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Naufraga balearica constitutes a monospecific genus of Majorca (Balearic Islands) and is Critically Endangered according to International Union for Conservation of Nature categories. The species has a narrow distributional area, with one subpopulation at Coves Blanques (CB) and a small set of subpopulations on the Formentor Peninsula. A previous work has shown that the subpopulation in Cap de Catalunya (CC) (located on the Formentor Peninsula) has undergone a distinct decline over the last decade. Herein, we report a comparative study of the population dynamics of N. balearica at the CB and CC sites. By monitoring permanent plots for 6 years (2004–2009), we analyzed the frequency of cells in which the species was present, and, for each annual transition (from November, year t to November, year t + 1), we determined the frequency of cells in which the species was stable, decreased or increased for each species and site using a G‐test of independence. The same parameters were also analyzed for N. balearica at the quarterly transitions of November–February, February–May, May–August and August–November. The results indicated that the decline of the threatened species was more marked in the CB subpopulation. N. balearica showed a seasonal trend at both sites, with some exceptions. The most common neighboring species were Dactylis glomerata and Erodium reichardii, and they negatively affected N. balearica; however, the neighboring species effect was not homogeneous among the annual transitions analyzed, indicating that other factors are involved. Finally, some conservation measures are proposed.  相似文献   

An informative set of biallelic polymorphisms was used to study the structure of Y-chromosome variability in a sample from the Mediterranean islands of Corsica and Sicily, and compared with data on Sardinia to gain insights into the ethnogenesis of these island populations. The results were interpreted in a broader Mediterranean context by including in the analysis neighboring populations previously studied with the same methodology. All samples studied were enclosed in the comparable spectrum of European Y-chromosome variability. Pronounced differences were observed between the islands as well as in the percentages of haplotypes previously shown to have distinctive patterns of continental phylogeography. Approximately 60% of the Sicilian haplotypes are also prevalent in Southern Italy and Greece. Conversely, the Corsican sample had elevated levels of alternative haplotypes common in Northern Italy. Sardinia showed a haplotype ratio similar to that observed in Corsica, but with a remarkable difference in the presence of a lineage defined by marker M26, which approaches 35% in Sardinia but seems absent in Corsica. Although geographically adjacent, the data suggest different colonization histories and a minimal amount of recent gene flow between them. Our results identify possible ancestral continental sources of the various island populations and underscore the influence of founder effect and genetic drift. The Y-chromosome data are consistent with comparable mtDNA data at the RFLP haplogroup level of resolution, as well as linguistic and historic knowledge.  相似文献   

The continental highlands of the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL) represent biological ‘sky islands’ with high levels of species richness and endemism, providing the ideal opportunity to understand how orogenesis and historical climate change influenced species diversity and distribution in these isolated African highlands. Relationships of puddle frogs (Phrynobatrachus) endemic to the CVL are reconstructed to examine the patterns and timing of puddle frog diversification. Historical distributions were reconstructed using both elevation and geography data. Puddle frogs diversified in the CVL via several dispersal and vicariance events, with most of the locally endemic species distributed across the northern part of the montane forest area in the Bamenda‐Banso Highlands (Bamboutos Mts., Mt. Lefo, Mt. Mbam, Mt. Oku and medium elevation areas connecting these mountains). Two new species, P. jimzimkusi sp. n. and P. njiomock sp. n., are also described based on molecular analyses and morphological examination. We find that these new species are most closely related to one another and P. steindachneri with the ranges of all three species overlapping at Mt. Oku. Phrynobatrachus jimzimkusi sp. n. is distributed in the southern portion of the continental CVL, P. njiomock sp. n. is endemic to Mt. Oku, and P. steindachneri is present in the northeastern part of the montane forest area. Both new species can be distinguished from all other puddle frogs by a combination of morphological characters, including their large size, ventral coloration and secondary sexual characteristics present in males. These results highlight the Bamenda‐Banso Highlands, and specifically emphasize Mt. Oku, as a centre of diversification for puddle frogs, supporting the conservation importance of this region. Our results also provide new insights into the evolutionary processes shaping the CVL ‘sky islands’, demonstrating that lineage diversification in these montane amphibians is significantly older than expected with most species diverging from their closest relative in the Miocene. Whereas climatic changes during the Pliocene and Pleistocene shaped intraspecific diversification, most speciation events were significantly older and cannot be linked to Africa's aridification in response to Pleistocene climate fluctuations.  相似文献   

