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Neogastropoda, a highly diversified group of predatory marine snails, has often been contradicted in molecular phylogenetic studies. This is partly the consequence of limited neogastropod taxa or outgroups analyzed or insufficient gene sequences employed. This paper reports the most extensive molecular study of the group published to date with increased neogastropod taxa, multiple representatives of caenogastropod outgroups, and additional gene sequences. Data were collected from the entire 18S rRNA, histone H3, and three partial mitochondrial genes. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses were conducted. In the caenogastropod phylogenetic framework, Hypsogastropoda was contradicted owing to the inclusion of Cerithioidea. Contrary to previous molecular studies, all the results recovered Neogastropoda as a monophyletic group, which confirms the monophyly of Neogastropoda and the validity of morphological synapomorphies that usually define Neogastropoda as monophyletic. Tonnoidea was shown to be paraphyletic with respect to Ficidae, and together this group formed a monophyletic clade as the sister group to Neogastropoda, which supported the “high mesogastropod” hypothesis of the origin of Neogastropoda. All neogastropod families were strongly supported except Buccinidae, Turridae and Cancellariidae. Our results shed light on the status of Neogastropoda, a controversial group, within Caenogastropoda.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between Anagallis arvensis and A. foemina using nuclear and plastid molecular data. Information from the nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and four different chloroplast loci; ndhF, trnL-F, rpl16, and rps16 was analysed using both parsimony and Bayesian inference. Anagallis foemina was found to be most closely related to the perennial A. monelli, and not to A. arvensis. The existence of two different cpDNA haplotypes was revealed; one shared by Anagallis foemina, A. monelli, A. platyphylla, and one A. arvensis individual, while all other investigated A. arvensis individuals shared the second haplotype. Ancestral cpDNA polymorphism within Anagallis arvensis or hybridization are possible explanations, however, information in ITS data is too scarce to falsify any of these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic utility of two nuclear genes (GBSSI-2 and DHAR) was explored in genus Fragaria in order to clarify phylogenetic relationships among taxa and to elucidate the origin of the polyploid species. Orthology of the amplified products was assessed by several methods. Our results strongly suggest the loss of one GBSSI duplicated copy (GBSSI-1) in the Fragariinae subtribe. Phylogenetic analyses provided new insights into the evolutionary history of Fragaria, such as evidence supporting the presence of three main diploid genomic pools in the genus and demonstrating the occurrence of independent events of polyploidisation. In addition, the data provide evidence supporting an allopolyploid origin of the hexaploid F. moschata, and the octoploids F. chiloensis, F. iturupensis and F. virginiana. Accordingly, a new pattern summarizing our present knowledge on the Fragaria evolutionary history is proposed. Additionally, sequence analyses also revealed relaxed constraints on homoeologous copies at high ploidy level, as demonstrated by deletion events within DHAR coding sequences of some allo-octoploid haplotypes.  相似文献   

Comparative genomics of yeast species: new insights into their biology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The genomes of two hemiascomycetous yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans) and one archiascomycete (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) have been completely sequenced and the genes have been annotated. In addition, the genomes of 13 more Hemiascomycetes have been partially sequenced. The amount of data thus obtained provides information on the evolutionary relationships between yeast species. In addition, the differential genetic characteristics of the microorganisms explain a number of distinctive biological traits. Gene order conservation is observed between phylogenetically close species and is lost in distantly related species, probably due to rearrangements of short regions of DNA. However, gene function is much more conserved along evolution. Compared to S. cerevisiae and S. pombe, C. albicans has a larger number of specific genes, i.e., genes not found in other organisms, a fact that can account for the biological characteristics of this pathogenic dimorphic yeast which is able to colonize a large variety of environments.  相似文献   

The endangered Galápagos Cormorant, Phalacrocorax harrisi, is unique among the species of the Phalacrocoracidae in being flightless and sequentially polyandrous. It has had a vexed taxonomic history, variously being lumped with all the species in Phalacrocorax, being accorded its own genus, Nannopterum, or being included in Leucocarbo or Compsohalieus. Different authorities have similarly suggested a number of different species as being its closest relative. Here we use novel mitochondrial DNA sequence data to show that the Galápagos Cormorant is related to the sister pair of the mainland Americas, the Double-crested Cormorant, P. auritus, and the Neotropic Cormorant, P. brasilianus. This trio of species has high statistical support (Bayesian posterior probability of 1.00; NJ bootstrap 98%; MP bootstrap 91%). The Galápagos Cormorant is thus a relatively recent offshoot of the mainland form, which has subsequently evolved flightlessness. Until the phylogeny of the cormorants is more clearly resolved, we recommend the continued use of Phalacrocorax for all species.  相似文献   

