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Cryptococcus neoformans produces pigments in vitro in the presence of exogenous substrate. We characterized acid-resistant particles isolated from pigmented cells grown in L-dopa, methyl-dopa, (-)-epinephrine or (-)-norepinephrine. The goals of this study were to determine whether pigments made from each of these substrates were melanins and the consequences of pigmentation on related cell characteristics. The greatest yield of acid-resistant particles occurred with methyl-dopa followed by L-dopa. Electron microscopy indicated that L-dopa and methyl-dopa produced particles with thicker shells. The mAb 6D2 reacted with all particles, but a lower reactivity was observed with epinephrine-derived particles. ESR analysis revealed that epinephrine-derived particles failed to produce a stable free radical signal typical of melanins. Growth of C. neoformans in different substrates affected cell and capsule size but not capsule induction. Hence, the type of pigment produced by C. neoformans is dependent on the substrate and not all pigments meet the criteria for melanins.  相似文献   

The encapsulated yeast Cryptococcus neoformans is the causative agent of cryptococosis, an opportunistic life-threatening infection. C. neoformans is coated by a polysaccharide capsule mainly composed of glucuronoxylomannan (GXM). GXM is considered a key virulence factor of this pathogen. The present work aimed at evaluating the effects of GXM on the key glycolytic enzyme, 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK). GXM inhibited PFK activity in cultured murine macrophages in both dose- and time-dependent manners, which occurred in parallel to cell viability decrease. The polysaccharide also inhibited purified PFK, promoting a decrease on the enzyme affinity for its substrates. In macrophages GXM and PFK partially co-localized, suggesting that internalized polysaccharide directly may interact with this enzyme. The mechanism of PFK inhibition involved dissociation of tetramers into weakly active dimers, as revealed by fluorescence spectroscopy. Allosteric modulators of the enzyme able to stabilize its tetrameric conformation attenuated the inhibition promoted by GXM. Altogether, our results suggest that the mechanism of GXM-induced cell death involves the inhibition of the glycolytic flux.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans, a major pathogen in immunocompromised patients, is a ubiquitous free-living fungus that can be isolated from soils, avian excreta and plant material. To further study potential saprophytic sources of this yeast in the Southern Brazilian State Rio Grande do Sul, we analyzed fecal samples from 59 species of captive birds kept in cages at a local Zoological Garden, belonging to 12 different orders. Thirty-eight environmental isolates of C. neoformans were obtained only from Psittaciformes (Psittacidae, Cacatuidae and Psittacula). Their variety and serotype were determined, and the genetic structure of the isolates was analyzed by use of the simple repetitive microsatellite specific primer M13 and the minisatellite specific primer (GACA)4 as single primers in the PCR. The varieties were confirmed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Thirty-three isolates (87%) were from the var. grubii, serotype A, molecular type VNI and five (13%) were Cryptococcus gattii, serotype B, molecular type VGI. All the isolates were mating type α. Isolates were screened for some potential virulence factors. Quantitative urease production by the environmental isolates belonging to the C. gattii was similar to the values usually obtained for clinical ones.  相似文献   

Fungi of the genus Cryptococcus are encapsulated basidiomycetes that are ubiquitously found in the environment. These organisms infect both lower and higher animals. Human infections that are common in immune-compromised individuals have proven difficult to cure or even control with currently available antimycotics that are quite often toxic to the host. The virulence of Cryptococcus has been linked primarily to its polysaccharide capsule, but also to cell-bound glycoproteins. In this review, we show that Cryptococcus laurentii is an excellent model for studies of polysaccharide and glycoprotein synthesis in the more pathogenic relative C. neoformans. In particular, we will discuss the structure and biosynthesis of O-linked carbohydrates on cell envelope glycoproteins of C. laurentii. These O-linked structures are synthesized by at least four mannosyltransferases, two galactosyltransferases, and at least one xylosyltransferase that have been characterized. These glycosyltransferases have no known homologues in human tissues. Therefore, enzymes involved in the synthesis of cryptococcal glycoproteins, as well as related enzymes involved in capsule synthesis, are potential targets for the development of specific inhibitors for treatment of cryptococcal disease.  相似文献   

Efficacy of voriconazole in experimental Cryptococcus neoformans infection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Voriconazole is a third generation triazole with improved activity against many fungal pathogens. We examined the efficacy of voriconazole in a murine infection model and evaluated the drug’s effect on cellular characteristics and serum polysaccharide levels. The antifungal reduced serum polysaccharide and significantly prolonged the survival of lethally infected animals.  相似文献   