Hydrilla verticillata is considered the most problematic aquatic plant in the United States. In south Florida, Hydrilla dominance has also been documented in treatment wetlands. This paper characterizes (1) environmental conditions which favor Hydrilla growth and (2) understand its nutrient removal capability. Despite its occurrence over a wide range of environmental conditions, Hydrilla abundance increased with increasing pH, alkalinity, total P and total N, and decreased with water depth in selected Florida lakes. No relationship was found between color, Secchi depth and Hydrilla abundance. In several Hydrilla-dominated lakes, mean total P concentration (126 μg/l) at inflow was reduced to 106 μg/l at outflow. The maximum inflow total P concentration in a lake with positive nutrient reduction was 148 μg/l. Total P removal efficiency by Hydrilla-dominated lakes and wetlands was comparable to or higher than systems dominated by emergent and other submerged plants. Mean total P settling rates for lakes and a constructed wetland dominated by Hydrilla were estimated at 19 and 34 m/year, respectively, which were higher than or comparable to similar systems dominated by other aquatic plants. Results from this study suggest that reduction of Hydrilla from constructed wetlands will not likely improve nutrient removal performance.  相似文献   

In this study we revise the cheilostome bryozoan genus Buffonellaria Canu & Bassler, 1927 and its Mediterranean and north-east Atlantic species, thereby addressing several existing problems. First, a lectotype for the type species, Buffonellaria divergens (Smitt, 1873) from Florida, is chosen, which proves to be distinct from the European species. Second, the two hitherto established north-east Atlantic species [ Buffonellaria nebulosa ( Jullien & Calvet, 1903 ) and Buffonellaria porcellanum Arístegui Ruiz, 1987], are redescribed, which were poorly documented until now. Third, close inspection of material, collected from Spitsbergen to tropical West Africa, using scanning electron microscopy reveals that the actual number of species, all previously referred to either B. divergens or Stephanosella biaperta (Michelin, 1848), is distinctly greater in the north-east Atlantic than has been previously acknowledged. As a result, seven new species are introduced ( Buffonellaria acorensis sp. nov. , Buffonellaria antoniettae sp. nov. , Buffonellaria arctica sp. nov. , Buffonellaria harmelini sp. nov. , Buffonellaria jensi sp. nov. , Buffonellaria muriella sp. nov. , and Buffonellaria ritae sp. nov. ), whereas two are left in open nomenclature. With the increase in number of species, the extremely broad geographical range of distribution assumed for B. divergens breaks down to numerous restricted areas. However, although most species have only been reported from a single location, B. arctica sp. nov. seems to have a fairly wide distribution in the Arctic region.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 537–566.  相似文献   

The genus Isoetes L. in India is represented by 14species, of which eight species are recognized as being local endemics [confinedto one particular phyto-geographical division (PGD)] while the remaining sixoccur in more than one PGD and are described as endemic to a wider range. Thelocal endemic species are Isoetes dixitei,Isoetes panchganiensis and Isoetessahyadriensis in Western Ghats region; Isoetespantii, Isoetes bilaspurensis, Isoetesreticulata and Isoetes tuberculata inChotanagpur Malwa Vindhya Plateau and Isoetes debii innortheastern India. The wider endemic species are Isoetespanchananii, Isoetes sampathkumaranii,Isoetes rajasthanensis, Isoetesmahadevensis, Isoetes indica andIsoetes coromandelina. Our studies on the patterns ofendemism suggest that the radiation of quillworts advanced from dry lowlandareas to the rainy uplands and mountains. Isoetescoromandelina is the first Indian quillwort to colonize in lowlandsof the coastal zone (Coromandel), from where it spread to different parts of thesub-continent and gave rise to new species. Thus this species is a key Indianspecies which has played an important role in the radiation of quillwort in thecountry and appeared as the connecting link among the quillwort flora of variousPGDs. The centres of diversity for almost all the presently known Indianquillworts species are recognized.  相似文献   

Rodrigo  María A.  Rojo  Carmen  Armengol  Xavier 《Hydrobiologia》2003,506(1-3):317-326
Hydrobiologia - A large spatial heterogeneity was detected in La Safor, a coastal area with different kinds of small and shallow water bodies. The area exhibits a sharp gradient in eutrophication...  相似文献   

