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Experiments of primary production were carried out at weekly intervals in the surface waters at one station (maximum depth of 20 m) in the Saguenay River, near Chicoutimi, during May–December 1978. The photic zone was very thin (maximum depth of 2 m). Phosphates are very low during the season sampling (maximum of 0.1 µat-g.–1). Maximum of production rates and biomass are respectively 3.5 mg C.m–3.h–1 and 3.7 mg.m–3. The river receives both industrial and urban runoff. Trace metals (Mercury, Copper, Lead, and Iron) seemed to be one of the important limiting factors for phytoplankton growth.

B. Vincent 《Hydrobiologia》1983,102(3):175-186
Spatio-temporal variations of macrobenthic community structure were studied in the littoral zone of the Saint-Lawrence River (Québec). Its thermal regime is characterized by steep seasonal gradients from April to November and by a long ice-cover period with formation of an icefoot. Six sites were sampled each season for one year. Temporal variations are less important than spatial variations. They are mainly seasonal and depend on emergence and recruitment periods and on migrations but there are also long-term variations. An increase of the mean diversity index of sites corresponds to an increase of seasonal variations of community profile and to a decrease of seasonal variations of organism abundance; it is explained by a better exploitation of benthic resources rather than by environment stability. Spatial variations of community structure depend mainly on vegetation abundance. There is no faunal zonation corresponding to the icefoot action. In sites where Gastropods are abundant, icefoot does not change community profile but it explains diminutions of density and of species diversity. Chironomids are little affected by this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Résumé Cinq types de cellules granulées se différencient au cours de la métamorphose dans la pars distalis de l'hypophyse du têtard de Crapaud.A la prémétamorphose apparaissent les deux types de cellules protidiques, les cellules glycoprotidiques de type II et des cellules glycoprotidiques d'un type intermédiaire. Cette dernière catégorie cellulaire disparaît au climax.A la prométamorphose se différencient les cellules glycoprotidiques de type IV.Au climax s'observent les cellules glycoprotidiques de type III.Les cellules glycoprotidiques de type II sont vraisemblablement responsables de la sécrétion de l'hormone thyréotrope (TSH). Il n'est pas encore possible de préciser la fonction des autres types cellulaires.Des fibres nerveuses ont pu être observées dans la pars distalis entre les cellules granulées.
The ultrastructure of the adenohypophysis in the toad, Bufo bufo L.III. Cell differentiation in the pars distalis during larval growth
Summary Five granulated cell types can be distinguished in the Toad's pars distalis during larval growth.During premetamorphosis the two types of protidic cells appear, the glycoprotein containing cells of type II and an intermediary cell type which disappears during the climax.During prometamorphosis the glycoprotein cells of type IV are apparent.During the climax the glycoprotein cells of type III can be observed.The glycoprotein containing cells of type II probably produce the thyroid-stimulating-hormone (TSH). The function of the other cell types can not be specified for the moment.Nervous fibers have been observed in the pars distalis between granulated cells.
Tous nos remerciements vont à Mme Sidler-Ansermet photographe, Mlle Schorderet secrétaire, et Mlle Schutz technicienne, de l'aide qu'elles ont apportée à la réalisation de ce mémoire.  相似文献   