The growth of Cryptococcus neoformans in a minimal liquid synthetic medium with or without thiamine (10 g/ml) was investigated. In these media the presence or absence of thiamine had no effect on the development of C. neoformans. To check these results, we performed a series of experiments on a solid form of the minimal synthetic medium. In this study a series of six serial transfers were carried out to starve the cells of nutrients that may have been carried over from their growth on rich media. In each of the transfers on the solid synthetic medium, C. neoformans showed a similar and scarce growth. This finding indicates that C. neoformans could be autotrophic in respect to thiamine.  相似文献   

The hepatic granulomas in experimental cryptococcosis were analyzed by peroxidase (PO) cytochemistry. Cryptococcus neoformans was inoculated intravenously into rats (group A), and some rats were administrated with dextran sulphate to suppress Kupffer cell functions before inoculation (group B). All rats were sacrificed 7 days after inoculation. The livers were examined PO cytochemically. In addition, the liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys and brain were also examined histopathologically. The hepatic granulomas consisted of the following four type cells; exudate macrophages (type I), PO-negative macrophages (type II), Kupffer cells (type III), and other inflammatory cells (type IV) such as neutrophils and lymphocytes. The percentages of the granulomacomposing cells in group A were 10.3% (type I), 27.3% (type II), 52.9% (type III) and 9.5% (type IV), respectively. In contrast in group B, type II cells outnumbered type III cells by a ratio of 53. In group B, necrosis and hemorrhage were observed in the granuloma. The lesions in the lungs changed from granulomatous to cystic ones after suppression of the Kupffer cell functions. These results suggest that resident macrophages such as Kupffer cells may play an important role in the formation of cryptococcal lesions.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans was isolated from 13 patients (7 females and 6 males) suffering from systemic cryptococcosis. Eight patients were suffering from central nervous system cryptococcosis and 5 were suffering from disseminated cryptococcosis. Systemic lupus erythematosus was found to be the common underlying disease in 3 patients. The results of treatment depended on the underlying diseases (7 improved, 6 died). Also, 13 isolates of C. neoformans were obtained from feces of 30 pet birds. All 26 isolates of C. neoformans were cultured in glycine cycloheximide medium and were found to be of serotypes A and D.  相似文献   

Here we present a new and simple medium made by Perilla frutescens seed as a tool for identification of the Cryptococcus species complex, namely Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii. Its usefulness was evaluated for all major molecular types within the Cryptococcus species complex. As a result, this medium is better for identification of the species complex compared with Guizotia abyssinica or Helianthus annuus seed medium.  相似文献   