The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 enabled the invasion of more than 100 alien fish species into the Mediterranean. The aim of the present study was to compare the diet of native and alien fish species and to identify possibly shared food resources. We examined the diet composition of 13 of the most abundant fish species (6 alien, 7 native) on shallow soft bottom off southern Israel. All 13 species are omnivorous/carnivorous. The native fish exhibited a wider diversity of food types than the aliens. Alien fish prey upon and are preyed by native species as well as by other alien fish. A high level of diet overlap was found among some species, the aliens Saurida lessepsianus and Scomberomorus commerson overlapped with the native Synodus saurus; and the alien Nemipterus randalli with the native species Pagrus caeruleostictus, Lithognathus mormyrus and Pagellus erythrinus. The identified diet overlap is discussed, and the possibility of competitive interactions between these species is considered.  相似文献   

M. MCMINN  M. PALMER  & J. A. ALCOVER 《Ibis》2005,147(4):706-716
A new species of rail is described from a Pleistocene and Holocene cave deposit on the island of Eivissa, Pityusic Islands (western Mediterranean Sea). Rallus eivissensis sp. nov. was an insular relative of the European Water Rail Rallus aquaticus . Compared with the extant Water Rail, the new species was smaller and stouter, had shorter and more robust hind limbs and shorter wings, with probably reduced flight ability. The Pityusics were the only Mediterranean islands with a vertebrate Quaternary fauna lacking terrestrial mammals, and this absence is no doubt related to the Eivissan rail evolution. The chronology of the Rallus eivissensis sp. nov. extinction overlaps broadly with a period of uncertainty for the arrival of humans at Eivissa, suggesting a relationship between the two events.  相似文献   

The tiger beetle assemblage of the wetlands of La Mancha (central Spain) comprises nine species: Calomera littoralis littoralis, Cephalota maura maura, Cephalota circumdata imperialis, Cephalota dulcinea, Cicindela campestris campestris, Cicindela maroccana, Cylindera paludosa, Lophyra flexuosa flexuosa, and Myriochila melancholica melancholica. This assemblage represents the largest concentration of tiger beetles in a single 1º latitude / longitude square in Europe. General patterns of spatial and temporal segregation among species are discussed based on observations of 1462 specimens registered during an observation period of one year, from April to August. The different species of Cicindelini appear to be distributed over space and time, with little overlapping among them. Three sets of species replace each other phenologically as the season goes on. Most of the species occupy drying or dried salt lakes and salt marshes, with sparse vegetation cover. Spatial segregation is marked in terms of substrate and vegetation use. Calomera littoralis and Myriochila melancholica have been observed mainly on wet soils; Cephalota circumdata on dry open saline flats; Cephalota dulcinea and Cylindera paludosa in granulated substrates with typical halophytic vegetation; Cephalota maura is often present in man-modified areas. Cephalota circumdata and Cephalota dulcinea are included as species of special interest in the list of protected species in Castilla–La Mancha. Conservation problems for the Cicindelini assemblage arise from agricultural activities and inadequate use of sport vehicles. Attempts at restoring the original habitat, supressing old semi-industrial structures, may affect the spatial heterogeneity of the lakes, and have an effect on Cicindelinae diversity.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of an in situ heavy metals fixation technique aimed at converting contaminants to low solubility and low bioavail-ability forms, eliminating the risk posed by oxidic tailings and contaminated soils, was investigated. Calcium oxyphosphate salt (Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O) was used as a stabilizing agent for oxidic tailings and contaminated soils originating from Montevecchio, Sardinia, Italy. Stabilization was effected by mixing the contaminated soil or oxidic tailing sample with calcium oxyphosphate salt at various doses. The effectiveness of stabilization was evaluated by USEPA TCLP standard toxicity testing. Complementary EDTA extraction tests and biological tests using beans Phaseolous vulgaris as plant indicator were carried out. The toxicity of Pb and Cd was reduced below TCLP regulatory limits at calcium oxyphosphate doses higher than 0.7 and 0.2% w/w for soils and tailings, respectively. Lead solubility according to the EDTA test decreased with phosphate dose for both materials tested. Lead uptake by plant leaves and roots from the soil sample decreased with the phosphate addition, while Cd uptake remained almost constant. An adverse effect on plant growth and Zn uptake was observed for calcium oxyphosphate dose up to 1.1% w/w. Based on the results, a remediation scheme for oxidic tailings and contaminated soils is proposed.  相似文献   