Résumé Les types cellulaires de l'adénohypophyse du Crapaud (Bufo bufo L.) ont été identifiés et étudiés avec deux fixateurs différents. La fixation au tétroxyde d'osmium permet l'identification de cinq types de cellules, alors que celle à la glutaraldéhyde suivie d'une postfixation met en évidence six catégories cellulaires.Les résultats différents obtenus avec ces deux fixateurs portent essentiellement sur la structure (forme et densité) des granulations; une meilleure conservation des grains de sécrétion est obtenue avec la glutaraldéhyde.La libération et l'élaboration des produits de sécrétion sont discutées. Le problème de la libération des granules des cellules hypophysaires a été abordé sous un angle nouveau. Il a été observé dans d'autres organes (pancréas endocrine, cellule à gastrine de l'intestin) que les grains de sécrétion subissent une lyse intracytoplasmique sans destruction de la membrane limitante du granule. Il est suggéré que le même processus pourrait aussi se réaliser au niveau de l'hypophyse.
On the ultrastructure of the adenohypophysis in the toad, Bufo bufo L.I. Identification of cell types and comparison of the results obtained with different fixations
Summary Two different fixatives have been used to identify the various cell types contained in the anterior pituitary of the toad (Bufo bufo L.) and to investigate their ultrastructure. Five cell types were distinguished after simple osmium tetroxid fixation, whilst glutaraldehyde fixation with postosmification revealed six distinct cell types.The results obtained by these two techniques differed mainly in the structure (shape and electrondensity) of the secretory granules, which seemed to be better preserved after combined glutaraldehyde-osmium fixation.The modes of synthesis and release of the secretory products are discussed. The problem of the mode of release of secretory granules from pituitary cells has been envisaged under a new aspect. It has been observed in other organs (endocrine pancreas, gastrin cells of the intestinal wall) that secretory granules may undergo intracytoplasmic lysis without destruction of their limiting membrane. It is suggested that the same process may operate in the pituitary.
Travail réalisé avec l'aide du Fonds national suisse de la Recherche scientifique (Crédit No 5344.3).Nous remercions tout particulièrement Mme Sidler-Ansermet, M. Oberson, photographes, et Mme Baumann, secrétaire, de l'aide qu'ils ont apportée à la réalisation de ce mémoire.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural examination of the liver in a case of Rotor's syndrome reveals the presence of unidentified pigment in the hepatocytes and fibrillary degeneration of approximately half of the observed mitochondria.

Travail subventionné par le Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique et par la fondation Fritz-Hoffmann-La Roche-Stiftung zur Förderung wissenschaftlicher Arbeitsgemeinschaften in der Schweiz.  相似文献   

Sans résuméStagiaire de Recherches au Centre de Recherches Hydrobiologiques du C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

Jean-Pierre Suc 《Geobios》1976,9(6):741-767
The present study illustrates clearly how pollen analysis may be applied to stratigraphy from a botanical point of view. Within a chronologically reliable frame (Middle Pliocene for the marine deposits on the basis of Foraminifera record; two subzones for continental deposits on the basis of Mammals record: Hautimagne for Terrats fauna, Sète for Serrat-d'en-Vacquer fauna), palynology provides a good stratigraphical boundary: the extinction of the Taxodiaceae. In a remblayage area, it is established that a continental level is not necessarily younger than a marine one unless they are superposed. Many profiles are replaced according to the «progradation of the pliocene gulf of Roussillon. The boundary between marine and continental deposits cuts through the chronological line of the Taxodiaceae extinction. The flora investigated (93 taxa) is the first known for the Pliocene of this area. The extinction of the Taxodiaceae in southern France has a climatic cause: the setting in of a mediterranean rhythm (dry summers). This extinction is much older than the one which took place in Italy (Tiberian boundary) and in the Netherlands (Reuverian-Pretiglian boundary).  相似文献   

Summary In one case of Dubin-Johnson Syndrom, the Authors call attention to the importance of mitochondrial alterations, which involve more than half of these organelles. These alterations are of 2 different types: the first one is a fibrillary degeneration, as previously published in many other cases, and the second a vacuolary degeneration of a new type. The hepatocyte also shows an alteration of its sinusoidal surface and an accumulation of biliary pigments.

