabidopsis and rice PGs accompanied by analysis of expression data provides an opportunity to address key questions on the evolution and functions of duplicate genes.  相似文献   

A characterization of the MADS-box gene family in maize   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
Studies on distantly related dicot plant species have identified homeotic genes that specify floral meristem identity and determine the fate of floral organ primordia. Most of these genes belong to a family characterized by the presence of a structural motif, the MADS-box, which encodes a protein domain with DNA-binding properties. As part of an effort to understand how such genes may have been recruited during the evolution of flowers with different organ types such as those found in maize, two members of this gene family in maize, ZAG1 and ZAG2, have been characterized previously. Here, the isolation and characterization of four new members of this gene family, designated ZAP1, ZAG3, ZAG4 and ZAG5, are described and the genetic map position of these and 28 additional maize MADS-box genes is determined. The first new member of this family appears to be the Zea mays ortholog of the floral homeotic gene APETALA1 (AP1) and has been designated ZAP1. One of these genes, ZAG4, is unusual in that its deduced protein sequence includes the MADS domain but lacks the K-domain characteristically present in this family of genes. In addition, its copy number and expression varies among different inbreds. A large number of maize MADS-box genes map to duplicated regions of the genome, including one pair characterized here, ZAG3 and ZAG5. These data underscore the complexity of this gene family in maize, and provide the basis for further studies into the regulation of floral organ morphogenesis among the grasses.  相似文献   

In higher plants, many extracellular proteins are involved in developmental processes, including cell-cell signaling and cell wall construction. Xylogen is an extracellular arabinogalactan protein (AGP) isolated from Zinnia elegans xylogenic culture medium, which promotes xylem cell differentiation. Xylogen has a unique structure, containing a non-specific lipid transfer protein (nsLTP) domain and AGP domains. We searched for xylogen-type genes in the genomes of land plants, including Arabidopsis thaliana, to further our knowledge of xylogen-type genes as functional extracellular proteins in plants. We found that many xylogen-type genes, including 13 Arabidopsis genes, comprise a gene family in land plants, including Populus trichocarpa, Vitis vinifera, Lotus japonicus, Oryza sativa, Selaginella moellendorffii and Physcomitrella patens. The genes shared an N-terminal signal peptide sequence, a distinct nsLTP domain, one or more AGP domains and a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored sequence. We analyzed transgenic plants harboring promoter::GUS (β-glucuronidase) constructs to test expression of the 13 Arabidopsis xylogen-type genes, and detected a diversity of gene family members with related expression patterns. AtXYP2 was the best candidate as the Arabidopsis counterpart of the Zinnia xylogen gene. We observed two distinct expression patterns for several genes, with some anther specific and others preferentially expressed in the endodermis/pericycle. We conclude that xylogen-type genes, which may have diverse functions, form a novel chimeric AGP gene family with a distinct nsLTP domain.  相似文献   

The plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, contains two S-adenosylmethionine synthetase-encoding genes (sam). Here, we analyze the structure and expression of the sam-2 gene and compare it with the previously described sam-1 gene. Northern-blot analysis using gene-specific probes shows that both sam-1 and sam-2 are highly expressed in stem, root, and callus tissue. This similar expression pattern might be mediated by the presence of three highly conserved sequences in the 5' region of both sam genes. Using a chimeric beta-glucuronidase (GUS)-encoding gene, we show that in transgenic tobacco plants, 748 bp of 5' sam-1 sequences generate high GUS activity in the same type of tissues as previously observed in transgenic A. thaliana plants. A deletion analysis of these 5' sam-1 sequences indicates that 224 bp of 5' sam-1 sequences can still induce higher expression of the gene in stem and root relative to leaf. However, the level of expression is reduced when compared to the expression level obtained with the full-length promoter.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Small auxin-up RNA (SAUR) genes form a wide family supposedly involved in different physiological and developmental processes in plants such as leaf senescence, auxin...  相似文献   



The anoctamin family of transmembrane proteins are found in all eukaryotes and consists of 10 members in vertebrates. Ano1 and ano2 were observed to have Ca2+ activated Cl- channel activity. Recent findings however have revealed that ano6, and ano7 can also produce chloride currents, although with different properties. In contrast, ano9 and ano10 suppress baseline Cl- conductance when co-expressed with ano1 thus suggesting that different anoctamins can interfere with each other. In order to elucidate intrinsic functional diversity, and underlying evolutionary mechanism among anoctamins, we performed comprehensive bioinformatics analysis of anoctamin gene family.  相似文献   

Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants - The diversity of 11 fatty acid desaturase (fad2) genes has not been investigated between cultivated and wild species in the Carthamus genus. In...  相似文献   