The genus Rhizomastix contains five species of amoeboflagellates with a single anterior flagellum, which live as intestinal symbionts of insects and amphibians. Though established in 1911, Rhizomastix has been neglected for decades and its phylogenetic position is uncertain. This paper describes the morphology of the first cultivated strain of Rhizomastix. The organism was isolated from an argentine horned frog and differs from the known Rhizomastix species by the presence of biflagellate cells. The isolate is described as Rhizomastix biflagellata sp. nov. A possible relationship of Rhizomastix to Archamoebae is discussed.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic utility of chloroplast (atpB-rbcL, petD, rps16, trnL-F) and nuclear (ETS, ITS) DNA regions was investigated for the tribe Spermacoceae of the coffee family (Rubiaceae). ITS was, despite often raised cautions of its utility at higher taxonomic levels, shown to provide the highest number of parsimony informative characters, in partitioned Bayesian analyses it yielded the fewest trees in the 95% credible set, it resolved the highest proportion of well resolved clades, and was the most accurate region as measured by the partition metric and the proportion of correctly resolved clades (well supported clades retrieved from a combined analysis regarded as “true”). For Hedyotis, the nuclear 5S-NTS was shown to be potentially as useful as ITS, despite its shorter sequence length. The chloroplast region being the most phylogenetically informative was the petD group II intron.We also present a phylogeny of Spermacoceae based on a Bayesian analysis of the four chloroplast regions, ITS, and ETS combined. Spermacoceae are shown to be monophyletic. Clades supported by high posterior probabilities are discussed, especially in respect to the current generic classification. Notably, Oldenlandia is polyphyletic, the two subgenera of Kohautia are not sister taxa, and Hedyotis should be treated in a narrow sense to include only Asian species.  相似文献   

Wall lizards of the genus Podarcis (Sauria, Lacertidae) comprise 17 currently recognized species in southern Europe, where they are the predominant nonavian reptile group. The taxonomy of Podarcis is complex and unstable. Based on DNA sequence data, the species of Podarcis falls into four main groups that have substantial geographic coherence (Western island group, southwestern group, Italian group, and Balkan Peninsula group). The Balkan Peninsula species are divided into two subgroups: the subgroup of P. taurica (P. taurica, P. milensis, P. gaigeae, and perhaps P. melisellensis), and the subgroup of P. erhardii (P. erhardii and P. peloponnesiaca). In the present study, the question of phylogenetic relationships among the species of Podarcis encountered in the Balkan Peninsula was addressed using partial mtDNA sequences for cytochrome b (cyt b) and 16S rRNA (16S). The data support the monophyly of Podarcis and suggest that there are three phylogenetic clades: the clade A (P. taurica, P. gaigeae, P. milensis, and P. melisellensis); the clade B (P. erhardii and P. peloponnesiaca), and the clade C (P. muralis and P. sicula). By examining intraspecific relationships it was found that extant populations of P. erhardii are paraphyletic. Furthermore, subspecies previously defined on the basis of morphological characteristics do not correspond to different molecular phylogenetic clades, suggesting that their status should be reconsidered. The distinct geographic distribution of the major clades of the phylogenetic tree and its topology suggest a spatial and temporal sequence of phylogenetic separations that coincide with some major paleogeographic separations during the geological history of the Aegean Sea. The results stress the need for a reconsideration of the evolutionary history of Balkan Podarcis species and help overcome difficulties that classical taxonomy has encountered at both the species and subspecies level.  相似文献   

The Asian scimitar babblers, including the genus Pomatorhinus and Xiphirhynchus, are a small group of babblers characterized by long down-curved bills and a distribution throughout East and Southeast Asia. To infer the molecular phylogeny of this group and their divergence time, we examined sequences of multiple fragments including two entire mitochondrial genes and four nuclear introns (4352 bp in total) from multiple samples of eight of the nine recognized species of Asian scimitar babblers. The phylogeny resulting from the concatenated multi-locus dataset suggests that Pomatorhinus is paraphyletic. Due to its paraphyly, we propose dividing the traditional genus Pomatorhinus into two morphologically and genetically diagnosable genera: Pomatorhinus and Erythrogenys. Results of the molecular dating based on the conventional mitochondrial DNA divergence rate indicates that the diversification of these babblers is likely congruent with the historical climatic events. Our findings shed light on the diversification of avian species in southern Asia, a poorly studied biodiversity hotspot.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the North American big-eared bats, genus Corynorhinus, was revised by Handley [Handley, C.O., 1959. A revision of the American bats of the genera Euderma and Plecotus. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 110, 95-246] using a morphological systematics approach. Handley employed 17 morphological characters and identified only four characters that reliably differentiated the three species he recognized, C. townsendii, C. rafinesquii, and C. mexicanus. All three species have been shown to lead relatively sedentary lives and have a wing morphology that limits long-distance dispersal. Further, populations of two species, C. townsendii and C. rafinesquii, are considered to be declining. Handley [Handley, C.O., 1959. A revision of the American bats of the genera Euderma and Plecotus. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 110, 95-246] recognized five subspecies of C. townsendii (C. t. australis, C. t. ingens, C. t. pallescens, C. t. townsendii, and C. t. virginianus) and two of C. rafinesquii (C. r. rafinesquii and C. r. macrotis). Two C. townsendii subspecies, C. t. ingens and C. t. virginianus, are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. These facts and the lack of a thorough molecular systematic examination of this genus were the impetus for this study. Using mitochondrial and nuclear intron DNA sequences, a molecular phylogeny was inferred. The combined DNA phylogeny supports Handley's [Handley, C.O., 1959. A revision of the American bats of the genera Euderma and Plecotus. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 110, 95-246] designation of three species. Further the endangered subspecies, C. t. ingens and C. t. virginianus are corroborated, as were the monophyly of the other subspecies. However, the geographical ranges of two of these subspecies, C. t. pallescens and C. t. townsendii, are revised based on biogeographic distributions as understood from our results. Estimates of timing of divergences indicate that the three species, C. townsendii, C. rafinesquii, and C. mexicanus may have diverged before Pleistocene climatic oscillations began, and therefore their cladogenesis was not the result of those processes. However, subspecific divergences within C. townsendii appear to have occurred during and been driven largely by the climatic processes of the Pleistocene Epoch. We propose new hypotheses of dispersal scenarios that may have led to the current biogeography of these lineages.  相似文献   