The presence of Cryptococcus neoformans was studied in bird excreta and in the air circulating in and around bird cages in the City Zoo of Cali, Colombia, between August 1994 and April 1995, using a sunflower seed agar culture medium for fungus isolation. A total of 380 samples was studied, 110 from droppings and 270 from Petri dishes placed inside(148) and outside (122) the cages. C. neoformansvar neoformans was found in only two cases, one from bird excreta (0.9%) and the other from air inside a cage (0.7%). The former positive sample was collected from the cracks of a dead tree where two crested caracaras (Polyborusplancus) roosted; the feces were dry, accumulated,and with a pH of 6. The other positive sample was found inside the cage of these birds; however, samples taken in a dispersion study at 0.5, 1, 5 and 10 m around this cage were all negative. It appears that this low isolation rate is due to adequate cleaning and disinfection procedures used in the city zoo of Cali.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans was instilled intranasally into mice which were periodically sacrificed to determine the course of infection. Cryptococci persisted within the nasal passages throughout the 90 day study. Extranasal dissemination began 14–28 days after instillation and was still demonstrable 90 days post-exposure. Ten percent mortality was observed in mice receiving 106 cryptococci, while no mortality was observed in mice exposed to 103 or 104 cryptococci. Our research suggests that nasal colonization with C. neoformans can precede pulmonary and systemic cryptococcosis by weeks or months.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is a pathogenic yeast that can invade the brain and cause meningoencephalitis. Our previous in vitro studies suggested that the interaction between C. neoformans hyaluronic acid and human brain endothelial CD44 could be the initial step of brain invasion. In this report, we used a CD44 knock-out (KO or CD44(-/-)) mouse model to explore the importance of CD44 in C. neoformans brain invasion. Our results showed that C. neoformans-infected CD44 KO mice survived longer than the infected wild-type mice. Consistent with our in vitro results, the brain and cerebrospinal fluid fungal burden was reduced in CD44-deficient mice. Histopathological studies showed smaller and fewer cystic lesions in the brains of CD44 KO mice. Interestingly, the cystic lesions contained C. neoformans cells embedded within their polysaccharide capsule and were surrounded by host glial cells. We also found that a secondary hyaluronic acid receptor, RHAMM (receptor of hyaluronan-mediated motility), was present in the CD44 KO mice. Importantly, our studies demonstrated an in vivo blocking effect of simvastatin. These results suggest that the CD44 and RHAMM receptors function on membrane lipid rafts during invasion and that simvastatin may have a potential therapeutic role in C. neoformans infections of the brain.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighty-seven strains of Cryptococcus neoformans isolated from patients in Thailand were charcterized by biochemical varieties relating to serogroups. Canavanine-glycine-bromothymol blue (CGB) agar was used for differentiating the varieties of C. neoformans. Slide agglutination tests were performed with Crypto Check (Iatron, Inc., Tokyo) to determine their serotypes. Fifty-five percent (10 out of 18) of the pre-AIDS isolates were serotype B, 28% were serotype A, 5% were serotype D, and an unexpected 11% (2 out of 18) were serotype C. These are the first to be recorded in Asia. In contrast, among the 169 clinical isolates obtained between January 1993 and March 1995 (AIDS epidemic), serotype A was outstandingly predominant-93% (157 out of 169), serotype B was relatively low (3.6%) and both serotypes D and AD were 1.8%. The pattern of serotypes of the 59 isolates from known HIV-positive patients was closely similar to the total isolates during the AIDS epidemic. In determining the varieties of C. neoformans by CGB, only 1 of the 187 isolates gave a false reaction. On the basis of our findings, we believe that in the pre-AIDS era either C. neoformans var. gattii serorype B or serotype C were the common causative agents of cryptococcosis in Thailand. The advent of AIDS changed the pattern of serotypes with serotype A becoming predominant as has been reported world wide.  相似文献   

An antifungal substance produced by Paenibacillus brasilensis strain Sa3 was preliminary characterized and showed to be stable after treatment with different enzymes and organic solvents and at a wide range of pH, and presented a molecular weight between 3 and 10 kDa. In vitro antagonism of this strain towards Cryptococcus neoformans was investigated by optical and electronic microscopic analyses and a fungicidal effect on C. neoformans was observed. Ultrastructural analysis showed intense changes on the fungus when it was paired cultured with strain Sa3, mainly the detachment of the capsule from the cell wall and the presence of altered organelles in the cytoplasm. This novel antifungal substance produced by P. brasilensis Sa3 may represent a new insight in antifungal therapy mainly against emergent fungi. Also, prospective studies on rhizobacteria of plants as Kalanchoe brasiliensis may offer a potential source for the discovery of bioactive compounds with medical value.  相似文献   

From May 1999 to April 2000, serotypes of clinical and environmental isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans were studied in Chiang Mai province, northern Thailand. Three hundred and eighty-five environmental samples, of which 100 were dove droppings, 55 pigeon droppings and 230 eucalyptus flower, were collected from 7 Amphoes in Chiang Mai. C. neoformans was isolated from 45 of 100 (45.0%) dove dropping samples, 9 of 55 (16.4%) pigeon dropping samples and 2 of 230 (0.9%) eucalyptus flower samples. Serotypes of 56 environmental isolates and 75 clinical isolates of C. neoformans,obtained during the same period, were determined by the slide agglutination test. Fifty-six environmental and 74 clinical isolates belonged to C. neoformans serotype A (C. neoformans var. grubii), and only one clinical isolate belonged to C. neoformans serotype AD. The isolation of C. neoformans var. grubii from eucalyptus flower samples suggests contamination of avian droppings. PCR-fingerprinting, using (GACA)4 as a primer, discriminated 131 clinical and environmental isolates into 2 groups (group I and II). Seventy-five clinical and 54 environmental isolates were of group I, which had two major specific bands of approximately 1,250 and 960 base pairs. Two environmental isolates, one from pigeon excreta and the other from a eucalyptus flower sample were of group II, which had two major specific bands of approximately 1,180 and 500 base pairs.  相似文献   