Travail subventionné par le Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique.  相似文献   

The nature and content of free sterols, analyzed by MIKE spectrometry, were investigated in in vitro cultures submitted to different light regimes with or without the addition of exogenous mycosporin. The sterol composition was related to varying degrees of induced sexual morphogenesis, particularly when mycosporin was added to the nutrient medium.  相似文献   

A. Aizawa  C. Vago 《BioControl》1959,4(3):249-252
Zusammenfassung Es wird auf die M?glichkeit hingewiesen, plastische Kunststoffe für die Kultur von Insektengeweben zu benutzen. Die Entwicklung der Zellen auf Polyvinylchlorid-Folien ist ebenso gut wie auf Glas; es lassen sich auch fixierte und gef?rbte Pr?parate herstellen, und die Kunststoff-Folien lassen sich mit Kanadabalsam zusammenkleben und aufbewahren. Die Vorteile von Kunststoff-Gef?ssen werden hervorgehoben.   相似文献   

Summary This work deals with analysis of soils from mounds belonging to the following Termites:Bellicositermes bellicosus Smeathman,Bellicositermes natalensis Haviland,Amitermes unidentatus (evuncifer) Silvestri,Nasutitermes ueleensi Sjöstedt andCubitermes fungifaber Sjöstedt. The following data were collected: texture, organic carbon and nitrogen rates, loss by calcination,pH and colour of dry soil.In order to compare the different materials, samples were always taken in the mounds and on the adjacent land. The native building materials differ with the Termite species.As for theMacrotermitinae which take soils from the depth, the texture is finer in the soils coming from the mounds than in the adjacent soils; there is no difference forAmitermes mounds; but for the mounds ofCubitermes andNasutietermes, the rate of fine elements is greater than in the surrounding soils which contain an important amount of iron oxyde concretions.The buildings ofMacrotermitinae are poorer in organic matter than the adjacent land, but the contrary occurs with the mounds ofCutitermes, Nasutitermes andAmitermes.
Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit handelt über die Analyse von Termitennesterböden welche folgenden Arten angehören:Bellicositermes bellicosus Smeathman,Bellicositermes natalensis Haviland,Amitermes unidentatus (evuncifer) Silvestri,Nasutitermes ueleensis Sjöstedt undCubitermes fungifaber Sjöstedt.Es wurden analysiert: Textur, organischer Stickstoff und Kohlenstoffgehalt, Aschgehalt,pH und Farbe des trockenen Bodens. Um einen Vergleich zu ermöglichen wurden jedesmal Proben entnommen einerseits in den Termitennestern und andererseits in den angrenzenden Böden. Der Ursprung des Baumaterials ändert mit der Termitenart. Bei denMacrotermitinae welche die Materialien aus der Tiefe entnehmen, stellt man fest daß die Textur der Termitennester feiner ist als in den angrenzenden Böden; im Falle derAmitermes bestehen keine Texturunterschieden. Die Nester derCubitermes undNasutitermes sind reicher an feineren Elementen als die benachbarten Böden welche stark mit Lateritkonkretionen angereichert sind. Die großen Gebäude derMacrotermitinae sind viel ärmer an organischem Material als die Außenböden; das Gegenteil wird beobachtet bei den Nestern derCubitermes, Nasutitermes undAmitermes.

Ingénieur agronome Lv. Licencié en Sciences zoologiques Lv. Assistant à la Division d'Agrologie de l'INÉAC.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to determine the influence of the corpora cardiaca on sustained flight tendency shown by Schistocerca gregaria male imagos reared in dense groups or in isolation, taking into consideration the presence or absence of the corpora allata. Corpora cardiaca either whole or in part (glandular or neurohaemal lobe) from either good or poor flyers were inserted into the abdomen of either good or poor flyers. A small amount of extra corpora cardiaca or neurohaemal lobe from good flyers favours sustained flight. A large amount from good or poor flyers inhibits flight. Allatectomized recipients react like intact animals, but locusts isolated for several generations scarcely react. Glandular lobes are without effect and so are corpora cardiaca taken from good fliers about 15 days after their connexions with the brain have been cut. Organs taken from good fliers just after a long flight are also of little effect. It is concluded that factors are elaborated by the pars intercerebralis, then stored and activated in the neurohaemal part of the corpora cardiaca: these organs alone do not control flight tendency.  相似文献   

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