The avian family Cuculidae (cuckoos) is a diverse group of birds that vary considerably in behaviors of interest to behavioral ecologists, e.g., obligate brood parasitism and cooperative breeding. The taxonomy of this group has historically been relatively stable but has not been extensively evaluated using molecular methods. The goal of this study was to evaluate phylogenetic relationships within the ecologically diverse genus Coua and the placement of Coua among major cuckoo lineages. We sequenced 429 bp of cytochrome b (cyt b) and 522 bp of ND2, both mitochondrial genes, for 26 species of cuckoos spanning 13 genera. We also included the enigmatic hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) and used two Tauraco species as outgroups. ND2 exhibited higher rates of DNA sequence and amino acid substitution than cyt b; however, this did not greatly affect the overall levels of phylogenetic resolution and support provided by these two genes. Combined analyses produced two alternative phylogenies, depending on weighting scheme, both of which were fully resolved and were characterized by high bootstrap support. These phylogenies recovered monophyly for all of the traditional cuckoo subfamilies and indicated, with strong support, that the hoatzin is outside of Cuculidae. Within Coua, an arboreal and a terrestrial clade were identified. In contrast, habitat choice of Coua species did not greatly reflect the phylogeny.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental variables on the selection of a water body as breeding habitat by Salamandra salamandra was studied in an arid zone located in the southwestern part of its distribution range. From November 2002 to October 2003, 50 water bodies were monitored in the south east of the Iberian Peninsula. Environmental data were submitted to a stepwise logistic regression analysis at macrohabitat, water body typology and microhabitat scales in order to establish the main factors influencing the use of a given water body as breeding habitat by this species. A significant degree of dependence between the reproduction of Salamandra salamandra and environmental variables was observed at all of these levels. These results should be taken into account when populations of this species are subjected to management and/or recovery programmes in arid areas.  相似文献   

A new species ofCruciata and a new subspecies ofGalium are described and discussed with regard to their affinities. Two new combinations are required for geographical races ofRubia tenuifolia. Galium lovcense Urum. has priority overG. protopycnotrichum Ehrend. & Krendl.  相似文献   

The nuclear lamina is a structure that lines the inner nuclear membrane. In metazoans, lamins are the primary structural components of the nuclear lamina and are involved in several processes. Eukaryotes that lack lamins have distinct proteins with homologous functions. Some years ago, a coiled-coil protein in Trypanosoma brucei, NUP-1, was identified as the major filamentous component of its nuclear lamina. However, its precise role has not been determined. We characterized a homologous protein in Trypanosoma cruzi, TcNUP-1, and identified its in vivo DNA binding sites using a chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. We demonstrate for the first time that TcNUP-1 associates with chromosomal regions containing large non-tandem arrays of genes encoding surface proteins. We therefore suggest that TcNUP-1 is a structural protein that plays an essential role in nuclear organization by anchoring T. cruzi chromosomes to the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

The extant crocodylians comprise 23 species divided among three families, Alligatoridae, Crocodylidae, and Gavialidae. Currently, based on morphological data sets, Tomistoma schlegelii (false gharial) is placed within the family Crocodylidae. Molecular data sets consistently support a sister-taxon relationship of T. schlegelii with Gavialis gangeticus (Indian Gharial), which is the sole species in Gavialidae. To elucidate the placement of T. schlegelii within the extant crocodylians, we have sequenced 352bp of the dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1) nuclear gene in 30 individuals and 424bp of the nuclear gene C-mos in 74 individuals. Molecular analysis of the DMP1 data set indicates that it is highly conserved within the Crocodylia. Of special note is a seven base-pair indel (GTGCTTT) shared by T. schlegelii and G. gangeticus, that is absent in the genus Crocodylus, Osteolaemus, and Mecistops. To date, C-mos is the largest molecular data set analyzed for any crocodylian study including multiple samples from all representatives of the eight extant genera. Analysis of these molecular data sets, both as individual gene sequences and concatenated sequences, support the hypothesis that T. schlegelii should be placed within the family Gavialidae.  相似文献   

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