New species are described in the genera Wormaldia (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae) and Drusus (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae, Drusinae). Additionally, the larva of the new species Drusus crenophylax sp. n. is described, and a key provided to larval Drusus species of the bosnicus-group, in which the new species belongs. Observations on the threats to regional freshwater biodiversity and caddisfly endemism are discussed.The new species Wormaldia sarda sp. n. is an endemic of the Tyrrhenian island of Sardinia and differs most conspicuously from its congeners in the shape of segment X, which is trilobate in lateral view. The new species Drusus crenophylax sp. n. is a micro-endemic of the Western Balkans, and increases the endemism rate of Balkan Drusinae to 79% of 39 species. Compared to other Western Balkan Drusus, males of the new species are morphologically most similar to Drusus discophorus Radovanovic and Drusus vernonensis Malicky, but differ in the shape of superior and intermediate appendages. The females of Drusus crenophylax sp. n. are most similar to those of Drusus vernonensis, but differ distinctly in the outline of segment X. Larvae of Drusus crenophylax sp. n. exhibit toothless mandibles, indicating a scraping grazing-feeding ecology.  相似文献   

A total number of 40 potentially toxic microalgae and 5 taxa causing discolorations have been identified along the coasts of the Campania region (South Tyrrhenian Sea, Mediterranean Sea). This number is based on results of over 20 years of research at a coastal station in the Gulf of Naples, 4 years of monitoring activity along the Campania coasts and of a series of scattered and sporadic observations. Several species of the recently erected genera Karenia and Takayama are reported for the first time in the area. Information on the period of highest abundances or most probable period of occurrence indicates the late spring and summer as the periods of maximum risk of harmful events. Despite the variety of potentially toxic species, no human health problems nor fish kills have ever been recorded in Campania. The reasons for this apparent paradox are probably to be found in the ecological factors that regulate the abundance, toxicity and spatial distribution of the potentially harmful species and reflect as well the relatively low number of aquaculture plants in the area.  相似文献   



Trichoderma reesei, a mitosporic green mould, was recognized during the WW II based on a single isolate from the Solomon Islands and since then used in industry for production of cellulases. It is believed to be an anamorph (asexual stage) of the common pantropical ascomycete Hypocrea jecorina.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We combined molecular evolutionary analysis and multiple methods of phenotype profiling in order to reveal the genetic relationship of T. reesei to H. jecorina. The resulting data show that the isolates which were previously identified as H. jecorina by means of morphophysiology and ITS1 and 2 (rRNA gene cluster) barcode in fact comprise several species: i) H. jecorina/T. reesei sensu stricto which contains most of the teleomorphs (sexual stages) found on dead wood and the wild-type strain of T. reesei QM 6a; ii) T. parareesei nom. prov., which contains all strains isolated as anamorphs from soil; iii) and two other hypothetical new species for which only one or two isolates are available. In silico tests for recombination and in vitro mating experiments revealed a history of sexual reproduction for H. jecorina and confirmed clonality for T. parareesei nom. prov. Isolates of both species were consistently found worldwide in pantropical climatic zone. Ecophysiological comparison of H. jecorina and T. parareesei nom. prov. revealed striking differences in carbon source utilization, conidiation intensity, photosensitivity and mycoparasitism, thus suggesting adaptation to different ecological niches with the high opportunistic potential for T. parareesei nom. prov.


Our data prove that T. reesei belongs to a holomorph H. jecorina and displays a history of worldwide gene flow. We also show that its nearest genetic neighbour - T. parareesei nom. prov., is a cryptic phylogenetic agamospecies which inhabits the same biogeographic zone. These two species thus provide a so far rare example of sympatric speciation within saprotrophic fungi, with divergent ecophysiological adaptations and reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Field evaluation of female-targeted trapping systems for the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) was carried out in a Citrus orchard in Majorca (Spain). Traps and lures included: IPMT and Tephri traps, both baited with a three-component food-based synthetic attractant 3FA (composed of putrescine, ammonium acetate and Trimethylamine) as well as IPMT-baited with Nu-Lure, and Delta traps baited with Trimedlure. The 3FA food-based synthetic attractant was set up either wet (containing water) or dry (without water) in IPMT and Tephri traps. Two experiments were conducted, the first during autumn/winter conditions and high Medfly population levels, and the second during spring conditions and low population levels. The results obtained show that the 3FA was very effective at capturing females at high and low population levels. In the first experiment the best performance was shown by the Tephri trap baited with 3FA in combination with water, and in the second the best was also the Tephri trap but with dry treatment. The high number of non-targeted insects captured by the first treatment together with servicing difficulties would indicate that the 3FA/dry-baited Tephri trap is the best choice in the area of the study. On the other hand the 3FA captured a percentage of mated females equivalent to those obtained with Nu-Lure. The Trimedlure proved to be an adequate tool to detect the earliest Medfly males in increasing spring population. The implications and advantages of using the 3FA female attractants in sterile insect technique programmes and mass trapping approaches, are discussed.  相似文献   

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