MADS-box genes in plants control various aspects of development and reproductive processes including flower formation. To obtain some insight into the roles of these genes in morphological evolution, we investigated the origin and diversification of floral MADS-box genes by conducting molecular evolutionary genetics analyses. Our results suggest that the most recent common ancestor of today's floral MADS-box genes evolved roughly 650 MYA, much earlier than the Cambrian explosion. They also suggest that the functional classes T (SVP), B (and Bs), C, F (AGL20 or TM3), A, and G (AGL6) of floral MADS-box genes diverged sequentially in this order from the class E gene lineage. The divergence between the class G and E genes apparently occurred around the time of the angiosperm/gymnosperm split. Furthermore, the ancestors of three classes of genes (class T genes, class B/Bs genes, and the common ancestor of the other classes of genes) might have existed at the time of the Cambrian explosion. We also conducted a phylogenetic analysis of MADS-domain sequences from various species of plants and animals and presented a hypothetical scenario of the evolution of MADS-box genes in plants and animals, taking into account paleontological information. Our study supports the idea that there are two main evolutionary lineages (type I and type II) of MADS-box genes in plants and animals.  相似文献   

Duplicated APETALA1/FRUITFULL (AP1/FUL) genes show distinct but overlapping patterns of expression within rice (Oryza sativa) and within ryegrass (Lolium temulentum), suggesting discrete functional roles in the transition to flowering, specification of spikelet meristem identity, and specification of floral organ identity. In this study, we analyzed the expression of the AP1/FUL paralogues FUL1 and FUL2 across phylogenetically disparate grasses to test hypotheses of gene function. In combination with other studies, our data support similar roles for both genes in spikelet meristem identity, a general role for FUL1 in floral organ identity, and a more specific role for FUL2 in outer floral whorl identity. In contrast to Arabidopsis AP1/FUL genes, expression of FUL1 and FUL2 is consistent with an early role in the transition to flowering. In general, FUL1 has a wider expression pattern in all spikelet organs than FUL2, but both genes are expressed in all spikelet organs in some cereals. FUL1 and FUL2 appear to have multiple redundant functions in early inflorescence development. We hypothesize that sub-functionalization of FUL2 and interaction of FUL2 with LHS1 could specify lemma and palea identity in the grass floret.  相似文献   

饶佳  鲍大鹏  李燕  汪滢  程向阳  王莹 《菌物学报》2016,35(5):586-596
在前期工作中发现草菇含有30个GH61家族基因同源物(Vv_gh61_1至Vv_gh61_30),进一步分析了这些基因的结构特点以及其编码蛋白基本性质和系统进化关系,并研究了Cu2+和Mn2+对基因表达水平的影响。分析表明有17个草菇GH61基因串联成6个基因簇,存在明显的串联重复现象,系统发育树与基因外显子位置分析表明串联重复基因分布在同一进化分枝上并具有相似的基因结构,串联重复基因编码序列一致性在71%–94%之间。草菇GH61编码蛋白的氨基酸数目在217–442aa之间,分子量和等电点分别介于22.4–45.4kDa和5.2–9.3之间,绝大多数都含有信号肽并定位在细胞外,都含有Glyco_hydro_61功能域以及CBM1、peroxidase等多样化的功能域,系统进化树表明草菇GH61家族基因具有3个主要进化分枝,与灰盖鬼伞等的GH61基因有较近的进化关系。金属离子诱导作用显示,Mn2+对草菇GH61家族基因的表达水平存在诱导作用而Cu2+的诱导作用不明显。  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis LOB-domain (LBD) gene family is composed by 43 members divided in two classes based on amino acid conservation within the LOB-domain. The LOB domain is known to be responsible for DNA binding and protein-protein interactions. There is very little functional information available for most genes in the LBD family and many lbd single mutants do not exhibit conspicuous phenotypes. One plausible explanation for the limited loss-of-function phenotypes observed in this family is that LBD genes exhibit significant functional redundancy. Here we discuss an example of one phylogenetic subgroup of the LBD family, in which genes that are closely related based on phylogeny exhibit distinctly different expression patterns and do not have overlapping functions. We discuss the challenges of using phylogenetic analyses to predict redundancy in gene families.  相似文献   

Evolution of MADS-box gene induction by FLO/LFY genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Some MADS-box genes function as floral homeotic genes. The Arabidopsis LFY gene is a positive regulator of floral homeotic genes, and homologs of the FLO/LFY gene family in other angiosperms and gymnosperms are likely to have a similar function. To investigate the origin of the floral homeotic gene regulatory cascade involving the FLO/LFY gene, FLO/LFY homologs were cloned from a leptosporangiate fern (Ceratopteris richardii), two eusporangiate ferns (Angiopteris lygodiifolia and Botrychium multifidum var. robustum), three fern allies (Psilotum nudum, Equisetum arvense, and Isoetes asiatica), and a moss (Physcomitrella patens). The FLO/LFY gene phylogenetic tree indicates that both duplication and loss of FLO/LFY homologs occurred during the course of vascular plant evolution. The expression patterns of the Ceratopteris LFY genes (CrLFY1 and 2) were assessed. CrLFY1 expression was prominent in tissues including shoot tips and circinate reproductive leaves, but very weak in other tissues examined. Expression of CrLFY2 was also prominent in tissues, including shoot tips and circinate reproductive leaves. These patterns of expression are dissimilar to that of any Ceratopteris MADS-box gene previously reported, suggesting that the induction of MADS-box genes by FLO/LFY is not established at the stage of ferns. Received: 4 January 2001 / Accepted: 28 February 2001  相似文献   

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