Onchocerciasis is a major filarial disease and is the second most common cause of infectious blindness in the world. Disease development after infection with Onchocerca volvulus varies widely and is determined by the host's immune response to the parasite. Vector control and administration of ivermectin has reduced infection and disease rates significantly. However, limitations of these programmes, including ivermectin's selective activity on microfilariae, the need for 10-15 years of annual treatments, logistical obstacles and the potential emergence of drug-resistant strains demand alternative strategies. A vaccine that targets O. volvulus infective third-stage larvae (L3) could provide an additional tool to guarantee successful elimination of infection with O. volvulus. An essential step in the development of immunoprophylactic procedures and reagents is the identification of host immune responses toward antigens of O. volvulus L3 and L3 developing to the fourth-stage larvae that are associated with protection against these stages of the parasite. This review summarises the recent advancements in understanding the immune mechanisms in particular the CD4(+) responses to L3 stages in humans and in the mouse vaccination model. Comparison between the two uncovered common immunological elements in naturally exposed humans and mice vaccinated with radiation attenuated L3 or recombinant O. volvulus antigens, as well as significant differences. These studies promisingly suggest that the O. volvulus mouse model is a very useful adjunct to the studying of natural infection in humans and could provide us with the tools to identify the target molecules and the effector immune correlates of protection in humans responsible for attrition of L3 stages. Since some of these antigens may exist in other nematodes, any insight gained into the mechanisms of vaccine-induced anti-O. volvulus L3 protective immunity in both humans and mice could be applicable to the development of vaccines against other nematode infections.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans was grown first to OD 4 under moderate aeration, then diluted 2.5 times with fresh medium, and grown under limited aeration for 5 h. Oxygen concentration decreased from 5-6 mg l(-1) to 1.5 mg l(-1) 1 h after the shift to limited aeration, and remained at a similar level thereafter. In all the eleven strains examined the shift caused unbudded G(2)-arrest in more than half of the cells. In three strains more than 80% of the cells were arrested in unbudded G(2), and, therefore they were selected for synchrony experiments. After being shifted to extensive aeration again, the cells resumed growth by synchronous budding, followed by synchronous nuclear division. This method has turned out to be a good tool to prepare synchronized culture in C. neoformans, especially when a large amount of synchronized cells is needed. This is worthy of attention, since synchronous cultures after release from G(2)-arrest have not been reported yet in any yeast species.  相似文献   

Since 4-1BB plays a predominant role in CD8+ T cell responses, we investigated the effects of 4-1BB triggering on the primary and memory CD8+ T responses to HSV-1 infection. 4-1BB was detected on 10-15% of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells following the infection. 4-1BB-positive T cells were in the proliferative mode and showed the enhanced expression of anti-apoptotic proteins. Agonistic anti-4-1BB treatment exerted preferential expansion of CD8+ T cells and gB/H-2Kb-positive CD8+ T cells, and enhanced cytotoxicity against HSV-1 that was mainly mediated by CD11c+CD8+ T cells. CD11c+CD8+ T cells were re-expanded following re-challenge with HSV-1 at post-infection day 50, indicating that CD11c+CD8+ phenotype was maintained in memory CD8+ T cell pool. Our studies demonstrated that 4-1BB stimulation enhanced both primary and memory anti-HSV-1 CD8+ T cell responses, which was mediated by a massive expansion of antigen-specific CD11c+CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

To our best knowledge, any study related to the ecological distribution of Cryptococcus neoformans in Jordan does not exist in the medical literature. In order to determine the environmental occurrence of both varieties of Cryptococcus neoformans in Jordan, pigeon droppings and material under the canopies of eucalyptus trees were collected from four major cities of this country. For the isolation of Cryptococcus neoformans variety gattii from environmental sources, 500 samples of the mixed soil debris, including tree materials, under the eucalyptus trees from cities of Amman, Irbid, Jerash, and Ajlun were collected. Also, 509 samples of pigeon droppings were collected from the same cities for the isolation of Cryptococcus neoformans variety neoformans. After inoculating the samples onto modified Staib agar medium in Petri dishes, a total of 336 melanoid yeast colonies were picked up during screening process. At the end of serial mycological studies, none of these isolates was identified as Cryptococcus neoformans, but all were Cryptococcus species other than C. neoformans. For determining the exact status, more extensive environmental studies need to be done in the future.  相似文献   

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